France: Subject: Reinsurance Placing Slip
France: Subject: Reinsurance Placing Slip
France: Subject: Reinsurance Placing Slip
Period of Insurance : form 01/08/2012 to 31/12/2013 + Maintenance Period from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014
Your Total Share of the S/I : Birr 817,939,150.23 (91.34% OF TSI) (~EURO 32,717,566.00)
Remark: policy will be issued up on settlement of full premium by the original insured.
Please, therefore, confirm your acceptance by signing and returning copy of this final slip to us
and retain copy of same to your records.
_________________ _____________________
Address:- Enat tower, Near to Bambis Square (In front of Yordanos hotel)
* 5879 ( 011-515-75-73 Fax: 011-515-76-90 email: abayinsurance @ethionet .et
Abay Insurance S.C AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance