Assignment 1 - Stage VCRC

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Please solve „Exemple_1 Stage VCRC” for ammonia NH3 (R717) as refrigerant.

All given data remain the same.

Please fill in the following tables with the values of the state parameters in the key
points of thr cycle.
Please do that for both R134a and R717 and compare and comment the results.

R717 (NH3)
Nr. t [C] p [bar] v[m3/kg] h [kJ/kgK] s [kJ/kgK}
2 193.97 20.33 0.10782 1898.67 6.102
3 193.97 20.33 0.10782 1898.67 6.102
5 -10 2.908 n/a 386.426 n/a
6 0 2.908 0.43750 1474.20 5.844
R717 (NH3)
m [kg/s] W [kW] Qc [kW] COP Vsucked Vswept
[m3/h] [m3/h]
0.0091927 3.90 13.90 2.56 14.478 20.68

Nr. t [C] p [bar] v[m3/kg] h [kJ/kgK] s [kJ/kgK}
2 78.279 13.176 0.01816 456.414 1.805
3 78.279 13.176 0.01816 456.414 1.805
5 n/a 2.007 n/a 256.160 n/a
6 0 2.007 0.103966 400.05 1.7608
m [kg/s] W [kW] Qc [kW] COP Vsucked Vswept
[m3/h] [m3/h]
0.0695 3.917 13.937 2.55 25.3123 37.1604
n_vol (volumetric efficiency) or lambda = Vsucked/Vswept =0.7

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