ABCD's Lesson 1
ABCD's Lesson 1
ABCD's Lesson 1
Lesson 1: Authenticity
By Kasper Haughton Jr.
Romans 7:25
"North American Division Sabbath School Theme song and
Cheer"( is an option one could choose.
A more relevant option would be “Mighty to Save” (Hillsong).
Ask your group:
“On a 1-10 scale, do you agree with this: “It is always
important for Christians to keep no aspect of their lives hidden
from others, including their sin.” Mark starting and ending
points where you meet. Then ask your group to line up
between the two points based on the number of their reaction.
Fold the line so that the 1’s are talking to the 10’s (and so on),
and have them share their opinions.
[I strongly encourage leaders to read the praxis paper prepared by
Dr. A. Allan Martin (available on my blog: in order
to gain an understanding of the purpose for this four part series on
young adult relationship values.]
Kinnaman, D. & Lyons, G. (2007). UnChristian: What a new
generation thinks about Christianity…And why it matters.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.