In Voice 415548897
In Voice 415548897
In Voice 415548897
AWS Service Charges $4,788.42
Charges $4,788.42
Credits $0.00
Tax * $0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Amazon Simple Storage Service 27.10
Charges 27.10
VAT ** 0.00
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
CT 0.00
CodeBuild 2.77
Charges 2.77
VAT ** 0.00
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
AmazonCloudWatch 17.67
Charges 17.67
VAT ** 0.00
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
VAT ** 0.00
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Charges 0.16
VAT ** 0.00
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS CodePipeline 0.00
Charges 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
GST 0.00
Estimated US sales tax to be collected 0.00
CT 0.00
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT. Electronic funds transfer details:
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay- Bank Name: Wells Fargo NA
Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E Account Name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Bank Address:
Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) 420 Montgomery Street
to the Japan Tax Authority. San Francisco CA 94163
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to Checking Account Number: 4121350227
the Bills page on your Billing Management Console. ABA Routing Number: 121000248
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type Wire Routing Number: 121000248
† Usage and recurring charges for this statement period will be charged on your next billing date. The
amount of your actual charges for this statement period may differ from the charges shown on this
or Mail payment to:
page. The charges shown on this page do not include any additional usage charges accrued during this
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
statement period after the date you are viewing this page. Also, one-time fees and subscription charges
PO BOX 84023
are assessed separately, on the date that they occur.
Seattle, WA 98124-8423, US
All charges and prices are in US Dollars
All AWS Services are sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Please remit payment to Amazon Web Services:
Preferred method of payment is by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Please ensure to reference the invoice number in the descriptive text field of your
electronic funds transfer payment.
If you have any questions regarding payment for this invoice, please email
The above charges include charges incurred by your account as well as by all accounts you are responsible for through Consolidated Billing.
The Amazon Web Services Team
This message was produced and distributed by Amazon Web Services, Inc., 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109-5210. AWS will not be bound by, and
specifically objects to, any term, condition or other provision which is different from or in addition to the provisions of the AWS Customer Agreement or AWS Enterprise
Agreement between AWS and you (whether or not it would materially alter such AWS Customer Agreement or AWS Enterprise Agreement) and which is submitted in any
order, receipt, acceptance, confirmation, correspondence or otherwise, unless AWS specifically agrees to such provision in a written instrument signed by AWS.
Payer account number
Activity By Account
infra.violetahml (066568371612) 109.20
Charges 109.20
Credits 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
Credits 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
Credits 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
• There is a $0.02 difference between the sum of all linked account totals and your invoice total. This difference results from rounding of charges that are allocated from the
Consolidated Billing account invoice to individual linked accounts.
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.03
Charges 0.03
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.09
Charges 0.09
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 5.85
Charges 5.85
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.82
Charges 0.82
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.03
Charges 0.03
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.02
Charges 0.02
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.16
Charges 0.16
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
CodeBuild 0.14
Charges 0.14
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.00
Charges 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
CodeBuild 0.34
Charges 0.34
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.13
Charges 0.13
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
Charges 10.57
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.59
Charges 0.59
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.58
Charges 0.58
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.00
Charges 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 5.62
Charges 5.62
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
Charges 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 1.47
Charges 1.47
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.56
Charges 0.56
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.00
Charges 0.00
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.07
Charges 0.07
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.30
Charges 0.30
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.55
Charges 0.55
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
CodeBuild 2.30
Charges 2.30
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.62
Charges 0.62
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
AmazonCloudWatch 0.01
Charges 0.01
VAT ** 0.00
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type
Payer account number
For line item details, please visit the Account Activity Page
* May include estimated US sales tax, VAT, ST, GST and CT.
Amazon Web Services, Inc. is registered under the Singapore GST Overseas Vendor Registration Pay-Only Regime and GST registration number is M90373009E
AWS, Inc. is a "Registered Foreign Supplier" under Japanese Consumption Tax Law and therefore AWS, Inc. is required to declare and pay consumption tax in respect of
this transaction (as a “Digital Service”) to the Japan Tax Authority.
** This is not a VAT, ST or GST invoice. Related tax invoices can be accessed by going to the Bills page on your Billing Management Console.
**** Please reference the tax invoice for a breakout of the Canadian taxes by type