Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Faculty of Philosophy
Department of English language and literature
Master studies
Computer assisted language learning (CALL)
• Learn how to design and integrate computers into foreign language courses.
- Computer mediated
communication (CMC),
synchronous and asynchronous
(yahoo messenger, facebook,
skype, twitter
- Digital storytelling m/for/podcasting
- Podcasting
Reading Materials
Apart from the reading materials provided by the instructor, Ss are expected to
find one article related to the topic they are presenting and send it around for their
colleagues to read. In the week prior to the class, they are to post discussion questions
regarding the article and other Ss are expected to read and try to answer those questions
In class presentation (40%):
Students will prepare a presentation on a given topic and possible use of the tools
in their classroom. Students will also prepare one practical task/exercise for their
colleagues, thus implementing the presented topic.
Reflection Papers (15%):
There will be 6 articles that students are expected to read; and after that they will
write reflection papers about them. They will post their reflection paper on stream and
hand it in the assignment section. S posting the paper has the responsibility to prepare 3
discussion question...all students are obliged to participate and provide unique reply to
the questions provided. Ss participation will be monitored and awarded.
Classroom Participation and Interest (15%):
More than 2 hours absence will result in failure. Moreover, students should
actively take part in classroom discussions and tasks
Final exam (30%):
Students are expected to take final exam which will include all the topics covered
in theoretical part during classes, as well as reading assignments for discussion through
the semester.