Availability and Use of Community Resources
Availability and Use of Community Resources
Availability and Use of Community Resources
JUNE 2015
I confirm that this research thesis is my original work and has been not been presented
in any other university/institution for certification. The thesis has been completed by
referenced work duly acknowledged. Where text, data, graphics, pictures or tables
havebeen borrowed from any other works- including the internet, the sources are
specificallyaccredited through referencingin accordance with anti-plagiarism
This thesis has been submitted for appraisal with our approval as the university
Signature.................................................... Date..................................
Dr W. Kerich.
Department of Educational Communication
and Technology.
Kenyatta University.
Signature....................................................... Date........................................
Department of Educational Communication
and Technology
Kenyatta University.
This thesis was written with the cooperation of many individuals to whom I owe a
My profound gratitude to God the almighty, who has enabled me to come this far.
Oludhe for their advice and untiring support, their patience and willingness to read my
My thanks also go to the head teachers, Business Studies teachers and students in the
selected secondary schools in Ruiru district for their cooperation during data
entire family for their patience and understanding during this process. My gratitude
also goes to my fellow students for both material and moral support given during the
DECLARATION ...........................................................................................................ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... viii
ABBREVIATIONS ACCRONYMS ............................................................................ ix
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction. ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background to the Study ...................................................................................... 1
1.3. Statement of the Problem .................................................................................... 6
1.5. Research Objectives ............................................................................................ 7
1.6 Research Questions .............................................................................................. 8
1.7 Significance of the Study ..................................................................................... 8
1.8 Delimitations of the study .................................................................................... 9
1.9 Limitations of the Study....................................................................................... 9
1.10 Assumptions of the Study ................................................................................ 10
1.11 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 10
1.12 Conceptual framework .............................................................................. 12
1.13 Operational Definition of terms. ............................................................... 14
CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................... 16
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................ 16
2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 16
2.2. Meaning of Community Resources .................................................................. 16
2.3. Importance of Community Resources .............................................................. 17
2.4. Methods, procedures, and activities that can be applied in using community
resources .................................................................................................................. 21
2. 5. Extent to which Community Resources have been used in other Countries ... 25
2.6. Related studies on Community Resources ........................................................ 29
2.7.Summery of Review of Related Literature ........................................................ 33
CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................... 35
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 35
3.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 35
3.2. Research Design................................................................................................ 35
3.2.1 Study Variables ............................................................................................... 35
3.2.2. Location of the study ..................................................................................... 36
3.3 Target Population. .............................................................................................. 36
3.4. sampling techniques and sample size ............................................................... 36
3.4.1. Sampling techniques .................................................................................. 36
3.4.2. Sample size ................................................................................................ 37
3.5. Construction of Research Instruments .............................................................. 37
3.5.1. Interview Schedule for Principals .............................................................. 38
3.5.2. Questionnaires for Teachers ...................................................................... 38
3.5.3. Questionnaire for Students ......................................................................... 38
3.6. The Pilot Study ................................................................................................. 38
3.6.1. Reliability................................................................................................... 39
3.6.2. Validity ...................................................................................................... 39
3.7 Data collection procedure .................................................................................. 39
3.8 Data analysis techniques .................................................................................... 40
3.9. Logistical and ethical considerations ................................................................ 41
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................ 42
DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION ............................................................. 42
4.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Teacher's background information..................................................................... 42
4.3. Knowledge of the community. .......................................................................... 47
4.4. Extent to which Community Resources have been used in teaching Business
Studies. ..................................................................................................................... 50
4.6. Report on responses of principals ..................................................................... 59
4.7. Comparison of principals, Business Studies teachers and Students responses. 60
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................... 63
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 63
5.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 63
5.2. Summary of research findings. ......................................................................... 63
5.2. 1.Teachers background information. ............................................................ 63
5.2.2. Availability of Community Resources used in teaching Business Studies.
.............................................................................................................................. 64
5.2.3. Extent to which Community Resources were used in teaching Business
Studies .................................................................................................................. 65
5.2.4. Factors that inhibit the use of community resources in teaching Business
Studies. ................................................................................................................. 65
5.2.5. Intervention measures towards improving use of Community Resources in
teaching Business Studies in secondary schools. ................................................. 66
5.3. Conclusion. ....................................................................................................... 66
5.4. Recommendations ............................................................................................. 67
5.5. Suggestions for further research ....................................................................... 68
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 69
APPENDIX A .............................................................................................................. 73
QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS ....................................................................... 73
APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................. 79
QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS ....................................................................... 79
APPENDIX C .............................................................................................................. 82
INTERVIEW GUIDE FOR PRINCIPALS ................................................................. 82
APPENDIX D .............................................................................................................. 84
SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN RUIRU 2012 .............................................................. 84
APPENDIX E .............................................................................................................. 85
PROJECTED ESTIMATED BUDGET ...................................................................... 85
APPENDIX F............................................................................................................... 86
TIME SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................... 86
Table 4.5. Some of the resources identified near schools by teachers and stud...........46
Table 4.6. Extent to which various methods of teaching using community resources
Table 4.8 Extent to which resource people were used in teaching Business Studies...49
Community resources when used in teaching and learning enhance understanding and
retention. This study examined the availability and use of community resources in
teaching Business Studies in secondary schools in Ruiru District Kiambu County
Kenya. A descriptive research method was adopted. A sample of 10 principals, 10
Business Studies teachers and 100 students was drawn from a target population of
1222 respondents. Data was collected using interview schedule for Principals and
questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers and students. Information was
collected from twenty two secondary schools in Kiambu District. Descriptive
statistics in form of percentages, frequencies, tables and ranks were used to analyse
data. Major finding of this study were that community resources were not regularly
used in Kenyan secondary schools due to constraints of time, finance etc. The study
also revealed that the respondents were conversant with community resources in their
District. From the findings teachers should try as much as possible to use community
resources in teaching Business Studies. This will improve the quality of instruction in
schools and ensure student active involvement in life-like learning activities.
1.1 Introduction.
Delimitations and limitations of the study, assumptions of the study, theoretical and
It is generally agreed that learners learn best by observing and analysing life
universal education, was certain that the old restrictions of time and place and
Commenius further statedthat breaking down concepts would be best done by giving
seeking answers. This meant observing for themselves the activities of people,
visiting places and manipulating things. Clearly instructional materials add element of
Instructional materials include print and non-print items that are designed to impart
information to students in the educational process (Bradley, Sankar and Raju 2005).
Among these items are textbooks charts community resources and many more.
The use of instructional materials in secondary schools has been widely researched
and findings indicate that the benefits of using them are immense. The integration of
knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter and helps to illustrate many
concepts taught.
Ciffone (1998) defines community resources as people, places or things that can be
found in all sectors of the community and can provide teachers with teaching
materials (borrowed or donated), project ideas, guest speakers, field trips, and
Community resources are part of instructional media which can be used in teaching.
When well used community resources can enliven a class, encourage student
participation and help students grasp difficult concepts. The outdoors can be effective
avenue for learners to develop an understanding for basic concepts. These basic
concepts extend far beyond the acquisition of simple facts by including relationship
Dale (1969), states that full and well-rounded learning should be moved beyond our
school walls and into the community. This is a laboratory which can help to bridge
the gap between what we know and what we do in education. Utilizing the
community and its resources expand the notion of the classroom to include the entire
Olsen (1954) observed that a school cannot be realistic if it is confined to the four
understanding, concerns and skills essential in the real improvement of human living,
they must have every opportunity to learn through extensive first hand, problem
solving experience. Books and visual materials are all important, but alone are not
sufficient. That is why the community opens doors for experience between the school
and the community. This can be achieved through the use of resource persons, field
trips, community surveys, work experiences and service projects, and visits to
Dewey (1966) argued that it is the business of the school to set up an environment in
which play and work shall be conducted with reference to facilitating desirable mental
and moral growth. The problem of education is to engage pupils in the activities in
such a way that manual skill and technical efficiency are gained and immediate
satisfaction found in the work. Together with preparation for later usefulness those
things shall be subordinated to education- that is, to intellectual results and the
Brown, Lewis and Harcleroad (1969) called for more planned contacts with adults of
the community since such elderly people open new worlds of experience for learners.
resource workshop. It involved more than fifty teachers in a cooperative effort with
was a booklet describing full details of potential field trip sites in the area.
Participants contacted more than a thousand community leaders (citizens with special
talents and skills). Thus many community contacts were made and community
Thompson (1981) argues that the community should be a laboratory for study in order
that the content of the curriculum might be more relevant to the lives learners led and
would continue to lead in their community. Some of the earliest community schools in
Africa recognised the need for their teaching staff to be augmented by local people
possessing skills in craft and farming and also traditional history and custom which
the teachers, often draw from distant communities might well possess. Also present
was the idea that children should learn that not all knowledge which was of value was
Julius Nyerere's policy 'education for self-reliance' called for inclusion of practical
activity and productive work into the educational curriculum, not as a punishment but
as an integral part of learning. Linkages between the school and the community were
made by inviting local intellectuals, elders and others to share their knowledge and
One of the first advocates for outdoor education we know today was L. B. Sharp in
Ewert(2006) felt that which ought and can be best be taught inside the classrooms
should there be taught, and that which can be best learned through experience dealing
directly with native materials and life situations outside the school should there be
The nature of business studies offers unique opportunities for resources within the
is a subject that is concerned with the immediate and the larger environment.
Community institutions, people and businesses are rich reservoir of instructional
materials for business studies teachers. The use of community resources in teaching
can make students appreciate the local and international relevance of what they learn
in school while affording them the opportunity to apply business studies theory and
context. This is supported by Chew (2008) who in her study on the development of
localised instructional materials in Hong Kong, came to conclusion that teaching and
learner‟s capacity and ability for employment in the different sectors of the
economy, both formal and informal. Business studies also aims at equipping the
students with entrepreneurial skills that can consequently encourage and lead to the
Every town, whether rural or urban, has placesandopportunities that exist for the
benefit of the community learning. Britain has identified Libraries, parks, hospitals,
town halls that offer potential for exciting learning. Use of Community resources
enables the learners to develop skills in creative thinking, independent enquiry, team
work and effective participation, (Ellis 2009). There are Places in Kenya that offer
opportunities for community teaching which include museums, railway stations, and
Business studies subject prepares future entrepreneurs who play a big role in
important subject to be taught only in secondary schools colleges and universities
alone. Kenya ought to reverse this trend and start teaching right from primary
community resources, schools shall achieve the goals they have set for themselves.
public secondary schools in Machakos District, Machakos County, Kenya found that
Computer Studies and Home Science. With the use of community resources learners
will be motivated and may have a positive attitude towards the subject. When students
have interest, they tend to learn the subject materials better. Heightened student
interest in class can lead to more students opting for the subject.
In spite of the wide recognition of what can be achieved when using community
resources/experiences, research shows that they have not become an integral part of
instruction as one would have hoped. Teachers use only textbooks to provide
Ethiopia showed that most teachers assigned text books to the class as the main source
that out of the total teachers sampled, (68%) had never used local people as guest
speakers or resource persons. In a similar study, Mitiale (2011), observed that social
The similar finding was observed by Mwangi, (2001) in his study on selection and
found out that most teachers did not recognise the potential of community based
resources such as guest speakers and study tours and that Majority of teachers
A lot of research has been done on community resources and their effect on teaching
and learning. Their potential to motivate and engage students may be limited.
However, little has been done to find out the extent community resources have been
The purpose of the study was to establish availability, use of community resources
ii. To ascertain how often community resources are used by Business Studies
ii. How often do you use community resources in teaching Business Studies in
secondary schools?
iii. What factors inhibit the use of community resources in teaching Business
iv. What intervention measures should be taken towards improving the use of
First the study shouldbe valuable to secondary school Curriculum developers and
planners like Kenya Institute of Curriculum Developers. They will find the
information generated by the study relevant to their short term and long term
Second the findings are expected to provide useful suggestions to other education
stakeholders like the Ministry of Education in its quest to provide the necessary
And third the findings may further be beneficial to teacher training institutions to
1. The study was conducted inRuiru District in Kiambu County, Kenya. The
district was selected because it is located in both urban and rural setting
community resources.
2. The study focused on both public and private schools. The study involved
Business Studies teachers, Principals of selected schools and Form three students.
The study limited itself to one District. For a more conclusive result rural and urban
districts should have been studied. However it is not possible due to financial and
1.10 Assumptions of the Study
2. Business Studies teachers are conversant with resources found in their local
3. Most Business Studies teachers are aware of the benefits of using community
developmental work of Piaget, Dewey among others. For Dewey knowledge emerges
only from situations in which learners have to draw them out of meaningful
Dewey suggested that people learn through authentic experience and reflection. He
(White, 2009). Dewey also believed teaching using lecture, reinforcement or other
externally imposed methods lead to less personally and socially meaningful learning.
He felt real –world, practical problems lead to more experiential and lasting learning.
through direct experience was the strongest form of learning, with an outcome that
Students cannot learn by means of rote memorisation they can only learn by "direct
living" where concrete activities are combined with theory. The obvious implication
of Dewey's theory is that students must be engaged in meaningful activities that
such learning, the teacher provides students with experiences that allow them to
resources, learners are exposed to study experiences that they have already discussed
in the classroom. Community resources bring out realism and they apply the new
knowledge and skill to previous learning. This helps create a restructuring of thought,
(White 2009).
Business studies being a vocational subject should relate theory to practice. It is the
teacher's role to provide the relevant real world experiences and facilitate the whole
process of learning.
1.12Conceptual framework
graphically or diagrammatically.
Source owner
The conceptual framework above explains the use of community resources and their
Effect in learning. The framework explains when learners use community resources.
knowledge and skills and stimulation of interest for natural resource related careers.
The independent variables are: community resources such as resource people, field
trips etc. moderating variable teachers‟ workload and nature of teaching tasks,
teachers attitudes and beliefs, access and knowledge on community resources, school
1.13Operational Definition of Terms.
Community resources: These are resources found outside the schools which are used
to be pursued in a trade.
Field trips: An excursion by staff and students to a place away from their
or relevance to a course.
Community service projects: Work without payment that a student does to help their
local community.
or no fictional additions.
2.1. Introduction
relevant, methods, procedures and activities that can be applied in using community
resources, extent to which community resources have been utilised, related studies
which pupils come into first hand contact with people, places and all things around
The issue of use of community resources is dynamic and diverse given any country's
Resource personnel.
The business units of the economy are made up of a number of players that include
management teams of sectors of the economy in the region, for example business
business trips, seminars and exhibitions , students visits to business oriented firms and
learning of business studies. These activities are essential in equipping the students
with skills and knowledge in learning , observing and practising business procedures
etiquette) and programmes in the economy as well as enhancing research abilities and
Olsen (1965), explained that community experiences, first- hand learning through
approach. Through these contacts the pupil uses the community as a learning
"I tell you we don't educate our children in school; we stultify them and send them out
into the world half-baked. And why?Because we keep them utterly ignorant of real
life. The common experience is something they never see or hear. All they know is
pirates trooping up the beaches in chains, tyrants scribbling edicts, oracles
condemning three virgins to be slaughtered to stop some plague. Action or language,
it's all the same; great sticky honey –balls of phrases, every sentence looking as
though it has been plopped and rolled in poppy seed and sesame, (Ishumi 1974, p.25).
Students need to experience what they learn in class in the community.
Wittich (1973, p.233) summarised the works of Commenius, Pesstalozzi, Herbert and
Froebel as follows:
"The most effective way to help students to become informed about their social and
natural environment is to provide for them learning experiences which are real or
lifelike and which are available to them for first hand scrutiny, questioning and
Ciffone (1988) also observed that community resources can provide the motivation
some students need to see the connection between classroom and the real world.
sense of purpose.
Relatively new, too, is awareness throughout the society that we are all in some
measure responsible for the care and preservation of our environment, in towns and
cities just as much as in countryside. There is also an attitude of mind which needs to
move out of the school environment into the world beyond. In particular, students
need to be aware that some areas of town and country are sensitive to over-use, that
some habitats are rare and precious, and that much of the world needs to be conserved
and be damaged as much by overuse by those who care for it as by the more
Akrofi (1981) explains that making the community to be a classroom becomes more
and more important when we consider the role of the school as an agent of social
change. From this point of view education is intervention. The sole aim is to
encourage learners to develop into a good citizen of his community. The traditional
function of the school is to help the parents to transmit their culture, beliefs, and
values to the children. Conditions have so changed educational needs that they not
only have to train children to be like their parents but also to fit into current patterns
of life.
Learning will become more powerful and deeper if students can see continuity from
through this continuity and alignment that helps students to connect and apply their
learning across disciplines in and out of the classroom. This conscious effort to help
the increased perception of the connections and continuities of the activities in which
we are engaged.
Teachers always face the task of pulling together the diverse understanding their
students bring into the classroom. The use of community resources provides a shared
memory for the class. The event becomes part of the common knowledge of the class
and can be referred in subsequent lessons. What is learned is, thus, reinforced and
Education process should be everywhere a reflection of life experiences of society and
service to the same system. Freire (1970) observed that a teacher talks about reality
on a topic completely alien to the existential experience of the students. His task is to
"fill" the students with the contents of his narration- contents which are detached from
reality, disconnected from the totality that engendered them and could give them
significance. Words are emptied of their concreteness and become a hollow alienated
Rousseau in Olsen (1954) observed that if you wish to teach a child geography and
you provide him with globes, spheres and maps. What elaborate preparations! What is
the use of all these symbols; why not begin by showing him the real thing so that he
may at least know what you are talking about. Attitude development results from the
students contact with his social environment. This cannot be achieved if school and
Holtschlag (2001) stated that in order for students to make the transfer of classroom
lessons to real world applications, we need to be open to all the possibilities our
community offers. We do not need a big city in which to teach because the resources
are all around us; parents businesses, zoos, museums, nature centres, parks etc. We
are as rich in our community resources as in our imaginations and we have the
Secondary school business teachers and students should make personal contacts and
A business teacher's major goal is to help individuals and families live more
influence. He must be familiar with the information about the community
of community living that impose upon individuals and their families will increase her
ability to put over the subject matter in such a manner that t it should take.
2.4. Methods, procedures, and activities that can be applied in using community
Wittich et el (1973) identifies major methods used to utilize community resources for
educational purposes as walking trips, field study, visits by resource persons, special
and processes. Business Studies students will benefit from the opportunity to ask
opportunities, etc. To gain the most from a community survey, the students must
discuss what they have read. Formulate well-thought out key questions and with the
teacher, list the names of authorities who feel could best answer the questions.
of social or physical data, particularly with reference to its spatial patterning and
casual relationships.
Grasha (1996) describes resource persons as people in the community with diversified
classroom. Guest speakers can provide novelty needed to capture student's attention.
Their elaborations on issues often provide a different context for the content of the
Taiwo, (2007), states that resource persons fascinate students as they get excited to
see professionals like bankers, experts in international trade etc. they motivate
students and some aspire to be like them. They also provide current and authentic
Olsen (1954) observed that resource persons contribute to solution of the problems,
they help to enrich and broaden meanings, to awaken and build worthwhile interests,
to acquaint students with varied aspects of their social and physical environment and
Resource persons can be of any age and come from all the sectors of the community.
Careful planning and approaches are needed to secure resource people. First of all, the
important step is determining how a particular person's area of competence fits into
the program of the class. It is essential to know what contributions the visit of the
development and modification of attitudes. Guest speakers from the community can
provide new information and experiences to students and link the school to outside
Field trips provide an opportunity for real experiencing through which to gain valid
Theoretical concepts can be matched with real life examples. They connect the
students with the real life experience. Students find themselves face to face with real
life situations that have previously only talked about in the classroom. They enable
Wittich (1973), states that field trips arouse and create interest. Few learners fail to be
motivated as they contemplate and examine things, processes and ideas. They create a
background of experience which will give meaning to reading and simple research
done later in the formal study situations of the school classroom and library.
Leader, (2003), states that field trips add value to the educational experience provided
by schools. They provide an experience not available in the classroom. They give the
factor, perhaps a way of overcoming barriers with pupils who show signs of
Field trips allow students to meet and work with experts who are not normally
available in the school time. If students are exposed to outside visits, learners are
Bagulia (2005), observed that field trips tend to be more meaningful and permit easier
transfer of learning. They review and drill ideas learnt in visiting factories. The idea
of learning a plant and products manufactured can be better fixed in student's minds.
The learners can have a positive impact on long term memory due to memorable
Field trips not only enhance students understanding of the subject but also facilitate
good communication and relation between the students and teachers. Leader (2003)
states that relationships between teachers and students can flourish and subsequently
Walking trips involve visiting nearby community workers, food stores plant and so
on. Walking trips provide invaluable study experiences within the immediate vicinity
of the school. Walking trips make it possible for pupils themselves to watch important
things happen. Students are given opportunities to leave the school grounds alone or
Special learning trips include those organised around facilities maintained for the
purpose of the school district itself. They include museums, government agencies etc.
experience as a sustained intellect activity of body and mind carried on for the
purposes which are primarily pre vocational in nature. It is a practical activity in the
industrial, professional, and industrial fields. The aim of work experience is to help
young people to acquire vocational orientation, the specific skills and interests and
career. In this process the community becomes a partner with the school.
Community service projects can enhance learning. These are co-operative group
welfare. Rickinison (2004) states that community projects have the capacity to link
with most curriculum areas. Two specific examples of benefits stemming from this
are positive gains and skills and improved understanding of design and technology
related issues. (Olsen 1954) also observed that a youngster who serves his fellows as a
safety patrol man or as an assistant in the library, office or laboratory gain a feeling of
personal significance, a sense of belonging, a new maturity and finer loyalty to his
school community.
every community. They not only make learning more interesting and functional but
also bridge the gap between the school and community. Documentary materials can
children learn best through the use of their senses, and where better to experience this
holistic learning than outdoors. Likewise, Philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-
1778) and educational reformer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi 1746-1827 both believed
Brown (1969) observed that San Diego city schools curriculum services division
compiled a list of authoritative and motivating resource persons, who have indicated a
and telephone numbers are given for more than 200 individuals, along with their
special fields of competence and interest, and grade level suitability. Amplified
telephone calls are placed from the classroom. Students prepare questions in advance
and resource person answers are heard by all in the room. Categories of specialists
Upper grade social science teacher took a class to a civic centre and wrote "very
stimulating tour when studying the United States government, reparation of the tour
very necessary to increase interest and make for more intelligent questions. The tour
of the building is very interesting and the importance of the functions of the various
offices takes on some realism that is not found in the books. The follow up
discussions and written reports for essay type grading showed this to have been very,
Reddi (2004) made a case study in the use of teleconferencing in distance education in
India. Teleconferencing makes it possible to connect resource persons at one end and
the learners/ participants gathered at disposal centres, and engage them in dialogue,
discussions and doing activities with effective learning outcomes. They use resource
In Guinea, for instance it is intended that every school no matter what its level or type
place in the life of the local community. Students interact with the community
corresponding centre of education revolutionary activity which dovetails into the life
of the village, the ward, region and the nation, (Thompson 1981).
In Somali the national literacy campaign inaugurated in Somalia in 1973 followed the
successful adoption of the Roman alphabet for writing of Somali and its immediate
all the educated Somalis as instructors was estimated to have made 400,000 people
literate and was followed by a one year campaign in which literacy was associated
with teaching about health and livestock management. For this second phase all
schools were closed for one year to free teachers and pupils to participate more in the
exercise. In the process teachers and pupils were able to practice what they had
The work of Tai Solarin at Mayflower school at Ikenne, Nigeria is a case in point.
Dissatisfied with the secondary grammar school in which they were working, Solarin
and his wife set about building a school of their own in which there would be a
greater freedom of thought and belief, less rigid discipline, and strong emphasis on
manual and practical activities. Gradually they built up a largely self sufficient school
community in which building and maintenance and food production were undertaken
by the pupils, and which was both co-educational and residential. (Thompson 1981)
Thomson (1981) observed that in Ethiopia it is intended that eventually the schools
will become self-reliant and self-sufficient. In agricultural areas the plan is for each
school to have at least ten hectares of land whilst in urban areas schools will be
He further observed that in Ethiopia the Zemecha campaign for development through
students together with their teachers to teach rural people the principles of Ethiopian
revolution and to assist them in local development activities, land reform and
formation of farmers associations. This programme was to last for five years at least
in order to reach as many as seven million people. One of the purposes of such
Natangali School in Tanzania in the early 1930 perhaps took this idea furthest in its
deliberate attempt to contribute in the school the modern forms of knowledge of the
outside world with the traditional knowledge of local tribes which was conveyed to
the other young people outside the school. The school appointed four Watambili
elders (with long experience in traditional education), one from each of the main local
tribes to come into residence in the school and continue their teaching as part of the
national education working with teachers and members of the community. The
primary school wing has pioneered the reform of primary school curriculum along
community- centred lines including a study in the four areas of functional literacy and
numeracy, citizenship and political education, self-help and cultural activities, and
community studies. These studies were linked to community projects in the village.
(Thompson, 1981)
and including notably James Aggrey, the most distinguished African educationist of
his day suggested ways in which these principles might be implemented. The teaching
of school subjects should be linked to the study of the local community and
curriculum should include health, the use of the environment in agriculture and
The reason for the trend taken by many countries is the belief that local members of
the community are in a better position to guide the integration of the school with the
2.6. Related studies on Community Resources
learning by school students had decreased substantially in the recent years. There is
affected by a wide range of barriers and opportunities. These barriers include, fear and
concern about the health and safety of the students. Teachers did not want to take
responsibilities of accidents happening to the students while they are out of the
classroom. He further found out that teachers lack confidence when teaching out of
the classrooms. They may not be able to control the behaviours of students, some
students may be distracted. He further observed that shortage of time, resources and
support were contributing factors. His final observation was wider changes within and
Taiwo (2007) conducted a study on the influence of teachers' variables on the use of
the findings of her study, she made the following observations. Majority of social
teaching. The teachers identified factors such as lack of experience with community
the school timetable and distance of needed resources to the schools as inhibiting
Bola (2006) made an investigation into the use of resource persons for quality control
revealed that female teachers are less inclined to attend workshops and conferences
where resource persons are known to present papers. This is because sometimes
workshops and conferences in which resource persons feature may be outside their
station. Thus travelling outside the station may not attract female science teachers.
Bola's study also revealed that science teachers in government schools are more aware
of the existence of resource persons than those in community and schools under the
management board. The trend is a result of the location of most government schools
in townships and more importantly the ministry often supports its science teachers to
attend workshops and conferences where resource persons present papers concerning
improving the quality of science instruction and the education policy, held in
universities whenever the need arises. Thus it is not surprising that science teachers
Bola's study also revealed that science teachers with higher academic qualification are
more inclined to invite resource persons to secondary schools. They perceive resource
persons as partners in progress and seek their expertise for improvement of science
instruction in secondary schools. Also science teachers with a degree and teaching
secondary schools and may be overloaded in terms of periods per week and class size.
Therefore they would require some assistance from resource persons from the
Thompson (1981) argues that teachers continue to be doubtful about the instruction
well as unskilled in the art of teaching. Learners remain unwilling to give the due
respect to such instructors and the local instructors who have often found their work
He further observed that teachers of social studies area who wish to take their classes
out of school to visit a museum or post office, for instance, may not find it easy to
persuade their colleagues to allocate sufficient block of time on the timetable for the
Olsen (1954) stated that teachers face administrative problems among them are
Azeb (1975) felt that teachers encounter many problems in using community
resources. Many educational systems practice strict schedules that are not flexible
enough to allow planning for an extended visit. This rigidity has left teachers with no
time to use community resources. He further observed that financial problems are
very dominant because no funds are allocated for this purpose. Azeb found out that
many teachers had negative attitudes towards the use of community resources because
this gives them extra responsibilities. He noted that parents feel that the use of these
resources in a particular area tend to base education on the needs of the particular
community and this means students will be trained for life within the community
only. The findings pointed out that head teachers fear that students will perform
Awino (1987) conducted a study on resources used for teaching Social Studies in
Nairobi primary schools and her observations were that planning educational trips for
students has been hindered by a number of factors such as lack of time for good
preparation or opportunity for a trip itself. Also the biggest task seems to be getting
She further observed that use of resource person is not without problems. Resource
people are not taken seriously by students and this makes them unwilling to turn up
when invited again. Others are suspicious that they were not invited in good faith.
Very superior resource people are too busy with their occupations that they are not
reliable. There are also some resource persons who need payment which is normally
not forthcoming. Finally duration of lessons is also too short to allow adequate use of
such people.
policies at the national curricular and instructional levels. Teachers and administrators
felt that the classes were too large in terms of enrolment. Large classes in terms of
community oriented activities since teachers were influenced to design lesson delivery
Another constraint observed was lack of guidelines for acquisition and utilisation of
community resources. It was found out that some schools used the official school
syllabi as guideline for selection and utilisation of resources even though such
documents were not sufficiently oriented to the communities surrounding the school.
Achoki (2004) conducted an inquiry into the use of resources in teaching of secondary
schools biology in North Kisii District, Kenya. In his findings textbooks, charts and
specimens were instructional resources used by most teachers. Even though resources
found in the local environment were used in the teaching of biology, it was limited
factories/industries, forests just to mention a few played a limited role in teaching and
learning of the subject. He observed that lack of finance and support from
75% of the respondents indicated that the resources were available even though they
were inadequate. Community resources are inexpensive materials which can be found
within the schools. The study will come out with measures that will encourage
The above studies show that a lot of research has been done on use of community
resources and their importance in teaching and learning. Despite the tremendous
amount of information available there is still much that needs to be understood. This
is supported by the fact that research in developed countries has considered the factors
Several studies have been made in Africa on use of community resources in other
subjects but none has been made on business studies. Business studies are referred to
as a 'living subject' because the ideas, concepts and activities in the business world are
part and parcel of our daily existence. They are therefore practical to the student's life
and society as a whole, (Nyam 2005). K.I.C.D. has advocated that teachers utilise
locally available materials which are cost effective. Community resources provide a
rich environment in teaching Business Studies. It is therefore necessary to find out to
It has also been noted from the review that there are several challenges when using
community resources. The study addresses the gap in knowledge by seeking to find
out if teachers and students use community resources, and the challenges they face if
3.1. Introduction
This chapter outlines the procedure that was used to collect the required data. It
details the research design, study location of the study, target population, the sample
size and sampling procedure, research instruments, research instrument used and their
preparation, data collection analysis, procedures and ethical considerations that were
The study was a descriptive study. According to Lokesh (1984), descriptive research
studies are designed to obtain precise information concerning the current status of the
phenomena and whenever possible to draw valid conclusion from the facts discussed.
This design assists a researcher to identify, observe, describe and analyse existing
Moderating variables include teacher‟s workload and nature of teaching tasks and
integration. Dependent variables include positive attitude towards Business Studies,
The study was conducted in Ruiru District of Kiambu County Kenya. Ruiru district is
approximately 30km from Nairobi the capital city of Kenya. The district was selected
The target population in this study comprised all secondary school principals, teachers
and students of 22 secondary schools Ruiru District. The estimated population was 22
The study involved Business Studies teachers, Head teachers and learners in Form
three. Purposive sampling, stratified sampling and random sampling techniques were
The schools surveyed were selected through stratified random sampling technique the
strata involved boys, girls or mixed schools. The same technique was applied to
further sample schools on the basis of whether or not they were private and public
schools. Purposive sampling technique was adopted where there was only one
Business Studies teacher. However where there were two or more teachers one was
selected randomly.Principals in each sampled schoolwere purposivelysampled.
The teachers of Business Studies were selected because they implement the Business
studies curriculum and they make use of community resources while teaching. Head
teachers gave information on why they are unable to support the use of community
resources. Finally the learners in form three enlightened the researcher on the
community resources they use and how often they use them. Form three class was
selected because form four was an examination class while form ones and two are not
teachers, and form three learners from the ten selected secondary schools. Ten
Business Studies teachers, ten Principals were selected and one hundred students of
3.5.1. Interview Schedule for Principals
questions give the researcher in-depth information which may not be collected using
Questionnaires were the main data collection tools in the study. Teacher's
questionnaire was divided into three parts. Part one had items on availability of
resources, part two extent to which community resources have been utilised and final
part challenges if any when using community resources. Some questions were close –
ended seeking specific information while others were open-ended giving respondents
The questionnaire comprised open-ended and close ended questions. It had questions
on availability of resources in their school, how often the teachers use them. Data
from the student questionnaire was used to compare information with that given by
the teachers on the use of community resources, to determine the adequacy and
Prior to visiting the schools for data collection, a re-test study was done before the
actual study. This was to ensure that the instrument was able to measure the
variablesexpected in the study. It was carried out at Githurai Secondary School. The
instruments were administered on a group of ten selected participants who had the
designed on the actual study described above. The participants filled the
questionnaires and were allowed to give their opinions. This facilitated changes and
for the actual collection of the data of the study. Vague statements of the
questionnaire were refined or removed all together and final instruments made.
3.6.1. Reliability
To test the reliability of the instruments, the researcher used split- half techniques.
This was done by administering the instrument to the all respondents in the pilot
study. After they make their responses, the instrument items were divided into two
sets using odd numbered items for one set and even number for the other set.
Responses made on each set of the items were scored by the researcher on the basis
on the assigned scores. The results were correlated using Pearson's product
3.6.2. Validity
The instruments of this study were subjected to initial item screening for content and
The researcher obtained permit from the ministry of education science and technology
authorizing her to collect data from secondary schools. The permit from the ministry
instructed the researcher to first report to the district commissioner and district
education officer, before embarking on the study. The researcher did, and received
permit from both offices. The D.C. gave permit instructing the D.O in four divisions
to allow the researcher to visit schools under their jurisdiction. The D.E.O's permit
authorized head teachers of the selected schools to allow the researcher into their
The researcher visited the selected schools. The first visit was to explain the nature
and purpose of the study and to seek permission from the head teachers. During the
visit, the researcher and the Head teachers agreed on the appropriate dates to visit the
On the second visit the researcher with the help of the heads of department selected
one form three class for those schools which had more than one stream. To select
student respondents the researcher sought the help of the teachers. The student
questionnaires were administered by the researcher with the business studies teacher.
form three classes. They were to fill them at their own free time but were collected
For the interview guide, the researcher conducted face to face interview with the
principals. Interviews lasted between 15-20 minutes, but in every case participants
The items in the questionnaire were both closed and open-ended. Responses to close
ended items were analysed using tally marks. For responses to open –ended items the
researcher had to read through all the responses by item and classify the responses
into broad categories. Tally marks were then used to indicate the individual responses
to each category. From tally marks of raw data, frequencies were obtained and
percentages calculated. The analysed data was then organised and displayed in tabular
The researcher sought permission from the relevant authorities like the ministry of
Anonymity of the participants was ensured where numbers were used to label data
instead of names.
Finally informed consent was sought from the subjects through a written request
4.1. Introduction
This chapter presents the findings of the study. It includes analysis, interpretation and
discussion of the data gathered from the field of study in an attempt to investigate the
secondary schools in Ruiru district, Kiambu County. The findings will be discussed
i. To find out the types of community resources used in teaching Business Studies in
secondary schools.
ii. To establish how often community resources are used by Business Studies
iii. To identify factors those inhibit the use of community resources in teaching
Business Studies at the secondary school level in Ruiru District, Kiambu County.
gender, age, academic qualification and category of the school. This information will
participants who took part in the study. It provides a basis for projections of use of
Figure 4.1 shows that 60% of the participants were male and 40% constituted female
male teachers.
20-30 2 20
31-40 5 50
41-50 3 30
Over 50 0 0
Total 10 100
Table 4.2 above indicates that majority of the participants fell in the age bracket of
between 31-40 years (50%) followed by ages 41-50 years (30%), below 30 years
The age of an individual respondent is important to the study since it reflects not only
Diploma 1 10
Master‟s Degree 2 20
Total 10 100
From table 4.2 70% of the respondents were graduate teachers with bachelor's degree
Figure 4.2: Teaching Experience.
below 2 years
3-5 years
over 5 years
Figure 4.2 shows that 60% of the teachers can be regarded as being very experienced
having taught for more than five years. The length of time a teacher has spent in a
such as people objects, places of learning importance and activities that can provide
educational experience. 40% of the teachers had taught less than 5 years.
Below 30 1 10
31-45 2 20
46 & above 7 70
Total 10 100
Table 4.5 indicates that 70% of the respondents had a class size of 46 and above
students while 30% of the respondents had a class size of less than 46 students. A
large class size influences the methodology and type of resources that can be adopted
in presentation of lessons.
Location of the school refers to the places in which the schools of the study are
situated. They have a bearing on the type of community resources that may be used in
Figure 4.3 shows that 30% of the respondents indicated that their schools were located
4.3. Knowledge of the community.
The first objective of the study was to identify community resources available in
communities surrounding the schools of study which can be used to teach business
Every community is endowed with a wide variety of resources that can be used in
teaching business studies. This section was considered essential to determine how
resources therein.
Teachers Students
Table 4.4Shows that 30% of the teacher respondents referred the community as rich
and full of activities, 60% reported that the community had a few activities and people
in the field of Business Studies and 10% stated that the community was poor with
nothing to be noticed.
60% of the student respondents felt that their district is rich and full of activities and
people in the field of Business Studies, 30% felt that it has a few activities and people
in the field of Business Studies and 10% stated that the district is poor with nothing to
resourceful. From the findings, the teachers feel that the community where the schools
The researcher wanted to find out if Business Studies teachers were conversant with
The respondents were required to identify (from a given list), some of the resources
found in their school district. Since more than one response was supplied by each
respondent the frequencies apply not to the total number of respondents but to how
Table 4.5.Some of the resources identified near the schools by teachers and
Teachers Students
Banks 7 70 4 90 90 3
Insurance companies 5 50 10 50 50 8
Industries 7 70 4 80 80 4
Warehouses 6 60 7 46 46 9
Wholesalers 10 100 1 80 80 4
Post office 7 70 4 54 54 6
Accounting firms 5 50 10 46 46 9
Law firms 6 60 7 38 38 11
Airport 0 0 14 0 0 14
Sea Port 0 0 14 0 0 14
Railway Terminal 2 30 13 20 20 13
Farms 6 60 7 60 60 7
The resources that were identified by all the teacher respondents with the highest
percentage (100%) were wholesalers, open air markets and retail shops. They were
followed by banks, manufacturing companies and post office with 70% of the
respondents, agricultural firms with 60%, insurance companies and firms were
The resources that were identified by all the student respondents with the highest
number (100%) were retailers, open air markets 94%, banks 90%. Manufacturing
companies and wholesalers were identified by 80% of the respondents. Post office
with 54%, insurance companies and firms were identified by 50% of the respondents.
Agricultural firms with 60%, of the respondents. 20% of the respondents identified
It can be concluded that the community surrounding the school is rich in community
4.4. Extent to which Community Resources have been used in teaching Business
The second objective is to find out how often community resources have been used in
Table.4.6. Extent to which various methods of teaching using community
Teachers Students
According to the responses of the teachers, practical activities were used regularly by
written materials like magazines and newspapers was regularly done by2 (20%) of the
respondents 6(60%) said they occasionally used these materials and 2(20%) never
used them. Field trips were regularly taken by 2(20%) occasionally by 60(60%) and 2
(20%) never. Resource persons were not regularly used by 1(10%), occasionally used
According to the responses of the students, practical activities were used regularly by
written materials like magazines and newspapers was regularly done by25 (25%) of
the respondents 60(60%) said they occasionally used these materials and 15(15%)
never used them. Field trips were regularly taken by 5 (5%) occasionally by 10(10%)
and 85 (85%) never. Resource persons were not regularly used by 0(0%), occasionally
were visited.
Teachers Students
Every lesson 0 0 4 0 0 3
Once a month 0 0 4 0 0 3
Once a term 1 10 3 0 0 3
Once a year 6 60 1 40 40 2
Never 3 30 2 60 60 1
From the table above, teacherrespondents 30% stated that they had not visited any
place of educational value. 60% said they visited once a year. 10% said they visited
60% of the student respondents had never visited places of educational value. 40%
It can be concluded that places of educational have not been properly utilized in
Table 4.8.Extent to which Resource People were used in teaching Business
The researcher had classified some resources into two groups, people and
Teachers Students
Shopkeeper 0 0 0 1 10% 3
Accountant 0 0 0 2 20% 1
Insurer 0 0 0 0 0% 6
Banker 0 0 0 0 0% 6
Salesman 1 10 1 1 10% 3
Entrepreneur 0 0 0 2 20% 1
From the table aboveteachers' responses it can be concluded that none of the resource
person has been invited or visited. Almost 10 out of 10 respondents admitted not to
have used resource persons in teaching Business Studies. It can be concluded from the
table above that resource people have not been properly used. These findings go
against those of (Bola 2006) who found out that science teachers perceive resource
persons as partners in progress. They seek their expertise regularly for improvement
of science.
The students were asked whether they use resource persons while learning. The
resource person used by the highest number was an accountant and entrepreneur used
by 20%. The second in rank was salesman and shopkeeper at 10%. The rest of the
The eleventh item was a list of places that have been visited for educational purposes.
Teachers Students
Local market 1 10 3 40 40 3
Supermarket 0 0 6 50 50 2
Manufacturing industry 3 30 2 30 30 4
Warehouse 0 0 6 20 20 6
Airport/railway station/seaport 1 10 3 0 0 7
Local bank 0 0 6 30 30 4
Insurance company 0 0 6 0 0 7
From table 4.14 above, the findings of teachers seem to indicate that places of
educational value have been poorly used. The commonly visited place was trade fairs
with 40% of the respondents. Manufacturing industry had 30% of the respondents,
local market and processing industry 10%. The rest of the places had not been visited
by the respondents.
From the responses of students, the most visited place was the Nairobi international
trade fair with 80% of the respondents. Supermarkets at 50%, local market 40%, local
bank 30%, warehouse and manufacturing industry 20%, processing industry 10% and
finally none of the respondents had visited an airport and an insurance company. It
can be concluded except for the trade fairs, other resources have not been properly
In addition to the above findings, the students felt that teachers should use community
resources regularly while teaching. They thought their teachers were lazy and were
4.5. Objective three was to identify factors that inhibit the use of community
This objective was to find out the challenges if any that teachers face when using
community resources.
Research question 5 was what are the constraints encountered by Business Studies
Table 4.10.Do Business Studies teachers use community resources while
Responses Frequency %
True 5 50%
Sometimes 4 40%
Total 10 100%
Table 4.10.Above shows that 50% of the teachers admitted that it was true they did
not make use of community resources. 10% reported "it was not true" that they did
not use community resources in teaching. 40% indicated that they sometimes used
community resources.
Research question four was to find out factors that inhibit the use of community
Table 4.11.Reasons for inadequate use of community resources by Business
Studies teachers.
Statement SA A UN D SD TOTAL
community resources.
community resources.
students in my school.
community resources.
Table 4.15, required respondents to give specific reasons from a given list for
who reacted from the previous question, those who reported "it is true"and I
sometimes use community resources were asked to indicate specific reasons for
inadequate use of resources. 80% of the respondents felt that their schools were not
surrounded by community resources while 20% felt the schools were surrounded by
community resources. If there was enough time to make use community resources in
teaching- 70% of the respondents revealed that there was no of enough time to use
community resources while 30% felt that there was enough time to make use of
community resources. 60% of the respondents felt that students showed interest
towards use of community resources while 40% said their students were not
interested. The respondents were asked how they felt about the size of their classes
and the use of community resources, 80% of the respondents thought that their classes
had a large number of students while 20% felt their classes were small. It was
observed that 80% said they did not receive support from the administration while
20% had support from administration. Most of the respondents were undecided about
the reaction of parents seeing students out of the school compound. 60% of the
respondents felt that use of community resources disrupts the timetable and other
functions of the school while 40% of the respondents felt otherwise. Finally 40% of
the respondents felt that it is risky to take students out or bring strangers into the
In addition to the above observations, the teachers felt that some of the students lack
discipline making it risky to take them out of the school compound. Another
challenge is that a large class will require more than one teacher to take the students
out of the school compound thus disrupting school timetable and functions of the
school. Finally some teachers felt that specific resources should be recommended by
According to the report of majority of head teachers, secondary schools have only a
few of the teaching /learning materials. Majority of the head teachers looked at the
local community as very resourceful for business studies lessons. Majority of the head
freely with local environment can make learning experiences more relevant. Majority
of the principals said that business studies teachers sometimes used community
On the basis of responses of majority of the head teachers, the conclusion was made
that the reason for inadequate use of community resources was that they could not
cover the assigned syllabus if they gave attention to experiences involving community
resources not suggested in the syllabus. They also felt that there are too many students
per class therefore the need for many teachers to accompany them on a trip. They
disrupt the school timetable and other activities of the school. It was also noted that
majority of the head teachers did not have means of transport as most schools visited
did not have as school bus which therefore means that for field trips to be made a bus
has to be hired.
Finally there is the problem of transportation and other expenses for a trip or other
activities. They stated that some of the students come from a poor background and
cannot pay extra cash to cover the activities. Their budget is limited and cannot cover
the costs.
4.7. Comparison of principals, Business Studies teachers and Students responses.
On knowledge of the community, the responses of teachers differ from those of head
teachers and students who agreed that the community was rich and full of activities
and people in the field of Business Studies. This was indicated by majority of head
teachers and majority of the students. Teachers however felt that the community had a
few of the activities and people in the field of Business Studies. This was indicated
bymajority (60%) of the respondents. The community being "very poor with nothing
to be noticed" had the lowest responses from all the three groups. This was expressed
by 10% of the teachers none of the head teachers and 10% students. From the
only a few activities and people in the field of Business Studies.These findings of
teachers go against other findings like those (Ellis 2009, Digolo 1986) who found out
that each community has certain materials which are easily accessible to a resourceful
teacher. Ellis further noted that every town whether rural or urban has buildings and
They however seemed to be conversant with the resources found in their school
districts. This is because, except for port which had no responses, all the other
Was adequate use of community resources made by Business Studies teachers? There
was consensus between teachers, head teachers and students who agreed that it was
true that they did not make adequate and effective use of community resources. This
responses from both teachers and students were that "it was not true".
This was also confirmed by Taiwo (2007), who found out that majority of social
betweenhead teachers, teachers and students. While the highest response for teachers
was once a year the highest response for students was never .these responses were
30%teachers and 60% of the students. Another pattern that emerged from the data was
that guest speakers are the least frequently used despite the educational benefits that
they can bring to the classroom such as the communication of the latest information
on the business world and information that is subject specific which may not be
The findings of this study also confirm other previous studies for example; a study
carried out by Awino (1987) on resources used for teaching social studies in Nairobi
primary schools, reported that resource people are not taken seriously by students.
Some of the comments made by teachers are that resource persons too busy and
therefore always unwilling to turn up even if invited. They also felt duration of the
lesson is too short and therefore does not allow the use of resource persons.
The response of teachers and students indicated that use of educational visits is not
widespread. Some teachers provide their students with events such as field trips. The
place that was visited most was trade fairs and exhibitions identified by majority of
teachers and students. The teachers‟ use of this methodology is commendable because
environment to outdoors and enabling learners to observe business settings first hand,
thus making learning more interesting and enjoyable (Myers and Jones2004).
Reasons for inadequate use of community resources had similar responses from head
teachers and teachers. They both agreed that transportation and other expenses for a
field trip or other activities was a problem in their school. These findings agree with
Taiwo(2007), Olsen (1954), Azeb(1975) and Achoki(2004). These findings also agree
with western scholars such as Asegedom (1998) who made study in northern
facilitating instructional media use. Hence it can be argued that little can be achieved
(and much might be lost) without their support and active support.
Secondly they both agreed that more time was required to use community resources
while teaching. If they were to use community resources regularly they will not cover
the work laid down in the syllabus. Earle (2002) identified shortage of „planning time‟
among teachers as one of the restraining factors of technology integration. Howe ever
these findings go against (Abdo and Seemela 2010) who found out that the frequency
with which teachers use media in the classroom was not impacted by teacher‟s
5.1. Introduction
This chapter deals with the summary of the research findings, the conclusions based
The study sought to find out availability and use of community resources in teaching
The analysis of data enabled the researcher to come up with the following findings
The findings established that there were more male teachers 60% than female
teachers. The study also established that majority (80%) of the teachers were
60% of the teachers had a teaching experience of over five years. This clearly
indicated that most of the teachers were experienced and should therefore be very
aware of the important role of community resources in teaching and learning process
Average class size of most of the teachers taught was (40) students and above whereas
the ministry of education recommends the maximum number of students per class
should be 45 students. Some of the teachers were teaching classes with more than 45
students. This is likely to have an effect on the use of resources by the teacher in the
teaching process.
Objective one of the study was to identify the community resources used in teaching
It can be concluded from the responses of majority of the students and head teachers
that the community was resourceful and full of activities, people and places that could
All the three groups seemed to be well conversant with resources found in their
district. This was confirmed as they identified some of the community resources
found in their district except for airport and sea port, all other resources had responses
from the teachers, students and head teachers. Results derived from data obtained
from teachers, administrators and students revealed that all secondary schools of study
5.2.3. Extent to which Community Resources were used in teaching Business
The second objective sought to establish how often teachers used community
classroom teachers indicated that the extent to which any particular community
resources were used in teaching and learning was not adequate. Data provided by
teachers showed that it was evident that they did not adequately use community
resources. At no instance they were found using places orpeople from community.
Even results of the data provided by students showed that they did not adequately use
It is apparent from the results provided by data obtained from teachers, administrators,
students and observations that the extent and frequency of use of community
The results reveal that resource people and educational visits were been poorly used
because the % was quite low with both the students and teachers.
5.2.4. Factors that inhibit the use of community resources in teaching Business
Results of data obtained from teachers and administrators indicated that the factors
which hindered the effective use of community resources during teaching and
Inflexibility of the timetable being used by secondary schools in which periods lasted
forty minutes per lesson considered too short to allow incorporation of community
oriented teaching and learning methods as field trips, surveys, nature walk outside the
Results provided by teachers and administrators show that their secondary schools
were too large in terms of enrolment. Large classes affected the incorporation of
systems and strategies that suited the overcrowding conditions of their classes.
Co-operations from head teachers, some teachers suggested that the administration
should provide funds for Business Studies projects by charging an extra fee for trips,
they can also invite resource persons to the school with the support of school
administration, teachers should change their attitudes and value their profession, and
the schools and finally develop a criteria for selection of suitable teaching and
learning resources from communities. Consider whether the selection will be carried
5.3. Conclusion.
From the findings of this study, the following conclusion can be derived. First
enhancing their teaching of Business Studies. It is evident that use ofresource persons
and educational trips is not widespread. Secondly the teachers identified factors such
5.4. Recommendations
1. Business Studies teachers should try as much as possible to integrate the use
improve the quality of instruction given in schools and also ensure the use of
5.5. Suggestions for further research
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Advancing Educationand Environmental Literacy info 34. pdf. Resource
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Kombo, O.L & Tromp, L.A. (2006).Proposal & Thesis Writing: An Introduction.
Pauline publications Africa 2nd edition. Don Bosco Printing Press, Makuyu
Moore S.J. Hamson J.B. Donaldson M.L. (2005) Who Stays in Teaching and
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Please do not write your name but you are requested to consider each question
seriously and give the information you are asked as honestly as possible.
Put a tick between the brackets against the most suitable answer(s) you have chosen.
d) over 50yrs
e) 16-20 year
5. What is the average number of students in the classes that you teach?
a). Below 30
b) 31-45
c) 45 and above
Section B: Availability and use of community resources.
a). Urban
b) Rural
8. What is your view about the community resources surrounding your school?
b) .Rich in resources.
c) .Little to be noticed.
d) .Poor in resources.
9. What are the major activities of the community in which the school is situated?
a). Commercial.
b). Agricultural.
c) Industrial.
d) Social.
10. Below, you are provided with a list of people and activities that are commonly
found in other districts. Tick against any that is found in your district. (More than one
answer allowed.).
a. Banks
b. Insurance companies.
c. Manufacturing companies.
d. Warehousing.
e. Wholesalers.
g. Shops/commercial stores.
h. Post office.
i. Accountants.
k. Airport
l. Ports
m. Railway station.
n. Agricultural firms
11. Does your school have a guideline for selection of resources in the community for
a) Yes.
b) No.
12. How often do you use the following community resources to teach business
Resources Regularly Occasionally Never
trade fair
Resources persons
Case study.
13. Which of the following methods do you often use when teaching business studies
a) Lectures
b) Demonstration
d) Visual aids
e) Dramatising
14. Business education teacher can make learning experiences more relevant by:
(More than one answer allowed)
a) Giving students theoretical knowledge which they will apply later in life
b) Using materials recommended by Kenya institute of education.
c) Providing firsthand information by letting them interact freely with the local
d) Teaching them in order to pass examinations.
15. Outof the places listed below, which one have you ever visited as abusiness
studies class.
a. Local market
b. Supermarket
c. Manufacturing industry.
d. Processing industry.
e. Warehouse.
f. Airport/railway station/seaport.
g. Local bank
h. Insurance company.
16. From the list of people provided below, tick against any that you either visited as a
a. Shopkeeper
b. Accountant.
c. Insurer.
d. Banker.
e. Entrepreneur.
f. Salesperson.
17. What is your reaction to the following statement? As a business studies teacher,
you do not make adequate and effective use of community resources during lessons.
a) It is true.
b) It is not true.
If your answer to question 13 is either A or C or both, why is that you do not use these
Indicate by using the following keys: Strongly Agree (SA) Agree (A), Undecided (U),
Tick as appropriate.
Q. Do you agree with the following statements?
13. There are inadequate community resources around
my school.
14. There is lack of time to use community resources.
15. In my opinion students lack interest when community
resources are used.
16. There is over enrolment of students in my school.
17. There is lack of support from the school authorities in
funding community resources.
18. Parents do not like seeing students of our school
outside the school.
19. Disrupts the timetables and other functions of the
20. It is risky to take students out or to bring strangers.
21. Lack of enough time
22. In your opinion what are some of the challenges facing you as a teacher when
seriously and give the information you are asked for as honestly as possible. Put a tick
between the brackets against the most suitable answer(s) you have chosen.
a. Rich and full of activities and people in the field of business studies.
4. Below, you are provided with a list of people and activities that are commonly
found in other districts. Tick against any that is found in your district. (More than one
answer allowed.).
a. Banks
b. Insurance companies.
c. Manufacturing companies.
d. Warehousing.
e. Wholesalers.
f. Open air markets.
g. Shops/commercial stores.
h. Post office.
i. Accountants.
k. Airport
l. Ports
m. Railway station.
5. React to this statement, "your business studies teacher does not like to make use of
a) It's true
6. From the list of people provided below, tick against any that you either visited as a
a. Shopkeeper
b. Accountant.
c. Insurer.
d. Banker.
e. Transporters.
f. Salesperson.
7. Out of the places listed below, which one did you ever visit as business studies
a. Local market
b. Supermarket.
c. Manufacturing industry.
d. Processing industry.
e. Warehouse.
f. Airport/railway station/seaport
g. Exhibition displays.
h. Local bank.
i. Insurance company.
j. Agricultural shows.
8. How often does your class and your business studies teacher make use of the
Practical activities.
Field trips.
Resource persons
9. In your opinion, what additional information would you like to share with the
3. How many years have you been an educational administrator in this school?
7. What are the major activities of the community in which the school is
10. Do you think there should be an active exchange of ideas and activities
12. How would you rate the interpersonal relationships of all the stakeholders in
14. Which methods are commonly used by teachers when covering the syllabus in
your school?.........................................................................................................
15. How often do teachers in your school approach you for the guidance regarding
16. Does your school face any challenges when it strives to use community
17. If any, give your suggestions on how to overcome the above problems.
1. Githurai mixed
2. Githunguri mixed
3. Kitamaiyu mixed
4. Kwihota mixed
5. Matopeni.
6. Murera.
7. Ruiru Girls.
8. Ruiru Secondary.
9. Blessed Mugutha.
10. Gitothu
11. Wankan
12. St LucieKeriri.
13. St Triza.
14. St Linda
15. Citi Science
16. Cardinal Otunga.
17. Ruiru Star.
18. Blessed Hands.
19. Victorian Girls.
20. Paresia Victory Academy
21. Lindsar Mixed high.
22. St Stephen Koma high.
Stationary. 10,000
Secretarial. 15000
Photocopying 5000
Transport. 8000
Miscellaneous. 2500
TOTAL 48,500