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Doornbos, Bennard
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Chapter 3
involved in postpartum
Bennard Doornbos MD, Durk Fekkes PhD, M.A.C.Tanke
MSc, Peter de Jonge PhD, Jakob Korf PhD.
Chapter 3
62 Objective: We investigated whether postpartum blues was related to changes in
parameters of noradrenergic and serotonergic functioning.
Methods: From 26 healthy pregnant women blood was collected at the end of pregnancy and five days
and six weeks postpartum. Serotonergic parameters were: platelet serotonin content; paroxetine binding
to platelet membranes as an index of SERT activity; the serotonin precursor tryptophan in proportion to
the large neutral amino acids, as an estimate of its cerebral influx. Noradrenergic indices were the
noradrenaline precursor tyrosine and its metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG). The
Kennerly and Gath blues questionnaire was applied at day five postpartum.
Results: The incidence of postpartum blues was 30%. The tryptophan ratio and serotonin content of
platelets were decreased (p<0.01) at day five postpartum in all women. Bmax paroxetine at day five was
correlated with blues score (ß=0.460; p=0.031). MHPG levels at six weeks were increased in women with
blues (p<0.001). In a regression model MHPG at six weeks was related to blues score (ß=0.477;
p=0.002) and MHPG at day five (ß=0.550; p=0.001), explaining>50% of the variation (R2=0.588;
Conclusions: A decreased serotonergic activity was found at the fifth day postpartum in all subjects.
Increased SERT activity, reflected by higher paroxetine binding to platelets might be involved in the onset
of blues. The elevated MHPG levels in women with blues are compatible with a higher stress sensitivity,
or a decreased stress coping in those and is suggested to be involved with the onset of depression.
Keywords: postpartum blues, postpartum depression, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol, tryptophan,
tyrosine, large neutral amino acids, platelet 5-HT content, paroxetine binding to platelets
Acronyms: 5-HT = serotonin; MHPG = 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol; LNAA’s = Large Neutral Amino
Acids; tyr = tyrosine; phe=phenylalanine; SD= Standard Deviation; SERT= Serotonin Transporter
Sequential serotonin and noradrenalin associated processes involved in postpartum
Postpartum blues is a transient affective syndrome occurring in about half of the women
(15.3% – 84%) in the first week after delivery (Gitlin and Pasnau, 1989; Henshaw, 2003).
Symptoms of postpartum blues include crying, grief, anxiety, sadness, confusion, headache
and also exuberance (Yalom et al., 1968; Kennerley and Gath, 1989a; Henshaw, 2003).
Postpartum blues is considered as a risk factor for postpartum depression (Henshaw et al.,
2004; Bloch et al., 2005). In the etiology of postpartum blues much attention has been
given to the effects of the postpartum drop of estrogen and progesterone on
neurophysiology and behavior (Abou-Saleh et al., 1998; Bloch et al., 2003). But, only about
half of the women suffer from postpartum blues, and no consistent differences in hormone
levels have been found between women with and without blues (Hendrick et al., 1998;
Bloch et al., 2003). Indicating that other factors are involved in the etiology of postpartum
Another factor contributing to postpartum blues might be stress experienced during the
delivery and subsequent days. Stress and life events are well documented risk factors for
depression (Kendler et al., 1999). Virtually all kinds of stress induce activation of
Chapter 3
noradrenergic neurons of both peripheral (sympathetic) system and the cerebral
system, in particular that located in the locus coeruleus, leading to increased formation
of the noradrenaline metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) (Bremner et
al., 1996a; Bremner et al., 1996b). Therefore the impact of stress can to some extend
be assessed by measuring MHPG in the circulation.
Here we investigate if peripartum noradrenergic and serotonergic plasma parameters
are associated with postpartum blues. In contrast to most previous studies, we use a
longitudinal design and combine several peripheral measures of serotonergic activity.
Assessment of those parameters are limited to measurements in plasma. More direct
methods like CSF-analyses or PET scanning, are difficult to perform frequently, and
could be harmful for the fetus. These peripheral measures are frequently used in
psychiatric research, but their translation to central functioning is not straightforward,
and criticized in literature (Muller-Oerlinghausen et al., 2004).
Serotonergic activity was measured by 1.) The density and activity of 5-HT binding sites
of blood platelets, as assessed by platelet paroxetine binding, which is a measure for
activity of the serotonin transporter (SERT). The SERT has a key role in regulating
cerebral extracellular serotonin levels; 2.) The serotonin content of the platelets,
reflecting the recent serotonin production 3.) Plasma levels of the serotonin precursor
tryptophan in relation to the Large Neutral Amino Acids (LNAA’s), as factor linked to
central serotonin production. Noradrenaline activity was measured by plasma levels of
its precursor tyrosine in relation to LNAA’s and its metabolite MHPG.
The following hypotheses were tested: 1.) Postpartum blues is associated with a
decreased plasma tryptophan ratio and/or decreased platelet 5-HT levels; 2.) Serotonin
transporter capacity and functioning, as reflected by platelet paroxetine binding,
correlate with blues score; 3.) Women with postpartum blues experience more stress,
represented by increased MHPG levels.
Subjects, Materials and methods
Subjects and experimental protocol Twenty-six healthy pregnant women who visited
the maternity clinic of the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam participated
in this study, after they gave written informed consent. The protocol was approved by
the ethical committee of Erasmus Medical Center. Women, all Caucasian, and aged
between 21 and 35 years, were in good physical health and did not take any
medication. None of the subjects
Sequential serotonin and noradrenalin associated processes involved in postpartum
suffered from affective disorders or other mental illnesses at baseline. Blood was collected
at the end of the third trimester (after 36 wk), and postpartum at day 5 and 6 weeks. The
following biochemical parameters were measured: the platelet serotonin content; the
paroxetine binding to platelet membranes; the plasma concentrations of the large neutral
amino acids (LNAA), i.e. tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine and isoleucine,
and the plasma levels of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG). A Dutch version of the
Kennerley and Gath blues questionnaire was used at the fifth postpartum day (Iles et al.,
1989; Kennerley and Gath, 1989a). This questionnaire is the most used instrument for
measuring blues. According to this scale women have blues when the score was higher
than the mean of the whole group (Kennerley and Gath, 1989b). Because such a measure
is strongly influenced by outliers, and complicates the comparisons with other samples, we
use the widely used cut-off score of 12.
Biochemical analyses Blood (20 ml) was collected between 9:00 and 10:30 AM in
siliconated vacutainer tubes containing 0.15% K3-EDTA as anticoagulant. Platelet-rich
plasma was obtained by centrifugation of the blood at 90xg for 20 min at 20°C. A sample of
200 μl was frozen at – 80°C for the determination of 5-HT and platelets were counted in a
sample of 50 μl. The rest of the platelet-rich plasma was centrifuged at 2650xg for 20 min.
The supernatant (plasma) was frozen at –80°C for the determination of amino acids and
MHPG. The platelets were isolated from the pellet after two centrifugation runs, pooled and
washed in 10 ml buffer (Tris-HCl 50 mM, NaCl 150 mM, Na2-EDTA 20 mM, pH 7.35) and
finally frozen at –80°C for determination of paroxetine binding.
The large neutral amino acids (LNAA) tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine
and isoleucine were analysed in the plasma samples by reversed phase high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) after pre-column derivatisation with o- phthaldialdehyde and
detected fluorometrically (Fekkes et al., 1995). The platelet 5-HT concentrations were
measured by a reversed phase HPLC method described previously (Fekkes et al., 1997).
Plasma free MHPG was measured by a reversed phase HPLC method after extraction
using a slightly modified published procedure (Moleman and Borstrok, 1982). In short, 0.5
ml plasma, 20 μl internal standard (2 μg iso-MHPG/ml) and 3 ml ethylacetate were added
to a seraclear tube containing 0.75 g NaCl and 0.1 g florisil. The tube was shaken for 20
min and centrifuged for 10 min at 2750 g. Two ml of the organic layer was evaporated to
dryness at 40°C under vacuum in a Buchler Vortex Evaporator (Lenexa, KS, U.S.A.) and
the residue was dissolved in 0.5 ml of the mobile phase. Ten or 20 μl samples were
injected onto a reversed phase column (ODS-Hypersil, 5
Chapter 3
μm particle size, 200 x 2.1 mm, Hewlett Packard) which was protected by a guard
(20 x 2.1 mm) of the same material. The mobile phase consisted of 50 mM
sodium phosphate and 0.67 mM disodium EDTA containing 1% isopropanol, pH 2.7.
The flow rate was set at 0.25 ml/min and the column temperature was 28°C. The
detection system consisted of a Model 5100A Coulochem detector equipped with a
5021 conditioning cell and a 5011 high sensitivity cell (ESA, Bedford, MA, U.S.A.). The
potentials for the conditioning cell and detectors 1 and 2 were +0.45, -0.05 and -0.43 V,
respectively. The gain was 15 x 100 and quantification was done by measuring peak
heights. The limit of detection at a signal to noise ratio of 2 was 10 fmol (approx. 2 pg)
MHPG per injection. The retention times of MHPG and iso-MHPG were 7.6 and 12.8
min, respectively. The intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation of duplicate analysis
of plasma samples were 2.6% (n=8) and 4.9% (n=18), respectively. The recovery of
iso-MHPG added to the plasma samples was 79 ± 4% (n=14). Paroxetine binding to
platelet MHPG B max concentrations paroxetine (fmol/mg remained protein) at the same 1635 ±
level. 506 Data 1428 are ± depicted 432 in 1576 fig. ± 1. 751
No MHPG 5-HT * between-groups found Significant content (ng/ml) with time platelets repeated *
effect differences in (nmol/10repeated measures 9 platelets) measures in ANOVA.
the * ANOVA.
time-course 3.69 2.96 ± ± 0.91 1.01 of a # a$ b$ the serotonergic 3.29 2.19 ± ± 0.89 0.88
parameters 3.19 2.92 ± ± 1.16 0.85
were a$
a Differs significantly from 5 days postpartum. b Differs significantly from 6 weeks postpartum. # p<0.05. $
The Bmax of platelet membrane paroxetine binding at day 5 correlated significantly with
blues score (Pearson. 0.460. p<0.05). The scatter plot is shown in fig 2. The Kd did not
correlate with the blues score (Pearson corr: 0.041, p=0.855).
Regression modeling indicated that the blues score was predicted by Bmax paroxetine at
day 5 postpartum (β=0.562) explaining 30% of the variance (R2 = 0.316; Adjusted R2 =
0.275) in a significant model (F(1,18)=7.840, p=0.012) . MHPG levels at six weeks were
related to MHPG levels at five days and blues score explaining more than 50% of the
variation (R2 of 0.588, adjusted R2 of 0.551) in a highly significant model (F(2,22)= 15.729,
p<0.001). Both models are shown in table 2. The temporal relations between the
different parameters indicated by the regression models are depicted in figure 3.
Discussion The present study indicates a decreased serotonergic activity in all
women during the first postpartum week, as illustrated by a decreased tryptophan ratio
and a decreased 5-HT content of platelets. The decrease in serotonergic activity was
not associated with the occurrence of postpartum blues. However, the significant
correlation between Bmax paroxetine-binding to platelets and blues scores suggests that
differences in serotonin transporter functioning might intensify the effect of those
changes in serotonergic metabolism thereby increasing the vulnerability for blues.
MHPG levels remain high in the women with blues, and depressive symptoms were
related to both blues scores and increased MHPG levels, indicative for persistent
activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the cerebral locus coeruleus or both in
women with blues.
Strong points of this study are the longitudinal design with the assessment of several
indices of both serotonergic and noradrenergic functioning and blues score. A serious
point of criticism is the uncertain relationship between peripheral and central parameters
of serotonergic and noradrenergic functioning (as summarized by (Muller-
Oerlinghausen et al., 2004)) However, a relation between peripheral and central
functioning has been reported for tryptophan ratio and central serotonergic functioning
(Russo et al., 2005); 5-HT platelet content and psychopathology (Mann et al., 1992;
Russo et al., 2005); and the amount of platelet 5-HT transporters (SERT) and central
SERT functioning (Rausch et al., 2005; Uebelhack et al., 2006) although the
correlations in these studies were low (0.3-0.6), and the relation was influenced by
several other factors, as for instance gender (the strongest correlations were found in
women.) Platelets have a circulating half life of 11 days. Therefore platelet data at 5
days postpartum do not fully represent the changes in this period. Summarizing: the
data on serotonergic metabolism of platelets should be interpreted with care.
Approximately about 35-60% of the peripheral MHPG has cerebral origin (Yoshimura et
al., 2004).
Chapter 3
Fig. 1. Plasma MHPG levels with SD.
Results show a significant group effect in repeated measures ANOVA (p<0,001). ○ women with blues
(n=8), ■ women without blues (n=18). # Represents a within-subject effect in the post hoc analyses in the
non- blues group: six weeks postpartum differed significantly from day 5 and the third trimester both with
Peripheral MHPG may serve as index for stress responsiveness because both the
peripheral sympathetic nervous system and the central locus coeruleus are similarly
activated by stress.
Other limitations of the study concern 1) the single assessment of blues, limiting the
evaluation of the delivery induced changes in affective functioning; 2) the lactation
status was not assessed. Lactation status is associated with postpartum depression and
the lactation hormones prolactin and oxytocin influence stress reactivity and might thus
have influenced MHPG levels (Carter et al., 2001; Grattan, 2001);. 3) the sleep pattern
was not investigated. The sleep quality is disturbed during the puerperium (Ross et al.,
2005; Parry et al., 2006) what might lead to increased serotonergic activity or vice versa
(Adrien, 2002).These disturbances in sleep pattern have been associated with the onset
of depression (Ross et al., 2005; Parry et al., 2006).
Serotonergic parameters and blues Several authors have reported a reduced
puerperal tryptophan ratio (Schrocksnadel et al., 1996; Maes et al., 2001; Maes et al.,
2002; Schrocksnadel et al., 2003a; Kohl et al., 2005; Bailara et al., 2006), and a
correlation between the tryptophan ratio and postpartum blues or depression (Handley
et al., 1977; Abou-Saleh et al., 1999; Maes et al., 2002; Kohl et al., 2005; Bailara et al.,
2006). We confirmed the decreased puerperal tryptophan ratio, but did not find a
relation with blues scores. This could be due to the small sample size of this study, or to
the differences between the studies in the specific days that the blood samples were
collected. The reduced puerperal tryptophan ratio is most likely caused by the increased
immune activation in the first days post delivery, leading to activation of the tryptophan
catabolising enzyme Indoleamine deoxygenase (IDO) (Maes et al., 2002). However,
some other studies did not found a relation between immune activation and IDO activity
and suggested that the decreased tryptophan ratio is induced by hepatic tryptophan
pyrrolase (Schrocksnadel et al., 2003a; Schrocksnadel et al., 2003b) or the relatively
larger increase in the concentration of the other Large Neutral Amino Acids competing
for transport over the blood brain barrier (Bailara et al., 2006).
We found a decreased platelet 5-HT content at day 5 postpartum, which was not related
with the onset of blues. It has been recently reported that women with a postpartum
depression had a decreased platelet 5-HT content (Maurer-Spurej et al., 2007). The
reason they found a relation might be attributed to peculiar aspects of the latter study
namely, a different method for measuring the 5-HT content; the longer sampling time
Sequential serotonin and noradrenalin associated processes involved in postpartum blues
Figure 2. Scatter plot of Blues score an Bmax paroxetin on day 5 Pearson correlation 0,460, p= 0,031
Chapter 3
(inclusion in the study up to six months), and a different control group (ten healthy,
non-puerperal women).
Bmax of paroxetine binding to platelets in the first postpartum week correlated positively
with blues scores. Two studies (Newport et al., 2004); (Hannah et al., 1992a) reported
an association between postpartum depression and the Kd of impiramine or
paroxetine,,suggesting the presence of a different genetic SERT variant in women who
get depressed. In non-puerperal depressed patients a decreased number of SERT
binding sites has often been reported (as summarized by (Owens and Nemeroff, 1994)).
This may appear opposite to what we found. However, the changes in depressed
patients may reflect the end-stage of a long patho-physiological process, whereas the
Table present 2. changes Regression were models detected explaining at the beginning
blues score of and a transient MHPG levels affective at six syndrome.
weeks postpartum. The data on serotonergic functioning suggests that women with
blues have a relatively higher SERT activity, which might result in a low synaptic 5-HT
content. A decrease in Dependent brain tryptophan variable levels Predictors postpartum
might lead to a B further (SE) decrease β the synaptic Sig.
5-HT 1. content, Blues score thus impairing Constant serotonergic neurotransmission 0.245
(3.751) in women with blues 0.949
and increasing the vulnerability Bmax to paroxetin develop affective 0.007
symptomtomatology. (0.003) 0.562 The decrease 0.012*
in 2. serotonergic MHPG at six weeks metabolism Constant might also lead to a 0.487
decrease (0.474) in the serotonin 0.634
product melatonin, which is also Blues thought score to 5 be days involved pp in 0.074 the
onset (0.021) of depression.
0.477 0.002*
MHPG 5 days pp 0.540 (0.135) 0.550 0.001*
Model statistics: Model MHPG, Model We SE MHPG * significant = are standard 1: 2: the
levels blues RR first effect = = Error and 0.316; 0.588; in to cerebrospinal tyrosine
report Adjusted Adjusted data ratio
RRon fluid = = puerperal 0.275 0.551 (CSF) Model Model in course pregnant
statistics: statistics: of MHPG. women F(1,18)=7.840, F(4,21)=6.089, One (Altemus study
p=0.012 p=0.003
investigating et al., 2004) reported decreased MHPG levels when compared to non
pregnant women.
The previously reported increase in puerperal increase in tyrosine ratio’s (Abou-Saleh et
al., 1999; Maes et al., 2001; Bailara et al., 2006) might be the result of an increase of
intestinal absorption, protein breakdown and synthesis from hydroxylation of
phenylalanine. The latter was supported by the significantly increased tyr/phe ratio. The
relatively decreased tyrosine levels at six weeks with a constant tyr/phe ratio might point
to an increased utilization of tyrosine for synthesis of proteins, hormones (thyroxine and
triiodothyronine), or catecholamines. However MHPG levels, reflecting catecholamine
turnover, were apparently independent of tyrosine levels, as they did not Fig. correlate. 3.
Summary Presumably, of the regression tyrosine models levels explaining did not vary blues to
score an extend and
that they became rate- noradrenergic limiting for activity catecholamine at 6 weeks postpartum
synthesis (MHPG and (6wk)) most → likely Represents
also not for triiodothyronine significant synthesis. relationships.
Changes in synthesis both hormones have been associated with depression.
Sequential serotonin and noradrenalin associated processes involved in postpartum
The longitudinal study design allows the modeling of the sequential changes in mood and
various biochemical parameters revealing a consistent relation between blues and
noradrenergic metabolism. This increased noradrenergic metabolism might be related to
depression at six weeks postpartum according to a personal observation of the clinician
who performed the study. He noted depressive symptoms in five women at six weeks
postpartum. All these women had blues. The women with blues and depressive symptoms
both had increased levels of MHPG. The apparent causality in this triangular relation can
have two forms: 1.) Women with blues experience more stress and thus have higher
MHPG levels. Due to this stress women develop subsequent depressive symptoms. The
relation between blues and MHPG levels is thus mediated by stress. 2.) Women with blues
are more vulnerable for depressive symptoms. Due to the depression women get stressed
(and get increased MHPG levels). So the relation between blues and MHPG levels is
primarily mediated by depression. The sequence of events has to be further clarified in a
study in which the temporal changes in mood and noradrenergic functioning are assessed
more frequently, for example on a weekly base, with a systematic assessment of
depressive symptoms at six weeks postpartum.
In summary, the present study indicates that: 1.) Individual differences in serotonin
transporter functioning together with a low plasma tryptophan ratio might synergistically
affect brain 5-HT function postpartum, which seems to increase the vulnerability for blues.
2.) Women with postpartum blues have increased noradrenergic activity at six weeks
postpartum which might be indicative for higher levels of perceived stress. This is
suggested to be either a causal factor or a consequence of later depression. 3.) Whether
these monoamine mediated effects are amplified by rapid hormonal fluctuations during the
postpartum period or by the stress experienced by the delivery or that their combination
contributes to labile affect postpartum (Halbreich, 2005) remains as yet to be elucidated.
We thank Dr. J.L. Klompenhouwer for recruiting the subjects in this study and Mrs. A van
Dalen for expert performance of the biochemical assays.
Chapter 3
Sequential serotonin and noradrenalin associated processes involved in postpartum
Chapter 3
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