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Telnet Y.Y.Y.Y 9999: Required Configuration Data - Step 4a Above

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4) When the prompt returns, type the command shown below and press TCP/IP Card Installation and Setup
y.y.y.y is the IP Address provided in This Quick Guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the TCP/IP
Required Configuration Data – Step 4a
Installation Manual and the TLS-3XX System Setup Manual.
Required Configuration Data
y.y.y.y is the IP Address provided in
telnet y.y.y.y 9999 1) Required
Retrieve the version of TLSConfiguration Data – Step
software currently installed. (Refer to
4a above
Page 7 of TCP/IP Manual for retrieval instructions)
5) Press “Enter” immediately when the next screen appears
6) The telnet set-up configuration menu should appear Version: _________
2) Select the communication slot in the TLS where the TCP/IP Card is
Priority: L to be installed. ( Refer to Step 3 - Page 6 if Slot 4 is selected. Slot 4
Min. notification interval: 1s will require a interconnect cable and jumper change )
Re-notification interval : 0s
1 2 3 4
Xxx Triger 3
Serial Sequence: 00.00 3) Record MAC Address from X-Port device on TCP/IP card.
CP1: X (example: 00-20-4a-4c-83-7d) (Refer to Figure 1 – Page 3 for MAC
CP2: X Address location)
CP3: X 00-20-4a-___-___-___
Message :
Priority: L 4) Obtain the following information from the Customer IT Department or
Min. notification interval: 1s
Internet Service Provider (ISP) for correct TCP/IP Configuration.
Re-notification interval : 0s
a) IP Address to be assigned to TCP/IP. (example:
Change Setup: ____.____.____._____
0 Server Configuration
1 Channel 1 Configuration b) IP Address to be assigned to the computer used for direct
configuration. Note: This address will be one digit more or one
7) This menu will be used to configure and set-up the TCP/IP Card. digit less than the IP Address issued for assignment to the TCP/IP
Menu selections “0” and “1” must be set-up and saved before exiting Card. (example: an assigned IP Address of would use
using selection “9” or
8) The Assigned TCP/IP Address, Gateway, and Subnet Mask from ____.____.____._____
Required Configuration Data – Steps 4a, 4c, and 5 from this guide c) Gateway Address for router or server. Enter no values if not
must be entered in menu selection “0” and saved for proper module required by you network administrator. (example:
9) Obtain the TLS software version recorded for Required Configuration
Data – Step 1 of this guide. 5) Assign connection to this port and Subnet Mask unless otherwise
10) Using the software version, refer to the appropriate tables on Pages Default Port: 10001
8, 9, 17, 18 to configure the TCP/IP settings in telnet menu selections Subnet Mask: 255 . 255 . 255 . 0
“0” and “1”.
TCP/IP Card Installation
11) Upon completing the configuring information, you must exit using
menu selection “9” to properly save the settings. 1) Verify that the Battery Backup Switch is “ON”. (Refer to Page 4
(TLS300) or Page 5 (TLS350 /Promax) of the TCP/IP Manual for
12) When returned to the telnet prompt, type telnet y.y.y.y 10001 or
the port number assigned to you by your IT Department to begin
entering commands to retrieve data from the TLS Console. 2) Turn the TLS Console power “OFF”.
©Veeder-Root 2006. All rights reserved. P/N 577013-886, Rev. A
3) Install the TCP/IP Module. (Refer to Page 4 – Step 2 (TLS300) and 5) Select “Use the following IP address” and enter an IP Address and
Page 6 – Step 2 (TLS350 / Promax) of the TCP/IP Manual for further Subnet Mask from Required Configuration Data – Steps 4b and 5 of
instructions) this guide as provided by your IT Dept.
4) Turn the TLS Console Power “ON”
5) Set-up the communication port in the TLS Console. (Refer to Page 8
– Step 4 of the TCP/IP Manual for Instructions)

PC Set-Up for TCP/IP Card Configuration

1) Using the “Direct Connect” configuration method recommended by
Lantronix, connect your PC or Laptop to the TCP/IP Module with an
“Ethernet Crossover Cable”. Plug one end of the cable into the RJ-
45 connector of your computer and the other into the RJ-45
connector of the TCP/IP Module. Note: A standard network “CAT
5” cable will not work for a direct connect TCP/IP configuration.
2) Before proceeding with the TCP/IP configuration, disable any
“Wireless” device connections on your PC.
3) Configure your computer for direct setup as follows:
a) Select “Start” at the bottom of the Windows screen 6) Select “Ok” or “Apply” to exit the menus.

b) Select “Settings” followed by “Control Panel” from the start menu PC Set-Up for TCP/IP Card Configuration

c) Select “Network Connections” from the control panel menu 1) With the PC and TCP/IP still connected via the Ethernet Crossover
Cable, open the DOS prompt on the PC.
d) Right Click on “Local Connection” in the network connections
menu 2) At the prompt type the command shown below and press enter:
e) Select “Properties” from the menu that pops up y.y.y.y is the IP Address XX-XX-XX is the last three digits of
provided in Required the MAC Address in Required
4) Go to the tab that provides details similar to the picture below and left Configuration Data – Step Configuration Data – Step 3 above.
click on the TCP/IP line and select the “Properties” button. 4a above.

arp –s y.y.y.y 00-20-4a-XX-XX-XX

3) When the prompt returns, type the following message and press
y.y.y.y is the IP Address provided in Required
Configuration Data – Step 4a above.

telnet y.y.y.y 1
Note: A message stating “Connecting to y.y.y.y …could not
open a connection to host on port 1. Connect failed or could not
open connection to y.y.y.y” should appear before your prompt
returns for the next command. This should happen within 5

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