Spellbound: The Only 2-Tier Affiliate Product That Lasts A Lifetime!

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The Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich” Focus Society Presents:

Spellbound: The Only 2-Tier Affiliate Product That Lasts a Lifetime!

24 Hr. Recorded Napoleon Hill Secret” Message & Mystery Tour: 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 14

Smart, Well Meaning Folks With Families and Mortgages Don’t

Wake Up Everyday and Consciously Say To Themselves, “Gee,
Can’t Wait! Today I am Going To Waste More Time, Get Hosed,
Be Made The Fool and Whoopee for Me! Here’s Another Two
Years of My Life Going Right Down The Drain. Can’t Wait!”
You’ve probably seen and heard it all. You’ve heard, “the fortune is in the list.” True. But who cares if you
don’t know how——or have the means—– to drive people into your list. Not only that, but “stop the bus”
because even if you did know how to drive traffic into the palm of your hands, if you don’t have the
CONTENT and support structures to MAINTAIN your list, poof. It all adds up to “oh poor me where’d
everyone go!”
You’ve also heard this one undoubtedly as well. “It’s not the leads you buy that are important but the communicator
behind those leads.” Whatever that means. Nonetheless, that’s another axiom we’ve all heard.

Then there’s the one that sounds like this, “if you tell people it’s MLM you give them the objection.” That’s one I
made up. And it’s true. And if you understood the underlying REASON that that is true, you, like me, would have
done over a quarter of a Million ($250,000) in residual sales last month. Like I did.

But you already know about those. Now for something that you DO NOT KNOW and I know you don’t know
because if you aren’t F/T your very life gives evidence to the fact that you missed this one. And it’s this. If you are
not leveraged, to the point of total optimization—–you are on your way out and using money that you do not have to
fund your date with failure. Listen up. Because if you don’t——–you’re gone. As in, “catch you later.”

How To Make Sure You Never Get Slapped Again:

WISDOM is The Absolute USE of UNIVERSAL Law

Someone lack of promotion in life gives evidence to their lack of wisdom
If you already know me, seen me on any those (five) magazine covers, heard my Podcasts, purchased anyone of my
twenty four audio CDs, been to one of my retreats, read my books, I bet you think my “secret” is duplication. Well
that’s wrong. Enrolling thousands of people makes me a capitalistic predator. Certainly not a genius and the real se-
cret is, “how do guys who earn $10,000 per week GET the money out of other peoples pockets?”

Look, if I was dying. I mean if I was on deaths door and wheezing and gasping for my last stitch of air and lying
there bleeding my guts out, only to take the worlds longest “time out” into eternity, and you were tugging on my oxy-
gen cord——and whispering deeply and softly into my ear, “Joe, tell me Joe, tell me the ultimate secret of all Internet
and Direct response Millionaires,” and you were looking for that magic word, here is what I would spew out for you
that would invariably change the course of your life.

But wait. Here’s the set-up. What guys like me sell and the ad copy and the bells and whistles is not what makes guys
like me so powerful. It’s actually——an intangible secret and you can’t even see it. And that secret is this….

Your Name (1-603-555-1997 ) Earns $190 on This Sale & 100% Matching Bonus
In This Two-Level Program You Will Be 100% Leveraged Beginning Day # 1
Starting Now You Can Earn $190 Per Sale and Also $190 On Other People’s Sales!
Copyrights 2006 Joe Schroeder We sow hope you learn to love the mystery and teachings of Dr. Hill Page # 1
9 out 10 People in Direct Sales Live Under The False Illusion That
They Actually Have a Business. Wrong. All They Are Doing is
Working Their SPONSORS Business and Making The Company Rich!

Either you are leveraged and F/T or someone F/T is using you as leverage. Period.

I don’t know who it was, probably Jay Abraham that once wrote, “it’s not always what you sell that is so important as
it is HOW you sell what you sell.” Ladies and Gentlemen, I am one of the Kings of leverage and my ultimate secret is
that myself and everyone else like me is 100% and fully optimized.
And if you think that just because you are in “MLM” and/or you work a 2-Up program where everyone else’s sales
allows you to earn income on OTHER people, psssst…..that’s not experiencing leverage. That’s only posturing as
if you had some and at best, praying to the gods of struggle that get some.

Lets keep it real. In that 2-Up program you paid $3,000 to climb into, are you qualified yet? Or how about that pro-
gram you got stuck paying $200 per month for. Are you at $5,00 profit yet? I’ll make it easy for you. No. You’re not.

But wait. I thought you were in this industry in order to DUPLICATE (Genesis 1:11) yourself and use leverage?

Get serious. Had enough? Because I have the solution. Look, for years I have played the part of Tom Sawyer with
his little white fence. In other words, I used other people and their time / money / energy to do all of the work. All I
did was supply the fence (the product) and the (tools) paint. For instance, in any give day, I’d predict that over 10,000
man hours are leveraged from strangers—–to me——who are actively advertising, speaking and closing people on
one of my various programs or products. Sounds obvious. So obvious that you STILL aren’t at even $5K a month.
If You Sold This To Only 10 People Who Each Sold This to 5 You’d Earn $11,400!
Here’s another kick in pants. Last month I’d venture to say that over 100,000 post-cards were mailed with my
name on it and other people paid for the postage, for the cards themselves and oh, they paid for the list to boot!

If You Are Not a Living Example of Leverage

You Are Wasting Your Time, Energy and Money and
Will Become Dead Broke and The Town Laughing Stock!
Forget About Making $10,000 To $25,000 per Month...
You Won’t Even Be Able to Recoup Your Losses!
** Marketing Law: If what you retail doesn’t bridge and flip your buyers into more RESIDUAL income YOU have a job—–not a business.
** Marketing Law: If you are not actually experiencing leverage and promoting an optimized program you are on your way out.
** Marketing Law: If getting “qualified” to earn OFF other’s isn’t INSTANT you are being made the pawn in someone else’s game.
** Marketing Law: Never promote something whereby in WHAT you promote OTHER people can not instantly make you revenue.
** Marketing Law: The LONGER the “company” can impede and slow down your profitability the MORE the company makes.
** Marketing Law: ONLY use VIRAL marketing tools so that people you bring in can be advertising YOUR business. Wow.
** The Big Ah-Ha: No wonder you’re not F/T yet. You were never truly leveraged not to mention optimized. (tick-tick-tick!)

Here is What Experiencing Leverage Looks Like:

You Wake Up in The Morning Like Me To Find $1,000 to $4,000 in Your
“Pay-Pal” Cash Account Because Strangers Were Selling & Making You Money!
Once This Industry Owes You Twice! We Customize This Product is 3.2
$190 Money. No More Games. $190 Report For You Pounds of Joy!
In 1-Up programs you give away your BEST person in your first sale. Not here. Not ever! Page # 2
It’s nothing for me to clock in 10-14 hour days. Nothing. Because I located my destiny.
Of Course I Work Like a Madman. You Would Too if You Knew How To
Twist 10,000 Strangers into Monthly Deposits of $92,000 or Better!
Cruel Hoax #1: You gotta cringe when you finally add up the “strike three” within most of these riff-raff MLM com-
panies. Talk about “oh come hither” said the fox to the sheep!” Imagine having to balance downline legs and acquire
$10,000 to $25,000 in volume within three consecutive legs, BEFORE they allow you to exercise your equity from
levels 3 and below! Talk about who left the door open in the hen house and let the snakes in! That’s leverage? No.
That’s insane. And yet the unsuspecting NEW GUY never knows just how hosed he’s actually getting.
Skinned Alive #2: Here’s another beauty. How about this one, “we close all of the sales for you and we have a
TEAM of people closing all of your deals. We only charge $400 per sale out of your $1,500 net.” Of course they have
a team of closers. What they’re selling is over-priced, illogical and really, just hype. And it takes umpteen follow-up
calls and a team of people just to make one lousy sale. Wow. Lets all invest time / money in that one too! Not.
The simple fact-o-life is this, the LONGER the companies keep you away from profitability the LONGER they get
to use your money to make even more. Having to WAIT for two qualifying sales in 2-Up programs and how about
having to create certain SALES VOLUMES each month in MLM plans—–is not being optimized.
Imagine the insanity of owning let’s say a super market and the LANDLORD said, “you can only earn on the
even numbered aisles 2-4-6 and you can’t earn on the items in aisles 1-3-5 until you sell $25,000 per week in
Groceries.” Does that makes any sense and would THAT model work in the real world or is it just me?

How I Got Famous Guys With HUGE 50,000 Member Lists to “Paint My Fence”

Here’s a concrete example of leverage versus optimization. Ladies and Gentlemen this is not rhetoric or some
“sounds cool” idea. This is THE ANSWER and THE SOLUTION to your business. Watch this.

How many $217 “Speed Enrollers” six CD courses have I sold? Maybe 10,000? I created that coaching program all
the way back in 1996. Big names such as Yanik Silver / Robert Blackman / Dale Calvert / Marlon Sanders / Diane
Hochman / Mike Dillard / Charles Fuchs / Frederic Mann / David LeDoux all played “Tom Sawyer” with me and
painted my white picket fence—–for me. The thing though, is that I never invested in more than a few full-page ads
once or twice to launch that Million dollar deposit. The leverage came in the form of (yawn) other people’s time /
money / lists who promoted my marketing programs. Your FREE eBook and MP-3 set awaits you. JUST ask your sponsor.

So learn this fast and lesson up. That’s leverage. That’s not being optimized.

The optimization (where everything compounds upon itself) was NOT IN THE product but rather in what was inside
of the product. What was INSIDE of those audio albums was the MLM I was working. Did that work? Did I use this
FORMULA to explode my business or was it just an accident I that became the #1 out of 75,000 distributors. Do tell.

Optimization is Leverage “Squared.” It’s Also Your New Solution!

Leverage and optimization are two totally different words. Everyone knows what [leverage] is. That’s
why they attempt to build an MLM residual sales organization. Why? So they can leverage other peoples
time, money and influence. But that doesn’t make them optimized.

Webster’s dictionary defines leverage as using “credit” or by using an effective motion. So for example, if
you are a policeman with a pension plan, that’s leverage. That’s because upon retirement you would retire
with better than 65% of your monthly pay---for the rest of your life. Now that’s leverage.

Optimization though is a much bigger picture. It’s about eating your cake and everyone else’s all at the same time.

In 2001 Everyone Paid The Affiliate Company and The Company Cut Checks. Monthly. 30 Days Later.

The “New Normal” Now is Each Product is Purchased DIRECT and You Earn Cash Up-Front!

The Diane Hochman Mystery Experience. (24 Hrs) Recorded 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 22 #3
The Hidden Order and Secret
Marketing Discipline of The Filthy Rich
Free 24 Pg. VIRAL eBook. Ask your sponsor for this right now!

Optimization is different than (just) leverage and brings with it a far greater basket of rewards. To be optimized
means to take something AS FAR as it can go.
Webster’s says that optimization is, (1) “the most favorable method for growth and reproduction and also (2) “to
make the most effective use of all energies and resources.”

Optimization is The Hidden Intangible of People Earning $10,000 (per) Week

Better business is about better optimization. That’s not as fancy as it sounds. It’s simply about getting more
results, in less time with more profits within a smaller element of time.
Leverage is when you use technology such as websites, eBooks and splash pages (lead capture sites) to
build your list. Optimization is when OTHER people use these same tools and when they do, you
earn money each time they do as well. It’s optimized because it’s bearing fruit in more than one loca-
tion and within a number of income streams.
Leverage is anytime you can have technology speak, sort and sell for you. Optimization is
when OTHER people use these viral marketing methods as well and THEY are building YOUR
downline FOR you.

Authors Foot-Note: I never use any tool that first can’t be used by other people who then
use that tool to make us BOTH revenue, combined, all at once—all the time.

Secret #1 : Leverage and Optimization.

Secret #2: How The Guys Who Run The Internet Get Everyone To Part With Their Money.

Before I reveal to you what SPELLBOUND is and why OTHERS will pay you $615 to lock-n-load into this
program, I want to wet your whistle and I mean divulge one of the GREATEST mysteries of all time. Which
is exactly how guys like me who WRITE the ad copy and websites get thousands
of people to part with their money. Learn that and it’s your license to print money.

Homework Assignment: Get Scissors and Get Some Scotch Tape!

Tape This to Your Bathroom Mirror and Read This Three Times Daily Until You
Are F/T And Earning at Least $15,000 Per Month in Residual Income!
(1) “I will never promote anything unless they give me the tools that OTHER people use that makes me money.”
(2) “My focus will be to GIVE tools and resources to OTHERS where upon their energy makes me $$.
(3) “The big money is when someone I bring in makes money WHICH makes me money all at the same time.”
(4) “The key is to be optimized to the point where upon OTHER people’s advertising is making me money.”
(5) “It takes the same amount of to make work yourself poor or make a Million dollars. Both use 8-10 hour days.”
(6) “The SECRET of the rich is that they earn immediate income and 50% of what their affiliates make.”
(7) “When other people promote this program they are using THEIR money and time to promote me!”
(8) “I want to exercise my own ability to INVITE favour into my life almost daily.”

Is This The Absolute Best Invitation Letter You Have Ever Read in Your Life? ( ) YES! Page # 4
These reports that I write have made Millions upon Millions of dollars worth of sales. How?

Because I am one of the greatest ad copy artists you will ever meet. Simply ask any of the “Big Guns” about me but be
warned. Most of those guys are my close friends. And if you knew the psychological tactics we have all been using on
people—–well, I believe most of you would first kick your desks and then fall off your chair and on the way down, grin-
ning of course, say to yourself, “my blazes, I had NO idea these guys where using those techniques on all of us!”

Well, this page turner is 151 thick and sheer “do tell.” It’s not available for less than $615 bucks. Why? Because this
tell-all book that I wrote, THE ALPHA CODE, reveals secrets that quite frankly, have never been written before.
Nor will I spend my time SELLING it to you or anyone else. If after you listen to the free audio CD your friend has for
you (see Pg. 7) and if after you read my free eBook (see pg. 7) and you STILL need convincing that I have the GIFT of
seeing what 99% don’t and that I can show you things that would blow your mind, then well, maybe—this isn’t for you.

But do know this my Amigo of good fortune, the ultimate and I mean the ultimate secret behind closed doors mums-
the-word what’s the pass-word “oh my Lord” SECRET of all secrets is exactly WHAT is the hidden psychology that gets
people to part with their money time and time again. Leverage means zero without the working order of ALPHA code.

** If you knew what the ALPHA Code was more people would OPEN and read your e-mails.
** If you knew what I knew (and have practiced since “86”) you’d have made Millions by now. In your own program.
** If you knew the ALPHA CODE you’d already own and have been prosperous almost in whatever you were selling.
** The ALPHA CODE decodes step-by-glorious-step HOW people (buyers) sort information.
** Used properly as I and all of the OTHER “names” use it, well, it’s a license to PRINT money. Ain’t that a fact!
** All of a sudden you learn the ALPHA CODE and you become an overnight leveraged duplication machine.
** And then you know how ads, post-cards and websites are written. And yes, there is a hidden order.
** Now with the ALPHA CODE you multiply your own attractor factor. No wonder I build armies. You will too.
** Basically, it’s a communication LINK of the Presidents, Rock-Stars and the famous—–who rule this world.
** I possess this CODE and in fact, my life and who I am gives 100% evidence that I do possess this Genetic code.
** The Spellbound program is an actual home study program with an on-line community to support and assist you.

Featuring “The Alpha Code” and The “Omega Media Concert”

S p e l l B o u n d Once You Get In, You Won’t Want To Get Out.

Get a Euphoric high. Listen To Our Astounding MP-3

“The Conquering Chief”
Boil Your Brain Again With This Chilling eBook
Free Back-Stage Pass. Climb into Spellbound Now.
“The Missing Pages to Think & Grow Rich!”
Back-Stage Admission is Free. Sow / Serve / Reap

If The Solution is Leverage and Spellbound is The Most Optimized

Program on Mother Earth, How Does Someone Earn $11,400?
** Spellbound is the most comprehensive training system in our industry.
** I can say that because as you will see, no one delivers what we do or can.
** It’s (3) separate “levels” of education. Each one is $197. You earn $190.
** It’s two-tier. Earn $190 twice. On your sales and on those of other people.
** The home delivered Spellbound package weight exceeds 3.2 pounds. That’s huge.
** If you sold ten (10) that would be 10 X’s $190 = $1,900.
** If each of those ten sold even just five, add it up. That’s $11,400.
** I developed this program for one reason. To create a NEW standard!
FREE eBook and Double MP-3 Set (almost 2 hours!) go to: www.mywavepage.com/SPLASH-page #5
At Only $14.95 We Have Price Points That Are Attractive To Everyone. No One is Left Out!
1) “Chaos to Cash” is a (2) CD package for only $14.95 and $3 shipping. You earn $10 per sale.
2) The Book and audio CD “Amazing Increase” is $97 + $20 S & H and pays affiliates $60 per sale.
3) “Speed Enrollers” (6 CD album) is $197 + $20 S & H and pays affiliates $100 per sale.
What We Give Away For Free is Better Than The Last $1,500 Course You Bought
Mark This Day Down! You Are Now Experiencing The Napoleon Hill Focus Society at STAR-LINK.
Our Free eBook, “The Missing Pages To Think & Grow Rich” will ASTOUND You!
You will learn the #1 SECRET behind all money making offers and the GENETIC CODE which makes people
unconsciously submit to offers, any offers, that are woven tightly with what I call the “pecking code.”
Leverage (lev-er-edg) Adj. — [Short for Spellbound] 1. Get paid on sales made by
other people. 1b. Wake up to $190 sitting in your pay-pal account because while you
were asleep a stranger bought our $615 package from your friend. 2. It’s money you
didn’t have to create yourself. 3. Using other people’s lists to make more revenue.

I GUARANTEE you will never tire of opening your e-mail and seeing money in your Pay-Pal account. That’s
because with my system people serenade you with cold hard cash. Ripples and mountains of moohlah. Naturally
and alas, without use of my Genius ad copy and bevy——think war-chest—–of post-cards, website, etc—–this
can’t happen. But as my new Amigo of Good Fortune what’s mine is yours. It’s beauty and the list. Joe Schroeder
Learn the historical MYTH about how “back-ends” are the ultimate cherry-on-top by way of direct response
riches. Well that’s absolute B_ _ _ S&*%! I will teach you the actual MARKETING Physics behind how guys
like me earn $50,000 to $250,000 PER month. Hands down easy and naked to the eyes of the inexperienced. But
hark not. Now you are in my boot-camp and you will be coddled, nurtured and birthed into the ART of direct re-
sponse MLM and how to twist-lists and how to use the Quick-Link system to gather a war-field of surrendering
prospects. It’s called “it’s only 10:20 a.m. and I have already cleared $500 into my internet Pay-Pal account!”

The Alpha Code (151 Pgs.) Un-Locks The Hidden Order & Marketing Mysteries
I will PROVE TO YOU with the entire industry spying over our shoulders, how without what I call the “primal
narrative” no organization on earth can survive and how big brands such as Star-Bucks, Oprah Winfrey, Apple
Computer and Krispy Kreme Donuts and—–surprise!—me of course, have used this branding nuance to literally
glue zealots and over anxious fans to them. I didn’t get on the covers of (5) MLM magazines because of my semi-
handsome good looks, nor did my two (2) Million dollar downlines develop by accident. After I sink the hidden
psychology of the PRIMAL Narrative into your marketing Genius you will own “the source code” of all natural
Millionaires who use this “impulse” motivator in whatever they sell or market. You will be totally dumb-struck.

Spellbound is $615 Dollars. The Omega Media Platform Drives The System
The Automatic Replicated Media Concert (invented 2006) is $19.95 monthly.

A complete OMEGA MEDIA PLATFORM of content is co-branded with your name & links.
The website / reports / auto-responder /PDF / off-line mailer / post-card loaded w/your links. Level 1 Pays $190

The Media Concert at $19.95 per month is complete with embedded auto-responder.
Level 2 Pays $190
Joe Schroeder writes FOR you and INCLUDES links to whatever you promote!

1-2-3 Fast Start “Spellbound ” is $615 Our Core Philosophy:

To Become An Official Home Delivered
Re-Seller You First Must “If The Product is
and Over 3.2 Lbs.!
Worth $615 Let People
1: Own all three courses. Make $190 Per Sale
2: Each course is $197 each. Sample it For $14.95 So
3: All three added up = $615. Earn $190 again 2nd Level They Feel Comfortable
4: Now you can be an affiliate.
5: SAMPLE product is FREE. See What You Get on Pg. 8 and Bring Back $615!”

To Earn On Each Item in Our Library You Have To Have Once Purchased it. Page #6
EACH Level Un-Locks a Piece of the Ultimate ALPHA & Omega CODE
The Spellbound School of Attraction and Prosperity
Has Three Graduate Levels. Order One or Collect All Three.
Here’s How To Begin and How To Order
Course I “The Mystery” is $197 (S&H is $8) = $205
This Un-Locks Secret 1
** Go to your sponsors website and pay them.
** They will earn an instant $190. They forward us $15 to drop-ship. You Earn $190
** We ship you (1) the TV-Magic DVD and booklet. In CA$H We Trust
** You will also be e-mailed a double MP-3 set of audios. Your Affiliate Accepts Payment By:
** To be an active affiliate all three courses must be purchased. Pay-Pal Through Visa / Master Card
Money-Orders = Cash!
** You can buy just this single product or order all courses as well.
** Receive: DVD + 2 MP-3 audios + 30 page booklet.

Course II “The Marketing” is $197 (S&H is $8) = $205 This Un-Locks Secret 2
** Go to your sponsors website and purchase “level II” course.
Your Sponsor Earns $190
** Their SPONSOR earns $190 and forwards us shipping fee.
** We ship you (1) manual and (2) different audio CDs. In CA$H We Trust
** Payment gateway is at your sponsors website. Your Affiliate Accepts Payment By:
Pay-Pal Through Visa / Master Card
** You can buy just this single product if you only want this. Money-Orders = Cash!
** Receive: 101 Pg. LIST-HORSE manual & two (2) audio CD set.

Course III “The Mind” is $197 (S&H is $8) = $205 Now Qualified to Re-Sell
** All three products can be purchased from your sponsors website. Now You Pay Headquarters
** This payment is for the ALPHA CODE 151 Pg. manual. All Purchases Are Optional
** Receive: ALPHA CODE manual and two (2) audio CD set.
Set-Up of website and how we connect
** NO PURCHASE allowed without also ordering courses I & II. your auto-responder and PAY-PAL to
** The ALPHA CODE is reserved for buyers of courses I & II. our site takes 2-5 days and $47 set-up.

Lifestyle and Business Coach

Go To YOUR-NAME Site to Order Now
Seamless Ordering From One Location YOUR-NAME-HERE
No commissions Paid. You Pay Your Sponsor Directly. 1-973-555-1234

3 Simple Steps PRE-


**1: Order the entire $615 package now! Grab a Calculator and Put Notes Here:
Affiliate site & Pre-Written Letters Ready If you sold to MARY and Mary sold this to 35 people how much
instant money would you create? Hint. You earn $190 every time
** 2: Get Your Own Payment Gateway someone you sell this to sells it for $615. How much? $6,640.
Pay-Pal? (or) Safe-Pay Solutions? U-Pick
Example # 2: If you sold this to 21 people in the next year and
those 21 people ultimately sold this to 150 people how much in
** 3 : Co-Branded System Build Out TOTAL would you earn? ________________ (hint: over $30,000)
One-Time $67 Branding System Takes 2-3 Days.
** One page (1) “no spam” agreement must be signed.

No Purchase Required to Join our Free NAPOLEON HILL FOCUS SOCIETY! Page # 7
One Has This. No One Pays Almost 100% Commissions ($190 per $197)
And Home Delivers a Crate of The Best Darn Training There is and Includes…

Our Napoleon Hill Focus Society High Ticket $1,500

is a Free Gift Back to Our Industry! And $3,000 Programs
Prosperity Forum / Master-Mind Calls / No Purchased Required Don’t Offer You 1/3
Mon / Tues / Wed @ 9:27 PM (est) 1-641-793-7000 PIN 600088# Of What We Deliver To
Order Spellbound Now or a YEAR from Now. But join our Focus Society now! Your Valued Friends!
Income #1: For those that want our “Amazing Increase” book it’s $97
( + $20 for shipping) and includes audio CD. You earn $60. Only those
who own each of our products can earn from each separate item.

The Days of Only Earning on Your Own Sales Are Over! Unprecedented Value
Only $615. Not $3,000.
Now You Earn On Everyone You Ever Sell This To!
Pre-Written Letters / Post-card / 8 X 11 Mailer
Income #2: For buyers of Course # 1 (see Pg. 7) you are collecting
$197 + $8 shipping = $205 and keeping $190. You then forward our of- Omega Media Platform is $19.95 Monthly
fice $15 for THAT product to be shipped to your buyer. We are selling 151 Pg. ALPHA CODE manual 8 X 11
and earning on tangible hard goods. Not air, eBooks or a members area.
CUSTOM PDF (this one) to help make sales
Total 3.2 Lb. package shipped OUTSIDE of USA add $25
Our Auto-Responder / Pre-Loaded Letters
Income # 3: For valued customers who UPGRADE now or later to
30 Page Booklet + $500 Coaching Coupon
Course II they again are buying a shipped product for $197 + $8 = $205
and that is being paid DIRECTLY to the upline Benefactor on the site of Four (4) audio CD Cavalcade of Coaching!
the sponsor. Therefore if you sponsored Sally and Paul was buying this Earn 2-Levels Instantly $190 and $190
second product from SALLY, they would be at Sally’s site and the pay-
pal link would forward to YOU as her Benefactor and you earn $190. Co-branded Viral eBook Your Links Added

** Each purchase of Spellbound product is voluntary and not required. Yes, the DVD (58:21) is included too!
** No re-seller rights UNLESS all (3) Spellbound products are bought. Your PRIMARY PROGRAM is our Focus!
** Each can be purchased at once (same day) or over time.
** Custom build-out of the OMEGA Branding PLATFORM is (3) days. Unprecedented!
** EACH separate course pays the re-seller an INSTANT commission.

“But Joe. That’s Not Enough. Please Sweeten The Pot!”

1) Alright. You win. I’ll also include my 101 page LIST-HORSE manual with my war-chest of ad copy I’ve used.
2) Okay. You asked for it. And heck, why not. YOU ALSO GET my branded eBook laced with your name and links!
3) “Joe, for $615 I know you can do better!” You’re right, I’ll include (5) $100 coupons for AD COPY coaching = $500!

“Oh Poor Me, I Never Earned a Penny!”

The Reason 99% of All Part-Timers Don’t Earn $1,000 Per Week
is Because They Are Not Properly Set Up To Earn Money When
OTHER People Are Selling and Creating Sales. With This, You Are!
When Other People Make Sales You earn $190. Why? How? This Pays 2-Levels! Page 8
Buy a Back Brace. Package weight is heavy at 3.2 Lbs! System Set-Up
Course 1 Booklet + 2 MP-3 + DVD = $197 + $8 S&H = $205 shipped.
You Earn
Think &
Sow Rich

Course 2 “List-Horse” 101 manual + 2 Audio CD $197 + $8 = $205 Your Sponsor

Marketing Earns $190

Course 3 151 Pg. Alpha Code + 2 audio CD = $205 total Re-Seller

Leadership Rights Granted
Immediate Access
Post-Card System & Sales
** Each purchase is optional.
** Course III and Alpha Code only sold if other two are also purchased.
Simple 8 X 11 ** NO affiliate re-sale rights on program unless all 3 sets bought.
Tri-Fold Mailer ** If ENTIRE collection is shipped OUT of America add $25.


Nightly Live Calls
To Assist You 117 Pre-Written Letters in Co-Branded Auto-Responder.
“Jaw Dropping” Ebooks, reports and auto-responder BRANDS you.
Viral eBook
(your links inside) Stage “build out” can take as long as 3-4 days. The site is CUSTOM built.
We supply pre-written auto-responder letters for you.
Custom PDF
We ATTACH your payment processor to all of this so you make CASH.
(this one)
Your picture / bio / links / BRANDS you and what you sell.
Personalized WHAT YOU PROMOTE is embedded into each auto-responder letter.
Website / eBook
The Omega Media Concert & Branding Platform
Focus Master-Mind ** Omega co-branded system takes 2-3 days to manufacture.
NAPOLEON HILL ** Allows affiliate to control and access their own list.
** Your Pay-Pal or “Safe-Pay” payment links embedded to site.
Omega Media Platform ** Affiliate earns only on products that they once purchased. ***
Auto-Responder ** Media Concert complete with site / reports / audio / PDF
** EACH platform includes your name/ e-mail / phone / photo.
2-Level Pay Plan ** YOUR LINKS to what YOU promote co-branded in system.
Earn $190 and $190 ** Virally BRAND YOURSELF and what you promote.
** We BRAND (4) reports + site + auto-responder + (3) PDF’s.
Bank of Free 1-800 ** Three (3) day intensive custom OMEGA co-branding set-up is a one-time $67. (yes, branding set-up is 3 days)
Training Calls ** Usage agreement (no spam!) must be signed and faxed in prior to site manufacturing begins.
** EACH product has a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee.
** You can sample our program for free and get dual MP-3 file. Our $97 book AMAZING INCREASE (pays $60).
** Monthly licensing fee and usage performance for Omega Branding Platform and Media Concert is $19.95.
** Your picture on-site / your links on site and co-branded into all tools / what you promote we promote.

Experience The Omega Media Branding Platform Here: www.Mywavepage.com/your-name Page 9

Spellbound University for Over Achievers and People Who Want To Earn $1,000 to $5,000 Weekly
Live Calls Mon / Tues / Wed 1-641-793-7000 PIN 600088# (9:27 PM) EST

The Magic Funnel & Theatre of Prosperity

You Can Earn $60 + $100 + $190 = $350 Per Customer (Not to mention the 2nd level income!)

Inquiries / Leads / Opt-Ins / Enter Funnel Here

1-800-772-9781 Ext: 22

Nightly Live Calls

Classified ads

Free eBook

(2) CD Set
Earn $10 Earn $350
Per Buyer

The closer you
Move to free on $97 Book + CD
TOP of the Earn $60
The System
funnel the
more paying 1) Retail something
2) Get Customer Hooked
customers “Speed” 3) Bill them monthly
circle around
you sell. (6) CD set
Earn $100
Who Else Uses
This Model?
It’s easier to sponsor 3-8 Time-Warner
new people per month into HBO
2-Levels Oprah Winfrey
your primary program
when you have 15-30 new $190 & $190 New York Times
people each month as Time and Newsweek
casual retail buyers who Donald Trump
you then convert to paid iPod (Apple PC)
monthly members. Verzizon Phone
Costco / BJ / Sams Club

You Collect and Harvest 1,000’s of Monthly Repeat “Auto-Ship” Repeat Buyers
Retail Buyers Convert to REPEAT MONTHLY Customers
Direct Sales Without a Repeat Monthly Residual Income is Just a Job!
4 Products = 4 New Income Streams Recorded (24 Hrs) 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 40 Page 10
Book I Month I Book II Month II Book III Month III
Napoleon Hill’s Napoleon Hill’s W. Clement Stone
“THINK & GROW RICH!” “Think and Grow Rich “The Success System
Learn How Millionaires Think. A Must Read. Through Persuasion” That Never Fails!”


The Napoleon Hill Focus Society for Over Achievers!
Always Complimentary and Free Master-Mind Community of Harmony & Favour
Part I: When you truly seek correction an UNCOMMON Mentor will appear into your life.
Part II: There’s only one reason you are reading this. Because you ASKED for this to appear in your life. No other reason.
Part III: The SECRET of all NAPOLEON HILL books was eluded to and almost hidden. Spellbound unlocks that “code.”

What is The Secret? (24 Hrs) 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 14——–Join Our Theatre of Prosperity Now. Free!
If You Knew How To Earn $250,000 to $750,000 Annually
From Home You Would Have Already Done So!
Proof: Make sure what we teach and share through our program is unique and original information. TEST what we sell first. Sim-
ply ask your potential sponsor for (1) the double MP-3 set and (2) our “Economy of Riches” free eBook of authenticity & favour.

When Bill Gates was Favour (fav-ur) N. — 1. When someone gets behind your dream. 1b. A gift from
only 17 and the school God. 2. Gods greatest gift upon man. 3. When someone enters your life in order to
push you forward. 4. Someone who enters your life who can position you for in-
system told him, “feel
crease. 5. When someone wants to participate in your own success.

Free to come in after school all summer and use our computers in order to
experiment.” That was favour. Remember, he didn’t own one. They did.
Before I was awarded the “best Magician” in America (1986) and then later
honored in “the Presidents club” (Melalueca, 1993) and then later the #1
leader Formor, 2000) out of 75,000 other people, but before all of that—–
favour was bestowed upon me.
OTHER people, Giants such as the great David LeDoux, Robert Blackman,
Dale Calvert, Marlon Sanders, Cutting Edge Magazine, Ru$$ell Paley,
Yanik Silver, John Fogg and many others, they all lined up and said,
“Joe, what do you need and how can we position for you all that you
want?” Now today and many years later, as I gain more wisdom (that is the reward of time) I realize that the secret of
success lies not in what to do, but in rather how to actually INVITE favour into your life. Now, if for some crazy reason
you decide to ignore our teaching community, if you only “train” on the (2) audio set that I offer you as a Professional
courtesy, if you only soak yourself for a few months in those, I know you that INCREASE will be added to your life.
Hint #1: If you knew how to properly APPLY PRESSURE upon Universal law you would know how to invite more of what
you want towards you. People don’t have the power to create. But though the use of words they can INVITE prosperity to them.

5 Days of “Favour” From an Uncommon Mentor

Can Be More Useful Than 1,000 Days of Labor
WISDOM is The Absolute Use of UNIVERSAL law.
Someone’ s lack of promotion in life gives evidence to their lack of wisdom.
Clue #1: When you leave schoolhouse earth the ONLY things that follows you into forever is everything you ever gave away.
Clue #2: In order to get more “get value” all you have to do is give more “give value.” What you do to others God does TO you.
Clue # 3: The rich located where they are MOST celebrated while the ones they employ decided to work were they were tolerated.
Study Cycle 3:1 Search for the word “Habit-Force” in Book II (see top of page) in the William Penn Patrick Interview Page 11
WARNING: Do Not Dare Attempt This Alone or At Home~!
The Theatre of Prosperity Took Me 19 Yrs. To Build!
Free $615 Spellbound Course. Just Show us Anyone Who
Sells 50% of What We Do or Half of All The Tools That We Include
(Hint from Author: We don’t arbitrarily make bets that we aren’t set up to win)
It’s Called 18 Hour Days and God Awful Gut Wrenching SELF-DENIAL and Examination
JOB #1 : Joe Schroeder Exercise in UNBRIDLED power and increase! In Honor of the late-great NAPOLEON HIL

WRITE: Alpha Code. Make it thick and 151 pages and don’t skimp. Make it on 8 x 11 paper. Oh and give it a COVER work of
ART that Stephen Speilberg would be proud of. Almost make it a MOVIE-POSTER. No slackers allowed. Write something that has
NEVER been said before and REVEAL the hidden CODE that Napoleon Hill clearly did not amplify in his legendary books.
JOB #2 : Joe Schroeder Exercise in Absolute will Power. To himself. “Joe, you did it. Now write ANOTHER one!”

CREATE: LIST-HORSE. Make it 100+ pages. Expose and embellish REAL LIFE examples of how you built your list. This is
where I wrestled with myself for TWO YEARS, “should I reveal this stuff, nah, maybe, hmm….should I or not?” What resulted was
a LIST-HORSE 8 x 11 manual that REVEALED, to the umpteenth degree—– just HOW anyone can build a LIST like I did.
JOB #3 : Joe Schroeder Exercise in Absolute will Power. To himself. Joe, GO create dozens of HOUR LONG MP-3 Files

Meditate: MP-3 Files: I had to reach deep inside and here is what my goal sounded like, “Joe, you will sell more programs if the
FREE SAMPLE MP-3 files are JAW-DROPPING jewels of PROFOUND marketing insights NEVER revealed before.” But my
problem was HOW was I going to LOCATE these jewels and then PERFORM and SPEAK these gems into existence? Not only did
I hit this “Mother Load” but I predict One Million people will see this and CHANGE their lives BEFORE I die. Thanks Dr. Hill.

JOB #4 : Joe Schroeder Exercise in Absolute will Power. To himself. THIS PART MADE ME SICK TO MY STOMACH!

PRAY: (24) Audio CDs. The Warriors Prayer to Thyself. “I can and I will. I will never seek to be liked by all and I will strive to be
the man I always knew, as a boy—–that I could grow into. Seek not sleep, but rather the unbridled power to persevere 18 hour days.
Expect strife, set-backs and people laughing at you. Bury the words “I can’t” and touch 10,000,000 lives. You can. I can You will.”

I Swear This Part Almost Ruined Me!

JOB #5 : Joe Schroeder Exercise in Absolute will Power. To himself. NO ONE has this. That is why I had to at least TRY!

Beg: WEBSITE from UTOPIA! Impossible. Just impossible. NO ONE says, “we will let you advertise your programs within ours
and we will create a MEDIA CONCERT for you.” Then I decided to call our media platform “Omega” meaning the LAST or the
end of the line = the best!

I models HENRY FORD and used applied CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE of other people. I was certain I
could develop a web-system that was an INVENTION and never made before. NEW ANGLE: I said, “what if
we BREAK the RULES and try this, how about if we connect the affiliates... PAYMENT PROCESSOR to
our system! EUREKA! That way each person can make their own cash. Plus Joe, you will need to work from
(my own loathing self talk) 3 am to 8 PM and write and write and write and create and create and create.”
“GO JOE GO—–you can do this man!” —–I lost SOME hair and even went gray!
Now it’s Been Almost 19 Years, But I Persevered and I…...and I….
** No one has this because CREATING ALL of this is JUST TO HARD and takes too MUCH MONEY and “oh please this hurts!”
** Now I had to FIGURE out and how-to write a POST-CARD system. Ugh. No, I created (3) post-cards + mailers + MP-3 files.
** Then I was FOOL ENOUGH to say, “we will need SIX HOURS of new audio CD training.” Work / work / work = Spellbound.
** Now I am almost at my own wits end and I am on the VERGE of “MOTHER——where art thou!” But I persevered. I had to.
** I got some CRAZY MILLIONAIRE idea, “Joe, why not give everyone PODCASTS and also NIGHTLY Master-Mind calls.”
** Then I become almost MAD and CAESAR (Rome) like and DEMANDED, “go write 117 auto-responder letters for everyone.”
** Oh and “Joe, this is your better self, go the DISTANCE you slacker-candy-cane, WRITE the GREATEST sales letter they’ve seen!”
** So I wrote three (not one, but three) DIFFERENT Spellbound sales letters. First two stunk!! This one was inspired I think.

Everyone Can Get Started Because “Chaos To Cash” is Only $14.95. (Pays $10) Pg. #12

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