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Natural Fibers: Applications

Jatinder Singh Dhaliwal


Fibers derived from bio-based sources such as vegetables and animal origin are
termed as natural fibers. This definition includes all natural cellulosic fibers (cot-
ton, jute, sisal, coir, flax, hemp, abaca, ramie, etc.) and protein-based fibers such
as wool and silk. There are also man-made cellulose fibers (e.g., viscose rayon and
cellulose acetate) that are produced with chemical procedures from pulped wood or
other sources (cotton, bamboo). Natural fibers being cost effective and abundantly
available yields high potential in various industrial and commercial applications
such as in the interior applications of the passenger cars, panels for partition and
false ceiling, partition boards, roof tiles, coir fibers in packaging, furniture applica-
tions, as insulating materials in low energy houses, geo-textiles for soil protection
and erosion control, enhancing barrier properties, composites etc. Due to research
and developmental work in modification and treatment methods of natural fibers,
utilization of natural fibers has observed a significant growth in various applica-
tions. The chapter addresses the potential applications of natural fibers in various
commercial sectors for the development of environment-friendly products with an
aim to replace synthetic fibers or inorganic fillers with cost-effective and efficient

Keywords: natural fibers, polymers, composites, applications, modification

1. Introduction

The transition toward a bio-based economy and sustainable developments as a

consequence of the Kyoto protocols on greenhouse gas reduction and CO2 neutral
production offers high perspectives for natural fiber markets. Changing to a bio-
based economy requires substitution of common raw materials that are currently
largely produced from fossil (petrochemical) or mineral resources, by-products
produced from renewable (plant and animal based) resources [1]. The develop-
ment of a sustainable global economy, which permits improving purchasing
power and living standards without exhaustion of resources for future genera-
tions, requires a fundamental change in attitude. On ecological grounds products
should then be preferred that are based on photosynthetic CO2 fixation [1]. The
benefit of those sustainable resources is that they can be regrown within the fore-
seeable future, without negative side effects on global biodiversity. Therefore,
competitive products based on renewable resources need to be developed to have
high quality, show excellent technical performance, and harm the environment
less than current products based on petrochemical materials [2, 3]. Table 1 below
shows the major natural fiber producers in the world, their potential applications
and associated by products.

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

Natural Main producers Fiber market By-product

Cotton China, USA, India, Textile fabric: apparel, home furnishing, Linter, cottonseed,
Pakistan upholstery, non-wovens, specialty paper, stalks
cellulose, medical and hygienic supplies
(hydrophilic absorbents)

Kapok Indonesia Pillow, mattress Seeds, wood

Jute India, Bangladesh Hessian, sacking, carpet backing Stalks (sticks)

Kenaf China, India,

Flax China, France, Textile fabric, composites non-woven, Seeds, shives
Belgium, Belarus, insulation mats, specialist paper

Hemp China
Ramie China Textile fabric Leaves, stem

Abaca Philippines, Specialty paper, tea bags Leaves, juice

Sisal Brazil, China, Twine and ropes Short fiber, juice,
Tanzania, Kenya poles, stem

Henequen Mexico

Coir India, Sri Lanka Twine, ropes, carpets, brushes, mattress, Copra, water,
geotextiles, horticultural products shell, pith, wood,

Wool Australia, China, Knitted wear Lamb meat, cheese

New Zealand
Silk China, India Fine garments, veils, handkerchiefs Worms, cocoons,
fruits, wood

Table 1.
Natural fiber type, producers and markets [4].

In 2017, global fiber production exceeded 100 million mt resulting in the larg-
est fiber production volume ever. Global fiber production saw a 10-fold increase
from 1950 to 2017 from <10 million mt to over 100 million mt. Synthetic fibers
have dominated the fiber market since the mid-1990s when they overtook cotton
and became the dominant fiber. With around 65 million mt of synthetic fibers, this
fiber category made up approximately 60% of the global fiber production in 2017.
Polyester has a market share of around 51% of the total global fiber production.
More than 53 million mt of polyester is produced annually. Cotton is the second
most important fiber since synthetics took the lead in the mid-1990s [4]. With
around 26 million mt, it has a market share of approximately 25% of global fiber
production. An increasingly important fiber category is man-made cellulosics
(MMCs) with a global production volume of around 6.5 million mt and a market
share of around 6–7% in 2017. Wool has a market share of around 1% with a global
production volume of a little over one million mt. Other plant-based fibers, includ-
ing jute, linen, and hemp, together have a market share of about 5%. Silk and down
have market shares of less than 1%. The need to decouple growth from resource
consumption gets more urgent every year. The significant growth in fiber produc-
tion results in a significant use of natural resources and a huge production of textile
waste. There is a growing awareness of the urgent need for a more responsible use
of resources, enabling growth without increased resource consumption.

Natural Fibers: Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884

An innovation toward a circular economy and dematerialization can be seen in

almost all fiber categories. Accelerating such initiatives will help to reduce the
overall fiber footprint on the planet [4].
Natural fibers have three main components lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose,
percent of each vary with each type of natural fiber. Hemicellulose is strongly tied
to cellulose fibrils presumably by hydrogen bonds. Hemicellulose polymers are
branched and fully amorphous and have a significantly lower molecular weight
than cellulose. Because of its open structure containing many hydroxyl and acetyl
groups, hemicellulose is partly soluble in water and hygroscopic. Lignin is amor-
phous, highly complex, and mainly aromatic polymer of phenyl propane units but
had the least water absorption of the natural fiber components. Amorphous lignin
matrix helps in the combination of helically arranged cellulose microfibrils, which
results in the formation of composite fiber. Lignin plays a very important role in
the plant fiber such as water holding capacity, provide protection against biological
attacks, and strengthened the stem against wind and gravity forces. Hemicellulose
found in the plant fibers is believed to be a compatibilizer between cellulose and
lignin [5].
However, the quality of natural fibers is greatly influenced by various factors like
the age of the plant, species, growing environment, harvesting, humidity, quality of
soil, temperature, and processing steps, and there is a move to reduce the on-field
processing to improve consistency and reduce costs [6].

2. Applications of natural fibers

2.1 Wind turbine blade

For centuries different sources like wood, oil, coal and currently materials like
coke, natural gas, nuclear materials etc. are used for energy generation. With the
significant increase in population, civilization, and industrialization, the consump-
tion of energy has increased many folds. In today’s scenario due to this imbalance of
ecological system, more ecological awareness and stringent country law and policies
have led to the increased interest on renewable and sustainable energy sources.
There is a continuous search for sustainable development with minimum pollution
and better efficiencies for reduction in energy consumption which have led to the
development of wind energy. It is a prominent renewable energy source available
to mankind which can be part of the solution of the global energy problem [7].
Currently the wind energy sector is growing, and highly efficient systems capable
for converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical or electrical energy are
available. Generally the wind turbines consist of three rotor blades that rotate around
a horizontal hub and convert the wind energy into mechanical energy and are the
key component of the wind turbine. However the design aspect of these wind blades
plays a major role in conversion process, the aerodynamic shape, the length of blades,
and the material of construction used by the manufacturer.
Based upon the design of orientation of the shaft and rotational axis, wind
turbines can be classified into two types (Figure 1). A turbine with a shaft mounted
horizontally parallel to the ground is known as a horizontal-axis wind turbine
(HAWT), and turbine with shaft normal to the ground is called vertical-axis wind
turbine (VAWT). Today’s leading large-scale turbine manufacturers favor HAWT-
type turbines because of attributes like increased rotor control through pitch and
yaw control [8–10].
Fiber-reinforced composite materials have been the choice for the commercial
production of large-scale wind turbine rotor blades especially glass and carbon

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

Figure 1.
Alternative configurations of shaft and rotor [8].

fibers. Carbon fibers are preferred over glass fibers because they provide superior
mechanical strength due to their lower density and higher fatigue ratio which
extends the life of the blades. The high cost of the carbon fibers which start with
the expensive poly-acrylonitrile polymer (PAN) precursor and due to the envi-
ronmental concerns and stringent laws, these are not considered as first choice
since the commercial production of these types of fibers is highly dependent upon
petroleum-based resources [11]. Because of these and similar reasons, researchers
around the globe have shifted their focus on replacing these man-made fibers with
natural fibers. Some of the main requirements for the wind turbine blade are
(a) high strength, (b) high fatigue resistance and reliability, (c) low weight, and
(d) high stiffness [12].
There is a huge potential to reduce the overall manufacturing cost of the wind
turbine blades and replace the man-made fibers with natural fiber-reinforced com-
posite materials. Balsa, flax, hemp, coir, abaca, alpaca, bamboo, and jute fibers have
been marketed as potential and prospective substitutes to the traditional composite
reinforcements. Lignin which is an aromatic biopolymer and abundantly available
and can be sourced from plants and wood can be used as a precursor for produc-
tion of carbon fibers. Low cost and easy availability can have a saving of 37–49% in
the production cost of carbon fibers. However lignin has to be modified so as to be
spun, stretched/aligned, and spooled into fibers, and these fibers can also be used
in manufacturing of blades. Generally wind turbine blades are made up of array of
sandwich panel strips and panels. Because of its light in weight and stiffness relative
to density, balsa wood is being studied and used for making wind turbine interior
panels and sandwich components [11, 12].
The performance of NFC-based wind turbine blades depend upon the following
factors [10]:

1. Matrix selection—Matrix plays an important role in fiber-reinforced compos-

ites. It acts as a barrier against environment and protects the surface exposed
from mechanical abrasion. Most commonly used matrices are polymeric in na-
ture as they hold certain advantages being light in weight and easy to fabricate,
can be designed to withstand harsh temperatures, etc. Thermoplastic
(e.g., polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon, polycarbonate, etc.) and thermoset
(e.g., polyurethanes, polyester, epoxy etc.) polymers are being used with natu-
ral fibers [13].

2. Fiber selection—All the plant-based fibers hold cellulose as the major struc-
tural component. Choice of the fiber depends upon the country or region and
size of the wind turbine blade. It is important to know the availability of the
fiber since it varies from country to country. The size of the blade governs the
nature of mechanical performance requirements; therefore one particular
fiber might not provide adequate strength for a particular size blade. Generally

Natural Fibers: Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884

better performance can be achieved with fibers having higher cellulose content
and cellulose microfibrils aligned more in fiber direction. Typical examples are
flax, hemp, kenaf, jute, and ramie fibers. The properties of the natural fibers do
vary depending upon the chemical structure and composition, growing condi-
tions, treatment procedures, harvesting time, extraction method, and storage
procedures [14].

3. Fiber orientation—Orientation of fibers in polymer matrix ultimately governs

the performance of the composite material which is best achieved when the fi-
bers are aligned in parallel to the direction of applied load, however it’s difficult
to achieve in reality. Some alignment can be achieved during injection molding
process and manual placement of long fibers [15–18].

4. Interference strength—Though the natural fibers are obtained from renew-

able resources and the composite materials will be environment-friendly,
there are certain disadvantages also associated with unmodified or raw
natural fibers. Some of the major problems can be high moisture uptake, low
thermal stability, poor adhesion, poor mechanicals, etc. However, the major-
ity of these can be overcome by employing suitable treatment/modification
procedures [19–21].

2.2 Hydrogel production

Hydrogels are polymers having a three-dimensional cross-linked hydrophilic

structure produced by simple reaction of one or more monomers which renders
them capability of absorbing, storing, and releasing water molecules. Hydrogels
have been researched considerably over the past decades due to their promising
application in various fields. Some of the application areas of hydrogels include the
manufacture of personal hygiene products, medical devices, environmental, agri-
cultural, drug delivery systems, pharmaceuticals, biomedical, tissue engineering
and regenerative medicines, wound dressing, biosensor, separation of biomolecules
or cells and barrier materials to regulate biological adhesions, etc. [22–26].
Hydrogels can be classified based upon the following [22]:

1. Source—Based upon the source, hydrogels can be categorized into two groups:
natural and synthetic.

2. According to the polymeric composition—Preparation method leads to differ-

ent class of hydrogels. (a) Homopolymeric hydrogels are formed using single
monomer. Cross-linking will depend upon the nature of monomer and polym-
erization technique. (b) Copolymeric hydrogels are formed using two or more
monomer species having at least one hydrophilic component. (c) Multipoly-
mer interpenetrating polymeric network (IPN) is formed of two independent
cross-linked natural or synthetic polymer components. In semi-IPN hydrogel,
one is cross-linked, while the other component is non-cross-linked.

3. Type of cross linking—Based upon the chemical or nature of cross-linking

junctions, hydrogels can be classified into two categories. Chemical cross-
linked having permanent junctions and hydrogels with physical networks aris-
ing from physical entanglements or interactions [27].

4. Configuration—Based upon the chemical composition and physical structure,

the hydrogels can be amorphous, semicrystalline, and crystalline.

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

5. Physical appearance—It is governed by the polymerization technique used for

preparation. Hydrogels can be in form of matrix, films, microsphere, etc.

6. Network electrical charge—On the basis of the presence or absence of electrical

charge located on the cross-linked chains, hydrogels are divided into four groups:
nonionic, ionic, amphoteric, and zwitterionic (polybetaines) electrolytes.

2.2.1 Modification methods of natural fibers for hydrogel production

Lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose are the major constituents of natural fibers.
Lignin which coats or covers the cellulose part shows lower tendency to react with
other molecules and poor adhesion with polymer matrix. Therefore the natural
fibers most of the time have to undergo through treatment or modifications to
improve the reactivity, interaction, and better adhesion with polymer matrix or
other molecules [28].
For the hydrogel production, the natural fibers are modified in two stages:

• Pretreatment step—It is a very common step even used when NF are used in
composite material production also. The main objective of this step is the
removal of lignin which is nonreactive toward other molecules and is achieved
by alkaline treatment [29].

• Chemical modification—The step involves insertion of molecules into active

sites of natural fibers of cellulose [30].

Collectively these steps increase the water absorption and retention capacity
throughout with the help of modifying agents and active site generation.

2.2.2 Hydrogel synthesis from plant fibers

Hydrogel synthesis methods are mass polymerization, solution, and reverse

suspension (use of initiator and a crosslinking agent). Generally hydrogel synthesis
based upon the plant fibers uses solution polymerization method [28]. Figure 2
shows general hydrogel preparation process.
Table 2 shows the different polymerization techniques, method employed, and
type of characterization required during hydrogel synthesis. Solution polymeriza-
tion is typically the preferred method for synthesis.
As reported by [29], during hydrogel synthesis, increase in the fiber content
increased the swelling and elastic modulus, whereas Liang et al. showed change in
pH, temperature, and salts leads to change in swelling behavior. In acidic environ-
ment, hydronium ions interacts with hydroxyl groups of cellulose to form hydrogen

Figure 2.
Schematic for hydrogel preparation [22].


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884
Natural Fibers: Applications
Raw material Polymerization conditions Method Type of characterization References
Modified sugar cane bagasse, sodium hydroxide, acrylic acid Reactor: beaker of 250 ml Polymerization in solution Swelling ability [31]
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide Reaction temperature: 60°C Swelling kinetics
Initiator: ammonium persulfate and sodium sulfite Reaction time: 3 hours Swelling ability to pH change
Swelling ability in saline
solutions (NaCl, CaCl2)
Effect of temperature change on
swelling ability

Flax fiber (shive) pretreated with NaOH sodium hydroxide, Reactor set to microwave with Microwave assisted Swelling ability [32]
acrylic acid condensation polymerization Swelling kinetics
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide System nitrogen as inert gas Swelling ability to pH change
Initiator: potassium persulfate Reaction temperature: 22 min Swelling ability in saline
Power of irradiation: 160 W solutions (NaCl, CaCl2, and

Commercial nanocrystalline cellulose, acrylamide Concentration of nanocrystals: 1, Polymerization by free radicals Rheology of the gelation process [33]
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide 3, 5, 6, 7, in solution Swelling ability and kinetics
Initiator: sodium persulfate and sodium and 9.3% weight Measurement of compression
bisulfite Reactor: 50 ml flask with stirring properties
Nitrogen as inert gas
Temperature: 25°C
Reaction time: 20 hours

Chitosan nanofibers, acrylamide Concentration of 1.5% nanofibers Polymerization Measurement of rheological and [34]
Cross-linker: N, N-methylenebisacrylamide with the monomer by free radicals in solution compression properties
Initiator: potassium persulfate and sodium bisulfite Reactor: 20 × 60 mm test tubes Swelling ability and kinetics
Nitrogen as inert gas
Temperature: 40°C
Reaction time: 20 hours

Modified sugar cane bagasse 500 ml three-necked reactor Polymerization in solution Determination of NPK, release [35]
Phosphoric rock acrylic acid partially neutralizing with equipped with reflux ratio (phosphorus), swelling
NaOH and NH3 Reaction time: 3 hours ability
Initiator: potassium persulfate Reaction temperature: 75°C
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

Raw material Polymerization conditions Method Type of characterization References
Wheat straw pretreated with 1 M HNO3 acrylic acid Three-mouth reactor equipped with Polymerization in solution Swelling ability and water [36]
neutralized with KOH and dimethyldiallyl ammonium reflux retention
chloride acrylamide Reaction time: 5 hours Swelling kinetics, re-swelling
Initiator: potassium persulfate and ceramic ammonium Reaction temperature: 50°C ability
nitrate Swelling to pH change and in
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide saline solutions

Cotton cellulose nanofibers Three-mouth reactor with reflux Polymerization in solution Swelling in saline solutions and [37]
Chitosan acrylic acid Reaction time: 2 hours to pH change
Initiator: potassium persulfate Reaction temperature:
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide 70°C

Cotton nanofibers, acrylamide and potassium acrylate Concentration of nanofibers: 1, 5, Polymerization by free radicals Swelling ability and kinetics [37]
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide 10, and 20% by relative weight to in solution Swelling ability in saline
Initiator: potassium persulfate monomers solutions
Catalyst: N, N, N, N-tetramethyldiamine Reactor: no report Water retention capacity
Nitrogen as inert gas Evaluation of the pH effect on
Temperature: not reported the swelling ability
Reaction time: 15 hours
Cotton nanofibers, cassava starch, and sodium acrylate Crossl-inking concentration: 1–3% Polymerization by free radicals Kinetics and speed of swelling [38]
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide by weight in solution Swelling ability in saline
Initiator: potassium persulfate Concentration of nanofibers: 5–20% solutions and pH change
by weight Mechanical properties (Young’s
Reactor: Three-necked flask modulus)
equipped with reflux with n stirring
Reaction temperature: 70°C
Reaction time: 3 hours
Pretreated flax fiber waste Flask with reflux Polymerization in solution Swelling by pH change and saline [39]
Acrylic acid, acrylamide Reaction time: 2 hours solutions
Initiator: ammonium persulfate Reaction temperature: 70°C Water holding capacity in the
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide soil
Water retention by temperature

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884
Natural Fibers: Applications
Raw material Polymerization conditions Method Type of characterization References
Carboxylated cellulose nanofibers Three-necked flask with reflux Polymerization in solution Swelling ability [40]
Carboxymethyl cellulose Reaction time: 2 hours Retention and release capacity
Acrylic acid acrylamide Reaction temperature: 70°C Swelling to pH change and saline
Initiator: ammonium persulfate solutions
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide Water retention capacity by
temperature change

Kapok fiber Reactor: 250 ml equipped with Polymerization in solution Elastic module [29]
sodium hydroxide, acrylic acid mechanical agitation Swelling ability
Cross-linker: N,N-methylenebisacrylamide Nitrogen as inert gas Swelling ability to pH change
Initiator: ammonium persulfate Reaction temperature: 70°C Swelling kinetics
Reaction time: 3 hours Swelling ability in saline
solutions (NaCl, CaCl2, and
Polyethylene glycol diacrylate Reaction temperature: environment Not reported Swelling ability [41]
Chitosan nanofibers Reaction time: 30 minutes Retention and release capacity
Initiator: ammonium persulfate Resistance to compression and
Cross-linker: NNNN-tetramethylethylenediamine rupture
Commercial cellulose nanofibers, sodium acrylate poly Concentration of nanofibers: 0–2% Photopolymerization Swelling ability free and in saline [42]
(ethylene glycol) diacrylate by weight by UV at 365 nm of wavelength solutions
Photoinitiator: 1-phenyl hydroxycyclohexyl Reactor: Beaker to a power of 100 W
ketone Reaction time: 8 minutes

Table 2.
Some of the reported hydrogel synthesis methods based upon natural fibers.
Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

linking forces resulting in increasing chain cross-linking and decreasing absorp-

tion capacity, whereas in basic media due to the neutralization of active sites, the
swelling ability decreased. A temperature between 0 and 50°C is reported to have
positive effect on the swelling ability. Zhong et al. [35] found the inclusion of the
phosphoric rock in polymer matrix results into better swelling ability and water
release rate.
The effect of use of natural fibers at nanoscale level in the hydrogels also has
been studied, and few of the advantages found are the following:

• Better mechanical strength of hydrogels

• Improvement in the swelling ability

• Increase the density of cross-linking points

• Promotes the formation of porous morphology

Hydrogels can be tailored and designed as per the requirements and needs for
different applications. Natural fibers as part of hydrogels synthesis can provide an
eco-friendly alternative and fulfill the potential.

2.3 Automotive application

Today more than 50% of the vehicles’ interior constitutes different polymeric
materials. Automotive manufacturers and associations are under tremendous
pressure to improve on fuel efficiency and lower emissions. One of the best ways
is to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle which can be possible in replacing
metal with lightweight composite materials [43]. Automakers have taken initiatives
to design and utilize natural renewable resources as part of composite materials,
though the use of natural biomaterials like natural fibers in automotive dates back
to 1940s when Henry Ford produced the first composite component using hemp
fiber. Similarly many other automotive manufacturers started following the same
path down the line. Natural fiber-based composites hold great potential especially
in automotive industry where studies have reported NFRC can contribute to cost
and weight reduction by 20 and 30%, respectively [44]. Natural fiber-reinforced
composite materials are generally utilized in interior parts like door panels, dash-
board parts, parcel shelves, seat cushions, backrests, cable linings, etc. Applications
to exterior are limited due to the high demand of mechanical strength [45–48].
Finished automotive door produced from hemp fiber is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.
Schematic of (a) hemp fiber and (b) automotive part produced using hemp fiber.

Natural Fibers: Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884

The properties of the natural fiber-reinforced composite materials depend upon

the interfacial compatibility of the polymer matrix. The inherent characteristics
and properties of natural fibers, generally issues like poor adhesion, moisture
absorption, poor wet ability, etc., cause lower bonding with the polymer matrix.
Therefore, modification or pretreatment of natural fibers is done prior to composite
preparation. Several techniques and processes have been studied and reported. Few
of them are stretching, calendaring, and production of hybrid yarns which result
into change in physical attributes of natural fibers. Corona treatment (electrical
discharge) method is another method used which makes surface rough resulting in
better adhesion with polymer. The use of oxidizing agents such as sodium/calcium
hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide for removal of dust and oil from natural fibers
has been reported. Alkali treatment of natural fibers also have been extensively
studied and found to improve wet ability and improve adhesion significantly.
Further improvement can be made by the use of grafted polymers like polypro-
pylene/polyethylene-grafted maleic anhydride as compatibilizers and the use of
coupling agents. These specialty products facilitate in the introduction and forma-
tion of covalent bonds and cross-linking effect [49–53].
In a report published by SABIC Innovative Plastics, wood flour and curaua
fiber-based composites have been developed. Results are shown in the table below.
The company claims that the composites developed are more resistant to fungi
growth and have good dimensional stability, lower moisture absorption, and
intended mechanical properties as required for the application. Table 3 shows the
comparison of unfilled PP and PA6 with filled natural fibers, glass fibers, and talc
at similar loading level. Density advantage can be observed with NFRC as compared
to other composite materials. Most of the mechanical properties of PP filled with
NFs are almost similar to the talc-filled PP. Glass fiber-filled PP possess advantage
in terms of tensile and flexural strength over NFRC and talc-filled PP materials.
However, in automotive interior applications, composite materials with mild to
high mechanical properties can serve the purpose. Mechanical properties of natural
fiber-reinforced polymer composite are comparable to polypropylene talc and glass
fiber composites (Table 3).

Property PP PP + 30% PP + 30% PP + 30% PA6 PA6 + 20% PP + 20% PP + 20%

WP GF talc curaua GF talc

Density 0.91 1.04 1.13 1.15 1.14 1.18 1.27 1.27


Tensile 19 28 65 25 63 83 101 73

Tensile 1.4 2.3 4.5 2.2 1.4 5.5 6.5 6.5


Elongation at 50 2.5 3.0 5.0 >60 3.0 3.0 6.0

break (%)

Izod impact 5.0 9.0 9.5 8.0 10 9.0 9.0 9.0


Flexural 50 78 115 65 95 115 160 115


Table 3.
Mechanical properties of filled and unfilled PP and PA6 composites [43].

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

Natural fibers Component description Polymer matrix

Bast fibers (hemp, Carrier for door panel, covered inserts, carrier for hard Polypropylene and
flax, jute, sisal, and soft arm insert, backseat panel, door bolsters, side polyester
etc.) and back walls, rear deck tray, center console, trunk trim,
pillars, load floors, etc.

Abaca Under floor panel and body panel —

Coconut Seat bottom, back cushions, interior trim, seat Natural rubber
cushioning, seat surfaces/backrests, etc.

Coir Seat covers, doormats, rugs —

Cotton Sound proofing, trunk panels, insulation PP/PET

Fibrowood Plastic retainer for backseat panel PP

Flax Backseats, covers, rear parcel shelves, other interior Mat with PP
trims, floor trays, pillar panels, central consoles, etc.
Flax/hemp Carrier for covered door panels Epoxy resin

Flax/sisal Door linings and panels Thermoset resins

Kenaf Door inner panel PP

Kenaf/flax Package trays and door panel inserts —

Kenaf/hemp Door panel, rear parcel shelves, interior trims, luxury —

package shelves, door panels
Wood Carrier for door panels, covered door panels, instrument Acrylic resin or
panels, covered inserts and components, covered synthetic fibers
backseat panels, etc.
Wood flour Carrier for door panels, arm rest, and covered inserts PP or polyolefin

Wool Upholstery, seat cover Leather

Table 4.
Applications of natural fibers in automotive industry [54–59].

Now different regions across globe opt for different natural fibers depending
upon their availability and ease of use. European automotive industry prefers flax
and hemp, whereas in Asian country India prefers jute and kenaf. Banana fibers
are preferred in the Philippines, whereas sisal fibers are used majorly in the USA,
Brazil, and South Africa. Table 4 shows the use of natural fibers in various automo-
tive components.
The use and development of natural fiber-based composite materials in automo-
tive are going on good pace, and in time better composite materials with mechanical
performance similar to synthetic fibers will be developed. Continuous development
in fiber modification techniques, compounding machines, additives, polymers, etc.
will yield a promising future ahead.

2.4 Barrier properties and applications

Cellulose is the primary component of green plants and is the most abundant
organic compound derived from biomass. Due to its characteristic chemical and
physical properties, it has been investigated and applied to variety of products
and materials for many decades [60, 61]. Cellulose material exists in four different
polymorphs [62, 63]:

Natural Fibers: Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884

• Type I—Native cellulose, the form in which cellulose occurs in nature.

• Type II—Regenerated cellulose, formed after recrystallization or merceriza-

tion with aqueous sodium hydroxide.

• Type III—This type of cellulose is produced by ammonia treatment of types I

and II.

• Type IV—Heat treatment of type III yield type IV.

Type II is the most stable crystalline form of cellulose. The major difference
between the type I and type II is the layout of their atoms. Chains in type I are
layered in parallel fashion, whereas in type II they are in antiparallel.
About 36 individual cellulose molecules collectively form into a larger unit called
elementary fibrils. Figure 4 depicts the details of cellulose fibers and microfibrils.
Depending upon the dimensions, functions, and preparation methods, nanocellu-
lose can be subdivided into three main types: (a) microfibrillated cellulose (MFC),
(b) nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC), and (c) bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) [64], as
shown in Figure 5.
Various petroleum-based materials are widely used for packaging application
to prevent food, drinks, cosmetic goods, consumer goods, etc. against physical

Figure 4.
From cellulose sources to cellulose molecules. Details of cellulose fiber structure with emphasis on cellulose
fibrils [64, 65].

Figure 5.
TEM images of (a) microfibrillated cellulose, (b) nanocrystalline cellulose, and (c) bacterial

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

Figure 6.
Schematic representation of increased diffusion path within nanocellulose film [70].

and microbiological degradation and deterioration. These polymeric materials

provide a layer of barrier against water vapor, oxygen, grease, and microorganisms.
Packaging industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Now with
the increased concerns due to the impact of these polymeric and other packaging
materials like paper, glass, and metal on environment, materials derived from the
renewable resources are strongly advocated. Recent research in more efficient and
reliable preparation techniques for cellulose nanofibers and microfibrils synthesis,
has attracted significant interest as potential barrier materials in packaging films.
Cellulose nanomaterials have large surface area and diameter in range of 2–50 nm.
Their ability to form hydrogen bonds results into strong network formation making
it difficult for gas or water molecules to pass through it, thus providing excellent
barrier properties [66–69].
Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) films have better gas barrier property than
cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) because of the crystalline and amorphous regions
in CNCs. Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of 25 micron MFC film was found to
be competitive with films of similar thickness made from ethylene vinyl alcohol
(EVOH) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). OTR of MFC film was found to be
lower than EVOH and PVDF films [71, 72]. Figure 6 represents the kind of tortur-
ous path for permeating molecule because of nanocellulose. As reported, the barrier
properties of MFC films can be tuned further. Rodionova et al. [73] in his work
showed that oxygen permeability of MFC acetylated and carboxymethylated films
can be further reduced. Carboxymethylated films had very low oxygen permeabil-
ity of 0.009 and 0.0006 cm3 m−2/day kPa-1. Further the oxygen permeability can
further be modified by using thermal treatment technique. Table 5 shows the OTR
and WVTR values of commercial polymer films and MFC film.
MFC film have poor water vapor barrier property as compared to PVDF film due
to hydrophilic nature of cellulose molecules however it can be improved thereby
using different pre and post treatments during production process.
Cellulose nanocrystals have been studied as potential fillers for natural polymers
to enhance their barrier properties. Results reported as in Saxena et al. [74] showed
that nanocomposite film made by casting aqueous solution containing xylan,

Barrier material Thickness OTR (cm3/m2/d) WVTR (g/m2/d) Sources

EVOH 24 μm 0.16–1.86 NA [69]

MFC 25 μm 0.5–2.347 47–55 [70]

PVDF 24 μm 8 0.3 [69]

Table 5.
Barrier properties of polymers and MFC.

Natural Fibers: Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884

sorbitol, and cellulose nanocrystals had low oxygen permeability of 0.1799 cm3 μm/
m2 d kPa. As other reports [75, 76] also indicate that cellulose nanocrystals when
used in other polymer matrix like PLA and PVOH improved in OTR and WVTR
values. Studies based upon the use of microfibrillated and nanocrystals of cellulose
in polymeric materials have opened possibilities in films, composites, and coatings
to substantially reduce especially the oxygen permeation rate. Microfibrillated
cellulose and its nanocrystals have oxygen-barrier efficiency better some of the
commercially available polymers.

2.5 Other applications

2.5.1 Composites

There are considerable enhancement and suggestions for the natural fibers that
can be implemented in order to enhance their mechanical properties resulting in
high strength and structure so that it can be used as fillers and reinforcement agents
instead of conventional materials like talc, calcium carbonate, mica, glass fibers,
etc. After selecting the appropriate fiber and method of modification for the target
application, the polymer matrix properties can be improved. Few of the parameters
that effect the composite performance are the (a) orientation of fibers, (b) strength
of fibers, (c) physical properties of fibers, (d) interfacial adhesion property of
fibers, and many more [77–80]. Natural fiber-reinforced composite materials have
shown better properties than pure polymer matrix in many cases. 75.8% of PLA’s
tensile strength was improved by the introduction of jute fibers. Properties of PP
composites were improved by the incorporation of kenaf, cotton, and hemp fibers
[77]. Ishagh et al. [81] investigated effects of azodicarbonamide (AZD) and nano-
clay (NC) content on the physico-mechanical and foaming properties of HDPE/
wheat straw flour (WSF) composites. With the increase of AZD, the average cell size
and density increased, whereas with addition of nanoclay up to 5phr, the cell size
and density increased. Idicula et al. [82] investigated thermophysical properties of
banana sisal hybrid-reinforced composites. Increase in the thermal conductivity by
43% was observed in fibers which were subjected to mercerization and polystyrene
maleic anhydride treatments. Chensong dong et al. [83] reported flexural properties
of wheat straw polyester composites. Natural fiber-reinforced composites due to
their certain advantages such as high stiffness to weight ratio, lightweight, and bio-
degradability gave them suitability in different applications in building industries.
Sisal fiber reinforced composite have shown good tensile and compression strength
making it suitable for wide area of applications, for instance, structural building
members, permanent formwork, tanks, facades, long span roofing elements, and
pipes strengthening of existing structures [84]. On the other hand, bamboo fiber
can be used in structural concrete elements as reinforcement, while sisal fiber and
coir fiber composites have been used in roofing components in order to replace
asbestos. Natural fiber-reinforced concrete products in construction applications
like sheets (both plain and corrugated) and boards are light in weight and are ideal
for use in roofing, ceiling, and walling for the construction of low-cost houses.

2.5.2 Silk fiber applications

Silk which is a natural fiber and produced in more than 20 countries finds applica-
tion in various sectors. Silk proteins are used as special diet for cardiac and diabetic
patients due to its low sugar content, easy digestibility, and low cholesterol [83, 84].
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has released a recipe as astronauts’
food. Silk biopolymer is used in tissue regeneration for treating burn victims and as

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers

matrix for wound healing. Silk fibroin peptides are used in cosmetics due to their
glossy, flexible, elastic powder coating; easy spreading; and good adhesion proper-
ties [89, 90]. Silk is reported to be used to fight various health-related diseases like
edema, cystitis, impotence, adenosine augmentation therapy, epididymitis, and
cancer [91]. Derivatives of silk fibers are reported to be used as nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory agents for treating rheumatoid arthritis [85, 86]. Silk fibers are used
as surgical sutures and as biodegradable microtubes for repair of blood vessels and
as molded inserts for bone, cartilage, and teeth reconstruction [90, 93]. Due to the
phenomenal mechanical properties of silk as a biopolymer, it is suitable for biomedi-
cal applications.

2.5.3 Natural fiber-reinforced building material

Various natural fibers have been exploited to be used as reinforcements for

building/construction industry. Bamboo due to its lightweight and strength is a
very popular construction material. Bamboo-based material has been developed to
make eco-friendly roofing product. Other such products such as bamboo mat board
(BMB), bamboo mat veneer composites (BMVC), and bamboo mat corrugated
sheets (BMCS) have been developed. Sisal fiber-based roofing sheets also have been
under development as economical alternative. Rice husk and rice straw are nowa-
days used to manufacture medium density fiberboards, particle boards, straw bales,
cement-bonded boards, etc. Ground nutshell is used for manufacturing building
panels, building blocks, chip boards, roofing sheets, particle boards, etc. Cotton
stalk fiber is used for making panel, door shutters, roofing sheets, autoclaved
cement composite, paper, plastering of walls, etc. Coir fiber is a highly durable fiber
used in all types of matrices like fly ash-lime, polymers, bitumen, cement, mud,
gypsum, etc. Jute coir composites are seen as cheap and economical alternative
to wood for construction industry. Jute coir boards are used for the production of
boards which are more resistant than teakwood against rooting under wet and dry
conditions with better tensile strength. Jute with rubber, wood, and coir is consid-
ered as good alternative to plywood [94].

2.5.4 Geotextiles for soil protection and erosion control

Soil protection using natural fibers and other bio-based materials includes leaves,
straws, and plant residues for the mulching of unprotected soil. Nowadays woven
and nonwoven textiles and blankets made from wheat straw, rice straw, long wood
shavings, coir, and jute are used as soil protection products. These products are catego-
rized under two subgroups of the rolled control product (RECP) category. These can
be open-weave geotextiles made using coir and jute fibers termed as erosion control

Figure 7.
Showing (a) coir fiber-made erosion control mesh and (b) coconut fiber-made erosion control blanket.

Natural Fibers: Applications
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.86884

meshes (ECM) or nonwoven from natural fibers or synthetic fibers glued or bonded
by nets or meshes called as erosion control blankets (ECB) as shown in Figure 7.
Natural fibers are also commonly used in rolls stuffed with straw or coir fiber
bundles held together by nets which further can be used as slope interruption
devices or sediment retention fiber rolls [95].

3. Summary

Natural fibers and the products designed around these materials possess many
distinctive advantages: cost-effective, low coefficient of friction, ease of avail-
ability, exhibit good thermal and dimensional stability, environmental friendly,
etc. Because of these and many more reasons, the popularity of natural fibers is on
increase, and a lot of scientific data and research is being done around the globe.
However for effective utilization of natural fibers in various potential applications,
all the aspects associated with them has to be studied and presented: (a) target
application, advantages, and disadvantages of using natural fibers; (b) product
design, studies to be carried out on the development of prototype and other engi-
neering software; (c) preparation and fabrication technique, particular technique,
or process to be identified which should reduce possibility of failure, etc.; (d) com-
mercial production, should be cost effective and eco-friendly; (e) marketing and
sales, product should be marketed to show case its potential benefits toward society
and environment with good after-sale service.
Despite of current prevailing aforementioned issues, several commercial prod-
ucts has been launched by various manufacturers, automotive industry the most
active and leading the development of natural fibers based products. Gradually
other sectors related to sports, furniture, medical, etc. are catching up.

Author details

Jatinder Singh Dhaliwal
Research and Development Center, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Faridabad,
Haryana, India

*Address all correspondence to: singhj4@indianoil.in

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Generation, Development and Modifications of Natural Fibers


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