College of Health Sciences: Urdaneta City University

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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 2428


Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Name of Student: Manaois, Darlene Dana S. Year Level and Group: BSN-3/4A

Affiliating Agency/Area: Month/Year of Exposure:

Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

(at least 10)

Subjective: Problem, Etiology, Signs Short Term Goal: Independent: Short Term Goal Evaluation
(P.E.S.) format S.M.A.R.T. + Evidence
“Sobrang sakit ng  Observe and document  Provides information about After 8 hours of nursing intervention
bandang ibaba ng Acute pan related to After 8 hours of nursing location of the pain, scale disease progression. the patient pain was relieved or
tyan ko” as verbalized abdominal condition intervention the patient pain (0-10) and character of the Development of controlled
by the patient (probably cholelithiasis) as will be relieved or controlled pain complications and GOALS MET
evidence by positive facial effectiveness of intervention
grimace narrowed focus
garding behavior  Maintain a calm and quite  To minimize stimulus that
environment could aggravate the condition
of the patient
Objective: INFERENCE Long Term Goal: Long term Goal Evaluation
(at least 5) Scientific Explanation S.M.A.R.T.+ Evidence
 (+) Facial (Diagram Form)  Note for the location, scale,  To determine the nursing At the end of the 3 days of
grimacing Fatty food After 3 days of nursing intensity and onset of pain care to be given to the patient rendering nursing care, the patient
 (+) Cholesterol intervention the client will: was relieved from pain
 Measure intake and output  Low urine output and high
 patient was relieve q 4°.Record and report specific gravity indicates GOAL MET
guarding hypovolemia
from pain significant changes. Include
urine, and stools.
 (+) Restless Increase phospholipids in
and irritable bile Educative
 (-) Bowel  Encourage use of relaxation  To promote rest redirect
sound technique attention. May enhance
 Pain scale of coping
 Vs as follow:  Promote bed rest  To reduces intra-abdominal
Crystallizes and form nidus pressure
 RR: 24 bpm
 PR: 105 bpm
 Encourage dimensional  To distract attention and
 TEMP: 38.5C activities and relaxation reduce tension
 \BP: 105/65 techniques such as focused
mm Hg breathing and imaging
Stone forms
 Reduce or eliminate factors  Personal factors can
that precipitate or increase influence pain and pain
of patient’s pain experience tolerance. Factors that may
Impaired gallbladder (e.g., fear, fatigue, be precipitating or
motility monotony, and lack of augmenting pain should be
knowledge). reduced or eliminated to
enhance the overall pain
management program.

 To minimize dermal
Epigastric Pain  Control environmental discomfort

Dependent  To reduce severe pain/

 Administer medication as Promotes rest and relaxes
indicated such as smooth muscle
anticholinergic. Sedatives

Checked by: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

Clinical Instructor’s Name and Signature

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