Cherokee Warrior Model No.: Pa - 28 - 151 Warrior Ii-Iii (Thru S/N'S 2816119) Pa - 28 - 161

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This form meets requirements of FAR Part 43 • Inspections must be performed by persons authorized by the FAA or appropriate National Aviation Authority.
Model Name: CHEROKEE WARRIOR Model No.: PA - 28 - 151 Serial No.: Registration No.:
WARRIOR II–III (THRU S/N’S 2816119) PA - 28 - 161
Circle Type of Inspection (See Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4) Perform all inspections or operations at each of the inspection


50 100 Annual intervals as indicated by a circle (0)




A. PROPELLER GROUP 17. Inspect magnetos for oil seal leakage (See Note “9”.) ............. O
18. Inspect magnetos to engine timing........................................... O
WARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN ROTATING 19. Inspect security of carburetor throttle arm ................................ O
PROPELLER BY HAND; PROPELLER 20. Remove air filter from screen housing and clean per
MAY KICK BACK. PRIOR TO ROTATING Section II. Replace as required ................................................ O O
PROPELLER ENSURE BOTH MAGNETO 21. Drain carburetor and clean inlet line fuel strainer ..................... O O
SWITCHES ARE OFF (GROUNDED). 22. Inspect condition of carburetor heat air door and box.
IF MAGNETOS ARE NOT GROUNDED, (See Note “10”.)........................................................................ O O
TURNING PROPELLER MAY START ENGINE. 23. Inspect intake seals for leaks and clamps for tightness.
1. Inspect spinner and backplate for cracks, dents, missing (Torque clamps 40-50 in·lbs.)................................................... O O
screws, and security ................................................................. O O 24. Inspect all air inlet ducts and alternate heat duct. .................... O O
2. Inspect blades for nicks and cracks ......................................... O O 25. Remove and clean fuel filter bowl and screen on lower left
3. Inspect spinner mounting brackets for cracks and security...... O side of firewall. (See Note “26”.) ............................................... O O
4. Inspect propeller mounting bolts for condition and security. 26. Drain and flush the fuel filter and carburetor bowl completely.. O
If safety is broken, re-torque and safety ................................... O 27. Inspect condition of flexible fuel lines. Replace as required ..... O
5. Inspect hub parts for cracks and corrosion .............................. O 28. Inspect fuel system for leaks .................................................... O O
6. Inspect complete propeller and spinner assembly for security, 29. Inspect engine-driven and electric fuel pumps for condition
chafing, cracks, deterioration, wear, and correct installation.... O and operation. Replace as required. Clean screens in
electric fuel pump(s) ................................................................. O O
30. Inspect and operationally test engine-driven vacuum pump
WARNING: IF MAGNETOS ARE NOT GROUNDED, and lines. (See Notes “11” and “12”.) ....................................... O
TURNING PROPELLER MAY START ENGINE. 31. If equipped, inspect auxiliary vacuum pump system hoses,
USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN ROTATING clamps, and electric harness for security.
PROPELLER BY HAND; PROPELLER (Optional in PA-28-161, S/N’s 28-8616001 and up.) ................ O
MAY KICK BACK. PRIOR TO ROTATING 32. Inspect throttle, carburetor heat, and mixture controls for
PROPELLER ENSURE BOTH MAGNETO security, travel and operating condition. (See Note “13”.) ........ O
SWITCHES ARE OFF (GROUNDED). 33. Inspect exhaust stacks, connections, and gaskets per
“Exhaust System Inspection” on page III-52.
NOTE: Read Note “5” prior to completing this group.
Replace gaskets as required .................................................... O O
1. Remove engine cowling and inspect for internal and 34. Inspect muffler, heat exchanger, and baffles per
external damage....................................................................... O O “Exhaust System Inspection” on page III-52 ............................ O O
2. Clean and inspect cowling for cracks, distortion, and loose or 35. Inspect breather tube for obstructions and security ................. O
missing fasteners. (See Note “6”.)............................................ O 36. Inspect crankcase for cracks, leaks, and security
3. Drain oil sump. (See Note “7”.)................................................. O O of seam bolts ............................................................................ O
4. Clean suction oil strainer at oil change; inspect strainer for 37. Inspect engine mounts for cracks and loose mounting ............ O
foreign particles ........................................................................ O O 38. Inspect all engine baffles .......................................................... O
5. Clean pressure oil strainer or change full-flow (cartridge-type) 39. Inspect engine compartment wiring for condition (chafing,
oil filter element. cracked insulation, general deterioration), security, proper
Inspect strainer or element for foreign particles ....................... O O routing, and correct installation ................................................ O O
6. Inspect oil temperature sender unit for leaks and security ....... O 40. Inspect rubber engine-mount bushings for deterioration.
7. Inspect oil lines and fittings for leaks, security, chafing, dents, Replace as required. ................................................................ O
and cracks ................................................................................ O O 41. Inspect firewall seals ................................................................ O
8. Clean and inspect oil radiator cooling fins ................................ O 42. Inspect condition and tension of alternator drive belt.
9. Fill engine with oil per information on cowling or in (See Checking Generator and Alternator Belt Tension,
Lubrication Charts, Section II ................................................... O O Section XI.) ............................................................................... O
CAUTION: DO NOT CONTAMINATE VACUUM PUMP 43. Lubricate alternator idler pulley and, if installed, compressor
WITH CLEANING FLUID. idler pulley; remove front grease seal and add grease per
Lubrication Chart, Section II.
10. Clean engine with approved solvents....................................... O
Disregard if sealed bearing is installed..................................... O
11. Inspect condition of spark plugs. Clean and adjust gap as
44. Inspect condition of alternator and starter ................................ O
required; adjust per latest revision of
45. Inspect starter ring gear for broken or chipped teeth and
Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1042 .................................... O
condition of pulley slot.
NOTE: If fouling of spark plugs is apparent, rotate bottom (Refer to Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 486.) ......................... O
plugs to upper plugs. 46. Inspect security of alternator and mounting ............................. O
12. Inspect spark plug cable leads ................................................. O O 47. If installed, inspect condition of A/C compressor belt and
13. Test cylinder compression. tension. (See Adjustment of Drive Belt Tension, Section XIV,
(Refer to AC 43.13-1, latest revision.) ...................................... O Paragraph 14-23.) .................................................................... O
14. Inspect cylinders for cracked or broken fins. (See Note “8”.) ... O 48. If installed, inspect A/C compressor oil level. (See Note “14”.) O
15. Inspect rocker box covers for evidence of oil leaks. If found, 49. If installed, inspect A/C compressor clutch security and
replace gasket; torque cover screws 50 inch-pounds. ............. O O wiring. (See Note “16”.) ............................................................ O
16. Inspect ignition harness and insulators for high tension 50. If installed, inspect A/C compressor mounting for cracks,
leakage and continuity.............................................................. O corrosion, and security ............................................................. O

PA-28-151 CHEROKEE WARRIOR / PA-28-161 WARRIOR II–III —1— JULY 11, 2019
(PART NUMBER 230-802)
Circle Type of Inspection (See Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4) Perform all inspections or operations at each of the inspection


50 100 Annual intervals as indicated by a circle (0)




B. ENGINE GROUP (CONT.) 8. If installed, inspect air conditioning system for
refrigerant leaks. (See Note “14”.) ............................................ O
51. Check fluid in brake reservoir. Fill as required ......................... O O 9. If installed, inspect refrigerant level in sight gauge of
52. Inspect and lubricate all controls per Lubrication Chart, receiver-dehydrator. Refer to Section XIV................................ O O
Section II .................................................................................. O 10. If installed, inspect air conditioner condenser air scoop for
53. Install engine cowling ............................................................... O O condition and rigging. (See Note “15”.) .................................... O O
C. CABIN AND COCKPIT GROUP 11. Inspect fuel lines, valves, and gauges for damage and
operation .................................................................................. O
1. Inspect cabin door latch and hinges, and windows, for 12. Inspect security of all lines ....................................................... O
damage, operation and security ............................................... O 13. Inspect vertical fin for surface damage or irregularities (i.e.,
2. Inspect windows for scratches, crazing, and condition ............ O skin cracks, distortion, dents, and corrosion); structural
3. Check window and door seals for deterioration, cracks, and defects (i.e., loose or missing rivets); and missing or worn
voids ......................................................................................... O hardware .................................................................................. O
4. Inspect upholstery for tears ...................................................... O 14. Inspect rudder for surface damage or irregularities (i.e., skin
5. Inspect seats and attaching brackets and hardware for cracks, distortion, dents, and corrosion); structural defects
condition, security, and operation............................................. O (i.e., loose or missing rivets); misrigging; hinge damage,
6. Inspect seat belts and shoulder harnesses per excessive wear, freedom of movement and proper
Section XIV, Restraint System ................................................. O lubrication; and attachment points for missing or
7. Inspect trim control operation ................................................... O worn hardware.......................................................................... O
8. Inspect rudder pedals for operation and adjustment. 15. Inspect rudder hinges, horn, and attachments for damage,
(See Note “25”.)........................................................................ O security, and operation ............................................................. O
9. Inspect parking brake valve and brake handle for operation 16. Inspect vertical fin attachments for security ............................. O
and cylinder leaks..................................................................... O 17. Inspect rudder control stops to ensure stops have not
10. Inspect throttle and mixture controls for security, travel and loosened and locknuts are tight................................................ O
operating condition. (See Note “27”.) ....................................... O 18. Inspect rudder hinge bolts for excess wear.
11. Inspect control wheels, column, pulleys, cables, turnbuckles, Replace as required ................................................................. O
and fittings for condition, security, and full travel per 19. Inspect stabilator and trim tab for surface damage or
Control Cable Inspection, Section V, paragraph 5-4 ................ O irregularities (i.e., skin cracks, distortion, dents, and corrosion;
12. Perform “Flap Control Cable Attachment Bolt Inspection” on structural defects (i.e., loose or missing rivets); misrigging;
page III-41. Inspect cable per Control Cable Inspection, hinge damage, excessive wear, freedom of movement and
Section V, paragraph 5-4 ......................................................... O proper lubrication; and attachment points for missing or
13. Inspect landing, navigation, strobe, cabin and instrument worn hardware.......................................................................... O
lights for operation, condition, and security. ............................. O O 20. Inspect stabilator, trim tab hinges, horn, and attachments for
14. Cycle each circuit breaker with airplane power OFF ................ O O damage, security, and operation .............................................. O
15. Inspect instruments, avionics, lines, and attachments ............. O 21. Inspect stabilator attachments per “Stabilator Attach Fittings
16. Inspect gyro-operated instruments and electric turn and bank. Corrosion Inspection” on page III-40 ........................................ O
(Overhaul or replace as required.) ........................................... O 22. Inspect stabilator control stops to ensure stops are not loose.
17. If equipped, replace attitude indicator and heading indicator Ensure bolts and locknuts are tight .......................................... O
air filters .................................................................................... O 23. Inspect stabilator and tab hinge bolts and bearings for
18. If installed, replace vacuum regulator filter element ................. O excess wear. Replace as required ........................................... O
19. Inspect static system, altimeter and transponder for 24. Inspect aileron, rudder, stabilator, and stabilator trim cables;
installation/certification per latest revision of AC 43.13-1 and and cable terminals, turnbuckles, guides, fittings, and pulleys
current test/inspection per FAR’s 91.411 and 91.413, for safety, condition, and operation per Control Cable
respectively .............................................................................. O Inspection, Section V, paragraph 5-4. (See Note”17”.) ............ O
20. Inspect operation of fuel selector valve. ................................... O 25. Inspect rudder, stabilator, and stabilator trim cable tension
21. Inspect condition of heater controls and ducts ......................... O per Table V-II. Use a tensiometer. ........................................... O
22. Inspect condition and operation of air vents ............................. O 26. Lubricate per Lubrication Chart, Section II ............................... O O
23. If installed, inspect condition of air conditioning ducts.............. O 27. Inspect strobe light for security and operation.......................... O
24. If installed, remove and clean air conditioning 28. Inspect rotating beacon for security and operation .................. O
evaporator filter ........................................................................ O 29. If installed, inspect security of Autopilot servo bridle cable
25. If installed, inspect disposable-type (non-gauged) fire clamps. Inspect cables per Control Cable Inspection,
extinguisher minimum weight as specified on nameplate ........ O Section V, paragraph 5-4 ......................................................... O
30. Inspect all non-flight control cables, air ducts, electrical leads,
harnesses, lines, radio antenna leads, and attaching parts for
1. Remove inspection plates and panels. (See Figure 2-3.) ....... O security, routing, chafing, deterioration, wear, and correct
2. Inspect aft wing attach fittings per “Aft Wing Attach Fittings installation. Inspect cables per Control Cable Inspection,
100 Hour Inspection” on page III-42 ......................................... O Section V, paragraph 5-4 ......................................................... O
3. Inspect baggage door, latch and hinges for damage, 31. Inspect ELT battery mount for condition and security .............. O
operation and security .............................................................. O O 32. Inspect ELT antenna for condition, and security.
4. Inspect battery, box and cables. Flush or clean area as Replace antenna if bent or damaged ....................................... O
required and fill battery per instructions on box and in 33. Install inspection plates and panels.......................................... O
Electrical System, Section XI ................................................... O O
5. Conduct a general visual inspection of electrical and
electronic installations (mounting, wiring, harnesses, shields, 1. Remove inspection plates and fairings. (See Figure 2-3.) ....... O
connectors, etc.) for condition and security .............................. O 2. Inspect exterior surfaces, skins, and tips for damage and
6. Inspect skins, bulkheads, frames, and stringers for damage, loose or missing fasteners, and condition of walk-way ............ O O
irregularities, or structural defects (i.e., skin cracks, distortion, 3. Inspect visible interior structural components (skins, spars,
dents, corrosion and loose or missing rivets) ........................... O ribs, stringers, etc.) for condition, security, distortion, or
7. Inspect condition and security of antenna mounts and failure........................................................................................ O
electric wiring............................................................................ O 4. Inspect wing carry-through structure for condition, security,
distortion, or failure ................................................................... O

PA-28-151 CHEROKEE WARRIOR / PA-28-161 WARRIOR II–III —2— JULY 11, 2019
(PART NUMBER 230-802)
Circle Type of Inspection (See Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4) Perform all inspections or operations at each of the inspection


50 100 Annual intervals as indicated by a circle (0)




E. WING GROUP (CONT.) 16. Inspect gear struts and mounting bolts for condition and
security. (See Note “20”.) ......................................................... O
5. Inspect ailerons for surface damage or irregularities (i.e., skin 17. Inspect torque links for cracks, bolts for condition and
cracks, distortion, dents, and corrosion); structural defects security. Inspect assembly for excessive side play.
(i.e., loose or missing rivets); misrigging; hinge damage, (See Note “21”.)........................................................................ O
excessive wear, freedom of movement and proper lubrication; 18. Inspect wheel fairings and attachments ................................... O
and attachment points for missing or worn hardware............... O 19. Inspect hydraulic lines and attaching parts for condition and
6. Inspect aileron hinges and attachments. .................................. O security (i.e., routing, chafing, damage, wear, etc.).................. O
7. Inspect aileron control stops to ensure stops are not loose. 20. Lubricate per Lubrication Chart, Section II ............................... O O
Ensure bolts and locknuts are tight .......................................... O 21. Install wheel fairings ................................................................. O
8. Inspect aileron cables and cable terminals, turnbuckles, 22. Remove airplane from jacks ..................................................... O
fittings, guides, pulleys, and bellcranks for safety, condition
and operation per Control Cable Inspection, Section V, G. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS
paragraph 5-4 ........................................................................... O
9. Inspect aileron cable tension per Table V-II. Review inspections in Special Inspections, “Requirements” on
Use a tensiometer. ................................................................... O page III-23. Perform all special inspections applicable to your
10. Inspect flaps for surface damage or irregularities (i.e., skin aircraft and currently due per the given inspection interval ...... O O
cracks, distortion, dents, and corrosion); structural defects H. OPERATIONAL INSPECTION
(i.e., loose or missing rivets); misrigging; hinge damage,
excessive wear, freedom of movement and proper lubrication; NOTE: Refer to Note “22” prior to starting engine or taxiing
and attachment points for missing, damaged or worn airplane.
hardware .................................................................................. O 1. Inspect fuel pump and fuel tank selector .................................. O O
11. Inspect condition of flap hinge bolts. Replace as required ....... O 2. Inspect fuel quantity and pressure ........................................... O O
12. Lubricate per Lubrication Chart, Section II ............................... O O 3. Inspect oil pressure and temperature ....................................... O O
13. Inspect wing fore and aft attach fittings, and bolts for security, 4. Inspect alternator output........................................................... O O
corrosion and condition. ........................................................... O 5. Inspect carburetor heat ............................................................ O O
14. Retorque wing aft spar attach bolts per 6. Inspect parking brake ............................................................... O O
Wing Aft Spar-to-Fuselage Attachment Hardware 100 Hour 7. Inspect vacuum gauge ............................................................. O O
Inspection on page “III-38” ....................................................... O 8. Inspect auxiliary vacuum pump system operation.
15. Inspect pitot tube for damage and condition ............................ O (See Note “23”.)........................................................................ O O
CAUTION: SEVERE BURNS CAN RESULT FROM 9. Inspect gyros for noise and roughness .................................... O O
COMING IN CONTACT WITH A HEATED 10. Inspect cabin heater operation ................................................. O O
PITOT TUBE. 11. Inspect magneto switch operation ............................................ O O
12. Inspect magneto RPM variation ............................................... O O
16. If installed, inspect pitot heat .................................................... O
13. Inspect throttle and mixture operation ...................................... O O
17. Inspect fuel caps, cap gaskets, fuel gage transmitter gaskets,
14. Inspect propeller smoothness .................................................. O O
and gage transmitter access covers for condition, proper
15. Inspect engine idle speed......................................................... O O
sealing, security, alignment, etc. Ensure to service and clean
16. Inspect electronic equipment operation.................................... O O
these areas, replacing parts as necessary ............................... O
17. Inspect operation of autopilot, including automatic pitch trim,
18. Inspect the interior of metal fuel tanks for signs of corrosion,
and manual electric trim. (See Note “24”.) ............................... O O
which may indicate water contamination. If signs of
18. If installed, inspect air conditioner compressor clutch
contamination are found, alert the owner and fuel supplier of
operation .................................................................................. O O
your findings for corrective action. (See Note “18”.) ................. O
19. If installed, inspect air conditioner condenser scoop
19. Inspect fuel tanks for minimum octane markings ..................... O
operation .................................................................................. O O
20. Confirm fuel tanks are marked for capacity .............................. O
20. Inspect free and correct operation of flight controls ................. O O
21. Inspect fuel tank vents clear of obstructions ............................ O
22. Inspect fuel lines for leaks and water. ..................................... O I. GENERAL
23. Inspect all non-flight control cables, air ducts, electrical leads,
lines, and attaching parts for security, routing, chafing, 1. Aircraft conforms to FAA Specifications ................................... O O
deterioration, wear, and correct installation. Inspect cables 2. Latest revision of applicable FAA Airworthiness Directives
per Control Cable Inspection, Section V, paragraph 5-4. ......... O complied with............................................................................ O O
24. Install inspection plates and fairings......................................... O 3. Current and correct Pilot’s Operating Handbook or Airplane
Flight Manual is in the airplane................................................. O O
F. LANDING GEAR GROUP 4. Inspect airplane for required placards as identified in the
Limitations section of the AFM or POH .................................... O
1. Inspect oleo struts for proper extension and evidence of fluid
5. Appropriate entries made in the Aircraft and Engine
leakage. See Landing Gear, Section II..................................... O O
Logbooks .................................................................................. O O
2. Inspect nose gear steering control and travel.
6. Airworthiness & Registration Certificates in the aircraft and
(See Note “19”.)........................................................................ O
properly displayed .................................................................... O O
3. Remove wheel fairings ............................................................. O
7. Aircraft Equipment List, Weight and Balance and FAA Form(s)
4. Inspect wheel alignment ........................................................... O
337 (if applicable) are in the aircraft and in proper order ......... O O
5. Put airplane on jacks. (Refer to Section II.) .............................. O
8. Operational inspection and run-up completed.......................... O O
6. Inspect tires for cuts, uneven or excessive wear, and
9. Aircraft cleaned and lubricated after wash (as required) .......... O O
slippage .................................................................................... O
7. Remove wheels; clean, inspect, and repack bearings ............. O
8. Inspect wheels for cracks, corrosion, and broken bolts............ O
9. Check tire pressure .................................................................. O O
10. Inspect brake linings and discs for condition and wear ............ O O
11. Inspect brake backing plates for condition and wear ............... O
12. Inspect brake lines for condition and security .......................... O
13. Inspect shimmy dampener operation ....................................... O
14. Inspect gear forks for damage.................................................. O
15. Inspect oleo struts for fluid leaks and scoring .......................... O

PA-28-151 CHEROKEE WARRIOR / PA-28-161 WARRIOR II–III —3— JULY 11, 2019
(PART NUMBER 230-802)
1. Refer to Piper’s Customer Service Information File (available online, see Availability in Revsion Status) for latest revision dates to Piper Inspection
Reports/Manuals and the Piper Cherokee Warrior Service Manual, P/N 761-539. References to section, paragraph, figure, or table are to the
appropriate section, paragraph, figure, or table in this manual.
2. Inspections or operations are to be performed as indicated by a “O” at the 50 or 100 hour inspection interval. Inspections or operations (i.e.,
component overhauls/replacements, etc.) required outside the 100 hour cycle are listed as special inspections in Section III on page “III-23”.
Inspections must be accomplished by persons authorized by the FAA or appropriate National Aviation Authority. Checks may be accomplished by a
pilot or owner who is checked out on the airplane.
A. The 50 hour inspection accomplishes preventive maintenance, lubrication and servicing as well as inspecting of critical components.
B. The 100 hour inspection is a complete inspection of the airplane, identical to an annual inspection.
NOTE: A log book entry should be made upon completion of any inspections.
3. Piper Service Bulletins are of special importance and Piper considers compliance mandatory. In all cases, see Service Bulletin/Service Letter Index
P/N 762-332 to verify latest revision. See also Table III-II.
4. Piper Service Letters are product improvements and service hints pertaining to servicing the airplane and should be given careful attention.
5. Inspections given for the power plant are based on the engine manufacturer’s operator’s manual (Lycoming P/N 60297-16) for these airplanes.
Any changes issued to the engine manufacturer’s operator’s manual shall supersede or supplement the inspections outlined in this report. In the
PA-28-151 only, should fuel other than 80/87 minimum octane rating be used, refer to the latest revision of Lycoming Service Letter No. L185.
6. Inspect teflon bushings and pins attaching top and bottom engine cowlings at nose for condition and security. Replace as required.
7. Refer to latest revision of Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 480 and Service Instruction 1014.
8. Inspect cylinders for evidence of excessive heat, which is indicated by burned paint on the cylinders. This condition is indicative of internal damage to
the cylinder and, if found, its cause must be determined and corrected before the aircraft is returned to service. Heavy discoloration and appearance
of seepage at the cylinder head and barrel attachment area is usually due to emission of thread lubricant used during assembly of the barrel at the
factory, or by slight gas leakage which stops after the cylinder has been in service for awhile. This condition is neither harmful nor detrimental to
engine performance and operation. If it can be proven that leakage exceeded these conditions, the cylinder should be replaced.
9. Inspect magnetos:
A. For airplanes equipped with Slick Magnetos: inspect magneto(s) per the appropriate 100 Hour Inspection in the Slick F1100 Master Service
B. For airplanes equipped with Continental/TCM/Bendix Magnetos: inspect magneto(s) per the procedures in the Periodic Maintenance section of
the applicable Service Support Manual.
10. Inspect carburetor throttle body attaching screws for tightness; the correct torque for these screws is 40 to 50 inch-pounds.
11. For airplanes equipped with Parker Hannifin / Airborne vacuum pump(s), verify compliance with Parker Hannifin / Airborne Service Letter No. 72.
12. For airplanes equipped with an Aero Accessories Inc., Tempest Dry Air Pump only, as indicated by the 600 hour Vane Wear Inspection, inspect
vacuum pump vane wear per the latest revision of Aero Accesories Service Bulletin SB-08.
13. During inspection of throttle, determine if there is internal cable ballooning. If so, replace the affected cables.
14. The compressor oil level should not be inspected unless a refrigerant leak has occurred or system pressure has been released, requiring an addition
of refrigerant to the system.
15. Refer to Section XIV (Paragraphs 14-28 through 14-32) for condenser assembly rigging and adjustment.
16. Clean any traces of oil from the clutch surface.
17. If not accomplished already, create access panels for inspection (refer to Sec. IV, Para. 4-56). Inspect stabilator control cables.
18. Sloshing of fuel tanks not approved. For airplanes with fuel tanks which have previously been sloshed, perform Sloshed Fuel Tank 100 Hour
Inspection in Section IX.
19. PA-28-161 Warrior II airplanes, S/N’s 28-7716001 thru 28-8416095, may have bungee-type nose wheel steering unless kit 764-975 has been
installed. Those airplanes that have kit 764-975 installed will have pushrod type nosewheel steering.
20. In PA-28-151 S/N’s 28-7415001 thru 28-7715314 and PA-28-161 S/N’s 28-7716001 thru 28-7816110; for airplanes which are not equipped with
forged main landing gear strut cylinders P/N 65489-002 on both left and right sides, perform “Cast Main Landing Gear Strut Cylinder 100 Hour
Inspection” on page III-48.
21. In PA-28-151 S/N’s 28-7415001 thru 28-7715314 and PA-28-161 S/N’s 28-7716001 thru 28-7816253; for those airplanes which have not installed
Piper Kit No. 760-910 or a new greaser bolt P/N 79543-002 and have accumulated 500 hours time-in-service: perform “Main Landing Gear Torque
Link Greaser Bolt Inspection” on page III-51.
22. Refer to Section 4 of the Flight Manual/Pilot’s Operating Handbook for preflight and flight check list.
23. Refer to operational check procedure in Section X, paragraph 10-18.
24. Refer to Flight Manual/Pilot’s Operating Handbook Supplement for preflight and flight check and for intended function in all modes.
25. In airplanes equipped with a rudder pedal and bar assembly and/or rudder bar support assembly which has accumulated 1,200 hours time-in-service,
inspect per latest revision Piper Service Bulletin 1242.

PA-28-151 CHEROKEE WARRIOR / PA-28-161 WARRIOR II–III —4— JULY 11, 2019
(PART NUMBER 230-802)
26. When installing the fuel filter bowl, safety wire the bail wire as shown in the latest revision of Piper Service Letter 1141.
27. If control quadrant friction adjusting handle is difficult to operate or anytime the control quadrant is serviced, see latest revision of Piper Service Letter

Signature of Mechanic or Inspector: Certificate No.: Date: Total Time on Airplane:

PA-28-151 CHEROKEE WARRIOR / PA-28-161 WARRIOR II–III —5— JULY 11, 2019
(PART NUMBER 230-802)

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