Construction Methods: CIVL-1005 - Construction Methods, Page 1/7 © 2020 Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
Construction Methods: CIVL-1005 - Construction Methods, Page 1/7 © 2020 Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
Construction Methods: CIVL-1005 - Construction Methods, Page 1/7 © 2020 Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
Building Technology
Course Number: Co-Requisites: Pre-Requisites:
CIVL-1005 N/A N/A
Applicable Program(s): Core/Elective:
CEY2 - Civil Engineering Core
Technology (CEY2-BLD-20201)
Prepared by: Azmi Hammoud, Professor
Approved by: Steve Crema, Associate Dean
Approval Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Approved for Academic Year: 2020-2021
Normative Hours: 45.00
Course Description
This course will provide a study of the performance features and capacities of various types of heavy construction
equipment, including Dozers, Scrapers, Excavators, Hauling Equipment, and Cranes. This study will utilize time
studies to calculate production rates and production costs of the equipment, as related to civil engineering projects.
The course will look at the bank, loose and compacted measurements of earth and rock, and introduce Mass Hauls
on large projects. It will also provide an introduction to OTM Book 7 and Traffic Control for roadway projects.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to reliably demonstrate the following Course Learning
Outcomes which will be taught and evaluated:
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Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to reliably demonstrate the following Essential
Employability Skills (EES):
EES 1 Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the
purpose and meets the needs of the audience.
EES 2 Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.
EES 3 Execute mathematical operations accurately.
EES 4 Apply a systematic approach to solve problems.
EES 6 Locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information
EES 7 Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.
This course provides the opportunity for you to achieve the following Program Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLO)
which will be taught and evaluated at an introductory (I), building (B) or culminating (C) level:
VLO 1 develop and use strategies to enhance professional growth and ongoing learning in the civil
engineering field. (I)
VLO 2 comply with workplace health and safety practices and procedures in accordance with current
legislation and regulations (I, B)
VLO 6 collect, process, analyze and coordinate technical data to produce written and graphical project-
related documents. (I, B)
VLO 8 participate in the design and modeling phase of civil engineering projects by applying engineering
concepts, technical mathematics and principles of science to the review, production and/or
modification of project plans. (I, B)
VLO 9 contribute to the scheduling and coordination and cost estimation of civil engineering projects and
monitor their progression by applying principles of construction project management. (I, B)
VLO 11 apply teamwork, leadership, supervision and interpersonal skills when working individually or within
multidisciplinary teams to complete civil engineering projects. (I, B)
The following list provides evidence of this course's learning achievements and the outcomes they validate:
Test(s) (85%)
Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, EES 1, EES 2, EES 3, EES 4, EES 6, VLO 2, VLO 6, VLO 9
Assignment(s) (15%)
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Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, EES 1, EES 2, EES 3, EES 4, EES 6, EES 7, VLO 1, VLO 2,
VLO 6, VLO 8, VLO 9, VLO 11
Refer to the FOL course site for detailed description and evaluation criteria and/or rubrics that will be used to
evaluate your course work. Note: Access to the course site will end at the conclusion of the course.
ISBN/SKU: 978-1-260-10880-4
Title/Description: "Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods"
Required/Recommended: Recommended
Author: Peurifoy et al
Edition: 9th
Publisher: McGraw Hill
The course is 100% lecture, as all three hours per week will be used for lectures and sample problems. There are
sample problems available on FOL, with solutions that the student can work on independently. The instructor is
available outside class-time to assist with problems, provided the student regularly attends class, pays attention and
attempts to work on the problems prior to seeking assistance.
If you intend to apply for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) to earn college credits for knowledge
and skills acquired through previous life and work experience, you will need to demonstrate competency at a post-
secondary level in the course learning outcomes outlined above. Academic and administrative standards for PLAR
are specified in Policy A124. The type of evaluation method used will be determined by a subject matter expert to
provide evidence of learning through a:
• Other: A PLAR approach to this course is being prepared.
College Grading
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Final Grade Range Grade Point Final Grade Range Grade Point
Graduation from approved College programs requires a student to complete the program
curriculum, to meet its academic standards and to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C
grade), except in Applied Degree programs, where a student must achieve a minimum average
GPA of 2.5 (C+) in vocational courses and a GPA of 2.0 (C) in all other courses.
Requirement to Pass the Course: In order to achieve a Passing Grade in the course, the student must first achieve a
Grade of at least a 50% weighted average in the Individual Work component. Individual Work consists of the Tests,
but not Lab Reports, Assignments, Projects or Quizzes. If a weighted average grade of 50% is not achieved in the
Individual Work, the student is considered to have failed the course. If the student has achieved a weighted average
grade of at least 50% in the Individual Work, the Final Grade will then be based upon the combination of Individual
Work and the remaining graded work.
The College and FSU are committed to offer the highest quality education, learning experience and student life to all
who attend Fanshawe College. The principles set forth within the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities guide
that commitment. For more information on the College and FSU responsibilities or student rights and responsibilities
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Define procedures to resolve complaints, launch academic appeals, and protect human rights;
Define the expectations the College has about student behavior and responsibilities, including sanctions which
may be applied when offences occur and;
Provide information which can impact the student experience, including refund and withdrawal dates, or rules for
academic progression.
It is important you are aware of the policies which apply to you, what they are about, and how to find them. College
policies are available on the Fanshawe College website at and myFanshawe.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity means holding yourself and others accountable for consistently performing all academic work
with honesty and integrity and is integral to the academic mission at Fanshawe College.
Faculty and students have the responsibility to uphold academic integrity. Academic offences are not taken lightly
and can lead to failure of assignments and classes as well as expulsion. Please take precautionary measures in
your coursework to ensure academic integrity is being upheld. You have the right to appeal decisions related to
Academic Offences and associated penalties if you believe you have been treated unfairly.
To learn more about Academic Integrity and Academic Offences, the Appeals Process and Resources on how to be
successful in your coursework, please see
If you need assistance with policy information or academic integrity, contact Counselling and Accessibility Services,
Fanshawe Student Union, School or Campus Office, or the Ombuds Office.
Student Services
Whether you’re a new student looking for a peer-tutor to help you get a handle on a tough class or an experienced
student looking for career counselling, take advantage of the many services available to you as a Fanshawe student
COVID Response
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Information about Fanshawe College’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found online:
Normative hours, or hours in the term, included on the Course Outline are subject to change. Please consult the
Course Plan document and FOL for the most up to date information about your course.
Regarding Proctoring
Some courses make use of remote proctoring for tests and examinations, where required. Remote proctoring
involves the use of external software tools and service providers to help maintain academic integrity of tests, and
exams. Fanshawe College utilizes both live virtual proctoring where a proctor oversees the test or exam from a
remote location, and monitoring tools that record video of a test session for review. You can sign-up through
Fanshawe Online for your proctored test.
Remote proctoring allows for you to have a convenient and secure way to complete evaluations from your home, or
chosen location, while ensuring the academic integrity of your Fanshawe credential.
Should you have any concerns around participating in your test or exam using remote proctoring, you need to
contact your professor at least two weeks prior to your test. If necessary, alternative arrangements will be made,
depending on your personal circumstances.
Regarding Recording
Pre-recordings of class materials and concepts are frequently provided as part of the online learning experience at
Fanshawe College and are the property of Fanshawe College.
Online class sessions may be recorded by professors for students to review for study purposes. Recordings are
available within the course site in Fanshawe’s learning management system, and are only available to those
registered in the course site. Class recordings are only for course use, and will not be distributed for other purposes.
Students have the right to opt out of being recorded and should notify their professor in advance of a session.
Student names will only be recorded if they participate (video, chat, audio) during the recorded session. If you do not
want to be recorded, please leave your camera and audio turned off and do not participate in the chat function. Your
instructor will provide an alternative method for participation.
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•ALO: Aboriginal Learning Outcome
•Apprenticeship LO: Apprenticeship Learning Outcome
•CLO: Course Learning Outcome
•DPLO: Degree Program Learning Outcome
•EES: Essential Employability Skill
•EOP: Element of Performance
•GELO: General Education Learning Outcome
•LO: Learning Outcome
•PC: Program Competency
•PLA: Prior Learning Assessment
•PLAR: Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
•VLO: Vocational Learning Outcome
Assessment Levels
•I: Introductory
•B: Building
•C: Culminating
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