Storage Account
Storage Account
Storage Account
Database: - Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Table Storage.
Queue: - Azure Queue, event hubs.
Files: - Azure files, azure blobs.
2. What is azure storage account?
A storage account is a container that groups a set of Azure Storage services together.
3. Which type of Azure Storage services together into storage account?
Azure Blobs
Azure Files
Azure Queues
Azure Tables
4. Which type of Azure Storage services are not together into storage account?
Azure SQL and Azure Cosmos DB are managed as independent Azure resources and cannot be
included in a storage account.
5. What is Naming of azure storage accounts?
The storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that is accessible
from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS.
Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and may contain
numbers and lowercase letters only.
Your storage account name must be unique within Azure. No two storage accounts can
have the same name.
6. How many Types of storage accounts?
Azure Storage offers several types of storage accounts. Each type supports different features
and has its own pricing model. The types of storage accounts are:
General-purpose v2 accounts
General-purpose v1 accounts
Blob Storage accounts
Block Blob Storage accounts
File Storage accounts
7. How many Performance tiers of storage accounts?
Standard storage accounts
Premium storage accounts
8. What is Standard storage account?
Standard storage accounts are backed by magnetic drives (HDD) and provide the lowest cost per
GB. it best where we need bulk storage and infrequently access data.
9. Which azure storage services are store by Standard storage account?
Azure virtual machine disks.
10. Which storage accounts are supported by Standard storage account?
General-purpose V2
General-purpose V1
11. What is Premium storage account?
Premium storage accounts are backed by solid state drives (SSD) and offer consistent low-
latency performance.
12. Which azure storage services are store by Premium storage account?
A premium performance tier for storing unmanaged virtual machine disks for best I/O-intensive
applications like databases.. Microsoft recommends using managed disks with Azure virtual
machines instead of unmanaged disks.
13. Which storage accounts are supported by Premium storage account?
General-purpose V2
General-purpose V1
14. What is General-purpose v2 accounts?
General-purpose v2 storage accounts support the latest Azure Storage features. It deliver the
lowest per-gigabyte capacity prices for Azure Storage.
15. Which Azure Storage services are supported by General-purpose v2 accounts?
Blobs (all types: Block, Append, Page)
Data Lake Gen2
16. What is General-purpose v1 accounts?
General-purpose v1 storage accounts provide access to all Azure Storage services, but may not
have the latest features or the lowest per gigabyte pricing.
17. Which Azure Storage services are supported by General-purpose v1 accounts?
Blobs (all types)
18. Which scenarios we can use General-purpose v1 accounts?
You can use general-purpose v1 accounts for these scenarios:
Your applications require the Azure classic deployment model. General-purpose v2
accounts and Blob storage accounts support only the Azure Resource Manager
deployment model.
Your applications are transaction-intensive or use significant geo-replication bandwidth,
but don't require large capacity. In this case, general-purpose v1 may be the most
economical choice.
You use a version of the Storage Services REST API that is earlier than 2014-02-14 or a
client library with a version lower than 4.x. You can't upgrade your application.
19. What are BlockBlobStorage accounts?
A BlockBlobStorage account is a specialized storage account in the premium performance tier
for storing unstructured object data as block blobs or append blobs. Compared with general-
purpose v2 and BlobStorage accounts, BlockBlobStorage accounts provide low, consistent
latency and higher transaction rates.
BlockBlobStorage accounts don't currently support tiering to hot, cool, or archive access tiers.
This type of storage account does not support page blobs, tables, or queues.
20. What are FileStorage accounts?
A FileStorage account is a specialized storage account used to store and create premium file
shares. This storage account kind supports files but not block blobs, append blobs, page blobs,
tables, or queues.
FileStorage accounts offer unique performance dedicated characteristics such as IOPS bursting.
21. What are Storage account endpoints?
A storage account provides a unique namespace in Azure for your data. Every object that you
store in Azure Storage has an address that includes your unique account name.
22. What is combination of the endpoints URL?
An endpoint URL is created with the combination of the storage account name and the Azure
Storage service endpoint name such as:
23. How many endpoints for each of the Azure Storage services?
These are endpoints for each of the Azure Storage services: -
Blob storage https://<storage-account>
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 https://<storage-account>
Azure Files https://<storage-account>
Queue storage https://<storage-account>
Table storage https://<storage-account>
24. How many ways provide the access on the storage account?
You can grant access to the data in your storage account using any of the following approaches:
Azure Active Directory: Use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) credentials to
authenticate a user, group, or other identity for access to blob and queue data
Shared Key authorization: Use your storage account access key to construct a
connection string that your application uses at runtime to access Azure Storage.
Shared access signature: A shared access signature (SAS) is a token that permits
delegated access to resources in your storage account. The SAS token encapsulates all of
the information needed to authorize a request to Azure Storage on the URL. When you
create a SAS, you can specify which permissions the SAS grants to a resource and the
interval over which the permissions are valid. A SAS token can be signed with either
Azure AD credentials or with Shared