Home Theatre What You Need To Know
Home Theatre What You Need To Know
Home Theatre What You Need To Know
Home Theatre isn’t new. It began back in the ‘20s and ‘30s when Hollywood’s elite built small screening This brochure is your first step towards enjoying a home theatre system. In it, you’ll find questions to ask
rooms in their homes so they could view the films they had just produced, directed, or starred in. yourself before ever going into a store. We’ll explain those often-obscure acronyms and the technology
they represent so you’ll be comfortable when looking for specific answers to your needs.
Even though they were luxurious, early “home theatres” were complex and intimidating. The moguls who
enjoyed them kept technicians on staff to run the noisy and cantankerous projectors of the day. Before we begin, however, we do have a suggestion. At some point, you’ll need to consult with a sales
specialist at a store or showroom that sells home theatre equipment. In our experience, independent
Technology has come a long way. Today, home theatre systems are far more convenient, far more dealers or custom installation specialists usually have more knowledgeable, more experienced people
accessible, and far more reliable. And, thanks to the efforts of literally thousands of engineers, design- than do large mega-stores that sell everything from portable stereos to PCs.
ers, and installers, they’re far more capable, too.
Whatever your budget, the independent dealer will be more apt to listen and be more responsive to your
A good home theatre system will provide hours of enjoyment for you and your family as it literally immers- needs. That’s critically important as you make the decisions you’ll need to make before you can enjoy a
es you in sights and sounds once reserved for the very finest first-run movie houses. A home theatre system in your home.
system can also help create just the right environment to enjoy your favourite movies by adjusting light-
ing, closing curtains, even turning on the popcorn machine! For the music lover, a home theatre system With that in mind, let’s get started . . .
will also reproduce your favourite recordings with startling fidelity.
what you’ll hear
what you’ll need
where to put them
the subwoofer
but wait, there’s more...
separates are better
the surround processor
inputs and outputs
surround sound formats
what’s important
the power amplifier
Your specialist - saudio/video dealer
the component advantage what you’ll see
Sit down for a moment and think about what you really want. Once you’ve decided on the best room, you can begin to figure out what you’re going to need to complete
the home theatre system of your dreams and just where you’ll place everything.
Is it a full-scale dedicated theatre room with custom seating, lights that dim
automatically when you press “Play,” curtains that sweep into place to block You’ll probably begin by thinking about the TV screen. That’s natural, but you need to think about the speak-
distracting sunlight, an extensive loudspeaker array, and the latest video ers and electronics too. After all, a great picture and mediocre sound isn’t what you really want, is it?
projector? First, decide which type of TV will best answer your needs. There are several choices listed below.
Or is it a generic “home theatre in a box” system that you can hook up in Do you want a conventionally shaped display? These sets have screens that are nearly square and,
an hour or so. After all, that’s better than a VCR connected to a TV, isn’t it? because of that, have an “aspect ratio” (width compared to height) of 4:3 or “4 units wide by 3 units high.”
If you’re like most of us, you’re probably aiming at something between The new “widescreen” displays, in contrast, are much wider than they are high. Their aspect ratio is 16:9
these extremes. After all, a dedicated room is a luxury few of us have and and they resemble small movie screens – no accident there!
the compromised performance typical of most all-in-one systems simply
isn’t that exciting.
isn’t on? Will it be a reading area? A study? What kind of furniture will (150cm) wide and are thin enough to hang on a wall, a major cosmetic
you have in the room? Will there be enough comfortable chairs or sofas so advantage. Picture quality, while not yet up to the best direct view and
everyone can enjoy your new system when you put it on? front projector models, is still very good. The downside? Primarily cost
– they are expensive but the prices are declining.
4 5
when is ‘big’ really ‘big enough’?
In addition, you should understand something about resolution, or the display’s ability to reveal fine details. There are no hard and fast rules governing the relationship between room size and screen size.
Remember that bigger (screen size, that is) is not always better.
In most of North America, resolution is currently limited by broadcast and cable signals that adhere to the NTSC
(National Television Systems Committee) analogue standard. This means that TV pictures contain 525 scan lines, of The old guideline (for NTSC sources, of course) was that you should sit at a distance 10 times greater than
which 480 are visible. Horizontal resolution for analogue signals is described in terms of lines, which equate to pixels in the screen’s height. For persons with “normal” eyesight, this was far enough away so that the scan lines
a digital signal. For standard NTSC there are 330 lines or pixels. were not visible.
Many other areas in the world (particularly Western Europe, the U.K., Australia, and South Africa) use a video standard However, “hi def” (high definition) video sources changed this. Hi def sources have more – and usually far
called PAL (Phase Alternate by Line). France and most of Eastern Europe, by way of contrast, use a system called narrower – scan lines than NTSC sources. This means you can sit closer to the screen and not see them.
SECAM (in English, Sequential Colour with Memory). Both PAL and SECAM broadcasts deliver better resolution than In addition, hi def’s aspect ratio (16:9 as opposed to 4:3) makes screen width more important than height.
NTSC, both having 576 visible scan lines out of a total of 625. With most hi def sources, you can sit just 3 times the screen width away and enjoy a fine picture.
The three systems are incompatible, but you can buy dual-standard NTSC/PAL TVs and external converters are avail- For these reasons, we suggest that you consult your dealer or installer before making an arbitrary decision
able. on the screen size you “should “ have. As you can see, your best choice may be very different from what a
quick measurement of available wall space might indicate.
In North America, next-generation digital television is already available as a broadcast either directly from a terrestrial
transmitter or from a satellite. (DTV over cable is probably a long way off in the future.)
There are other considerations you should be aware of in addition to resolution. Your dealer can explain
The situation in the rest of the world is less well defined at present. Japan, after introducing a high definition analogue the details but here are a few quick comments:
standard, abandoned it to research a digital alternative. Europe is currently enmeshed in techno-political discussions
about high-definition TV, but standard definition digital signals are already available via satellite, cable and from terrestri- Interlaced and progressive scanning: There are two different ways a TV “draws” an image on a screen.
al broadcast in several countries. To view them, you need either a digital TV or a set-top box converter.
In the first, the TV draws two halves of a complete picture separately. The first half (called a “field”) con-
sists of the odd numbered scanning lines. The second field consists of the even-numbered lines. The
fields are drawn one after the other so quickly that our brain integrates these two fields into a single picture
or “frame.” We call this an “interlaced” image because we create it by interlacing odd and even lines to
form one complete likeness. All NTSC, PAL/SECAM and many DTV signals (North America only at pres-
ent) are interlaced.
A “progressive” image, on the other hand, is drawn all at once. There are no odd- and even-numbered
“fields” to integrate, just a series of whole images continuously followed by other whole images. All com-
puter monitors use progressive scanning. Some DTV signals (again, North America only) are progressive
PAL also. Progressive scanning usually produces clearer pictures of fast moving events (a soccer game, for
SECAM example, or the chase scene from an action movie) than interlaced scanning can. Many people prefer it for
that reason.
Regardless of how you receive it, DTV will come in three variants – SDTV, EDTV, and HDTV.
SDTV, or standard definition television doesn't convey any more basic detail than NTSC, PAL or SECAM signals, but is
noticeably better, primarily due to the fact that its digital format is less prone to signal degradation and consequent cor-
ruption than analogue-based formats. SDTV is best suited to small or medium screen sizes.
EDTV (enhanced definition TV) delivers visibly better pictures than analogue. In North America it provides 480 visible
scanning lines, each containing 640 pixels. Digitally transmitted programmes in Europe use the extra scanning lines
that PAL and SECAM provide, with the capability of over 700 horizontal pixels in widescreen format. This additional
detail looks pretty impressive on a larger screen. (This is, incidentally, even better than DVD’s potential.)
HDTV (high definition TV) will deliver a truly stunning picture with up to 1080 scanning lines, each with a potential of up
to 1920 pixels! That’s far better resolution than you’ll find with either NTSC or lower-resolution digital TV sources.
HDTV signals rival the quality of movie film when displayed properly.
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composite, s-, and component video signals
These formats, used primarily to get a video signal from one component to another, have implications beyond the
merely practical. Before outlining some of the differences between them, you should know that video information falls
into two main categories – luminance (brightness) and chrominance (colour).
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what you’ll hear where to put them
If your display screen is the visual centre of your home theatre system, your favourite chair or sofa is the focus for what Although placing six speakers in one room may seem difficult at first, it is surprisingly easy if you follow a few simple
you’ll hear. That’s very important because it dictates how you need to place your loudspeakers so you can hear movie guidelines.
soundtracks as the directors and sound engineers intended you to. Fortunately, the same principals also apply to
music,so you can enjoy both films and an audio recording through the same speakers. First, your main Left and Right speakers (we’ll call them L and R from now on) should flank whatever TV screen
you’ve chosen. If you plan to use your system primarily to watch movies, place them along the same wall as the dis-
Home theatre systems usually begin with a “5.1” speaker array. This simply means five full range speakers (Left, play so that they’ll form a 45° angle when viewed from your viewing/listening position. (Angles up to 60° may be nec-
Centre, and Right at the front with Left Surround and Right Surround at the back) and one limited-range subwoofer for essary depending on room size, screen size, and distance from screen to listening/viewing position. In fact, we rec-
bass reproduction only. ommend a 60° spread if you’re going to be listening to a lot of music through your system.) Ideally, both speakers
will be at equal distances from each side of the screen to assure good integration of image and sound.
Notice that we said “ . . . begin with a ‘5.1’ speaker array.” That’s important. Some new surround sound formats like
Dolby Digital EX sound best with two more full range speakers at the rear of your theatre space. We’ll get to them
shortly. For now, let’s stick with 5.1.
Diagram 1
This is the best “movie”
angle as it duplicates the
speaker placement on a
“dubbing stage” where
movie soundtracks are
Diagram 2
If you’re a music aficionado,
consider moving your main
speakers further away from
the video display.
The Centre Channel speaker (C from now on) should be as close to your TV screen as possible – either directly under
or directly over it – and at the same distance from your favourite chair as the main speakers.
Your dealer can show you a number of options from large floor-standing speakers through smaller stand-or shelf-
mounted models to in-wall speakers. Although most larger freestanding speakers have sonic advantages when com-
pared with small or in-wall designs, they are more intrusive aesthetically.
Regardless of which type you choose, however, listen carefully to several models before you decide. Speakers are
very democratic and treat all audio signals exactly the same way, be they Sibelius quartets or Spielberg sci-fi flicks.
You want a speaker that is as neutral and faithful to the original sound as possible, simply because you want to hear
the source, not the speaker. Diagram 3
This is ideal but not always
Your home theatre speakers should all come from the same manufacturer if at all possible. That’s your best assurance
that each one will have approximately the same tonal balance (sometimes called timbre) as the others. The benefit
here is that you’ll hear the same quality of sound regardless of which speaker is generating it.
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the subwoofer
A subwoofer (usually called a “sub”) is a loudspeaker specifically designed to reproduce only low bass
sounds. One of the characteristics of bass information is that it is difficult to identify just where it comes from.
That’s why some people describe bass as “non-directional.” Although this isn’t true in the strict sense, it’s
close enough to give us some choice when we’re trying to place a sub in a home theatre room.
Placing Surround speakers (LS and RS for Left Surround
and Right Surround respectively) is often surprisingly easy.
Getting the most out of a sub demands a decent working knowledge of room acoustics (how rooms influence
the sound you hear). If you’re like most of us, you have neither the time nor the inclination to master this
Surround speakers come in two general types: dipoles
rather arcane topic. The good news is that you don’t have to! Your dealer already has . . . and will be
which create a very diffused and non-directional surround
delighted to impress you with a few “magic tricks” – one of which is finding exactly the right spot for your sub
effect, and direct radiating speakers (sometimes called
so you can just settle back and enjoy the results.
monopoles) that produce a far more specific sense of
where surround information comes from.
Dipoles work best when placed well above ear level That being said, here’s what you need to know. Most “6.1/7.1” systems add speakers to the rear of the room
against the side walls of your home theatre room. (and slightly more complex electronics, of course) to provide a “Centre Surround” channel that places some sur-
As you can see . . .(Diagram 5 ) round information directly behind us in addition to that already coming from the regular surround channels of a
. . . they produce more sound to the front and rear of the normal “5.1” system. This can improve the sense of envelopment we normally experience from just two sur-
room but not much to their sides. That’s why you can’t Diagram 6
round channels. In addition, the Centre Surround channel gives movie directors and sound engineers a better
easily locate the origin of the sounds they produce. A “6.1/7.1” system adds speakers at the rear of your home
way to add very specific spatial information to the soundtrack when they need to do so. (Diagram 6)
theatre room to reproduce “Centre Surround” information
centained in whatever source you are playing.
12 13
separates are better
As we mentioned previously, you can buy a generic all-in-one home theatre system. Ultimately, however, most
people tire of the less than stellar performance – particularly that of the speakers – sooner than they thought they
would. And when you want to upgrade or add capabilities, these “home theatre in a box” systems are severely
That’s why we suggest separate components as a more intelligent way to go. In addition to substantially better
performance, individual components allow you to upgrade or add to your system on a step-by-step basis to protect
your investment better and to keep you at the forefront of enjoyment.
All component systems include sources – a satellite converter, DVD player, cable box, VCR, etc. – that let you
access a program, a movie, or a music recording of some sort.
For many people, the next component is a receiver, a single unit that includes connections for all your sources,
switching capability so you can watch and listen to the source you want, a built-in AM and FM tuner so you can
hear your favourite radio broadcasts, very sophisticated digital signal processing (often abbreviated to DSP), to
decode the various surround sound formats (more about them in a page or two), and, finally, a multi-channel
power amplifier to provides the power you need to get all of your speakers into the act when you need them.
If that sounds like a lot of “stuff” going on in one box, you’re right! In fact, a receiver is probably the single
most complex piece of equipment in any home theatre system. But receivers are very convenient space-
savers and a number of people choose one for just this reason. The good news here is that receivers can
provide excellent performance. The not-quite-so-good news is that, once again, your upgrade or add-on
potential is limited simply because a receiver includes everything so changing anything means a new
There is an answer to this dilemma – the “full separates” approach. This replaces a receiver with a sur-
round processor/preamplifier, a power amplifier, and, if you want one, a tuner.
Not only do these individual components provide even better performance than a receiver can – particu-
larly in the power amplifier department – but also they allow you to tailor a system precisely to your needs.
As for future upgrades, separate components provide the easiest way by far to improve your system.
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the surround processor
The nerve-centre of your home theatre, the surround processor connects everything in your system.
Sources (DVD and CD players, VCRs, satellite and cable boxes, etc.) plug into the processor to deliver both audio Almost everything connects with RCA-style
and video information, some of it analogue in nature, some digital. Most of the time, the digital signals are encoded Analogue Audio connectors.
in some way. Although you have the option of telling the processor what to do with each signal, some more Pictures : RCA cable and rear panel jack
advanced models figure things out on their own and decode signals automatically. Once your processor decodes
the signal you’ve selected, it routes images to your TV, and sends the audio portion on to your amplifier and, once
there, to your speakers.
You’ll see 3-pin XLR-style connectors on
Many processors let you select different sources to be sent to different areas of your home. Most also give you occasion but these are rare.
ways to modify or enhance the audio portion of the signal in some way to make it more pleasing or more enjoyable Pictures : XLR cable and rear panel jack.
to you.
You should know that many processors convert even analogue audio signals to digital before they send them
through the active circuitry. (Digital signals are left as digital.) After the processor performs all necessary decoding,
Many components use a fibre optic
a digital-to-analogue conversion stage then transitions the signal back to analogue so an amplifier can use it.
connector called a TOSlink. Some digital
Digital Audio audio connections use special coaxial cables
Video signals, on the other hand, most often remain analogue all the way from source to display. (In case you are
(with RCA jacks) that are optimised for digital.
wondering, DVD players put out an analogue video signal even though the information on the disc itself is digital.)
Pictures : Toslink cable and rear panel jack.
inputs and outputs Make a list of everything you’re going to watch and listen to through your new home theatre
system. Remember to include familiar sources like AM and FM broadcasts, cassette decks,
etc. Then think of the newer digital sources. Maybe you have two or more DVD and CD play-
ers, a satellite TV box and are thinking about satellite radio in the near future. Then there’s
cable TV, maybe a video game or two, a computer link or Internet connection. Consider how you’re going to “talk” to the
processor. Will you use a hand-held remote
Once you’ve listed everything you can think of, add another just to be safe. Then look for a Remote Control
processor with enough inputs to handle the sources you’ll be enjoying. Picture : Hand held keypad
Then think about outputs. Will you be routing audio and video to more than one room? What
kind of TV will you be using and will it have connections for the best picture? Most of the
processor’s outputs, at least those for audio and video signals, will use RCA-style connectors. Will your processor be used as part of a
computer-controlled “whole house” system?
You’ll need to know just a bit about the different connectors some source components use to If so, some processors provide a computer-style
get signals to your processor. And your processor, in turn, will send different kinds of signals terminal to make that connection easy.
to other components. All this is really simple when your dealer or installer helps you sort things Picture : RS-232 port
out. In the meantime, here are the most common types of connectors you’ll see.
16 17
surround sound formats Dolby Pro Logic: This “4.0 “ format was dominant in the analogue surround
world. Dolby Pro Logic provides (with the properly encoded sources, of
This is probably the most confusing thing about home theatre systems. That’s because there are now eight course) Left, Centre, and Right front channels and a single surround channel.
different formats, each claiming different advantages. Here they are: Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Pro Logic II, However, Pro Logic is a “matrix” format with a certain amount of channel-to-
Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, DTS, DTS ES, DTS ES Discrete, and DTS Neo:6. channel leakage. This flaw is not audible under most circumstances.
Pro Logic is still used to decode the audio portions of many videotapes and
As you can see, both Dolby and DTS have several entrants in the Surround Olympics. NTSC television broadcasts.
There’s a lot of discussion (putting it mildly) about the sound quality of various surround sound formats. We
Dolby Digital: This is the original “5.1” format. It is “discrete” in that channel-
think you’ll be very happy with what you’re going to hear from any of them providing your system is properly
to-channel separation is total, an important consideration when trying to locate
set up and calibrated. That’s something your dealer or installer will be glad to help with.
the origin of specific portions of a movie soundtrack. Dolby Digital accounts
for the vast majority of all multi-channel software available today and is the
You should know, however, that roughly 10,000 DVDs are now available, all Dolby Digital encoded. Almost
industry’s de facto standard for digital surround sound.
2,000 of these carry a full “5.1” soundtrack. Compare that to the roughly 200 DVDs encoded with other sur-
round formats.
DTS: This Dolby competitor initially promised superior sound because it used
less digital compression to convey sound from the dubbing stage (where
movie soundtracks are made) to your home. Recent comparisons have
proven these claims difficult to defend, especially with DVD, which uses a
more compressed version of the original DTS format.
Dolby Digital EX: A Dolby Digital variant, EX adds a third surround channel to Dolby
Digital’s two. This extra channel (called Centre Back or Surround Rear, depending on
who you ask) is not discrete but is matrixed onto the stereo surround information.
Technically, that makes it a “5.1+” format but is commonly – though erroneously –
known as a “6.1” format. It gives the sound engineer a more complete audio palette
from which to construct a convincing sense of directionality for surround information.
You need Dolby Digital EX encoded software, an EX decoder, and an extra rear
speaker (or speaker pair) to enjoy the sonic benefits.
THX: It’s not a surround sound format at all even though it is often confused
with one. THX is a set of standards and technologies designed to make a
home theatre sound more like a movie theatre. As such, it deals with audio
signal only after they’ve already been decoded. While generally accepted as
legitimate for movie soundtrack reproduction, THX has inspired some contro-
versy in audiophile circles where it is said to compromise music reproduction.
18 19
the power amplifier
If the processor is the nerve centre of your home theatre system, the power amplifier is its taskmaster. It Here are some things to look for:
controls the single most important component of your system – the loudspeaker.
Speakers do not just passively accept an amplifier’s signal. In fact, they resist it. To complicate things fur- “RMS” rather than “peak” power
ther, speakers exhibit other characteristics that make them difficult to control. They even generate a signal Strictly speaking, the term RMS (root mean square, an engineering term you really don’t
that returns to the amplifier! need to know anything about) shouldn't be used to describe power, only voltage or current,
and 'continuous' is more correct, but it has become common practice and it means average,
So how does an amplifier function properly under these conditions? Well, the simple answer is that some long-term power rather than some specious short-term specification
don’t. Some amplifiers are actually unstable when pushed and severely distort the signal. In extreme
cases, an amplifier can literally destroy itself attempting to deliver a signal to a particularly difficult speaker. Number of channels driven
Some manufacturers rate their multi-channel amps with only two of the channels working!
The answer to these problems lies in the balance between an amplifier’s output stage and its power supply.
This makes it easier to claim more watts per channel. If you’re paying for a multi-channel
If the power supply is the beginning of an amplifier’s ultimate capability, it is the output stage that delivers
amplifier, it should develop its rated power into all channels at once!
this potential to “real world” loudspeakers.
Good power supplies, however, are expensive to build. They ensure that an amplifier can deliver adequate The range of frequencies (called “bandwidth”) over which an
power as each channel – or all of them at once – ask for it. An inadequate supply simply results in distor- amplifier will produce its rated power
tion, sometimes very severe distortion.
Some manufacturers tell you only that an amp will produce, say, 100 watts per channel at 1
kHz, a midrange tone that almost all amplifiers handle well. The real test is how much
What should you look for in an amplifier? First is the ability to drive all of your speakers to levels you are
power an amplifier will develop at the so-called “frequency extremes.” Ideally, an amplifier’s
comfortable with. In other words, does an amplifier have enough power and can it deliver its claimed output
bandwidth will extend from 20 Hz (low bass) to 20 kHz (very high treble.)
into many speakers at once? For some, especially those who live in apartments, power output requirements
This 20 Hz – 20 kHz specification is commonly accepted as being within our normal
are comparatively modest. For others, those who insist on experiencing the full power of an earthquake in
hearing range.
a large room, power needs will be far more substantial.
Unfortunately, you’re in a particularly difficult position to judge what’s enough. That’s because most manu- Distortion
facturers rate amplifier power output capabilities differently and “spec comparison” is almost impossible. A good amplifier should not add or detract from the signal it receives from a processor.
Any deviation is called distortion and is measured as a percentage of the overall signal.
Although lower distortion figures are generally better, anything under 1% is probably
inaudible. Today’s technology, however, allows substantially better performance and
distortion figures of 0.03% are not uncommon. Again, these distortion measurements
should be made with all channels driven.
The point here, obviously, is that you need to be careful when comparing amplifier specifications.
Here’s something to remember:
A manufacturer who gives you all the information you need to make an
informed decision is probably the manufacturer who spends the time
designing good products in the first place!
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your specialists - audio/video dealer
We’ve covered most home theatre basics in this booklet. We’ve intentionally left out as much jargon as
we could. We’ve also left out a lot of detail that, while fascinating to some, is largely unnecessary as you
begin to look for your ideal system. Our hope is that this book answered just enough questions so that
you feel comfortable asking more.
Once again, however, we’ll stress the importance of visiting a specialty audio/video dealer or custom
installer. These businesses receive thorough training from many manufacturers and trade organisations.
They know their craft and can help you avoid frustrating and potentially expensive mistakes. www.bwspeakers.com
With their help, you’ll soon have a home theatre system that will fulfil your needs and delight your family
and friends.
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Written by Len Schneider
TechniCom Corporation
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