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Institute of Graduate Studies
Mechanical Engineering

Numerical study of heat transfer aspects in cutting

tools made of Al2O3, ZrB2, TiB2 and TiN

Master of Science

Asst. Prof. Dr. Suleyman BASTURK

Istanbul, 2020
Numerical study of heat transfer aspects in cutting tools made of Al 2O3, ZrB2,
TiB2 and TiN


Kamal F. Mohammed

Mechanical Engineering

Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science


The thesis titled “Numerical study of heat transfer aspects in cutting tools made of Al2O3, ZrB2,
TiB2 and TiN” prepared and presented by Kamal F. Mohammed was accepted as a Master of
Science Thesis in Mechanical Engineering.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Suleyman BASTURK


Thesis Defense Jury Members:

Prof. Dr. Osman Ergüven VATANDAŞ Faculty of Engineering and


Istanbul Gelişim University __________________

Asst. Prof. Dr. Süleyman BAŞTÜRK Faculty of Engineering and

Natural Science,

Altınbaş University __________________

Asst. Prof. Dr. İbrahim KOÇ Faculty of Engineering and

Natural Science,

Altınbaş University __________________

I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science.

Approval Date of Institute of Graduate Studies:


I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in
accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these
rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original
to this work.

Kamal F. Mohammed

I would like to dedicate this work to my very first teacher, my mother, my first supporter and role

model, and my companion throughout the journey and my brothers. Without you, this dream would

never come true.

I might want to offer my thanks to every one of the individuals who have upheld me all through the

regularly extended periods of this voyage. I might want to thank my advisor, Asst. Prof. Dr. Suleyman

BASTURK for being my compass notwithstanding, when I believed I was lost and being in

extraordinary part in charge of the zenith of this work. I might likewise want to thank my supervisor

for his supportive exhortation, which incredibly enhanced the nature of this work. Finally, I thank this

institution for hosting me during these years, securely earning its place as my home. I am very thankful

to my mom and dad, whose values and education motivate me to keep asking questions; to my siblings

and family for their infinitely appreciated love and to my country which, although inanimate, keeps

me anchored and offers me an example of resiliency.


Numerical study of heat transfer aspects in cutting tools made of Al 2O3, ZrB2,
TiB2 and TiN

Kamal F. Mohammed

M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Altınbaş University,

Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Suleyman BASTURK


Date: November 2020

Pages: 58

In this study, the effects of heat transfer and heat flux on cutting tools with materials of Al2O3,
ZrB2, TiB2 and TiN are investigated numerically with the aid of ANSYS fluent software. The
inverse heat flux was described by a function that was concluded from the previous studies and
User Defined Functions (UDF) was utilized to define the boundary condition of the friction contact
area between the inset and the workpiece which is fabricated from the steel. The insert, shim, and
the holder experienced by the ambient temperature equals to 300 K at the beginning of the cutting
process then the heat flux was applied. The mesh was generated and regimented at the contact area
between the insert and the workpiece and the face between the insert and the holder. The numerical
model was validated with the previous study. The influence of the machining parameters for
example cutting speed and feed rate on temperature has been investigated to indicate the optimum
cutting tool and situation. The cutting tool life will be investigated versus the cutting speed for
various materials. The results show that Zirconium diboride (ZrB2) and Titanium diboride (TiB2)
have a temperature less than the aluminum oxide (Al2O3) so that the productivity will increase
with the diboride materials utilizing as cutting tool. The maximum temperature for aluminum
oxide is 1270 K while the Titanium Nitrite achieved 1092 K. The temperature increase is related

to the cutting speed. The lowest temperature was measured at a cutting speed of 180 m/min, while
the maximum temperature has been obtained at a cutting speed of 220 m/min. The optimum cutting
condition has been obtained with TiN cutting tool material at 180 m/min cutting speed and 0.138
mm/rev feed rate. Titanium diboride (TiB2) materials achieved the maximum cutting tool life
comparing to other materials.
Keywords: cutting tool, diboride material, insert, temperature distribution, heat flux, tool life.


Al2O3, ZrB2, TiB2 ve TiN'den yapılmış kesici takımların ısı transferi yönünden
sayısal çalışması

Bu çalışmada, ısı transferi ve ısı akısının Al2O3, ZrB2, TiB2 ve TiN malzemelerden üretilmiş kesici
takımlar üzerindeki etkileri ANSYS sonlu elemanlar analizi programı yardımıyla sayısal olarak
araştırılmıştır. Ters ısı akısı, önceki çalışmalardan sonuçlanan bir fonksiyonla tanımlanmış ve iç
kısım ile çelikten imal edilen iş parçası arasındaki sürtünme temas alanının sınır durumunu
belirtmek için kullanıcının belirlediği fonksiyonlar (UDF) kullanılmıştır. Kesici uç, şim ve
tutucunun deneyimlenmiş ortam sıcaklığı, kesme işleminin başlangıcında 300 K sıcaklığa eşit olup
daha sonra ısı akısı uygulanmıştır. Ağ, iç kısım ile iş parçası arasındaki temas alanında ve iç kısım
ile tutucu arasındaki yüzde oluşturulmuştur. Sayısal model bir önceki çalışma ile doğrulanmıştır.
Kesici takım ömrü, çeşitli malzemeler için kesme hızına karşı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, Zirkonyum
diborid ve Titanyum diborid’in alüminyum oksitten daha düşük sıcaklığa sahip olduğunu, böylece
kesici takım olarak kullanılan diborid malzemeleriyle verimliliğin artacağını göstermektedir.
Alüminyum oksit için maksimum sıcaklık 1300 K iken, Titanyum nitrit için 1100 K sıcaklık elde
edilmiştir. Sıcaklık artışı kesme hızına bağlıdır. En düşük sıcaklık 180 m/dak kesme hızında, en
yüksek sıcaklık da 220 m/dak kesme hızında ölçülmüştür. Optimum kesme koşulları TiN kesici
takımla 180 m/dak kesme hızında ve 0.138 mm/rev ilerleme hızında elde edilmiştir. Titanyum
diborid (TiB2) malzemeler, diğer malzemelere kıyasla maksimum kesme takımı ömrüne

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kesici takım, diborid malzeme, insert, sıcaklık dağılımı, ısı akısı, takım


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. vii

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... xvi
LIST OF SYMBOLS ................................................................................................................ xvii
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 MACHINING PROCESS ................................................................................................. 1

1.2 CUTTING PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 1

1.2.1 Cutting Tool Shape and Formation............................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Cutting Tool Types ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Required Properties of Cutting Tool Materials ............................................................ 4
1.2.4 Cutting Tool Materials Types ....................................................................................... 5 Tool steels ............................................................................................................... 5 High speed steels .................................................................................................... 5 Carbides .................................................................................................................. 5 Multilayered coatings ............................................................................................. 6 Ceramics: ................................................................................................................ 7 Diamond.................................................................................................................. 7 Cubic boron nitride (CBN): .................................................................................... 7
1.2.5 Sources of Heat Generation in Metal Cutting............................................................... 8
1.3 TOOL LIFE ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Methods for Tool Life Measurements: ....................................................................... 10
1.3.2 Factors Affecting Tool Life: ....................................................................................... 10

1.3.3 Wear Curves and Tool Life ........................................................................................ 11

1.3.4 Tool Life Method ........................................................................................................ 11
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................. 13
2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 13

2.3 CUTTING SPEED EFFECTS ON CUTTING TOOL LIFE .......................................... 27

2.4 THE NOVELTY OF THE STUDY ................................................................................ 29
3. NUMERICAL STUDY ..................................................................................................... 31
3.1 MATERIAL SELECTION .............................................................................................. 31
3.2 GEOMETRY OF THE TOOL ........................................................................................ 31
3.3 NUMERICAL METHOD ............................................................................................... 33
3.3.1 Physical Model ........................................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Meshing ...................................................................................................................... 33
3.3.3 Governing Equations .................................................................................................. 35
3.3.4 Boundary and Initial Condition .................................................................................. 37

3.4 VALIDATION ................................................................................................................ 37

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS...................................................................................... 40
4.1 TEMPERATURE VARIATION WITH TIME............................................................... 40

4.2.1 The Effect of Cutting Speed on the Temperature ....................................................... 43

4.2.2 The Effect of Feed Rate on the Temperature.............................................................. 44
4.2.3 Influence of Cutting Speed on the Cutting Tool Life ................................................. 44
4.3 TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................... 46
5. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 52
6. FUTURE STUDY .............................................................................................................. 53

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 54


Table 3.1: Specifications of the cutting tool materials. ................................................................ 31

Table 3.2: properties of workpiece and holder materials. ............................................................. 31

Table 3.3: Error percentage of average temperature and heat flux. .............................................. 35

Table 3.4: Constants parameters C and n for various materials. .................................................. 36



Figure 1.1: Photograph of cutting tool [1]. .................................................................................... 3

Figure 1.2: Sources of heat generation in metal cutting [2]. .......................................................... 8

Figure 1.3: Distribution of heat generated in machining to the chip, tool, and workpiece [21]. .... 9

Figure 1.4: Typical tool rate curves for flank wear: (a) as a function of time and (b) as a function

of cutting path [3].......................................................................................................................... 11

Figure 2.1: Influence of thermal number on the average interface temperature for natural restricted

contact [8]. .................................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 2.2: Variation of average interface temperature with cutting speed and feed per revolution

[9]. ................................................................................................................................................. 16

Figure 2.3: The measured temperature at the defined locations of the cutter without heat pipe

cooling [20]. ................................................................................................................................. 20

Figure 2.4: Heat dissipation from cutting tool by conduction to holder [35]. ............................. 26

Figure 2.5: Impact of cutting speeds at the mean and maximum temperatures in the shear and

friction zones [38]. ....................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 2.6: The influence of cutting speed and feed rate on temperatures [41]. .......................... 28

Figure 3.1: Three-dimensional model of the geometry of insert and cutting holder. ................... 32

Figure 3.2: The dimensions of the cutting tool with insert and cutting holder. ............................ 32

Figure 3.3: Dimensions of the insert and contact area between the inset and the workpiece. ...... 33

Figure 3.4: 3D of mesh generation grids. .................................................................................... 34

Figure 3.5: Elevation view of the grid generation. ....................................................................... 34

Figure 3.6: Mesh generation of the insert. .................................................................................... 35

Figure 3.7: Comparison between the numerical results and the previous studies of Brito [27] and

Ferreira [32] for the heat flux........................................................................................................ 38

Figure 3.8: Comparison between the numerical results and the previous studies of Brito [27] and

Ferreira [32] for the average temperature. .................................................................................... 39

Figure 4.1: The average temperature of the contact area during the cutting for various materials.

....................................................................................................................................................... 40

Figure 4.2: The maximum temperature of the contact area during the cutting for various materials.

....................................................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 4.3: The minimum temperature of the contact area during the cutting for various materials.

....................................................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 4.4: The relation between the temperature and the cutting speed of the cutting tool. ....... 43

Figure 4.5: The relation between the temperature and the feed-rate FR of the cutting tool for TiN.

....................................................................................................................................................... 44

Figure 4.6: the relation between the cutting tool life and cutting speed for various materials. .... 45

Figure 4.7: Contour of the temperature at 5 seconds. ................................................................... 46

Figure 4.8: Contour of the temperature at 20 seconds. ................................................................. 48

Figure 4.9: Contour of the temperature at 30 seconds. ................................................................. 49

Figure 4.10: Contour of the temperature at 40 seconds. .............................................................. 50

Figure 4.11: Contour of the temperature at 50 seconds. ............................................................... 51


Al2O3 : Aluminum oxide

ZrB2 : Zirconium diboride

TiB2 : Titanium diboride

TiN : Titanium nitrite

SEM : Scanning Electron Microscope

UDF : User Defined Function

AB : Shear-plane

BC : Interface of the tool-chip

BD : Interface of tool-workpiece

CBN : Cubic Boron Nitride

LMI : Laser Melt Injection

HVG : Hyper Velocity Gun


t : Time (s)

T : Temperature (K)

k : Thermal conductivity (W/m. K)

Cp : Specific heat (J/kg. K)

v : Cutting velocity (m/min)

q∙ : Heat flux (W/m2)

σ : Boltizman constant

FR : Feed-rate (mm/rev)

s : Second (s)
ρ : Density (kg/m3)

φ : Radiative source term

ε : Emissivity


Metal cutting at the tool – chip interface is characterized by intense contact loading. The coupling
between the thermal and mechanical loads leads to a failure of the device, especially under dry
conditions configuration, that is to say, machining without lubrication. In order to preserve the
structural integrity of the product cutter, efficient heat transfer and temperature rise at the chip-
tool interface play an important role. In general, because of the high contact strain, high
temperature, and strong friction applied to the tool-chip interface during the machining process,
interface parameters are exceedingly difficult to approximate by experimental means alone. In
order to forecast tool wear, analytical approaches may offer substantial solutions.


Machining is one of the various processes in which a piece of raw material is cut through a
controlled material removal process to a desired final shape and size. The processes that have this
common theme, controlled material removal, are often commonly referred to as subtractive
manufacturing, unlike processes of controlled material addition, known as additive manufacturing.
Exactly what the controlled component of the term entails will vary, but it almost always requires
the use of machine tools. Machining forms part of the manufacturing of many metal goods, but
may also be used with materials such as wood, rubber, ceramic and composite materials. An
individual is called a machinist who specializes in machining. A room, house, or business is called
a machine shop where machining is performed. Most of modern-day machining is carried out by
computer numerical control (CNC), in which the movement and operation of mills, lathes and
other cutting machines is controlled by computers. As the CNC system works unmanned, this
increases productivity and thereby decreases labour costs for machine shops.


Cutting is the division or opening, by the application of an acutely guided force, of a physical
entity into two or more parts. The knife and saw, or the scalpel and microtome, are commonly used
for cutting implements in medicine and science. However, if it has a hardness that is sufficiently
larger than the object being cut, and if it is applied with sufficient force, any sufficiently sharp

object is capable of cutting. When applied with adequate intensity, even liquids may be used to
sever objects.

Cutting is a phenomenon of compression and shearing and only occurs when the total stress
generated by the cutting implement exceeds the ultimate strength of the object's material being cut.
The tension produced by a cutting device is directly proportional to the force with which it is
applied and inversely proportional to the contact area. Therefore, the narrower the region (i.e., the
sharper the tool for cutting), the less force it requires to cut anything. Cutting edges are usually
seen to be thinner for cutting soft materials and sharper for tougher materials. This progression is
seen from kitchen knife to cleaver, to axe, which is a balance between the thin blade's simple
cutting action vs. power which the thicker blade's edge toughness.

1.2.1 Cutting Tool Shape and Formation

As shown in Figure 1.1, the cutting instrument consists of an insert, shim, clamp, clamp screw,
and tool holder. Inserts are independent cutting instruments of varying shapes with many cutting
sides. Thus, a square insert has eight cutting edges, and a triangular has six cutting edges. Inserts
are available with different locking methods and are normally clamped on the tool shank, which
is the preferred option since. It is indexed (rotate in it is holder) after one cutting edge is worn such
that another edge can be used. The definitions of the cutting tool geometrical parameters, which
are also valid for other types of cutting, but with some adjustments related to their features, are
examined on the example of a turning tool. Straight turning cutter consists of the cutting part with
the corner 1 and shank. Surface 2, upon which the chip flows, is called rake surface or face and
the other two surfaces facing the transient surface and the machined surface are called the major
flank 3 and the minor flank 4 respectively. The intersection of the face with major and minor flanks
forms the major cutting edge 5 and the minor cutting edge 6 respectively. For defining, specifying
and measuring angles of a cutting tool in sharpening, the two reference planes are used: the cutting-
edge plane and the reference plane. The cutting-edge plane passes through the major cutting edge,
tangent to the transient surface and cutting velocity vector. In straight turning the reference plane
contains the vectors of the axial and radial feed; it is perpendicular to the cutting velocity vector
and the cutting-edge plane. In the particular case, this plane coincides with the base of
the tool shank.

Figure 1.1: Photograph of cutting tool [1].

1.2.2 Cutting Tool Types

Reamer: A reamer is a device by which the hole opened by a drill is filled according to the required
precision. The blade material includes diamond / CBN, high-speed instrument steel, and cemented
carbide, similar to the cutting tool. The number of cutting edges varies from one to many,
depending on the hole diameter and application. In the staggered reamer, the blade is broken into
several stages, supporting multiple processes with a single reamer. Drill: A drill is a cutting tool
with a cutting edge at the tip and a discharge chip groove in the body that pierces a hole in a

Between cutting instruments, it is the most common method, with different shapes and forms for
use, from the one used at home to the one for special manufacturing. Milling machines: A milling
tool is a common term for machines with several cutting edges on a disc or cylindrical body's
exterior surface or end face; when rotating, it cuts the workpiece. It is primarily used in the milling
machine and the machining center; diamond / CBN, high-speed tool steel, and cemented carbide
are part of the blade material. An end mill is a form of milling method, too. End-mill: An end-mill

is a common term for shank style milling on the outer surface and the end face with a cutting point.
Broach: A broach is an instrument for machining the surface of a workpiece or the inner surface
of a hole in a broaching machine in which multiple cutting edges are placed around the axis of the
bar-like outer diameter of the main body in order of dimension.

1.2.3 Required Properties of Cutting Tool Materials

The cutting tool materials used for the manufacture of cutting tools, must meet the following

• High hardness, more than 3...4times higher than the hardness of the workpiece material

• Hot hardness, i.e. The ability to maintain the necessary hardness up to a certain temperature

• High wear resistance at elevated temperatures, i.e. The resistance of the cutting wedge to

• High strength and dimensional stability of the cutting wedge.

• The material must remain harder than the work material at elevated operating temperatures.
The material must withstand excessive wear even though the relative hardness of the tool-
work materials changes. The material must have sufficient toughness to withstand shocks
and vibrations and to prevent breakage. The cost and easiness of fabrication should have
within reasonable limits.

All the currently known tool materials can be divided into the following groups:

• Tool steels

• High-speed steels

• Sintered carbides

• Super-hard materials

• Abrasives.

1.2.4 Cutting Tool Materials Types Tool steels

This is a carbon and low-alloy steels. After water quenching and tempering the hardness of the
carbon steel is HRC 61...63. These steels have low cost and high processability, as well as high
strength and wear resistance. The main drawback of high carbon steels is their low heat resistance
of 200...250C. To improve the processability and cutting properties the carbon steels are alloyed
in small quantities (1...3%) with the alloying elements (chromium, silicon, manganese, tungsten,
molybdenum, vanadium, etc.). All low-alloy tool steels due to the high carbon content (0.9...1.1%)
have hardness of HRC 61...63 after the heat-treatment, good through hardenability and a somewhat
higher hot hardness (up to 250...300C). High speed steels

High Speed Steel (19265 GOST -73) differ from the tool carbon and low alloyed steels by higher
content of the alloying elements, such as tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, and vanadium. As a
result of the heat treatment the high speed steels (HSS) have high hot hardness (up to 620C) and
hardness (up to HRC 63...64) and bending strength (σb=3000...3500 MPa). Therefore, the high-
speed steel allows cutting speeds of 4...6 times higher than the speed of cutting tools made of tool
steels. Due to high toughness the HSS remains one of the most widely used tool materials to present
day. Carbides

A composition of the powders of refractory compounds. Tungsten carbides, titanium carbides,

tantalum carbides, etc., sintered with binder, mostly cobalt, at high temperatures in a vacuum or
controlled atmosphere. The share of the carbide cutting tools is currently about 55%. Due to its
high heat stability, hardness and wear resistance the cutting speed for the carbide tools is 4...5
times higher compared to the high-speed tools. However, the bending strength of carbides is
significantly (2...3 times) inferior to the high speed steel. The carbides, by its composition and
application, are conventionally divided into four main groups:

• Single-component tungsten-cobalt carbide (WC)

• Two- component titanium-tungsten carbide (TC)

• Three component titanium-tantalum-tungsten carbide (TTC)

• Tungsten-free carbides – titanium carbide and carbonatite based.

Heat stability of tungsten carbide grades is 800...850C. To improve the wear resistance and
strength of carbides, the carbide grain sizes are reduced from course to fine and to ultra-fine.
Single-component carbides are used in cutting of cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. For
cutting of steel and other materials (except titanium) the two component carbides are used. The
presence of titanium carbides increases resistance to abrasion on the rake surface of tools. Heat
stability of the carbide is 850...950C. Even greater heat stability (up to 1000C), strength and
resistance to shock loads showed the three-component carbides, which contain tantalum carbide
in addition to titanium carbides. International designation of carbides is guided by ISO 513, which
divides carbides into the six groups, with relation to the workpiece material, type of the chips
produced and other factors. Classification adopted in Russia is based on chemical composition of
the carbides. According to ISO all groups of carbides are divided into subgroups, which are
indicated by indices: 01, 10, 20... 50. The lower is the index, the thinner is the uncut chip and the
higher is the cutting speed the higher is the wear resistance of the tool material. With the index
increasing, the feed and depth of cut, as well as tool material strength increase. For example, P 05
denotes carbide used for finishing machining of steels; M 25 is for machining of stainless steels;
P 50 is for roughing machining of steels, etc. To increase life of the tools made of carbides and
high-speed steels, various wear-resistant single. Multilayered coatings

Such as titanium carbides, nitrides and carbonatites, aluminum oxide etc. gained wide application
recently. The optimum thickness of the coating is 6...10 μm for carbide inserts and 2...6 μm for
high-speed tools. Thanks to high hardness and wear resistance, chemical inertness to the material
and low thermal conductivity of the coatings, it is possible to increase the tool life in 2...5 times
and increase the cutting speed by 20...60%. In most cases, the coating is applied by PVD (physical
vapor deposition) coating method. The hardness of these coatings at any temperature is higher than
that of the coatings obtained by CVD (chemical vapor deposition) method.
6 Ceramics:

Consisting of aluminum oxide Al2O3, and produced by melting alumina (bauxite) in electric
furnaces. This type of ceramic is also called the oxide ceramic or white ceramic. It has a very high
thermal stability (up to 1400...1500C) and hardness (HRA 90 ... 92), greater than that of carbides,
allowing to cut metals at 300...600 m/min or higher. The main disadvantages of ceramics are its
low bending strength (σb=320 MPa), which is an order of magnitude smaller than the bending
strength of high-speed steel, and high strength instability. To increase strength the mineral
ceramics are introduced with various refractory compounds: oxides and carbides of tungsten,
molybdenum, titanium, etc. Thanks to these additions, as well as reinforcement by filamentary
single crystals of silicon carbide (whisker-reinforced), black ceramic compared with white ceramic
has higher bending strength (σb=560...700 MPa), stable properties, but less wear resistance.
Recently, new grades of ceramics based on silicon nitride Si3N4, the so-called gray ceramics, which
bending strength increased to 800 MPa were created. This allows to apply this ceramic not only
for finish turning of high strength steels and cast irons, but for milling as well, which is
characterized by shock loading. The group of super-hard materials includes diamond (natural and
synthetic) and cubic boron nitride (CBN). Diamond

Diamond is the hardest material in nature (4...5 times harder than tungsten carbide) and has high
thermal conductivity, low coefficient of friction, low bending strength and low ignition point
(800C). At higher temperatures the diamond is oxidized and graphitized to CO and C. The
extreme brittleness of the diamond it greatly limits its use in metalworking. One of the major
drawbacks of the diamond is its chemical affinity to iron. Therefore, the natural diamond crystals
are not use for cutting of steel, and, thus are used only for finish turning of nonferrous metals and
alloys at high cutting speeds. Cubic boron nitride (CBN):

CBN is a synthetic material with a complex diamond-like crystal lattice; it has no natural
counterpart. CBN hardness is close to diamond, but its thermal stability is higher, reaching 1200C.
CBN is chemically inert material and, therefore is suitable for cutting of metals of different
composition. Due to the high hardness and wear resistance it is used for cutting very hard materials,

hardened steels and even carbides. Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), depending on the
composition and manufacturing technology, has bending strength σb= 470...1200 MPa.

1.2.5 Sources of Heat Generation in Metal Cutting

Significant amounts of heat are emitted from the cutting point at three separate source points during
machining, as seen in Figure 1.2. The energy dissipated in plastic deformation is transformed into
heat by cutting virtually everything, allowing temperature to rise in the cutting field. This will to
some extent increase the wear of the instrument, and thus decrease the life of the instrument. In
the cutting field, water like this generation is directly linked to plastic deformation and friction
between the chip and the unit, the instrument and the workpiece, and the different cutting forces.
Since metal cutting requires a significant amount of plastic tension, almost 99% of the heat is
transmitted to the chip, cutting tool and workpiece, while more than 1% of the work is deposited
as elastic energy. The three heat producing sources are:

1. Shear-plane (AB), where the real deformation of plastic happens.

2. Interface of the tool-chip (BC) due to the tension between the tool and the chip.
3. Interface of tool-workpiece (BD), which appears on the flank surface.

Figure 1.2: Sources of heat generation in metal cutting [2].

Distribution of heat generated in machining to the chip, tool, and workpiece without heat transfer
into the surrounding environment is illustrated in Figure 1.3. It is indicated that the higher value
of heat transfer into the chip and the rest of the heat go through the cutting tool and the workpiece.

Figure 1.3: Distribution of heat generated in machining to the chip, tool, and workpiece [21].


The practical existence of every system or instrument. It can work at its expiry, but not effectively.

And it's accurate for a cutting instrument as well. The tool loses its content during use, i.e., it gets

worn out. The tool loses its productivity as wear increases. So, its life needs to be established and

it should be reground for fresh use at the end of its life. It is possible to describe the life of the

instrument in various ways:

• The time for two consecutive grinding processes has elapsed.

• The time during which an instrument cut satisfactorily.

• The cumulative time accrued until the malfunction of the instrument takes place.

1.3.1 Methods for Tool Life Measurements:

The most commonly used methods for tool life measurements are following:

• Machining Time:

Elapsed time of operation of machine tool.

• Actual Cutting Time:

The time during which the tool actually cuts.

1.3.2 Factors Affecting Tool Life:

The following factors play an important role in tool life:

• Cutting speed.
• workpiece machine-tool Rigidity system.
• Feed rate and Depth of cut.
• Workpiece grain size.
• Microstructure of workpiece.
• Tool material.
• Workpiece hardness.
• Tool geometry.
• Nature of cutting.
• Type of cutting fluid and its method of application.

The period of cutting by a new or regrinded cutting tool till its failure, or up to the maximum

permissible wear limit, is called a tool life. Except time, tool life can be defined as the area of the

machined surface, the number of parts, holes, etc. Tool life effects on the cutting process

productivity. Thus, in theory and practice of cutting, the tool life improvement is of primal concern.

1.3.3 Wear Curves and Tool Life

The relationship between the sum of flank wear (rake) and the cutting time and the average length
of the cutting path is demonstrated by tool wear curves. Using the effects of cutting experiments,
these curves are interpreted in linear coordinate systems, where flank wear VBB max is measured
after certain time intervals (Figure 1.4(a)) or after a certain cutting path length (Figure 1.4(b)). On
such curves, there are normally three distinctive regions that can be observed. The area of main or
original wear is the first area. In this area, the relatively high wear rate (increased tool wear per
unit time or cutting path length) is explained by accelerated wear of the tool layers weakened
during processing or resharpening. The region of steady-state wear is the second region. For the
cutting instrument, this is the usual operational area. The third region is referred to as the region
of tertiary or rapid wear. In this region, accelerated tool wear is usually accompanied by elevated

Figure 1.4: Typical tool rate curves for flank wear: (a) as a function of time and (b) as a function
of cutting path [3].

1.3.4 Tool Life Method

It is possible to base machinability on the calculation of how long a tool last. When comparing
materials that have identical properties and power consumption, this may be beneficial, but one is
more abrasive and therefore limits the life of the instrument. The main weakness of this method is
that the life of the tool relies on more than just the material it is machining; other variables include
material for cutting tools, geometry of cutting tools, state of the unit, clamping of cutting tools,
speed of cutting, feed, and cutting depth. Even, it is not feasible to compare the machinability for
one type of instrument with another type of instrument. Economic tool life is the lowest running
expense. Tool life for efficiency-the tool’s productivity is the highest regardless of the cost of
service. A material's machinability ranking seeks to measure the machinability of different
materials. It is expressed as a normalized value or ratio. Machinability Rating= (Speed of
machining the workpiece giving 60 min of tool life) / (speed of machining the standard metal) In
accordance with the Taylor tool life equation, machinability ratings may be used:

v tn = C

where v is the cutting velocity, t is the time in minutes, and C and n are constants.



The high-temperature values disturb the performance and quality of numerous engineering
processes such as the machining process in which cutting tool has high temperature. This leads to
change tool physical properties and microstructure during machining. The disadvantages of those
changes represent in reduction of material resistance of mechanical stresses so that performance
and lifespan of cutting tool decrease. The processing impacts increase the operation cost and
decrease the products quality. The study of heat flux as well as the temperature at different
machining parameters can be useful for efficient cooling systems development and determining
the optimum operation parameters.


Valvo et al. [4] studied a multiple method to estimate the temperatures in the ceramic tools cutting
process. He evaluated the temperature lines with 3D cutting approach experimentally by applying
constant melting point powders dispersed on planes parallel to rake face. Numerical analysis was
completed to determine the percentage of heat transferred to the cutting tool during the operation
and the temperature distribution of the insert and cutting holder. Temperature distribution was
examined with SEM microscopy to confirm the numerical results. The results showed that at
cutting speed equals to 11 m/s metal appeared in the fractures of the inserts so that the cutting
temperatures exceeded 1540 oC.

Ay and Yang [5] performed the simultaneous and integrated measurement of temperature
distribution through calibration against thermocouples, he used an infrared thermographic system.
Using two kinds of tool inserts, four different workpieces were milled to determine the temperature
distribution of the carbide inserts under different conditions and how heat transfer can impact the
wear of the tool. In addition, at the post-cutting point, there was an optical and electronic
microscope used for microscopic inspection of tool surfaces. The results revealed that in ductile
fabrics, with a 0.05 mm/rev feed and 0.25 mm cutting depth, the critical value of cutting speeds
for the phase of transition from mechanical to diffusion wear is lower at 2 m/s. In the mechanical
wear zone, the rate of reduction in tool life is higher and in the diffusion wear zone, it is slower.

Chip geometry may cause a zigzag variation in the temperature of the steady state regarding the
rate of material removal for a change in cast iron and copper feed. The research sheds light on the
roughness influences of surfaces that are cut with a hard tool and can thus act as the first step in
surface machining investigations.

Kharkevich et al. [6] studied the heat flux transfer in the cutting instrument for orthogonal steady-
state cutting. In order to determine tool temperature distributions from various heat flux transfer
conditions, the process requires an iterative method. The distributions of temperature measured
from this approach have been contrasted with the distributions obtained experimentally. A
coincidence of the experimental and theoretical temperature distributions meant that the model
selected for heat flux was suitable. It was clear that the average temperatures derived from climate
simulations, which differ greatly from those derived, were based on experimental measurements.
Thus, if precise forecasts are needed, the consequence of the uniqueness of heat flux transfer in
the cutting tool must be considered by these models.

Pfefferkorn et al. [7] studied and validated comprehensive thermo-mechanical model for Laser-
assisted machining. A transient, three-dimensional heat transfer model that integrates relevant
physical characteristics of the processes of heating and material removal has been developed and
projections have been matched with surface temperature background measurements for rotating
workpieces of cylindrical silicon nitride. The experiments and predictions showed that for the
laser-tool traverse distance of this sample, near-laser, quasi-stable conditions are not attainable,
thus requiring characterization of the process as time-dependent. As rotational speed rises due to
the influence of increasing circumferential advection, the peak temperature at the place of the
measurement increases slightly. As the laser power decreases, the laser-tool lead gap decreases
and/or the laser / tool transmitting speed rises, the volume of energy deposition decreases within
the unmachined workpiece, thus decreasing the temperature.

Grzesik and van Luttervelt [8] researched the thermal effects associated with Multilayers coatings
in orthogonal cutting. For given machining specifications, the thermal number used is an essential
factor supporting the design of coated grooved tools. The findings revealed that maintaining the
contact temperature below the recommended values for the coatings added is most significant. In
particular, the avoidance of tension should be based on a professional reduction in contract length.
As seen in Figure 2.1, the contact length can also be easily used to monitor the heat flux and
thermal load of the tool-chip interface. The data obtained from these tests can be connected via the
Technology Network to an internet database for dry cutting to help the correct choice of coatings
at the optimum contact temperature.

Figure 2.1: Influence of thermal number on the average interface temperature for natural
restricted contact [8].
Lazoglu and Altintas [9] predicted the tool and chip temperature in continuous and interrupted
machining The findings revealed that with each of these discretized machining cycles, Steady-
state chip and tool temperature fields were calculated. Time constants for each distinct machining
interval is calculated based on thermal properties and boundary conditions. An algorithm to
calculate the transient temperature fluctuations in disrupted turning and milling operations was
presented by understanding the steady-state temperature and time constants of the discretized first
order heat transfer method. Simulations were conducted under varying cutting conditions for
various materials. The findings were well correlated with experimentally determined temperatures
for continuous and interrupted machining processes as seen in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Variation of average interface temperature with cutting speed
and feed per revolution [9].
Fanghong et al. [3] studied the high-speed milling process with a three-dimensional inverse heat-
transfer model to determine the heat flux and temperature distribution on the tool-workpiece
interface based on the calculated temperature data. A series of experiments were carried out to
validate this model in order to obtain the surface temperature data of the workpiece with the aid of
the infrared thermometer and the temperature of the tool-workpiece interface with an integrated
artificial thermocouple. The complex properties of cutting temperature have been extensively
tested in high-speed aluminum alloy milling. The findings of the computational simulation showed
that minor errors occurred when comparing heat flux values derived from the model and from
functional experiments. In the high-speed milling of aluminum alloy, a crucial cutting speed
occurs. For various cutting conditions, the importance of this critical speed is distinct. If the spindle
speed increases, the heat flux flowing through the workpiece increases. The increase in heat flux
flowing into the workpiece will decrease when the cutting speed exceeds the critical speed.

Brookes et al. [10] observed under varying laboratory temperatures, the functions of binder phase
structure, volume fraction and CBN grain size in the hardness of CBN cutting tools. A variation

in the hardness regulating process is found in the products containing TiC and TiN at temperatures
below 0.4 Tm. The change in mechanism is shown to be representative of the brittle-ductile
transformation by contrast with evidence from the soft impression technique. This implies that the
technique of soft impression is an important instrument that can be used efficiently in conjunction
with more established methods. The use of Ito-Shishok in plots for metals and single crystal
materials gives strong signs of improvements in the mechanism of deformation. This is not,
however, the case with composite materials, such as those used in this work. Further work would
be required to determine the activation energies associated with the deformation mechanisms in
order to explain the deformation mechanisms which occur in these materials. It will then be
possible to compare with the activation energies of the constituent materials and to ascertain the
relationship of the constituent parts within these composite materials.

Melkote et al. [11] modeled the cutting tool temperatures in the rotary tool turning of hardened
steel. A good agreement was found between the temperature distribution predicted and measured
along the cutting edge. The model can, therefore, be used to provide a good understanding of the
cutting temperature during a rotating tool cycle. Due to the spinning motion, the self-propelled
rotary tool process provides a cooling cycle for the cutting edge and could, therefore, have a
positive effect on lowering the temperature of the instrument. Results provided in this investigation
support this statement and this drop in temperature is promising for future studies of the rotary
tool's wear behavior. Battaglia et al. [12] presented an analytical solution of heat diffusion in a
coated tool, to model and to quantify the thermal influence of a coating, without considering its
tribological influence. Moreover, the heat flux entering into the substrate is analyzed taking into
account the thermophysical properties of the deposit and its thickness. It was found out that the
tribological phenomena at the tool-chip interface is the key reason why variations in the heat flux
transferred to a substratum are clarified.

Grzesik [13] used the AdvantEdge Lagrangian finite element code to create a plane-strain
orthogonal metal cutting model of a coupled thermo-mechanical finite element with continuous
chip forming generated by uncoated plane-faced and differently coated carbide instruments. The
results of the FEM and empirical simulations, for both uncoated and three-layered coated
materials, have been shown to have very appropriate and mechanically checked tests for cutting
temperature values and distributions. However, by changing the friction parameter and heat

partition to coated instruments with actual thicknesses, the optimal result can possibly be obtained
(in this study, they were based on vendor data and not on calculation using, for example,
microscopy scanning. The simulations of finite elements were conducted to show the presence and
localization of the secondary shear zone and workpiece. Also, the substrate under the thin coating
is visibly cooler in comparison to uncoated tools.

Filice et al. [14] used an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach to model orthogonal cutting
process and numerical simulations, experimental experiments were performed to classify cutting
forces and internal tool temperatures. A mild steel was cut using an uncoated tool (WC) as well as
a coated tool (TiN). A consistent model of the global heat transfer coefficient was developed at
the tool-workpiece interface based on both experimental and simulative results, as a function of
local pressure and temperature.

Arif et al. [15] studied laser treatment of the cutting tool for cemented tungsten carbide. Using the
FEM ANSYS code, the production of thermal stress in the instrument is modelled and numerically
predicted. An experiment is carried out during the laser treatment process to analyses the structural
changes in the tool material. In the region next to the surface area, the temperature gradients in
titanium and tantalum carbides are found to be greater than in tungsten carbide. Due to the broad
temperature gradient, thermal expansion and consequent thermal strain creation results in
excessive von-Mises stress levels in this region. In the tungsten carbide example, the magnitude
of the stress level is lower than that of titanium and tantalum carbides. In the high stress
concentration zone, crack formation is possible. This state is also observed from the experiment;
in this situation, extended cracks are caused over the treated surface.

Kountanya [16] investigated transient instrument temperatures for disturbed machining systems.
Heat convection from outside surfaces was part of the functional solution strategy for the Green.
The results revealed that modulation decreased the cutting temperature more dramatically at a
higher modulation level. Heat conduction over convection into the atmosphere dominated the
system, however. It was observed that the instantaneous uncut chip thickness lags at the peak
temperature, meaning that modulation would potentially alter the thermal softening of the cutting
instrument in continuous cutting without a concomitant decrease in the rate of material removal.
The same model of tool temperature applied to face molding indicated that only at the exit of the
cut was the highest temperature. There have been deliberately designed hard-facing studies that
differ the magnitude and length of the disruption. The valuable results of lower temperatures due
to a minor disruption is indicated by data on tool life. Carvalho et al. [17] studied the effects of
heat in cutting tools, taking into account the difference in coating thickness and heat flux. The K10
and the diamond substrates were used with TiN and Al2O3 coatings. The numerical approach
makes use of the program ANSYS. Boundaries and constant physical thermal conditions. The
properties of the solids involved in the numerical analysis are known. The experiments are used to
test the suggested technique. After a continuous cut, the TiN and Al2O3 coatings did not produce
satisfactory results. The heat flux for the 10 (μm) TiN and Al2O3 coatings showed a marginal

Noor et al. [18] studied laser treatment of the cutting tool for cemented tungsten carbide. Using
the FEM ANSYS code, the production of thermal stress in the instrument is modelled and
numerically predicted. An experiment is carried out during the laser treatment process to analyses
the structural changes in the tool material. In the region next to the surface area, the temperature
gradients in titanium and tantalum carbides are found to be greater than in tungsten carbide. Due
to the broad temperature gradient, thermal expansion and consequent thermal strain creation results
in excessive von-Mises stress levels in this region. In the tungsten carbide example, the magnitude
of the stress level is lower than that of titanium and tantalum carbides. In the high stress
concentration zone, crack formation is possible. This state is also observed from the experiment;
in this situation, extended cracks are caused over the treated surface. The findings of XRD suggest
that nitride compound formation occurs in the laser-treated area. Cobalt molten flux from the soil
below to the free surface is filled by the partly evaporated area on the surface. This increases the
concentration of cobalt on the soil.

Noor et al. [19] studied the dry cutting or dry machining has become an ever more necessary
approach; no coolant or lubricant is used in dry machining. This paper addressed the impact of dry
cutting on cutting force and tool life while using two separate coated carbide cutting tools (TiAlN
and TiN / MT-TiCN / TiN) in the aerospace materials machining. The surface-response method
has been used to minimize the number of experiments. TiAlN Swarm Optimization models have
been developed to optimize the machining parameters (cutting speed, federate, and axial depth)
and to obtain the optimal cutting force and durability. Compared with TiN / MT-TiCN / TiN, it is
found that carbide cutting tool coated with TiAlN worked better in dry cutting. On the other side,

using 100 percent water-soluble coolant, TiAlN performed higher. The cutting tool still needed
lubricant to support the heat transfer from the workpiece because of the high temperature created
by the aerospace materials.

Chen et al. [20] tested a cooling method for a heat pump to decrease the cutter 's temperature
Through the cutting test, the dry turning temperature of AISI-1045 steel at the specified cutter
locations was obtained. The finite-difference approach and an inverse procedure were used to
determine the tool-chip interface temperature. It has been observed that the tool-chip interface
temperature and effective heat flux of the cutter would increase with the rise in cutting speed. The
tool chip interface temperature may be lowered via the heat pipe cooling. The temperature decrease
was more apparent at greater cutting speeds. The calculated temperature at the specified positions
of the cutter without heat pipe cooling as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: The measured temperature at the defined locations of the cutter without heat pipe
cooling [20].
Kálazi et al. [21] measured the machinability (after making a cutting tool from it) and also the
efficiency of a steel matrix (TiW) C reinforced surface nano-composite developed by the in situ
Laser Melt Injection (LMI) process on a cheap steel matrix as a cutting tool. The results showed
that the surface nano-composites of Steel-matrix (105WCr6 steel) with (TiW) C micron-sized and
(FeW) 6C nano-sized carbide precipitates were produced with subsequent heat treatment by in situ
laser melt injection technology. The material produced has all the properties that need to be
classified as cutting material. Our in situ LMI technology is an alternative technology to the
processes of PVD which CVD and can be used to improve / increase low-alloy steel performance.
The machinability of a cubic boron nitride (CBN) wheel for the LMI nano-composite was found
to be lower, but still reasonable compared to the initial matrix. After grinding the LMI nano-
composite sample, the surface of the CBN wheel was found polluted by Ti. The following optimum
cutting conditions are recommended in order to reduce grinding wheel surface contamination: V
= 25 m/s, vf = 1–2 m/min, f = 0.01–0.02 mm/pass. Compared to the original Hyper Velocity Gun
(HVG) matrix, cutting instruments constructed from LMI nano-composite by the CBN wheel were
found to have greater wear resistance and longer tool life against a C45 steel workpiece. The LMI
nano-composite material also produced less cutting power compared to the original HVG steel
under equal cutting conditions.

Martan and Beneš [22] presented an experimental study of thermal conductivity and volumetric
specific heat of different coatings in the range from room temperature to 500 ◦C. The coatings
under investigation were TiN, TiAlCN, TiAlN, AlTiN, TiAlSiN and CrAlSiN. The thermal
properties were measured using the pulsed photo-thermal radiometry method. The thermal
conductivity of the coatings under investigation varied from 2.8 to 25 (W/m. K) and increased with
the rise in temperature. The lowest thermal conductivity was observed for the CrAlSiN coating.
Haddag and Nouari [23] studied the wear and heat transfer analyses in dry machining based on
multi-steps numerical modeling and experimental validation. It has been shown that this is not
necessary only with this thermomechanical calculation to obtain heat diffusion into the insert up
to embedded thermocouples within acceptable Processor time. The measurement of the thermal
load applied to the tool rake face was made possible by using the contact strain, interface sliding
velocity, and contact area obtained from the first stage of the calculation. The thermal analysis
carried out with the third stage FE model allows the temperature and heat flux fields in the insert
to be obtained and their evolution over a couple of seconds of cutting time (approximately 5 s).
The cutting duration of the machining test corresponds to this moment.

Ogawa et al. [24] used the See beck effect that happens between a carbon fiber and a tool material,
the cutting point temperature was determined and then the impact of a cutting speed on the
temperature of the cutting point was calculated. Secondly, using the embedded K-type
thermocouple in the work-piece, the temperature transition within the surface layer of CFRP is

determined. When laminating the prepregs, these K type thermocouple wires were embedded and
cured in the autoclave for the development of the CFRP layer. Since the thermal conductivity of
the CFRP is very low (i.e. 1.0 W/m K) relative to other metals, the transformation of the CFRP
cutting temperature varies radically from that of metals. To explain the surface defect created by
the cutting operation, the machined surface was also examined by the scanning electron
microscope (SEM). The results showed that CFRP plate milling was performed using solid
cemented carbide endmill and temperature measurements using three types of measurement
methods, namely cutting point temperature measured by the tool-work-piece thermocouple
method, endmill surface temperature measured with an infrared thermograph camera, and
machined surface layer temperature measured by the tool-work-piece thermocouple method. This
pattern depends on the low CFRP thermal conductivity and the change for intermittent cutting in
the time period of the milling process. At the cutting speed of 300 m/min, the measured
temperature did not reach the glass-transition temperature of the matrix resin. When inspecting the
machined surface by SEM, the matrix resin of the machined surface was not disrupted, even though
the cutting speed was as high as 300 m/min. The effect of the temperature elevation at the cutting
point on the machined layer remains minimal and slight at such high cutting speeds. As a
consequence, it was proposed that high-speed cutting of up to 300 m/min on CFRP milling was
acceptable in terms of productivity and machining quality under the cutting conditions used.

Cheng et al. [25] studied the temperature distribution with a cooling system in a smart cutting tool
process by measuring the cooling fluid temperature at the inlet and outlet passes. They investigated
the efficiency of the micro-cooling construction and the possibility of measuring and controlling
the cutting temperature experimentally and numerically. The results showed that the increase of
the flow rate leads to a decrease in the resolution of the tool as a temperature sensor. It is indicated
that there is a high accuracy with utilizing the numerical prediction model. The suggested micro-
internal structure decreases the cutting tool temperature during the process. The new design and
cooling solution are suggested for machining of different materials such as titanium and
composites. Deiab et al. [26] studied investigated the temperature distribution on the cutting insert
with cooling by dry air at room temperature numerically. Minimum quantity of lubrication of the
cutting tool as internal cooling studied in this study. Results showed that increasing the velocity
of air, forced convection can be achieved and simulated to study the tool temperature distribution.
In the metal cutting process to design a CFD model, conduction and convection are treated as
major heat transfer modes. However, there is a need to explore the role of radiation heat transfer
mode in the metal cutting CFD simulations.

Carvalho et al. [27] investigated the temperature field in the insert, shim, and cutting-holder and
the heat flux estimation at the cutting interface. A significant improvement in the technique to
estimate the heat flux and temperatures in a machining process was presented in this work. The
use of COMSOL for the numerical solutions of differential equations that control the physics is
effective. It is possible to adjust any boundary conditions and model the geometry.

Guo et al. [28] examined the dry cutting and cutting fluid with dissimilar fluid pressure (pouring,
3-6 MPa) for CGI machining to explore the impact of fluid pressure on wear of the tool at different
cutting speeds (100-300 m/min). To explore the better cooling and lubrication results, the cutting
fluid is jetted directly over the race face and flank face of the cutting instrument. Wear instrument
morphologies that have been studied using a 3D view device or SEM. Influences of difference in
fluid pressure on cooling and cutting fluid lubricants in machining are discussed. The findings
revealed that the fluid's high-pressure jetting along the rake face would also minimise flank wear.
However, the wear-reducing effect of high-pressure jetting along the rake face on the flank side of
the instrument is weaker, close to that of high-pressure jetting along the flank face.

Di et al. [29] investigated in end milling taking into account the real friction condition on the tool-
chip interface and the temperature lowering process, a new analytical model for predicting the
cutting tool temperature. Both the computer simulation using the suggested analytical model and
the physical cutting experiment was conducted with separate cutting parameters, and the two
findings indicate strong agreement. The experimental findings show that the temperature of the
instrument increases with the feed per tooth but decreases with the speed of cutting. In order to
avoid unnecessary tool wear in end milling, the current theoretical model for cutting tool
temperature estimation can be further improved and then used to improve the cutting state. A better
litter than high-pressure fluid cutting jetting along the flank face of the cutting tool, high-pressure
fluid cutting jetting along the rake face has a beneficial effect on minimising the rake face tool.
The key method of carrying a tool on the rake and flank face is chipping and adhesive wear if no
cutting fluid is used in CGI machining. Abrasion influences the wear on the rake and flank face of
the cutting tool while high-pressure cutting fluid is used. High pressure fluid cutting cooling is a

heat convection forced loop that is determined by fluid velocity, fluid pressure, fluid density, and
other parameters.

Pabla et al. [30] suggested a number of measures and techniques for improved machinability of
Ti6Al4V alloy. A variety of steps and strategies for enhancing Ti6Al4V alloy machinability have
een proposed. In accordance with technological and economic considerations, the most effective
steps and strategies are inferred as follows: low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity
with the cutting tool are the most influential criteria for limiting Ti6Al4V machinability. In Ti6Al4V
machining, the cutting tool is found to wear equally at high cutting speeds at both the flank and
crater due to high heat accumulation at the tool tip and adhesion to the serrated chips, respectively.
Due to the absence of elevated cutting temperatures at the tool chip interface, crater wear is
observed to cease at lower cutting rates. The most fitting are the WC instruments with 6 percent
cobalt as a binder with a grain size between 0.8 and 1.4 μm. While diamond inserts perform better
in chemical inertness than CBN instruments, WC tools make them the choice for machining
titanium alloys due to their satisfactory low and medium speed performance as well as their cost-
effectiveness. Although the Ti6Al4V workpiece reaction with the WC cutting tool results in a
degradation in the life of the tool due to the accumulation of carbides, the inclusion of nitrides
during machining is favoured for decreased wear of the tool. Thus, for high-speed machining of
Ti6Al4V alloys, coated WC tools are favoured, with TiAlN, AlTiN, AlCrN, NbN and TiAlSiN
coatings suggested for better tool life and increased wear resistance. Both higher and lower
thermally conductive coatings than Ti6Al4V was considered to boost tool life, taking into account
the thermal conductivity of coating materials. It is proposed to change multilayer coatings with
high adhesion content as the lower layer and rough and durable content as the upper layer.
Therefore, a variety of conflicting hypotheses prevail that need to be justified concerning different
cutting conditions for the correct wear process. It is important to create a more appropriate coating
that will help mitigate sudden tool loss. Cryogenics are recommended as pre- and post-coating
treatment strategies for extending tool longevity. Due to improved microstructure and uniform
grain distribution, cryogenic treatment of the tool material before and after coating has resulted in
improved wear resistance and mechanical properties. It has resulted in the development of a more
stable microstructure in the case of WC instruments, i.e. the Ø process, refining of particle
boundaries and increase of thermal conductivity. The lubrication effect of LN 2 as well as rapid

heat travel was considered to be useful in increasing the life of the instrument in cryogenic

Yang et al. [31] investigated the heat transfer and flow shape of high-speed cutting machining with
viscous coolant fluid and air and compared the temperature gradient in the two cases. The results
showed that the temperature gradient increase with the rise of Pr number with the coolant fluid
comparing to natural air convection. They finished the heat transfer model that can be useful for
understanding cooling process characteristics.

Magalhães et al. [32] investigated the highest, minimum, and average temperatures for the contact
area between the ship and the insert. For validation of the results, comparing the heat flux of this
study and the heat flux of other works was applied. They studied the temperature variation of
coated carbide tools throughout the thicknesses. The results indicated that the coated carbide
cutting tool presented higher temperatures for the flux contact area than the uncoated carbide tool.
It is indicated that the increase of thicknesses has more effect on the cemented carbide . It can be
concluded that the Al2O3 coating is better than TiN because of the low thermal conductivity value
and protective for the cutting tool concerning heat. Cutting tool and increase the temperature of
the contact area. The coated and uncoated carbide cutting tools presented a peak difference in the
cutting region of 12.7 °C for the TiN and 75.5 °C for the Al2O3.

Molnar et al. [33] investigated a method to determine the contact length during the cutting process
experimentally and numerically. Theoretical expressions with orthogonal cutting test and FE
simulations were introduced. The results showed a good agreement between the FE simulations
and the Lee and Shaffer model of contact length based on the Minimum Energy Principle (MEP)
shear angle model. Parida and Maity [34] discovered an easy and simple model for heating the
work-piece by flame heating with study. They studied the influences of speed of cutting, feed rate,
and temperature on cutting force and specific energy. Nickel base alloy was examined in room
temperature and high-temperature conditions during the turning process with the aid of deform
software. A respectable correlation between the numerical and experimental results was achieved.
The results indicated that the energy of performing the machining process and cutting force in the
case of hot processing is less than the case of room temperature conditions. Therefore, the shear
stress with heating reduce gradually.

Vajdi et al. [35] studied the heat transfer, temperature distribution, and maximum temperature for
cutting processes in diboride-based materials such as HfB2, ZrB2, and TiB2 as well as HfB2–20
vol% SiC, ZrB2–20 vol % SiC and TiB2–20 vol% SiC composites. The results indicated that the
rising slope of temperature for HfB2 is higher than those of ZrB2 and TiB2 where the lowest
maximum temperatures were achieved for ZrB2–SiC and TiB2–SiC composites materials that
leads to increase the cutting speed as seen in Figure 2.4. Maximum temperature reduces with SiC
addition in all cases of diborides which causes an increase in cutting speed and efficiency.

Figure 2.4: Heat dissipation from cutting tool by conduction to holder [35].
Zhang et al. [36] investigated a new drilling technology with ultra-high-speed diamond drilling
which can accomplish high rates of penetration with lower energy and load. ABAQUS program
was used to investigate the effect of ultra-high cutting speed on the cutting heat and rock breaking
performance of a single cutter. It is indicated that the heat flux and specific energy drop with the
increase of the rotary speed at cutting speed exceeds equals to 8 m/s. Fernandes et al. [37] studied
thermal conductivity enhancement of a novel cemented carbide cutting tool during the design and
building processing. In specified strategic areas, this concept integrates copper heat sinks,
produced using advanced laser green lightweight machining. For WC-Co/Cu, a thermal
conductivity of 127 W/m. K, considerably higher than that of WC-Co (36 W/m. K), was obtained.

This approach to obtaining WC-Co/Cu cutting instruments has been found to be successful in
raising thermal conductivity locally, especially in the vicinity of the cutting field.

Xia and Gillespie [38] studied the thermal distribution of the workpiece tool chip device in a
thermal equilibrium state and in a quasi-static fashion. For this quasi-static model, two particular
problems were approached innovatively. Firstly, a pair of translationally periodic limits were used
to model the shear plane in the shear field, which preserves temperature smoothness and velocity
discontinuity without the need for extra-ordinary mesh refinement. Secondly, the heat flux was
avoided by using straight chip boundaries because of the non-realistic material flow crossing the
air-material boundaries. The relationship between the temperature and cutting speed was clarified
in Figure 2.5 for the friction and shear field.

Figure 2.5: Impact of cutting speeds at the mean and maximum temperatures in the shear and
friction zones [38].


Motorcu [39] examined the wear of cutting tools such as the KY1615, KY4400, CBN / TiC cutting
instruments for turning hardened steels under various conditions . In order to figure out the
successful wear process, the worm surfaces of the cutting tools were analyses by the scanning
electron microscope (SEM). In addition, the impacts on the tool life of cutting parameters and tool

hardness have been studied. With these cutting instruments, the surface roughness of hardened
steels was also investigated. The lowest surface finish, which is about 0.884 μm, was provided by
the CBN / TiC cutting instrument. The worst surface finish, however, was provided by the KY4400
cutting tool. Raja Durai et al. [40] studied the effect of the different forms of wear on the tool life
of ceramic cutting tools based on alumina. For this reason, the use of alumina-based ceramic
cutting tools while martensitic stainless steel was used to conduct comprehensive tool wear tests.
The tool life of SiC whisker strengthened alumina ceramic cutting tools is influenced at a lower
speed by flank wear, but at a higher speed by crater wear. In machining martensitic stainless steel,
Ti [C, N] mixed alumina ceramic cutting tools have a significantly longer tool life than most
alumina-based ceramic cutting tools.

Isik et al. [41] analyzed the effects of the temperature cutting velocity, the feed rate and the cutting
depth. The heat distribution in the cutting tool, tool-chip interface, and workpiece provided
valuable information regarding optimizing chosen cutting parameters. It was concluded that the
cutting speed was the parameter that influenced the tool-chip interface temperature the most. The
effect of the feed rate was not important. Both parameters have similar effects on the instrument’s
temperature. Significant improvements in the form and curvature of the chip were also noticed as
the cutting speed increased. A 3-D finite element simulation model was also developed for the
replication of the temperature based on the predicted heat over the tool-chip touch area, as seen in
Figure 2.7. Broad agreement was discovered between the temperature values obtained by the finite
component and the experimental findings, suggesting that the FEM heat distribution model was
deliberately designed for future use.

Figure 2.6: The influence of cutting speed and feed rate on temperatures [41].

Oganyan et al. [42] researched performance enhancement of end milling of titanium alloys Instead
of instruments with multilayered composite nano-structured coatings Zr-ZrN-(Zr, Al)N and Zr-
ZrN-(Zr,Cr, Al)N. The findings revealed that the brittle fracturing of the coating on the rake face
and severe delamination’s with large torn-off fragments of the coatings is common for the
instruments with the Ti-TiN and Ti-TiN-(Ti, Al)N coatings, and this may suggest extreme
adhesive-fatigue and inter-diffusion processes. The considerably more balanced wear process is
common for the instruments with Zr-ZrN-(Zr, Al)N and Zr-ZrN-(Zr, Cr, Al)N coatings, the coating
on the rake face usually maintains its integrity, and abrasive wear is more noticeable. It can be
inferred that zirconium nitride based multilayered composite nanostructured coatings can be
effectively applied as wear-resistant coatings in the final milling of titanium alloys.

Salonitis and Kolios [43] explored for the remaining life of the cutting instruments based on
sophisticated approximation techniques, a novel reliability estimation methodology. For the
representation of flank wear as a function of process parameters and cutting powers, an
approximation model is used that is based on a reaction surface and a proxy model. The interaction
of cutting forces with flank wear is experimentally explored for the creation of this model. The
findings demonstrate that, based on a minimal number of experimental runs, the suggested
approach is an optimal method for determining the efficiency of the cutting instrument.
Experimental verification of the titanium milling case supports the results of the current report.


From the above-mentioned previous literature review, it is indicated that many papers studied the
temperature distribution in cutting tool experimentally with the aid of COMSOL software. Also,
some researchers investigated the effect of heat flux and the maximum temperature on cutting tools
for Al2O3 and steel. ANSYS software wasn’t utilized for study temperature distribution. In
addition, fewer papers studied the cutting of diboride materials.

Therefore, in this study, a numerical approach by ANSYS software for the first time will be utilized
to study the temperature distribution and heat transfer parameters in cutting tool fabricated from
Aluminum-Oxide, Zirconium Diboride, Titanium Diboride and Titanium Nitrite. The effect of
changing the type of the material of the cutting tool will be investigated on four materials. The
heat transfer characteristics and temperature distribution to determine the minimum, maximum,

and optimum values of the temperature of the cutting tool have been investigated. The effect of
the cutting speed on the temperature of the cutting process will be investigated while the speed
will be varied from 180 to 220 m/min and feed rate will be studied with three different values
(0.138, 0.277, and 0.554 mm/rev). The study of cutting tool life with the different materials will
be introduced. An optimization will be performed to determine the superlative cutting tool and the
machining parameters.



In this research, the temperature and heat flux distribution in cutting tool processing four materials
of Al2O3, ZrB2, TiB2 and TiN have been examined. Two diboride materials will be utilized as
they have good properties such as wear-resistance and withstand against ultra-high temperatures
as seen in Table 3.1. The workpiece and the holder are made from the AISI1045
steel with properties as stated in

Table 3.2.

Table 3.1: Specifications of the cutting tool materials.

Material Chemical Density ρ Thermal Specific heat

form (kg/m3) conductivity k CP (J/kg. K)
(W/m. K)
Aluminum oxide Al2O3 3950 12 651

Zirconium diboride ZrB2 6080 18 587

Titanium diboride TiB2 4520 24 554

Titanium nitrite TiN 5400 27 327

Table 3.2: properties of workpiece and holder materials.

AISI1045 steel properties Magnitude Unit

Density 7870 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity 51.9 W/m. K
Tensile strength 585 MPa
Yield strength 450 MPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.29


Figure 3.1 shows the 3D model of a cutting tool consisting of insert, shim, and cutting holder,
where the shim is positioned between the insert and the cutting holder. SOLIDWORKS software

was used to construct the three-dimensional model that was utilized in the tests. The specific
dimensions of the insert and the holder are similar to the model utilized in [32] are illustrated in
Figure 3.2 where the elevation and side views, as well as the plan view, show the thickness of the
inserts with 4.7 mm and about 110 length of the steel holder.

Figure 3.1: Three-dimensional model of the geometry of insert and cutting holder.

Figure 3.2: The dimensions of the cutting tool with insert and cutting holder.

Figure 3.3 shows the area of clamping between the insert and the cutting holder and the area of the
flux between the insert and the workpiece. 12.7 x 12.7 mm insert with 4.7 mm in thickness was
used to study the temperature distribution in the hall cutting tool with the average, minimum and
maximum values and their positions.

Figure 3.3: Dimensions of the insert and contact area between the inset and the workpiece.


3.3.1 Physical Model

The model was drawn by SOLIDWORKS software then the ANSYS fluent software was utilized
to set up the boundary conditions and simulate the heat flux between the insert and the workpiece
and temperature distribution.

3.3.2 Meshing

The unstructured meshing was chosen for the computational domain cause of the complexity of
the model. The mesh generation in the regions of heat flux and clamp area have refinement to
increase the quality of the grids. Simulation results can be seen in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5. To
confirm the solution independency of the mesh, the grid-dependency is checked for four different
grids: 456187, 625471, 820142, and 1242347cells, respectively. The specific details of the
meshing of the insert were indicated in Figure 3.6. The error in average temperature and heat flux
are tested in the cases of the four conditions and it is indicated the lowest error in all tests achieved
with 1242347 elements as seen in Table 3.3 and no change in results with increasing number of
elements after this condition so that this is used for this study.

Figure 3.4: 3D of mesh generation grids.

Figure 3.5: Elevation view of the grid generation.

Figure 3.6: Mesh generation of the insert.

Table 3.3: Error percentage of average temperature and heat flux.

Meshing elements number 456187 625471 820142 1242347

Average Temperature Error 5.64% 3.0124% 1.921% 1.134
Heat flux Error 4.84% 2.451% 1.421% 0.927

3.3.3 Governing Equations

Heat conduction equation that describes the thermal model may be described by the nonlinear
transient three-dimensional diffusion equation:

⃗ (k ∇
ρCp ∂t = ∇ ⃗ T) (1)

Where t is the time in second and T is the temperature in kelvin unit while k expresses the thermal
conductivity in W/m. K and Cp for the specific heat in J/kg. K and ρ determine the density of the
material in kg/m3. Heat convection and radiation can be calculated by the following relation:

−K = h(T − T∞ ) + σ ε(T 4 − T∞ 4 ) (2)

Heat flux was applied for the contact between the insert and the workpiece can be determined by:

q∙ = Cp (3)

Where the equation of the heat flux that was used in the UDF code:

q∙ = 0.4926 t 5 − 97.19 t 4 + 6914 t 3 − 232532t 2 + 4000000t + 10000000 (4)

The cutting tool life can be calculated based on the cutting speed and parameter constants.

v tn = C (5)

Where v is the cutting speed, t is the tool life in minute’s unit. n and C are parameters that depend
on feed, depth of cut, work material, tooling material, and the tool life criterion used. n is the slope
of the plot and C is the intercept on the speed axis at one-minute tool life. To calculate n and c
parameters for Al2O3, those steps can be followed: At t =1 min, v = C = 270 m/min

At t=25 min the v =180 m/min and v t n = C so that

180 25n = 270

n = 0.126 , so that

v t 0.126 = 270 (6)

The constants (C, n) for all materials are illustrated in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: Constants parameters C and n for various materials.

Tool Material C n

Aluminum oxide 270 0.126

Zirconium diboride 285 0.117

Titanium diboride 293 0.124

Titanium nitrite 309 0.102

3.3.4 Boundary and Initial Condition

To simulate the heat transfer and temperature distribution for cutting, the heat flux equation at the
contact area between the insert and the workpiece was generated by an excel program from the
study [27] and [32]. UDF in ANSYS fluent was utilized to determine the boundary of the heat flux
at the flux area according to the equation of flux. All the outer surface of the cutting tool was
performed as a heat convection boundary equation where the surfaces between the insert and the
holder was established as conduction heat transfer. The following assumptions are used in the
numerical simulation:

• At the initial condition, the cutting insert, shim, and cutting holder have room temperature
which is equal to 300 K.
• Heat flux was applied at the contact area interface according to the heat flux equation (4)
at t = 0 s.
• The cutting process continues up to 60 seconds and then the heat load is removed.
• The heat transferred by conduction between the tool-shim and tool-holder interface.
• The cutting speed was changed from 180 to 220 m/min and the feed-rate has three different
values such as 0.138, 0.277, and 0.554 mm/rev.


For validation of the simulation results, the heat flux of the present study was compared with the
previous studies [27] and [32] as seen in Figure 3.7. The temperature of the insert as an average
value was compared with the same studies as shown in Figure 3.8. It is indicated that the deviation
between the results is very limited. Therefore, the present numerical results have enough realistic
accuracy. The regular differences between numerical and previous results for heat flux are around
2.34%. The highest dissimilarity for heat flux is 4.51% and the smallest dissimilarity is 1.03%.
The validation results explained that the differences between the numerical and the experimental
results are acceptable where the regular differences between numerical and previous results for
average temperature is around 1.72%. The highest dissimilarity for average temperature is 2.87%
and the smallest dissimilarity is 0.87%. In general, the differences are acceptable for simulation

Figure 3.7: Comparison between the numerical results and the previous studies of Brito [27] and
Ferreira [32] for the heat flux.

Figure 3.8: Comparison between the numerical results and the previous studies of Brito [27] and
Ferreira [32] for the average temperature.


In this section, the results to estimate the heat flux, temperature distribution maximum, and
minimum temperature by using the inverse function of heat flux with software ANSYS FLUENT
have been analyzed. At the beginning of the process, the cutting tool and holder were found at
uniform room temperature. The cutting machining continues up to 60 seconds which is enough for
reaching the steady-state and the maximum temperature can be determined. Heat flux is applied
on the tool then the cutting is stopped and the tool moves off the workpiece.


Figure 4.1 shows the average temperature of the contact area during the cutting for Al2O3, ZrB2,
TiB2, and TiN. It is indicated that the aluminum oxide achieved the highest temperature for the
following figure about 1050 K comparing to other insert materials where the Titanium nitrite
scored the lower values of temperature as near to 860 K.

Figure 4.1: The average temperature of the contact area during the cutting for various materials.

The temperature begins to increase when the heat flux was applied until it reaches the maximum
values near 50 seconds from the starting of the machining process. The temperature begins to
decrease when the cutting tool goes away from the workpiece and there is no heat flux. It is
indicated that the Zirconium diboride and Titanium diboride experienced lower average
temperatures than aluminum oxide because of the low thermal conductivity of diboride materials.
As it was mentioned, maximum temperature affects machining speed and the productivity rate.
Figure 4.2 shows the maximum temperature of different materials aluminum-oxide, Zirconium
diboride, Titanium diboride, and Titanium nitrite. It is indicated that the ZrB 2 and TiB2 have
improved performance and can work at higher speeds and increase the productivity. The minimum
temperature for the face of the insert at heat flux was directed for the aluminum-oxide, Zirconium
diboride, Titanium diboride and Titanium nitrite was illustrated in Figure 4.3. The maximum
temperature for aluminum oxide is 1270 K where, the Titanium nitrite achieved 1090 K. At first,
the applied heat flux heats the tip of the tool ,and then the thermal heat is dispersed in the cutting
tool as time passes .The tool’s hot point is the chip interface at any given time .The contours reveal
that most holder feels a change in temperature at low temperature. By conduction, the bulk of the
produced heat is transmitted to the cutting holder and shim .This can also be inferred that the
holder's higher mass has resulted in lower temperature increase within it .Radiation is essential,
and the maximum heat losses are related to the radiation after conduction process.

Figure 4.2: The maximum temperature of the contact area during the cutting for various

Figure 4.3: The minimum temperature of the contact area during the cutting for various

4.2.1 The Effect of Cutting Speed on the Temperature

Temperature changes obtained are directly proportional to the increase in cutting speed as seen in
Figure 4.4. The temperature gradually increases with the rise of cutting speed for all the materials.
The lowest temperature was obtained at a cutting speed of 180 m/min and the highest temperature
was obtained at a cutting speed of 220 m/min. it can be observed that the TiN material is the better
choice comparing to the other materials depending on the temperature distribution versus the
cutting speed.

Figure 4.4: The relation between the temperature and the cutting speed of the cutting tool.

4.2.2 The Effect of Feed Rate on the Temperature

As the TiN achieved a better performance than the other materials, the feed-rate (FR) of the cutting
tool with TiN was studied. The relation between the temperature and the FR of the cutting tool for
TiN is illustrated in Figure 4.5. The higher the feed rate the higher the contact temperature of the
interface. This behavior is due to higher feed rates, higher strain rates in primary and secondary
shear zones.

Figure 4.5: The relation between the temperature and the feed-rate FR of the cutting tool for

4.2.3 Influence of Cutting Speed on the Cutting Tool Life

The cutting tool life can be determined by many ways such as fracture failure when excessive
cutting force leading to brittle fracture, temperature failure when cutting temperature is too high,

and gradual wear where the loss of tool shape and cutting efficiency resulting in gradual wearing
of the cutting tool. In this study, the temperature failure will be used to determine the cutting tool
life. Figure 4.6 shows the relation between the cutting tool life and cutting speed for various
materials aluminum-oxide, Zirconium diboride, Titanium diboride, and Titanium nitrite. It can be
seen that the cutting tool life decreased with the increase the cutting speed. The rise in cutting
speed leads to an increase in removal materials where the temperature increases rapidly. The
Titanium diboride achieved the maximum tool life comparing to cutting tools with the other
materials. The maximum cutting tool life is indicated at 180 m/min with 59, 52, 45, and 32 min
for aluminum-oxide, Titanium nitrite, Zirconium diboride, and Titanium diboride, respectively.
High temperature was created by the increased cutting speed, which resulted in a rapid
deterioration of the quality of the ceramic tool material and the cutting edge was then easily
chipped by the cutting force.

Figure 4.6: the relation between the cutting tool life and cutting speed for various materials.


The temperature distribution of insert, shim, and cutting holder at 5 s from the start of the cutting
process is illustrated in Figure 4.7. It is indicated that the maximum temperate appeared at the
contact area between the insert and the workpiece where the heat flux effect directly on the insert.
It can be shown that most of the body of cutting holders have temperature equals to 300 K and this
means that the heat does not reach all the regions of the holder.

Figure 4.7: Contour of the temperature at 5 seconds.

Figure 4.8 shows the temperature distribution of the hall cutting tool at 20 s from the start of the
machining operation. The temperature distribution of the cutting tool at 30 s, 40 s, and 50 s is
illustrated in Figure 4.9, Figure 4.10, and Figure 4.11, respectively. It is indicated that the
temperature increases with time for the insert and the heat transfer by conduction through the insert
and then to the cutting holder. The heat transferred by convection from the outer surfaces to the
surrounding leads to reduce the temperature of the body of the holder. The heat transferred by
convection from the outer surfaces to the surrounding leads to reduce the temperature of the body
of the holder. In the start, the tooltip was warmed by the applied heat flux, and then with the time
spending, the thermal energy is dispersed in the tool. The tool’s hot points are the devices controller
at any moment .The simulation contours indicate that maximum holder practices a change in low
temperature. The temperature profile increases more rapidly, and the average temperature values
are reached prior than the reference case for a uniform heat distribution .The maximum interface
temperature is found to rely heavily on the average heating intensity based on the estimation of
two changed heating distributions .The first one of a stretched friction region leads to a lower
average interface temperature ,although for the second heating distribution the significantly lower
peak temperature is in an upstream position.

Figure 4.8: Contour of the temperature at 20 seconds.

Figure 4.9: Contour of the temperature at 30 seconds.

Figure 4.10: Contour of the temperature at 40 seconds.

Figure 4.11: Contour of the temperature at 50 seconds.


In this study, the temperature distribution of insert, shim, and cutting holder for various materials
have been investigated depending on the heat flux of the contact surface of heat generation. The
UDF and ANSYS FLUENT were joined to specify the heat flux and temperature distribution. The
various materials are utilized in this study such as Al2O3, ZrB2, TiB2, and TiN to indicate the effect
of diboride materials improvement in cutting machining. The machining parameters such as the
cutting speed varied from 180 to 220 m/min and feed rate with three different values such as 0.138,
0.277, and 0.554 mm/rev were investigated. The study of cutting tool life with the different
materials was introduced. The results can be concluded in some points:

• It is indicated that the aluminum oxide achieved the highest average temperature following
the number about 1050 K comparing to other insert materials where the Titanium nitrite
scored the lower values of temperature with the number near to 860K.
• It is observed that the minimum temperatures were attained at a cut speed of 180 m/min
and the maximum temperatures were achieved at a cutting speed of 220 m/min.
• The increase in cutting speed contributes to a rise in removal materials where the
temperature is growing exponentially. Comparing to cutting tools with other materials,
• The TiN material achieved good behavior with cutting speeds of 180 m/min and 0.138
• The Titanium diboride obtained the highest tool life so that the optimization process
indicated that the TiB2 is the respectable choice with machining parameters (cutting speed
=180 m/min, and feed rate = 0.138 mm/rev) where the temperature distribution is


The study of the temperature and heat flux distribution for the cutting material and workpiece from
mixing powders may be advised for the future studies.

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