Aircraft Infrared

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This document provides an overview of infrared principles, signatures, threats and countermeasures related to aircraft defense. It aims to give a practical but general introduction to the field without requiring an infrared background.

This document is intended as a supplementary text for electronic warfare courses taught at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division. It provides an unclassified introduction to infrared topics for a general audience.

This document discusses infrared principles, signatures, threats from missiles, and countermeasure systems. It also covers topics like infrared technology, imaging, and aircraft examples.


Aircraft Infrared Principles, Signatures,

Threats, and Countermeasures

Jack R. White
EO and Special Mission Sensors Division
Avionics Department




Approved for public release; distribution is

Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division


This document is a supplementary text to the electronic warfare (EW) short courses,
EW-101 and EW-102, which are taught annually at the Naval Air Warfare Center
Weapons Division (NAWCWD), Point Mugu, California. Like the EW courses, this
material is intended for a general audience without an infrared (IR) background who is
looking for a practical overview of the field directed toward the problems of aircraft

Details of military IR technology, missiles, and countermeasure systems are

necessarily classified, and the EW courses at NAWCWD Point Mugu are taught at that
level. This report is unclassified for distribution to a larger audience than is able to attend
the courses. This report being unclassified limits the material included to general
principles and the figures provided to drawings and photographs that have been released
to the public domain. The IR images used are of F-4 and F-14 aircraft that are no longer
operational in the United States.

This report was reviewed for technical accuracy by Balaji Iyer.

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26 September 2012 Commander

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NAWCWD Technical Publication 8773

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26-09-2012 Technical publication 1 January 2012 – 31 March 2012


Aircraft Infrared Principles, Signatures, Threats, and Countermeasures (U) N/A


Jack R. White N/A

Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
575 I Avenue, Suite 1 (Code 456000E) NAWCWD TP 8773
Point Mugu, California 93042





Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.



(U) This document is a supplementary text to the electronic warfare (EW) short courses, EW-101 and EW-102, which are taught
annually at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), Point Mugu, California. Like the EW courses, this material
is intended for a general audience without an infrared (IR) background who is looking for a practical overview of the field directed
toward the problems of aircraft defense.

(U) The object is to convey the key concepts primarily through drawings and images. A few equations are provided when words
and figures are inadequate but are not essential to grasping the concepts. A deeper understanding of IR requires much more theory than
contained here; but, ideally, the material here will provide a basis to build upon for those interested in continuing in this most
interesting of fields.


Absolute Signature, Aircraft, Antiaircraft, CCM, Contrast Signature, Counter-countermeasures, Countermeasures, Decoy,
Discrimination, Emissions, Emissivity, Exhaust Plume, Flare, Infrared, IR, Irradiance, Jammer, Missile Warning Receiver, Missile,
Projected Area, Pyrotechnic Flare, Radar, Radiance, Radiant Intensity, Radiation, Reflectivity, Signature, Solid Angle, Spatial,
Spectral, Spin-Scan Tracker, Target Acquisition, Temporal, Tracker.
a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18




Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... 4 

Overview ............................................................................................................................. 5 
Consequences of Aircraft IR Emissions ...................................................................... 6 
Sidewinder ................................................................................................................... 7 
Antiaircraft IR Missile Proliferation ........................................................................... 7 
Elements of Defense ............................................................................................ 9 
Countermeasure Effectiveness Testing .............................................................. 13 

Principles of IR for Aircraft .............................................................................................. 14 

History ....................................................................................................................... 14 
Properties of IR.......................................................................................................... 15 
IR Interactions With Matter ............................................................................... 16 
IR on Electromagnetic Spectrum ....................................................................... 16 
IR Sub-Bands, Properties, and Threats .............................................................. 17 
IR Terms and Units ................................................................................................... 18 
Irradiance ........................................................................................................... 18 
Radiant Intensity ................................................................................................ 19 
Radiance ............................................................................................................. 22 
Summary Relationships ..................................................................................... 23 
Conversion From Heat: Planck’s Law ...................................................................... 24 
Contrast and Target Detection ................................................................................... 26 
Domains of Distribution ............................................................................................ 29 
Emission From Solids................................................................................................ 29 
Emissivity........................................................................................................... 30 
Reflectivity ......................................................................................................... 30 
Emission From Gases ................................................................................................ 31 
Principles: Key Points ............................................................................................... 32 

Aircraft IR Signatures ....................................................................................................... 33 

Definition................................................................................................................... 33 
Complexity ................................................................................................................ 34 
Primary Signature Components and Component Dominance With Aspect .............. 34 
Engine Hot Parts ................................................................................................ 36 
Engine Exhaust Plumes ...................................................................................... 38 
Hot Parts and Plume Emissions ......................................................................... 40 
Airframe ............................................................................................................. 41 
Contrast Signature Factors ................................................................................. 42 
Aircraft IR Signatures: Key Points ............................................................................ 45 


Propagation and Detection ................................................................................................ 46 

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 46 
Atmosphere As Medium............................................................................................ 47 
Atmospheric Transmission ................................................................................ 47 
Molecular Absorption ........................................................................................ 47 
Effect on Plume Signature Component .............................................................. 48 
IR Terms: Apparent and At Source ........................................................................... 49 
Path Radiance and Sky Background.......................................................................... 50 
Reception and Detection............................................................................................ 51 
Optics ................................................................................................................. 52 
Spectral Filters ................................................................................................... 54 
Spatial Filters ..................................................................................................... 55 
IR Detectors and Detector Response ................................................................. 56 
IR Detector Arrays ............................................................................................. 57 
Target Acquisition ..................................................................................................... 57 
Contributing Factors to Acquisition ................................................................... 57 
Apparent Contrast Irradiance ............................................................................. 59 
Apparent Effective Contrast Irradiance ............................................................. 59 
Threat Engagement Area ........................................................................................... 61 

IR-Guided Missile Principles ............................................................................................ 62 

Sidewinder ................................................................................................................. 62 
Proportional Navigation ............................................................................................ 63 
Intercept Course ................................................................................................. 63 
Target Tracker Servo ......................................................................................... 64 
Target Tracker Window ..................................................................................... 64 
Optics ................................................................................................................. 65 
Gimbals .............................................................................................................. 66 
Gyro ................................................................................................................... 66 
Target Emissions and Spectral Response........................................................... 67 
Countermeasure Implications ............................................................................ 68 
Spatial Filter: Target Direction .......................................................................... 68 
Background Rejection ........................................................................................ 69 
Spin-Scan Waveforms........................................................................................ 70 
Spin-Scan Tracker .............................................................................................. 71 
Static Gain Curve ............................................................................................... 72 
Conical-Scan Trackers ....................................................................................... 72 
Missile Evolution: Spatial Resolution ....................................................................... 75 
Pseudo Imaging .................................................................................................. 75 
Detector Arrays .................................................................................................. 75 
Missile Evolution: Spectral ....................................................................................... 75 
Missile Evolution: Shoulder-Launched Man Portable Air Defense System
(MANPADS) Missiles ....................................................................................... 76 
IR Missiles: Key Points ............................................................................................. 78 


IR Countermeasures: Decoys ............................................................................................ 79 

Decoy Fundamentals ................................................................................................. 80 
Decoys: Off-Board Countermeasures ................................................................ 80 
Missile Response to Decoys .............................................................................. 81 
Decoy Requirements Against Non-CCM Missiles ............................................ 83 
Pyrotechnic Flare Development ................................................................................ 83 
Dispensing Directions and Strategies ........................................................................ 85 
Soviet Flare Development ......................................................................................... 87 
Missile CCM and Decoy Counter-CCM (C-CCM) Strategies .................................. 88 
Missile Spectral Discrimination ......................................................................... 88 
Decoy C-CCM ................................................................................................... 89 
Missile Temporal Discrimination ...................................................................... 89 
Decoy C-CCM ................................................................................................... 89 
Multiple Decoy Strategies ......................................................................................... 89 
Decoy Test Methods .................................................................................................. 90 
Captive Missile Seekers ..................................................................................... 90 
Simulations......................................................................................................... 91 
Decoy Countermeasures: Key Points ........................................................................ 92 

Jammer Countermeasures ................................................................................................. 93 

Jammer Strategy ........................................................................................................ 93 
Jammer Evolution: Thermal Sources ........................................................................ 94 
Target Tracker Signal Review ................................................................................... 95 
Jammer Waveforms ................................................................................................... 96 
Combined Target and Jammer Waveforms ............................................................... 97 
Nutation and Optical Break Lock (OBL) .................................................................. 98 
End of Thermal Jammer Era...................................................................................... 99 
Consequences to Testing With Captive Missiles .................................................... 101 
Laser Jammers ......................................................................................................... 101 
Jammer Countermeasures: Key Points .................................................................... 102 

Missile Warning Receivers (MWrs) ............................................................................... 103 

Warning Receiver Trade-Off ................................................................................... 103 
Distinguishable Missile Features ..................................................................... 104 
Warning Receiver Problems and Constraints .................................................. 106 
Detectable Spatial Features .............................................................................. 107 
Detectable Temporal Features ......................................................................... 107 
Detectable Spectral Features ................................................................................... 108 
Ultraviolet (UV) ............................................................................................... 108 
Infrared (IR) ..................................................................................................... 109 
Combinations ........................................................................................................... 110 
Warning Receiver Testing ....................................................................................... 110 

Directions and Challenges .............................................................................................. 111 

Aircraft IR Signatures.............................................................................................. 112 


IR-Guided Missiles.................................................................................................. 113 

Infrared Search and Track (IRST) and Passive Beyond Visual
Range (BVR) Attack ........................................................................................ 114 
Decoy Countermeasures .......................................................................................... 114 
Directions in Jammer Countermeasures .......................................................... 116 
Directions in Warning Receivers ..................................................................... 116 
Countermeasures Effectiveness Testing .......................................................... 116 

References ....................................................................................................................... 118 

Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 119 

Nomenclature .................................................................................................................. 121 


Special thanks are given to Thomas Yang, whose dedication to passing the
knowledge of electronic warfare on to a new generation of engineers has made the Naval
Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), Point Mugu, California, courses a
reality, and without whose assistance and encouragement this report would never have
been written.

This report is dedicated to coworkers in the infrared (IR) group at NAWCWD

Point Mugu who, over the last 40 years under the most austere conditions, designed and
built four generations of airborne test and measurement systems and who shared so many
hours on the flight line in baking heat and freezing cold desperately preparing systems for
flight. Especially, this document is dedicated to the young engineers in the group, who
are already designing more advanced systems and dreaming bigger dreams than the
author ever imagined.



The most fundamental property of infrared (IR) is the one most important to the
military: warm materials emit IR radiation (see Figure 1). IR is electromagnetic radiation
with wavelengths longer than those of visible light and shorter than those of microwaves.
IR cannot be seen with the human eye but can be felt by the skin as warmth. The
following holds true: the higher the temperature of a material, the stronger the radiation
and the shorter the wavelength of the maximum power emitted. This property of direct
emission has life-threatening consequences for aircraft.

FIGURE 1. IR Images of Cup of Coffee (Half-Full) and of Human Body. (These

images illustrate the military value of the IR spectrum. Warm objects emit in
the IR, and these emissions enable passive detection day or night.

Aircraft engines and exhaust gases have high temperatures and consequent strong
emissions. The skin of an aircraft is warm in contrast against the sky background and
reflects radiation from the sun and from the earth. These direct emissions and reflections
enable passive detection and tracking and make aircraft vulnerable to a wide proliferation
of IR-guided missiles and search/track systems.



Detection of a target with radar requires illumination by a transmitter to get a

reflection back to the receiver. This illumination can warn the target that it is being
tracked, and the frequency and modulation can be used to identify the type of radar.

With IR, the target aircraft itself radiates, so no illumination is required. This direct
emission enables passive detection. Passive detection and tracking of a target’s radiation
by an airborne or ground sensor give no warning to the target. The first indication of
danger that a target may have is the flash of a missile launch. At that point, survival
depends upon deploying an effective countermeasure within the next few seconds. Direct
emission and passive detection make defense against IR sensors and weapons a
formidable challenge.

The first, and still the primary, military use of IR is against aircraft. Aircraft are
highly susceptible to detection and extremely vulnerable to destruction. Unlike ground
vehicles viewed against terrain backgrounds, aircraft are easily detected at long range
against their natural sky background (see Figure 2). Therefore, a large aircraft can be
brought down with a very small missile warhead.

FIGURE 2. Image of Aircraft Nose-on at 23-Nautical-Mile

Range Taken With Commercial IR Camera.



The first antiaircraft IR-guided missile was named Sidewinder after a desert
rattlesnake of the pit viper family that uses IR to detect and strike its prey. Sidewinder
was developed by the U.S. Navy at the Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) (now the
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division [NAWCWD]) at China Lake, California, in
the late 1940s specifically for air-to-air combat between jet aircraft.

Its first combat engagement was in 1958 by the Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan (then
the island of Formosa) against mainland Communist Chinese flying MiG-17s. This brief
and small military action forever revolutionized air warfare. Almost immediately,
Sidewinder became one of the most successful and copied weapons in history.

The proliferation of antiaircraft IR-guided missiles drove infrared countermeasure

(IRCM) development. Figure 3 shows a Sidewinder being fired by an F/A-18A.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 3. Sidewinder AIM-9M Missile Fired From F/A-18A by

Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314 Personnel
Over Naval Air Station Fallon Firing Range.


IR-guided missiles have proliferated to almost every country on the globe through
domestic manufacture or through foreign military sales. Aircraft defense is challenged
not only by the sheer numbers of missiles but also by the variety of designs.


Early missiles copied much of the Sidewinder design, but new missile designs have
evolved and diversified greatly, and missiles fielded within the past 10 years employ a
variety of counter-countermeasure (CCM) techniques to defeat conventional IRCM.

Advances in missile design force a corresponding development of countermeasure

systems and techniques. This situation, in turn, demands more missile advances to defeat
those countermeasures. Countermeasure versus CCM is a never-ending endeavor. It is a
deadly game in which survival depends upon knowledge, accurate intelligence, tight
security, and the ability to test and field new systems more rapidly than one’s adversary.

Given time and information, every missile design can be defeated, but details of
many of the newer designs are unknown to the intelligence and countermeasure
community. Figure 4 shows an advanced surface-to-air missile in service with the
Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 4. Japanese Type 91 SAM-2 Shoulder-

Launched Missile Used During Japanese Self-Defense
Forces Training With United States Forces During Red
Flag-Alaska 07-3.


Elements of Defense

Aircraft IR defense has three main elements:

1. The suppression of aircraft emissions to reduce the range at which the aircraft
can be acquired and tracked.
2. A warning receiver to detect missile launch and cue a countermeasure response.
3. Countermeasure devices and systems, of which there are two types: off-board
(decoys) and onboard (jammers). Figure 5 shows a salvo of decoy flares from a
C-17 aircraft.

These elements are connected in the following manner: the intensity of an aircraft’s
IR emissions determines the distance at which a missile can acquire and track the aircraft
and the intensity of the countermeasure that is required to protect it. The countermeasure,
whether a decoy or a jammer of the directed energy (laser) type, requires reliable missile
warning to be employed. Reliable missile warning requires knowledge of the emission
characteristics of rocket motors and, especially, of features that can be used to distinguish
the missile from natural backgrounds.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 5. Flare Salvo From C-17. (A C-17 Globemaster III aircraft

releases flares over the Atlantic Ocean during a local exercise
over Charleston, South Carolina, 6 May 2006.)


Suppression of Aircraft Emissions

The IR signature of an aircraft is the total of its detectable emissions and reflections
(see Figure 6). Its signature is what makes an aircraft susceptible to detection and
tracking by threat sensors and missiles. Signature is the quantity that countermeasure
devices and systems must defend.

The most effective countermeasure is to achieve aircraft signature values that are too
low for a missile to acquire. Complete denial of acquisition can never be achieved for all
conditions due to limitations in size, weight, and the laws of physics.

However, significant reductions in the range at which missiles can acquire an aircraft
can be achieved through signature suppression. Because aircraft engines are the primary
source of IR emissions (radiation), the greatest initial gain in signature reduction is
usually achieved through engine suppression. Therefore, any effort to reduce the IR
emissions of an aircraft starts with the engines.

Signature suppression has two objectives:

1. Reduce the range at which an IR missile or sensor can detect and track the
2. Increase the effectiveness of countermeasure systems and devices.

FIGURE 6. IR Image of Navy F-14A.


Missile Warning

Both decoy countermeasures and the newer directed energy laser jammers are
heavily dependent upon missile warning for their effectiveness. Effective missile
warning is the most critical element of and is essential to aircraft defense, as well as the
most difficult to achieve. Figure 7 shows the typical receiver placement on a large fixed-
wing aircraft.

IR missiles may be launched from long distances. The missile’s tracking is passive,
and emissions from their rocket motors are embedded in background radiation clutter.

Achieving an acceptable compromise between high probability of detection and a

low false alarm rate in a system that is integrated into other aircraft systems presents
technical and operational challenges that will never be completely solved.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 7. Missile Warning Receiver (MWR) Installation on KC-130 Aircraft.


When the limit of what can be achieved through suppression is reached, a

countermeasure must be used. The two basic types of countermeasure are decoys and

Decoys. A decoy is an off-board countermeasure that is ejected from and separates

away from the aircraft. As the name implies, a decoy attempts to lure the track of a
missile away from the target aircraft.


To be effective, the decoy must provide a more attractive source for the missile than
the real aircraft target. Most IR missiles are not able to search and reacquire a target after
launch; so, once the track has been pulled far enough that the aircraft is no longer in the
missile field of view (FOV), the missile has been defeated.

The term decoy is a general name applied to a variety of off-board devices. The
decoy most commonly associated with IR is the pyrotechnic flare, such as the ones
shown in Figure 8. All flares are decoys, but not all decoys are flares.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 8. Flares Dispensed From F/A-18E. (An F/A-18E from Strike Fighter
Squadron (VFA) 81 deploys flares during an air power demonstration over
the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson [CVN 70]).

Jammers. A jammer is an onboard countermeasure that stays attached to the

aircraft. Through the modulation of an intense IR source, a jammer introduces a false
signal into the missile track loop that creates a kind of electronic illusion of a target in
another location. Through this method, a jammer pushes the missile’s track away from
itself and the aircraft. One example is the Large Infrared Countermeasure (LAIRCM)
system (see Figure 9), which is a laser jammer that injects false target information into a
missile’s track loop.


NAVAIR public domain release.

FIGURE 9. LAIRCM on CH-53E. (Marines in theater conduct

maintenance on a CH-53E equipped with LAIRCM.)

Countermeasure Effectiveness Testing

As countermeasure systems become more complex and more integrated into a suite
of sensors, processors, and queued countermeasure systems, the ability to quantify
effectiveness is becoming increasingly difficult; expensive; time-consuming; and,
sometimes, questionable.

Of all the areas of IRCM system development and deployment, effectiveness testing
presents—and will continue to present—the greatest challenges in the years ahead.

Present methods involve a piecemeal mixture of field and flight test data and models
and simulations. Each has its strengths and limitations. All are required.

 Field and flight tests use captive missile seekers viewing a real aircraft against a
real background and dispensing or engaging a real countermeasure system but do
not include the all-important missile closure on the target.
 Simulations perform a simulated fly-out with a modeled aircraft, countermeasure,
and missile. Simulations are of two basic types: (1) hardware in the loop (HIL),
which uses an actual missile guidance system wired into a computer simulation
and (2) all digital, which models the missile circuitry in the computer.


Both simulation types require extensive stage-by-stage validation with test and
measurement data. Figure 10 shows air-to-air and ground-to-air systems used to test
countermeasure effectiveness.

(a) Airborne Turret Infrared Measurement (b) NAWCWD China Lake

System (ATIMS) II turret with seeker test van.
captive missiles.

FIGURE 10. Examples of Air-to-Air and Ground-to-Air Systems

Used To Collect Countermeasure Effectiveness Data.



Most encyclopedias and physics books credit the great British astronomer
Sir William Herschel with the discovery of IR in 1800. This accreditation is not exactly
correct and trivializes the real significance of Herschel’s findings. IR was “discovered”
by the first human that warmed himself or herself before the coals of a fire. At a very
young age, we all discover that warmth can be felt at a distance from any hot object, and
we know these rays are invisible because warmth can be felt in total darkness.

What Herschel discovered was subtler than the existence of invisible radiation.
Through a series of simple experiments with a prism and with mercury thermometers as
sensors, Herschel proved that light and what he referred to as “radiant heat” have the
same optical properties. This finding was the first solid evidence that light and IR are the
same quantity, which we know today to be electromagnetic radiation. The term infrared
entered scientific vocabulary sometime in the 1880s, but historians have been unable to
trace its exact origin.


Little about IR terms and units is universally agreed upon, even among those
working in the field. Different reference books give different names and locations for the
sub-bands within IR and sometimes use different terms and units for the expressions of
radiant power. And often, some of the most important terms and concepts are not
mentioned at all. IR is a contentious part of the spectrum.

Figure 11 is an example of the complexity of IR emissions from an aircraft.

FIGURE 11. Mid-Wavelength Infrared (MWIR) Image of Navy F-4N.


IR is electromagnetic radiation, with all that implies about its composition,

propagation, and interactions with matter. Like all electromagnetic radiation, IR travels
at the speed of light in a vacuum (about 300,000 km/s) and at slower speeds in
transparent media, such as air or glass. The speed in glass, for example, is approximately
two-thirds the speed in vacuum. The speed of propagation of an electromagnetic wave
through a medium is a function of the material properties of permeability and

Frequency and wavelength are related by speed. The length of a wave is equal to the
propagation speed in that medium divided by the frequency. Frequency does not change
as a wave enters or exits a medium, so the length of a wave in a slower medium will be
shorter than in a vacuum. Locations in the IR part of the spectrum are usually
specified by wavelength rather than frequency. The common unit of wavelength is
micrometers (m).

Another term often used is wave number. Wave number is the number of waves in a
specified distance. A common unit for wave number is inverse centimeters, which is the
number of wavelengths in a 1-cm distance.


IR Interactions With Matter

Like all electromagnetic radiation, IR interacts with matter in a variety of ways:

 Reflects—A wave is reflected from a surface. The angle of reflection equals the
angle of incidence.
 Refracts—The direction of a wave bends when passing between two transparent
media with different propagation speeds (Snell’s law).
 Scatters—Scattering occurs upon interaction with particles whose size
approaches the length of the wave (why the sky is blue).
 Diffracts—This interaction occurs around the edges of an obstruction.
 Interferes–This interaction occurs in both a constructive and destructive manner.
 Absorbs—When absorbed by matter, radiation is converted into another form of
energy. The most common conversion is to heat.
 Emits—Radiation is emitted from matter by conversion from another form of
 Transmits—IR propagates through a transparent medium (or vacuum).
 Polarizes—An electric field is partially polarized by reflection from dielectric.

IR on Electromagnetic Spectrum

Light and IR are the only parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans are able
to directly sense. Our eyes see light, which occupies a narrow band of wavelengths
centered approximately where the sun’s radiant power is at its maximum. Our skin feels
warmth across the spectrum, but mainly from IR, which spans the range of wavelengths
between light and microwaves.

Sensing light and IR is one of our most familiar sensations, but nothing in everyday
experience would lead us to believe that light and IR are the same quantity. There was no
concept of electromagnetic radiation in 1800, but it was Herschel’s great insight to
connect two parts that we sense through their optical properties.

The short wavelength side edge of IR begins where our eyes’ response ends, which
is approximately 0.7 m (700 nm). The long wavelength limit is less sharply defined but
is usually specified as about 1,000 m. The practical long wave limit with today’s sensor
technology goes only to about 14 m. Figure 12 shows the location of IR on the
electromagnetic spectrum.

Properties vary greatly across the IR, with several sub-bands of particular interest to


0.555 m
0.4 m 0.7 m 1,000 m

UV = ultraviolet

FIGURE 12. Electromagnetic Spectrum.

IR Sub-Bands, Properties, and Threats

Three sub-bands (see Figure 13) are of particular military interest. Of these, the
MWIR from approximately 1.5 to 6.0 m is of greatest concern to aircraft because that is
where most of the antiaircraft missiles operate.

Properties vary greatly even within a sub-band. Toward the short wavelength side of
the MWIR, reflected sunlight from airframe surfaces dominates the aircraft appearance.
Sky background is dominated by scattered sunlight, and terrain background is dominated
by direct emissions.

The long wavelength side of the MWIR is dominated by direct emissions from both
the aircraft and sky and terrain background.


Dominant natural source: Sun

Near-IR Transmission: High
0.7-1.5 m Path radiance: Scattered sunlight
Dominant aircraft IR component: Sunlit airframe
Antiaircraft threats: Vehicle-launched surface-to-air

Dominant natural source: Sun

Transmission: High-transmission “windows” between water (H2O) and
MWIR carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption

1.5-6.0 m Path radiance: Scattered sunlight below 3 m

Thermal at longer than 3 m
Dominant aircraft IR component: Engine hot parts and plume
Antiaircraft threats: All air-to-air and ground-to-air missiles

Dominant natural source: Earth

Long- Atmospheric:
wavelength Transmission: High
infrared Path radiance: Low: small thermal emission from ozone
(LWIR) Dominant aircraft IR component: Airframe direct emission and terrestrial illumination
7-14 m Antiaircraft threats: Airborne infrared search and track (IRST).
No antiaircraft IR missiles.

FIGURE 13. IR Sub-Bands of Military Interest.


IR has three essential terms: (1) irradiance, (2) radiant intensity, and (3) radiance.
The first applies to radiation at the receiver: irradiance describes the area density of the
power that is received by a missile or sensor. The other two terms apply to the source:
radiant intensity, usually shortened to intensity, describes angular density of the power
emitted from a source. Radiance describes the angular power density per unit area of the
source. (Radiance can be thought of as intensity per unit area.)


All IR detectors respond to irradiance, that is, to the density of the radiant power that
is incident on their surface. The SI unit for radiant power is the watt. The SI unit for area
is the square meter. Irradiance is sometimes expressed in watts per square meter; but, in
aircraft applications, area is more commonly expressed in units of square centimeters;
thus irradiance usually has units of watts per square centimeter. The conventional
symbol used for irradiance is the capital letter E. (Older books often use the letter H.)
Like other IR quantities, irradiance varies as a function of wavelength. The Greek letter
lambda (λ) is usually used for wavelength.


Radiant Intensity

Intensity is the most widely used measure of the IR signature, or the susceptibility of
an aircraft to detection by threat IR sensors. In that sense, intensity is analogous to (but
very different in nature from) radar cross section (RCS) in the radar world.

Care must be taken using analogies between IR and radio frequency (RF) because
the target aircraft in the IR is an active emitter rather than the passive reflector of a
distant RF illuminator. For this reason, intensity is actually more closely related to RF
effective radiated power (ERP), which combines transmitter power with antenna beam

Irradiance was defined as the area power density at the receiver. Intensity is defined
as the angular power density from the source. The units of intensity are watts per
steradian. The conventional symbol for intensity is the capital letter I. (Older books
often use the letter J.) Because radiation propagates in three dimensions, the angle must
be a solid unit. Solid angle appears throughout IR terms and units.

Irradiance and intensity are related by the square of the distance.



E = irradiance (Wcm-2)
I = radiant intensity (Wsr-1)
R = range, cm

The three basic IR terms are related (1) by the inverse square of distance, (2) by area,
or (3) by the ratio of area to the square of the distance. The ratio of the area to the square
of the distance is a particularly important concept. In solid geometry, the ratio of the area
on the surface of a sphere to the square of the radius is the unit of solid angle, or steradian
in the SI system of units. Steradian is usually abbreviated as sr, and the symbol most
often used for solid angle is the Greek letter omega (Ω).

Solid Angle

The solid angle (see Figure 14) is the three-dimensional version of the more familiar
plane angular measure in radians. Angle in radians is defined as the ratio of distance
along the circumference of a circle divided by the radius of the circle. For small angles,


the solid angle in steradians is approximately equal to the product of two plane angles in

Solid Angle () = As/R2


FIGURE 14. Drawing Showing Solid Angle Is Ratio of Area to Square of Distance.

Projected Area

Projected area is the cross-sectional area of the source surface that is visible to a
distant sensor. Projected area can be thought of as directional area. Intensity in a
particular direction is directly proportional to the projected area in that direction.

IR sources come in all sizes and shapes, but the shape of greatest interest is a plane
or flat surface. Complex shapes can always be approximated by a number of flat facets at
different orientations. The projected area of a plane facet varies as the cosine of the angle
from normal to the surface.
The convention is to use the angle formed with the normal to the surface. As
Figure 15 shows (also see Figure 16), the projected area of a facet, indicated by the length
of the vector (Aps), is equal to the area normal to the surface (AN) times the cosine from


The area term that appears in IR units is usually projected area. Projected area
varies as the cosine of the angle from normal to the surface.

FIGURE 15. Graph of Projected Area as

Function of Angle From Normal.

FIGURE 16. Drawing Showing Projected Area and Area of

Source. (Projected area of plane source seen by distant sensor
varies as cosine to normal. Intensity of a source is directly
proportional to projected area.)



While intensity specifies radiation from the total visible area of a source, radiance
specifies that from only a small area. Radiance can be thought of as intensity per unit
area. In other words, radiance is the power per unit solid angle per unit area
(Wsr-1cm-2). (Radiance is sometimes expressed per square meter to remain consistent
with SI units.) Radiance is analogous to the quantity, brightness in visible or photometric

The conventional symbol for radiance is the capital letter L. (Older books often use
the capital letter N.) Like irradiance and radiant intensity, radiance usually begins life as
a spectral quantity, that is, radiance as a function of wavelength. As with irradiance and
radiant intensity, the total radiance in a wavelength band is obtained by integrating over a
wavelength range.

Radiance is the quantity seen of a target that is optically resolved. In the resolved
condition, a sensor’s view is restricted or directed by optics to view only a part of the
source (see Figure 17). Three features of the resolved condition are as follows:

1. An image is formed.
2. Each spot on the image receives radiation from only a small area of the total
source surface area.
3. As the distance between the sensor and the source changes, the ratio of the
source area seen by the sensor to the square of the distance to the source stays
constant. As a result (neglecting atmospheric effects), the irradiance received
remains constant with distance.

The pinhole “optics” restrict the view

from each spot on the image to a small
area of the source, thus resulting in the
formation of an image.

FIGURE 17. Resolved Condition Illustrated by Pinhole Camera.


Sensors respond to irradiance regardless of whether the source is optically resolved

or not. The difference is that the irradiance received from a source that is optically
resolved by the sensor is directly proportional to radiance. Consequently, when a source
is resolved, the radiance perceived by a sensor is

1. Constant with distance (neglecting atmospheric absorption).

2. Constant with angle to the surface (up to a limit near grazing).

Constant radiance can be illustrated by the surface of a sphere that is resolved by a

sensor (see Figure 18). With uniform illumination, a sphere will appear to have fairly
constant radiance over its surface. This aspect is because the solid angle FOV is
constant; thus, the irradiance on the detector is almost the same from an area near the side
as from an area near the center.

Except at grazing angles, the radiance of a surface is constant with viewing

angle. A sphere, for example, appears uniform over most of its surface and, if
optically resolved by a constant solid angle FOV, produces constant irradiance
on the sensor.

FIGURE 18. Illustration of Uniform

Radiance on Surface of Sphere.

Summary Relationships

There is a progression to the relationship between IR terms. Irradiance varies with

the inverse square of distance and intensity. Intensity is directly proportional to projected
area and radiance. The resultant mathematical expression shows the final relationship in
which radiance and irradiance are related by the solid angle subtended by the source.


Irradiance, intensity, and radiance are related by the square of distance, by area, and
by solid angle.


ER = irradiance at receiver (Wcm-2)

IS = radiant intensity of source (Wsr-1)
Rr = distance from the receiver to the source (cm)
LS = radiance of the source (Wcm-2sr-1)
AS = projected area of the source (cm2)
S = solid angle subtended by the source (sr)


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only transformed through
interactions with matter. The most common transformation, and the one most important
to aircraft IR emissions, is the conversion from heat to electromagnetic radiation.

The distribution of radiant power as a function of temperature was derived

mathematically by Max Planck in 1900. Radiant power has a spectral distribution that
resembles a wave of water, with a steep rise in power on the short wavelength side of the
peak and a tailing off on the long wavelength side.

Figure 19 shows curves and images of direct emissions from objects at different
temperatures. As temperature is increased, two changes occur: (1) power at every
wavelength increases and (2) the curve translates toward shorter wavelengths.

We see objects at room temperature by reflected light. The person and the cup of
coffee emit in the IR but not sufficiently in the visible to see. At around 700°C, the short
wavelength edge of the distribution reaches the long wavelength edge of the visible, and
we see a red glow.

The curve defined by Planck’s law (see Figure 20) is fundamental to almost every
aspect of aircraft detection and defense. The key to understanding much of aircraft IR
lies with understanding specific applications of Planck’s law.


Spectral Radiance, Wcm sr m

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 19. Translation of Spectral Radiant Power With Temperature.


Planck’s law describes the spectral distribution of radiant power as a function of temperature.
Below is Planck’s 1909 formula for what he referred to as spectral intensity, which is different
from the way that intensity is defined today.


For aircraft applications, Planck’s formula is commonly modified to include a term for emissivity,
several of the constants are combined, and units of length are converted to convenient forms for
wavelength and area, thus yielding the following:


L = spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1m-1)
 = emissivity (0 to 1.0, often assumed to be 1 in Planck’s formula)
h = Planck’s constant (6.62606957  10-34 Ws2)
c = speed of light (2.99792458  1010 cms-1)
k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.3806488  10-23 JK-1)
 = wavelength (m)
T = absolute temperature (K)
a = (1016)2hc2 (1.19042868  104 Wcm-2m4)
b = (104) (1.43877696  104 mK)

FIGURE 20. Planck’s Law for Distribution of Power.


The IR part of the spectrum is of military importance because objects at low

temperatures have their peak emissions there, a factor that enables passive detection day
or night. But more important than the location of the maximum is the location of the
difference between objects and their natural backgrounds.


Figure 21 shows the spectral distribution for a human body (37°C) and earth
background (about 20°C). If the human is the target viewed against a terrain background,
the difference between their two curves is the contrast, which forms a curve that peaks at
a slightly shorter wavelength.
Spectral Radiance, Wcm sr m

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 21. Illustration of Spectral Contrast.

It is contrast that makes target detection possible. If there were no difference, that is,
no contrast, then the target would be undetectable. Low contrast is the IR equivalent of
camouflage or protective coloration used by animals. An example for the visible is a
polar bear seen against snow or an ice background.

Contrast can be positive, zero, or negative. The IR images in Figure 22, taken
approximately 20 seconds apart, show the same aircraft viewed against three different

Over ocean, the aircraft is seen in a bright, positive contrast against the cool water.
As the aircraft crosses an area of mixed vegetation and bare terrain, the contrast is nearly
zero as the aircraft is lost in the clutter.

In the final image (Figure 22c), the cooler aircraft airframe is seen as a dark image in
strong negative contrast against the warm, uniform terrain.


(a) Positive contrast.

(b) Nearly zero contrast.

(c) Negative contrast.

FIGURE 22. IR Imagery of Unidentified Aircraft

Over Three Different Backgrounds.



Planck’s curve shows the distribution of radiant power in the spectral domain, i.e., as
a function of wavelength (see Figure 23). Radiant power is also distributed across other
domains (dimensions) (see Figure 23). For aircraft and most other thermal sources, the
most important domains are

1. Spectral—distribution of radiant power with wavelength.

2. Spatial—distribution with direction, size, shape. (Example: missile tracking,
e.g., determining target direction, is a spatial parameter.)
3. Temporal—distribution with time or frequency.
4. Polarizing—distribution with polarization. This domain is not a strong factor
with thermal sources, but is with lasers. Natural, partial polarization occurs
with reflections from dielectric materials (paint, water, etc.) and from scattering
from particles.

Knowing the distribution of power across different domains is fundamental to almost

every IR signature, propagation, and detection scenario.

Wavelength, m
Time, s

(a) Spectral. (b) Spatial. (c) Temporal.

FIGURE 23. Three Domains (Dimensions) Across Which IR Is Distributed.


Properties of a surface have a direct effect on the amount of radiant power that is
emitted or reflected. Aircraft can be detected by radiation that is directly emitted from
hot components, by radiation from the sun or the terrain that is reflected from airframe
surfaces, or by both.



The most important surface property affecting the magnitude of radiation from a
source is its emissivity (ϵ). Emissivity quantifies the efficiency of a surface as either an
absorber or emitter. In 1859, Gustav Kirchhoff expressed what we now call Kirchhoff’s
law, which says that, for opaque objects in thermal equilibrium, emissivity is equal to
absorbance. In other words, good emitters are also good absorbers. Emissivity is a
dimensionless quantity between 0 and 1. A surface with an emissivity of 1.0 emits or
absorbs the maximum radiation possible.

Emissivity is directly related to reflectivity through the conservation of energy.

Incident radiant power striking a surface is absorbed, transmitted, or reflected, so the sum
of the quantities describing each equals 1.


= emissivity or absorbance (0 to 1.0, dimensionless)

= transmission (0 to 1.0, dimensionless)
= reflectivity (0 to 1.0, dimensionless)

If the material is opaque, transmission = 0, and emissivity and reflectivity become

complements. This relationship has significant implications for aircraft detectability.


Every encounter of electromagnetic radiation with the surface of any material results
in some fraction of the incident power being reflected. The law of reflection says that the
angle from normal of the reflected radiation will be equal but opposite to the angle of

We usually classify reflections as either (1) specular (mirror-like) or (2) diffuse

(scattered from a rough surface). Most surfaces exhibit both types of reflection to some
degree, so it is more a matter of which dominates.

Specular Reflection

Reflections from smooth surfaces are specular. Mirrors are the most familiar
specular reflectors. We look into a mirror and see an image of the scene just as we would


see it looking directly but with the apparent right–left reversal as a consequence of the
law of reflection.

The radiance of any source image one sees from a specular reflection is the radiance
of the original source diminished by some loss because no mirror is a perfect reflector.
The ratio of the reflected power to incident power is the surface reflectance.

Reflectance is a dimensionless quantity from 0 to 1 (or sometimes expressed as a

percentage). A source with a reflectance of 1 would be a perfect reflector. A surface
with a reflectance of 0 would reflect no power. The symbol often used for reflectance is
the Greek letter rho (ρ), although this is not universal.

Diffuse Reflection

Diffuse reflectance occurs when radiation strikes a rough surface and is scattered
randomly over a broad angular range. A diffuse reflection does not provide an image as
specular does. Most of the objects we see around us are the result of diffuse reflections
of some light source. Instead of a reflected image of the source, we see the broadly
illuminated surface of the material.

If a surface produces a perfectly diffuse reflection, then an incident ray may be

reflected at any random angle. Such a surface is known as Lambertian, and the intensity
of reflection from any facet of area will vary as the cosine of angle from the normal.

For a perfectly diffuse reflection, the radiance of an illuminated surface is related to

the incident irradiance as


= spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1m-1)

= spectral irradiance (Wcm-2)
= spectral reflectivity (dimensionless)


Planck’s curve describes spectral distribution of radiation emitted by a solid. In a

solid, tightly bound molecules emit a continuum, i.e., a continuous spectrum.

In a gas, molecules are free to oscillate. Emission and absorption of radiation occur
at discrete spectral “lines.” Location of these lines depends upon the gas molecules, as
shown in Figure 24.


Two gases with emission/absorption lines in the MWIR are carbon dioxide (CO2)
and water vapor. CO2 and water vapor are the main combustion products of every
hydrocarbon fuel.
Contrast Apparent Spectral Intensity, Wsr

0.5 km
1 km
2 km
5 km
10 km

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 24. Spectral Plot of Line Emission From Jet Engine Exhaust Gases.


The IR portion of the spectrum is important to military aircraft for two main reasons:

1. Direct emission enables passive detection and tracking.

2. Target contrast against background is at its maximum in the IR.

The essential IR terms and their units are:

1. Irradiance: Received power density (Wcm-2).

2. Radiant Intensity: Emitted power per solid angle (Wsr-1).
3. Radiance: Emitted power per solid angle per unit area (Wsr-1cm-2).

Planck’s law describes the spectral distribution of radiant power as a function of

temperature. As temperature increases, the curve of radiant power increases in
magnitude and translates toward shorter wavelengths.

The power emitted from a surface is proportional to its emissivity, which is a relative
measure of surface absorption and emission efficiency. The complement of emissivity is


Radiant power is distributed in multiple domains. The most important for aircraft
defense are (1) spectral, (2) spatial, and (3) temporal.

Gases emit and absorb at spectral lines according to molecular resonances. The most
important emissions for aircraft exhaust gases are from the products of combustion CO2
and water vapor.



The IR signature of an aircraft is the total of its detectable emissions and reflections
(see Figure 25). Its signature is what makes an aircraft susceptible to detection and
tracking by threat sensors and missiles. Signature is the quantity that countermeasure
devices and systems must defend.

The word signature is widely used but can be misleading because nothing about an
aircraft’s IR signature uniquely identifies the aircraft type. Signature usually means an
aircraft’s total contrast intensity; but, like other IR terms and quantities, signature usually
requires several additional terms to describe the quantity with precision.

FIGURE 25. IR Image of F-14A. (Some of the complexity of a typical

aircraft IR signature can be seen in this image.)



An aircraft’s signature is a complex mixture of emissions and reflections from

different materials with different emissivity and different areas. Signature is complex in
its spectral distribution, in its contrast against background, and in its dependence on
conditions. Aspect angle, altitude, airspeed, ambient air temperature, power setting, and
sun angle are only a partial list of conditions affecting signature values.



All aircraft IR problems and scenarios are best approached and analyzed by
separating the whole into three separate components, each with its own magnitude,
spectral distribution, contrast against background, and propagation through the
atmosphere to a sensor. These components, shown in Figure 26, are the following.

1. Engine “hot parts,” which usually consist of the aft turbine face, engine center
body, and interior nozzle sidewalls.
2. Engine exhaust plumes, which are emissions from the combustion constituents
of CO2 and water vapor. Note the shock diamonds in the IR image (Figure 26).
3. Airframe, which includes all of the external surfaces of the wings, fuselage,
canopy, etc. Airframe signature includes solar and terrestrial reflections in
addition to direct emissions.

These components are discussed in more detail in the subsections that follow.

Radiation from each component has a different spectral distribution and,

consequently, propagates through the atmosphere with different degrees of attenuation.

The total IR signature of an aircraft is the sum of its components, but each
component does not make an equal contribution at all aspects. As Figure 27 shows, a
component’s contribution to the total IR signature of an aircraft depends upon aspect
angle. For a typical aircraft or helicopter, the dominant mid-wave signature
component(s) in each region are as follows:

1. Tail: Engine hot parts

2. Rear Quarter: Hot parts and exhaust plume
3. Beam to Forward Quarter: Airframe and exhaust plume
4. Nose: Airframe and intakes


1. Engine hot parts

FIGURE 26. IR Images of F-4N. (For measurement and analysis,

total aircraft signature is divided into three components
with different properties.)


FIGURE 27. Drawing Showing Component

Signature Dominance With Aspect Angle.

Engine Hot Parts


The hot parts of an aircraft engine are any visible surfaces within or without that are
heated to high temperatures by the exhaust gases. In most jet and turboprop engines, the
highest temperature component visible is the face of the last turbine stage, usually called
the low-pressure turbine.

The turbine face usually appears as a bright high-radiance ring. In the center of the
ring is the hub, or center body cover over the turbine shaft support bearings. The center
body usually has a lower radiance than the turbine face. Figure 28, an MWIR image
taken up the tailpipes of a jet in flight, shows the bright high-radiance ring formed by the
low-pressure turbine face surrounding the lower radiance center body.


Low-Pressure Turbine

Engine Center Body

FIGURE 28. MWIR Images of Hot Parts Seen Up Tailpipes of Jet

Aircraft. (Older aircraft engines allow a direct view of the
aft turbine face, which is the highest temperature component visible.)

These parts are viewed within a cavity whose surrounding walls are typically lower
in temperature but often reflect emissions from the hot turbine. Close-up, resolved
imagery allows measurement of radiance values of different parts within the cavity.

Spectral Distribution

Hot parts are solid materials and, consequently, have a spectral distribution in
accordance with Planck’s law (see Figure 29). The temperatures of engine hot parts vary
greatly, but typical ranges are from approximately 450 to 650°C. As such, the maximum
emissions are in the middle of the MWIR. It is no accident that the spectral response of
almost all antiaircraft missiles is located in the mid-wave.


Engine Spectrum

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 29. Spectrum of Jet Engine at Tail. (Spectral distribution of emissions from
hot parts is in accordance with Planck’s law. Unsuppressed engines have their
maximum emissions in the MWIR, where most antiaircraft missiles operate.)

Engine Exhaust Plumes

In a gas, molecules are not bound together as in liquids or solids and so are free to
oscillate. The resonant frequencies of these oscillations cause emission and absorption of
radiation in gases to occur at discrete spectral lines. The location of these lines in the
spectrum depends upon the type of gas.

Two gases with emission/absorption lines in the MWIR are CO2 and water vapor
(see Figure 30). CO2 and water vapor are the main combustion products of every
hydrocarbon fuel. The atmosphere also contains water vapor and CO2 with
emission/absorption lines at the same wavelengths.

As a result, plume emissions are absorbed by passage through the atmosphere to a

greater degree than emissions from hot parts and the airframe. Plume emissions usually
have less impact on threat-acquisition ranges than the other signature components.
Absorption of plume emissions is significantly greater at lower altitudes where air density
is greater.


0.5 km
CO2 emission
1 km
2 km
5 km
10 km

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 30. Spectrum of Exhaust Plume at Beam. (Spectral distribution

of emissions from gases occurs at discrete lines or spikes.)

All exhaust plumes have similar spectral distributions. Differences in gas

temperature and mass flow affect the magnitude of gaseous emission but not the location
of the spectral lines.

Plume size or spatial extent varies greatly depending upon mass flow, as well as
whether the exhaust gases are used to generate thrust. Plume radiance is greatest at the
exit nozzle and diminishes with distance as the exhaust gases are cooled by mixing with
the air. The plume of a jet aircraft engine may be 50 feet or more in length. The plume
of a helicopter or turboprop engine may be only 4 or 5 feet in length, as shown in
Figure 31.


Plume concentration:
~4.5 feet

FIGURE 31. Radiance Map of Exhaust Plume at Beam. (Plume radiance diminishes
after exiting the exhaust nozzle as the hot gases are mixed with surrounding air.)

Hot Parts and Plume Emissions

Some of the complexity of aircraft signatures is illustrated in Figure 32. The image
at the left is of helicopter engine hot parts and plume. These two components are
distributed in the spatial domain as shown in the radiance contour map.

The same components each have different spectral distributions. Hot parts have a
distribution in accordance with Planck’s law. The plume emissions are at discrete lines
for CO2 and water vapor.


FIGURE 32. IR Image (1), Radiance Map (2), and Spectral

Plot (3) of Helicopter Nozzle and Plume.


Absolute and Contrast Signature

The terms absolute and contrast have very specific meanings, especially when
applied to the airframe.

Absolute is the target signature without background radiation. Absolute signature

values are obtained by extracting the aircraft from the background by using highly
resolved IR imagery. Because a resolved condition is required, absolute quantities are
limited to the two source quantities of intensity and radiance.

Contrast is the difference between absolute target and absolute background radiance.
Contrast can be applied to the three main IR quantities: radiance, radiant intensity, and

Contrast irradiance is the quantity detected by any remote sensor or missile.

Contrast varies greatly with background conditions. There is an inverse relationship
between background and the contrast signature—generally, the higher the background,
the lower the contrast signature.


Airframe Contrast Variability

Usually, the largest variability in airframe contrast signature comes from the
background. Contrast can change rapidly from a strong positive contrast against the sky,
through nearly zero, to strong negative contrast against warm terrain (see Figure 33).

(a) Absolute signature.

(b) Contrast signature.

FIGURE 33. Absolute and Contrast Signatures. (Absolute is the

target signature in isolation from background sources. Absolute
signature values can only be positive. Contrast is derived from the
difference between the target and the background. Contrast values
can be positive or negative.

Contrast Signature Factors

Of the three aircraft signature components, the airframe is the most condition
dependent and consequently the most variable. Three of the main factors affecting
airframe contrast signature are the following.


1. Background radiance level. Usually, the lowest background radiance occurs

against a clear sky and, consequently, results in the greatest contrast and highest
detectability. Airframe contrast against a clear sky is also variable and depends
upon elevation above the horizon. Figure 34 shows an aircraft at long range in
the MWIR. The green figure shows a vertical profile of radiance through the
scene. Radiance of the sky has a gradient that increases toward the horizon.
The target radiance indicated is greater than that of the sky, thus giving a
positive contrast.
2. Airframe temperature and emissivity. These properties determine direct
emissions in accordance with Planck’s law. As Figure 35, an IR image of an
F-4 aircraft at high subsonic speeds, shows, the canopy has similar temperature
and emissivity as standard paint. Temperature is affected by air ambient and
aerodynamic heating (described in the following subsection).
3. Solar and terrestrial illumination. The airframe signature is a mixture of direct
emissions and reflections of the environment. The intensity of these reflections
depend upon the reflectivity of the airframe surface (complement of emissivity),
on the irradiance of the illumination, and on the projected area.

Sky Radiance




FIGURE 34. Aircraft at Long Range in MWIR. (This image shows an aircraft in
contrast against sky radiance gradient. The clear sky is a worst-case background for the
aircraft. Background level varies with elevation above the horizon, as the image at right


FIGURE 35. IR Image of F-4 Airframe at High Subsonic Speed.

Airframe Aerodynamic Heating

The temperature of the airframe is warmer than ambient by the amount of

aerodynamic heating. A good estimate of airframe temperature is given by the formula
for the recovery temperature given below. Note that the temperature units are Kelvin.

The temperature of the skin of an aircraft stabilizes at the ambient air temperature
plus aerodynamic heating. Aero heating increases as the square of Mach number. The
formula below gives a good approximation for most uses.

1 0.17

= recovery temperature, K
= ambient air temperature, K
= Mach number (assumption is recovery factor = 0.85 approximately midway
between laminar and turbulent flow)

Illumination Sources, Reflections, and Surface Orientation

The effects of illumination from the sun, sky, and terrain on airframe contrast seen
by a ground-based sensor or missile are illustrated in Figure 36. A sensor always sees a
mixture of direct and reflected radiation. Airframe surfaces, regardless of orientation,
have a direct emission thermal component whose distribution is in accordance with
Planck’s law.


Target direct
emissions in
with Planck’s

FIGURE 36. Illumination Sources and Reflections. (The effect of different

illumination sources on airframe contrast against the background
depends on the orientation of the surface.)

Vertically oriented side surfaces reflect the sky and sun if viewed from the sunlit
side. These are seen in contrast against sky background. If the sun is not present,
contrast can be reduced by making the vertical surfaces more reflective than emissive.

Horizontally oriented bottom surfaces reflect illumination by the earth. Bottom

surfaces are problematic to lowering airframe signature. Whether contrast will be lower
if the surface is more emissive or more reflective depends upon the temperature of the
airframe compared with that of the terrain below.


Aircraft IR signatures are usually separated into three main components for
independent measurement and analysis:

1. Engine hot parts, which usually consist of aft turbine face, engine center body,
and interior nozzle sidewalls.
2. Engine exhaust plumes, which are emissions from the combustion constituents
of CO2 and water vapor.
3. Airframe, which includes solar and terrestrial reflections in addition to direct

Different components dominate the total at different aspects and flight conditions.
These components have different spectral and spatial distributions. Figure 37 illustrates
the complexity of a typical aircraft IR signature.


FIGURE 37. Aircraft IR Signature Complexity. (MWIR image of F-14A

showing engine dominance at tail, solar reflections from the top of the
fuselage, and sky reflection from the top of the wing surfaces.)



It is not the IR emissions from an aircraft that ultimately determine its detectability
by threat sensors. Detectability is determined by what remains of an aircraft’s radiation
after it has passed through an atmospheric path and as it is seen in contrast against a
natural background.

The atmosphere plays a dual role in aircraft detection, first as a medium of

propagation and second as a background source against which aircraft are often contrast.
Figure 38 shows how an aircraft appears at missile detection ranges when seen against a
thin cloud background.


FIGURE 38. Aircraft IR Image at Missile Acquisition Range.

(Ground-to-air IR image of an aircraft nose-on against broken
cloud background at a range of 7.6 nautical miles taken with a
commercial IR camera.)


Atmospheric Transmission

The atmosphere is spectrally selective in its effect on radiation. The MWIR, which
is the primary antiaircraft region, is characterized by deep absorption regions separated
by regions of relatively high transmission called atmospheric “windows.”

Spectral transmission of the atmosphere is made complex as a result of two separate

mechanisms: molecular absorption and scattering. In the primary antiaircraft threat
bands, molecular absorption is usually the dominant effect.

Molecular Absorption

Of the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere, only two of the trace gases—
water vapor and CO2—have molecular resonant frequencies that fall within the MWIR,
but both have a significant effect on aircraft signature propagation. Molecules absorb and
emit radiation at their natural resonant frequencies, and this behavior creates spectral
regions in which all or most of the radiation from a source is absorbed.


The depth and spectral width of the absorption regions depend upon the number of
molecules in the path, so absorption width is greater for longer path lengths and greater at
lower altitude, where air density is higher.

The density of CO2 is a direct function of pressure. The density of water vapor is a
function of both pressure and temperature. As altitude increases, molecules of water
vapor in a path decrease more rapidly than those of CO2 due to the lower saturation
density of water vapor with colder temperature. At altitudes above 30,000 feet,
absorption by water vapor can usually be eliminated as a factor in propagation. Figure 39
shows the changes in atmospheric transmission in the MWIR with range.


4 km

12 km

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 39. Atmospheric Spectral Transmission

in MWIR at Three Ranges.

Effect on Plume Signature Component

Because the three main components of aircraft signature have different spectral
distributions, they are affected by propagation through the atmosphere to a different
extent. The signature component most attenuated by atmospheric absorption is the
engine exhaust gases.

Water vapor and CO2 are the two main products of combustion in an engine. As hot
gases, these emit at discrete spectral lines according to molecular resonances. Absorption
by water vapor and CO2 in the air occurs at these same lines.


The high temperature and pressure of the exhaust gases cause broadening of the
emission lines, thus allowing passage through the absorbing atmosphere. Figure 40
presents the effect of pressure broadening most prominently with CO2, even at the low
resolutions shown in that graph. CO2 emissions viewed through narrower CO2 absorption
result in narrow “spikes,” termed “blue” on the short wavelength side of absorption and
“red” on the long wavelength side.

CO2 “red spike”


0.5 km emission
Contrast Apparent Spectral Intensity, Wsr

1 km
2 km
5 km absorption by
10 km atmosphere

CO2 “blue

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 40. Spectrum of Exhaust Plume Through Atmosphere. (Exhaust gases

emit at the same spectral lines that the atmosphere absorbs. Spikes of plume
emissions are seen on either side of the absorption regions due to pressure
broadening of plume emissions.)


All tactical aircraft are viewed through an atmospheric path of some length. The
atmosphere is spectrally selective, totally absorbing some parts of the spectrum while
passing other parts with little attenuation. As a result, the effect of the atmosphere on
what a distant sensor receives depends on three factors: (1) the spectral distribution of the
source, (2) the spectral transmission of the atmosphere, and (3) the wavelength band of
the sensor.

Any IR quantity that has atmospheric influence is referred to as “apparent.” Almost

all IR values are apparent, although the name is frequently omitted.

Mathematically backing out the influence of atmosphere can be done but usually
with a high degree of uncertainty. Any apparent value that has had atmosphere


artificially removed is referred to as “at source.” Figure 41 provides a graph that

illustrates the apparent and at source values.
Absolute Apparent Spectral Radiance, Wsr cm m

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 41. Illustration of Apparent and At Source. (The term apparent should
be applied to any IR quantity that contains the effects of atmospheric absorption
and path radiance. A theoretical quantity with no atmosphere is usually referred
to as “at source.”)


Where atmospheric transmission is low, the atmosphere itself becomes a source.

The same two mechanisms of molecular resonances and scattering that affect
transmission also affect what is referred to as “path radiance.” The curve in Figure 42
shows the spectral radiance of a path to space at low elevation above the horizon. The
radiance of an “infinite” path forms the background against which aircraft are contrast.

The scattering of sunlight by aerosols in the air dominates path radiance at

wavelengths shorter than about 3 m. Thermal emission from molecular resonances
dominates at longer wavelengths. Thermal emission is chiefly seen in the CO2
emission/absorption band around 4.25 m, where absorption is total.

For shorter paths, the radiance between the sensor and target becomes an additive
term to the received radiance from a resolved target.


Spectral Radiance, Wsr cm m

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 42. Radiance of Long Atmospheric Path. (In addition to transmission, any path
through the atmosphere presents a source that is additive to the target and background. In
the mid-wave, shown above, two different mechanisms create the path radiance:
scattering of sunlight at short wavelengths and direct thermal emissions at longer


IR sensors, missiles, search systems, and measuring instruments have many of the
same functional elements (Figure 43). The most common elements are

1. Optics, which collect radiation and, usually, form an image from which
information can be extracted.
2. Filters, which may be of two different types operating in two different domains:
a. Spectral. A spectral filter restricts response to a limited band of
wavelengths to help distinguish known target features from natural
b. Spatial. A spatial filter usually is used to (1) determine target direction for
tracking and (2) help distinguish a valid target from background.


3. A detector, which converts received radiant power into an electrical signal. The
detector may be a single element or, more likely today, may be an array that can
determine spatial information in addition to generating a signal.
4. Processing electronics, which amplify and condition the detector signal and
perform some action, such as controlling a servo for target tracking.

FIGURE 43. Functional Elements in Typical Optical Train.


Lenses for the IR can be either refractive or reflective. There are advantages and
disadvantages to each. Refractive lenses, which can often be made with a lower
f-number, afford greater light-gathering power than equivalent reflective lenses but have
chromatic aberration that must be corrected with multiple elements of different materials.
Chromatic aberration is caused by dispersion that produces differing amounts of
refraction and a consequent different focal point at different wavelengths.

Reflective optics, made with curved mirrors, do not have chromatic aberration but
are often physically larger for the same focal length and f-number. There are many
different designs and configurations of each. Missiles commonly use a Cassegrain,
shown in Figure 44. The Cassegrain design is compact in size for its focal length.


FIGURE 44. Cassegrainian Telescope.

Objective Lens

Two main functions of the first optical element (the objective lens) in a typical
instrument or missile are the following:

1. Collect radiation (i.e., multiply irradiance [power density] by collecting over a

large area and focusing onto a small area).
2. Form an image of the target scene onto a filter and detector array.

Optical Materials for IR

Common optical materials for lenses and windows in the visible part of the spectrum
are not transparent in the MWIR and long-wavelength IR (LWIR) (and vice versa). As
shown in Figure 45, glass is completely opaque in the IR, while germanium is the

There are many different materials that are transparent in the IR. The two most
common are silicon and germanium. Because of their high indices of refraction, both
silicon and germanium must be anti-reflection coated to reduce surface losses.


(a) Visible. (b) LWIR (8 to 12 m).

FIGURE 45. Common Materials in Visible and IR. (Photographs were derived from
Reference 1). (The little girl is holding a piece of glass, which is transparent in the
visible but opaque in the IR. The boy has a piece of germanium, which is opaque in the
visible but highly transparent in the IR.)

Spectral Filters

Spectral filters restrict sensitive wavelength range. Reasons for filtering include
enhancement of target-to-background contrast, avoidance of unwanted plume emissions
and/or atmospheric absorption regions, and extraction and measurement of target spectral

Most spectral filters are of the thin-film interference type. Layers of dielectric
material are vacuum deposited on a substrate window material. Typical substrate
materials in IR are sapphire, silicon, and germanium. The thickness of the deposited
layers is designed to have constructive interference to pass desired radiation at desired
wavelengths and to have destructive interference to block undesired wavelengths, as
shown in Figure 46.


FIGURE 46. Drawing Showing That Most Spectral Filters

Work by Interference of Radiation Wave With Itself.
(Regions of constructive interference have high
transmission. Regions of destructive interference have low
or no transmission.)

Spatial Filters

A spatial filter separates information in a scene image by features such as size or

position. Spatial filters take a variety of forms. Some common types and their functions
include the following:

1. Field stop—limits an instrument’s FOV; blocks unwanted sources (such as sun)

outside nominal FOV.
2. Mechanical modulator, or “chopper”—
 Partial FOV: performs automatic subtraction of background radiation.
 Total FOV: alternates between unknown target to be measured and known
internal reference source.
 Reticle (a mechanical modulator used in many missile designs): usually
discriminates against extended sources (such as background) in favor of
“point” target sources and provides target directional information from
modulation phase.


IR Detectors and Detector Response

IR detectors are transducers that convert received radiation into an electrical signal.
The two basic detection mechanisms are thermal and photon.

1. Thermal—received radiation causes temperature increase. Electrical signal is

created directly or indirectly by temperature rise. Some common examples are
 Microbolometer arrays—low-cost thermal imaging systems available in
some cars.
 Pyroelectric detectors—change in capacitance with change in radiation.
Pyroelectrics are low-cost detectors commonly used in intrusion alarms to
turn on outside lights, etc.
2. Photon—received photons free current carriers in semiconductor. These
mechanisms usually require cryogenic cooling (typically liquid nitrogen). Two
modes of photon detection are
 Photoconductive—were popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Electrical
resistance is indirectly proportional to incident radiation. This mode
requires direct current electrical bias.
 Photovoltaic—are the most common today, especially in arrays. This type
is more sensitive with lower noise than photoconductive.

The response of any instrument is a weighted integral of the instrument spectral

response, the atmospheric spectral transmission, and the spectral distribution of the
target’s radiation, as shown in Figure 47.
Absolute Apparent Spectral Radiance, W/sr/cm /m

R() = instrument-relative spectral response
() = spectral transmission of atmosphere
LT() = spectral radiance (W/cm /sr) of target
Wavelength, m

FIGURE 47. Weighting in Spectral Domain Shown Mathematically and Graphically.

(All Instruments and Sensors, Including Missiles, Respond to Multi-Dimensional Integral
of Their Responses Convolved With Corresponding Distributions of Received Radiant
Power in Different Domains.)


IR Detector Arrays

The greatest advance in IR detectors in the last 10 years has been in detector arrays.
Just as silicon detector arrays have transformed photography with a greater number of
pixels and lower costs, there have been a steady increase in the number of pixels in IR
arrays and a reduction in cost. The availability of larger size and lower cost arrays has
changed every aspect of IR sensing, from instruments for measurement to missile

There are many different IR detector materials, but most of the recent advances have
been in two:

  Indium antimonide (InSb)—MWIR of approximately 1.5 to 5.5 m

 Mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe)—LWIR of approximately 2 to 14 m
(photoconductive) and of approximately 2 to 10 m (photovoltaic)

Detector arrays for the IR will never approach silicon for density and uniformity, but
commercial arrays now come in a range of formats, from 128  128 to 1,280 
1,024 pixels. InSb array technology is currently more mature and lower in cost than
HgCdTe, with a larger array sizes, higher yields (fewer bad pixels), and better pixel-to-
pixel uniformity.


Contributing Factors to Acquisition

Acquisition of an aircraft by a threat sensor such as an IR missile or search/tracker

depends upon a number of factors:

1. Total contrast signature of the aircraft at the viewing aspect and against its
natural background, as shown in Figure 48.
2. Propagation of the aircraft contrast signature through the atmospheric path
between the aircraft and potential shooter.
3. Sensitivity threshold (minimum trackable irradiance) of the missile.

The factors involved in acquisition of a target by a ground-to-air sensor are made

complex by changes in background radiance with elevation angle and atmospheric
transmission over a slant path of varying length and elevation angle. Typical geometry
for a surface-to-air missile is shown in Figure 49.


FIGURE 48. IR Image of Aircraft at Missile

Acquisition Range. (The aircraft is clearly
distinguished against a thin cloud background with a
commercial IR camera.)


4,000 feet
4 km 2 km (1.219 km)
10 km 8 km 6 km

7.0 deg 8.8 deg 11.7 deg 17.7 deg 37.6 deg


FIGURE 49. Typical Surface-to-Air Missile Acquisition Geometry.


Apparent Contrast Irradiance

The contrast irradiance received by a distant sensor is the difference between the
target and background radiances times the atmospheric transmission times the solid angle
subtended by the target. Note that background is treated as a source at target range, so
path radiance is eliminated. In the equations in Figure 50, the spectral dependence of all
terms and the weighting and integration by the sensor response are omitted. These
factors are contained in the equation in Figure 51.

Apparent Effective Contrast Irradiance

Radiation is distributed with wavelength. All sensors respond to a weighted

integration of the received radiation. The common term for such a weighted integration
is effective. The equation in Figure 51 shows the apparent effective irradiance received
by a sensor.


Lc = apparent contrast radiance at sensor (Wcm-2sr-1)

p = atmospheric path transmission
Lt = target absolute radiance (Wcm-2sr-1)
Lb = background absolute radiance (Wcm-2sr-1)
Ec = apparent contrast irradiance at sensor (Wcm-2)
At = target projected area (cm2)
D = range (cm)
t = solid angle subtended by target (sr)

FIGURE 50. Illustration of Target Contrast.


 

    

Ece = apparent effective contrast irradiance at sensor (Wcm-2)
At = target projected area (cm2)
D = range (cm)
Rs() = normalized spectral response of sensor
p() = atmospheric path spectral transmission
Lt() = target absolute spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1µm-1)
Lb() = background absolute spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1µm-1)

FIGURE 51. Equation for Apparent Effective Contrast Irradiance.



Mapping maximum acquisition range around an aircraft forms the missile

acquisition envelope for that particular missile sensitivity, aircraft signature, flight, and
background condition.

Another envelope, called kinematic, is formed by the maximum distance the missile
is able to fly to reach a target flying at that aircraft’s speed and altitude. The curve in
Figure 52 shows the nearly circular kinematic envelope of a missile around a helicopter.
The kinematic envelope around a jet at faster speed will elongate with greater range at the
nose, where the aircraft is flying toward the missile.

The engagement envelope is the inner of the acquisition and kinematic envelopes.
This envelope defines the area within which a missile is able to both acquire the target
and has sufficient propulsion to reach the target at that speed and altitude.

The size of the engagement area is determined by aircraft intensity, contrast against
background, atmospheric propagation, and missile sensitivity. Reducing engagement
area is the ultimate measure of aircraft signature reduction.



FIGURE 52. Engagement Area. (The engagement area around an

aircraft is bounded by the inner of two envelopes: missile
acquisition and missile kinematic.)




The IR-guided missile (the Sidewinder) made its debut as part of an antiaircraft
weapon on 24 September 1958. The Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan (then known as
Formosa) were engaged in ongoing air and artillery skirmishes with the mainland
Communist Chinese over control of two small islands. Armed only with 50-caliber
machine guns, the American F-86 Sabrejets flown by the Nationalist Air Force did not
have the speed or maneuverability of the Russian MiG-17s flown by the Communists. In
this first encounter, the Sidewinders were used to ambush and defeat the MiG-17s as they
flew past the Sabrejets.

Because of this success, the Sidewinder quickly became one of the most copied
weapons in modern history. The first example was the Soviet Atoll, which was an almost
carbon copy. Modern IR missile designs no longer copy Sidewinder directly, but all are
designed with an intimate knowledge of the original Sidewinder. Figure 53 shows a
Sidewinder launch from an F/A-18.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 53. F/A-18 Hornet From Marine VMFA-314

Firing AIM-9 Sidewinder Air-to-Air Missile.



Intercept Course

To intercept a target in the shortest time and distance traveled, a missile must
navigate toward a point in space ahead of the target aircraft and must time its arrival to be
there at the exact instant as the target. Such a course involves calculations of bearing to
the target and relative speed of closure between the missile and target. The calculations
must be made continuously throughout the missile flight because the intercept point will
change with any change in closure rate or with any target maneuvers.

Such an intercept course requires a guidance method known as proportional

navigation. A theoretical proportional navigation course for a constant closure rate and a
non-maneuvering target is shown in Figure 54. For a constant-closure, non-maneuvering
condition, the angle between the bearing to the target and the missile body will be a
constant. If the relative closure speed is faster, then the angle will be smaller. Long
before guided missiles were developed, such a course was well known to ships. If the
relative bearing to another vessel is constant, then the two ships are on a collision course.

Relative bearing in this case is the angle between the longitudinal axis of the missile
body and the target. In missile terminology, this angle is known as the line of sight and
herein is assigned the Greek letter lambda (λ).

A constant bearing has a zero line-of-sight rate. Maintaining a zero line-of-sight rate
requires that a missile have two separate and independent control loops: (1) a target
tracker and (2) a wing control servo.


FIGURE 54. Geometry for Proportional Navigation Course for

Constant Closure Rate and Non-maneuvering Target. (Note
that, therein, t1, t2, and t3 indicate points in time.)


Target Tracker Servo

A closed servo loop controls position by using feedback to zero out any difference,
or error, between the actual and desired positions. In the case of a target tracker, a servo
drives the pointing direction of the missile optics to keep the target centered in the FOV.
If the target moves off center, that movement is sensed, and an error signal is generated
that causes the servo to move the optics to null the error to zero.

To do so, a target tracker requires a number of functional elements, some of which

may be combined within the same component. These elements are

1. Optics to collect radiation and focus the target scene to an image for extraction
of direction information.
2. Gimbals to support the optics and allow free movement in azimuth and
elevation independent of the missile body.
3. Gyro to provide an inertial plane of reference for the tracker that is isolated from
the missile body.
4. Spectral filter to restrict pass band to a part of the spectrum with high target
emissions and, if possible, low background radiation.
5. Spatial filter to transform target spatial information (direction) into a time
domain signal. The spatial filter is also usually used to distinguish the target
from the background on the basis of image size.
6. Detector to convert received radiation to an electrical signal. Early missiles
used a single detector. New missile designs use a detector array. If the detector
is an array, it will be located at an image plane, and target direction will be
determined by image position on the array rather than with a separate spatial
filter. The detector and conditioning electronics provide a signal that contains
information on target angular direction from the optical axis.
7. Servo loop to drive the optics to keep the target centered in the optical FOV.
The target angular direction signal from the detector is injected as an error
signal into a closed loop servo. The servo controls the pointing direction of the
missile optics and moves the optics to null out the error.

Target Tracker Window

From a countermeasure standpoint, the target tracker provides a window through

which false information can be injected into the missile guidance. A target tracker may
be mechanized in many different ways, and tracker designs have evolved considerably
over the years. Evolution in tracker design has had a dramatic impact on the
countermeasures needed to defeat a missile.


Designing an effective countermeasure to defeat a missile requires detailed

knowledge of the specific missile, especially of the target tracker. Examination of the
functional components in a generic spin-scan tracker can help one understand the general
principles involved in all missile designs.


The most common telescope for missiles incorporates reflective optics in a

Cassegrain design. Figure 55 is a cross-sectional drawing of a typical Cassegrain. The
design uses a donut-shaped objective mirror, which collects radiation and directs it to a
secondary mirror in the center. From the secondary, radiation converges to form a real
image centered on the optical axis. This image contains the target information that will
be used for tracking.

For missiles, a Cassegrain has advantages over other telescope designs because it is
compact for a given focal length and because the focal point is located on the optical axis,
unlike a Newtonian telescope, for example, in which the focus is located to the side. The
whole telescope assembly is protected by a curved window called an IR dome.

FIGURE 55. Typical Missile Cassegrain Optics.

(The target tracker, consisting of collecting optics,
spatial filtering to determine target direction, and
detector, forms the “window” through which
countermeasures can introduce false target



To be free to move independently of the missile body, the telescope must be

supported with a system of gimbals. These may be separate azimuth and elevation
gimbals; or, as is more common, the gimbal may be a single post in the center with a ring
of bearings to allow free movement.

The maximum angle (αm) that the optics need to move is determined by the direction
of approach and relative closure. Most IR missiles have a maximum gimbal angle greater
than about 45 degrees.


The missile optics are isolated from motions of the missile body and are given what
is referred to as an “inertial plane of reference” through gyro stabilization. The gyro may
be located in a housing that is separate from the optics; or, as is commonly done, the
missile optics themselves may be spun to form their own gyro.

A missile body may undergo large gyrations in flight, but the gyro-stabilized optics
will maintain the same pointing direction in space. To change pointing direction in
response to tracking error, the servo loop causes a torque to be applied to precess the

In the free gyro design, the whole telescope spins. A large permanent magnet is
mounted to the back of the primary mirror. The optical assembly is driven as an electric
motor with an alternating current through surrounding coils.

The telescope assembly is gimbaled about the center with a single support post and
bearing, as shown in Figure 56. The detector is fixed to the missile body, and the
telescope spins around it.



FIGURE 56. Gimbaled Optics. (Missile optics are free to move over a large angular
range. Optics are gyro stabilized for isolation from the missile body and for tracking
relative to an inertial reference plane.)

Target Emissions and Spectral Response

The location of a missile’s wavelength band has a large effect on its range and
operational usage. Figure 57 shows spectral curves of two engine signature components,
hot parts (upper, blue curve) and exhaust plume (lower, red curve), with the short
wavelength band used by early missiles. As the curves show, aircraft engine hot parts
have strong emissions in this band but minimal plume and airframe emissions.

Almost all antiaircraft missiles operate in the MWIR, which lies from about 1.5 to
6.0 m. Due to limitations in the detectors available, most early missiles used detectors
with peak sensitivity in the region shown. In most jet aircraft, engine hot parts are only
visible around the tail. Consequently, early missiles were primarily tail-aspect weapons
and were of limited use from beam to nose-on.


Wavelength, m

FIGURE 57. Aircraft Emissions and Missile Spectral Response. (Early IR

missiles were limited to the short wavelength side of the mid-wave,
a factor that made them primarily tail-aspect weapons.)

Countermeasure Implications

Knowledge of a missile’s spectral response is the first piece of information needed to

design an effective countermeasure. Both decoy and jammer countermeasures require an
intensity in the missile’s wavelength band that is at least several times greater than the
intensity of the aircraft emissions in that band.

Spatial Filter: Target Direction

The tracker must have a means of determining target direction. Direction is a spatial
feature, along with size, shape, orientation, etc. There are a number of methods of
converting spatial information into an electronic signal for processing and tracking. One
of the simplest used in many missile designs is a small spinning disk referred to as a
“reticle,” which is located at an image plane in the optics. The reticle often also contains
the spectral filter on the same disk.


Radiation from the target and scene passes through the reticle on its way to the
detector. As it does, a pattern of transparent and opaque segments on the reticle
impresses a modulation on the radiation by acting as a kind of shutter. A reticle can be as
simple as a disk with half transparent and half opaque, as shown in Figure 58. As the
reticle spins, radiation is alternately passed and blocked.

The result is an alternating current signal from the detector whose amplitude is
proportional to the target irradiance and whose phase with respect to the spin drive can be
used to determine target direction from the optical center.

FIGURE 58. Drawing Showing That Target Direction Information Is Contained

in Timing or Phase of Detector Waveform From Reference Signal.

Background Rejection

A problem with any tracker is distinguishing the valid aircraft target from the natural
background sources, such as sunlit clouds and terrain, which often have much higher
intensity than the target. Background sources usually have much greater area than the
target, and this spatial difference can be exploited. A common method is to replace the
transparent segment of the reticle with “spokes,” as shown in Figure 59.

The width of a spoke is designed to be around the size of an image from a distant
target so that, as the reticle turns, the target radiation is fully modulated. The image of a
large area background source will spill over several spokes and, consequently, not be
completely modulated.


FIGURE 59. Background Rejection With “Rising Sun” Reticle Design.

(Radiation from a small target is 100% modulated, while that from an
extended source is only partially modulated, a factor that results in
rejection of a large percentage of background radiation.)

This spatial filtering does not completely eliminate problems with tracking a target
against high background radiance sources. Some signal will still be generated from a
background source, but the signal will be much lower than if the background radiation
were concentrated into a point source image like the target.

Spin-Scan Waveforms

The basic two-part reticle produces a detector signal with a frequency at the reticle
spin rate. Replacing the transparent sector with spokes increases the modulation
frequency to a multiple of the spin frequency. The reticle shown in Figure 60 has five
spokes in a half disk (or ten spoke cycles if the full disk is covered). If the disk is spun at
100 revolutions per second, the modulation frequency of a target signal would be
1,000 hertz.

The other half of a reticle is often given a transmission of 50% rather than made
completely opaque to produce a more balanced modulation envelope. The result is an
amplitude-modulated (AM) carrier frequency, as illustrated (Figure 60). An electronic
band-pass filter centered at this carrier frequency improves the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio
and helps reject lower frequency components from background sources.

The result of this filtering is a smooth AM waveform (blue curve), in which target
direction information is contained in the phase of the modulation envelope. This
envelope is rectified and filtered to produce an error signal to control the gyro precession.


FIGURE 60. Drawing Showing That, After Detector Preamp, Signal Goes Through
Narrow Bandpass Filter To Improve S/N. (The AM waveform is then rectified and
filtered. Target direction is determined from AM envelope phase.)

Spin-Scan Tracker

The optical and reticle design of most early missiles used what is called a spin-scan
tracker. Spin scan has the following characteristics that are important to

1. The tracker servo loop drives to null the signal to zero. Zero signal occurs when
the target is on the optical axis and the target image is at the center of the reticle
(green image) (see Figure 61).
2. If the target is off-center, an error occurs. As a consequence, an AM carrier is
generated in which the phase of the modulation envelope contains target
direction information.
3.  With spin scan, the missile is always looking at the target. Always looking at
the target has enormous consequences for jammer countermeasures (much more
regarding this matter is presented later). This vulnerability to jammers led to the
next evolution in target trackers: conical scan.


FIGURE 61. Illustration of Spin-Scan Missile Static Gain Curve.

Static Gain Curve

A missile’s spatial response to a point source target is referred to as its “static gain
curve.” The static gain curve for a spin-scan tracker has a null at center where the target
image is not modulated by the reticle spokes and consequently generates zero voltage
from the detector.

The static gain curve is three-dimensional but, for convenience, is usually presented
as a two-dimensional slice across the FOV, as shown in Figure 61. Figure 61 shows the
now familiar rising sun reticle with two target images: one at the center of the reticle and
one off center.

The voltage from the detector is proportional to the product of the target irradiance
and the gain at that position on the reticle. As a target moves off center, the detector
output rises to a maximum before falling off as the edge of the FOV is approached. The
area within the maxima forms a tracking “well.”

Conical-Scan Trackers

The trend in extracting target position and distinguishing a valid target from
background is toward ever more detailed spatial information. Target trackers with a
single IR detector require mechanical scanning of the target scene. The tracker that has
been described is what is known as a spin-scan design. Only a few spin-scan missile
designs are still in service worldwide. A spin scan is highly vulnerable to jammers
because the tracker optics are always looking at the target; and, consequently, false
position information can be injected at any time during the scan rotation. The next step
in trackers was the conical-scan design.


Conical-scan trackers borrowed a concept that fire control radars had used for
decades. Instead of staring straight ahead, the FOV of a conical scan is offset; and, as it
scans, the FOV sweeps out a circular pattern. (In radar, the concept would be called a
nutating beam.) A conical scan can be implemented by simply offsetting the secondary
mirror in a Cassegrain telescope, as shown in Figure 62.

FIGURE 62. Drawing Showing That, With Conical Scan, Instantaneous

Field of View (IFOV) of Tracker Sweeps Out a Circular Pattern.

For a target centered on the optical axis, the FOV sweeps out an overlapping circle,
as shown in Figure 63. The target image falls on the edge of the reticle rather than in the
center. Conical-scan trackers use a different reticle design with spokes all the way
around rather than in only one-half of the disk. This configuration produces a detector
waveform with constant amplitude.


For tracking near the optical axis, the target image is slightly offset, thus resulting in
a frequency change as the image crosses spokes at different distances from the center.
For this case, the electronics use frequency modulation (FM) rather than AM, a factor
that results in a tighter tracking loop.

FIGURE 63. Drawings Showing Target Image Position With Conical Scan. (Conical
scan tracks, so target image moves around the edge of the reticle. As a result, the
amplitude waveform is constant. Any error causes an FM that is detected and drives
the servo back to center.)

If the target is farther off center, as illustrated in Figure 64, the image falls off the
reticle during part of the scan, shown at times t2 and t3. During this time, the target is
outside the FOV and no radiation is received from the target. The implication for
countermeasures is that no information can be injected into the tracker when it is not
viewing the target.

FIGURE 64. Drawings Showing Target Image Off Center. (Larger error in tracking
causes the image to fall off the reticle and outside the FOV during part of the scan.
Conical-scan trackers greatly increase the intensity requirements of jammers.)



Pseudo Imaging

A variety of other scan techniques are in use in missiles that sweep a detector or
detector pair with a small IFOV over the target scene. This action results in greater
spatial resolution; and, because the detector spends only a fraction of the scan looking at
the target, it has considerable immunity to jammers.

Detector Arrays

The most recent advance finding its way into missiles is the use of a staring focal
plane array (SFPA) rather than a single detector. The electronically scanned array offers
target detection and discrimination at greater ranges than possible with mechanically
scanned single detectors. Combined with powerful image processors now available,
arrays also offer improved CCM discrimination against decoys and the possibly of
adaptive response to a changing target scene.


As target trackers have evolved toward scanners with ever more spatial information
and resolution (progression from spin scan to conical scan to rosette to cruciform to
imaging arrays), there has also been a progression toward longer wavelengths and toward
multiple bands.

Progression (wavelengths approximately) through the MWIR has been 2 to 3 m,

3 to 4 m, and 4 to 5 m (exact bands are classified when associated with specific
missiles) (see Figure 65). This evolution has impacted the effectiveness of
countermeasures because of the difficulty of achieving high intensity from sources at
longer wavelengths.

No current antiaircraft missiles operate in the LWIR (8 to 12 m), but recent

advances in HgCdTe arrays will surely change this situation in the future. There are no
current countermeasures operating at long wavelengths, and problems countering missiles
in that part of the spectrum could be formidable.


Wavelength, m

A = Uncooled lead (II) sulfide (PbS); B = Cooled PbS, uncooled

lead selenide (PbSe); C = Cooled InSb

FIGURE 65. Wavelength Bands of IR Missiles. (Wavelength

bands of IR missiles have progressed across MWIR from
shorter to longer wavelengths [approximately A to B to C]
as IR detectors have been developed with longer
wavelength response and higher sensitivity.)



The next major advance in antiaircraft IR missiles was the development of the
shoulder-launched MANPADS. The Army Redeye first entered service in 1967. The
severity of the MANPADS threat became apparent at the end of the Vietnam War, when
the United States first encountered the Soviet SA-7b.

A typical MANPADS warhead has less than a pound of explosive, but the high
accuracy in hitting an engine can bring down almost any aircraft. Helicopters and
transport aircraft are especially vulnerable to MANPADS, which accounted for all
United States missile losses in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Today, the SA-7b and many later, more advanced MANPADS have proliferated to
almost every country in the world through foreign military sales, as well as domestic
manufacture. Providing United States Stinger missiles to the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan
in 1986 was a significant factor in forcing the Soviets to withdraw, but doing so also
resulted in the Stinger finding its way into other countries. Figure 66 shows an FIM-92
Stinger missile being launched at the White Sands Missile Range, and Figure 67 is a
photograph of a European Mistral launcher.


DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 66. FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS.


Photo credit:

FIGURE 67. Mistral Surface-to-Air Missile.


All current antiaircraft IR missiles owe much of their design to Sidewinder, which
was developed at NOTS China Lake in the late 1940s.

Missiles fly an intercept course to target using proportional navigation. Proportional

navigation requires a target tracker that is independent of the missile body. The target
tracker is the window through which the missile can be countered.

The earliest target tracker designs used spin scan. Target direction was determined
by using a reticle to modulate the received target radiation and to reject background

Spin-scan trackers view the target at all times, thus making them vulnerable to
jammers. Overcoming this vulnerability was one of the reasons missile designs evolved
to conical and other types of scan. (Conical scan has other advantages as well.)

Conical-scan trackers view a target near boresight continuously; but, if the target
image is off boresight, the target falls outside the FOV for part of the scan.

At the same time that target tracker scan methods were evolving from spin scan,
missile wavelength bands were also evolving from short to longer wavelengths.


Sensitivity at longer wavelengths gives IR missiles an all-aspect capability and

makes it more difficult for countermeasure sources to achieve high in-band intensity.


The three basic elements of aircraft defense are (1) suppression of the aircraft’s
signature to reduce missile acquisition range; (2) warning of a missile launch and cueing
of an appropriate countermeasure; and (3) activation of a countermeasure, of which there
are two types: decoys and jammers.

Signature suppression can shrink the area around an aircraft from which a missile
can acquire and be launched. When a missile can no longer acquire, the effectiveness of
suppression as a countermeasure is 100%. However, there is a limit, and suppression
alone can rarely eliminate acquisition all together. When the limit of what can be
achieved through suppression is reached, a countermeasure must be used. The first
countermeasure is the decoy. Figure 68 shows a Marine Corps CH-53D helicopter
dispensing flares.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 68. Marine Corps CH-53D Dispenses Pyrotechnic Flares.



Decoys: Off-Board Countermeasures

A decoy is an off-board countermeasure that is ejected from and separates away

from the aircraft. As the name implies, a decoy attempts to lure the track of a missile
away from the target aircraft. To be effective, the decoy must provide a more attractive
source for the missile than the real aircraft target. Most IR missiles are not able to search
and reacquire a target after launch; so, once the track has been pulled far enough that the
aircraft is no longer in the missile FOV, the missile has been defeated.

Decoy is a general name applied to a variety of off-board devices. The decoy most
commonly associated with IR is the pyrotechnic flare, such as the ones shown in
Figures 69 and 70 being dispensed from a Navy F/A-18E. All flares are decoys, but not
all decoys are flares.

Public domain photo release from

FIGURE 69. Conventional Pyrotechnic Flare Dispensed by Navy F/A-18E.


NAWCWD public domain release.

FIGURE 70. Conventional Pyrotechnic Flares Dispensed From F/A-18E.

Missile Response to Decoys

Figure 71 shows the sequence of events that occur with a basic spin-scan tracker to
illustrate how a missile responds to multiple target scenes. If the decoy irradiance is
greater than that of aircraft target, the track point will bias toward the decoy. As the
decoy separates from the aircraft, the target will be pushed over the maximum point of
the static gain curve. The decoy will remain within the well. At that point, the decoy has


Static gain

(a) Point before decoy is dispensed—tracker servo holds target at center of FOV.

Static gain

(b) Point after decoy is dispensed—servo tracks

centroid of weight images as decoy separates.
Target image
Target image pushed over
pushed over maximum point
maximum point

Static gain

(c) Point at which decoy wins—decoy separated from aircraft until target image
moved over maximum point of static gain curve; decoy remains in well.

FIGURE 71. Sequence of Events To Illustrate

Response of Spin-Scan Tracker to Decoy.


Decoy Requirements Against Non-CCM Missiles

The section entitled “Missile Response to Decoys” provides the requirements that a
decoy must meet to protect an aircraft from earlier generation missiles that do not have
CCM circuitry. These are

1.  The decoy must be more intense than the aircraft within the missile spectral
response band. For example, the following holds true: the greater the ratio of
the in-band flare-to-aircraft intensity, often called the jammer-to-signal (J/S)
ratio, the more effective the flare is likely to be against non-CCM missiles.
2.  Greater intensity must be reached while the decoy is close to the aircraft and the
image is within the capture well of the target tracker. Achieving high intensity
while close to the aircraft requires a fast intensity rise time, especially to protect
at close range.
3.  The burn time of the decoy must be sufficiently long and separation from the
aircraft must be sufficiently great so that, when the decoy burns out, the aircraft
is outside the missile FOV. Otherwise, the missile will reacquire and resume
track on the aircraft.
4.  The separation rate of the decoy must not exceed the track rate of the missile,
otherwise the decoy will flash through the FOV and be gone before the missile
is able to respond.

These conditions must be met at all aspects around an aircraft and at all operational
airspeeds and altitudes.


Simultaneously with the development of IR-guided missiles, the United States and
other governments began developing countermeasures to defeat them. The requirements
previously described dictate a decoy with high intensity in IR wavelengths and a fast
intensity rise, as well as one whose intensity is not greatly affected by aircraft speed or

One additional requirement greatly restricts decoy design options: all

countermeasure solutions must fit in a small package. Any countermeasure device or
system carried on an aircraft has a severe size and weight limitation. Decoys come in a
variety of shapes and sizes, but the most common size for Navy decoys is a cylindrical
tube 5.81 inches long by 1.43 inches in diameter.

This size constraint limits the IR characteristics available to the decoy designer. The
first of these is temperature. To achieve high intensity from a source with a small
projected area, the temperature must be high—typically several thousand degrees in


Celsius. The requirements were met with the pyrotechnic flare (see Figure 72), which
has become the standard IRCM in all the world’s air forces.

 The success and, especially,

the compromise of the Electrically Fired
Sidewinder to the Soviets, Impulse Cartridge
spurred United States flare Expendable
development in the late Pyrotechnic Grain
1960s. Development was
accelerated when the United
States begins to encounter
MANPADS at the end of the
Vietnam War.
 Conventional flares consist
of a highly energetic
pyrotechnic material that is
expended from a casing by
an electrically fired impulse

FIGURE 72. Cutaway Model of Conventional Navy Flare

(5.75 Inches Long by 1.38 Inches Diameter).

In the United States, a number of agencies and laboratories were involved in flare
development in the early 1950s. The major research and testing were initially done at
what was then the NOTS (now NAWCWD), China Lake, California, and, from the late
1960s, were carried on by what was then the Naval Ammunition Depot (now the Naval
Surface Warfare Center [NSWC]), Crane, Indiana.

A pyrotechnic does not depend upon external oxygen for reaction; and,
consequently, the reaction temperature is not greatly affected by altitude or airspeed. The
most energetic composition in terms of IR emissions per mass was found to be a
composition of magnesium, Teflon, and Vitron.

The product of a magnesium–Teflon reaction is a stream of particles of amorphous

carbon that are heated to incandescence by the chemical reaction. Carbon has a surface
emission efficiency (emissivity) of nearly 1. Carbon gives the pyrotechnic flare its
characteristic spectral shape, very closely approximating that of Planck’s curve.

In the airstream, a burning magnesium–Teflon flare has a comet-like appearance as

the hot carbon particles produce a trail behind the flare. Because the reaction temperature
is very stable with altitude and airspeed, the intensity is proportional to the number and
rate of the carbon particles produced.


The main factors affecting intensity are the physical size of the flare, its rate of burn,
and the aspect from which it is viewed. Intensity is greatest side on. As the carbon
particles streaming behind the flare cool, they form a dense smoke trail that can partially
obscure the flare when viewed from the rear.

A typical Navy dispenser system consists of two or more removable “blocks” that
each hold 30 flares (or any combination of flares and chaff cartridges) (see Figure 73). A
circuit board on the back of the dispenser block makes electrical contact with the impulse
cartridges, which push the pyrotechnic grain out of the tube. A number of different safe
and arm devices are in use to prevent the pyrotechnic grain from igniting while still
inside the tube.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 73. Ordnancemen Inspect and

Replace Expended Flares Out of Chaff and
Flare Buckets of KC-130, 10 March 2002, in
Support of Operation Enduring Freedom.


Dispensing direction is downward on most aircraft; but, because direction is a factor

in countermeasure effectiveness, dispensers may also be mounted to dispense sideward,


especially on helicopters and transport. After being dispensed into the airstream, flares
slow rapidly and fall away from the aircraft in a ballistic trajectory (see Figure 74).

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 74. Marine Corps KC-130 Dispensing in Three Directions.

(A U.S. Marine Corps KC-130 Hercules aircraft assigned to VMGR-234
launches a display of flares while flying formation with a second aircraft
during Operation Iraqi Freedom.)

Dispenser payloads are limited, especially on tactical aircraft. Two basic dispensing
strategies are

1. Preemptive. Decoys are dispensed continuously during target area ingress and
egress to prevent a missile acquiring lock. Preemptive dispensing is highly
effective against all IR missiles but requires a very large number of decoys.
2. Reactive. Decoys are dispensed only in response to a declared missile launch.
Reactive dispensing conserves decoys but is less effective and depends on
reliable missile warning.



Most countermeasure development is done in response to deployed threats rather

than anticipation of future capability. Too often, this approach results in losing aircraft
before effective devices, systems, and tactics can be developed and deployed. A dramatic
historical illustration is provided by the Soviet experience in Afghanistan in the
late 1980s.

The rugged Afghan terrain forced the Soviets to use small autonomous ground units
and to rely heavily upon helicopter transport and close-air support from helicopter
gunships and strike aircraft. The reliance on low-altitude air support made the Soviets
vulnerable to MANPADS missiles.

Initially, the United States helped the Mujahedeen obtain Soviet SA-7b missiles,
which were abundant on the black market, a scheme that posed no risk of compromising
United States technology. The SA-7b has no CCM and can easily be defeated with
flares. As Afghan losses mounted, the United States introduced the Stinger into
Afghanistan in 1986. The effectiveness of the Stinger resulted in heavy Soviet aircraft
losses, a situation that forced aircraft to fly at night or at high altitude, thus negating their
bombing accuracy. This denial of close-air support ultimately contributed to the Soviet
withdrawal in February 1989. Figure 75 shows a Russian Hind attack helicopter.

The Soviet’s encounter with the Stinger also resulted in an acceleration in that
nation’s flare development and the installation of flare dispensers on its aircraft.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 75. Russian Mi-24 (Hind) Simulates Attack on McGregor

Range, New Mexico, During Roving Sands 1999.




Missile Spectral Discrimination

The high temperature of pyrotechnic flare reaction produces sufficient intensity to

protect almost any aircraft from almost any IR missile that does not have CCM
capability. Unfortunately, the high temperatures of pyrotechnic flares result in a spectral
distribution that is very different from that of an aircraft, as the curves in Figure 76 show.

Missiles are able to distinguish which target has the higher temperature and,
therefore, is more likely the decoy by viewing the target scene in two wavelength bands
rather than just one. Distinguishing valid targets from decoys may be done in several
ways. One way is two use two detectors, each with its own band-pass filter. Another is
to use a single detector with a reticle having segments filtered for two bands.

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 76. Flare and Aircraft Spectra. (The spectral shape of a

pyrotechnic flare [red curve] taken near its peak intensity shows a much
higher ratio of short-to-long wavelength radiation than an aircraft [blue
curve]. This difference can be used as a discriminant by CCM missiles.)


Decoy C-CCM

The counter to a spectral discriminant CCM is a decoy that is a better spectral match
to the aircraft. A better spectral match can be achieved with pyrophoric rather than
pyrotechnic materials. A pyrophoric material reacts with oxygen in the air; and,
consequently, the intensity is affected by altitude and airspeed. Pyrophorics may be
either solid or liquid materials.

Pyrophoric materials typically do not have as high intensity as pyrotechnic ones but
can be effective for aircraft with lower signatures and may be used in conjunction with

Missile Temporal Discrimination

The fast rise needed to increase intensity while the flare is still close to the aircraft is
a temporal feature that can be used as a discriminant. By themselves, temporal features
are not sufficient to distinguish a decoy from the aircraft but can be used by a missile to
trigger other CCM discriminants.

Decoy C-CCM

A decoy with a slow rise time can be effective against some types of missile CCM,
especially at longer range. Because rise time is not a strong discriminant by itself, a
slower rise decoy is not a dependable counter but may be used in conjunction with other


Several factors drive a countermeasure strategy of deploying a number of decoys

with different characteristics both simultaneously and in succession.

1. IR missiles are passive, and there is no currently fielded system capable of

identifying missile type and, consequently, establishing the most effective
2.  Any multi-target scene presents a problem for a missile tracker. One example is
that the more complex and varied the decoys, the more likely it is that one or a
combination will pull the track away from the aircraft.
3.  As the missile closes on a target, the separation rates and geometry it sees is
constantly changing. A decoy or decoy combination that fails at a 10,000-foot
range may be the one that saves the aircraft at 2,000 feet.


A major consequence is the need for aircraft to carry larger numbers of decoys, a
requirement that adds weight, as well as the challenge of finding the extra space. Decoy
effectiveness and efficiency will be improved by more-advanced missile warning systems
that can detect and declare a missile at longer range and give an accurate direction of
arrival. Better missile warning can enable “smart” dispensing, in which decoys are
selected and dispensing is timed for that particular engagement.

With knowledge of how a missile functions, decoys can always be designed that will
defeat it. The challenge is the large variety of missile designs in service worldwide and
the very real possibility of encountering new designs that have not been exploited.


Captive Missile Seekers

Test Methods

Decoys are tested against instrumented captive missile seekers either on the ground
in seeker test vans (see Figure 77) or in the air in the NAWCWD ATIMS (Figure 78). A
basic measure of effectiveness is the success or failure to decoy the track of the missiles.
The basic test systems and methods are the same for both non-CCM and CCM missiles.
The difference is the analysis of missile signals necessary to score effectiveness.

FIGURE 77. Seeker Test Van,

NSWC, Crane, Indiana.


FIGURE 78. ATIMS III Turret With

Captive Air-to-Air Missiles.

With non-CCM missiles, a successful decoy of track is sufficient. With CCM

missiles, it is necessary to determine why the missile followed the decoy (or why it did
not). Among the critical questions for each category are

 Successful decoy: Was missile CCM triggered? If yes, did track transfer to
another decoy in the sequence? If CCM was not triggered, why not?
 Failure to decoy: Was missile CCM triggered? If yes, was missile track initially
decoyed but returned to aircraft? How long after dispense did these actions
occur? If CCM was not engaged, was J/S in that band simply too low to decoy
any missile?

Strengths and Limitations

The strength of captive testing is the viewing of a real aircraft and IRCM scene. The
limitation is the nearly static slice in time and range. Captive testing does not replicate
the timing and rapid range closure of an actual missile in flight.


Testing decoy effectiveness using a fly-out simulation overcomes the lack of range
closure inherent in captive missile testing. Simulations incorporate all elements of the
missile, target, and countermeasure scenario. Simulations of the missile are of two types:
all digital or HIL.


Basic components of a simulation are three models consisting of

1. Target scene:
 Aircraft IR signature
 Backgrounds
 Atmospheric path from missile to target

2. IRCM:
 Decoys
 Jammers

3. Missile:
 Target tracker
 Guidance
 Kinematics

Because they are simulations, the results are only as good as the validation against
reality. Validation is a difficult, time-consuming, vital, imperfect process. As missiles
and countermeasures increase in complexity, rigorous validation is becoming ever more


The objective in decoy countermeasures is to pull the track of the missile away from
the target until the target is no longer in the missile FOV. Basic parameters in decoy
countermeasures are in-band intensity and separation rate versus time.

IR missiles have developed sophisticated CCM that distinguish decoys from the
aircraft target by exploiting differences in spectral, spatial, and temporal characteristics.

The decoy counter to missile CCM is to dispense multiple decoys together and in
sequence that have a wide variety of characteristics. Figure 79 is a photograph of a salvo
of decoy flares.

Developing effective IRCM is a continuous challenge:

 Each successful IRCM advance forces a CCM by missile designers; as a

consequence, a new (usually more expensive) countermeasure design is
 All missiles can (eventually) be countered.
 All countermeasures can (eventually) be defeated.


The critical parameters are time and cost to develop and place into service.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 79. Flare Salvo From F/A-18E and F/A-18F

From USS John C. Stennis (22 February 2012).


Decoys were described as the first of the two basic countermeasure types. The
second is jammers. A decoy is an off-board countermeasure that is ejected from the
aircraft and pulls the track of the missile away from the aircraft by providing a more
attractive target.

A jammer is an onboard countermeasure that stays attached to the aircraft. Through

the modulation of an intense IR source, a jammer introduces a false signal into the missile
track loop that creates a kind of electronic illusion of a target in another location.


The strategy of a jammer is to inject a signal into the missile track loop that has a
phase opposite that of the aircraft target. To the missile, the initial effect of a jammer is
the same as the multiple target scenario that is created by a decoy. The difference is that
a decoy is a real IR target, while the jammer creates a fictitious one.


This difference becomes critical when sufficient error is generated to move the
aircraft target to the edge of the missile FOV. At that position and beyond, a decoy
continues to offer an attractive target. For a jammer, however, the edge of the FOV
marks the theoretical limit of its influence.


Development of jammers began in late 1960s as IR threats started to proliferate. The

hope for jammers was that they would solve the problem inherent with decoys: the need
for a reliable missile warning to cue the dispense and the limited quantity available in
aircraft dispensers. A jammer could be turned on all the time.

The first challenge was a search for high-intensity modulated sources in MWIR with
(ideally) long life and high reliability. Two different types of thermal sources evolved
and eventually made their way into operational systems:

1. Pulsed cesium vapor arc lamp

2.  Mechanically modulated element heated to incandescence

Older thermal jammers, such as the ALQ-144 shown in the 1983 photograph
provided as Figure 80, were highly effective against early IR missiles and had the great
advantage of not requiring a missile warning. The thermal jammers are highly effective
against early threat missiles and still have utility today because of the wide proliferation
of older missiles.

FIGURE 80. ALQ-144 on OV-10D.



A missile’s target tracker is the window through which false target information can
be introduced, either by a decoy or by a jammer. The tracker converts target scene
information in the spatial domain into the temporal domain. Target direction (spatial
domain) is converted into an electrical signal whose phase or timing (temporal domain) is
used in a closed-loop servo to keep the missile optics centered on the target.

The spin-scan tracker that was used to describe target tracking and response to
decoys is also useful in describing missile response to a jammer. Spin scan is also the
easiest tracker type to deceive with a jammer. Understanding why provides insight into
the challenges of jamming more-advanced tracker types.

Figure 81 shows the signal generated by a target located off optical center. The
reticle modulates the target irradiance with two frequencies to create an AM signal.
When the target image falls on the spokes of the reticle, a higher frequency carrier is
impressed on the target. An electronic band-pass filter that is centered about the carrier
frequency improves target S/N ratio and helps reject signals from extended background
sources with image sizes that spill over multiple spokes of the reticle.

Band-pass filter in
missile electronics.
fs = spin frequency

FIGURE 81. Review of Tracking Signal

Generated by Spin-Scan Tracker.

When the target image falls in the phasing sector of the reticle where there are no
spokes, no modulation occurs, and the signal amplitude that is passed by the electronic
filter drops to zero. The resulting waveform is an AM envelope at a spin frequency that
is impressed on the carrier.

After the signal is rectified and filtered, the carrier is removed and the remaining
signal is a sine wave at the spin frequency. The timing or phase of this signal with
respect to a spin reference signal tells target direction. Target direction is always in
relation to the inertial reference established by the gyro, not the missile body. The
tracker servo causes the gyro to precess in a direction to null out the signal and put the
target in the center.



Basic jammer strategy is to inject a signal into the target tracker that resembles that
of a valid target aircraft. The waveform created by the jammer must pass through the
missile’s electronic filtering, just as a target signal does. Jammers may have different
waveform shapes, depending upon the method used to create the IR source, but the most
efficient waveform in terms of jamming influence for the amount of irradiance received
is one that resembles the waveform created by the reticle modulation of a real target.
Figure 82 illustrates the jammer waveform.

FIGURE 82. Generic Jammer Waveform for Spin Scan.

Because IR missiles are passive and there is no present operational method of getting
feedback from the missile, jamming must be done “open loop.” The jammer modulation
envelope must be swept through the known frequency range of the missile. During part
of the cycle, when the jammer signal is in phase with that of the target, the jammer will
add to the target’s irradiance. As a result, a jammer will usually expand the range at
which a target can be detected.

Whether this increased detection range is fatal depends mainly upon the intensity of
the jammer relative to the aircraft, or the J/S ratio. A jammer with a low or marginal J/S
ratio may be worse for aircraft survivability than no jammer at all. A jammer with a high
J/S ratio will still increase detection range, but the jammer signal will override the target
sufficiently to deny a stable and sustainable track.



The jammer is located onboard the target aircraft; but, when the phase of the jammer
modulation is opposite that of the target, the net envelope of the combined jammer and
target waveform makes the target appear as if it were in the opposite direction from the
boresight. If the jammer J/S ratio is sufficient, the result is to push the tracker toward the
false target and away from the real target.

Deception occurs only when the jammer phase is opposite that of the target. A
signal will be created that is opposite in phase and apparent direction from the aircraft
target when the jammer pulses occur in the phasing sector of the reticle. Because the
phasing sectors of early spin-scan missiles usually had 50% transmission, the irradiance
of the jammer must be two times that of the target to achieve an effective J/S ratio of 1.
Figure 83 shows waveforms when jammer phasing is optimum.

FIGURE 83. Typical Jammer Waveform for Spin-Scan Tracker.



The apparent target position is the vector sum of the target and jammer signals, just
as it is for a multiple target scenario with decoys. As a jammer is swept in frequency and
consequent phase, the apparent direction to the target rotates, thus causing the missile
track point to nutate, or wobble, about the true target position.

As shown in Figure 84, if the jammer intensity is sufficiently intense relative to the
aircraft, the nutation will cause an outward spiral that can “walk” the track point and
missile FOV off the target and achieve what is known as an OBL.


FIGURE 84. Apparent Target Motion on

Reticle During Jamming. (Actually, the
target is stationary and missile optics
sweep out a spiral pattern.)

If an OBL can be achieved, the jammer has won the engagement because most IR
missiles do not have the ability to search and reacquire a target once the missile is in

Nutation of the track loop also introduces a signal into the missile control loop that
will cause the wings or canards to move and induce a spiral perturbation in the missile’s
flight path. This behavior will scatter the hit pattern at the target and cause some
percentage of target misses.


Because most MANPADS missiles do not have a proximity fuse, the warhead will
detonate only if the missile impacts the target. For these missiles, even a near miss may
be sufficient.


Two evolutions in missile design pointed to the end of the thermal jammer area. The
first was the move by missiles to sensitivity at longer wavelengths (see Figure 85).
Missile designers made this move as new detectors, such as InSb, with a sensitivity in
band C became available. The greater sensitivity and longer wavelength gave missiles a
longer acquisition range and all-aspect rather than just a tail shot capability. Operation at
longer wavelengths did not end jammer effectiveness but made it more difficult to obtain
high J/S ratios.

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 85. Response Moved to Longer Wavelengths.

The second evolution, and the more important one to jammer countermeasures, was
the change from spin scan, in which the target is seen through the full scan cycle, to
conical or other scan types, in which the missile detector views only the target during part
of its scan cycle (Figure 86).


FIGURE 86. Scan Type Moved From Spin to Conical. (With

conical scan, the missile views only the target during
part of its scan cycle.)

In theory, conical scan would be impossible to defeat with a jammer because the
missile does not look at the target during the time the jammer needs to be injecting a
signal to push the track away (see Figure 87). In practice, it is possible for a jammer to
defeat conical scan because of two effects:

1. Perturbations that are induced in missile flight. Even if there is no OBL, the
jammer modulation disturbs missile flight, thus scattering the hit pattern at the
target and resulting in a miss by some percentage of shots.
2. Optical scattering and reflections that are present in the missile optics. Optics
are not perfect, and a strong enough source from outside the nominal missile
FOV can still get through.

The consequences of conical scan and coarse imaging scans (rosette, cruciform, etc.)
for jammers are a requirement for J/S ratios that are higher than possible with a wide
beamwidth thermal source.

FIGURE 87. Drawing Depicting Missile IFOV at Time When

Jammer Needs To Be Injecting Push-Away Signal.



The advent of conical-scan missiles also had an impact on jammer effectiveness

testing with captive missiles. Unless a jammer has a sufficient J/S ratio to force a rapid
OBL, then the effectiveness of the jammer cannot be determined from a captive missile
test alone. The role of captive seeker testing is evolving toward greater use in validation
of simulations rather than as a stand-alone test of effectiveness.

Signals from highly instrumented missiles are recorded in response to

countermeasure events. These signals are compared with and used to validate the missile
simulation at an identical fixed-range condition. Side-by-side radiometric measurements
are made of the target and countermeasure to validate the signature model.

A live fire test is always better, but live fire opportunities are rare because of their
greater cost; and, even then, detailed signal analysis is necessary to correctly interpret the
results. Live fire testing in the early 1970s against the conical-scan Redeye missile raised
hope that jammers could cause a miss even if OBL could not be achieved. In one test
program, a target drone equipped with a jammer caused 17 shots with the Redeye to miss.
For the 18th shot, the jammer was turned off and the missile scored a hit.

Live fire tests seem conclusive, but the Redeye was a poor test case because (1) it
was for a shorter wavelength, in which higher J/S ratios could be achieved and (2) the
wide misses were caused by saturation of a stage in the electronics unique to the Redeye.
Jamming tests with other later conical-scan missiles showed some percentage of misses
but not as wide and not as high a percentage.

OBL achieved early in a missile’s flight causes a certain, wide miss. Against longer-
wavelength, conical or other types of scan missiles, OBLs can be achieved only with the
very high J/S ratios that can be obtained with laser jammers.


Laser jamming of missiles was tested in laboratories in the mid-1970s and found to
work well, but lasers have two problems that were not solvable then and are still difficult

1. Low in-band power—no laser materials have natural molecular resonances in

threat IR bands. In-band emission requires frequency multiplication, which
yields low power. Laser jammers achieve high irradiance with a very narrow
beam (see Figure 88).
2. Need for reliable missile warning with accurate direction of arrival to hand off
to a tracker and an accurate pointer tracker to follow the inbound missile and
direct the laser beam onto the missile optics.



360-degree azimuth


FIGURE 88. Dramatic Increases in Irradiance Can Be Achieved by Narrowing

Jammer Beam. (Thermal jammer beamwidths can be narrowed with reflectors,
but narrower beams can be achieved with a laser. The problem with a narrow
beam is the need for accurate pointing.)


The objective of jammer countermeasures is to inject a signal into the missile target
tracker that causes the tracker to push away from the real target aircraft.

If the jammer intensity is sufficiently greater than that of the aircraft (high J/S ratio),
the jammer can force an OBL and a certain miss.

Evolution in missile design toward longer wavelengths and, especially, to conical

and other scan types from spin has made the jammer requirements more difficult.

Older thermal jammers have inadequate intensity to force OBL. The new directional
infrared countermeasure (DIRCM) jammers have extremely high J/S ratios, achieved by
narrowing the beamwidth. Having a narrow beam requires a reliable warning receiver
and accurate pointer/tracker.

Much testing will be required, but DIRCM systems may offer greater effectiveness
against the next-generation advanced imaging missiles, especially as more powerful
in-band lasers are developed. Figure 89 shows a laser jammer installation on a Marine
Corps CH-53E.


NAVAIR public domain release.

FIGURE 89. Close-up of LAIRCM System Installed on CH-53E.



The classical warning receiver trade-off is to find an acceptable compromise

between (1) a high probability of detection and (2) a low false alarm rate.

The warning receiver challenge is to distinguish the missile from natural background
sources. Passive tracking by IR missiles eliminates RF illumination warnings.

The basic design strategy is to look for and exploit differences between missile and
background radiation distributions in the spectral, spatial, and temporal domains.
Figure 90 shows the launch of a Stinger missile,

IR and ultraviolet (UV) warning receiver development programs go back to the late
1960s, with many serious efforts, but few of the systems made it into service.

Advances in technology of high-speed processors and large sensor arrays will afford
the next generation of warning receivers greater performance and reliability in all


DOD public domain release.


FIGURE 90. Stinger Launch From Marine Corps Avenger Vehicle.

(Missiles have features that make them distinguishable from natural
background sources, but reliable detection with a low false alarm
rate remains a significant challenge.)

Distinguishable Missile Features

The basic approach to any target detection problem is to

1.  List all the features that can distinguish the target from natural background
2.  Separate those features into categories according to their spectral, spatial, and
temporal domain distributions.
3.  Design methods of screening or discrimination for each.
4.  Where possible, use multiple discriminants to reduce false alarm rate.


Missiles and natural backgrounds have many differences that can be exploited:

1. Missiles are small (spatial).

2. Missiles have a rocket motor (spectral).
3. Missiles close rapidly on intercept course (temporal and spatial) and are also
detectable by Doppler using RF.
4. Body of the missile is hot from aerodynamic heating (spectral) so still may be
detectable after motor burnout.

Figure 91 shows a Stinger MANPADS launch.

DOD public domain release.


FIGURE 91. Stinger Shoulder Launch.


Warning Receiver Problems and Constraints

Balanced against the many differences that make missiles distinguishable are a
number of requirements that make the warning receiver problem difficult to achieve:

1. False alarm rate must be low. Urban areas have many false sources that must be
2. Declaration must be very quick for short-range shots. (In Iraq, MANPADS
shots were observed from less than 1 to 2 km.) System must declare in
sufficient time to employ countermeasures.
3. For air-to-air missiles, motor burnout may occur miles away. As a result, only
the hot missile hard body can be detected and tracked.
4. A wide field of regard is required: 360-degree azimuth and large enough
elevation coverage not to have blind zones when banking.
5. System must not be blinded or degraded by own ship countermeasures, engine
exhaust, or rotor/propeller blockage.
6. When the warning receiver is used with a DIRCM system, the direction of
approach must be accurate for handoff to tracker.

Figure 92 shows a full IR countermeasure suite on an AH-1W Cobra.


Receiver Sensor
NAVAIR public domain release.

FIGURE 92. IRCM Suite on AH-1W Super Cobra. (IRCM installations

on an AH-1W, 17 October 2008, over flight deck of USS Peleliu.)


Detectable Spatial Features

Two spatial characteristics make a missile distinguishable from background sources:

1.  The motor is small, while most natural backgrounds are large. Size
discrimination is even easier with imaging than with missile reticle trackers.
2.  A missile on an intercept course with a target will be at a nearly constant
relative bearing, while the background will be moving.

Detectable Temporal Features

The profile of increasing irradiance versus time received from a rocket motor is an
important discriminant that is usually used together with spectral and/or spatial

Irradiance is proportional to the inverse of the square of the range from a source. An
approaching missile has a rapidly increasing irradiance curve that can also be used to
estimate time to impact. Figure 93 shows the nearly constant approach geometry of a
missile after the proportional navigation equation has been solved.


Missiles try to keep the bearing to the target constant to put the missile on an
intercept course. From the aircraft, the constant bearing of the missile is a
feature distinguishable from the moving background, and this factor can be
exploited by warning receivers to help reduce the false alarm rate.

FIGURE 93. Proportional Navigation Geometry.



Ultraviolet (UV)

A burning rocket motor is an open flame with emissions across the spectrum from
the UV through MWIR. A small part of the UV region referred to as the “solar blind” is
attractive because almost all sources there are man-made, i.e., no natural background.
The sun has strong emissions into the UV; but, in this region, almost all of the sun’s
radiation is absorbed by ozone in the upper atmosphere (hence solar blind). Figure 94
shows the burning rocket motor of a Stinger missile launch.

While the solar blind has positive features for warning receivers, there are also

1.  Useful range is relatively short. Transmission of UV is limited by atmospheric

scattering because of the short wavelength.
2.  Urban areas often have ozone concentrations that limit range.
3.  Solar blind warning receivers are not practical on afterburning aircraft because
of own ship emissions in the UV.
4. Solar blind is not a useful band at high altitude, where less ozone absorption
results in high background from sunlight.

FIGURE 94. U.S. Army Stinger Launch During Live Fire Exercise.
(The open flame of rocket motors emit radiation across the
spectrum from UV through MWIR.)


Infrared (IR)

The mid-wavelength part of the IR has disadvantages because of the large number of
background sources, both natural and man-made. However, IR also offers several
advantages that can be exploited:

1. Longer range due to higher atmospheric transmission (little or no atmospheric

2. Possibility of tracking missile hard body after motor burnout.
3. The use of multiple wavelength bands in the IR as a more powerful

Figure 95 is a graph of a plume spectrum.

Wavelength, m

FIGURE 95. Afterburner Plume Spectrum. (Missile rocket motors have

very similar spectra to afterburning plumes. The strong CO2 emission
lines make possible discrimination from natural background sources.)



No single one of the spectral, spatial, or temporal features described can provide
adequate probability of detection alone but, when used in combination with the powerful
embedded processors available today, hold the key to better future missile warning


The complexity of the multiple dimensions and dynamics of the missile and
background scene for launch detection and tracking requires validated simulations for
testing. The flow of information into the simulation is shown in Figure 96. As the
yellow block shows, simulations may be either HIL or all digital.

FIGURE 96. Information Flow in Warning Receiver Testing.

Data from the real-world environment and warning receiver hardware feed the
modeled missile and background simulation for implementation and validation. The
sources for these data include

1. Background clutter data collection: real MWR sensors but without missile.
2. Live fire testing: limited number of real missiles launched against cable car or
elevated platform.
3. Installed system flight test: test of false alarm and cueing with aircrew in real
platform but with no missile launch.



There are no predicting technological breakthroughs that can change everything in a

very short period of time. Processors and the internet are examples in which increasing
consumer demand has driven prices down and capability up beyond what even science
fiction writers imagined. In the IR, two technologies stand out as having had a major
impact in recent years:

1. SFPAs. SFPAs have steadily grown in size and quality, while dropping in price.
The revolution they made in the mid-wave (1.5 to 5.0 m) is now happening in
the long wave (7 to 10 m).
2. Fast, powerful, low-cost embedded processors. The same technology that has
changed every other aspect of technology also continues to change IR.

A safe extrapolation is that present trends will continue and probably accelerate, as
almost all computer-related technology has been accelerating. The dominant trend in IR
is toward greater acquisition of information (spectral, spatial, and temporal) and toward
faster processing. The world continues to grow more dangerous, and antiaircraft IR
missiles and search/track systems will continue to grow in capability. These challenges
must be met with improved IRCM. Figure 97 shows a flare dispensed at transonic speed
from an F/A-18.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 97. Flare Dispensed in Transonic Flight. (An

F/A-18C drops flares during an air power demonstration
aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower [CVN 69],
27 July 2010. Decoy countermeasures will continue to play
a major role in aircraft defense for at least the next decade.)



Research and testing of techniques and materials to reduce aircraft IR signatures are
ongoing. Past aircraft were designed exclusively for performance and payload, with IR
signature an afterthought and suppression an add-on. In newer aircraft, such as the F-22
(Figure 98), lower IR signature technologies are incorporated into the basic design.

USAF public domain release.

FIGURE 98. Air Force F-22 Shown Over Edwards Air Force Base.

Next-generation aircraft, such as the Boeing Bird of Prey (Figure 99), are likely to
have radically different shapes for lower radar RCS and lower IR signature. The biggest
gains will continue to come from better engine suppression. Airframe signature can be
reduced, but the gains are incremental and will always be condition dependent.

These signature reductions will shorten threat-acquisition ranges and increase

countermeasure options and effectiveness.

( photo release 18 Oct 2002)

FIGURE 99. Boeing Bird of Prey.



IR missiles are likely to be the biggest beneficiary of SFPA and processor

technology. The expectation is that longer acquisition ranges will be longer and CCM
will be more powerful.

The dominant trend in IR missiles is toward imaging, first in a single band and then
in multiple bands.

As laser jammers become operational on a larger scale, missiles will incorporate

anti-DIRCM CCM. Techniques such as hardening against laser pulses and home-on-jam
will be adopted.

If DIRCM systems begin to utilize retro return from missiles in their jamming, the
expectation is that a missile counter will be the suppression of the optical cross section.

The countermeasure, CCM, C-CCM game will continue, probably at an accelerated

pace. Figure 100 shows the highly advanced Israeli Python-5 missile.

(a) Python-5.

(b) Aircraft. (c) Helicopter.

(Photos: Released by Rafael Advanced Missile Systems, Ltd)

FIGURE 100. Israeli Python-5 (a) and IR Images of Aircraft

(b) and Helicopter (c). (This missile is representative of the
next-generation of air-to-air IR missiles. The IR images
obtained with instrumentation on the Python-5 show very high
resolution and sensitivity. [Note warm helicopter rotor




Focus has been on MANPADS threats in recent years because they have been the
cause of most of the U.S. aircraft losses. The MANPADS threat will continue to
advance, with improvements in range and more sophisticated CCM capability.

Another growing threat is from air-to-air IR missiles. In combination with advanced

IRST systems, these weapons present the likelihood of encountering completely passive
BVR attack.

Air forces around the world are equipping their aircraft with IRST systems as a
relatively low-cost counter to U.S. aircraft reduction in RCS and to improvements in RF
countermeasures and warning receivers. Figure 101 shows the Passive Infrared Airborne
Track Equipment (PIRATE) IRST system on a Eurofighter.

Galileo Avionica news release

FIGURE 101. PIRATE IRST System on Italian Eurofighter. (The European PIRATE is
one of a new generation of fighter IRST systems. Combined with long-range IR missiles,
these devices will allow passive BVR attack.)


Decoys are likely to remain the most effective countermeasure in wide-scale service
for the next decade. The expectation is that the trend toward a variety of decoy
characteristics and dispensing strategies will continue as new missile CCM designs are


Improvements to warning receivers will enhance decoy effectiveness by enabling

“smarter” dispensing. Changes in dispenser design may also be required to accommodate
larger decoys and increased numbers. Figure 102 shows a flare salvo from an HH-60H

The coming imaging missiles will present the greatest challenge and may result in
combined use of decoys and jammers to defeat.

DOD public domain release.

FIGURE 102. Flare Salvo From HH-60H Sea Hawk.

(An HH-60H displays the ability to launch flares and
quickly maneuver during an air power demonstration
from the USS Ronald Reagan [CVN 76].)


Directions in Jammer Countermeasures

In this section, the author discusses the expected direction in jammer


Present thermal jammers on helicopters and transports will be retired from service.

Operational DIRCM systems will increase in numbers, platforms, and variety of

configurations. Reliability and service life in operational environments will steadily

In-band laser power will increase. The ultimate goal of laser jammers is to achieve
sufficient power to damage sensors. Higher power lasers will force missile designers to
utilize laser hardening.

Directions in Warning Receivers

In this section, the author discusses the expected direction in warning receivers.

Present MWRs are designed only for surface-to-air threats and, consequently, are
planned only for installation on platforms with the greatest vulnerability: helicopters and
transports. Because surface-to-air missiles have a relatively short range with long motor
burn times, warning receivers and tracking for DIRCM systems are able to detect and
track the burning rocket motor.

Increases in air-to-air threats from China, Russia, and others will create a greater
need for air-to-air missile warning. Present and near-term warning receiver technology is
inadequate for air-to-air threats. Air-to-air missiles have a much longer range than
surface-to-air missiles, and motor burnout may occur miles from the target, thus requiring
detection and tracking of the missile body alone.

Advances in IR SFPAs and image processing will be helpful but are unlikely to be
adequate alone. Effective air-to-air missile warning is likely to require greater integration
of the passive IR warning receiver with aircraft RF warning and fire control radar and,
perhaps, the addition of an active warning capability.

Countermeasures Effectiveness Testing

Testing the effectiveness of new, integrated countermeasure and warning receiver

systems will almost certainly present the greatest challenges.


These new systems will force greater reliance on simulations, both HIL and all
digital. And, this situation in turn will force more rigorous (and expensive) validation
work. Figure 103 shows typical information flow in countermeasure effectiveness

The trend toward data from missile testing, both with captive missiles and live
missile firings, as well as aircraft and countermeasure measurements being used to feed
simulations rather than being used directly, will accelerate.

In every aspect and at every step, there will be judgment calls about what constitutes
an adequate test of effectiveness. The need for experienced personnel to make these
judgments will continue to grow.

FIGURE 103. Testing Information Flow.



1. Jack R. White. The Invisible World of the Infrared. New York, Dodd, Mead and
Co., 1984.



Barr, E. S. “Historical Survey of the Early Development of the Infrared Spectral

Region,” American Journal of Physics, Vol. 28, No. 1 (January 1960), p. 49.

Herschel, W. “Experiments on the Refrangibility of the Invisible Rays of the Sun,”

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 90 (1800),
pp. 284–292.

Herschel, W. “Investigation of the Powers of the Prismatic Colours to Heat and

Illuminate Objects; With Remarks, That Prove the Different Refrangibility of
Radiant Heat. To Which Is Added, an Inquiry Into the Method of Viewing the Sun
Advantageously, With Telescopes of Large Apertures and High Magnifying
Powers,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 90 (1800),
pp. 255–283.

Hudson, R. Infrared System Engineering. Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons,

Huygens, C. Treatise on Light. London, Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1690.

Naval Surface Warfare Center. Genesis of Infrared Decoy Flares. The Early Years from
1950 into the 1970s, by B. Douda. Crane, Indiana, NSWC, 26 January 2009.
(ADA495417, publication UNCLASSIFIED.)

Newton, I. Opticks: or a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections & Colours

of Light. The Second Edition, With Additions. Printed for W. and J. Innys, printers
to the Royal Society, at the Prince’s- Arms in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, London,

Planck, M., and Willis, A. P. Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics. Mineola, New
York, Dover Publications Inc., 1998. P. 92.

Sylvania Electronic Defense Laboratories. Radiometry, by F. Nicodemus. Mountain

View, California, Sylvania Electronic Defense Laboratories, 15 March 1965.
(Report Number EDL-G324, publication UNCLASSIFIED.)

Westrum, R. Sidewinder: Creative Missile Development at China Lake. Annapolis,

Maryland, Naval Institute Press, 1999.


White, J. R. “Herschel and the Puzzle of Infrared,” American Scientist, Vol. 100
(May–June 2012), pp. 218–225.

White, J. R. The Invisible World of the Infrared. New York, Dodd, Mead, and Co.,



 angle (Figure 93)

m maximum angle
v variable angle (Figure 56)
 emissivity or absorbance
 wavelength (m)
 transmission
() spectral transmission of atmosphere
p atmospheric path transmission
p() atmospheric path spectral transmission
µm micrometer
 reflectivity
 spectral reflectivity
 solid angle
s solid angle subtended by source (sr)
t solid angle subtended by target (sr)

a (1016)2hc2 (1.19042868  104 Wcm-2m4)

AM amplitude modulated
AN area normal to surface
Aps length of vector
As area (Figure 14)
As projected area of source
At target projected area (cm2)
ATIMS Airborne Turret Infrared Measurement System

b (104) (1.43877696  104 mK)

BVR beyond visual range


c speed of light (2.99792458  1010 cms-1)

CCM counter-countermeasures
C-CCM counter-counter-countermeasures
CGS centimeter-gram-second [system of units]
cm centimeter
CO2 carbon dioxide

D range (cm)
DC direct current
DIRCM directional infrared countermeasures
DOD Department of Defense

E irradiance (Wcm-2)
E spectral radiance (Wcm-2)
Ec apparent contrast irradiance at sensor (Wcm-2)
Ece apparent effective contrast irradiance at sensor (Wcm2)
ER irradiance at receiver (Wcm-2)
ERP effective radiated power
EW electronic warfare

fc carrier frequency
FM frequency modulation
FOV field of view
fs spin frequency

h Planck’s constant (6.62606957  10-34 Ws2)

H2O water
HgCdTe mercury cadmium telluride
HIL hardware in the loop

I radiant intensity (Wsr-1)

IFOV instantaneous field of view
InSb indium antimonide
IR infrared
IRCM infrared countermeasures
IRST infrared search and track
IS radiant intensity of source (Wsr-1)

J/S jammer-to-signal [ratio]

k Boltzmann’s constant (1.3806488  10-23 JK-1)

km kilometer


L spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1m-1)

LAIRCM Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasure [system]
Lb background absolute spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1µm-1)
Lc apparent contrast radiance at sensor (Wcm-2sr-1)
Lb background absolute radiance (Wcm-2sr-1)
LS radiance of source (Wcm-2sr-1)
Lt target absolute radiance (Wcm-2sr-1)
Lt() target absolute spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1µm-1)
LT() spectral radiance (Wcm-2sr-1) of target
LWIR long-wavelength infrared

M Mach number
MANPADS man portable air defense system
MWIR mid-wavelength infrared
MWR missile warning receiver

NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command

NAWCWD Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana

OBL optical break lock

PbS lead (II) sulfide

PbSe lead selenide
PIRATE Passive Infrared Airborne Track Equipment

R range or distance
R() instrument-relative spectral response
RCS radar cross section
RF radio frequency
Rr distance from receiver to source (cm)
Rs() normalized spectral response of sensor

s second
SFPA staring focal plane array
SI International System of Units
S/N signal-to-noise
sr steradian

T absolute temperature (K)

T0 ambient air temperature (K)
t1, t2, etc. points in time
TR recovery temperature (K)


USAF United States Air Force

UV ultraviolet

VFA Strike Fighter Squadron

VMFA Marine Fighter Attack Squadron

W watt


1 Defense Technical Information Center, Fort Belvoir, VA



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