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Bachelor of Culture and Arts education - III / CA29


San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 2428


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
a. Discuss the Classification of Philippine Folk dance
a. Value the importance of folk dances
b. Demonstrate one of each classification of the five Philippine folk dances

ll. Subject Matter:

Topic: The Five Classifications of Philippine Folk Dances

Reference: https://sites.google.com/site/folkdancesofthephilippines/philippine-folk-dance/classifications-of-
Materials: Pictures, PowerPoint presentation
Values Integration: Appreciative

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody stand and let’s pray. (The whole class will stand and do the prayer)

b. Checking of attendance
Say present if your name was called. Yes Ma’am!

c. Classroom Regulation/Policy
1. Raise your hands if you want to recite or Yes Ma’am!
anything you want to ask/questions. Listen
carefully and later on we will be having a quiz.

d. Recall/Review Micaela: is a style of expressive dance that

Yesterday we discussed about contemporary dance combine elements of several dance genres
so what is contemporary dance class anyone? including modern, jazz, lyrical and classic ballet.

Very Good Ms. Romero!

B. Motivation
Before we proceed to our topic. I have here a
quotation from Martha Graham
Anyone, can you share your insight about this qoutation? (students will raise their hands)
Very good!

C. Lesson Proper
Now our lesson for today is about Five Classification
of Dances and its examples.

Countries in the world have their own cultures

made more colorful, beautiful and vibrant because
of Folk Dances that are reflection of who they are.

Okay class, when we say classification of Yes Miss Cruz (raising hand)
Philippine folk dance what comes first in your Sir it is a way of sharing once culture and identity
mind? of a place.

Very good Miss Cruz!

Most provinces in the Philippines have their own
identifying folk dances wherein they showcase the
elegance and beauty of the way they do things, the
way they dress, the way they see things as shown
in different paintings, as they have been influenced
by various events as that happened in history.

Are you familiar with the five classifications of

Philippine Folk dances? Give me 1.
Okay, Mr. Sumio (rasing hand)
Okay, Thank you Mr. Sumio - Ma’am, one is the Muslim Dance

There are five types of folk dances in the

Philippines. Namely: Maria Clara Dance,
Cordillera Dance, Muslim Dance, Rural Dance,
and Tribal Dance.

Let’s start with Maria Clara Dance.

1. Maria Clara Dance - In 1521, Ferdinand

Magellan came to the archipelago, signaling the
start of Spanish colonization. However, the
Spanish didn't get a foothold in the Philippines
until 1565. Three centuries of Spanish rule left an
imprint on the Filipinos. Many of them were
converted to Catholicism and forced to take
Spanish surnames.

Do you know Jose Rizal?

Okay, During this period, Western culture spread Yes Ma’am

through the islands, including such Western dances
as the waltz, fandango and polka. With a little
Filipino flare, they quickly became part of the
culture. This "new" style of dance was named
Maria Clara after the tragic character in Jose
Rizal's novel "Noli Me Tangere."

Who knows some dances of Maria Clara Dance?

Yes Mr. Peros

Yes, Thank you Mr. Peros - Carinosa Dance Ma’am
Crinosa and also the La Jota Moncadena Dance
La Jota
was adapted
from an old
dance. It is
of Spanish and Ilocano dance set to Spanish music
and castanets. A more solemn version of the dance
is sometimes used to accompany a funeral
procession, but it was also performed at the

La Jota Moncadeña is one of the most famous

interpretation and adaptation of the Aragonese Jota
dance. People of Moncada, Tarlac, call it rather by
a different name: Jota Florana. The Jota Folrana
was danced to the Ilocano/Yogad bamboo musical
instrument ensemble called tallelet. 

Cariñosa : Is a dance made

for flirting! Dancers make a number of flirtatious
movements as they hide behind fans or
handkerchiefs and peek out at one another. The
essence of the dance is the courtship.

Any Idea of Cordillera Dance?

Okay Miss Santos?

This is an Ifugao wedding festival dance

Thank you Ms. Santos accompanied by gongs and is performed by the
affluent to attain the second level of the wealthy
2. Cordillera Dance - The mountainous class
Central Cordillera region of Northern Luzon is
also known by the term "Philippine Skyland."
Inhabiting this rugged terrain are six ethno-
linguistic tribes known as the Ibaloy, Kankanay,
Ifugao, Kalinga, Apayao, and Bontoc. They prefer
to be called by their respective tribal names rather
than the collective term Igorot, which was first
used by the Spaniards and later by Christian
lowlanders. These tribes were generally unfazed
by Spanish colonization. This homogeneous group
is recognized by their common socio-cultural

Cordillera , a name given by the Spanish

Conquistadors when they first saw the mountain
ranges. Meaning "knotted rope", the Spanish term
refers to the jumbled rolls and dips of this long-
range traversing the northern part of Luzon Island

One example is the Uya-uy

This is an Ifugao wedding festival dance

accompanied by gongs and is performed by the
affluent to attain the second level of the wealthy
class.  Wealthy people who have performed this
dance are entitled to the use of gongs at their Yes, Ma’am
death. See examples.

The third is Muslim Dance, are you familiar with

the Muslim cultures?
3. Muslim Dance - Almost one million Pilipinos
are Muslims who reside primarily in the southern
island of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. By
the end of the 12th century, traders and settlers
from the Malay Peninsula and Borneo introduced
Islamic faith to the islands. The Muslims in the
Philippines, also known as Moros, were able to
resist Spanish conquest. Thus, they preserved the
Islamic lifestyle that markedly differs from the
majority of the Philippine population.

The ethno-linguistic groups who are primarily

considered Muslim are the Maranao,
Maguindanao, Samal, and Tausug. The dances are
characterized by vivid colors and rhythmic
movements which reflect the influence of Arabian
and Indo-Malaysian cultures.
They are known for their mysticism,
royalty, and beauty which are evident in their
music and dances. Accompanied by the agong
and kulintang, Filipino Muslim dance is marked
by intricate hand and arm movement along with
shimmering costumes.

The example of muslim dance is the

Singkil Dance

Yes Ms. Miam?

- Rural means "relating to or characteristic of
the country or the people who live there." If
you move to a rural area, you won't see a
lot of skyscrapers or taxis — but you'll
probably see a lot of trees

A suitor courting the Princess dances opposite her

bearing a kris and shield, the pace of the bamboo
poles between which closures they skillfully
navigate quickens pace.

The forth one is the Rural dance. When we say

Rural, what comes first into your mind?

Very Good!

4. Rural Dance - Perhaps the best known and

closest to the Filipino heart are the dances from
the rural Christian lowlands: a country blessed
with so much beauty. To the Filipinos, these
dances illustrate the fiesta spirit and demonstrate
a love of life. They express a joy in work, a love
for music, and pleasure in the simplicities of life.
Typical attire in the Rural Suite include the
colorful balintawak and patadyong skirts for the
women, and camisa de chino and colored trousers
for the men.

The example of this is Binasuan

s colorful and lively dance from Bayambang in
the Pangasinan province shows off the balancing
skills of the dancers. The glasses that the dancers
gracefully, yet carefully, maneuver are half-filled
with rice wine. Binasuan, meaning "with the use
of a drinking glass" in Pangasinan, is often
performed as entertain

And now let’s proceed to the last classification

of Dance

5. Tribal Dance - Tribes such as the T'boli,

Bilaan, Manobo, Bagobo, and other groups
inhabit the vast regions of Mindanao. Like their
Northern Luzon counterparts, these groups honor
pagan gods for the fruits and trials of daily life.
What distinguishes them from other tribes in the
Philippines is their intricate craftsmanship in
metal, clothing, and jewelry. These tribes pride
themselves in their concept of beauty and are
known for creating colorful sets of jewelry and
clothing out of dyed pineapple and banana fibers
which are showcased in their traditional dances.

The example of this is the Pandiwata Dance

All: None Ma’am!

The Tagbanuas of Palawan perform this dance to

show gratitude for a good harvest and to implore
continued protection and favor from the deities.

Any questions class, clarification, reaction?

Okay so in that case….

D. Generalization: There are five types of folk dances in the

Now let me see if you understand our lesson. Philippines. Namely: Maria Clara
Dance, Cordillera Dance, Muslim Dance, Rural
Dance, and Tribal Dance.
What are the Five Classifications of Philippine Folk

Okay Ms. Samar, Go on. Maria Clara Dance – the Carinosa dance 
Cordillera Dance – Uya-uy
Muslim Dance – Singkil
 Rural Dance - Binauan and 
Very good Ms. Samar, Tribal Dance – Pandiwata Dance

Give me the examples of the Give Philippine Folk Dance

Okay Chirs

Very good Chris !

All: yes Ma’am!

E. Application:

Now I know that all of you are doing great now I want
you to do an Activity choose one of the five classifications
of dance and perform it. Group yourselves into 5. This
will be perform on Friday so you have 4 days to practice.
IV. Evaluation:
Enumerate the Five Classification of The Philippine Folk Dance and base on your understanding;
write at least 3 sentences on each classifications and the importance in their perspective areas.

V. Assignments:

What is the benefits of having a classifications dances here in our country Philippines?
List at least 200 words not least than 300 words.

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