13 - Chapter 5
13 - Chapter 5
13 - Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
Data analysis is the process by which sense and meaning are made of the data
gathered in the qualitative investigation and by which the new knowledge is applied
to research problems. Pre-designed questionnaires are used to collect the data from
the customers of branded apparel in this study. Through processes of revisiting and
immersion in the data, and through sophisticated methods of structuring, statistical
calculations, or otherwise exploring it, the researcher looked for patterns and insights
relevant to the research objectives and used these to address the investigation. After
the collection of primary data from the respondents who are the customers of branded
apparel, the information was computerized by the SPSS package and processed for
output results through tables and graphs. In this process, the opinions and
responsibility of the customers of branded apparels are tabulated and presented.
Hence, this chapter deals with tables generated from the raw data of visual
merchandising on branded clothing. The analysis and interpretation of the tables are
followed with the discussions
This chapter consists of two sections, where the first section contains
Descriptive statistics. In this section, the distribution of sample respondents by their
gender, age, income level, education, profession, and family size are presented in the
form of tables. Also performed Scale value with mean and standard deviation to
understand the opinions of the branded apparel customers on visual merchandising
elements in making purchase decisions. The second section deals with the hypothesis
testing using the T-test, ANOVA, and chi-square test and Structural equation model
(SEM) used to develop a model with the right mixture of visual merchandising
elements also for hypothesis testing.
Gender: Normally, gender is of two types, and these two types have been include
in this study as male and female.
From the above table 5.1, it is known that from the total respondents of 500
members, males were 255 (51.00%), and females were 245 (49.00%).
Age: The age of the sample customers were found within the range of below 25 to
above 45 years of age. So, accordingly the suitable for measurement, the groups have
been created as below25 years, 25-45 years, and above 45 years.
Education: As per the respondents' responses, the educational qualification has been
categorized as a graduate, postgraduate, professionally qualified, and any other
Table 5.3: Educational Qualifications of the respondents
S No Frequency Percentage
1 Graduation 179 35.8
2 Post Graduate 134 26.8
3 141 28.2
4 Others 46 9.2
Total No of Respondents 500 100.00
Source: Primary Data
The above table 5.3 explains about the educational qualifications of the
respondents. Out of the total 500 respondents, 179 (35.80%) respondents were
graduates, 134 (26.80%) respondents were postgraduates, and 141 (28.20%)
respondents were occupational qualified and other respondents' are46 (9.20%). It
is clearly stated that most of the branded apparel customers are minimum
graduates, postgraduates, and professionally qualified, very less percentage, I
.e.9.2% customers are uneducated and others.
Annual Income: As per the responses on the annual income of the customers, the
researcher has categorized into three categories as less than Rs.2,00,000,
Rs.2,00,001 --Rs.4,00,000, and above 4,00,000
From the above table 5.4, it infers that out of 500 respondents, 129 (25.80%)
respondents have an annual income of fewer than two lakhs. 200 (40.0%) respondents
have a yearly salary of two lakhs to 4 lakhs, and 171 (34.20%) respondents have an
annual income of above four lakhs. It is evident that the customers who have more
than two lakhs annual income tend to shop their clothing n branded apparel stores.
Only 25.8% of customers who have less than two lakhs annual income are
occasionally buying from branded apparel stores. The following figure explains it.
Occupation: The Occupation level of respondents has been included for
measurement as public sector employees, private sector employees, self-employed,
and others. So, this group has also been included in this study.
Table 5.5: Occupation of the respondents
The above table 5.5 explains about the occupation of the respondents. Out of
the total 500 respondents, 175 (35.00%) respondents were public sector employees,
82 (16.40%) respondents were working in the private sector, 142 (28.40%)
respondents were self-employed, and 101 (20.20%) respondents belonged to others. It
infers that the respondents are a mixture of all types of occupations, out of which 35%
belong to public sector units, which is highest, as Visakhapatnam having many public
sector units. Next place will be self-employed with 28.4%
Family size: Family has been divided into three categories like below 3, 3-5
members and above 5 members
From above table 5.6, it is known that the number of respondents having
family members below 3 was 124 (24.80%), the respondents having family
members of 3 to 5 was 250 (50.00%), and the respondents having five members
was 126 (25.20%). The following figure explains it.
5.4 Perceptive analysis of Visual Merchandising
Product display
1. For Calculating the Likert scale, the total value- Scale value is multiplied by
overall frequency (Frequency X Scale value).
2. Maximum Possible score calculation = Highest scale point x No of statements x
Total No of respondents
3. Likert Scale value in percentage is derived by- Frequency X Scale Value / Total
Scale Points X 100.
can stimulate the
intention to
Frequency x
Scale Value (F X 435 1088 252 104 5
When you are
waiting for
payment, pay
6 attention to 145 257 42 47 9 500 3.96 .955
products that are
Opinions of branded apparel customers on product display in the branded
apparel stores are presented in Table–5.7. Data is collected from the respondents on
nine statements, which comprise of the factors of product display on the Likert scale,
and scale value analysis is done for a better understanding of the dimensions and
ranking the statements based on the total scale value.
The data analysed above shows clearly that the mean value of 9 statements 7 is
between 3.5 to 4.5 which shows that most of the respondents agree that the display of
the product is one of the essential visual merchandising items and that they are
attracted by the displays and finally take a favourable purchasing decision. The
product show systemically designed allows customers to shop. The seven statements
have a standard deviation below 1, thereby suggesting that there are no major
variations in the perception of clients except the assertion 'I choose to buy goods at or
near the payment desks' and 'The size of the store can influence your choice of items.'
As per the scale value analysis, the data indicates the influence of the product
display dimension of visual merchandising on the purchase decision. The above data
indicates two aspects that came to the foray when analyzed
Though there is a slight indication that that displays near the payment counter
attracts the attention, but in the case of apparel stores, it rarely gets converted into
sales as the respondents stated that they do pay attention to these goods but don‘t tend
to purchase them.
Table – 5.8: Opinions of branded apparel customers on Mannequin display
at retail stores
Frequency x
Scale Value (F X 1140 592 204 68 22
The total score
for In-store
Maximum 5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible Score respondents) X 5 (number of statements)
Percentage of the
score of In-store Total score for In-store Form/Mannequin display/
Form/Mannequin Maximum Possible Score X 100
In-store from/mannequin display is one of the essential factors to determine
the visual merchandising of branded apparel stores from the customer point of view,
the opinions of the respondents on the influence of in-store form/mannequin display
to attract branded apparel customers is presented in the Table-5.8. In this context, the
data was collected from the respondents on five statements related to the factors of
mannequin display calculated by Likert scale, and scale value analysis is done for a
better understanding of the influenced dimensions and ranking the statements based
on the total scale value.
The above data clearly shows that out of 5 statements, all of them got the
mean value in between 3.5 to 4.5, which indicates that all the respondents agree that
the mannequins are the crucial means of in-store communication; they also gain
knowledge about the fashion trends through the mannequins. Sometimes they also
rely on mannequins in getting an idea of what is to be purchased. Out of five
statements, four got standard deviation below 1, and this infers that there is no much
deviation in the opinions of the customers on the mannequins displays in branded
apparel stores except the statement 'When I see clothes with a new style or design on
display, I tend to buy them.' This infers that few respondents are differing with the
tendency of purchase based on the displayed item on the mannequins.
As per the scale value analysis, it shows that the influence of mannequin
display in the branded apparel retail store found more prominent in the selection of
clothes in branded apparel stores. The above analysis indicates three dimensions of
in-store form/mannequin display in retail stores that came to the highlight when
1. Mannequins are the best way to covey the fashion trends to the apparel
customers than any other way in the store
2. When the customer sees clothing featuring anew style or design on display,
he/she tends to buy it.
3. The customer gets an idea of what he/she wants to buy after looking through
mannequin displays.
A coordinated model show at the shop draws buyers and generates interest in
visiting and purchasing branded clothes. The customer's propensity to visit a branded
clothing store when he / she invites his / her model show is increased.
Thus the mannequin display in the store of branded clothing helps the retailer
to attract more and more new customers and to maximize sales. When the customer
sees freshly made clothes on sale, he / she appears to buy it. After looking through
model displays, the customer gets an idea of what he / she wants to buy. Once a
customer see the clothes he / she wants on a poster, he / she appears to buy them.
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 235 1276 108 140 28
I tend to buy
4 displayed on 91 216 56 102 35 500 3.49 1.058
shelves on
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 455 864 168 204 35
An appropriate
product shelf
position helps
5 84 298 45 55 18 500 3.83 0.894
me to make
better purchase
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 420 1192 135 110 18 1875-I
The total score
for product 8561
shelf position
Maximum 5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible Score respondents) X 5(number of statements)
Percentage of
score of a The total score for product shelf
Product shelf position/Maximum Possible Score X 100
The above data clearly shows that out of 5 statements 4 got the mean value in
between 3.5 to 4.5, that indicates that majority of the respondents are agreeing that the
product shelf position is also an essential dimension of visual merchandising as it
makes the customers' shopping easy, eye-level product shelf position always produces
a better result in making the shopping process easy.. The four statements got standard
deviation below 1, this infers that there is no much deviation in the opinions of the
customers about the product shelf position in branded apparel stores.
As per the scale value analysis, it is observed that the product shelf position is
also vital in branded apparel stores in the selection and purchase of garments. The
above analysis indicates three dimensions of product shelf position at retail stores that
came to the highlight when analyzed
changes to the
display have
3 81 245 34 104 36 500 3.40 1.315
arisen interest
for the
products in
that store.
Frequency x
Scale Value 405 980 102 208 36
(F X SV)
of the window
display help
4 85 253 23 130 9 500 3.77 .765
you to know
the new
products in
the Store
Frequency x
Scale Value 425 1012 69 260 9
(F X SV)
If the item
you like
appears in the
5 window, your 106 279 49 56 10 500 3.99 .817
desire to buy
it will be
Frequency x
Scale Value 530 1116 147 112 10
(F X SV)
I tend to
choose which
store to buy
depends on
6 69 240 84 82 25 500 3.63 .916
the eye-
Frequency x
Scale Value 345 960 252 164 25
(F X SV)
I feel
compelled to
enter the store
7 when I see an 152 188 8 119 33 500 3.17 1.221
Frequency x
Scale Value 760 752 24 238 33
(F X SV)
I tend to enter
a store when I
8 am attracted 104 262 4 97 33 500 3.84 .739
by a creative
Frequency x
Scale Value 520 1048 12 194 33
(F X SV)
9 increase your 128 309 30 28 5 500 4.16 .841
interest in the
Frequency x
Scale Value 640 1236 90 56 5
(F X SV)
attracts me to
a product or
item that I had
10 82 299 29 63 27 500 4.33 .929
buying before
entering a
Frequency x
Scale Value 410 1196 87 126 27
(F X SV)
Total score
for window 18394
5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible 25000
respondents) X 10 (number of statements)
Percentage of
the score of The total score for window display/Maximum
Window Possible Score X 100
computed on the Likert scale, and scale value analysis is done for a better
understanding of the influenced dimensions and ranking the statements based on the
total scale value.
The above data clearly shows that out of 10 statements, 8 got the mean value
in between 3.5 to 4.5, which indicates that the majority of the respondents agree that
the window display is one of the essential elements in a branded retail store. Creative
window displays play an important role in attracting customers. Most of the time, the
customers' desire towards the product will be influenced by the attractive window
display. Out of ten statements, eight got standard deviation below 1, and thus infer
that there is no much deviation in the opinions of the customers about the window
display in branded apparel stores except the frequent changes in window displays
arousing interest .role of a window display in compelling customers to enter into the
As per the scale value analysis, the above table indicates two dimensions of
window display that came to the highlight when analyzed
1. The customers are attracted to the branded apparel stores by the window display.
2. Window displays increase the interest of the customers towards those product
items being displayed and influenced to buy.
Table – 5.11: Opinions of branded apparel customers on Interior
color at retail stores
and orange
tend to
stand out
and draw
x Scale
695 688 45 292 28 1748-V
Value (F X
of fast
5 182 181 53 7 77 500 3.40 1.028
x Scale 1884-
910 724 159 14 77
Value (F X IV
The color
of the
in product
6 90 372 3 15 20 500 3.92 0.816
can have a
effect on
x Scale
450 1488 9 30 20 1997-I
Value (F X
color can
create a
7 87 193 131 39 50 500
mood to 3.84 .868
garments in
the store
x Scale 1728-
435 772 393 78 50
Value (F X VI
The total
score for
the color of
the display
5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible 17500
respondents) X 7 (number of statements)
of the score The total score for the color of display/Maximum
of Color of Possible Score X 100
The Table-5.11 presents the opinions of the branded apparel customers on the
influence of interior colors on the purchase decision. Data was collected from the
respondents on seven statements, which are related to the factors of color calculated
on Likert scale, and scale value analysis is done for better analyzing of the influenced
dimensions and ranking the statements based on the total scale value of each factor
represent color at branded apparel stores.
The above data clearly shows that out of 7 statements, 5 got the mean value in
between 3.5 to 4.5, which indicates that the majority of the respondents are agreeing
that the Interior color also helps the retailer in provoking the customer for their
purchase decision. The colors that are used in the store entice to a favorable purchase
decision. The background colors for product displays are essential in visual
merchandising. Out of seven statements, five got standard deviation below 1, this
infers that there is no much deviation in the opinions of the customers about interior
color and its influence except the attitudes towards the colorful assortment of fast
fashion products could awaken customer conscience and the role of interior colors in
switching the mood for definite purchase.
As per the result obtained from the scale value analysis. The above table infers
two dimensions of color that came to the highlight when analyzed:
1. The color of the background in product displays can have a powerful effect on
your shopping
2. The color tone of a fashion product may influence your preference for it.
An appropriate interior color attracts the customer of branded apparel into the
store and creates interest in the products. The colors of the store can switch the
customer's mood into a positive attitude. The tendency to purchase a branded apparel
gets stimulated when he/she attracted by its tone of color of a fashion product. The
color of the background in product displays can have a powerful effect on customer
shopping also ensures a delightful shopping experience.
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 850 1136 33 52 9 2080-II
You would like
to buy the
product only if
5 262 191 7 29 11 500 3.53 .852
you have
already checked
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 1310 764 21 58 11 2164-I
The mood
generated by
the use of
6 dimmed lights 45 61 144 213 37 500 3.27 1.142
increases your
interest in
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 225 244 432 426 37
Proper Lighting
helps me
compare the 122 278 21 39 40 500
7 3.77 .922
merchandise I
am considering
Frequency x
Scale Value (F 610 1112 63 78 40
The total score
for lighting at 12630
the store
Maximum 5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible Score respondents) X 7 (number of statements)
Percentage of
the score of The total score for lighting at store/Maximum
Lighting at the Possible Score X 100
The opinions of customers on the influence of the lighting in taking purchase
decision is presented in the Table-5.12. Data was collected from the respondents on
seven statements which are related to the factors of lighting at retail stores calculated
on Likert scale and scale value analysis is done for better analyzing of the influenced
dimensions and ranking the statements based on the total scale value of each factor
represent lighting at branded apparel retail stores.
The above results show clearly that from 7 statements 6 the average value is
between 3.5 and 4.5, indicating that the majority of respondents believe that the
lighting has a significant impact on the consumer purchasing decision in branded
clothing retail stores. The use of different shine lights to decorate a shop would
encourage a preference for products; if the customer can see them clearly under
proper lighting, the customer interest in a product may increase. The consumer still
focuses on the items under bright light. Of the seven claims, six have below 1 a
standard deviation, and this means this there is no substantial deviation in customers'
views about the lighting in the retail store, except for the mood produced by the use of
dimmed lights.
According to the results obtained from the analysis of the scale value, the
lighting is influenced by two dimensions:
1. Customers only want to buy branded clothing when they have checked it
clearly when they visit the shop and
Proper lighting attracts the customers of branded apparel into the store. If
product displayed under attractive light, the desire of buying it will be raised,
therefore, the retailer must use required lighting combinations are thoroughly utilized
in the store to improve the store ambiance, they must also focus all the merchandise in
the selling area
Table – 5.13: Opinions of branded apparel customers on the signage
of display at retail stores
Strongly Strongly Standard
Agree Undecided Disagree
S.No Statement Agree Disagree Total Mean deviation
(F) (F) (F)
(F) (F)
Scale Value
5 4 3 2 1
1 awareness/k 175 237 54 26 8 500 4.33 .718
nowledge of
the products
x Scale 2045-
875 948 162 52 8
Value (F X III
Signage in
the form of
labels gives
2 you more 178 257 26 11 28 500 3.97 .843
about the
x Scale 2046-
890 1028 78 22 28
Value (F X II
The more
you have
about a
3 307 74 10 81 28 500 3.86 .896
product, the
more likely
you will
buy it.
x Scale
1535 296 30 162 28 2051-I
Value (F X
The backlit
signs are
4 20 290 110 28 52 500 3.74 .844
in attracting
x Scale 1698-
100 1160 330 56 52
Value (F X VIII
Always pay
5 attention to 77 197 28 175 23 500 3.60 .866
the signs.
x Scale
385 788 84 350 23 1630-X
Value (F X
If I see an
6 price, sales 84 318 34 61 3 500 3.50 .932
etc.) on
shop signs,
I tend to
x Scale
420 1272 102 122 3 1919-V
Value (F X
sales signs
7 encourage 44 160 143 144 9 500 3.56 .777
me to look
x Scale 1586-
220 640 429 288 9
Value (F X XI
When I see
a particular
8 sign, I will 80 301 102 11 6 500 3.60 .815
look at
x Scale 1938-
400 1204 306 22 6
Value (F X IV
You are
more likely
to make an
9 purchase if 95 102 163 130 10 500 3.52 .892
the clothing
is in
x Scale 1642-
475 408 489 260 10
Value (F X IX
I tend to
garments on
10 communicat 130 227 74 54 15 500 3.49 1.139
ed by
l signs in
the store.
x Scale 1903-
650 908 222 108 15
Value (F X VI
provides me
that I
11 124 167 147 49 13 500 3.41 1.018
believe is
useful in
x Scale 1840-
620 668 441 98 13
Value (F X VII
The total
score for
signage of
5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible 27500
respondents) X 11 (number of statements)
of the score The total score for signage of display/Maximum
of Signage Possible Score X 100
of display
The above data clearly shows that out of 11 statements, 9 got the mean value
in between 3.5 to 4.5, which indicates that the majority of the respondents are
agreeing that the Signage is an essential element of visual merchandising that
influence the purchase decision. Signage increases customer awareness of the
products presented, the more information that the customer gets through signage, the more
they likely buy, Purchase tendency will be increased once the customers see different
promotional signage, because of appropriate signage customers may get influenced for
unintended purchases sometimes. Out of eleven statements, two got standard deviation
below 1, for other 2 two statements 'I tend to buy garments on special offers
communicated by advertising /promotional signs in the store.‘ and ‗Appropriate Signage
provides me with information that I believe is useful in making daily purchasing decisions‘
have got the standard deviation is more than 1, that means the opinions of the
customers have deviated on those statements.
As per the result obtained from the scale value analysis, there are three
dimensions of signage that came to the highlight when analyzed
1. The more information the customers have got about a product, the more likely
they will buy it.
2. Signage in the form of tags offers the customers more information about the
3. Signage increases your awareness of the products presented in apparel retailing.
The branded apparel retail shop provides customers with details on the
merchandise, promotional deals, new launches, discounted products, different product
locations and so forth. Whenever the customer sees a specific promotional sign on the
branded clothing store, he / she will see this clothing. If it sees an enticing
promotional deal, such as discounted prices, exclusive promotions, etc., on in-store
signs, it appears to purchase the product from special deals displayed through in-store
promotional and advertisement signage.
The regular adjustment of the show allows the retailer to remind the retailer of the
new arrivals. Signage allows the consumer to quickly locate their needed clothing
without much searching.
x Scale 1524-
320 628 219 302 55
Value (F IV
I like
shopping if
I find the
2 21 244 26 110 99 500 4.13 .886
x Scale 1478-
105 976 78 220 99
Value (F VI
When I go
to a store, I
tend to
3 directly to 241 183 23 25 28 500 3.89 .799
products I
intend to
x Scale
1205 732 69 50 28 2084-I
Value (F
When I
enter a
shop, I
4 tend to go 79 207 44 162 8 500 3.87 .792
to the new
x Scale
395 828 132 324 8 1687-II
Value (F
When I
enter a
store, I
tend to
5 17 223 74 178 8 500 3.50 .974
follow the
while I
browse the
x Scale 1563-
85 892 222 356 8
Value (F III
6 my long- 58 143 91 167 41 500 3.67 .945
x Scale
290 572 273 334 41 1510-V
Value (F
The total
score for
the layout
of the store
5 (Maximum score points) X 500 (number of
Possible 15000
respondents) X 6 (number of statements)
of the
The total score for the layout of store/Maximum
score of 65.6
Possible Score X 100
Layout of
Out of 6 statements five have a mean value between 3.5 and 4.5, which
indicates that most respondents believe that the shop layout is one of the key elements
of visual merchandising that affect the decision and purchase in branded clothing
stores. The customer selects his / her intended item easily without much search or
waiting for a sales agent. Comfortable storage layout makes customers loyal to the
store and creates an emotional connection between retailers and consumers. Out of
six, I prefer to buy unintended goods when attempting to find a specific commodity, I
have a standard deviation greater than 1. This shows that customers differ on the
layout of the role shop on unintentional shopping.
According to the scale value analysis, three dimensions of the store-the shop
layout, which is illustrated when evaluated
1. Once consumers join a store, they appear to go straight to the items they want to
2. When customers enter a shop, they tend to go straight to the newcomers section.
3. When customers enter a store, they tend to follow the layout of the store while
navigating the store.
So the suitable store layout of the retail store helps the retailers to attract new
potential customers in the store and increase the footfalls. So designing an appropriate
store layout is very crucial in the overall success of the branded apparel retail store.
Table 5.15 Opinions of branded apparel customers on purchase
decision at retail stores
Hence, the analysis reveals that signage, window display, interior color,
product display, and lighting influences the customer's purchase decision greatly, as
they got more than seventy percent score. The next priority is given to mannequins,
product –shelf position with above sixty percent weightage, and Store- layout holds
the last place.
Section 2
5.5 Hypothesis testing using T-Test &ANOVA
Std. Std. t- P-
Dimension Gender N Mean
Dev. Err. value value
Male 255 4.38 0.75 0.03
Product Display 0.849 0.000
Female 245 4.96 0.84 0.04
Male 255 3.95 0.68 0.03
Store Displays Mannequins 0.789 0.000
Female 245 4.12 0.71 0.02
Product Shelf Male 255 3.72 0.82 0.03
1.012 0.000
Position Female 245 4.12 0.67 0.05
Male 255 31.26 4.36 0.28
Window Display 0.862 0.450
Female 245 32.68 4.11 0.38
Male 255 4.68 0.83 0.07
Lighting 0.489 0.000
Female 245 4.28 0.64 0.08
Store Male 255 3.95 0.73 0.06
Atmospherics Interior Color Female 245 3.97 0.81 0.10 0.956 0.000
Female 245 4.23 0.85 0.06
Male 255 29.87 3.12 0.16
Signage 0.745 0.000
Female 245 28.69 3.24 0.32
Significant @ 5% level.
Null Hypothesis: H0A1: There is no significant difference between gender concerning
perceptions of Visual merchandising elements, i.e., Store displays, (product display,
mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store atmospherics (interior
color, lighting), Signage, store layout.-Rejected
The above table 5.16 presents the perceptions of the respondents based on
their gender towards different visual merchandising elements like Store displays(
Product display, Mannequin display, Product shelf- position,) Window display, store
atmospherics (interior Color, lighting) Signage and Store –layout. The consumer
awareness of product display between males and females shows that the average
perceived score of female (4.96) found higher than male (4.38), and the standard
deviations are 0.84 and 0.75, respectively. With this difference in mean score
distribution, the tested T-value 0.849is indicates a significant difference between the
opinions of male and female customers because the P-value is 0.000which is less than
0.05. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. That indicates that female customers are
more attracted to product displays than male consumers.
The consumer attitude on a window display of branded apparel stores
between males and females shows that the average perceived score of female (32.68)
found higher than male (31.26), and the standard deviations are 4.11 and 4.36
respectively. With this difference of mean score distribution, the tested T-value
0.862is indicates no significant difference between the opinions of male and female
customers on the window display element because the P-value is 0.450which is higher
than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is accepted. The Shopper opinion on the
lighting display of branded apparel stores between males and females shows that the
average perceived score of male (4.68) found higher than female (4.28), and the
standard deviations are 0.83 and 0.64, respectively. With this difference of mean score
distribution, the tested T-value 0.489 is indicated a significant difference between the
opinions of male and female customers on lighting because the P-value is 0.000which
is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is rejected. This indicates that male
customers are paying more attention to the products under intense lighting. They are
more stimulated towards product purchase if the store is decorated with the
illumination of different brightness than the female customers. When it comes to the
perceptions on the interior color in branded apparel stores between males and females
shows that the average perceived score of female (3.97) found higher than male
(3.95), and the standard deviations are 0.81 and 0.73 respectively. With this difference
of mean score distribution, the tested T-value 0.956 is indicated a significant
difference between the opinions of male and female customers on interior color
because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is
rejected. This infers that female customers are more attracted to store interior color
than male customers.
Also noticed that consumer perception on store layout between males and
females shows that the average perceived score of females (27.36) found higher than
males (24.62), and the standard deviations are 4.09 and 4.12 respectively. With this
difference of mean score distribution, the tested T-value 0.486is indicates no
significant difference between the opinions of male and female customers on Store -
layout element because the P-value is 0.512which is higher than 0.05. Hence, the Null
hypothesis is accepted .From the above table analysis and discussion, it is clear that
there is a significant difference between the perceptions of male and female
consumers of branded apparels on visual merchandising elements, where male are
more positive on the lighting of the store and female are more positive towards
window display, interior color, and store layout dimensions.
Null Hypothesis: H0A2: There is no significant difference among age concerning
perceptions of Visual merchandising element, i.e., Store displays, (product display,
mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store atmospherics (interior
color, lighting), Signage, store layout- Rejected.
The above table 5.17 presents the perceptions of the respondents based on
their age towards different visual merchandising elements like Store displays( Product
display, Mannequin display, Product shelf- position,) Window display, store
atmospherics (interior color, lighting,) Signage and Store –layout.
In this table, the average perceived scores of different age group branded
apparel consumers on product display at stores indicate that the maximum average
rating obtained for 45 years and above age group (10.24), below 25 years (9.24)
followed by 25-45 years (8.29). And the standard deviations are 1.48, 1.21and 1.29
respectively, with this difference of mean score distribution the tested F-value is 0.84
found a significant difference between the opinions of the respondents with different
age groups because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null
hypothesis is rejected. This infers that there is a significant difference between
different age group consumers' perception of the product display element in branded
apparel stores.
Regarding product shelf-position, the average perceived score of different age
group consumers of branded apparel stores indicates that the maximum average score
obtained by 45 years and above (10.96) followed by 25-45 years (8.38) and below 25
years age group (8.26). And the standard deviations are 0.98, 1.23and 2.1
respectively, with this difference of mean score distribution of the tested F-value 0.62
is found significant difference among the opinions of the respondents with different
age groups because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null
hypothesis is rejected. This infers that there is a significant difference between
different age group consumer's perceptions of product shelf-position, as 45 years and
above age group customers find it more accessible with the appropriate eye- level
product shelf position than other age groups.
When it comes to the window display, the average perceived scores show
highest by below 25 years (30.25) followed by 25-45 years (29.86) and the least
average score counted by above 45 years age group (29.84). And the standard
deviations are 4.11, 4.21and 4.32, respectively. With this difference of mean score
distribution of the tested F-value, 0.869 indicates that there is no significant difference
between the opinions of different age group customers because the P-value is
0.865which is higher than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is accepted. This infers
that there is no significant difference between different age group consumers'
perceptions of a window display element of visual merchandising.
The average perceived scores of different age group consumers of branded
apparel on interior color dimensions indicate the highest average score counted by the
above 45 years age group (9.89). Followed by 25-45 years (9.23) and least average
score calculated by below 25 years (8.68). And the standard deviations are 1.21,
1.31and 0.91 respectively, with this difference of mean score distribution of the tested
F-value 0.51 is found significant because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05.
Hence, the Null hypothesis is rejected. It infers that there is a considerable difference
between different age group consumer's perceptions of the interior color element. The
above 45 years age group is more influential than the other two groups.
The average perceived scores obtained for different age group consumers of
branded apparel stores on Signage. It indicates that the maximum average score
incurred by above 45 years (31.12) followed below 25 years age group (31.02). And
least score obtained for the group 25-45 years (30.08) And the standard deviations are
3.87, 3.41and 3.89 respectively, with this difference of mean score distribution of the,
tested F-value 0.875 is indicates that there is no significant difference between the
opinions of different age group customers about the store signage in branded apparel
stores because the P-value is 0.579which is higher than 0.05. Hence, the Null
hypothesis is accepted.
Regarding the store layout at branded apparel stores, the average perceived
score of different age group consumers indicates that the highest average score
counted by 25-45 years (30.89) followed by below 25 years (30.18) and the least
average score calculated by above 45 years age group (29.26). And the standard
deviations are 4.29, 4.18and 4.08 respectively, with this difference of mean score
distribution of the tested F-value 1.089 indicates that there is no significant difference
between the opinions of different age group customers about the store layout in
branded apparel stores because the P-value is 0.249which is higher than 0.05. Hence,
the Null hypothesis is accepted.
According to the above table analysis and discussion, it shows that there is a
significant difference among the different age groups of branded apparel consumers
on product display, mannequins, product shelf position, interior color, and lighting.
But when it comes to the window display, signage, and store layout, there is no
significant difference found in the perceptions of the customers.
Table 5.18: The perceptions of the branded apparel consumers on different
visual merchandising dimensions according to their Education level
Educational Std. Std. f- P-
Dimension N Mean
Qualifications Dev. Err. value value
Graduation 179 8.46 1.74 0.08
Post Graduate 134 9.26 1.84 0.09
Professionally 1.020 0.000
Display 141 0.84 0.07
Qualified 10.86
Others 46 7.28 1.84 0.09
Graduation 179 7.34 1.25 0.06
Post Graduate 134 8.37 1.85 0.08
Mannequins Professionally 0.980 0.000
Displays 141 0.85 0.09
l Qualified 10.74
Others 46 7.31 1.13 0.08
Graduation 179 8.32 1.87 0.08
Post Graduate 134 7.68 1.91 0.07
Product Shelf
Professionally 0.640 0.000
Position 141 10.84 0.61 0.08
Others 46 7.11 1.41 0.08
Graduation 179 30.25 3.15 0.24
Post Graduate 134 31.02 3.28 0.24
Window Display Professionally 0.853 0.783
141 30.12 3.96 0.27
Others 46 30.25 3.58 0.31
Graduation 179 9.54 1.54 0.1
Post Graduate 134 10.21 1.11 0.09
Lighting Professionally 0.840 0.000
141 10.11 0.85 0.08
Store Others 46 7.84 0.91 0.09
Atmospherics Graduation 179 10.28 1.64 0.07
Post Graduate 134 8.37 0.95 0.1
Interior Color Professionally 0.960 0.000
141 10.87 0.64 0.09
Others 46 8.24 1.24 0.07
Graduation 179 29.84 3.89 0.19
Post Graduate 134 29.82 3.67 0.18
Signage Professionally 0.658 0.568
141 27.59 3.59 0.21
Others 46 28.65 3.58 0.27
Graduation 179 28.36 4.11 0.21
Post Graduate 134 29.35 4.25 0.23
Store Layout Professionally 1.089 0.002
141 27.69 4.26 0.24
Others 46 28.36 4.18 0.26
Significant @ 5% level.
Null Hypothesis: H0A3: There is no significant difference among education
concerning perceptions of Visual merchandising elements, i.e., Store displays,
(product display, mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store
atmospherics (interior color, lighting), Signage, store layout -Rejected.
The above table 5.18 presents the perceptions of the respondents based on
their education level towards different visual merchandising elements like Store
displays( Product display, Mannequin display, Product shelf- position,) Window
display, store atmospherics (interior Color, lighting) Signage and Store –layout.
In this table the average perceived scores of different education level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on Product display are obtained as graduates
(8.46) postgraduates (9.26), professionally qualified (10.86), and others(7.28) And
the standard deviations are 1.74, 1.84,0.84 and 1.84respectively, out of all
professionally qualified respondents scored highest and others stands least, With this
difference of mean score distribution, the tested F-value 0.120 is found significant
because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is
rejected. This infers that there is a considerable difference between different education
group consumer's perceptions based on product display elements. It is noticed that the
professionally qualified customers are observing the product displays thoroughly to
gain as much knowledge as possible as other educational groups.
scores for graduates (8.32) postgraduates (7.68), professionally qualified (10.84) and
others(7.11)And the standard deviations are 1.87,1.91,0.61 and 1.41 respectively, out
of all professionally qualified respondents scored maximum and other scored
minimum, With this difference of mean score distribution the tested F-value 0.640 is
found significant because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null
hypothesis is rejected. This infers that there is a considerable difference between
different education group consumer's perceptions based on product shelf position. It is
noticed that the customers who are professionally qualified enjoying shopping when
the garments that they intend to buy found with ease as they displayed at eye- level,
and they can easily access the item without difficulty than the rest of the groups.
Regarding the average perceived scores of different education level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on interior color are obtained as graduates
(10.28) postgraduates (8.37), professionally qualified (10.87) and others(8.24)And
the standard deviations are1.64,0.95,0.64and1.241.13respectively, out of all
professionally qualified respondents scored highest and others scored least, With this
difference of mean score distribution the tested F-value 0.960 is found significant
because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is
rejected. This infers that there is a considerable difference between different education
group consumer's perceptions regarding store interior color. It is noticed that the
professionally qualified customers are more attracted to the interior color than the
other educational groups.
According to the above table indicate the analysis and discussion, it shows that
there is a significant difference among the perceptions of different education level
group branded apparel consumers on visual merchandising attributes like product
display, mannequin display, product shelf position, interior color, lighting, and store
layout, whereas it is found that there is no significant difference among the
perceptions of different educational group customers on window display and signage.
Std. Std. F- P-
Dimension Annual Income N Mean
Dev. Err. value value
Less than 2Lakhs 129 6.24 1.26 0.08
2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 8.67 1.85 0.09 0.840 0.000
4 Lakhs and above 171 10.14 1.34 0.07
Less than 2Lakhs 129 10.24 1.08 0.09
Mannequins 2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 9.89 1.65 0.07 0.720 0.000
4 Lakhs and above 171 9.82 0.98 0.09
Less than 2Lakhs 129 9.84 1.62 0.1
Product Shelf
2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 10.12 1.98 0.09 0.680 0.000
4 Lakhs and above 171 9.27 0.99 0.08
Less than 2Lakhs 129 30.25 4.29 0.22
Window Display 2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 30.27 4.2 0.14 0.895 0.856
4 Lakhs and above 171 31.25 4.11 0.31
Less than 2Lakhs 129 10.24 1.21 0.09
Lighting 2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 8.56 0.99 0.08 0.810 0.000
Store 4 Lakhs and above 171 9.56 1.63 0.1
Atmospherics Less than 2Lakhs 129 9.85 1.28 0.09
Interior Color 2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 9.34 1.18 0.07 0.670 0.000
4 Lakhs and above 171 10.12 1.39 0.09
Less than 2Lakhs 129 30.28 3.25 0.14
Signage 2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 29.39 3.27 0.18 0.859 0.586
4 Lakhs and above 171 29.87 3.58 0.28
Less than 2Lakhs 129 24.69 4.18 0.29
Store Layout 2 Lakhs to 4 Lakhs 200 25.68 4.12 0.27 1.089 0.000
4 Lakhs and above 171 28.65 4.11 0.21
Significant @ 5% level.
The above table 5.19 presents the perceptions of the respondents towards
different visual merchandising elements like Store displays( Product display,
Mannequin display, Product shelf- position,)Window display, store atmospherics
(interior Color, lighting) Signage and Store –layout based on their Annual income
In this table, the average perceived scores of different income level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on Product display are obtained as <2 Lakhs
(6.24) 2 lakhs- 4 lakhs (8.67) and > 4 lakhs (10.14) And the standard deviations are
1.26, 1.85, and 1.34respectively, out of all respondents whose annual income is above
4 lakhs scored highest and below 2 lakhs scored least, With this difference of mean
score distribution the tested F-value 0.840 is found significant because the P-value is
0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is rejected. This infers that
there is a significant difference among the perceptions of product display elements
based on their income levels. It is noticed that the customers whose annual income is
more than four lakhs are more particular about the product displays and thoroughly
observing what it is being displayed. Those respondents' yearly income is below two
lakhs and is not as good as others on checking displays.
When it comes to the average perceived scores of different income level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on Product shelf position are obtained as <
2Lakhs (9.84), 2lakhs- 4lakhs (10.12) and > 4lakhs (9.27) And the standard
deviations are 1.62, 1.98, and 0.99 respectively, out of all respondents whose annual
income is in between 2- 4lakhs scored maximum and above 4lakhs scored minimum,
With this difference of mean score distribution the tested F-value 0.680 is found
significant because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null
hypothesis is rejected. This infers that there is a substantial difference among the
perceptions on product shelf position based on their income levels. It is noticed that
the customers whose annual income is between 2 - 4lakhs tend to attract more to the
eye-level shelf position to check the displayed garments with ease. Those respondents'
yearly income is above four lakhs and is not so concerned about the product shelf
position during their purchases.
When it comes to the average perceived scores of different income level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on lighting element are obtained as < 2Lakhs
(10.24), 2lakhs- 4lakhs (8.56) and > 4lakhs (9.56) And the standard deviations are
1.21, 0.99, and 1.63 respectively, out of all respondents whose annual income is
below 2lakhs scored maximum and between 2- 4lakhs scored minimum, With this
difference of mean score distribution the tested F-value 0.810 is found significant
because the P-value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is
rejected. This infers that there is a significant difference among the perceptions of
lighting in the retail store based on their income levels. It is noticed that the customers
whose annual income is below 2lakhs they are more influenced by the store lighting.
Those respondents' annual income is between 2- 4 lakhs are not very particular about
the store lighting during shopping.
Regarding the average perceived scores of different income level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on interior color are obtained as <2 Lakhs (9.85),
2lakhs- 4lakhs (9.34) and > 4lakhs (10.12) And the standard deviations are 1.28,
1.18, and 1.39respectively, out of all respondents whose annual income is above
4lakhs scored highest and between 2-4lakhs scored least, with this difference of mean
score distribution the tested F-value 0.670 is found significant because the P-value is
0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is rejected. This infers that
there is a significant difference among the perceptions on the interior color element
based on their income levels. It is noticed that the customers whose annual income is
above 4lakhs they are more attracted by the interior color, but whereas the
respondents' whose annual income is in between 2- 4lakhs are given lease importance
to the interior color when it comes to purchasing decision
When it comes to the average perceived scores of different income level group
consumers of branded apparel stores on store layout element are obtained as < 2Lakhs
(24.69), 2lakhs- 4lakhs (25.68) and > 4lakhs (28.65) And the standard deviations are
4.18, 4.12, and 4.11 respectively, out of all respondents whose annual income is
above 4lakhs scored high and less than 2lakhs scored low, With this difference of
mean score distribution the tested F-value 1.089 is found significant because the P-
value is 0.000which is less than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is rejected. This
infers that there is a significant difference among the perceptions on store layout in
the retail store based on their income levels. It is noticed that the customers whose
annual income is above 4lakhs are more influential by the right store layout. Those
respondents' annual income is less than 2- lakhs are not considering the store layout at
their store visit.
According to the above table analysis and discussion, it shows that there is a
significant difference among the perceptions of different income level consumers on
product display, mannequin, product shelf position, interior color, lighting, and store
layout elements, Whereas it is found that there is no significant difference in their
perceptions on window display and signage based on their income level.
Std. Std. F- P-
Dimension Occupation N Mean
Dev. Err. value value
Public 175 10.62 0.98 0.09
Sector 82 10.86 1.94 0.08
Product Display 1.020 0.985
Sector 142 10.37 1.94 0.09
Employed 101 10.12 1.96 0.06
Public 175 10.21 1.15 0.06
Store Private
Sector 82 10.24 1.38 0.07
Mannequins 1.890 0.842
Displays Self
Sector 142 10.69 1.92 0.08
Employed 101 10.09 1.27 0.1
Public 175 10.87 1.96 0.08
Sector 82 10.98 1.27 0.09
Product Shelf Position 0.850 0.624
Sector 142 10.41 1.93 0.1
Employed 101 10.27 1.39 0.07
Public 175 31.26 4.16 0.2
Sector 82 30.25 4.29 0.19
Window Display 0.846 0.000
Sector 142 30.89 3.89 0.18
Employed 101 31.24 3.86 0.25
Public 175 9.98 1.94 0.1
Sector 82 10.14 1.11 0.08
Lighting 0.040 0.001
Sector 142 10.98 1.68 0.07
Store Others
Employed 101 9.98 1.98 0.09
Public 175 10.87 0.97 0.08
Sector 82 10.62 1.23 0.07
Interior Color Self
Sector 142 10.51 1.95 0.09 0.014 0.000
Employed 101 9.92 1.29 0.08
Others 101 10.98 1.01 0.09
Public 175 30.29 4.01 0.19
Sector 82 31.08 4.23 0.21
Signage 0.849 0.562
Sector 142 29.58 4.28 0.2
Employed 101 29.34 3.29 0.21
Public 175 25.36 4.12 0.19
Sector 82 28.36 4.13 0.21
Store Layout 1.249 0.000
Sector 142 29.34 3.08 0.18
Employed 101 26.35 3.56 0.21
Significant @ 5% level
Null Hypothesis: H0A5: There is no significant difference among occupations
concerning perceptions of Visual merchandising elements, i.e., Store displays,
(product display, mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store
atmospherics (interior color, lighting), Signage, store layout - Rejected.
The above table 5.20 presents the perceptions of the respondents towards
different visual merchandising elements like Store displays( Product display,
Mannequin display, Product shelf- position,)Window display, store atmospherics
(interior Color, lighting) Signage and Store –layout based on their occupation
In this table the average perceived scores of different customers based on their
occupation on product display in branded apparel stores are public sector (10.62),
private sector (10.86), self –employed (10.37) and others (10.12)And the standard
deviations are 0.98,1.94,1.94 and 1.96respectively, out of all respondents who are
working in private sector scored highest and others scored least, With this difference
of mean score distribution, the tested F-value 1.020 It indicates that there is no
significant difference among the opinions of consumers with different occupations on
product display in branded apparel stores because the P-value is 0.985.which is higher
than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is accepted
no significant difference among the opinions of consumers with different occupations
on the product shelf position in branded apparel stores because the P-value is
0.624which is greater than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is accepted.
hypothesis is rejected. This infers that there is a significant difference among the
perceptions of interior color in the retail store based on their occupation. It is noticed
that the customers who are employed in the public sector are more influential by the
store interior color, and others stand in the last position in giving priority to the
interior color.
According to the above table analysis and discussion, it is clear that there is a
significant difference among the perceptions of customers with a different occupation
on the window display, lighting, interior color, and store layout. When it comes to
visual merchandising elements like product display, mannequins, product shelf
position, and signage, no significant difference found the customers' perceptions.
Table 5.21: The perceptions of the branded apparel consumers on different
visual Merchandising dimensions according to their Family Size
Significant @ 5% level
Null Hypothesis: H0A6: There is no significant difference among family size
concerning perceptions of Visual merchandising elements, i.e., Store displays,
(product display, mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store
atmospherics (interior color, lighting), Signage, store layout.-Rejected
The above table 5.21 presents the perceptions of the respondents towards
different visual merchandising elements like Store displays( Product display,
Mannequin display, Product shelf- position,)Window display, store atmospherics
(interior Color, lighting,) Signage and Store –layout based on their family size
This infers that there is a significant difference among the perceptions on
mannequins dimension in the retail store based on their family size. It is noticed that
the customers who have both the family sizes of below 3members and above five
members are more influential by mannequins, and the customers who have the family
size of 3-5 members don't have much focus on it.
This infers that there is a significant difference among the perceptions of the
customers on the product shelf position in the retail store based on their family size. It
is noticed that the customers who have the family size below three members are more
interested if the product shelf position is at eye- level and customers of below three
members' family size are not much concerned about it.
standard deviations are 1.14, 1.86 and 1.21 respectively, out of all respondents those
who have family size of below 3memebrs are scored high, and family size above 5
members scored least, With this difference of mean score distribution the tested F-
value 0.312, It indicates that there is no significant difference among the opinions of
consumers with different family sizes on lighting element in branded apparel stores
because the P-value is 0.423which is greater than 0.05. Hence, the Null hypothesis is
It infers that there is a considerable difference among the perceptions of the customers
on signage in the retail store based on their family size. It is noticed that the customers
who have the family size between 3-5 members are more focused on different
Signage within the store, and customers of the above five members' family size are
not much-concerned store signage.
When it comes to the average perceived scores of different customers based on
their occupation on Store layout in branded apparel stores are below 3 family
members (28.34),3-5 family members (29.18) above 5 members(28.34) And the
standard deviations are 3.68, 3.89and 4.12 respectively, out of all respondents those
who have family size in between 3-5 members are scored high and family sizes of
below 3 members as well as above 5 members are scored least, With this difference of
mean score distribution the tested F-value 1.689,
According to the above table analysis and discussion, it is clear that there is a
significant difference among the perceptions of customers with a different occupation
on product display, mannequin display, product shelf position, and signage. But when
studied other visual merchandising elements like a window display, lighting, and store
layout, it is found that there is no significant difference in customer's perceptions.
This section deals with the testing of hypotheses with statistical instruments. It
is a statistical test used to determine if there is adequate proof in a sample of data that
the whole population is affected by a specific condition. In this study, the statistical
hypothesis is an assumption about the perceptions of retail branded apparel customers
on visual merchandising dimensions. This assumption may or may not be true. Hence,
hypothesis testing refers to the formal procedures used by statisticians to accept or
reject statistical hypotheses.
In this regard, the researcher used the chi-square test on the distribution of
various demographic respondents on their visual merchandising opinions. The
following tables show the results of the hypothesis tests and then analyze the findings
below each row.
5.7 Gender and Visual merchandising elements
Window Display 9 84.25 0.00 Hypothesis
Store Alternative
Atmospherics(Lighting, 16 68.64 0.00 Hypothesis
interior color) Accepted.
Signage 10 76.48 0.00 Hypothesis
Store layout 5 52.46 0.00 Hypothesis
Table 5.22 represents the distribution of male and female respondents in their
opinions on the store display elements. It is found that the opinions of male and
female respondents indicate significance because the chi-square value 76.26 and p-
value 0.00 is less than 0.05. It shows the Association of gender with the attractive
Product display in making my buying decisions, the tendency of buying garments
with the inspiration of mannequins, and the appropriate shelf position in making
better purchase decisions. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is an
association between gender and store displays
The store regarding atmospherics elements, the male and female respondent's
opinions show differences where the chi-square value 68.64 is found significant
because the p-value 0.00 is less than 0.05.
Therefore, this infers that the Association of gender with the interior Color of
the store that entices a favorable buying decision, usage of different lightings in
enhancing the possibility of purchase intension. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
There is an association between gender and store atmospherics elements.
The opinions of the male and female respondents about signage, it is found
that the opinions of the respondents show significant. In this distribution, the chi-
square value 76.48 is found significant because the p-value 0.00 is less than 0.05. It
infers that Association of gender with the appropriate Promotional/sales signage that
positively evokes purchase intention. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is
an association between gender and Signage elements.
According to the opinions of the male and female respondents, it is found that
the Association of gender with the influence of good store layout in inducing repeated
purchase behavior. In this context, the calculated chi-square value of 52.46 is
significant because p-value 0.00 is less than 0.05. Hence, the null hypothesis is
rejected. There is an association between gender and Store layout. It can be inferred
that gender determining the Visual merchandising elements at branded apparel and
influenced the purchasing behavior of the consumers.
5.8 Age and visual merchandising elements
Degrees of
Elements Statistic Sig.Value Result
Window Display 18 79.58 0.00 Hypothesis
Store Alternative
Atmospherics(Lighting, 32 49.58 0.00 Hypothesis
interior color) Accepted.
Signage 20 75.62 0.00 Hypothesis
Store layout 10 68.34 0.00 Hypothesis
mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store atmospherics (interior
Color, lighting), Signage, store layout in making purchase decision-Rejected
The difference in the opinions of different age groups respondents on the store
atmospherics elements shows significant because the tested chi-square value is 49.58,
and the p-value is 0.00, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, this infers that the
Association of age with the interior Color of the store that entices a favorable buying
decision, usage of different lightings provokes purchase intension. Hence, the null
hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between age and store atmospherics
Regarding the signage elements with the opinions between different age
groups, customers found a significant difference because the calculated chi-square
value is 75.62, and the p-value is 0.00. It is less than 0.05. It infers that Association of
age with the appropriate Promotional/sales signage that positively evokes purchase
intention. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between age
and Signage elements.
It is found that the Association of age on the influence of good store layout in
inducing repeated purchase behavior is significant because of the calculated chi-
square value 68.34 and the p-value 0.00, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, the
analysis indicates that there is an association of age with the respondents and store
layout elements. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted. There is an association
between age and Store layout elements.
Degrees of
Elements Statistic Sig. Value Result
Store Displays
(Product Display,
36 89.56 0.00 Hypothesis
Mannequins, product
shelf position)
Window Display 18 75.28 0.00 Hypothesis
Store Alternative
Atmospherics(Lightin 32 78.89 0.00 Hypothesis
g, interior color) Accepted.
Signage 20 69.32 0.00 Hypothesis
Store layout 10 72.63 0.00 Hypothesis
(product display, mannequin, product shelf position) Window display, Store
atmospherics (interior Color, lighting), Signage, store layout in making a purchase
decision –Rejected
It is found that the difference in the opinions of different income level
customers with store layout elements shows significant because of the calculated chi-
square value 72.63 and the p-value 0.00, which is less than 0.05.
Window Display 27 86.69 0.00 Hypothesis
Store Atmospherics(Lighting,
48 87.65 0.00 Hypothesis
interior color)
Signage 30 89.63 0.00 Hypothesis
Store layout 15 94.85 0.00 Hypothesis
The crosstab calculations were performed by considering the weighted
average scores of each element.
It shows that there is a momentous difference among different educational
qualification respondents on store display elements. In this distribution of a sample, it
is found that the calculated chi-square value 94.85 is significant because the p-value
0.00 is less than 0.05. It infers that the Association of education with the influence of
good store layout in inducing repeated purchase behaviour. Hence, the null hypothesis
is rejected. There is an association between the education qualification of the
respondent and Store layout elements.
The cross tab calculations were performed by considering the weighted
average scores of each element.
purchase intension. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is an association
between occupation and Signage elements.
Regarding the store layout elements, the opinions among different occupations
of customers found a significant difference because the calculated chi-square value is
85.35, and the p-value is 0.00. Hence, it is inferred that the Association of Occupation
with the influence of good store layout in inducing repeated purchase behavior. The
null hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between the Occupation of the
respondent and Store layout elements.
Chi-Square test is performed with the Family Size of the respondent and
Visual Merchandising elements. i.e., Store displays, (product display, mannequin,
product shelf position) Window display, Store atmospherics (interior Color, lighting),
Signage, store layout. The results are shown in below table 5.27. The Chi-Square test
was performed at 5% Level of Significance.
The crosstab calculations were performed by considering the weighted
average scores of each element.
Regarding the opinions of the respondents with different family size with
window display shows a difference with chi-square value 86.35, it is found significant
because the p-value 0.00 is less than 0.05. Therefore, this infers that the Association
of family size with the tendency of entering into the store by a creative window
display that further leads to a positive purchase decision. Hence, the null hypothesis is
rejected. There is an association between the family size of the respondent and
Window Display elements.
According to the opinions of the respondents with signage, it is found that the
Association of occupation with the appropriate Promotional/sales signage that
positively evokes purchase intention. In this context, the calculated chi-square value
of 67.69 is significant because p-value 0.00 is less than 0.05. Hence, the null
hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between the family size of the
respondent and Signage elements.
The opinions of the different family size respondents indicate that the
Association of family size with the store layout. Here the chi-square value is 71.35,
and the p-value is 0.00, which is less than 0.05. It is found that the Association of the
family with the influence of good store layout in inducing repeated purchase behavior.
Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. There is an association between the family size
of the respondent and Store layout elements.
It can be inferred that the family size of the respondents determining the
Visual merchandising elements at branded apparel stores and affecting the buying
decision of the shoppers.
Table 5.28: Observed Endogenous Variables
Regular window display modifications help you know about new
items in the Store
If the item you want appears in the window, it will stimulate your
desire to buy it.
I tend to choose which shop to purchase depends on the window
When I see an interesting window display, I feel compelled to enter
the shop.
win_27 If a creative window attracts me, I tend to enter a store.
win_28 Displays always increase your interest in the displayed products.
Window Display attracts me to a product or item I didn't intend to
purchase before entering a store.
int_30 The store colors can change your buying behavior and mood
int_31 The colors used in the shop leads to a positive decision.
int_32 The fashion product's color tone may influence your preference.
Some bright colors like red and orange in the store tend to stand out
and draw your attention
Your conscience could awaken by the colorful fast fashion
The background color of product displays can have a powerful
effect on your shopping
In-store colors can create a positive mood for the shop to buy
light_37 Always pay attention to garments covered under strong lighting..
The use of different lights to decorate the shop would stimulate the
product preference.
The use of lights of different brightness to decorate the shop would
increase the possibility of purchases.
If you can see the product clearly it, your interest in a product may
light_41 You only want to buy the product if you've checked it already.
Your buying interest increases the mood generated by dimmed
light_43 Proper lighting helps me to compare the products I want to purchase
Signage improves your product awareness.
Signage in the form of labels provides you with more product
The more information you have on a product, the more likely you
are to purchase it.
In comparison with other lights, backlit signs are normally more
sign_48 Always pay attention to the signs.
I prefer to buy if I see an interesting promotional deal on shop signs
(lower prices, promotion, etc.)
Table 5.29: Unobserved Exogenous Variables
Fig5.1: Structural Equation Model for Visual Merchandising Elements (Store
Displays, Window Display, Store Atmospherics, Signage, and Store Layout)
Fig 5.2: STANDARDIZED ESTIMATES: Structural Equation Model of Visual
Merchandising Elements
Fig 5.2: Standardized Estimates: Structural Equation Model for Visual Merchandising
Elements (Store Displays, Window Display, Store Atmospherics, Signage, and Store
5.15. Structural Equation Modeling: Evaluating Model Fit
The development of the model is the beginning of the SEM, but it needs to be
tested statistically. Most statistical methods only require one statistical test to
determine the significance of analyses. The following measures are the indicators for
a good model fit. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was employed to identify the
excellent model for SEM.
Table 5.31: The literature support for the respective fitness index
Name of Name of
Full name of Index Literature
Category Index
Wheaton et al.
Chi-Square Discrepancy Chi-Square
Root Mean Square Error of Browne and
Absolute Fit RMSEA
Approximation Cudeck (1993)
Joreskog and
GFI The goodness of Fit Index
Sorbom (1984)
Tanaka and Huba
AGFI Adjusted Goodness of Fit
CFI Comparative Fit Indices Bentler (1990)
Incremental Fit
Bentler and Bonett
TLI Tucker-Lewis Index
NFI Normed Fit Index Bollen (1989)
Parsimonious Chi-Square/Degrees of Marsh and Hocevar
Fit Freedom (1985)
5.16 Calculated values of Visual Merchandising Elements of SEM
This is the model that comes from the theoretical model of the confirmatory
factor analysis. Fitness Index Goodness, Modified Fitness Index, Root Mean Square
Error Approximation Comparative fit index, GFI, AGFI, RMSEA, CFI are not
recommended to the degree set by Joreskog and Sorban (1993), nor is data suggesting
the model of fit. The description of the fit indices can be found in table 5.32 below
The above table 5.33 shows the internal consistency analysis of critical
factors, which includes the original number of items (63) from various visual
merchandising elements, out of which 22 questions were sustained.
Fig 5.3: Standardized Estimates: Modified Structural Equation Model for Visual
Merchandising Elements (Store Displays, Window Display, Store Atmospherics,
Signage, and Store Layout)
The fitness test for SEM is used to check whether the specified variable is
appropriate for the model. This calls for the acceptance of H0, which means that the
complete hypothesized model suits well (H0). In this regard, we are looking for a
probability result higher than 0.05.The result from SEM shows the · 2 value of 694.8,
a p-value of 0.324 with 180 degrees of freedom. This outcome supports the H0 that
the SEM fits well. The p-value is considerably high (P-value 0.05), which means that
the overall model with the data is well supported. In addition, other statistical
structural indices such as the fit index (GFI 0.927), Bentler comparative fit scale (CFI
0.097), and Root Means approximation of square error (RMSEA 0.024) indicate the
fit of the model. It shows that our probability value (0.324 to0.05) and structural
modeling indices are far higher than the recommended level so that the model is seen
as well representing the data (Hair et al. 1995).
The SEM may also calculate the size and contribution of each variable to the
respective structure. All these indicators have a significant probability value (critical
ratio ≥ 2) and therefore provide statistical proof of their significant contribution to the
analysis of statistical data.
Table No 5.35 SEM Model Results
Table 5.35 shows that other indicating variables have a positive significance
on each construct. These indicators extracted from the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
for the construction of the SEM model. These extracted factors have a significant
impact on visual merchandising than the remaining variable
After taking into consideration of the results, the model can be depicted as
shown in the below figure 5.4.
Fig 5.4: Result of Path analysis
From the above figure, it can be observed that convenience with a beta value
of 0.895 has the maximum influence on customer purchase decision .i.e. Window
display. This result highlights the importance of Window display. It is the effective
way through which the retailer can communicate the central theme of the store, also
inform the customer about the type of merchandise that the retailer sells in the store
and attracts the customer into the store. The next element with a beta score of 0.777 is
Signage, which is the second-highest influencer on the customer's purchase decision
in branded apparel stores. Signage includes all promotional signs, clearance/discount
sales signs, and directional signboards, which will inform and direct the customers
within the store. Coming to the third most influencer on customer's purchase decision
is Store–layout with a beta score of 0.712, It is evident that appropriate store-layout
makes the shopping more convenient and easy. The fourth highest influencer on
customer's purchase decision is Product –shelf position with a beta score of 0.678, this
infers that, if the merchandise display is at eye- level and easily accessible to the
customer, He/she will touch and feel the fabric that enhances the tendency of buying.
Product displays stand at fifth position with a beta score 0.461; It is an indication that
attractive merchandise display on the floor provokes positive shopping behavior. It is
followed by lighting with a beta score of 0.307, and mannequin with a beta score of
0.305 comes as the lowest influencer compared to the rest. Because as many branded
apparel stores provide appropriate lighting and mannequins are the primary display
mechanism in apparel stores. It is not surprising. However, if we compare the
influence of visual merchandising on purchase decisions in a different retail format
store, the result could be different.
As per the result obtained from the above table No: SEM model, It can be
observed that the standard β coefficients for store display elements of product display,
mannequin display, product –shelf position are 0.461, 0.305, 0.254,0.546 and 0.678
respectively, window display has the standard β coefficient values 0.895, 0.848,
0.494, 0.584. When it comes to Store atmospherics, the significant element is lighting
and has the standard β coefficient values of 0.225, 0.255, and 0.307. The other
important component is Signage and has the standard β coefficient values 0.777,
0.758, 0.531, and 0.539. The last component that has taken for the study is Store –
layout; the corresponding standard β coefficient values are 0.002, 0.093, 0.005, 0.712,
0.628, and 0.458. So from the obtained standard β coefficients for all the dimensions
of Visual merchandising, it is evident that all of them are significantly influencing the
customer's purchase decision in branded apparel stores.
The construct Store displays have been defined by the variables product
display, mannequin display, and product shelf position; they further comprises of
significant factors, i.e. (Pro_4) the products placed like a mess are considered as
cheap, with the standard β coefficient (0.461 ). It infers that the retailer/visual
merchandiser must take utmost care to display the merchandise in the neat and tidy
way; they must be displayed by using appropriate display tools, like hangers,
gondolas, and glass units, etc. premium cloths cannot be sold once if they placed like
a mess.
When it comes to Mannequin display, there are two significant factors, i.e.
(Man_11) when I see clothes with a new style or design on display; I tend to buy
them, with the standard β coefficient (0.305).
This clearly states that the dresses on the mannequins must be changed frequently so
that the customers will get some idea about the new arrivals in the store. This will
reduce the monotony of the store to improve its novelty. The second factor is
(Man_12) when I see clothes that I like on the form/mannequin in the store; I tend to
buy them, with the standard β coefficient (0.254). This reveals that the neatly dressed
mannequin helps the shopper to visualize how a particular pair appears, if it is
attractive, the customer may be influenced to purchase it.
There is one more important indicator, i.e., product shelf position; it includes
two significant factors, i.e. (Pshelf_15) I tend to buy unintended products while I am
walking in the corridors of a store, with the standard β coefficient (0.546). It discloses
that the right shelf position enhances the visibility of the merchandise that furthers
provokes customers‘ impulse purchase behavior and tempts to by unintended
merchandise as well. And (Pshelf_19) Appropriate product shelf position helps me to
make better purchase decisions, with the standard β coefficient (0.678).
It suggests that the product shelf position must be at the customer's eye level and
easily accessible to the shopper so that he/she can touch and feel the fabric and can
judge the quality of the garment that leads to a better buying decision.
As per the structural equation model tested, the construct store displays having
a positive influence on customer purchase decisions.
5.18.2 Window Displays and Customer's purchase decision:
reveals that positive shopping mood will be generated with the appropriate
illumination in the apparel store that may further help in making a purchase decision.
The third significant factor is (light_43). Proper lighting helps me compare the
merchandise I am considering buying, with the standard β coefficient (0.307). It tells
that suitable lighting provides an opportunity for the customer to compare the
displayed merchandise in terms of garment quality, style, shade, and texture with
another to make a better purchase decision.
Signage as a construct has been explained by the four major significant factors
that motivate customer purchase intention, i.e., the first one is (sign_53)Sales
/clearance sales signs encourage me to look through clothes, with the standard β
coefficient (0.777). Secondly, (sign_54) when I see a particular promotional sign, I
will look at those clothes, with the standard β coefficient (0.758). Third is (sign_56) I
tend to buy garments on special offers communicated by advertising /promotional
signs in the store, with the standard β coefficient (0.531). From these three factors,
this is imperative that different Clearance sale / promotional Signage inflate store
sales by making the shopper have a thorough check of displayed apparel. And
(sign_57) Appropriate Signage provides me with information that I believe is useful
in making daily purchasing decisions, with the standard β coefficient (0.539).
It summarizes that appropriate signboards and other Signage will inform the
customers about different offers and promotions within the store so that the shopper
can make profitable purchase decisions.
5.18.5 Store –Layout and Customer's purchase decision:
Store - Layout is another vital construct consists of six significant factors that
have a considerable effect on the purchase decision of branded apparel customers. i.e.,
(store_58), I tend to buy unintended products while trying to find a specific product,
with the standard β coefficient (0.002). (store_59)I like shopping, if I find the desired
products easily and without much search, with the standard β coefficient (0.093).
(store_60)When I go to a store, I tend to walk directly to the products I intend to buy,
with the standard β coefficient (0.005), (store_61) when I enter a shop; I tend to go to
the new arrivals section, with the standard β coefficient (0.712). (store_62)When I
enter a store, I tend to follow the store's design while I browse the store, with the
standard β coefficient (0.628). (store_63)Store layout influences my long-term
purchasing decisions (it is more likely that you purchase a particular brand or Product
several times due to good store layout), with the standard β coefficient (0.458)
It infers that the Store –Layout is also as important as the other visual
merchandising elements in influencing customer's purchase decisions. Customers will
always get delighted with easy accessibility of the required merchandise, find it easy
to pick his/her favorite clothes, systematically designed store –layout prompts the
customer to walk directly to go to the required section within the store. Furthermore
creates a long-lasting impression in the minds of the customers to stick to a particular
store or brand, which leads to store loyalty. It shows a strong linkage established
between Store –layout and shoppers' buying choice.
It is very clear that the elements of Visual merchandising, i.e., Store displays,
window display, store atmospherics, Signage, store –layout, are positively influencing
the purchase decisions of branded apparel customers in this research study.