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AATCC Test Method 134-2006

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AATCC Test Method 134-2006

Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets

Developed in 1969 by AATCC Commit- 2.3 The maximum voltage, generated erator comes no closer than approxi-
tee RA32; jurisdiction transferred in on the person by the accumulated charge, mately 600 mm to extraneous grounded
2007 to AATCC Committee RA57; re- measured during the test period is defined or charged surfaces (such as walls or
vised 1975, 1979, 1991, 2001; reaf- as the static-generating propensity of the workbenches) during testing and should
firmed 1986, 1996, reaffirmed and carpet under the conditions of the test. be equipped with open-wire shelves,
editorially revised 2006; editorially re- racks or horizontal rods suitable for hang-
vised 2007, 2008. Related to ISO 6356. 3. Terminology ing carpet samples for conditioning. Air
must pass freely around all surfaces of
3.1 electrostatic propensity, n.—the the samples to facilitate moisture equili-
1. Purpose and Scope ability to produce and accumulate an bration.
electrostatic charge. 5.2 Test sandals should be used only
1.1 This test method assesses the NOTE: For the purposes of this test, it
static-generating propensity of carpets for testing carpet. New test sandals
is the resultant voltage on a person walk- should be cleaned before use as pre-
developed when a person walks across ing across the surface of a textile floor
them. This method uses controlled labo- scribed in 8.7.1. Soles must be attached
covering under specified conditions, to the sandals by gluing and/or stitching.
ratory simulation of the conditions, that which has been caused by the accumula-
may be encountered in use. The simula- Tacks or rivets must not be used.
tion of an electrostatic charge on the body.
tion is focused on the use of those condi- 5.2.1 One pair of AATCC TM 134 san-
tions, which are known from experience 4. Safety Precautions dals (see 12.1) manufactured with XS
to be strong contributors to excessive ac- 664 P-HK Neolite soles. A second pair of
cumulation of static charges. NOTE: These safety precautions are Neolite test shoes or sandals with self-ad-
1.2 This test method does not include for information purposes only. The pre- hesive (i.e., replaceable) suede leather at-
standards of performance. The specifica- cautions are ancillary to the testing proce- tached to the shoe sole. The second pair
tion requirements pertinent to any given dures and are not intended to be all inclu- of Neolite shoes or sandals must be dedi-
application can vary considerably, de- sive. It is the user’s responsibility to use cated to this use only.
pending on the specific demands of the safe and proper techniques in handling 5.2.2 Reagent grade isopropyl alcohol
application. Specifiers should give atten- materials in this test method. Manufac- and cheesecloth.
tion to the variability of the method as de- turers MUST be consulted for specific 5.3 Electrostatic detection and record-
scribed below in Section 11. details such as material safety data sheets ing means for voltages up to at least 20
and other manufacturer’s recommenda- kV.
2. Principle tions. All OSHA standards and rules 5.3.1 The system should have a high
must also be consulted and followed. input impedance and be suitably damped
2.1 Build-up of a static charge on a
4.1 Good laboratory practices should such that a steady recorder or meter indi-
person walking across a carpet under
be followed. Wear safety glasses in all cation of 3000 V will, when the input is
conditions of low atmospheric humidity
laboratory areas. grounded, decay to 1500 V in not less
has been recognized as a classic example
4.2 All chemicals should be handled than 1 s or more than 3 s (this corre-
of the triboelectric effect, whereby a sep-
with care. sponds to a time constant of 1.4-4.3 s). To
aration of electrical charges is produced
4.3 Isopropyl alcohol is a flammable achieve reasonable accuracy in use, the
when two dissimilar surfaces in contact
liquid and should be stored in the labora- input capacitance, including lead-in wire,
are separated. The magnitude of the
tory only in small containers away from should not exceed 30 pF. (See Appendix
charge separation and the resultant volt-
heat, open flames and sparks. A for additional information on measure-
age on the person vary under the influ-
4.4 Manufacturer’s safety recommen- ment of damping and Appendix B for in-
ence of many factors. The most important
dations should be followed when operat- formation on damping techniques.)
factors for the purpose of this test are:
ing laboratory testing equipment. 5.4 A grounded metal plate approxi-
(a) the chemical and physical charac-
4.5 Ground all electrical equipment. mately 1200 × 1200 mm.
teristics of the two materials brought into
4.6 High-voltage sources should have an 5.5 A standard 1350 g/m2 rubberized
contact, rubbed and separated; i.e., the
internal impedance of not less than 1 × 108 jute/hair cushion underlay (see 12.1) at
shoe soles and carpet;
ohm (or the maximum output current lim- least 1200 × 1200 mm. The vertical resis-
(b) the surface contamination on one
ited to 1 milliampere) to avoid shock haz- tance through the cushion shall not be
or both;
ard in calibration of the detection system. less than 1012 ohms (see 12.5).
(c) the nature of the rubbing and/or
separation, i.e., the method of walk, in- 5.6 A set of AATCC TM 134 AATCC
5. Apparatus and Materials Static Control Carpets (see 12.1) consist-
cluding the height of the shoe above the
carpet; and 5.1 A room that can be maintained at a ing of static unprotected and static pro-
(d) the ambient conditions (especially temperature of 21 ± 1°C and at 20 ± 2% tected versions.
the relative humidity). RH, and suitable means for monitoring 5.7 An optional metronome.
2.2 A carpet brought to moisture equi- these conditions. Special requirements of 5.8 An optional handheld blowing-fan
librium at controlled atmospheric condi- end-use may dictate the use of other test- balanced ionizer.
tions is walked on by a test operator in a ing conditions (e.g., for aircraft or for con-
specified manner with specified shoe trolled-humidity environments) and the test 6. Specimens
soles and heels. The static charge, which facility should be capable of achieving
builds up on the operator, is monitored and maintaining those conditions. 6.1 Cut each carpet test specimen to a
continuously by a voltage indicator with 5.1.1 The room should be of such di- size of approximately 900 × 900 mm or
a recorder. mensions and so arranged that the test op- 1000 × 1000 mm. If test specimens are

AATCC Technical Manual/2010 TM 134-2006 217

Copyright © 2009 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
less than this size, multiple specimens ing-fan, balanced high-voltage ionizer, high-voltage ionizer, as above.
may be pieced together to reach the re- prior to each testing, as above. 8.6.1 Tests.
quired test size. 8.3.2 Lay the underlay on the grounded Test I—Step Test/Neolite Soles
metal plate, rubberized side up. Avoid Test II—Scuff Test/Neolite Soles
7. Conditioning dragging the underlay across the surface Test III—Step Test/Self-adhesive
or rubbing different parts of it together. suede leather soles
7.1 Condition specimens under the re- 8.3.3 If a blowing-fan, balanced high- Test IV—Scuff Test/Self-adhesive
quired test conditions, 21 ± 1°C and 20 ± voltage ionizer is available, thoroughly suede leather soles
2% RH, for a minimum of 48 h prior to and slowly cover the entire surface of the 8.6.2 Step Test Procedure. While
testing. This will equilibrate the moisture underlay with the ionizer output, holding holding the hand probe, walk on the spec-
content of the specimens to the test con- the ionizer about 100-200 mm above the imen using a simple box step, lifting the
ditions. The temperature and relative hu- underlay. This will neutralize any resid- sandals as close as possible to 80 mm
midity should be automatically recorded ual charges from handling. above the specimen at the rate of 120 ±
or periodically manually noted and re- 8.3.4 Lay the specimen on the underlay 10 steps per min (a metronome can be
corded during the conditioning period. carefully to avoid excessive friction used). Always keep the plane of the san-
7.1.1 Hang or lay specimens in such against the mat or rubbing different parts dal soles parallel to the plane of the spec-
manner that free circulation of air over of it together. imen. Do not scuff or rub the sandals over
both surfaces is possible. the specimen. Cover the entire surface of
8.3.5 If a blowing-fan, balanced high-
voltage ionizer is available, thoroughly the specimen during stepping, for a total
8. Procedure and slowly cover the entire surface of the test time of 1 min or until a consistent
8.1 Test AATCC TM 134 Static Un- sample with the ionizer output, holding peak voltage is observed for each step.
protected Control Carpet without an un- the ionizer about 100-200 mm above the Touch the ground with the hand probe to
derlay (to avoid charging the underlay) sample. This will neutralize any residual bring the body voltage to “0.” Neutralize
and the Static Protected Control Carpet charges from handling. the carpet and underlay prior to any fur-
with an underlay at the beginning of each 8.3.6 Zero the test apparatus. Place ther testing.
testing session. If the results are outside clean test sandals (see 8.7) on the speci- 8.6.3 Scuff Test Procedure. While
of the test laboratory’s Control Chart men, grasp the test probe and ground the holding the probe, scuff (or wipe) as
Control Limits, then seek the cause of the test operator while standing off the speci- though wiping chewing gum from the
deviation and correct the problem. Check men in stocking feet. Ensure that the re- bottom of both sandals. The wiping ac-
relative humidity and temperature (cur- corder reads “0.” Step into the clean test tion is always in a backward motion. As
rent values and recorded values during sandals specified for the test while stand- above, the bottom of the sandal should
the specimen conditioning period) (see ing on the specimen and holding the test reach a height of as close as possible to
5.1). Test backup Control Carpets if probe, being careful not to move the san- 80 mm above the specimen, parallel to
available (see 5.6), reclean soles (see 8.7) dals around on the specimen. the sample. Repeat scuffing at a rate of 60
and check instrument calibration. Use a 8.4 After following the procedure in ± 5 steps per min and continue the motion
blowing-fan, handheld, balanced high- 8.3, there should be very little voltage in- for about 1 min while covering the entire
voltage ionizer to neutralize any charge dication. Presence of significant voltage specimen. Touch the ground with the
on the underlay pad between tests and (more than 200 V) indicates excessive hand probe to bring the body voltage to
prior to testing any specimen, moving it initial charge somewhere in the system “0.” Neutralize the carpet and underlay
slowly over the entire surface at a height and the procedures in 8.2 and 8.3 must be prior to any further testing.
of about 100-200 mm above it for at least repeated to avoid possible significant er- 8.7 Remove and clean the sandal.
1 min. rors. Since the location of the spurious Hang or lay the specimen on the condi-
8.2 Test the specimen once a day until charge is important in affecting the final tioning rack. The procedures in 8.7.1 and
two reproducible voltages are obtained. test results, it is not sufficient to simply 8.7.2 will usually suffice to clean the san-
Voltages are considered reproducible reground the test subject, although this dals. Sandals must be cleaned with ex-
when consecutive tests agree within 10% will obviously create a new zero value. treme care after testing specimens, which
or 0.5 kV, whichever is greater. Leaving 8.5 If the carpet is not intended for in- have had surface-type (spray-on, topical)
the specimen in the test chamber over- stallation over an underlay, then the spec- antistatic treatments (see 12.6). Failure to
night should allow any static charges to imen may be tested without an underlay. do so may transfer material from one
be dissipated. This process may be accel- In such cases, test the specimen on the specimen to another.
erated by using a blowing-fan, balanced grounded metal plate and record the fact 8.7.1 Clean Neolite sandal soles by
high-voltage ionizer to neutralize any that the test was performed on the speci- swabbing with cheesecloth or paper
charges. If an ionizer is used to thor- men mounted directly on a grounded sur- towel moistened with isopropyl alcohol,
oughly neutralize the specimen (held face. Otherwise, follow the procedure using a fresh cheesecloth or paper towel.
about 100-200 mm above the specimen outlined in 8.3. In case of extensive contamination, re-
and moved slowly over its entire surface, 8.6 Proceed with the tests described peat this procedure, sand the sole with
requiring approximately 1-2 min), the below in 8.6.1. NOTE: Be sure to keep fine sandpaper to expose fresh material
same specimen may be retested immedi- SEPARATE shoes or sandals for the Neo- and clean again.
ately. lite and suede leather tests; do not remove 8.7.2 The suede leather soles are diffi-
8.3 Test the specimen over the standard the leather and test with the underlying cult to clean, once contaminated. Sanding
underlay (see 5.5), which is placed on the Neolite, since it will be contaminated by the sole may remove the contamination.
grounded metal plate. the adhesive. Note that the samples and Other cleaning methods may contaminate
8.3.1 Residual static charges on the underlay must be discharged between re- the leather or change its electrical proper-
specimen and underlay have been found peat tests or between types of tests or be- ties (such as water absorption from iso-
to be a major source of error. Residual tween tests with different soles, in order propanol/water cleaning solution). Re-
charges should decay naturally over a pe- to avoid errors. Discharge may be place these soles if sanding does not
riod of several hours. Specimens should achieved by allowing natural discharge readily remove the contamination.
be hung undisturbed for a minimum of 4 over 4 h or overnight, or neutralization 8.7.3 Store the test sandals in the con-
h, or thoroughly neutralized with a blow- with a blowing-fan, handheld balanced trolled relative humidity of the test area.

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Copyright © 2009 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
8.8 Record the test parameters, includ- or decrease the measured electrostatic considered supplementary information
ing specimen identification, specimen propensity. Similarly, non-permanent only.
tested “as received” or “cleaned,” date, topical treatments will affect the results;
temperature, relative humidity, sandal the variation of such treatments over time 10. Report
sole and walking procedures (Step or and after cleaning should be considered
Scuff). by the test requester. To remove contami- 10.1 Two reproducible voltages and
8.9 In case of any uncertainty about the nants, a hot-water extraction procedure is their average should be reported (see 8.2)
consistency of the test conditions, retest recommended, such as AATCC Method for the Step test method with the highest
the AATCC Static Control Carpets at the 171, Carpets: Cleaning of; Hot Water Ex- voltage or for each test method as re-
end of and throughout the testing session traction Method. quested, with the polarity indicated as
to assure that testing conditions have not 9.4 Effect of sole materials. Very large positive or negative. (The polarity does
changed. If the Control Carpet measure- differences in laboratory and field results not affect the impact of static buildup on
ments are significantly different (outside will often occur as a result of use of dif- people or equipment, but does serve a di-
of the test laboratory’s established Control ferent shoe sole materials. The triboelec- agnostic purpose. Only the magnitude of
Limits for the control specimens), then tric, surface roughness and conductivity the results should be considered when
the specimen test results are unreliable. characteristics of the materials are impor- comparing the test results with floor-
tant. Higher conductivity soles will tend covering static-control specifications.)
to suppress the accumulation of charge Scuff test measurements should also be
9. Analysis of Results on a person particularly when carpets reported for comparison; Scuff test
having static-control filaments are tested. measurements are more variable within-
9.1 The chart trace serves as a perma- lab and between-lab than step test results.
nent record of the test and characterizes 9.4.1 Neolite XS 664 P-HK has been
If Scuff test measurements differ from
the carpet for electrostatic propensity. chosen as the primary reference material
Step test results by more than 2.5 kV, the
The maximum voltage (at the highest because its static performance is much
report should explain that this may be an
point of each step), the sign of the voltage like that of many common shoe soles; it
indication that a topical treatment or
and the rate-of-rise of voltage are charac- is easy to keep clean and its chemical and
contaminant may be present on the
teristics available from the chart trace and physical properties are believed to be
have been found to be relevant to the per- quite uniform. Its triboelectric properties
10.2 Report the AATCC Static Control
formance of a carpet under use conditions are distinct from those of nylon, the
Carpet test results for the same day(s) as
similar to those of the test. dominant carpet fiber polymer. Other
the specimen test(s), the laboratory’s Up-
9.2 Maximum voltage, Step and Scuff. types of carpet should also be tested with
per Control Limit and Lower Control
The maximum voltage is defined as the the secondary reference material for a
Limit, and the laboratory’s established
maximum achieved for several succes- more complete characterization of the
measurement standard deviation for each
sive steps. An example is given in Fig. 1. static propensity of the carpet.
control, for each type of test (see 12.4).
9.2.1 Rate of rise of voltage may be re- 9.4.2 Suede leather has been chosen as 10.3 The test report should include the
ported, Step and Scuff. The average rate the secondary reference material because testing conditions (relative humidity and
of increase of voltage (in kV/s) is taken typically it is representative of a certain temperature), test method and version,
as the reported maximum voltage divided class of leathers whose triboelectric per- and any observations or apparent anoma-
by the time required to reach that voltage formance differs significantly from that lies.
from the start of the test walk. of Neolite soles, in that they tend to give 10.4 The report should state whether
9.3 Effect of contaminants. Carpets high values on acrylic, polyester and an ionizer was used to neutralize charges
that have been contaminated by spills, polypropylene carpets. on the samples prior to each test. If speci-
soiling, contact with other carpets or ma- 9.4.3 For some purposes it may be de- mens were tested without an underlay,
terials that have removable chemical sirable or necessary to characterize carpet the presence or absence of the underlay
components, etc., will yield results that performance with special shoes, such as should be noted.
are different from clean carpets. Since the ESD (electrostatic discharge) control 10.5 The report should state whether
triboelectric effect depends upon the dif- footwear. Equivalent test procedures can the carpet was tested “as received” or
ference between the flooring and the be conducted with any relevant sole ma- what preparation technique (e.g., “cleaned
shoes, these contaminants may increase terials or shoes, but such tests should be using AATCC Method 171”) was used. A
caveat on the use of AATCC Method 134
should be included which states, “The re-
sults of this test relate to the sample of
carpet tested. Its static performance may
be altered in service as a result of wear,
soiling, cleaning, temperature, relative
humidity, etc.”

11. Precision and Bias

11.1 Users of data from AATCC
Method 134 should be aware that large
variations in results have been noted dur-
ing interlab and intralab testing. Prelimi-
nary evaluation of the round robin test re-
sults, in the range of 0-6 kV, shows that
differences of less than approximately 0.5
kV are not significant, and this must be
considered when comparing test results
to specification requirements. An initial
Fig. 1—Typical chart trace indicating maximum voltage. study on AATCC TM 134 Static Pro-

AATCC Technical Manual/2010 TM 134-2006 219

Copyright © 2009 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
tected Control Carpet with shoes fitted ately. The standard reference carpets recom- 5) and measure the time it takes the volt-
with XS 664 P-HK Neolite soles (not mended in the method can be very helpful in age reading to drop to 1.5 kV. This should
AATCC TM 134 sandals) produced a determining when soles or heels are contami- be between 1-3 s.
Step procedure average voltage of 2.7 kV nated, but these are also subject to contamina- A.1.2 Electrometer without a high-
tion by contaminated shoes. Spare reference
with a standard deviation of 0.3 kV, based carpets should be stocked in case of con-
voltage power supply:
on data from seven test sites. tamination carry-over when testing the shoe (a) Set up as for a standard carpet test
condition. using a sample known to generate read-
12. Notes ing of 5 kV or over (AATCC TM 134
Appendix A
Static Unprotected Control Carpet).
12.1 AATCC TM 134 sandals, both large (b) Have the operator proceed to walk
and small sizes, suede leather, rubberized jute/ Damping Testing
(or scuff) test normally and observe the
hair cushion carpet underlay and AATCC TM electrometer reading.
134 Static Control Carpets (Protected and A.1 Two methods to test the damping
Unprotected) are available from AATCC, P.O. are as follows: (c) When the reading reaches 5 kV or
Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC A.1.1 With a high-voltage power sup- more, the operator should stop moving
27709; tel: 919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; ply capable of producing at least 3000 and watch the reading without touching
e-mail: orders@aatcc.org; web site: www. volts: anything.
aatcc.org. (a) Set up the electrometer (and re- (d) When the voltage has leaked off
12.2 Two methods for system damping test-
corder, if available) for at least 3 kV max- enough to drop the reading to 3 kV, the
ing are outlined in Appendix A. operator will ground the electrometer in-
12.3 Handheld blowing-fan, balanced high- imum range (10 kV preferred).
(b) Connect the power supply high- put (touch probe tip to ground, use a
voltage ionizers. These are typically 4” fans jumper wire, or a wire and switch combi-
with integral electronics and high-voltage ion- voltage output to the electrometer input
emission points. (to the divider probe tip for Keithley nation). Record the time it takes the read-
12.4 The test laboratory must maintain a 610C or similar equipment). ing to drop to 1.5 kV.
record of AATCC Static Control Carpet re- (e) This procedure should be repeated
(c) Check the power line grounds, and five times or more, and the tests averaged
sults, and generate suitable Control Charts if in doubt, run a line from both the elec-
therefrom. The Upper Control Limit and to smooth out reading inaccuracies.
Lower Control Limit Values established
trometer and power supply ground termi- A.1.3 The decay to 50% of the original
through this analysis are to be used to define nals to a common ground. signal has been selected as a convenience
when all of the experimental conditions and (d) After allowing the electrometer to simplify the readout of the electrometer
equipment parameters are operating within the and power supply to warm up per the and recorder. The 1-3 s delay corresponds
expected range. Non-random long-term drift manufacturer’s specifications, adjust the to a time constant (t = 1/e) 1.4-4.3 s.
in control carpet readings should be investi- power supply output for a steady 3 kV
gated to determine the nature of the changes reading on the electrometer.
that have taken place and corrective action Appendix B
(e) Switch the power supply off for a Damping Techniques
12.5 If required, use National Fire Protec- moment and observe the electrometer re-
tion Association Test Method 99 or ESD/EOS sponse. Most commercial high-voltage B.1 For electrometers with recorders,
STM 7.1 to measure resistance. For products units have a built-in grounding of the out- the preferred method of adjustment of re-
intended to be installed in electrostatic-dis- put when turned off for safety reasons. If sponse time is a filter network between
charge-sensitive areas (i.e., electronics com- the unit in use does not show grounding electrometer and recorder. Details of how
ponent manufacturing or assembly areas), when switched off, a properly shielded to select a network can be found in elec-
several test methods developed by the Electro- single pole, double throw switch must be tronic handbooks under integrating or
static Discharge Association (ESD Associa- connected to the electrometer input so it low pass filter headings.
tion) may be appropriate (ESD/EOS Standard can be quickly switched from high-volt-
Test Methods). B.2 An electrometer with an analog
12.6 If the shoe soles or heels become per-
age to ground. display often has a built-in response in
manently contaminated by testing carpets with (f) With a steady 3 kV reading on the the desired range. Modification of a non-
topical antistats or yarn overfinishes, they electrometer (and recorder), switch the complying unit should be referred to the
should then be resoled or discarded immedi- electrometer input to ground (see Section manufacturer or an electronics engineer.

220 TM 134-2006 AATCC Technical Manual/2010

Copyright © 2009 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists

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