List of Full Papers: ID No. Paper ID Title Authors

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ID No. Paper ID Title Authors

Modelling, Simulation and Validation of Rajesh Zadfiya, Jayesh Barve and
1 308
Reciprocationg Engine Vijaykumar Unziya
Proposed two layer cryptography based key generation Sunny Bhadlawala and Kajal
2 489
for off promise cloud computing Chachapara
Prediction of Total Transfer Capability using ANN in Hitarth Buch, Kalpesh Dudani and
3 212
Restructured Power System Dinesh Pipalava
Transient stabilization of SMIB power system using Rekha Chaudhary and Arun Kumar
4 452
soft computing technique Singh
Gestures Based Wireless Robotic Control Using Gaurav Chauhan and Prasad
5 19
Image Processing Chaudhari
Web user’s Browsing Behavior Prediction by Pradipsinh Chavda and Prof.
6 276 Implementing Support Vector Machines in Jitendra Dhobi
MapReduce using Cloud Based Hadoop
Common Differential Relaying Scheme for the Devyani Chaudhari and Nilesh
7 296
Protection of Various Transformer Configurations Chothani
Design and Implementation of Low Cost, Portable Amit Degada and Vijay Savani
8 461 Telemedicine System: An Embedded Technology and
ICT Approach
A Comparative Study of various Community Ankit Didwania and Zunnun
9 143
Detection Algorithms in the Mobile Social Network Narmawala
Invariants Based Blur Classification Algorithm Ruchi Gajjar, Tanish Zaveri and
10 514
Ami Shukla
Sensitizing Engineers: A Brief Study of the Role of Debapriya Goswami and Amitayu
11 592
Ethics in Engineering Education Chakraborty
Multi-Objective Optimal Active Power Dispatch Govind R. Goyal and H.D. Mehta
12 5
using Swarm Optimization Techniques
Development of an Intelligent Sensor Based Raj Hakani
13 562
Inspection Robot for Closed Environment
Modelling of Grid Tied 3-Level Diode Clamped Parth Joshi and Dr. Chetan Sheth
14 393
Inverter Using Space Vector PWM For PV System
Development of Wireless Embedded Automation Vivek Kadam, Sharad Jadhav,
15 368
System for Batch Process Mahesh Parihar, Amit Karande
Sensorless Speed Control of High Speed Brushed DC Saumya Kamdar, Harsiddh
16 355 Motor by Model Identification and Validation Brahmbhatt, Tigmanshu Patel and
Manish Thakker
DESIGN OF SRAM ARRAY USING 8T CELL FOR Colin Karat and Soorya Krishna
17 455
BASED 6T SRAM CELL FOR MINIMIZING Khandelwal, Balwinder Raj and R
18 113
ID No. Paper ID Title Authors
Data Streams and Privacy: Two Emerging Issues in Radhika Kotecha and Sanjay Garg
19 528
Data Classification
20 424
SBHS: Some control investigations Priyabrata Majhi, Harsh Kapadia,
21 494 Alpesh Patel, Jayesh Barve and
Divyesh Raninga
Teaching of Mathematics in Engineering by Sandeep Malhotra
22 565
Discussing the Different Conceptual Ideas
Robotics Based Simultaneous Localization And Akshay Mane, Mahesh Parihar,
23 264
Mapping of an Unknown Environment Sharad Jadhav and Bhavesh Digey
Comparative Analysis of 3D Face Recognition Using Dhara Marvadi, Maulin Joshi,
24 539
2D-PCA and 2D-LDA Approaches Chirag Paunwala and Aarohi Vora
Innovations in Evaluation: An Integral Part of Akash Mecwan, Dhaval Shah and
25 406
Outcome Based Education Bhupendra Fataniya
Indian Transformer Industry gearing up for Next-gen Dhruvesh Mehta, Prasanta Kundu
26 527
Green Fluids Kundu and A Chowdhury
Analysis on Electromagnetic Repulsion Force for Hardik Mehta and Shanker
27 100 Enhancement in Repulsion Threshold Current of Godwal
Contact System in MCCB
ANFIS as a controller for fractional order system Sandip Mehta, Khushuben Vasoya
28 472
and Dipak Adhyaru
Thinkers in My Classrooms- Teaching Critical Richa Mishra and Ketan Kotecha
29 306
Thinking - Deductively
TCP with Sender Assisted Delayed Hardik Molia
30 573
Acknowledgement – A Novel ACK Thinning Scheme
31 417 RFID Based Library-Efficiency Personified Suyog Pande, Amar A Yelane
Digital protection strategy of microgrid with relayHemang Pandya, Anandita
32 277 time grading using particle swarm optimization Chowdhury, Daivik Pandeji,
Rohini Iyer and Prarthana Purohit
Surveying Stock Market Portfolio Optimization Mukesh Kumar Pareek and
33 175
Techniques Priyank Thakkar
USB based High Speed Data Acquisition System Pranav Parmar, Pinky Brahmbhatt
34 384
and Satyaharischandra Rao
Brain Computer Interface: A Review Undurti Parmar, Anand Joshi and
35 344
Vaibhav Gandhi
Cogging Torque Minimization by Magnet Edge Inset Amit Patel
36 377 Variation Technique in Radial Flux Surface Mounted
Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC) Motor
Short Term Load Forecasting of Indian System Using Harsh Patel, Mahesh Pandya and
37 532
Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Network Mohan Aware
ID No. Paper ID Title Authors
Analyzing effect of bad measurement data on load Jigar Patel, Daivat Desai, Vaibhav
38 555 flow and state estimation in power system Patel, Dishang D. Trivedi and
Santosh C. Vora
VM Placement of Multidimensional Resources using Naisargi Patel and Govind Patel
39 350
Cartesian Co-ordinates Based Approach
Hierarchical Clustering Technique for Word Sense Nirali Patel, Bhargesh Patel, Rajvi
40 234
Disambiguation using Hindi WordNet Parikh and Brijesh Bhatt
Pose, Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Pradip Panchal, Palak Patel,
41 118 Recognition using Laplacian of Gaussian and Local Vandit Thakkar and Rachana
Binary Pattern Gupta
Performance Enhancement of 12 X 160 Gbps (1.92 Rohit Patel and Dilip Kothari
42 519 Tbps) WDM Optical System for Transmission
Distance upto 8000 km with Differential Coding
Arduino Controlled War Field Spy Robot using Jigneshkumar Patoliya, Haard
43 512
NightVision Wireless Camera and Android Mehta and Hiteshkumar Patel
ApplicationUnscheduled Interchange Based Secondary Shital Pujara and Chetan Kotwal
44 310
Control for Two Area Deregulated Electricity Market
Introducing the Conceptual Model of Industrial Aarthi Raghavan
45 126
MOOCs (I-MOOCs) for Engineering Classes
Design Of Low Voltage Bandgap Reference Circuit Sushma Suresh Sangolli and
46 253
Using Subthreshold MOSFET Rohini Hongal
Design of Low Power CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Hardik Sathwara and Kehul Shah
47 590
Using Current Reuse Technique
H∞ Loop shaping technique based robust control Bhavin Shah, Gopinath Pillai and
48 585 design of SVC controller for power oscillations Pramod Agarwal
damping considering global signal
A Distributed Dynamic and Customized Load Vedang Shah and Harshal Trivedi
49 507
Balancing Algorithm for Virtual Instances
Comparative analysis of zoning based methods for Ankit Sharma, Dipak Adhyaru,
50 84
Gujarati handwritten numeral recognition Tanish Zaveri and Priyank Thakkar
Optimal Placement of TCSC for Improvement of Aesha Sheth, Chetan Kotwal and
51 326
Static Voltage Stability Shital Pujara
Design and Implementation of Isolated 30 V, 30 A Anand Sheth, Vinod Patel,
52 415
DC Power Supply Using Synchronous Rectifier Vijendra Kharbikar and Manisha
Shah Shukla, Vibha Patel and
Implementation of Edge Detection Algorithms in Real Ami
53 503
Time on FPGA Nagendra Gajjar
EncryScation: A Novel Framework for Cloud IaaS, Krunal Suthar and Jayesh Patel
54 270 DaaS security using Encryption and Obfuscation
Design and implementation of BiCMOS based low Deepa Talewad, Anilkumar V
55 589 temperature coefficient bandgap reference using Nandi, Vaishail B M
130nm technology
ID No. Paper ID Title Authors
Load Flow Based Voltage Stability Indices to Analyze Aparna Telang and Prashant
56 476 Voltage Stability and Voltage Security of the Power Bedekar
QoS aware multipath routing protocol for multimedia Vijay Ukani and Dhavalkumar
57 178
transmission in wmsn Thacker
Multibiometric Template Generation using CS Theory Rohit Thanki and Komal Borisagar
58 42 and Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Fusion
Gradient-Kalman Filtering (GKF) based Endoscopic Smit Trambadia and Hemant
59 98
Image Restoration Mayatra
Endoscopic Image Restoration Using Truncated Smit Trambadia and Hemant
60 459 Constrained Least Squares Filter in Frequency- Mayatra
Domain and SURE-LET Filter
One Dimensional Ocean Wave Displacement Hiral Trivedi, Monika Shah and
61 157
Prediction System Expanding Mathematical String Pooja Shah
EquationPerformance Analysis of Cryogenic System Hitensinh Vaghela, Biswanath
62 439 for Cooling of Superconducting Magnets at 4K Sarkar, Amit Bisht and Vikas
Temperature Level Lakhera
Oil Spill Detection from SAR Image Data for Remote Kruti Vyas, Pooja Shah, Usha
63 348 Monitoring of Marine Pollution Using Light Weight Patel, Tanish Zaveri and Rajkumar
ImageJ Implementation Sharma
64 120 Copy Move Forgery Detection using SIFT and GMM Neetu Yadav and Rupal Kapdi

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