The ABC's of Cybersecurity The Perfect Introduction
The ABC's of Cybersecurity The Perfect Introduction
The ABC's of Cybersecurity The Perfect Introduction
A Perfect Introduction
Mantej S. Lamba
To All Of My Closest Family and Friends
Table of Contents
Foreword 1
Cyber Attacks 10
Defense 16
Future 22
Acknowledgements 28
three main types of threats. The “C” stands for
confidentiality, the “I” is for integrity, and the
“A” represents availability. Cybersecurity
experts have also argued to include a “F” in this
model, to stand for fraud. In the next couple of
paragraphs, I will go over what these threat
types mean and some real world applications.
A confidentiality threat involves the
potential of classified information being
compromised. This information may include
credit card information, government
documents or bank account data. This is
especially dangerous as millions of user
identities can be stolen if an attack is
successful, and this can damage a
company’s reputation. People will be scared
of giving their personal information to
companies known for being hacked, and this
will cause the company to lose business.
Corporations such as Wells Fargo, Visa, and
the FBI are extremely cautious about the
information they hold, so a confidentiality
threat is one they take very seriously. 4
The “I”, which stands for integrity, is the threat
that someone might corrupt a piece of
software, hardware or a system for their own
use and for criminal purposes. For example, if
malware - software designed to cause
damage - is downloaded onto a computer,
then that is an example of an integrity threat.
This integrity threat might be a dangerous file,
a threatening piece of code or an email link
which downloads malware onto your system.
Companies take an integrity threat very
seriously and they go to great measure in
order to prevent their systems from being
corrupted. In the next chapter, I will go over
the different attacks which pose an integrity
“A” is for availability, and this is when an attack
has the ability to prevent your company from
delivering out their respective services to the
customers. For example, attacks could shut down
an AT&T system and cause thousands of
customers to lose their service. Another example
is if Google suffered an enormous cyber attack
which caused their entire search engine to
collapse. The chances of this happening is very
low, but it is always a possibility. An availability
threat is one that is very dangerous to service
providers as without their ability to provide their
customers, their business is useless. Companies
like Verizon, AT&T, Xfinity and Dish Network make
their money by providing services to customers,
so if this is compromised, then the company will
lose a lot of business.
Our final letter is “F”, stands for fraud. It
does not fit into the CIA model, but rather is
a different type of threat altogether. A fraud
threat is when someone takes advantage of
a service without ever paying for it. Let’s say
for example, someone hacks into Netflix,
and is now able to watch movies or shows
for free. Instead of paying a monthly fee for
the subscription, they will take advantage of
the system and use Netflix without paying a
single cent. Once again, this is a very
dangerous scenario for companies who
provide services. If a major hack exposes
their system, they will lose millions of
dollars from people who are not paying for
the subscription.
Now that we have gone over the main types of cyber threats,
we can take a look at who is behind all of these illegal activities
and what their motivations are. The list of malicious actors can be
incredibly long, along with their motivations. I will briefly go over
some of these people along with their motivations so you have a
better idea of who is behind these attacks.
Our first group is a broad one - hackers. These hackers may
consist of kids trying to better their computer skills, or adults
trying to actually get into a system. These people do not pose a
huge threat as a majority of their hacking does not result in any
consequence. Most of these hackers are not motivated by financial
gain, rather they hack out of curiosity. The person behind the
screen might be a student just trying to break into a system for
fun, or it might be a group of people who enjoy hacking. Needless
to say, it still is not right to hack into an unauthorized system, but
these people pose a much smaller threat than the ones we will
talk about later. Also as a side note, companies may hire white-
hat hackers to break into their system to try and find flaws. These
are ethical hackers and get paid to break into systems. There is a
field in cybersecurity, penetration testing, that is dedicated
specifically to hack into systems.
The second group is one that is motivated mainly by
money. Cyber criminals hack into systems in hopes of
stealing money or valuable information which they
can sell. Medical records, social security numbers,
TOR credit cards are all data which cyber criminals want
to access. From there, they will go to the Dark Web
and sell this information for money. The Dark Web is
a hidden part of the internet which can only be
accessed through an anonymous browser, Tor. The
Dark Web was created to provide access to
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in countries who
have banned these applications. However it is now
also used to sell illegal items such as stolen
information. These cyber criminals are motivated by
financial gain, and are taken very seriously by
The third group is called hacktivists. They aim to hack
into systems in order to promote their political beliefs.
Most of the time, they do not cause financial damage
or steal information, but they rather promote their
cause in hopes of strengthening their base. One of the
main groups which falls under the hacktivist category is
one called Anonymous. During the period of unrest
after the murder of George Floyd, members of
Anonymous took down the Minneapolis Police
Department website as means of rebellion. Minnesota
Governor Tim Waltz also said that every computer in
the region suffered some sort of attack. Hacktivists can
also be people who aim to cause real destruction.
These groups are better known as cyber terrorists. They
hack into systems in hopes of causing havoc. They pose
a serious danger to the safety and security of our world
as they are motivated by personal beliefs. While their
level of intensity ranges from moderate to severe, we
must always be aware of the dangers that hacktivists
pose to society.
Cyber Attacks:
Target Traffic
A botnet is a collection of computers and systems which have
been compromised and can be used to infiltrate other networks.
Hackers use botnets to generate traffic and then aim that traffic
at some network. This can be exceptionally dangerous as DDoS
attacks can become massive, causing permanent damage to a
system and are even capable of destroying it.
Botnet Diagram
Our second attack is called Man-in-the-
middle. This type of attack is exactly
how it seems. It involves a client and a
server, which communicate back and
forth. The attacker compromises the
network and gets in between these two.
This allows the hacker to interfere in the
communication between client and
server and allows them to gain access to
all the information that is being
processed. Once they gain access,
hackers can also download malware to
filter and steal data. Most of these
attacks are caused by an unsecured
public Wi-Fi.
The third type of attack is known as a phishing
attack. These cyber attacks consist of sending
emails to various employees within an
organization which consist of fraudulent links and
data. These emails may have links, files or
attachments which download malware onto the
computer once the person clicks it. This malware
aims to collect personal information from the
user which can then be used to be sold on the
Dark Web. A specific type of a phishing attack is
called spear phishing. This is when someone sends
out an email that is made to look like it is from a
reliable sender, but it is actually fraud. For
example, if you worked for a company and you
received an email titled “URGENT: Opportunity for
Promotion!” from your boss, you would be
inclined to click on it. However if your boss isn’t
behind this email, then you could possibly be in
13 danger of a cyber attack.
These next two attacks don’t really belong under a category, but
are rather viruses whose main goal is to download malware
onto the system. The malware is then used to steal personal
information and disrupt connection. Trojan horses are the first
type of these attacks. They are programs which hide in reliable
applications and then carry out dangerous activities. These
programs are essentially trapdoors, and cannot be seen unless
you take a look at the code and understand what is occurring.
Trojans can be used to initiate attacks and are often exploited by
attackers to gain access into the system. Another type of attack
is known as worms. Worms are programs which are circulated
and once activated, spread throughout the network. They copy
themselves onto the computer then travel to all the other
contacts found and carry out the activities which they are told to
do. When worms are used by skilled attackers, they can quickly
compromise an entire network, which then forms a botnet. As
mentioned before, these botnets can then be used to launch
DDoS attacks.
The final type of attack we are going over is
called SQL injections. SQL is a programming
language that is used to fetch data from a
database. Hackers use SQL to write code
that will force the server to get information
that otherwise would not be available for
the public. These people will be able to get
credit card information, social security
numbers and even back account data from
large corporations if a SQL injection attack
is carried out successfully. Attackers will
also be able to shut down the database or
delete information, causing major problems
for both the customer and the company.
This type of attack is now becoming
increasingly widespread, as more and more
companies are storing user data in
databases. Majority of the time, SQL
injection attacks are successful when the
code has not been written properly. It is
always important to make sure that you
write good code, or else your system
becomes extremely vulnerable.
As shown by the previous paragraphs, cyber attacks are
incredibly varied. They can be as simple as clicking on a
malicious link, or can be more complex, such as a SQL injection
attack. However, no matter how complicated a cyber attack
may be, each one can have potentially dangerous outcomes. A
successful breach has the potential to cause permanent damage
to an organization and may even put them out of business. Just
recently, a Russian hacking group called Evil Corps attacked
Garmin, an American sportswear company, and caused an
outage. Garmin was forced to pay a multi-million dollar
ransom to Evil Corps in order to restore their service.
Also, Twitter was the most recent victim of a spear phishing
attack. Many main profiles such as Barack Obama, Elon Musk
and Bill Gates had their accounts compromised. A bitcoin scam
was posted and the hackers stole over $100,000 from this
attack. These recent events just go to show that even the largest
of companies can be broken into in a matter of a few days by
cyber criminals. We all must be aware of the dangers that cyber
attacks pose and must be cautious of how we navigate the
Another group of cyber defenders are those
who have created companies to provide
security resources to its vendors. Fortinet,
KnowBe4, IBM are just a few corporations who
provide resources to other groups. With the
exception of IBM, who also make other tech
devices, these companies specialize in security
tools, and have a strong team of developers
who continuously work to improve them. They
provide other companies with invaluable
products such as firewalls, and anti-virus
Now that we have gone over who actually provides us with the
tools to ward off attacks, let’s take a look at these tools and the
various ways you can protect your system. The first step in
securing your devices is fairly simple, yet many people look over
it. By simply updating software, installing an antivirus software
and using strong passwords, users can create a stronger line of
defense against attackers. Updating software fixes security,
making your device more safer and efficient. An antivirus
software is a program that is meant to detect and remove
computer viruses. These techniques are incredibly easy, but
provide the first step of protection against invaders.
Additionally, users can use a VPN in order to
secure their data even more. A VPN is known as a
Virtual Private Network and is used to give you
privacy when using a public network. The way
they do this is by basically changing your IP
address, which is a numerical label given to each
device. Your IP address depends on the network
you are connected to, so it varies if you go from
your home router to a local coffee shop. It should
most likely be turned on when you are accessing
public Wi-Fi, such as the Wi-Fi at Starbucks. If
you fail to use a VPN, then other strangers on the
same network are able to track your browsing
data, and take a look at everything you are doing
on your device. A VPN has the ability to make
your online actions almost untraceable.
Another method of security that users can implement
is known as defense in depth. This idea is that if one
layer of security helps, then two or three will be even
better. For example, if you have one password
authentication, then increasing that to two passwords
will increase your level of security. Although simple,
defense in depth has been proven to be highly
effective and is still used widely when protecting
highly classified information. Fingerprints, answers to
personal questions, and patterns are other ways of
providing a defense in depth type of authentication
after a password. This tactic can become very time
consuming and expensive, so it is not practical for all
users. For example, the average civilian probably will
not need this type of security for their email address,
but in order to protect classified documents, defense
in depth becomes a lot more important.
Firewalls are other methods of security which can
help secure your information. A firewall is a network
security system that regulates the traffic that
transmits through the network. It is a set of
software rules which can be modified to your own
preferences. They filter out traffic which you don’t
want and prevent harmful data from entering your
system. However, attackers can still get around the
firewall by taking advantage of someone inside of
the system through a spear phishing attack. They
can also get through the firewall if the regulations
are weak and not able to properly filter traffic.
Firewalls may come in the form of software, but can
also be part of the router which provides you with
wi-fi. These security software systems should be
your first step in setting up a strong network to
19 protect your data.
The last type of security we are going to
talk about is called encryption. Encryption
is mainly used to hide personal data that
someone would not want others to see.
The science of encryption and decryption is
called cryptography, and is a fundamental
concept of computing. To start off,
encryption is known as the process of
encoding information or turning it into
unreadable text. The text isn’t just
randomly mixed up, there is a formula
that the encryption has to follow. It is kind
of like if you had a secret language which
you used to communicate with your
friends. “A” would be equal to “Z”, “B”
would be equal to “Y”, and so on. The
actual algorithm is way more complex,
but that is in essence how encryption
works. Cybersecurity professionals refer to
the information as plain text, and the
encrypted data as cipher text. First, plain
text gets analyzed and encrypted by a
cryptographic algorithm. The algorithm
then generates a key, which is used to
encrypt and decrypt the text. Once the key
is generated, we can use it to output the
text which is called cipher text.
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Cyber defense is now one of the most important aspects of
technology. With an increasing amount of data now being
stored online, attacks are becoming even more frequent. By
following cybersecurity protocols, users can add a level of
privacy to their personal information and make it difficult for
hackers to gain unauthorized access. Keep in mind, highly
skilled attackers and groups will be harder to defend against.
With their resources, they can find easy ways to exploit a
network and take important information. It is up to us as
individuals to manage our own data and control who gets to
see it. Make sure to follow the basic security protocols that we
talked about earlier, and always be mindful of where you are
putting your information.
The Next Steps:
In order to do this, I recommend reading books that explain these
topics in a simple, yet effective manner. There are many books
which you can find on Amazon that go over basic topics, and are
a great way of learning new material. Elijah Lewis, Ramon
Nastaste and Richard Stevens have written a few books that
relate to networking and cybersecurity, so I definitely recommend
taking a look at them. You should also gain knowledge of
computer programming, and there are many online tutorials you
can follow. Start by learning the basics, and soon you will be
able to skillfully write programs.
First of all, I would like to give a huge thank you to my
family, who has supported me endlessly throughout my high
school journey. There has never been a moment where I felt
discouraged from pursuing my passions, and I want to thank
them for being the great people they are. My family is everything
to me, and I just want to take a few moments to thank them.
My dad is my personal Google, and it seems as if he knows
everything. I remember the days where he used to read my
school books and make notes for me so I could understand the
topics better. Your dedication and humble character has shaped
who I am, and for this I can only say thank you.
My mom is really the rock of our family. Her jokes, smile and
legendary dishes are truly a blessing, and have an amazing
effect on the rest of us. You support our family in so many ways,
and your loving personality has taught me so much. Last but not
least, my sister.
My sister Prabhleen is simply a joy to be around. I was 18
months when she was born, and I have enjoyed every moment I
have had with you. Your knowledge, passion and intellectual
curiosity is contagious, and I learn from you everyday. Continue
on the path you are on, and I am confident that you will do great
I also want to thank all of my closest family and friends.
Without their support and guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am
today. I have learned how to work hard, respect those around
you, and pursue your passions; skills which are vital to success in
life. I appreciate every one of you, and I am excited for what the
future holds.
Finally I want to thank my favorite teachers and mentors.
Every single one of you has instilled invaluable morals into me,
and I am grateful that I had the chance to meet you all. I am
blessed to have learned so much from all of you, and I cannot
thank you enough for all of your support.
About the Author:
Mantej Singh Lamba is a high school senior from Fremont,
California. He grew up in the Bay Area for his entire life, and has
always been surrounded by the technological advancements of
the Silicon Valley. As a high school student, he has developed a
passion for cybersecurity, and hopes to pursue a career in this
field in the future. Besides for this book, Mantej has been reading
cybersecurity books, taking online courses and studying computer
science on his own in order to develop his passions. Along with
computers, Mantej has an interest in community service, and has
initiated many projects in high school. He has created Sikh
Awareness Presentations, and worked with representatives to
ban the sale of flavored tobacco in Fremont. Mantej has also
started a project with his sister called Cards 4 Covid Heroes
during the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this, they are
collecting cards and distributing them to hospitals along with
gift cards. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, working
out at his local crossfit gym, and watching sports. He currently
resides in Fremont with his parents and younger sister.
The ABC's of Cybersecurity: A Perfect Introduction covers the basic
concepts and terminology of cybersecurity. Filled with colorful visuals
and diagrams, this book goes over various topics, such as assets,
threats, the CIA model, cyber criminals, the various types of attacks,
and basic defense protocols. It is geared toward young students, from
elementary school all the way to high school, who are interested in
learning about this field.