Petrochemical Trends h1 2021
Petrochemical Trends h1 2021
Petrochemical Trends h1 2021
Executive summary 2
Global benzene supply set to remain unusually tight into new year 2
China’s styrene oversupply promises to weigh on 2021 prices 3
COVID-19 developments to drive global polystyrene market in H1 2021 5
Mixed outlook for toluene amid added supply, higher STDP margins 6
Asian PTA faces supply glut in China in 2021 7
Poor paraxylene margins set to curtail mixed xylene 2021 demand 8
Global PX length to persist into 2021 despite rate cuts, stronger PTA demand 10
Methanol supply tightness to dissipate in H1 2021 amid higher run rates 11
MTBE oversupply to ease in H1 2021 as gasoline blending demand recovers 12
Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
US producers will likely continue to wrestle with massive Demand presents a more complex picture, with new
capacity growth in Asia via crude to chemicals, a move Chinese styrene supply in 2021 projected at 5.88 million
that will pressure pricing and shift trade flows. A number mt/year, almost three times the country’s annual import
of products, US propylene for instance, will be dependent volume of around 2 million mt. This could spell trouble
on healthy demand in the derivative markets. Derivative for regular exporters of styrene to Asia, especially those
demand is expected to improve; however, economic growth that do longer-haul shipments. Should Asian demand
could be negatively impacted by high unemployment rates for US styrene dip, the US may require less benzene
and softer personal income and consumer spending rates. from Asia.
While the near future remains uncertain, there are Benzene exports to the US accounted for around 51,000
legitimate reasons to expect overall improvement in the mt/month of South Korea’s benzene supply over January-
global petrochemical markets. S&P Global Platts hopes November, or 28% of its total benzene exports.
that the following global aromatics outlook provides some
insight into what to expect during the first half of 2021 These cargoes will likely move instead on an opportunistic
and beyond. basis in 2021, rather than on the monthly contractual
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
Source: S&P Global Platts, Panjiva
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
volume basis seen over the past two years, enabling supply coming online in China, potentially weak or unstable
traders to react faster to changes in price spreads, production margins would determine operating rates,
market sources said. they said.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
Although Asian styrene prices surged in October on tight GLOBAL STYRENE PRICES RISE AMID STRONG US EXPORT DEMAND
supply, it loses steam in early December as the restart of 1200
some regional producers added length to the market.
1000 FOB USG
Improving margins and the re-opening of deep sea FOB ARA
CFR China
arbitrage late 2020 brought increased supply to the Asian 800
“In the face of over-competition, suppliers with good cost While some traders worry the planned styrene production
structure will have the advantage,” a market source said. growth in China may threaten the global supply balance
by spring 2021, plant turnarounds in South Korea, Taiwan,
Meanwhile, production losses due to heavy plant Japan and the Middle East could sustain Asian demand
maintenance in first-half 2021 are expected to partially for US material well into the new year.
offset the supply length and may lend support to CFR China
prices. This will also narrow the gap between CFR and Longer term, US traders believe non-integrated Chinese
domestic China styrene prices, dampening Chinese buyers’ producers would be the most vulnerable, globally, to rate
import interest. cuts or shutdowns in the face of high benzene prices
and/or unsustainable margins.
China’s healthy demand for home appliances and
automobiles is expected to continue into H1 2021. As European contract buyers seek greater discounts in 2021
lucrative downstream margins and high operating rates Uncertainty is also in the writing for Europe’s styrene
persist, styrene buyers may consider other factors, not just monomer market in 2021 amid concerns over the COVID-19
prices, during procurement, a market source said. Among impact and growing capacities in Asia.
others, styrene buyers may even be willing to purchase
prompt cargoes at higher prices. Among others, discounts for contractual styrene, an
annually negotiated percentage attached each month
India, Asia’s second largest styrene importer, is likely to to the industry-settled styrene contract price in Europe,
emerge from a supply shortage in mid-January, according is still being discussed, with two different scenarios
to market sources. Deepsea US cargoes bound for Asia emerging. On the one side, these discounts are expected to
will seek homes in India once South Korea’s supply remain steady, or even decline, due to styrene producers’
returns to normal. South Korea’s styrene supply has slim profits in 2020.
been disrupted since March following the unscheduled
shutdown of the first of two upstream steam crackers. Buyers, however, have pushed for greater discounts with
opening bids discounted by as high as 25%, a trader said.
However, the Indian government’s order for styrene imports This was spurred by increased volatility and a desire to
to undergo mandatory certification come May 2021, may move away from the contract price standard. While 25%
give rise to regulatory issues. Nevertheless, the deadline is unrealistic, some settled contracts have discounts
for styrene exporters to meet the necessary quality which had deepened by 1%-4% as buyers look for greater
specifications set by the Bureau of Indian Standards is exposure to spot prices, another trader said.
expected to be extended.
Meanwhile, consolidation may be on the cards for Europe’s
North American market hinges on exports, pandemic styrene market, as additional capacity is poised to come
In the US, amid uncertain demand, market participants online in China in 2021, market participants said. COVID-19
said feedstock benzene will determine the fate of spot has disrupted the automotive sector significantly, as
US styrene monomer in the first half of 2021 after prices demand for new automobiles in Europe drop in line
reached an 18-month high in November. with lockdowns.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
Polystyrene, however, has remained robust end-2020 Further demand growth will however rely on global
due to demand from the packaging industry, while EPS economic recovery for both domestic and export markets,
producers remain bullish for the future as construction given great uncertainties amid the ongoing pandemic.
use grows.
Producers will continue to run at high operating rates on
— Kevin Allen, Samar Niazi, Sophia Yao, improved margins, whereas tightness in supply is unlikely
Emily Burleson, Simon Price, Ashna Mishra to ease in the first half of 2021 due to overbooked orders
and the ceasing of production at Denka Singapore’s
200,000 mt/year line in February.
COVID-19 developments to drive
global polystyrene market in H1 2021 While a total of 1 million mt/year capacity are expected to
come online in 2021, including SP Chemicals’ 300,000 mt/year
Year to start with supply tightness plant and Zhejiang Yisu’s 400,000 mt/year plant, the possible
Environmental concerns to impact virgin PS demand delay of construction may limit supply growth and bolster the
Asian market in the short term.
The beginning of 2021 is expected to bring supply
tightness in the polystyrene (PS) market, driven by healthy US economic growth controlled by COVID-19 developments
demand and lower production during the fourth quarter Reduced supply and an increase in upstream pricing
of 2020. However, uncertainty over the impact of the promise a strong start for the US PS market in the first
coronavirus pandemic, new capacity additions in Asia and half of 2021. 2020 ended with strong seasonal demand
environmental concerns are likely going to add pressure to and tighter availability due to closing of a production
the market going forward. line in Q4. Despite the support, several obstacles are
expected to hinder growth in 2021 amid uncertainty
Consumer goods hold key to Asian PS growth on the recovery from COVID-19. The virus has had
The Asian PS market recovered in the second half of considerable impact on economic growth in the US, a
2020, carried primarily on the back of China’s end-user factor correlated closely to PS due to its proximity to the
demand. Supply and demand dynamics in China will consumer markets.
be in a strong position to define the market direction in
2021 with increasing capacities and healthy demand for On a positive note, US producers could see costs fall in
consumer goods. Q1 if expectations of more balanced styrene and benzene
markets come to fruition. Sources anticipated that in
PS end-users in China, where the COVID-19 situation has addition to some lengthening in these markets, new styrene
been largely under control, received increasing orders from capacities in Asia would pressure pricing lower and support
other regions, led by the strength in the refrigerator sector, more favorable production costs.
which is expected to continue.
PS demand levels are in question, following early
In addition, surging acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) expectations of a 1.5-2% market growth, according to
prices could also lead to an increase in PS demand. In sources, prior to the beginning of the pandemic. The supply
November, the CFR China ABS spot price premium over HIPS contractions associated with a US producer shutting one of
was around $600/mt, significantly above the $250-300/mt its lines were anticipated to have nominal impact.
premium range in the first half of 2020, S&P Global Platts
data showed. With a wider price gap, sources expect to see “It will likely just impact spot [of] which there is already
more buyers switching to PS for cost savings, which will little activity,” a source said. More than likely, PS pricing will
shorten the supply. continue to trace movement in the upstream markets with
waves of healthy seasonal demand, the source said.
($/mt) Looking further forward, recycling and the circular
economy will continue to play a role in PS fundamentals.
FAS Houston
A strong push by producers in the US and Europe will
continue as they shift toward increasing the production of
recycled materials.
CFR China
European producers look to increase PS circular solutions
1000 In the European PS market, the first half of 2021 is
expected to begin in similar conditions to the end of 2020.
Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20 Demand for white goods and online deliveries climbed
Source: S&P Global Platts considerably during 2020, rolling back a significant part of
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
the demand erosion for virgin PS felt in the last couple of lockdown measures, mobility restrictions and economic
years, driven by a growing interest for recycled plastics. activity the major factors crimping demand from the
automotive industry to gasoline blending.
Circular solutions will continue to be a significant
investment draw for the market, as growing public Each region will also be monitoring selective toluene
awareness over environmental issues and an upcoming disproportionation (STDP) activity — a process where
ban on single-use plastics in the Europe Union will remain a toluene is used to make paraxylene — in the US, as the
demand driver for virgin PS. prospect for improved STDP margins could support toluene
prices in Europe and Asia.
Tight availability at the end of 2020 has supported
prices, as well as runaway demand in Asia during Q4 Finally, quality specifications will be in focus next year as
that saw prices lift considerably. Buyers in the market India and the US introduce changes to gasoline and toluene.
have argued the tightness cannot continue long-term,
as they attribute the end of 2020 conditions to multiple New supply in Asia
maintenance turnarounds, followed by cut run rates. With more toluene units expected to come online within
China in 2021, concern over whether Asia will retain its status
Exports are becoming a greater target for European sellers, as a net importer has started to emerge in the market.
likely tighten the market further, a producer indicated,
with orders already received for several thousand tons a In Q4, production was lower as most producers spanning
month of HIPS to Asia in 2021. across the Far East underwent scheduled maintenance or
reduced utilization rates, but as units return to operation this
— Simon Price, Kevin Allen, Sophia Yao, Lara Berton may impact the volume of product imported into the region.
FOB Korea
The thick fog of uncertainty toward overall demand
Marker recovery is apparent, with most market participants
500 CIF ARA bearing neutral expectations for the start of 2021.
Sustainable recovery will take time and “there will be caps
on the upside,” said a participant.
Some market sources expected recovery to come later in
Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20 2021, but this will be contingent on how the coronavirus
Source: S&P Global Platts situation unfolds.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
Meanwhile in the US, changes to reformulated gasoline Lianyuangang, and Yisheng Petrochemical’s 3 million mt/
specifications that took effect Jan. 1 may shift the year plant at Ningbo, according to sources. This represents
level of toluene extraction from reformate or the an almost 14% jump in Chinese PTA capacity from the end
demand for toluene as an octane booster in gasoline. of 2020.
Market participants were uncertain in 2020 how the
new rules would play out in aromatics markets beyond However, trade participants expect the overall Chinese
expectations of increased demand, and potentially prices, PTA operation rate to be lower after the new startups
for reformate. come online in 2021, as the downstream polyester growth
falls behind new PTA expansion.
The Bureau of Indian Standards is also likely to introduce
stricter quality specifications for toluene, and issue Total Chinese PTA inventories have been hovering around
relevant certificates to suppliers adhering to such norms. a record high of 3.6 million-4 million mt since H2 2020,
The proposed quality check has been postponed due to which is way above the typical stock level of 1 million-1.5
procedural delays induced by COVID-19, but will pressure million mt before COVID-19 due to new capacity and weak
the market eventually in 2021. demand especially in early 2020 when the pandemic was
at its worst in China, according to sources.
Toluene disproportionation
In the US, the potential for improved toluene The PTA/feedstock paraxylene spread averaged to
disproportionation unit margins may improve demand, $77/mt for dollar-denominated cargoes and
which had been confined to gasoline blending for much Yuan 523/mt for Chinese domestic prompt PTA in
of 2020. September to early-December 2020, down 13%-16% from
the first half of 2020, S&P Global Platts data showed. This
TDP and STDP margins will hinge more so on benzene has already driven the profit margins for some Asian PTA
rather than on mixed xylenes or paraxylene, with the producers to negative territory, yet the spread is likely
appetite for the latter two depressed in the US, sources to be squeezed further in 2021, especially within China,
said. Tight US benzene supply is expected in the early sources said.
months of the year due to low import volumes, slimmer
inventory levels and reduced refinery operating rates. While market players have discussed China’s PTA
export potential after the mega expansions, there is
European market players will also be monitoring STDP no expectation of a significant increase on China’s PTA
activity in the US, as they think that improving STDP margins exports in 2021 due to logistics challenges, higher freight
could support toluene prices in Europe. costs compared with other Northeast Asian exporters,
and a dearth of new import markets.
— Philip Reeder, Sue Koh, Emily Burleson,
Alexander Borulev, Shivangi Acharya On the demand side, the Chinese market expects demand
from the downstream polyester chain to continue growing
on the back of economic recovery in Asia. The World Bank
Asian PTA faces supply glut in China in 2021 predicts China’s GDP growth at 7.9% in 2021, based on
the East Asia and Pacific Economic Update issued in
New Chinese startups to weigh on Asian PTA October 2020.
India PTA imports to increase on limited supply
Uncertainties remain on freight cost and COVID-19 With intensive PTA expansion in China, South Korean
PTA exporters will continue to target European and
The purified terephthalic acid market in Asia is expected Turkish markets, tapping advantages derived from Free
to be flooded with supply as new capacities come on Trade Agreements. South Korea has exported a total
stream in China in the first half of 2021, hitting PTA of 1.62 million mt PTA in January to October 2020, with
margins and pushing Northeast Asian producers to seek barely 92,272 mt to China. This is slightly lower than the
other outlets. full-year exports of 2.08 million mt in 2019, including
255,906 mt to China, according to customs data.
Market sources expect Northeast Asian barrels to start
finding their way to other markets such as India, the Middle Taiwanese producers, who used to export large quantities
East and Europe. of PTA to China are actively exploring other markets like
Vietnam and India. Vietnam has surpassed China to be the
PTA mega-expansion in China largest PTA export market for Taiwan in 2020. Taiwan’s PTA
A total of 7.9 million mt/year of new PTA capacity is expected exports totaled to 554,017 mt between January to October
to be brought online in China in H1 2021, including Fujian 2020, including 314,866 mt to Vietnam and 208,970 mt
Baihong Group’s 2.5 million mt/year plant at Quanzhou, to China, based on customs data. In 2019, PTA exports to
Shenghong Petrochemical’s 2.4 million mt/year plant at China was at 516,677 mt.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
“No single [overseas] seller is interested in selling to China PTA CFR INDIACFR CHINA SPREAD SOARS
[due to squeezed prices],” a Northeast Asian PTA producer
Delta CFR India vs CFR China ($/mt)
said, adding the physical spot PTA trades to China will 120
become less liquid after the mega-expansion.
India is second largest PTA market in Asia, typically
importing 50,000–60,000 mt per month before the Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20
pandemic, according to Indian customs data Source: S&P Global Platts
The Indian PTA market has been facing domestic supply This spread was typically below $30/mt, Platts’ data from
shortage since mid-September 2020 amid planned and 2018 to early-2020 showed.
unplanned shutdowns.
In downstream, the textiles sector is gradually recovering
Meanwhile, some PTA producers integrated their from the COVID-19 pandemic impact but yet to bounce
downstream August onwards and increased PTA supply to back to the pre-pandemic level. With news of possible
the newly acquired polyester units, cutting some supply to vaccine launch and onset of wedding season in India from
the market. The current supply tightness in Indian domestic December to March, the textiles sector may potentially pick
PTA market may continue in 2021, when there is no new PTA up further in the first half of 2021.
capacity expected to be commissioned locally.
— Miranda Zhang, Shilpa Samant, Samar Niazi
Hence, trade participants expect greater PTA import
demand from India in H1 2021, though uncertainties
persist from potentially stricter import control, container Poor paraxylene margins set
availability and COVID-19 pandemic. to curtail mixed xylene 2021 demand
The Bureau of Indian Standards is expected to introduce Gasoline a key factor for MX
stricter quality controls in 2021 – delayed from the initial TDP runs may rise on firm benzene
timeline of December 2020 amid COVID-19 — on PTA
imports, which may create temporary supply issues. The outlook for isomer-grade mixed xylene in the first half
of 2021 is beset with uncertainty as production margins for
Freight cost, which is already spiraling to almost 3-4 times MX and downstream paraxylene as well as other aromatics
higher than the typical level, is expected to remain high have been unusually poor in 2020, and producers are
until February or even longer before returning to normal carefully considering their overall refinery production going
level eventually, sources said. into the next year.
The soaring freight cost has pushed the PTA CFR India/CFR In Asia, more downstream PX capacity is set to start up,
China spread to $117/mt on Dec. 8, the highest since Platts including phase two of the massive Zhejiang Petrochemical
started assessing PTA CFR India marker in November 2008. and Saudi Aramco’s Jazan, adding a total 5.85 million mt of
PX output to the existing pool in 2021.
ASIAN PTA PROFIT MARGINS UNDER PRESSURE However, MX demand is not expected to receive a boost
WITH NARROWRING PTAPX SPREAD from these new PX plants as they are mostly self-sufficient
($/mt) in upstream feedstock supply.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
market sources said. No new capacity was heard starting seasonally weak demand period with less traffic on roads
up outside China. and butane in blends due to a more lenient winter gasoline
RVP requirement.
However, margins for toluene disproportionation units,
which use toluene to produce benzene and isomer-MX, Should countries emerge from lockdown in H1 2021, and
remain unclear, although those have been improving traffic return to roads, the MX and associated gasoline
on the back of rising benzene prices at the end of 2020. components markets may get a boost from an increase
If TDP margins remain poor in 2021, MX output may in demand for gasoline blending to make up for the
remain reduced. persistently weak MX-PX production margin.
Judging by the results of Taiwanese CPC’s 2021 term MX The recovery of the xylenes chain will be highly dependent
tender, which was reportedly awarded at a premium of on the scale of the economic recovery and how long the
$3-$5/mt over Platts FOB Korea MX assessments, higher COVID-19 pandemic continues.
than the $2/mt premium awarded for 2020 term cargoes,
the Asian MX market looks stable to firmer. However, US pricing trends to bleed into 2021
market sources have Factors that controlled the US’ MX prices in 2020 are
expected to contribute to poor economics in the new year,
discounted the results of this tender as most of CPC’s dampening spot prices.
term cargoes were awarded to traders. Term contracts
between producers and PX makers may not settle at The market expects tight MX supply and low PX prices to
similar levels considering the poor outlook for PX and keep the prompt spot MX-PX spread sufficiently low — an
its margins. average of $56/mt in the third quarter — to discourage any
paraxylene producers from ramping up crystallization units
Supply concerns weigh heavily in Europe or purchasing spot MX in Q2 2021.
In Europe, a key concern for the market is availability of MX.
Given the poor production margins, run rates were kept low The low volume of spot paraxylene produced in 2020 is not
throughout the second half of 2020, and may even continue expected to increase in the coming months, market sources
into 2021, sources said. said, with the import economics more encouraging than
domestic production.
The premium for Platts MX FOB ARA over Platts
Reformate FOB ARA Barge averaged around $43/mt over US paraxylene imports increased nearly 45% between
June-November, which is considered uneconomical for MX 2019 and 2020, S&P Global Platts data showed.
producers, sources said.
MX supply in the US will continue to be limited by reduced
With the prevailing length in the global PX market, refinery operating rates in 2021, which in turn will be heavily
downstream production margins are likely to remain affected by how the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds.
under pressure, dampening downstream MX demand. As a
result of slim margins, MX prices will remain more closely US oil demand in 2021 may be roughly 2.7 million b/d
correlated to gasoline than in previous years. under 2019, according to an S&P Global Platts Analytics
forecast in November. However, this may potentially
Europe’s gasoline demand outlook will be another key create some upside to the poor refinery margins seen
determinant in the MX road to recovery in H1 2021. in 2020.
Driving season is over and the market has moved into a
“Improvement is likely to begin in March or April due
to several factors: recovering demand, lower product
NEW CFR CHINA MX ASSESSMENT JUMPS ON FIRM CRUDE stocks, and improved gasoline cracks as refiners
shift to summer specs,” Platts Analytics wrote in a
Isomer-MX CFR China ($/mt)
540 November forecast. “But it will be a slow, lackluster
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Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
Global PX length to persist into 2021 of spot prices, in contrast to low single-digit discounts
despite rate cuts, stronger PTA demand for 2020 contracts, with one contract already heard to
have settled.
New PTA demand in China to absorb some excess supply
But only outlet for European paraxylene could be the US New capacity downstream
New purified terephthalic acid demand in China will also
The global paraxylene market looking to Asia, especially help to absorb excess paraxylene supply in Q1 2021,
China, to provide direction is a trend of the past few years including 2.5 million mt/year from Fujian Baihong,
that looks set to continue into 2021. 2.4 million mt/year from Shenghong and 3 million mt/year
from Yisheng Ningbo’s No. 5 unit. These new capacities
The Asian market is expected to remain oversupplied represent approximately 5.25 million mt/year of paraxylene
into the first half of 2021, extending a particularly tough demand, according to S&P Global Platts calculations.
2020 for producers. Nevertheless, market participants
expect that fundamentals in 2021, particularly in the first However, all eyes are on the startup of Zhejiang
quarter, may improve on tighter supply and demand from Petrochemical Phase 2, which will add a whopping 5
new PTA capacity, although the market is expected to million mt/year of paraxylene supply in late Q1-early Q2,
remain long. weighing on a market struggling to rebalance, and keeping
the supply-demand slate relatively unchanged from 2020.
Supply and demand is rebalancing as paraxylene Aramco Jazan’s 850,000 mt/year paraxylene plant startup
operating rates in the region have fallen due to production in Q2-Q3 will also add supply.
margins dropping below breakeven levels for an extended
period. However, sources said there was a limit to run The positive start to the year due to additional demand
rate cuts, despite the weak economic environment, may be short-lived and pressure could resurface once
due to gasoline blending demand and refiner needs Zhejiang Petrochemical Phase 2 starts up, an Asian
to secure internal supply of hydrogen to desulfurize paraxylene producer said.
upstream products.
Longer-term concerns
Reduced market supply may be insufficient to lessen Market sources said a longer-term recovery in production
current length significantly, a South Asian market source margins may be difficult, as there was enough capacity
said. Only a large turn in the gasoline market, or weaker available to ramp up operating rates or restart if
polyolefins margins, that push refineries into overall run production margins rebound.
rate reductions would cause a bigger drop in paraxylene
production, a trader said. Market participants are also concerned about the
operating rates of downstream PTA plants in China
The conflicting mix of factors make it tough for plants that have kept run rates steady at around 80%-90% of
to decide on forward operating rates and term contract capacity in 2020 due to decent margins. While new PTA
volume commitments for the coming year, an Asian capacities would boost paraxylene demand, further
producer source said. Chinese PTA inventory buildup in an already oversupplied
market may potentially reduce run rates on squeezed
Nonetheless, term contract volumes are expected to be production margins, the sources said.
larger than in 2020, easing pressure on spot supplies,
sources said. Paraxylene term contract negotiators Factors such as the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the
are discussing discounts of $7-$10/mt to the average pace of post-pandemic recovery by end-users add to the
monthly of Asian Contract Price and the monthly average demand uncertainty in Asia’s paraxylene market.
ECONOMICS REMAIN POOR AMID PX SUPPLY GLUT Meanwhile, European market players are occupied with
($/mt) their own surplus inventories and expect minimal impact
from China’s new PTA capacities on their market.
MX FOB USG Europe uncertainty
Paraxylene market expectations for 2021 are not
400 optimistic since economic recovery from the pandemic
is the major factor impacting spot prices and
PX-MX spread market fundamentals.
Market participants typically stock up for the summer
Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20 season over winter and spring, but COVID-19 could make
Source: S&P Global Platts things different in 2021, a European trader said.
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A number of market participants expected the only GLOBAL METHANOL PRICES STRENGHEN
outlet for European paraxylene will be the US. The ($/mt)
early 2021 picture may remain unchanged, as Europe 400
FOB Rotterdam
expects an oversupply of paraxylene due to sluggish 350 FOB USG
domestic demand.
Some market players believe that the focus for producers 250
CFR China
In addition, output from toluene conversion units has been Prices of imported methanol in November were already
minimal in 2020, with selective toluene disproportionation 10% higher year-on-year, averaging $238/mt CFR
or STDP margins frequently in negative territory China. This upward momentum will likely continue into
and economics unlikely to improve in 2021, market Q1 with expectations of tight Iranian supply in January
sources said. and February.
US producers may continue to compete with low-cost While Iranian methanol, through new capacities over the
imports into the US Atlantic Coast; US paraxylene past two years, accounted for around 60% of China’s spot
imports surged 45% between 2019 and mid-Q4 2020. methanol imports in 2020, questions surrounding its supply
During Q2 2020, it was cheaper to import into the to China during winter remain as Iran typically diverts
East Coast than produce in the US Gulf and move natural gas supply from petrochemical production to
material to the East Coast via a Jones Act vessel, household heating.
sources said.
At the same time, polypropylene margins, which have
US paraxylene prices could see some relief in 2021 amid been profitable for methanol-to-olefin plants in 2020,
rate cuts and shutdowns in other regions, but the outlook could face headwinds from new PP units in China and
remains poor, making market participants wonder about higher feedstock methanol costs. A total of 1.55 million
the fate of BP’s US paraxylene production once the mt/year new PP capacity in China, added in September
company is full absorbed by Ineos. 2020, is expected to weigh on local PP prices unless
domestic and export demand for personal protection
— Regina Sher, Alexander Borulev, Kevin Allen equipment continues.
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In the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, On top of this, additional production is expected to
India could attract sufficient methanol supplies given lack come online in early 2021, with the startup of the
of strong demand in some adjacent markets and its own 1.8 million mt/year YCI Methanol One plant in St. James,
limited requirements. Louisiana, and the ramp-up to full rates of Caribbean
Gas Chemical Ltd’s 1 million mt/year production facility
However, post -August 2020, with the presence of a in Trinidad, according to market sources.
handful of Middle Eastern producers, supply grew limited
as broader Asian demand recovered, and strict banking Neither company has commented officially. The
controls impeded the purchase of Iranian volumes. speed with which these two facilities come online
is likely to impact how soon the market can expect
The scenario may well extend into 2021, unless US to see spot prices decrease as a result of increased
President-elect Joe Biden seeks a return to the Iran production, market sources said.
nuclear deal.
Following the startups, Europe will likely see more
Iranian methanol constituted about 75% of Indian imports coming from the other side of the pond.
imports before February 2020, as buyers made the most However, a key question mark remains over Russia.
of relatively lax banking provisions and customs norms,
despite the withdrawal of the US’ waiver to trade with Iran There is still uncertainty on Tomet’s 900,000 mt/year
in May 2019. complex, which stopped production in late October
and resumed operations at reduced capacity in early
Over March-August 2020, Iran supplied only 6-7% of all December. It remains unclear when the units will run at
monthly shipments, India customs data showed. full rates. The company was not available to comment.
Adding to such supply concerns, the Bureau of Indian The plant outage will continue to impact spot availability
Standards is expected to introduce stricter mandatory in the European market, sources said. Unless the
quality controls on all methanol imported to India in 2021. complex resumes full operations, part of the lost
volume could be replaced by new imports as well as
While India’s usual suppliers will be able to produce Shchekinoazot’s new 500,000 mt/year unit in the Tula
as per new specifications, some traders expressed region, starting up in mid-2021, the company said.
concerns over whether BIS inspectors would be able
to hand out necessary certifications amid procedural — Luke Milner, Lara Berton, Esther Ng,
delays due to COVID-19. Mary Hogan, Shivangi Acharya
The market saw the return of some supply in H2 2020 from Global MTBE markets move into 2021 with tempered
the restart of idled units, which will bring relief over the optimism of revived gasoline blending demand driven by
coming months. easing coronavirus measures likely to result in increased
demand for transportation fuel. However, lingering MTBE
INDIA METHANOL IMPORTS FROM IRAN DROP SIGNIFICANTLY oversupply concerns set against a volatile energy market
AFTER US ENDS IRAN SANCTION WAIVERS have added uncertainty to bullish sentiment.
(’000 mt)
European outlook bullish
European MTBE demand is expected to rebound from
record lows seen in 2020, with industry participants
US ends Iran
sanction waivers
maintaining a bullish outlook for the first half of 2021.
The likelihood of COVID-19 vaccinations in early 2021
50 has translated into a renewed bullish outlook for oil
markets. Gasoline demand is also set to recover as
European lockdowns begin to ease, reviving demand
Jan-19 May-19 Sep-19 Jan-20 May-20 Sep-20 for road transportation fuels. The gasoline to naphtha
Source: India Customs Data spread is expected to continue to widen, bringing
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
improved margins for MTBE producers as drivers return US MTBE RECOVERS FROM HISTORIC LOWS IN EARLY 2020
to Europe’s roads. (¢/gal)
Market sources say they expect supply of MTBE to be 140
unaltered as the current market remains oversupplied, M1 NYMEX
with many producers having to store product. 120 RBOB Futures
Other octane products will look to compete with MTBE as
prices for octanes such as reformate remain favorable;
however, as summer blends come into play, MTBE 60
demand is expected to pick up, providing strong recovery
expectations for the summer. Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20
Source: S&P Global Platts
“It’s difficult to say how fast things can recover; the
market visibility is very low,” said an industry source, However, thin MTBE production margins from
adding that if vaccine expectations remain unchanged, feedstock methanol and naphtha are expected to
the crude oil outlook will be the main driver for continue to add cost pressure and could lead to cuts in
market demand. MTBE production.
ETBE markets are expected to grow as European Market participants forecast that the oversupply in
renewable mandates come into effect; however, demand the gasoline and gasoline blendstock markets will
implications on MTBE are expected to be minimal as ease, albeit at a slow pace, on the back of returning
producers are carrying their excess carbon allowances gasoline demand on easing pandemic-related
into 2021, allowing them to produce MTBE at a issues and with an anticipated release of vaccines.
lower cost. “[The MTBE market in 2021] will be oversupplied,
[as] China [is facing] excess capacity and with
Demand in Asia firms Middle Eastern cargoes [continuing] to land in Asia,”
Demand in the Asian MTBE market is expected a trader based in Malaysia said.
to be stable to firm in the first half of 2021, amid
expectations of a recovery from the effects of the In China, around 380,000 mt/year of new MTBE capacity
coronavirus pandemic. However, persistent oversupply will likely be added, from the Sino-Kuwait joint venture’s
concerns in the gasoline blending market and 200,000 mt/year Guangzhou facility, Sinochem’s
uncertainty surrounding oil markets have clouded the 100,000 mt/year plant in Quanzhou, and Liaoning Bora
upbeat sentiment. Chemical’s 120,000 mt/year plants in Panjin, according to
market sources.
“We think [the MTBE price will be] flat or supportive from
[now],” a trader based in Singapore said. US demand depends on export recovery
Despite expectations that US MTBE could see pricing
Lucrative MTBE gasoline blending margins and steady firm moving into the first half of 2021 as the market
MTBE blending demand in Southeast Asia are likely to recovers from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic,
continue through 2021. “The biggest [gasoline] importer, uncertainty around export demand growth to Mexico
Indonesia, is still importing,” a second trader said. A and Latin America could limit that increase, according to
recovery of the Chinese economy and rebounding activity market sources.
in the automotive sector could help further boost demand
for MTBE. As a result, US MTBE production rates could remain at
reduced levels moving into early 2021 until margins and
demand improve.
OIL AND BLENDING COMPONENT CORRELATIONS Latin American gasoline demand growth is expected to
98% Reformate
WITH EUROPEAN MTBE FOR 2020 97% Gasoline slowly resume in 2021 as the easing of lockdown measures
96% Dated Brent
continues, according to data from S&P Global Platts
93% Naphtha
44% Methanol Analytics. The region could see a slight uptick in gasoline
87% Butane
vs MTBE imports in early 2021, including imports of MTBE as a
blending component.
Low Correlation (%) High
Mexican gasoline demand recovery is expected to take
Source: S&P Global Platts
longer than anticipated, with the coronavirus still hurting
demand for transportation fuels.
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 13
Special report: Petrochemicals Petrochemical trends H1 2021
Gasoline demand growth is anticipated to slowly resume Much of the MTBE export activity in the US Gulf Coast is
in the second quarter of 2021, but will likely remain flat likely to still take place in the Houston/Texas City hub,
until then. where a majority of gasoline blending with MTBE occurs.
Any uptick in Mexico’s domestic gasoline production,
At the same time, if Mexican gasoline production however, could push increased exports of neat MTBE
decreases during this period, the US MTBE market cargoes out of the Beaumont/Port Arthur hub.
could see minimal demand growth for export
cargoes of gasoline blended with MTBE, according to — Philip Reeder, Mary Hogan, Abdulrhman Ehtaiba,
market sources. Michelle Kim, Stergios Zacharakis
Kevin Allen, Shivangi Acharya, Lara Berton, Alexander Borulev, Emily Burleson, Abdulrhman Ehtaiba, Mary Hogan, Gustav Holmvik, Michelle Kim,
Sue Koh, Ashna Mishra, Samar Niazi, Esther Ng, Simon Price, Shilpa Samant, Regina Sher, Tess Tseng, Sophia Yao, Eshwar Yennigalla,
Stergios Zacharakis, Miranda Zhang
Editorial leads
Kevin Allen, Lara Berton, Mary Hogan, Gustav Holmvik, Luke Milner, Samar Niazi, Simon Price, Philip Reeder, Tess Tseng
Alisdair Bowles, Jonathan Fox, Norazlina Jumaat, Jonathan Loades-Carter, Debiprasad Nayak, Wendy Wells
Design and Production
Jack Karonika
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