Quality Assurance Quality Control

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ISO 9000
The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils a need or
expectation that is stated, general implied or obligatory (ISO 9000).

Quality Assurance.
Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality
requirements will be fulfilled (ISO 9000).

Quality Control.
A process for maintaining standards of quality that prevents and corrects
change in such standards so that the resultant output meets customer needs
and expectations (see also ISO 9000 clause 3.2.10).

Quality Plans.
Plans produced to define how specified quality requirements will be achieved,
controlled, assured and managed for specific contracts or projects.
Quality Objectives.
Those results which the organization needs to achieve in order to improve
its ability to meet needs and expectations of all the interested parties

Quality Management System.

The set of interconnected processes used by the organization to achieve
its objectives (see also ISO 9000 3.2.3).
SNI ISO 9000
Pemastian Mutu:
Bagian dr manajemen mutu yg difokuskan pada pemberian keyakinan bahwa persyaratan
mutu akan dipenuhi
SNI ISO 9000:2015
3.8.9. quality plan
Specification (3.8.7) of the procedures (3.4.5) and
associated resources to be applied when and by
whom to a specific object (3.6.1)

3.8.9. rencana mutu

spesifikasi (3.8.7) prosedur (3.4.5) berikut sumber
daya terkait yang akan diterapkan, kapan dan oleh
siapa, ke objek (3.6.1) spesifik
Quality Control systems consist of those planned, systematic, and
preventative actions that are required to ensure that materials, products,
and services will meet specified requirements.

Quality Assurance systems and procedures consist of periodic audits

and checks that ensure the Quality Control system will meet all of its
stated purposes.

The integrity of a pipeline system may be improved by the application

of Quality Assurance systems. These systems should be applied to the
design, procurement, construction, testing, operating, and maintenance
activities in the applications of this Code.

Organizations performing design, fabrication, assembly, erection, inspection,

examination, testing, installation, operation, and maintenance application
B31.8 piping systems should have a written Quality Assurance system in
accordance with applicable documents.

Registration or certification of the Quality Assurance system should be by

agreement between the contracting parties involved.
Quality System
• The organization, structure, responsibilities,
procedures, processes and resources for
implementing quality management
The quality management system is the management system that enables the
organization to fulfil its purpose and mission
Quality Assurance
All those planned and systematic actions necessary
to provide adequate confidence that a product or
service will satisfy given requirements of quality

Quality Control
The operational techniques and activities that are
used to fulfill the requirements of quality
Quality Plan
Management should prepare specific written quality plans relative to each particular
Quality plans should cover all aspects of the pipeline design, construction and testing,
Quality Plan should define the following:

ü Quality objectives
ü Specific allocation of responsibilities and authority (during the different
phases of the Project);
ü Specific procedures, methods and work instructions to be applied;
ü Certificates, inspection and hold-points required
ü Suitable testing, inspection, examination and audit programm at
appropriate stages (e.g. design, manufacture, installation);
ü A method for implementing changes and modifications in a quality plan as
the project proceeds;
ü Material source, identification and documentation control procedures;
ü Other measures necessary to meet quality objectives.
Quality Assurance - Design
The design and construction of the pipeline system should be carried out
under the supervision of a suitably experienced chartered engineer.

Procedures should be established and maintained to control and verify the

design of the pipeline and to ensure that the specified requirements are met.

The best manufacturing and construction methods cannot
compensate for inadequate design.
Quality Assurance - Material
Pipe and fittings
The quality plan should specify the tests and documentary evidence required to ensure that all
pipeline components meet the specification against which they have been ordered. Each heat of
steel should be certified. Manufacturing inspection should be specified.
Each pipe should be marked with a unique identification number so that its inspection certificate
can be identified and its quality verified.
Stock material
Where material is purchased from stockholders, it is essential that the supplier provides
satisfactory documentary certificates (either of original manufacture or by appropriate testing)
that the material supplied is in accordance with the required specification.
Shop fabricated equipment
Shop fabricated or manufactured equipment (such as pig traps, manifolds, valves, flanges and
insulation joints) should be constructed only from material which can be identified and its quality
verified. It is recommended that fabrication should not commence until written certification is
available and should only be undertaken by organizations able to demonstrate compliance with
ISO 9000.
Quality Assurance - Construction
The construction quality plan should detail the procedures to be employed
and the means of ensuring compliance with them, in order to control the
construction process.
The method of recording, accepting or rejecting non-conformities should be
It should also identify the organization and responsibilities of those
controlling the workmanship criteria.
The procedures should include instructions for training, qualifying and
periodic re-examination of personnel.
Where the quality of workmanship is dependent upon highly skilled or
specially trained personnel, only those qualified to perform the work should
be used.
The construction quality plan should also identify the inspection, certification
and construction records and reports required to confirm the quality and
safety of the constructed pipeline.
Specialized activities
Offshore pipeline activities often involve specialized
techniques developed for a particular activity.
In such circumstances, quality assurance procedures should
be developed in conjunction with the specialist contractors.
If necessary, to ensure proper quality control, these should
be developed in association with suitable simulations of the
Records and Document Control -
All documents, specifications, drawings, certificates and change orders
relating in any way to project quality should be retained, cross-referenced and
filed in accordance with the quality plan.
Design Documentation
The following documents should be maintained:
◦ design basis manual;
◦ design audits, change instructions and their implementation;
◦ calculations and justification of assumptions relating to design,
construction, testing, commissioning and operation;
◦ materials and construction specifications;
◦ approved construction and as built drawings;
◦ authorized deviations from specification, with reasons or calculations
which justify them, together with the signature, name and position of the
person authorizing them.
Records and Document Control - 2
Procurement Documentation:

The following documents should be maintained:

§ a) certificates of verification, testing and identification of material;
§ b) non-destructive testing (NDT) results and radiographs;
§ c) inspection reports;
§ d) weld procedure qualification certificates;
§ e) welder and NDT inspector qualification certificates;
§ f) manufacturing and fabrication procedures;
§ g) heat treatment certificates;
§ h) quality plans and manuals.
Records and Document Control - 3
Construction Documentation:

The following documents should be maintained:

◦ a) weld procedure qualification certificates, including heat treatment records;
◦ b) welder and NDT inspector qualification certificates;
◦ c) NDT inspection reports and radiographs;
◦ d) weld repair reports and radiographs;
◦ e) pipeline component reference numbers and length tally;
◦ f) weather reports;
◦ g) anchor tensions and pipe tension;
◦ h) towing reports;
◦ i) installation procedures and quality plans;
◦ j) vessel log and position reports (cross-referenced to pipe reference numbers);
◦ k) diving records.
Records and Document Control - 4

Pressure Testing and Pre-commissioning Documentation

The following documents should be maintained:

◦ filling procedure and records;
◦ test procedure;
◦ instrument calibration certificates;
◦ test records including calculations of air content, half-hourly
pressure log and pressure and temperature charts;
◦ pre-commissioning records.
Records and Document Control - 5

Survey Documentation
The following documents should be maintained:
◦ a) pre-construction hydrographic survey;
◦ b) “as laid” survey including video records;
◦ c) soils survey;
◦ d) side scan sonar or any other acoustic records.
Records and Document Control - 6

Retention of Documents and Records

◦ All construction documentation should be retained for at least 3 years following

start up of the pipeline.

◦ All design, testing and survey documentation should be prepared for retention for
the life of the pipeline.

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