Aristotle Logic
Aristotle Logic
Aristotle Logic Page 1 of 6
Aristotle: Logic 2/10/00 4:28 PM Page 2 of 6
Aristotle: Logic 2/10/00 4:28 PM
Demonstrative Science Page 3 of 6
Aristotle: Logic 2/10/00 4:28 PM
The material cause is the basic stuff out of which the thing is
made. The material cause of a house, for example, would include the
wood, metal, glass, and other building materials used in its
construction. All of these things belong in an explanation of the house
because it could not exist unless they were present in its composition.
Lastly, the final cause {Gk. τελος [télos]} is the end or purpose
for which a thing exists, so the final cause of our house would be to Page 4 of 6
Aristotle: Logic 2/10/00 4:28 PM
provide shelter for human beings. This is part of the explanation of the
house's existence because it would never have been built unless
someone needed it as a place to live. Page 5 of 6
Aristotle: Logic 2/10/00 4:28 PM
History of Philosophy
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