Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad: CO# CO Statement Bloom's Level (L#)
Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad: CO# CO Statement Bloom's Level (L#)
Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad: CO# CO Statement Bloom's Level (L#)
CO# CO Statement
Level (L#)
Apply the principles of conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer to analyse
1 I
natural phenomena.
Determine thermal resistance for conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer
using fundamental relationships and correlations.
Analyze and apply empirical correlations in connection with convection, boiling and
4 Design and analyze the performance of heat exchangers and evaporators. IV
Examine blackbody and gray surface radiation, and evaluate radiation
5 II
exchangebetween surfaces.
Course Bloom’s Marks
Outcomes Levels
1. a) Define boundary layer thickness. 3 I 2M
b) What is flow boiling? 3 I 2M
c) Define emissive power and emissivity. 5 I 2M
2. a) With the help of Buckingham’s Π – theorem, show that 3 II 4M
for a forced convection heat transfer: Nu = C Rem Prn
b) Dry air at atmospheric pressure and 20°C is flowing with 3 III 4M
a velocity of 3 m/s along the length of a flat plate, (size:
0.5 m × 0.25 m), maintained at 100°C. Using Blasius
exact solution, calculate the heat transfer rate from: (i)
the first half of the plate (ii) full plate, and (iii) next half
of plate.