Handbook For Supervised Postgraduate Research Programme Specification
Handbook For Supervised Postgraduate Research Programme Specification
Handbook For Supervised Postgraduate Research Programme Specification
Part 1 Page
Programme Specification
1. Title
2. Scope
3. Aims/Programme Outcomes
4. Length of Study
5. Mode of Study
6. The Research Degrees Sub Committee
6.1 Principle
6.2 The Role of the Research Degrees Sub Committee
7. Waiver of Regulations
8. Award
9. Admissions
10. Enrolment
11. Induction
12. Research Training Programme
13 Virtual Learning Environment
14 Ethical Policy
15. Supervision
15.1 Appointment of the Director of Studies
16. Statements of Responsibility
16.1 Responsibilities of Head of School/Department
16.2 Responsibilities of the Director of Studies
16.3 Responsibilities of the Student
17. Change of Status
17.1 Termination of Studies
17.2 Place of Work
18. Registration
19 Progression
19.1 The Supervision Committee
20. Reports
19.1 Student Reports
19.2 Supervisors Reports
21. Submission and Examination
21.1 Nature of Submission
21.2 Appointing Examiners
21.3 Criteria for appointment of Examination Committee
21.4 The Examination Committee
21.5 External Examiner Duties
21.6 Required Documentation
21.7 Form and Presentation
21.8 Examination Committee – Roles and Responsibilities
21.9 Responsibilities of the Convenor
22. The Viva Voce (Oral Examination)
23. Attendance at Oral Examinations
24. Conduct of Examinations
25. Examiner’s Recommendations
25.1 Corrections
25.2 Resubmissions
25.3 Disagreements
26. Award of Degree
27. Graduation
28. Problems and Difficulties
29. Appeals
Part 2
Part One contains information specific to your research degree and it is here
that you will find information on developing your programme, supervision and
research methods, regulations, assessment and so on.
Part Two contains information on the School’s formal policies and procedures
which are relevant to all students and is a useful source of general information
and advice on a variety of topics, including the support services available to
In addition to the Handbook there are other publications to which you may
need to refer during the course of your studies:
Student Handbooks for all programmes can be found on the VLE. The GSA
Academic Calendar and Academic Handbook are also available on the VLE.
Copies of the documents above are available to all students through the
Research Office. Annual updates are available on the University of Glasgow’s
web site. If you have questions about any of these publications please contact
the Registry. Additional copies of Student Handbooks can be obtained from
the Registry.
This Handbook has been developed from a variety of sources including the
‘Code of Practice for the Postgraduate Research Students’ published by the
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. The Agency’s Code is
available at
The Handbook is for your use and it is important that you find it as “user-
friendly” as possible, so please let us know if you have any suggestions to
improve the content or format and we will consider these for future editions.
Programme Specifications
1. Title
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Philosophy
Intermediate Awards
Master of Philosophy
2. Scope
3. Aims/Programme Outcomes
4. Length of Study
From the date of enrolment
5. Mode of Study
Research Degree study is possible in the following modes:
• Full-time (three terms for MPhil and nine terms for PhD)
pursuing full-time research at the Glasgow School of Art.
• Part-time pursuing part-time research equivalent to not less than
1 term per academic year.
• Completion Period: a student who has substantially finished his
or her research and no longer requires formal supervision.
These students are concentrating on completing their theses or
portfolios, usually away from GSA. It is required that the
student’s work will be submitted within one year of completion of
normal study in the case of a full-time PhD student or two years
in the case of part-time PhD students. Students following an
MPhil programme must submit for examination within six months
of the conclusion of the statutory period of full-time or part-time
6.1 Principle
portfolio with written commentary; joint portfolio and textual
dissertation; and thesis in textual form only
7. Waivers of Regulations
8. Awards
power in exceptional cases to reduce the period by one academic year
(PhD); and permit a research student during part of the period to
pursue elsewhere his or her special study or research.
9. Admissions
(a) Students applying for entry into the research programme shall:
• Transcript/mark sheet
• IELTS/TOEFL score certificate for applicants whose first
language is not English
• Electronic submission of Visual works and/or hard copies of
written material in support of the application, if appropriate
(c) All applications are graded by the Lecturer (Research) and local
PhD Coordinator according to a Research Council’s grading
system, involving a rate between 1-6. Applications with a score
of 3 or more will be then be reviewed by at least one other
reader, who will be a suitably qualified member of staff.
Selection may include an invitation to attend an interview, which
may include a portfolio submission or a presentation.
• Candidate’s qualifications
• Whether the proposed programme of work is capable of
being studied to the depth required to obtain a PhD
• Whether the proposed programme can be completed
within the designated time period
• Whether the appropriate resources (e.g. library,
computing facilities, studio etc.) will be available
• Whether appropriate supervision can be provided
10. Enrolment
All students who intend to register for a research degree must enrol on
arrival at the School. Continuing students are required to matriculate
annually at the commencement of each academic session. At
enrolment, students shall pay such fees determined by The Glasgow
School of Art.
The effective date of enrolment is normally the first day of the term in
which the research student enrols. It is possible, however, with the
approval of the Research Degrees Sub Committee and the Registry,
for research students to matriculate later in the term or academic year.
The minimum period of study, which determines the submission
deadline, runs from the date of enrolment whenever that might be.
All research students are also required to enrol with the University of
Glasgow. The university’s matriculation forms will be available from the
GSA Registry. In signing these forms, students are agreeing to abide
by the general and course regulations of the School and also of the
University of Glasgow, in so far as they apply to students of the School.
Provisional Enrolment
11 Induction
All research students are asked to attend a group Induction Day. This
is usually at the beginning of the Autumn Term, and at the beginning of
the Spring Term. Students who commence their research studies at
other times receive an individual induction. This induction includes vital
information about the School’s ethos, organisation and systems.
The generic programme aims to:
The GSA Research Degrees Programme VLE is available remotely
from computers outside of the School’s network. The site contains all
the regulations, forms and most of the training material students will
need throughout their degree. The VLE also displays information on
Calls for Papers, forthcoming conferences, student events, research
links, resources and staff/student contact details. Students will also be
able to upload documents and pictures and get feedback from their
peers. In addition, special announcements regarding the programme
will be posted on this site.
14 Ethical Policy
The GSA Ethical Policy can be found in Part 3, the appendices. For the
latest version of the GSA Ethical Policy please refer to the Research
Degrees Programme VLE (see details below) and the GSA website
15 Supervision
having supervised one or more research students to successful
(c) No supervisor should normally be responsible for more than six
students at any time without the agreement of the Supervisor
concerned, the Head of School/Department and the RDSC
(d) Staff undertaking research towards a PhD will not normally be
appointed as Directors of Studies or additional Supervisors
(e) Supervisors must complete a Curriculum Vitae Form (RDCV) for
submission to the RDSC
(f) A Head of School/Department may withdraw supervision
from a student only with the prior approval of the RDSC
photographs, drawings, paintings, essays or preparatory
work. This submission of work will inform the forthcoming
Supervisory session.
(b) To define their training and educational needs and discuss them
with their Director of Studies.
(c) Requests for transfer from PhD to MPhil or MArch (Research).
These must be supported by a reasoned case from the relevant
Director of Studies supported by the Head of School/Department
and may be requested at any time before submission.
(b) If the student continues to make unsatisfactory progress, the
Director of Studies may recommend to the RDSC that the
student’s registration be terminated.
(b) Students may, however, with the approval of the RDSC carry
out research at approved centres other than the GSA or
undertake appropriate fieldwork. Where research is continued
outside of GSA in this way, it must remain under the direction of
the Director of Studies.
18. Registration
(b) Before the end of the first session (middle of the second session
for part-time students), the student, in consultation with their
Director of Studies, will formulate a closer definition of the topic
and decide how they intend to present their submission. A
presentation of the topic may be made to the School or
Department, as a way of allowing the academic community to
comment on the nature of the proposed research.
(d) If the student’s supervisory team consists of only one
supervisor, the Registration Form should be accompanied by a
nomination of up to two additional supervisors. This form(s)
should also be tabled at the RDSC, though the local PhD
19. Progression
In order to progress from one year of study to the next, students will
have produced evidence of satisfactory progress in the special study or
research undertaken by them to their supervisors, the Research
Degrees team and the Research Degrees Sub-Committee. This is
normally done through a peer group presentation or, alternatively, a
Supervision Committee (see below). The necessity for a Supervision
Committee will need to be discussed specifically with PhD
Coordinators and the Lecturer (Research) in advance.
(a) Directors of Studies and students should develop a plan for the
research, with an agreed deadline for written work or practical
aspects of research projects. Directors of Studies should keep
records of the completion and assessments of coursework
requirements in the first year of study.
(d) During Year 3 (of a full time PhD), students are expected to
submit for examination during that session. If students are not
ready to submit, they will be expected to request either a
supported or an un-supported extension to the RDSC. Each of
these has a different level of support and fees, and students
should contact their Directors of Studies, in first instance, for
further advice.
(b) A Director of Studies who shall be the main Supervisor and
normally a member of the academic staff of Glasgow School of
Art and is responsible for reporting to the RDSC;
(c) Such second Supervisor(s), including any external Supervisors
as may be appointed by the Research Degrees Sub Committee
of the Research Committee of Glasgow School of Art
(d) If appropriate, an advisor appointed by the Senate of the
University of Glasgow from the staff of the University. The
advisor shall not be required to possess subject expertise in Art,
Design or Architecture.
(e) The appropriate Head of School or Department, where
20. Reports
(b) Students are required to complete report forms after their yearly
Progression Presentation and return them to the Lecturer
(Research), and local PhD Coordinator. It is the Research
Office’s responsibility to assess these reports, to investigate any
discrepancies and to bring any problems to the notice of the
(a) After each tutorial, supervisors may comment on the Research
Degrees Supervision Record form in order to ensure accuracy.
(c) Students will not be allowed to matriculate for the new session
until a report form and notification of the successful completion
of progression is submitted. Stipendiary awards to holders of
GSA Studentships will also be affected by the late completion of
the report forms. It is, therefore, imperative that these reports
are completed in a timely fashion.
The Candidate and their supervisory team will consider the decision to
submit for examination. In signing the Intention to Submit form, both
the Candidate and the supervisory team have agreed that the
Candidate is ready to submit.
The Candidate will submit to the RDSC, through the local PhD
Coordinator an ‘Intention to Submit form’ at least three months before
the planned oral examination. This form contains details of the
proposed Examination Committee and the nature of submission, and
should normally be accompanied by an Internal and External Examiner
Nomination forms.
The Portfolio
whether the predominant discipline is fine art, craft, design or
(d) The student within his or her application for registration should
make an initial proposal of a submission category; a final
proposal of category should be agreed by the student and the
Supervision Committee and submitted to the Research
Degrees Sub-Committee of the Research Committee for
approval prior to the examination. Once the category of
portfolio has been approved, the content of the portfolio and
the arrangements for its exhibition shall be subject to the
agreement of the Supervision Committee.
permission of her or his supervisory team and the RDSC.
A candidate must submit a thesis which shall embody the results of the
candidate’s special study or research, and which shall be accompanied
by a declaration signed by the candidate that the thesis has been
composed by herself or himself.
Joint Portfolio and Textual Dissertation
Textual Thesis
The nominated External Examiner will then complete the
‘External Examiner Nomination’ form, together with a CV and
forward to the local PhD Coordinator, who then submits External
and Internal Examiner nominations for approval to the RDSC. A
Convenor of the examination should also be considered by the
supervisor, the student and the local PhD Coordinator.
should be a GSA member of staff, and normally not from
the same School or Department as the Candidate
• One External Examiner (two, if the Candidate is a
member of GSA staff)
• One Internal GSA Examiner
• Three copies of their portfolio and/or thesis, one for each
examiner and the convenor of the examination. These
should be printed copies, soft bound with thermal binding
or spiral bound (not sewn or hardbound, which should
only be submitted after the thesis has been fully approved
by the examiners).
• The thesis and/or portfolio should contain a declaration,
signed by the Candidate and their Supervisor, attesting
that the submission is all the student’s own work,
acknowledging work done in collaboration with others and
confirming that the work has not been submitted for any
other academic award
• An abstract, suitable for publication, of not more than 400
• Where appropriate, three copies of a list of formal course
work successfully completed
• A submission form (see VLE for form) with details of the
examination arrangements, to be completed by the
student, in conjunction with the local PhD Coordinator.
This submission form contains a form for the declaration
which can be used for submission within the thesis.
• Research Degrees Schedule Form
• Library Access Form
(ii) The Internal Examiner must be a member of the
academic staff of the Glasgow School of Art
(g) The depth of knowledge of the contextual background to the
subject of the thesis
Students are strongly recommended to undergo a mock Viva before their final
submission, and to allow for time to respond to the mock Viva team’s
recommendations before final submission. The mock Viva should be on
material that is as near as the final submission as possible. It is the student’s
responsibility to ensure that internal deadlines are met so that a meaningful
mock Viva can take place. The Director of Studies has the right to also
determine the timing of the mock Viva, from their assessment of student
progress. The student/Director of Studies should then discuss mock Viva
arrangements with the Local PhD Coordinator.
• The Candidate
• The Internal Examiner
• The External Examiner (or two if the Candidate is a
member of staff)
• The Convenor of the Examination Committee
(c) The Candidate’s Director of Studies does not attend the oral
examination unless the Candidate has made a written request to
the Convenor,, The Director of Studies attends the oral
examination as an observer and they are requested to leave
before any decision is taken. The Director of Studies should not
sign any of the Examiners’ reports or recommendations. The
Director of Studies, who is not invited to attend the examination,
does have the right to submit a separate report to the Convenor
prior to the oral examination
(a) Following their formal appointment, each Examiner will be sent a
copy of any written submission along with a preliminary report
form by the Registry. This will be normally be sent at least eight
weeks, and no later than six weeks, prior to the date of the oral
examination, depending on the requirements of the examiners.
(b) Before the oral examination, each Examiner must assess the
submission and submit the preliminary report to the Registry,
giving the reasons for judging the submission satisfactory or
unsatisfactory. The reports are required at least 2 weeks before
the examination. The supervisors may also submit a written
report. The Registry will forward the Examiners reports to the
Convenor of the Examination Committee before the oral
(d) At the oral examination, the examiners will test the Candidate’s
knowledge of the research upon which the submission is based
and confirm (or otherwise) their preliminary views, already sent
to the Registry. No indication of these preliminary views shall be
communicated to the Candidate at any stage of the oral
(e) The Examiners must sign and submit to the RDSC a joint report
on the Candidate’s overall performance with their
recommendations as to the outcome. If the Examiners are not
able to reach an agreement on the outcome of the examination,
the decision will rest with the RDSC.
(b) If the Examiners are generally satisfied with the content of the
submission and with the Candidate’s performance at the oral
examination but consider that some amendments are required
before the degree can be confirmed they may recommend:
a stated period, which should not exceed three months.
Formal re-submission is not required and the corrections
shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Internal
Examiner; or
(c) If the Examiners are not satisfied with the submission or with the
Candidate’s performance at the oral examination, they must
make the following joint recommendation:
(d) That the thesis be rejected with no right of revision and re-
(b) If the Examiners are generally satisfied with the content of the
submission and with the Candidate’s performance at the oral
examination but consider that some amendments are required
before the degree can be confirmed they may recommend:
submission as recommended by the Examiners within a
stated period, which should not exceed twelve months.
These shall not involve a revision of the whole
submission or of a major proportion of it and a full re-
submission is not required. The changes shall normally
be carried out to the satisfaction of both the Internal and
External Examiners.
(c) If the Examiners are not satisfied with the submission or with the
Candidate’s performance at the oral examination, they must
make one of the following joint recommendations:
(d) That the thesis be rejected with no right of revision and re-
25.1 Corrections
The Candidate may consult their Director of Studies from
time to time as necessary while he/she is working on the
revisions. The Candidate will return two copies of the
submission to the Registry for transmission to the
External and Internal Examiners. The Examiners shall
confirm to the Registry, in writing, that the necessary
revisions have been completed and that the degree may
be awarded.
(c) The GSA Registry will send out a covering letter within 2
weeks, setting out the arrangements for the return of the
submission and, where appropriate, details of the re-
25.2 Resubmission
(d) The Convenor of the Examination Committee shall
consult the members of the Committee as to whether
there should be a second meeting of the Committee and
whether the Candidate is required to submit to a second
oral examination
25.3 Disagreements
The award of the degree shall be approved by the RDSC, upon receipt
of reports and satisfactory recommendations for all Examiners,
together with confirmation that the Candidate has met all the other
necessary requirements. The Candidate will be required to submit to
the Registry:
27. Graduation
The Convenor of the RDSC will write to the student to confirm the
award of their degree. The Registry will write to the student with details
of the next GSA graduation ceremony. If the student is unable to attend
the ceremony it is possible to graduate ‘in absentia’.
In those cases where the student is critical of a Supervisor’s
performance, the Head of School/Department will discuss the matter
with the Supervisor concerned and assess whether or not the
complaint is justified. If the complaint is justified, the Head of
School/Department may recommend additional training or even a
change of supervisor. In those cases where the Head of
School/Department is the supervisor, the matter shall be dealt with by
the Lecturer (Research) or local PhD Coordinator in the manner
described above or referred to the convenor of the RDSC for
Convenor’s action.
29. Appeals
1.0 Introduction
The Senate of the University of Glasgow has agreed with the Academic
Council of The Glasgow School of Art that a joint procedure for the
consideration of appeals against academic decisions be established for
students following courses which are taught wholly or partly in The
Glasgow School or Art, and which lead to awards of the University of
Glasgow. Appeals will be considered by a joint Glasgow School of Art
and University of Glasgow Appeals Committee (see paragraph 5.0).
This procedure has been approved by the Senate of the University and
the Academic Council of the School and covers appeals against
academic decisions on progress and final degree examination(s). It
applies to all Undergraduate, Taught Postgraduate and Research
Postgraduate students.
2.0 Principles
2.2 The School will provide enrolled students with a copy of the
appeals procedure as well as advice and support on the
procedure as required. Additional advice and support may be
provided by the President of the Student Representatives
Council (SRC) of The Glasgow School of Art or alternatively by
the Registrar.
2.5 The procedure will comply with the legislation relating to Data
Protection and Freedom of Information.
3.4 A former student may not appeal once s/he has graduated from
the School. By graduating, the former student is deemed to
have accepted the recommendation of the Board of Examiners.
Informal Resolution
4.3 The Joint Appeals Committee (see paragraph 5.3) will entertain
a progress appeal by a student against the decision of a Board
of Examiners only on the grounds that:
(a) that there has been defective procedure at the level of the
Board of Examiners;
(c) that there is new information that for good and proper
reason was not available to the Board of Examiners at
the time it reached its decision.
5.1 The Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art shall
establish a Joint Glasgow School of Art/University of Glasgow
Appeals Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee).
5.2 Full power for deciding appeals are vested in the Committee.
5.7 The Registrar (or her/his nominee) shall act as Secretary to the
5.8 The Joint Appeals Committee shall not have authority to alter an
academic decision. If relevant factors are raised by the appeal
which should have been known to the Board of Examiners or
which the Board failed to take into account, the Committee shall
instruct the Board to reconvene to reconsider the assessment.
Where the Board after reconsideration of the issues raised in the
appeal retains the original decision, the Deputy Director of the
School or her/his nominee shall decide whether the
recommendation of the Board should be accepted or rejected.
6.2 An application for an extension of time for submitting an appeal
beyond 20 working days shall be submitted to the Registrar and
shall include sufficient information concerning the nature of the
appeal, the grounds on which an extension of time is sought and
shall be accompanied by such evidence of medical or adverse
personal circumstances as are relevant to the application.
(a) that there is new information that for good and proper reason
was not available to the Board of Examiners at the time when it
reached its decision on a particular student.
6.6 The provision for medical evidence or evidence of adverse
personal circumstances is not designed to compensate for
underperformance due to these circumstances nor are Examiners
expected to infer how a Candidate might have performed if
unaffected. Where a Candidate’s performance is borderline
between grades or classifications of Honours, provision of such
evidence shall not necessarily raise the Candidate to a higher
grade or classification.
(b) all the grounds on which the student considers that the
decision should be changed; additional grounds may be
admitted subsequently but only at the discretion of the
Convenor; additional grounds presented at a hearing may
lead to adjournment of the hearing.
A charge may be made by a GP for the provision of a medical report.
7.0 Consideration of Appeal
7.1 The Director or her/his nominee may direct the student (or her or
his representative) or any party to the proceedings to furnish
additional evidence, information or explanation as may be
thought to be appropriate.
7.2 A direction to the student (or her or his representative) shall state
the period of time by which the student shall respond in writing
following which the appeal may be dismissed by the Director.
Preliminary Disposal
7.4 The Registrar will state in the letter to the student (or her or his
representative) the outcome of the Preliminary Disposal, the
reasons for the decision and shall provide the papers which
were considered by the Committee.
representative) makes representations with reasons why the
case should not have been dismissed. The representation and
the reasons shall be made in writing within 10 working days of
the date of letter intimating the outcome of the Preliminary
The Committee will normally meet within twenty days after receipt of
an adequate note of appeal, or as soon as practicable thereafter.
8.4 Notify the student (or his or her representative) no less than 5
working days prior to the hearing of the date, time and location
of the hearing and the names of the members of the Committee
who will consider the case.
9.1 Where the student is prevented from attending by ill health, the
hearing shall normally be deferred on submission of a medical
certificate. If the student does not attend on the agreed date
and no notification of the absence has been received, if the
Convenor is satisfied that the student has received due notice of
the hearing, the Committee may proceed to deal with the case
and to reach a decision in the student’s absence.
9.3 The student may name any person or persons s/he wishes to be
present to provide evidence on her/his behalf. The name of any
person or persons called by the student to provide evidence
shall be provided to the Registrar no later than 10 working days
before the date of the hearing. The student shall be
responsible for arranging the attendance of such persons at the
hearing with the exception of members of staff of the School
who shall be notified of the date, time and location of the hearing
by the Registrar.
11.1 The Committee shall attempt to ascertain all relevant facts with
a view to coming to a reasonable disposal;
11.2 The Committee shall consider the appeal in the light of the
relevant regulations and practices taking account of the entire
circumstances of the case.
11.3 The Committee shall examine the appellant and invite him or
her to make an opening statement, or to have a statement
made on his or her behalf. Thereafter the Committee shall:
11.3.2 consider all relevant reports and information;
12.0 Disposal
12.1 The Committee shall decide the matter at the conclusion of its
consideration of the appeal or as soon as possible thereafter;
12.7 In its report to the Head of School or the Joint Board for
Product Design Engineering, the Committee may wish to
include any recommendations related to the matter which has
given rise to the appeal. The Committee may also make
recommendations, as appropriate, to the Quality in Learning
and Teaching Committee.
13.0 Further Review
Contents Page
General Information
Term Dates
Relationship with the University of Glasgow
Campus Map
Library, Archives and Computer Centre
Collection and Archives
Student Representation and the Committee Structure
Students Association
HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency)
Data Protection
Student Support
Welfare Advice and Information
Sports and Recreation
Legal Rights and Advice
Learning Support
Students with a Disability
International Students
Careers Advice
Financial Matters
Tuition Fees
Payment of Fees
Hardship Funds
Overseas Students
Financial Guarantee Form
Council Tax
Health and Safety
First Aid
Accidents and Incidents
Joint Consultative Committee for Health and Safety
GSA Alumni
Millers Art Store
Equal Opportunities
Students with a Disability
Health and Safety
Lone Working
Fair Copyright
Whistle-Blowing Policy (Public Interest Disclosure)
Anti-harassment and Bullying
Use of E-mail
Alcohol, Drugs or Substance Abuse
Student Complaints
Student Discipline
The primary sacred times for world religions are provided through:
Relationship with the University of Glasgow
All Glasgow of Art students are bound by the relevant regulations of the
University of Glasgow (See the Introduction for more information).
All students of The Glasgow School of Art can access the sports facilities at
the University of Glasgow for a nominal fee. Further information on this can
be obtained from the Student Welfare Adviser or the Registry. (See also
Section 3.6 (e))
Continuing Education, Directorate, Dept of Interior Dept of Silversmith and Jewellery, Dept of Textiles,
Design, Dept of Painting and Printmaking (Painting), Newbery Gallery, Refectory, Staff Lounge
Estates Office, Exhibitions Office, Finance Office, First
Year Fine Art, GSA Enterprises, GSA Shop, IT Office,
Janitorial Services, Mackintosh Gallery, Mackintosh
Library, Mackintosh Research Centre, Mackintosh
Room, Millers Art Shop, Personnel Office, Registry,
School of Fine Art Office & Head of School, Student
Counselling Service
3 Foulis Building 4 Haldane Building
Atrium Gallery, Centre for Advanced Textiles, Dept of Careers Service, Dept of Ceramics, Fine Art
Product Design, Dept of Product Design Engineering, Workshops, Learning Support Service, Welfare
Dept of Visual Communication, Design School Seminar Advisory Service
Room, School of Design Office & Head of School
Library, Archives, and Computer Centre
Glasgow is well provided with academic and research libraries, and students
will have access to many of these as well. In addition, the School’s Inter-
Library Loans service means that the Library can obtain almost any book or
journal article from libraries worldwide.
The Library and Archives team are there to support students’ learning needs,
and the Subject Specialists can offer help and advice in selecting the best
resources. During the busiest hours a dedicated Enquiry Desk is available to
help students track down the information they require.
Each new student will be given an introduction to the Library tailored to their
chosen subject area, and an explanation of how to use the Computer Centre.
Each student will be given a password enabling access to the wide range of
software on offer.
Student Library Forum
Every term, a Student Library Forum is held, chaired by the President of the
Students’ Association, and attended by elected student representatives as
well as staff from the Library, Archives and the Computer Centre. The Forum
provides an important space for sharing ideas to enhance the School’s
information services.
Opening Hours
Term Time
Monday to Thursday 9.30am – 7.45pm
Friday 9.30am – 4.45pm
Saturday 12.00noon – 4.00pm
Vacation Time
Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4.45pm
Mackintosh Library
Please note that these are normal opening times, and may need to be varied
from time to time. It may be also be necessary to close for certain tasks, such
as Library stock checks and Computer Centre maintenance, but these will as
far as possible be arranged for vacation periods. Students will be told in
advance of such changes.
A Learning Environment
The aim is to make the Library an inviting learning and research environment.
After consultation with student representatives, eating and drinking and the
use of mobile telephones have now been banned in the Library.
Lending Services
Borrowing period
Currently the lending period is 3 weeks, but students can renew the loan for
further periods of 3 weeks unless another user has reserved the item. In this
case items must be returned to the Library immediately. Items can be
renewed twice by going to the “Borrower Information” section of the web
If an item is returned late, a fine will be charged. The current rate is 10p per
day per item.
For videotapes and DVDs the loan period is overnight. If a videotape or DVD
is not returned by 2 p.m. the next day an immediate fine of £1 will be charged
which then increases hourly by 20p (current rates).
The GSA enrolment card also acts as a student’s library card – always have it
available when visiting the Library. Students will also need it when visiting
other libraries with which there are reciprocal access arrangements.
Students should not borrow books on behalf of others, or lend books which
they have on loan. The responsibility for all items borrowed remains with the
owner of the enrolment card produced at the time.
Exchange Visits
Students remain responsible for all items borrowed on their card. This
includes periods when students are on exchange with overseas institutions.
All items should be returned to the Library before going on exchange.
Students will be able to use the library facilities of the host institution.
Inter-Library Loans
If the Library does not have a book or journal article needed for a student’s
studies, it can usually be borrowed on a student’s behalf from libraries
worldwide through the Inter-Library Loans service.
Suggesting purchases
Students can find out about all services provided by contacting the main
library desk on the ground floor. The telephone number is 0141 353 4551.
Other Libraries
Students have reference access to all of the higher education libraries in the
Glasgow area – the university libraries of Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian,
Paisley and Strathclyde; the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama;
Mitchell Library; and the Alliance Française Médiathèque. Students will need
to present their GSA enrolment card when visiting these libraries.
UK Libraries Plus
SCURL Research Extra
The SCURL Research Extra Scheme permits access and borrowing rights to
academic staff and research students of Glasgow School of Art to SCURL HE
Libraries within Scotland.
Further details of these schemes can be accessed at the issue desk in the
Lending Library or at http://www.gsa.ac.uk/library/
Technical Services
All network activity should be within the JANET Acceptable Use Policy – see
http://www.ja.net/documents/use.html for the current version of the Policy.
Students are also entitled to an ATHENS user name and password. This
allows free access to subscription-based online collections of data and
images from any internet computer.
Collection and Archives
In addition the School has one of the largest and most important museum and
archive collections of any UK art school and these provide an excellent study
The institutional archive dates back to the School’s foundation in 1845 and
documents over 150 years of art, design and architectural education at the
School through official papers, correspondence, photographs and press
cuttings relating to the School, its staff and students. Together with over 30
Deposited Archive Collections, the size and significance of the archive
continues to grow.
The School’s museum collection totals some 2,500 items of which 300 works
(furniture, watercolours, architectural drawings etc,) are by Charles Rennie
Mackintosh. A further 200 objects are full size plaster casts and architectural
fragments that were introduced to the School as teaching aids during the 19th
The remaining items are chiefly works by former staff and students of the
School whilst a small contemporary collection is being developed through
annual Degree Show purchases made by the Friends of the Glasgow School
of Art.
Student Representation and the Committee Structure
Student Representatives play a vital and rewarding part in the working life of
GSA. Each studio should have a Class Representative, who will be elected at
the start of each academic year, and each department has a representative
who is on the Student Representative Council (SRC). Training and support for
student reps is provided by the Students Association in collaboration with the
Class Representatives
This diagram outlines the basic Academic Committee Structure at GSA and
how the SRC represents students within the Art School.
SRC Representatives
Raising Issues
If students have any issues they wish to raise or concerns they feel need to
be resolved, to do with any aspect of GSA, they should speak to their class
Rep or SRC Rep in the first instance. Issues can also be brought straight to
the President of the Students’ Association.
This is the process by which the School assures itself that its students are
receiving a high quality education and the aims and objectives of its
programmes are being achieved. Student participation is an essential and
valued part of this process. Heads of Departments must produce Annual
Programme Monitoring Reports for submission to the Quality in Learning and
Teaching Committee. These reports have to take into account issues raised
at Student/Staff Consultative Committees and through student questionnaires
and indicate how those concerns have been addressed. Typically, reports
deal with the effectiveness of staffing, levels of equipment, changes in
programme content, etc. Additionally they must address External Examiners'
Student Feedback
Obtaining, analysing and acting upon feedback from our students effectively is
one of the central planks of the School’s quality assurance and enhancement
framework and the School has a long and established tradition of ensuring
that the student voice is heard in every area of our core activities.
Through the year, students will have the opportunity to give feedback on their
programme and the School in a variety of ways through:
• Support Service Questionnaires, Focus Groups and Satisfaction
It is important for students to also take responsibility for raising issues and
getting feedback. If students have any questions about how to raise a
particular issue, they should speak to their Head of Department, Tutor or
Class Representative.
Students Association
The Students Association plays a vital role in bringing together students from
all parts of the School. It is the social centre of the Art School, and is a well
established venue within Glasgow, hosting numerous gigs and club nights.
Popular with both Art School students and the wider Glasgow public, the
venue attracts such names as Derrick May, Rawkus Records, Mr Scruff and
Andrew Weatherall, and is a regular haunt for Glasgow bands such as Belle
and Sebastian and Arab Strap.
There are also major events in the yearly calendar, such as Freshers Week,
an Activities Week (A Yearly Event - AYE), the fancy dress Halloween ball,
the talent show and the Degree Show street party.
The Students Association has two highly sought after exhibition spaces, which
can be booked out at the start of each term, and provide a weekly showcase
of student work. We also support students through a student initiated project
fund, which distributes grants to assist with collaborative projects.
There are several Clubs and Societies, from discussion groups to drumming
groups, and we are always keen to expand in this area, if you fancy
establishing one of your own.
is to represent students in the event of an academic appeal or complaint. It
doesn’t matter what the query might be, students can always come along to
the Student Association offices to get some advice.
The Students Association provides a strong voice for students both within
GSA, and in a wider context. The Students Association plays a major part in
the running of the art school, and as members of the National Union of
Students, the SA campaigns on student issues within Scotland and the U.K.
The Education Act 1994 gives students the right to opt out of membership of
the Students Association. Any student opting out of membership shall not be
unfairly disadvantaged with regard to the provision of services by the
Association. Students who wish to opt out should contact the President of the
Students Association or the School’s Director of Finance and Resources for
more information.
HESA was established in 1994 as an agent for the funding councils to provide
statutory information to the Government on higher education. The School is
required to collect certain information from students for the purposes of a
computerised statistical return, which is submitted, to the agency annually.
This information is taken from application forms and from information provided
at enrolment.
Data Protection
The School has a requirement to retain certain information about its students,
employees and other users to allow performance and achievement to be
monitored and, for example, to ensure health and safety. It is also necessary
to process information so that programmes can be organised, staff can be
recruited and paid and legal obligations to funding bodies and government are
complied with. To comply with the law, information must be collected and
used fairly, stored securely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully.
To do this, the School must comply with the Data Protection Principles which
are set out in the Data Protection Act (1998).
The School and all staff or others who process or use any personal
information, must ensure that they follow these principles at all times.
Members of staff are responsible for ensuring that any holdings of personal
data are registered internally with the School’s Data Protection Officer, and for
the control of students using such data under their supervision. The
Chairman of the Board of Governors shall have the power to withdraw access
to computing facilities from any person deemed to be in breach of the
requirements of the Act, and to require the modification or deletion of personal
data in order to ensure compliance with the Act. Copies of Guidelines on the
Act are available from the Data Protection Officer. It is the user’s
responsibility to comply with these guidelines; in particular the Board of
Governors’ Regulations concerning the disclosure of examination marks must
be observed. Users must treat as privileged any information not provided or
generated by them which may become available to them through their use of
computing facilities; no part of such information may be copied, modified,
disseminated or used without the permission of the appropriate person or
students' Local Education Authorities or funding bodies, Scottish Office,
Student Loans Company, Higher Education Statistics Agency). In addition, in
certain circumstances, information may be officially required to be disclosed
by The Glasgow School of Art to legal authorities, for example, the police and
immigration authorities.”
Student Support
The role of centralised student support services in The Glasgow School of Art
is to enhance the overall student experience and to support the role of
teaching staff in supporting students. The School has an integrated student
support structure which meets the needs of its increasingly diverse student
population and ensures that central support staff work closely with academic
colleagues in helping optimise the learning potential of all students.
Such issues may be taken into account at tutorials and assessments and
reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure that students are not
disadvantaged. Issues cannot however be dealt with retrospectively, unless
there are very good reasons for doing so. If the problem is a medical one,
students should ensure that any medical certificates are submitted to the
Registry. This will ensure that the circumstances are taken into account in
final assessments.
Information and advice on a range of subjects is available from the School's
Student Welfare Adviser. The Welfare Adviser can give information on
financial support (including student loans and access funds), local facilities,
childcare, healthcare, budgeting, sports and recreational facilities, term time
employment, accommodation and advice for international students on
immigration, insurance and so on.
The Welfare Advisory Service is based in the Haldane Building, 30 Hill Street.
Students can call in or telephone to make an appointment on 0141-353-
4509/e-mail welfare@gsa.ac.uk
Staff can also offer information and advice about rights and obligations as a
Students must register with a doctor locally if they can no longer reach their
doctor at home. The School Doctor is Dr Graham Love, Woodside Health
Centre, Barr Street, Glasgow, G20 9LR, tel. (0141) 531 9560.
The Glasgow Dental Hospital, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, tel. (0141)
332 7020 operates an emergency service. For regular dental care, students
are advised to register with one of the many local dental practices.
Drug Abuse
National Drugs Helpline 0800 776600.
All GSA students have access to the University of Glasgow’s Sports and
Recreational facilities at a cost of £30 for the Session. Further information on
the facilities available and on how to join is circulated to all students at
enrolment. Alternatively students can contact the Student Welfare Adviser on
Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Robert Owen House, 3rd Floor, 87 Bath Street,
Glasgow, G3, Telephone (0141) 331 2345.
Legal Services Agency, 11th Floor, Fleming House, 134 Renfrew Street,
Glasgow, tel. (0141) 353 3354 for appointment. Helpline 11am-1pm.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, drop in Wednesday 1.30-4pm.
Learning Support
The School has a Learning Support Service. This is available to any student
who wants to focus on the development and understanding of their learning
The Learning Support Tutors work with students who, for whatever reason,
might need some assistance in an area of their studies. Thus, for those
students who have particular requirements because of a learning disability or
learning difficulty, those who are returning to study after a break from formal
education, or those who simply feel out of their depth at some point during
their programme, this service will be a valuable resource.
The Service is based in the Student Support Unit, Haldane Building, 30 Hill
Street. Please call in to make an appointment, telephone 0141-353-4467/8
or e-mail learningsupport@gsa.ac.uk.
More than 15% of students at The Glasgow School of Art have officially
notified the School that they have a disability. Many of these students have a
specific learning disability, like dyslexia. There are also many students at the
School who have mental health difficulties, long term medical conditions and
other unseen impairments. A number of students have sensory impairments
and mobility difficulties. All of these can have an impact on a students’
ability to participate.
International Students
Careers Advice
Due to the specialist nature of the School's programmes and the close
relationship between the School and the “professional world”, Tutors are well
placed to provide advice on career opportunities in each specialist area.
Programmes in professional practice are also offered as part of the curricula.
The School also has a dedicated Careers Advisor, who works closely with
teaching departments and provides impartial, generic and specialist careers
advice and guidance to all students. This complements the specialist
professional practice and training delivered within all programmes. The
service is based in the Haldane Building, 30 Hill Street or contact
careers@gsa.ac.uk, telephone 0141-353-4482.
The Registry
If students are unsure about where to go for help they should contact the
Registry in the first instance who will be able to direct them to the appropriate
department. Registry staff can be contacted on the following numbers 0141-
353-4512/4514/4517 and 4570.
Financial Matters
Tuition Fees
Fees payable vary from programme to programme and increase each year in
line with inflation. Further information on tuition fee levels can be obtained
from the Finance Office, Catherine Maxwell, 0141-353-4510.
Any balance will be paid directly to the School by your funding body.
Payment of Fees
All students are personally liable for the payment of tuition fees. The School
is sensitive to the pressures facing students and their families and has put in
place flexible payment arrangements to allow students to pay fees in
instalments. However, please note that failure to pay tuition fees by the
specified date may result in students being asked to leave the programme.
Details of payment procedures are issued in the information notes provided to
all new students. Further copies are available from the Registry or the
Finance office.
Please note that individual departments also levy materials fees. Further
information on this in contained in the School’s prospectus, alternatively, it
can be obtained from the Registry.
Hardship Funds
Overseas Students
Overseas students will be expected to provide evidence that they are able to
meet fees and maintenance requirements. Flexible payment arrangements
are available. Please note that fees increase each year in line with inflation.
Students should take this into account when making any application to their
government or sponsor for financial assistance.
Council Tax
Generally speaking, full-time students are exempt from paying Council Tax if
they are living with other students. Exemption forms are available from the
local Council Office. The form requires endorsement by the Registry.
Further information on Council Tax can be obtained from the Student Welfare
Adviser on 0141-353-4509.
Health and Safety
First Aid
The School provides a first aid rest room located in the Bourdon Building off
the ground floor lift lobby in the School of Architecture.
This facility is fully equipped and is intended for use by persons requiring rest
and attention under the supervision of a First Aider. Access to the room is
only permitted with the knowledge and supervision of a First Aider.
A list of First Aiders is available at all reception areas within the School. In an
emergency, a First Aider can be contacted by phoning the Main Reception,
Ext: 4500 or the Head Janitor on Extension 4539.
Students are represented on the Joint Consultative Committee for Health and
Safety by the President of the Student’s Association, who is the student
representative. Students should raise any health and safety concerns locally
with their Lecturer, Tutor or Head of Department before this can be raised at
the Committee. The Committee meets every three months and is chaired by
a Head of School. The School’s Health and Safety officer is available for
advice and assistance on matters relating to health and safety. The Health
and Safety Officer is contactable on extension 0141-353-4763.
GSA Alumni
Anyone who attends The Glasgow School of Art for three months or more
automatically becomes a member of The GSA Alumni. They will join over
7,800 former students and graduates of the School and, long after students
have gone their separate ways, the Alumni Office can assist in organising
reunions and events – helping students and graduates to keep in touch
across the world.
The Glasgow School of Art prides itself on the success of its students and
alumni and does not want those achievements to go unnoticed. The School
looks forward to sharing in news and accomplishments and hopes that many
of its graduates will help to provide careers advice, placements and mentoring
to current students and assist with recruitment - at home and overseas.
Former students are the School’s greatest advocates and can in many ways
make a valuable contribution to their alma mater.
The Alumni office will stay in touch with students after they leave, keeping
them regularly updated with developments and achievements at the School
and, through email, internet pages and regular mailings (The School
magazine FLOW is issued to all alumni with up-to-date addresses twice a
year) will help make them feel part of the School and its future. Students can
help by keeping the School up to date with their contact details and any
items of news.
Terms 1 and 2
Term 3
Mon - Thurs 9.15am - 5.20pm
Friday 9.15am - 4.20pm
Policies and Procedures
B Eng/M Eng Product Design Engineering students are also bound by the
regulations of the University of Glasgow, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
In the event that you feel aggrieved about anything relating to your
programme or your time at The Glasgow School of Art, the School has
established a set of procedures to allow you to address your concerns. As a
general rule however, the School aims to try wherever possible to address
any concerns on an informal basis. These procedures exist should a
satisfactory resolution not be possible at that stage.
It is important that you select the appropriate procedures carefully for your
particular situation as the use of the wrong procedure may lead to confusion
and may affect the remedy being sought.
For guidance, the appropriate procedures are summarised below. These are
outlined in detail in the pages that follow:-
This should be invoked to address any perceived wrongs relating, but not
limited, to the provision of a service by the School, or any aspect of your
programme. A complaint is broadly defined as any expression of a grievance
that a service has failed to match the standards promised by the School or
what it would be reasonable to expect. It does NOT cover complaints about
the academic decision of an Examination Board.
Further copies of the procedure or guidance on any aspect of the procedure
can be obtained from the Registrar.
This procedure should be used if you wish to make a complaint about another
person on the grounds of bullying and harassment.
Further copies of the policy or guidance on any aspect of the policy can be
obtained from the Human Resources Manager.
4) Whistle-Blowing Policy
This policy is intended to assist you if you believe you have discovered
malpractice or impropriety or have any other concerns which are in the public
interest. These concerns may (at least initially) be investigated separately.
This investigation may ultimately lead to the invocation of any one of the
procedures already described.
Further copies of the policy or guidance on any aspect of the policy can be
obtained from the Human Resources Manager.
Please note that separate regulations apply to other areas of the School’s
operations such as the Library, The Students Association and Halls of
Residence and these should be followed in the first instance should your
complaint relate specifically to these areas.
The information contained in this section was correct at the time of going to
press in September 2005, but is subject to alteration without notice. If you
require confirmation of any of the information contained in this section or have
any other related enquiries, please contact: -
G3 6RQ
Equal Opportunities
The Glasgow School of Art is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The School
aims to ensure that members of staff and students and potential members of
staff and students are selected and treated on the basis of merit, ability and
potential regardless of their age, sex or gender, sexual orientation, marital or
parental status or other family circumstance, race, ethnic or national origin,
colour, disability, political belief, membership of or activities as part of a trade
union, social or economic class, or any other grounds not relevant to good
employment and admissions practice. The School aims to eradicate unfair
and discriminatory practices, direct or indirect, however and whenever they
In order to further its policy on equal opportunities, the School accepts the
following principles and commitments:
The Head of Human Resources is responsible for devising and implementing
appropriate procedures in the case of staff. With regard to students, the
Head of Academic and Student Services has this responsibility. Whenever
necessary, the School will seek the specialist help and advice of appropriate
advisory bodies, e.g. Equal Opportunities Commission, Commission for Racial
Equality and the Disablement Advisory Services, in resolving any problem that
might arise in the implementation and development of this and related
policies. However, personal responsibility for the successful operation of this
policy lies with every member of staff of the School, particularly those
responsible for the recruitment, selection and supervision of students and
1. Introduction
1.2 The School endorses good practice with regards to the access and
progress of students
1.4 This policy applies to the experience of any current or potential student
who has additional needs arising from a disability, for example through
sensory or physical impairment, medical or mental health conditions or
specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
2. Admissions
2.1 The School will actively encourage, and clearly publicise, that it
welcomes applications from students with disabilities.
record will be kept by the School of any reasons and this record will be
used to inform future policy and development.
5.1 The School will support through its staff development programme,
initiatives which increase the confidence and develop the skills of all
staff working with students with disabilities.
5.2 The School will actively encourage the sharing of good practise and
6.1 The School will seek to involve students with disabilities in the
development of services and policy at all times.
6.2 This policy will be achieved through the development of more detailed
priorities, policies and procedures as a result of school wide
consultation and the establishment of a steering group on disability
6.3 All policy and procedures will be monitored at every level of the
committee structure of the School and through annual plans/reports.
1. Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others
who may be affected by their acts or omissions. In particular, they
4. These instructions of conduct do not replace, or relieve persons from
complying with, the requirements of civil or criminal laws. Unlawful
behaviour may result in criminal prosecution as well as School
disciplinary action.
The School's new Lone Working and Out-of-Hours Policy became effective on
1 April 2004. Changes in Health and Safety Standards driven by the Health
and Safety Executive, as well as the need to meet First Aid regulations, in
particular, have been the impetus for the School to tighten up its
The purpose of the policy is to ensure the safety and security of individuals
who need to work outside of normal working hours. In order to achieve this,
anyone in a School building between 6.30 p.m. and 9 pm must register on the
‘late working reader’ button. However, if working after 9pm, the Head of
School/Department must seek permission from the Facilities Manager who
will in turn clear this with the Head Janitor.
The permission must be properly registered with the Facilities Manager and
Head Janitor beforehand. In giving permission, it will be the responsibility of
the Head of School/Department to assess whether the safety and security
risks for the individual are properly covered.
1. The School in recognition of its’ duties under the Health and Safety at
Work etc. Act 1974 and other relevant legislation towards its’ staff and
students, hereby declares its intention to ensure the health, safety and
welfare of all its students and staff. The general principle to be applied
so far as lone working is concerned should be one of prevention by
seeking to avoid wherever possible, placing staff and students in
situations which may foreseeably give rise to an increased risk to
health and safety.
3. Undergraduates must not work alone at any time, and should take
care to be aware of such an eventuality when working at times when it
may be likely that there is nobody else on the premises. Another
student must accompany individuals or there must be someone within
reasonable proximity.
Please note that the need for accompaniment does not only relate to
the degree of perceived risk associated with the project work, but must
also take into account the small chance that the student/staff member
might have an accident simply moving about the studio/office or might
suddenly be taken ill.
All staff and students working outside core hours are responsible for
their own, and others health, safety and welfare and for the security of
the building. In particular, whilst on the premises staff and students
must: -
Fair Copyright
What is Copyright?
Copyright is a property right vested in works by authors/creators. It is the right
of the author/creator to reproduce or copy their own work, or to authorise
others to do so. It is also the right to protect their work from copying and
reproduction, including inputting into any electronic media, without permission.
The current relevant legislation is in the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act
Copyright of work produced by more than one person will belong equally to all
parties concerned.
Students should ensure that all working, finished film and photographs carry
their name, contact phone number, year of origination and the universal
copyright symbol ©.
1. Introduction
The Public Interest Disclosure Act, which came into effective from 2 July
1999, gives legal protection to employees against being dismissed or
penalised by their employers as a result of publicly disclosing certain serious
concerns. It is a fundamental term of every contract of employment that an
employee will faithfully serve his or her employer and not disclose confidential
information about the employer’s affairs. However, where an individual
discovers information, which they believe, shows malpractice/wrongdoing
within the organisation, then this information should be disclosed without fear
of reprisal, and may be disclosed independently of line management.
harassment, grievance or disciplinary procedures. Once it is in place, it is
reasonable to expect members of the School to use it rather than air their
complaints outside the institution.
2. Scope of Policy
• criminal activity
3. Safeguards
3.1 Protection
This policy is designed to offer protection to those employees or other
members of the School who disclose such concerns provided the
disclosure is made:
ii) in the reasonable belief of the individual making the disclosure that it
tends to show malpractice.
3.2. Confidentiality
The School will treat all such disclosures in a confidential and sensitive
manner. The identity of the individual making the allegation may be
kept confidential so long as it does not hinder or frustrate any
investigation. However, the investigation process may reveal the
source of the information and the individual making the disclosure may
need to provide a statement as part of the evidence required.
If the individual does not wish to raise the matter with either the
Secretary or the Director, then he or she may raise it with the
Chair of the Audit Committee if the issue falls within the purview
of that Committee, or with the Chair of the Board of Governors. In
cases of financial impropriety, the Chair of the Audit Committee
should be directly involved. It should be noted that employees
who make disclosures to the Prescribed Regulatory Body are
protected under the law. For Scottish Higher Education, this is
the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council. Also the terms of
the Financial Memorandum require the School to notify the
Funding Council of any financial malpractice or fraud as soon as
it is discovered.
4.2. Process
The Secretary will consider the information made available to him/her
and decide on the form of investigation to be undertaken. This may be:
4.3. Investigation
Normally the Internal Auditor or other independent officer of the School
will undertake this investigation and will report his/her findings to the
Secretary. Investigations will not be carried out by the person who will
have to reach a decision on the matter. Any investigation will be
conducted as sensitively and speedily as possible.
4.4 Feedback
The Secretary will inform the individual making the disclosure of what
action, if any, is to be taken. If no action is to be taken then the
individual concerned should be informed of the reason for this and
allowed the opportunity to remake the disclosure to another appropriate
person. For example, if the initial disclosure was made to an officer of
the School, then the subsequent disclosure might be made to the Chair
of the Audit Committee or Chair of the Board of Governors. This other
person will consider all the information presented, the procedures that
were followed and the reason for not taking any further action. The
outcome of this will be either to confirm that no further action is
required or that further investigation is required and will follow the
procedures referred to in 4.2 above.
Bullying and Harassment Policy Statement and Guidelines
The School expects the full cooperation of all its staff and students in
promoting an environment where harassment is actively discouraged.
The School’s Policy on Harassment and Bullying has the support of the
Governors, Directorate, staff and students, following consultation with
staff, the recognised Unions and the Students Association and has
been accepted by the Board of Governors, Directorate, Executive
Group and Academic Council.
• sex,
• race,
• disability,
• age,
• sexual orientation,
• religion
The above definitions are not exhaustive and are included only as a
The School will act upon all complaints received in a positive and
serious manner. There are several methods open to staff and students
to stop bullying or harassment. The decision about which method is
best has to be personal decision, based on the factors of the case.
However where cases of bullying or harassment have been fully
investigated and an individual found guilty, disciplinary sanctions
imposed could include:
• dismissal (in relation to staff)
• exclusion (in relation to students)
Students who feel they are being harassed, either by fellow students or
a member of staff can also seek advice from the Students’
Representative Council (SRC) or also one of the School’s trained
Harassment Advisors (see below).
The Harassment Advisor may keep brief, anonymous notes but these
will be personal to the Advisor, these notes will not be recorded or
stored on a School file without your permission. The School will monitor
usage of the Harassment Advisors on an annual basis but all
information produced will be entirely anonymous and no-one will be
able to be identified from it.
Whoever you choose to approach will talk through the problem with
you and help you to voice your concerns. The objective is to provide
you with the support needed for you to decide upon a future course of
action in order that the situation is resolved. Together you and the
advisor will agree what course of action you feel is appropriate.
The line manager (or nominated individual) will carry out a full
investigation and this will be carried out as expeditiously as possible. It
may be necessary for those involved in the investigation to speak to
witnesses or any other person as they see fit and to obtain written
statements. Staff (and where necessary students) are expected to co-
operate with the investigation. Confidentiality will be maintained as far
as this is possible within the constraints of the Harassment and
Bullying Policy.
The line manager will submit a report to the Head of HR who will make
a decision regarding possible next steps. Unless there are extenuating
circumstances, the line management investigation will normally be
completed, the report submitted and decision communicated to both
parties, within 5 weeks of receipt of the letter of complaint.
The appeals process for students is contained in the Regulations
Governing the Discipline of Students
• Disciplinary Procedure
• Equal Opportunities Policy
• Grievance Procedure
• Race Equality Policy
• Regulations Governing the Discipline of Students
Use of E-Mail
There are a number of concerns which the School has in respect of the
potential dangers of communicating by e-mail. It is therefore appropriate that
the School has a policy applicable to all its students who use e-mail so that
everyone is aware of the procedures to be used in respect of it and other
Internet applications.
1. Students must not use the e-mail system to display, generate, store
and/or pass on to others material whether in text, pictures or any other
form which may be regarded as offensive on race, sex or disability
Students must not use the e-mail system to propagate viruses, chain-
letters or unsolicited advertising material (spam).
2. In particular, the School will not accept as an excuse for the distribution
of inappropriate material that the employee/student was not aware that
it was attached to the message forwarded.
3. The question of what constitutes offensive material is not one for the
sender to determine – it is the effect on the recipient which is important.
Students should not therefore pass on any material which even risks
causing offence to any recipient.
5. If a student has cause to be away from her/his desk for any period they
should log out while absent. Otherwise the School must assume in the
first instance that any material coming from that terminal was
generated and/or passed on by the student. For the same reason
students should never reveal their e-mail log-on details to any person.
7. For students’ own protection and that of the School she/he should not
use the e-mail to distribute or pass on any material which is actually or
potentially defamatory of any person, group, firm or company, whether
or not connected with this School. Jokes at the expense of named or
identifiable others are included within this prohibition.
The School endeavours to ensure that employees’ and students’ use of either
alcohol or drugs does not impair the safe and efficient running of its operation
or the health and safety of its employees and students.
with the School’s Disciplinary Procedure when the employee/student has had
time to recover.
1. The Glasgow School of Art has a legal obligation to take action when it
becomes aware of illegal activities, including the possession, supply or
production of classified/controlled drugs.
2 It is the School’s policy to report any such incidents to the Police and in
addition, may invoke the School’s Disciplinary Procedures. Students
should be aware of the serious consequences that a criminal record or
disciplinary proceedings may have on their future employment/study.
3 Students are reminded that they are responsible for the behaviour of
their guests/visitors (in Halls of Residence) in this respect.
From time to time students may feel that they have a complaint about some
aspect of their programme or support service provision offered by the School.
The School has established a complaints’ procedure through which students
can pursue such grievances. The procedure allows for complaints to be dealt
with at an informal level in the first instance. This will normally mean that you
should take the matter up with your tutor, Head of Department or the member
of staff responsible for the area concerned. You should remember that you
could also raise the issue through the Staff/Student Consultative Committee
for your department by approaching your Class Representative. If the matter
remains unresolved, the procedure then allows you to take a formal approach
by submitting your complaint in writing to the designated senior officer in the
School. The procedure is published below in full. If you have any questions
about making a complaint, you may at any time seek impartial advice from the
SRC President, or the Registrar.
1.1 The Glasgow School of Art endeavours to provide all students with an
environment that is educationally supportive, fair and intellectually
challenging and where services are provided in an efficient and friendly
manner. We hope that you do not have any cause to complain about
the standard of service offered to you by the School. However, we
acknowledge that problems can occur from time to time. When they do
or when you are not satisfied that we have acted in accord with our
policies and standards, we would ask you to advise us timeously using
the procedures listed below. You are strongly advised to make a
complaint as soon as possible following the incident against which you
are complaining. Please be assured that you will not be
disadvantaged in any way if you make a complaint in good faith.
1.3 It is essential that you clearly state at each stage the remedy you are
seeking that would in your view represent satisfactory resolution of
your complaint.
1.5 The procedure should not be used to make complaints about academic
decisions of Boards of Examiners. Any such complaint should be
addressed through the School’s Code of Appeals Procedure. If you
are in any doubt as to which procedure you should follow on a specific
matter you are strongly advised to consult with the Registrar.
1.7 Complaints from individuals who are dissatisfied in their dealings with
The Glasgow School of Art’s Students’ Association or claim to be
unfairly disadvantaged by reason of having exercised the right not to
be members of the Association, will normally be dealt with under the
Association's own Complaints Procedure, as approved by the School.
1.8 Complaints from individuals who are dissatisfied with the School’s
admissions process will normally be dealt with under the Admissions
Complaints Procedure, as approved by the School’s Academic Council.
1.9 It is expected that this procedure will only be invoked as one of last
resort i.e. once all informal and alternative formal channels to resolve a
complaint have been exhausted.
Scope of Procedure
Complaints Procedure
3.1.1 It is at this informal level that the School anticipates that individual
complaints will be resolved amicably.
3.1.2 Student complaints will normally centre on two main areas: academic
and non-academic.
3.1.4 If you have a complaint about your programme you should take up this
matter with your Tutor or your Head of Department. You may also
raise the issue through the Student/Staff Consultative Committee for
your department by approaching your Class Representative.
3.1.5 If you have a complaint about a specific individual you are encouraged
to approach them directly in the first instance. Alternatively you may
wish to take the matter up with the member of staff who is responsible
for the area concerned (this will normally be the Head of Department).
3.2.1 Stage 1
If you are dissatisfied with the result following any informal approach,
whether to an academic department or to a service department, then
you should take up the matter in writing with the Registrar who will
consult the relevant Head of Department or Head of School with a view
to resolving the complaint at this stage. You should clearly indicate
the redress you are seeking that would in your view represent
satisfactory resolution of your complaint.
3.2.2 Stage 2
If you are dissatisfied with the reply following Stage 1 above, then you
should take up the matter in writing with the appropriate School
representative. For academic matters this will be the Deputy Director
and for non-academic matters this will be the Director of Finance and
Resources. If the complaint involves either of these representatives, or
their departments you should take up the matter with the Director, who
may appoint a nominee to investigate the complaint. No individual
involved in the complaint or in the “internal” complaint stage will be
involved in this stage of the investigation.
(a) Your complaint should take the form of a brief written summary
outlining the nature of the complaint and the remedy you are seeking.
You should also highlight the actions taken to date.
(e) It will be normal practice for the representative to interview both the
complainant and the parties complained about, in order to resolve the
matter. Other staff and/or students relevant to the complaint may also
be interviewed. Copies of written submissions will be made available
to both the complainant and the parties complained about. In certain
circumstances and at the discretion of the School’s representative,
some information will, however, be deemed as confidential.
(f) The School’s representative will reply in writing to all parties concerned
notifying them of the outcome of the investigation.
Appeals Procedure
4.1 If you are of the view that there has been an irregularity in the
procedure followed up to and including Stage 2, that the outcome of
the investigation was clearly unreasonable or that new evidence has
become available, then you have the right of appeal to the Academic
Council of the School. Appeals must be submitted within 14 calendar
days of receipt of notification of the preceding stages.
4.2 The appeal should be submitted in writing to the Registrar who will
arrange an Appeals Committee meeting. The Committee will comprise
of three members of the School’s Academic Council and will be chaired
by the Director or his/her nominee. No person who is involved in the
complaint or in the earlier investigation of the complaint will serve on
the Committee.
Independent Review
5.1 If you are still of the view that there has been an irregularity in the
procedures followed, up to and including 4.1 and 4.3 above, then you
may ultimately seek review of your complaint by the Scottish Public
Services Ombudsman. Please note that the Ombudsman can only
consider complaints about procedural errors or contraventions of basic
principles of justice or administrative law and cannot consider matters
of academic judgement, including marking and examinations, except in
so far as the complaint is about alleged irregularities. If you decide to
seek a review of your complaint by the Ombudsman you should write
i) Students may at any time seek assistance or advice from the President
of the Students’ Association, the Registrar or a Student Counsellor.
Contact details are available through the School’s main switchboard on
ii) Any action of a disciplinary nature taken as a result of the
implementation of this complaints procedure will be in accordance with
the School's Staff and Student Discipline Procedures and normal
management practice in the institution.
iii) Action under this procedure may be suspended pending the outcome
of any police or other statutory or regulatory investigation of the
persons or events in question.
iv) The School reserves the right, in exceptional circumstances, to act
unilaterally on information received through the operation of this
procedure without the agreement of the complainant.
v) These procedures will be subject to ongoing reviews and an annual
report will be made to the School’s Academic Council on complaints
vi) All records of complaints held on computer will be accessible to named
individuals in accordance with the provision of the Data Protection Act
vii) If a complaint is upheld, the School will meet the cost of any
reasonable and proportionate incidental expenses incurred by the
viii) In most cases, written correspondence shall NOT include e-mail
correspondence. E-mail correspondence is only acceptable if related
to confirmation of arrangements of any meeting deemed necessary
under the complaints procedure.
ix) In most cases, if appropriate, the remedies shall include but not be
limited to:- financial compensation; disciplinary action against a
member or members of staff; disciplinary action against a fellow
student; or a combination of these.
x) The School reserves the right to reject frivolous complaints outright. In
these cases, you will be provided with written reasons as to why your
complaint has been deemed so.
• These procedures do not cover complaints about academic decisions
of Boards of Examiners
• Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint at the informal stage
• If any complaint is made against a member of staff, they have the right
to be informed immediately
1. Jurisdiction
2. Disciplinary Offences
2.1 All students of the School are required at all times to be of good
behaviour and to observe all regulations, which may be made from
time to time by the School, or by the University of Glasgow.
Where the conduct may constitute a disciplinary offence, criminal
proceedings may follow.
2.5 Students who will find themselves the subject of Disciplinary Action are
advised to contact the President of the Students’ Association to
appraise her/him of the situation.
3. Discipline Committee
3.1 The Academic Council shall on matters concerning the conduct of the
student body delegate its powers to a Discipline Committee, which
shall consist of the following persons:
3.1.2 Four other members of the Academic Council who shall be elected
annually to the Discipline Committee by the Academic Council.
3.2 The Director or Director of Finance and Resources shall preside at all
meetings of the Discipline Committee.
3.3 The quorum of the Committee shall be three. The Chairman of the
Meeting shall have deliberative and a casting vote. In the event that a
quorum cannot be obtained, the Academic Council shall have power to
appoint additional members of Council to serve on the Committee for
the hearing.
3.4 No member shall sit in judgement on a case in which s/he has any
3.5 The Registrar of the School will act as Clerk to the Committee.
4.1 Any allegation that a student of the School has committed a disciplinary
offence may be reported by or through an officer or member of staff of
the School, or by or through any student.
4.2 The allegation should be made in writing to the Deputy Director who
shall decide either:
4.2.2 Without interviewing the student, to refer the complaint to the Registrar.
4.2.3 A student has the right to appeal to the Board of Governors against any
decision imposed under paragraph 4.2.1. Details of Appeals
procedures are contained under paragraph 6.
5.1 Following receipt of a report under the terms of paragraph 4.2.2 the
Registrar on behalf of the Discipline Committee, shall issue a written
notice, to the student concerned to appear before the Discipline
Committee. Fourteen days notice in writing shall be given and the
notice shall specify the following:
5.1.3 That the Committee will hear any witnesses in the student's defence
that s/he may cite at the Hearing and will consider any documents
which s/he may wish to lodge, and that such documents must be
lodged at least 7 days before the Hearing.
any such person must be communicated to the Registrar 7 days prior
to the Hearing. Legal representation will not be permitted in the
context of this procedure.
5.2 The Committee may call other witnesses whom they deem as relevant
to the case.
5.3 If the student does not appear on the date appointed and the Discipline
Committee are satisfied that proper notice has been given to her/him,
the Committee may in the absence of any extenuating circumstances,
proceed to deal with the case as if the allegations had been admitted
and, if necessary, impose the appropriate penalty in the student's
5.4 If the student appears before the Discipline Committee s/he shall first
be asked whether s/he admits or denies the allegations specified in the
notice to her/him and, if s/he denies the allegations, whether in whole
or in part.
5.5 If the student admits the allegations, the Discipline Committee shall
impose the penalty that they consider to be appropriate after hearing
any statement the student and/or her/his representative may wish to
make in mitigation and after considering any other evidence.
5.6 If the student denies the allegations made against her/him, the
Discipline Committee shall hear any witnesses that may be necessary
to enable the facts to be ascertained, including any witnesses the
student may cite in her/his defence. The Discipline Committee shall
also consider any documents the student may have lodged.
5.8 If the Discipline Committee considers that the allegations are proved,
they shall inform the student of the penalty they consider to be
appropriate after hearing any statement that the student and/or her/his
representative may wish to make in mitigation. The Registrar on behalf
of the Discipline Committee shall inform the student in writing of the
reasons for the decision, and at the same time the student shall be
informed of her/his rights of appeal under paragraph 6.
5.9 The penalties which may be imposed by the Discipline Committee shall
include reprimand, suspension from academic or other privileges,
exclusion or expulsion from the School as well as a recommendation to
the Governors that they obtain payment from the student of the cost in
whole or in part of any loss or damaged caused to the School. The
decision of the Committee shall be lodged in the student's file.
6.1 A student has the right of appeal to the Board of Governors against any
decision of the Disciplinary Committee. Details of the procedure for
appeals will be made available to the student by the Registrar as
specified in paragraph 5.8.
7. General Provisions
7.1 All penalties (other than reprimands and/or warnings given under
paragraphs 4.1.1) shall be reported to the School’s Academic Council
and Students' Association, but such notification shall not disclose the
name of the offender.
7.5 Any disposal shall be lodged by the Registrar in the record of the
student concerned.
All students are expected to abide by the general regulations of both the
School and the University of Glasgow and to behave in an appropriate
manner at all times. A copy of the School’s Code of Discipline can be found
in section 1.0, Policies and Procedures. If you find yourself subject to the
Code of Discipline, you are advised to contact the SRC for further advice.
Enrolment dates are normally issued during the summer. At this time
students will also be advised what they need to bring to complete the process
e.g. birth certificate (new students only) and letter of award.
All continuing students will enrol each year by post. Details of postal
enrolment will be issued in early summer.
Any student who fails to either enrol on the allocated day, or enrol by post as
instructed, without prior permission from the Registrar, will be charged a fixed
penalty. The penalty can range from £25 up to £250 depending on the
circumstances. Further information on the fixed penalties is available from
the Registry.
Enrolment Number
Enrolment Card
Students must carry their enrolment card with them at all times. Not only is
this proof of student status, it also allows students access to the relevant
School buildings. It is important therefore that students complete the
enrolment process as soon as possible otherwise entry to the relevant
department or library may be restricted. In the interests of security, students
may also be asked to present these to members of staff.
Provisional Enrolment
Students who have not completed their enrolment shall not be permitted to
continue on their programme after 1st November. Permission to remain
provisionally enrolled beyond this date will only be given by the Registrar in
exceptional cases. Provisional enrolment may be withdrawn in the event of
any breach in the conditions laid down by the Registrar. Students who have
failed to meet the conditions of their provisional enrolment will not be
permitted to present for examinations.
arrears of fees of any kind (to either the University or the School) have been
paid in full. This also applies to outstanding library books, borrowed
equipment, payment for replacement of equipment, accommodation fees and
any fees charged for materials used throughout the programme. It will be
each student’s responsibility to provide evidence that debts have been
cleared before she/he is permitted to enrol or register for graduation.
Lone working is not permitted after core hours. Please read the Lone
Working and Out-Of-Hours Policy in Section 1.4.
If students intend to borrow or hire equipment (either from the School or any
external company) they are advised to contact the Director of Finance and
Resources office for advice on insurance cover. Loss or damage of the
School’s equipment will result in the student being liable for the first £500. For
further information contact Eliot Leviten, Director of Finance and Resources
on 0141-353-4519.
Appendix 1: Flowchart: Student Life (3-year PhD Programme)
Appendix 2: Flowchart: Registration
Appendix 3: Flowchart: Submission to Oral Examination
Flowchart: Oral Examination to Graduation
Appendix 4: PhD Progression
October May October April-July October March June Mid-August Late September
Submit soft-
Enrolment Peer Group / Matriculation Submission to Matriculation External Supervisor bound Examination
Supervision Supervisor of 25% Examiner forwards thesis to Committee:
Committee of final submission Nominated Intention to Registry
Presentation or– and Submit (RD- • Convenor (
progression to Countdown EX-INT) to • External
registration Peer Group / Planning Registry Examiner
Initially for Supervision Meeting Mock Viva • Independent
MPhil, if Provisional Committee Internal
applicant decision of Presentation Examiner
does not category of • Supervisor as
have a submission observer
Masters Committee’s
Degree (PG) recommendation
Committee’s and Supervisor’s Graduation in the
recommendation report to RDSC following June
and Supervisors
report to RDSC
Priorities Priorities Priorities
• Developing topic for
registration • Developing and • Completing empirical work in final term • Respondi
• Carrying out literature organising database • Completing draft final resubmission by end of ng to
and contextual review • Carrying out the term two recommendati
• Refining research substantive portion of • Revising and re-organising submission during ons of
questions and methods empirical work term three Examining
• Trials of empirical work • Preparing a 25% • Identifying External Examiners in consultation Committee
• Provisionally submission at year end for with Supervisor • Submittin
determining the form of the Supervisor • Notifying Supervisor that you are ready to g hard-bound
final submission • Developing a clear submit three months in advance of examination thesis
timetable for progression to
final submission
2. The Committee may, for this purpose, approve (or recommend) the
translation of either a group of short texts or an excerpt from some
longer text.
Form of Thesis
4. The introduction should make clear the case for translating the work in
question, the nature of the problems, which it presents to the translator,
and the principles and strategies followed in translating it.
4. The title should give the full title of thesis; the full name of the author;
the degree for which the thesis is being submitted; the organisation to
which it is being submitted; the School/Department in which the
research was conducted; the month and year of submission. The
volume number should also be given if the thesis is in more than one
8. The thesis should be firmly sewn and securely attached to its boards to
ensure sufficient rigidity to support the weight of the work when
standing on a shelf. The boards should be of dark coloured cloth. The
author’s name and the title of the thesis should appear on the front
cover, and the author’s name (including initials); the degree for which
submitted and the year of submission should appear on the spine,
lettered from to the bottom. The volume number (if any) should also be
given on the spine.
There are basically two types of presentation the Library can store:
1. Digital Format
2. Printed Format
A third option available is to combine formats 1 and 2. In this case, the visual
and audio material would be presented in digital form and the support text
would conform to the requirements of the printed form.
1. The work will be presented in the order in which it should be looked at.
3. The opening image will be the title page of the portfolio, which should
contain the full title of the work, the full name of the author, the degree
for which the work is submitted, the organisation to which it was
submitted, the School/Department in which the work was carried out
and the month and year of submission.
4. The second image of the presentation should contain the abstract that
describes the work in not more than 400 words.
The author should include a copyright statement on the title page of the
submission as follows
This secures the author’s legal rights against publication of the contents by
another person without prior consent.
Candidates are required to sign a form indicating that they understand these
provisions and giving or withholding permission for consultation or
photocopying. This form must accompany the thesis/portfolio when it is
Appendix 10
1. Introduction
1.1. The aim of this document is to outline the GSA policy on ethical issues in
research and to set out the procedures by which it is implemented and
monitored. By its nature, research at GSA does not generally raise
ethical issues of an unusual kind. It is, however, a requirement of
funding bodies that the ethical considerations relating to all research
activities are made explicit. It is also recognised that an ethics policy
can be an essential tool in maintaining quality and integrity in research.
1.2. The following is guidance for the School’s academic, contract research,
administrative and fundraising staff, all postgraduate research students,
and undergraduate and masters students where their supervisors agree
that they are undertaking research. The policy is also available to
potential research funding agencies.
1.4. The School’s ethics policy recognises the recent changes in research
culture whereby there is an increasing need for all Higher Education
Institutions to adopt research ethics policies. The School is publicly
accountable for the research undertaken under its auspices, and all
researchers have a responsibility to maintain the reputation of GSA and
its excellent research standards. The GSA research ethics policy
identifies the key research ethics issues and sets out the process for
ethical review of research.
1.5. The School reserves the right to impose special conditions on any
awards involving particular ethical issues, and will where necessary seek
guidance on such issues from the School’s Research Committee, which
is responsible under its terms of reference for monitoring, updating and
implementing the School’s research ethics policy. The research ethics
policy will be reviewed by the School’s Research Committee annually.
run through other research not involving human participants. The Ethics
Group is a sub group of the GSA Research Committee. It is chaired by
the Head of Research and Postgraduate Studies and consists of each of
the research developers from the schools, plus a representative from the
3. Procedures
3.1. The School does not currently require applicants to submit every
application to the GSA Ethics Group prior to submission. The procedure
is as follows:
3.1.1. All applicants should provide the local research developer with a
copy of the research application and a completed an ethics form
(see Appendix A), stating whether any ethical issues arise out of
the conduct of the research.
3.1.2. If the form states that no ethical issues arise, the form will be
signed off and returned to the applicant and a copy sent to the
GSA Ethics Group.
3.1.3. If the form states that ethical issues arise out of the conduct of the
research, the research developer will forward a copy of the form
plus a copy of the research proposal to the Ethics Group. The
proposal should clearly identify the ethical issues that arise and
how these will be managed in the project.
3.1.4. The Ethics Group will consider the applications and report the
decision to the applicant through the research developer. The
Group may:
(a) approve the application
(b) reject the application
(c) request further information or modifications to the application
3.1.5. In the case of (c) the revised application should be submitted through the
same procedure.
Appendix 10
3.2. The Group will meet on an ad hoc basis to consider applications and will aim
wherever possible to notify the applicant of approval or difficulties with the
proposal within three weeks of receipt. This lead-time should therefore be
incorporated into the research proposal preparation timetable at an early stage. If
difficulties with approval arise, the Group will consult with the applicant and seek
to resolve the problem. If unanimous agreement on approval or resolution of
difficulties cannot be reached, the decision of the Chair is binding.
3.3. The Ethics Group can also be called upon to provide ethical approval of research
proposals where a funding body requires it, or where either a researcher or
Research Developer requests it.
4.3. Colleagues are required to consider fully the ethical implications of their
research and their means of resolving any ethical issues arising.
Researchers whose proposals are independently scrutinised by the GSA
Ethics Group are required to provide written evidence which addresses
these questions as appropriate.
5.1. This raises special ethical and political issues relating to personal and
national disparities in wealth, power, the legal status of the researcher,
political interest and national political systems. Researchers should bear
in mind the differences between the civil, legal and often financial
position of national and foreign researchers and scholars.
5.3. Researchers should note that there may be a number of national laws or
administrative regulations which can affect the conduct of their research
e.g. matters pertaining to data dissemination and storage, publication,
rights of research subjects, of sponsors and employers etc.
5.4. The GSA Ethics Group’s review guidance notes, together with advice on
best practice in securing informed consent, are available to colleagues
on the GSA website: http://www.gsa.ac.uk/
Appendix 10
6. Appeals
6.1. Applicants may appeal a decision by the Ethics group. Applicants who
wish to appeal a decision by the Research group should write in the first
instance to the Chair of the Research Committee citing the
circumstances involved. An appeal will normally be heard by the GSA
Research Committee, which may refer the appeal to the GSA Academic
Council if no local resolution can be found.
Appendix 10
3. School:
4. Project title:
5. Have all investigators read, understood and accepted the GSA Ethical
Policy, a statement of which is available on the GSA website? Please circle
or highlight:
6. Does your proposal involve human subjects, materials or data not in the
public domain? Please circle or highlight:
8. What, if any, in your opinion are the ethical considerations involved in this
proposal? You should consult the ethical policy statements of the AHRC
and/or ESRC, and you may also wish to consider some or all of the following
Appendix 10
Thank you for filling in this form. You should receive confirmation of ethical
approval within three weeks of submitting it. IMPORTANT: lead times for
applications must take into account this timescale for approval.
For office use:
1. The Glasgow School of Art derives its ethical policy from considerations
identified by AHRC and the ESRC.
2. The School Research Developers are responsible for ensuring that ethical
issues in Schools research are kept under review; that procedures are
managed and monitored; that appropriate records are made and kept; that
the GSA is kept informed as appropriate; and that reports are made to
GSA Research Committee.
3. All research proposals from the School’s staff and students involving
human subjects, materials and data not in the public domain must be
submitted to the Research Developer. All research proposals seeking
external funding must also be reported to the Research Developer before
submission, using the form provided; if the proposal involves human
subjects, materials and data not in the public domain, the full proposal
should also be submitted.
4. The Research Developer brings such proposals to the GSA Ethics Group.
This is a sub-committee of the GSA Research Committee convened by the
Head of Research and Postgraduate Study and consisting of
representatives from each of the schools. The Committee reflects the
range of expertise and research experience of GSA.
Some funding bodies ask for a further statement about procedures. This
wording could be used:
Appendix 10
The research councils (including the Arts and Humanities Research Council, AHRC)
play an important role in setting standards and identifying best practice in research
training. This document sets out a joint statement of the skills that doctoral research
students funded by the research councils/AHRC would be expected to develop
during their research training.
The research councils would also want to re-emphasise their belief that training in
research skills and techniques is the key element in the development of a research
student, and that PhD students are expected to make a substantial, original
contribution to knowledge in their area, normally leading to published work. The
development of wider employment-related skills should not detract from that core
The purpose of this statement is to give a common view of the skills and experience
of a typical research student, thereby providing universities with a clear and
consistent message aimed at helping them to ensure that all research training is of
the highest standard, across all disciplines. It is not the intention of this document to
provide assessment criteria for research training.
It is expected that each Council will have additional requirements specific to their
field of interest and will continue to have their own measures for the evaluation of
research training within institutions.
- 124 -
(A) Research skills and techniques – to be able to demonstrate:
1. The ability to recognise and validate problems.
2. Original, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to develop
theoretical concepts.
3. A knowledge of recent advances within one’s field and in related areas.
4. An understanding of relevant research methodologies and techniques and
their appropriate application within one’s research field.
5. The ability to critically analyse and evaluate one’s findings and those of
6. An ability to summarise, document, report and reflect on progress.
- 125 -
(D) Personal effectiveness – to be able to:
1. Demonstrate a willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge.
2. Be creative, innovative and original in one’s approach to research.
3. Demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness.
4. Demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to identify own training needs.
5. Demonstrate self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness.
6. Recognise boundaries and draw upon/use sources of support as
7. Show initiative, work independently and be self-reliant.
- 126 -
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