How Do You Account For That - Oracle Payables 11i
How Do You Account For That - Oracle Payables 11i
How Do You Account For That - Oracle Payables 11i
This paper describes accounting in the Oracle Payables Another area which needed enhancement was the
subledger and integration with Oracle General Ledger. future dated payment functionality. Issues included the
Accounting transactions where Oracle Payables inability to cleanly account for the maturity of a future
integrates with other subledgers are not in the scope of dated payment, and the inability to simultaneously use
this paper. Transferring accounting data to non-Oracle the future dated payment feature and create accounting
general ledgers is not in the scope of this paper. A good when a payment was cleared or reconciled.
familiarity with the Oracle Payables product is assumed
as features referenced are not described in detail unless General improvements needed to be made to the
they are new to the accounting model. accounting that Payables created. For example, in
release 11i, there is now a single accounting entry
This paper assumes accrual basis accounting for its created to accounts such as liability, cash clearing,
discussion. Where relevant, a mention of the cash, and discount (if system level). Prior to this
accounting impact for cash basis accounting is release, one accounting entry was created to these
included, but only where specifically noted. accounts corresponding to each invoice distribution.
This was somewhat cumbersome and made
Other features which have accounting impact but are reconciliation more difficult for users.
outside of the scope of this paper include:
. Encumbrance accounting Another business reason behind the change was the
. Automatic Offsets support of improvements in accounting for currency
. Accrual on receipt gains and losses. Some countries needed to be able to
. Tax accounting account for gain or loss only at the time of payment
. Future dated payments clearing. Prior to the new accounting model in release
Where relevant, a mention of the accounting impact of 11i, this would have been very difficult to support.
one of these features may be made, but only where Another enhancement in this area is support for the
specifically noted. calculation of gain or loss at the desired level. Oracle
There is some new and some changed setup for how the
accounting controls and options work in release 11i.
New forms are provided to view the accounting in the
subledger and to correct accounting creation errors if
necessary. Details on all of these new and changed
features are provided in the following sections.
Accounting Events
Account Debit Credit Debit Credit The accounting date (GL date) is part of what controls
(FX) (FX) how events are accounted. If an invoice is entered with
Charge 100 150 multiple distribution lines, and some of the distribution
Charge 50 75 lines have different accounting dates, then the lines
with the earliest accounting date are accounted as an
Charge 50 75
To understand other examples of accounting for the The prepayment application event relieves the liability
invoice cancellation event, the invoice event accounting account for the amount of the applied prepayment, and
examples can be reviewed. Note that a corresponding it credits the prepaid expense account for the amount
invoice cancellation event would effectively reverse the applied.
accounting entries.
For anyone familiar with the accounting of prepayment
In cash basis accounting the three events just discussed, applications in prior releases, it is clear that the
invoice, invoice adjustment, and invoice cancellation, accounting in release 11i is improved.
do not exist. These are not cash events as no payment is
involved. Note that although this event is modeled as part of the
document class of invoices, this event does exist in cash
Prepayment Application Event basis accounting. The reason for this is that the
prepayment application is effectively a payment (partial
This event accounts for the application of a prepayment or full) of the invoice to which it is applied.
to an invoice. It is helpful to provide the accounting
event sequence for a typical prepayment entry, invoice Prepayment Unapplication Event
entry, and then prepayment application to make the
events clear in this case. The following example is a This event accounts for the unapplication of a
500 prepayment which is paid and then applied to a prepayment to an invoice. Just as a prepayment can be
1000 invoice as a partial payment. applied to an invoice, there is also a way to unapply
that prepayment. If this is done, then accounting entries
The entry of a prepayment into Oracle Payables is are created to reverse the accounting of the prepayment
accounted as an invoice event since a prepayment is application.
modeled as a type of invoice.
The accounting for the unapplication of the prepayment
Account Debit Credit applied in the example above is:
Prepaid Expense 500
AP Liability 500 Account Debit Credit
Prepaid Expense 500
Without discussing the payment event, note that the AP Liability 500
payment of the prepayment relieves the liability in this
case so that 500 remains in the prepaid expense Payment Event
Accounting for discounts is also handled by this event. A second payment is made for the invoice in the
This example assumes that the discount method is the amount of 10.04 foreign currency units (FX) converted
system account. This is an example of a payment for an to 1.00 functional currency units and accounted as
invoice in the functional currency, where the invoice follows:
amount is 200 and a discount of 18 is taken. This
example is for the payment of an invoice which has Account Debit Credit Debit Credit
multiple invoice distributions. (FX) (FX)
AP Liability 10.04 1.00
Account Debit Credit Cash Clearing 10.04 1.00
AP Liability 200 AP Liability .01
Cash Clearing 182
Now that the future dated payment is negotiable, the Account Debit Credi Debit Credit
future dated payment account is relieved and the (FX) t (FX)
appropriate entry is made to the cash clearing account. AP Liability (1) 200 300
Realized Loss (1) 40
Cash Clearing 200 340
Payment Adjustment Event
AP Liability (2) 200 300
A payment adjustment event occurs when any of the
invoices recorded as paid by a manual payment are Realized Loss (2) 40
changed. Payables has a feature which allows this type Cash Clearing 200 340
of adjustment. If an adjustment like this is made, then (2)
the accounting event creates reversals of the accounting
done when the original payment of the invoices was Payment Cancellation Event
Payment Clearing Event When the payment clears, the 200 foreign currency
units are converted to 340 in functional currency units
The payment clearing event occurs when a payment is (exchange rate of 1.7). The accounting entries are
cleared or reconciled in Oracle Cash Management, and created in both currencies by the payment clearing
the system is set up to account for payments when they event:
clear (one of the payment accounting options reviewed
in the Setup section). Account Debit Credit Debit Credit
(FX) (FX)
Here is an example of the accounting created at both Cash Clearing 200 300
payment issue and payment clearing. Accounting at Realized Loss 40
payment issue for a 182 payment with a 18 discount Cash 200 340
taken (discount charged to a system account):
Payment Unclearing Event
Account Debit Credit
AP Liability 200 The payment unclearing event occurs when a cleared or
Cash Clearing 182 reconciled payment is reversed in Oracle Cash
Discount Taken 18 Management - in effect the payment is “uncleared”.
The accounting entries created simply back out the
Now at the time of payment clearing the accounting accounting created by the payment clearing event.
entry created is: If at the time of payment clearing the accounting entry
created was:
Account Debit Credit
Cash Clearing 182 Account Debit Credit
Cash 182 Cash Clearing 182
Cash 182
Effectively this accounting moves the cleared or
reconciled payment out of the cash clearing account Now at the time of the payment unclearing the
and debits the cash account now that the cash has been accounting created is:
issued by the bank.
Program parameters include a date range of There are two ways to link these processes to simplify
transactions to be accounted, and the document class to their submission. One way is within the Payables
be accounted (invoices, payments, or both). An optional Accounting Process. Two parameters can be used:
Validate Accounts parameter can be selected. If this Submit Transfer to GL and Submit Journal Import. If
parameter is selected and if an accounting entry has an Yes is chosen for the Submit Transfer to GL parameter,
account that is no longer valid in the general ledger, then the options set up in the Transfer to GL region of
then the accounting entry will receive an “accounted the Payables Options window are called for this
with error” status. It is a good idea to select this option submission. Based on those options it may or may not
because accounting entries with errors can be reviewed be possible to choose to submit Journal Import. (See the
and corrected before submitting the Payables Transfer Setup section of this paper for detail). The second way
to General Ledger process. Another optional parameter is to create a Request Set using standard Oracle
can summarize the audit section of the report. This is Applications functionality.
useful when accounting for large volumes of data that
does not need to be reviewed in detail. Oracle Payables also provides the option to create
accounting for a single transaction online from the
The process works as follows. First it checks the Invoices and Payments windows, or for an invoice or
accounting rules in the setup options. Then it locks the payment batch from the Invoice Batches and Payment
transaction data to be accounted, based on the Batches window. This option may be helpful when in a
parameters submitted to the concurrent program. The testing phase or if a specific transaction needs special
next step is the creation of the accounting events for processing.
each transaction to be accounted. Once the events are
created then the accounting for the events is created.
New Accounting Inquiry and Update Forms
There is a sequencing to the accounting that is
managed by the program. For example, before a
Now that Oracle Payables creates and stores accounting
payment can be accounted, the invoices on the payment
in the subledger it is also possible to inquire on and
must be accounted. After the accounting entries are
view the accounting created for payables transactions.
created, they are validated against general ledger
There is a new form provided in release 11i which
accounts if that option was chosen. Then the
shows a variation of accounting information depending
transactions are updated as accounted and the process
on where the form is accessed.
is complete.
A new main menu heading has been added to the
One other thing to mention about the process is that
Oracle Payables navigator called “Accounting”. One of
when it creates the accounting entries it assigns a
Transferring Accounting Entries to GL Release 11i offers enhanced drill down capabilities
from Oracle General Ledger to the subledgers. As
As already noted, Payables Transfer to General Ledger mentioned earlier, it is now possible to transfer all
is a new process designed to transfer and optionally accounting entries in summary to gl, while still
summarize the accounting entries in the Payables retaining the ability to drill down from all accounts.
subledger to the general ledger interface. When viewing a journal with the source of Oracle
Payables, drill down to Oracle Payables can be chosen.
The process works by transferring accounting data in a A new window has been created for the drill down, and
selected date range and in a selected journal category. the window title and the information displayed vary
The accounting entries are assigned a journal category depending on which journal category is being reviewed.
at the time they are created. This category can be The three window titles are: Payables Invoice
viewed in the accounting inquiry windows. There are Accounting (from the Purchase Invoices category),
three journal categories: Purchase Invoices, Payments, Payables Payment Accounting (from the Payments
and Reconciled Payments. All of the invoice accounting category), and Payables Reconciled Payment
events are created with a journal category of Purchase Accounting (from the Reconciled Payments category).
Invoices. All of the payment accounting events, except
for the payment clearing and the payment unclearing
events, are created with a journal category of Payments.
The payment clearing and unclearing events are created
with the journal category of Reconciled Payments.
There are several differences between the program
parameters in prior releases and the parameters in
release 11i. A new parameter - “Transfer Reporting
Book(s)” - has been added to simplify the transfer
process if MRC (Multiple Reporting Currencies) is
used. The “Post Through Date” parameter has been
replaced by two parameters - “From Date” and “To
Date”. The “To Date” parameter used alone works just
like the old parameter. However, now the two
parameters can be used together to transfer a more All of these windows use the standard Oracle
precise range of accounting entries. The “Journal Entry Applications folder functionality, allowing them to be
Category” parameter was renamed to the more accurate easily modified to best suit the typical inquiry needs of
“Journal Category”. The list of values displayed is the a business. From these windows it is simple to drill
list of the three types of Payables journal categories. A down to more detail - to view the transaction or to view
new parameter, “Validate Accounts”, checks the the transaction accounting.
Payables Transfer to General Ledger Report This report was created to assist with review of
accounting created in the Payables subledger and to
The new transfer program automatically produces assist with reconciliation of accounts to the general
report output. It has a summary section which gives ledger. It can be submitted for an accounting date range
totals of the accounting entries transferred to the gl and for a full account segment range.
interface. It has two sections which show exceptions:
one section shows accounting entries that could not be This report replaces the Expense Distribution Detail
transferred because they were in an error status, and the Report. The new report does not need a setup form as
second shows accounting entries that were accounted the Expense Distribution Detail Report did.
with no problem but are now unable to be transferred
due to a discrepancy between the accounted account Changed Reports
and the account in the general ledger.
Accounts Payable Trial Balance
Now in release 11i, three new tables are used to hold AP_PAYMENT_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL:
the accounting entries created in Payables: Used to hold payment accounting information. The
AP_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS_ALL, table was populated when a manual or quick payment
AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL, and AP_AE_LINES_ALL. was entered or a payment batch was confirmed.
These tables are populated by the Payables Accounting AP_MC_PAYMENT_DISTS_ALL:
Process. The process creates accounting entries for Used to hold payment accounting information for
every set of books (combined basis accounting or reporting sets of books (MRC).
MRC). Data from these tables is now transferred to the AP_RECON_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL:
general ledger interface. There is another new table Used to hold payment reconciliation information. The
which has been added to help track the activity on a table was populated when a payment was cleared or
payment: AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY. This table holds reconciled in Oracle Cash Management.
all the information for determining the payment AP_MC_RECON_DISTS_ALL:
maturity, payment clearing, and payment unclearing Used to hold payment reconciliation information for
events. reporting sets of books (MRC).
(Refer to Diagram 2 at the end of this paper for a view AP_TRIAL_BALANCE:
of the release 11i data model.) Used to hold information for the Accounts Payable
Trial Balance report.
Used to hold information for the Accounts Payable
The upgrade to release 11i converts the data in the Trial Balance report when run from a reporting set of
three distributions tables into accounting entry data in books (MRC).
the new tables. The tables
release 11i, although they are not dropped. Invalid GL Accounts (APXPDFIX):
Used to correct invalid account information and
payment distributions. Effectively replaced by the
New Tables Update Accounting Entries form.
Invoice Distributions Summary (APXGLINQ):
AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL Used as a way to look at accounting for invoice
AP_AE_LINES_ALL distributions. Replaced by View Accounting Lines
AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL New Reports and Programs
AP_MC_PAYMENT_HISTORY (see Reports section for details)
Obsolete Reports and Programs
New Forms
Payables Transfer to General Ledger (APPPST)
Other Changes
The new accounting model in Payables 11i has
dramatically changed the way accounting works in the
subledger. It is important to review and understand
these changes in order to make a smooth transition to
the new release.
(Accounts Payable Trial
(Reconciled Payments)
(Scheduled Payments)
Transfer Program (Journal Batches)
Transfer Program
(Payment Distributions)
(General Ledger Interface)
Journal Import
(Journal Lines)
(Drilldown Link)
Journal Import
Journal Import
(Invoice Distributions) (Scheduled Payments)
(Payment History)
(Accounting Events PAYMENTS_ALL
(Invoice Payments)
(Journal Batches)
Journal Import
(Accounting Entry
(General Ledger Interface) (Journal Headers)
Transfer Program Journal Import
(Accounting Entry Lines)
Journal Import
REFERENCES (Journal Lines)
(Drilldown Link)