CMFB Vol 1 General Design

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Nov. 2017, WUHAN


VOLUME 1 GENERAL DESIGN 15306-04-1101~


SECTION 2 15306-04-2301~













第一册 总体 图纸目录
序 号 图 名 张 数 图 号 序 号 图 名 张 数 图 号



2 PROJECT LOCATION LAYOUT 1 15306-04-1101 21



4 1 15306-04-1103 23



6 1 15306-04-1105 25
7 1 15306-04-1106 26

8 PILE COORDINATE TABLE 1 15306-04-1107 27


9 1 15306-04-1108 28


11 30

12 31

13 32

14 33

15 34

16 35

17 36

18 37
Catologue for the Overall Design Specification

1 Design Contents.............................................................. 3 5.1.3 V-shaped pier structure ............................................ 11

2 Design Basis and Technical Standard ............................................. 3 5.1.4 Main bridge substructure ........................................... 11

2.1 Design basis and basic data ............................................... 3 5.2 Viaducts ............................................................. 11

2.2 Principal design standards & specifications ................................... 3 5.2.1 Span layout and structural system .................................... 11

2.3 Principal design standards ................................................ 4 5.2.2 Viaduct main beam ............................................... 12

2.4 Coordinate system and elevation system ..................................... 4 5.2.3 Viaduct substructure .............................................. 12

2.5 Monographic study ...................................................... 5 5.3 roadbed, pavement and drainage .......................................... 12

3 Construction Conditions ...................................................... 5 5.3.1 roadbed ........................................................ 12

3.1 Terrain and Geomorphology ............................................ 5 5.3.2 pavement ....................................................... 13

3.2 Weather ............................................................ 5 5.3.3 Drainage ....................................................... 13

3.3 Hydrology .......................................................... 6 5.4 Crossing ............................................................. 13

3.4 Engineering Geology ................................................. 7 5.4.1 plane cross ...................................................... 13

3.5 Aviation ........................................................... 9 5.4.2 Pipeline crossing ................................................. 13

3.6 Earthquake ......................................................... 9 5.5 Ancillary facilities ..................................................... 13

3.7 Shipping ........................................................... 9 5.5.1 fence .......................................................... 13

4 Route Design ............................................................. 10 5.5.2 deck pavement ................................................... 13

4.1. Overall Design ..................................................... 10 5.5.3 bearing ......................................................... 14

4.2 Plan Design of Route ................................................ 10 5.5.4 Expansion joints ................................................. 14

4.3 Design of Longitudinal Profile for the Route .............................. 10 6 Design of reclamation roadbed ................................................. 14

4.4 Major Design Technical Indicators of the Route ........................... 10 7 Traffic Engineering and Road Facilities ......................................... 14

4.5 Cross Section Design ................................................ 10 7.1 Safety Facilities .................................................... 14

5 design points ............................................................... 11 7.1.1 Design Contents and Principles...................................... 14

5.1 main bridge ........................................................... 11 7.1.2 Traffic Signs .................................................... 14

5.1.1 Overall arrangement .............................................. 11 7.1.3 Markings ....................................................... 15

5.1.2 Main bridge superstructure ......................................... 11 7.1.4 Traffic Signal Control System ....................................... 15
- 1 -
7.2 Design of Power Supply and Distribution and Lighting Facilities .............. 15 11.2 Environmental Protection Measures and Countermeasures in Design Stage ........ 22

7.2.1 Power Supply and Distribution Facilities .............................. 15 11.3 Environmental Protection Measures and Countermeasures in Operation Period .... 22

7.2.2 Lighting Facilities ................................................ 15 12 Construction Safety ..................................................... 22

8 Bridge Navigation Aids ....................................................... 16 12.1 General Design of Construction Safety .................................... 22

8.1 Water Guide Signs .................................................. 16 12.2 Construction Safety Precautions of Main Bridge ............................. 23

8.2 Fixed Bridge Signs .................................................. 16 12.2.1 Construction of Substructure of Main Bridge .......................... 23

9 Durability Design ........................................................... 16 12.2.2 Construction of Superstructure of Main Bridge ........................ 23

9.1 Corrosion environment .................................................. 16 12.3 Safety Precautions for Construction of Approach Bridge ...................... 23

9.2 Environmental action level ............................................... 17 12.3.1 Construction of Substructure of Approach Bridge ...................... 23

9.3 Durability Design of Concrete Structure ................................... 17 12.3.2 Construction of Superstructure of Approach Bridge ..................... 23

9.3.1 The thickness of protective layer and crack width limit of the concrete structure ... 17 12.4 Safety Precautions for Construction of Approach Bank and Digue ............... 24

9.3.2 Strength grade and diffusion coefficient of chloride ion of concrete ............. 18 13 Construction Plan and Organization ............................................ 24

9.3.3 Additional measures for concrete anti-corrosion ............................. 18 13.1 Construction of main bridge ............................................. 24

9.3.4 Monitoring on the corrosion of concrete structure ....................... 19 13.1.1 Construction on the foundation of bored pile group ..................... 24

9.4 Anti-corrosive Design of Steel Structures ....................................... 19 13.1.2 Construction of V-type pier ........................................ 24

9.4.1 Anti-corrosive coating design of main bridge steel structures .................. 19 13.1.3 Main bridge construction step ...................................... 26

9.4.2 The durability design of embedded parts .................................. 20 13.2 Approach bridge construction ........................................... 28

9.4.3 Anti-corrosive design of steel casing ...................................... 20 13.3 Cautions for construction ............................................... 29

10 Landscape Design ...................................................... 20 13.4 Settlement displacement observation ...................................... 29

10.1 Landscape and Architecture Design at Bridgehead ........................... 20 13.5 Approach roads and construction site layout ................................ 29

10.2 Permanent Aid Sign ................................................. 20 13.6 Schedule ............................................................ 30

11 Environmental Protection ................................................ 20

11.1 Engineering Impact on Environment and Countermeasures .................... 20

11.1.1 Impact on Terrestrial Ecological Environment ......................... 20

11.1.2 Impact on Sea Water ............................................. 21

11.1.3 Impact on Atmospheric Environment ................................ 21

11.1.4 Impact on Acoustic Environment ................................... 21

11.1.5 Impact on Marine Environment ..................................... 21

- 2 -
(3)Code for Design of Urban Road Alignment, CJJ193-2012
Overall Design Specification
(4)Specification for Design of Intersections on Urban Roads, CJJ 152-2010

(5)Code for Pavement Design of Urban Road, CJJ169-2012

1 Design Contents
(6)Technical Standard of Highway Engineering, JTG B01-2014
This volume of documents is the overall design of the project, including: geographical position map,
(7)Design Specification for Highway Alignment, JTGD20-2006
plane and profile layout and the overall arrangement of the whole bridge.
(8)Specifications for Design of Highway Subgrades, JTGD30-2004
2 Design Basis and Technical Standard (9)Specifications for Design of Highway Asphalt Pavement, JTG D50-2006

2.1 Design basis and basic data (10)Specifications for Highway Reconnaissance, JTGC10-2007
(1) Tender documents of “design-procurement-construction (EPC)”for this project issued by the (11)Hydrological Specifications of Highway Engineering, JTGC30-2015
Ministry of Commence in October 2015; (12)Technical Specifications for Application of Geosynthetics in Highway, JTG/TD32-2012
(2) Preliminary work plan of foreign aid turnkey project (Trial) (No.[2014]1191) issued by the
(13)Code for Highway Engineering Geological Investigation, JTJC20-2011
Ministry of Commerce Department of Foreign Assistance;
(14)Technical Code for Ground Treatment of Buildings, JGJ79-2012
(3) Management measures of foreign aid turnkey project (Trial) (No.4, 2008);
(15)Code for Soil Foundations of Port Engineering, JTS 147-1-2010
(4) Summary of the field meeting for Feasibility study of foreign aid Maldives Male--Airport Island
(16)Code for Design of the Municipal Bridge, CJJ 11–2011
sea crossing bridge (China-Maldives Friendship Bridge) project (July, 2015);
(17)General Specifications for Design of Highway Bridge and Culvert, JTGD60-2015
(5) “Feasibility study report of foreign aid Maldives Male--Airport Island sea crossing bridge
(18)Code for Design of Highway Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Bridges and
project”, “Project proposal of foreign aid Maldives Male-Airport Island sea crossing bridge” (June,
Culvert, JTG D62-2004
(19)Specifications for Design of Highway Steel Bridge, JTG D64-2015
(6) “Conceptual design of the foreign aid sea crossing bridge project from Male to Airport Island
(20)Code for Design of Ground Base and Foundation of Highway Bridges and Culverts, JTG
in Maldives” (July, 2015);
(7) “Technical task documents of the foreign aid sea crossing bridge project from Male to Airport
(21)Code for Pile Foundation of Harbor Engineering, JTS 167-4-2012
Island in Maldives” (July, 2015).
(22)Code of Hydrology for Sea Harbour, JTS 145-2-2013
2.2 Principal design standards & specifications (23)Guidelines for Seismic Design of Highway Bridge, JTG/T B02-01-2008

This is a aid project supported by Chinese government, so that Chinese standards and (24)Specifications for Survey and Design of Highway Bridge Site, JTJ 062-2002

specifications should be obeyed。Major standards are as follows: (25)Code for Design of Highway Masonry Bridges and Culverts, JTGD61-2005

(1)Relevant documents and management for foreign aid turnkey project issued by the Ministry (26)Guidelines for Design of Highway Culverts, JTG/TD65-04-2007

of Commerce Department of the People’s Republic of China (27)Code for Durability Design of Concrete Structures, GB/T 50476-2008

(2)Code for Design of Urban Road Engineering, CJJ37-2012 (28)Corrosion Protection Technical Specifications for Concrete Structure of Marine Harbour

- 3 -
Engineering(JTJ275-2000) (9)Design wind speed: 28.90m/s

(29)Specification for Deterioration Prevention of Highway Concrete Structures, JTG/T B07/01- (10)Seismic fortification intensity: VI

2006 (11)Standard of wave-current force: below the water level of 100-year reappearing period, flow

(30)Technical Specification for Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures for Sea Port Construction, velocity of 100-year reappearing period + waves

JTS 153-3-2007 (12)Overtopping protection standard: design high tide level + waves of 100-year reappearing

(31)Quality Control Standard of High Performance Concrete for Sea Port Engineering, JTS 257- period

2-2012 (13)Major design indexes are shown as follows:

(32)Deign Code for Concrete Structures of Port and Waterway Engineering, JTS 151-2011 Table 2.2-1 Major design indexes

(33)Specifications of Drainage Design for Highways, JTG/T D33-2012 Names Unit Index Value

(34)Standard for Lightning Design of Urban Road, CJJ 45-2006 Road Grade Trunk road
Design speed km/h 60
(35)Codes for Design on Accessibility of Urban Roads and Buildings, JGJ50-2001
General minimum radius of
m 300
(36)Design Specifications of Highway Environmental Protection, JTGB04-2010 circle curve
Limited minimum radius of
(37)Specification for Design of Highway Safety Facilities, JTGD81-2006 m 150
circle curve
(38)Guidelines for Design of Highway Safety Facilities, JTG/TD81-2006 Minimum radius without
m 600
ultra-high circle curve
(39)Road Traffic Signs and Markings, GB 5768-2009
Minimum length of clothoid m 50
(40)Code of Design and Construction of Breakwaters, JTS 154-1-2011
Limited minimum length of
m 100
2.3 Principal design standards horizontal curve
Stopping sight distance m 70
(1)Road grade: city trunk road
Maximum longitudinal
(2)Design life: 100 years % 5
(3)Designed speed: 60km/h General minimum radius of
m 1800
convex curve
(4)Standard width of the bridge: 21.0m=0.75m reserved zone of pipeline + 2.0m sidewalk + General minimum radius of
m 1500
0.5m marginal strip + 3.25m small lane + 3.5m large lane + 1.0m median strip + 3.5m large lane + 3.25m concave curve
Minimum slope length m 150
small lane + 0.5m marginal strip + 2.0m sidewalk + 0.75m reserved zone of pipeline.
Minimum length of vertical
m 50
(5)Bridge design load: city -A grade curve

(6)Deck transverse grade : 2.5% 2.4 Coordinate system and elevation system
(7)Design tide levels: high tide level 0.55m, low tide level -0.51m. Male Plane Grid(MPG) coordinate system is adopted for the plane coordinates in the project, and

(8)Navigation standard: dual double-span navigation clearance 70m, navigation clearance 12m the elevation system adopts the local mean sea level (MSL).

(MSL water level: 0.70 m)

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2.5 Monographic study slopes and troughs are developed.

During the construction drawing design phase, monographic studies on test pile, hydraulic test of The bridge is located at Gaadhoo Koa. The depth of water at the strait is 0–60 m. Slopes in the

main bridge and approach bridge and durability were conducted. northeast–east of the Male Island are steep, and the depth for some waters exceeds 60 m. Slopes in the

(1) Test pile southeast of the Male Island are gentle, and the depth of water is shallower, up to 46 m for some waters.

This is the first time to build bridge under coral reef condition, so that similar experience is poor. In 3.2 Weather
order to get reasonable value of rock mechanics parameters on coral reef stratum during basic design of (1) Climate

bridge pile. The Contractor conducted test pile during construction documents design phase, including The Project is located over the Indian Ocean approaching the equator, where the typical tropical

load test on vertical bearing capacity of three bored piles, 2 of which are φ1.5m and 1 of which is marine climate prevails, featuring the warm weather and abundant rainfall. There are two distinct seasons

φ3.2m, and load test on vertical and horizontal bearing capacity of a φ1.5m steel pipe pile. Limit friction locally: dry season (northeast monsoon) and rainy season (southwest monsoon). The rainy season lasts

resistance along the pile and limited bearing capacity of pile end were collected from the test, providing from middle of May to November, and rainstorms frequently occur in this season. As this area

design basis for the pile. approaches equator, tropical storms, severe tropical storms, typhoons, and rainstorms are rarely seen.

(2) Hydraulic test The temperature differs slightly for the two seasons, and maintains at 31ºC in the day and 23ºC at night.

The hydrological condition of the bridge site is complex with deep water, fast current and huge The annual average rainfall is 2277.8 mm.

waves. In order to get the wave-current forces and scour depth of bridge foundation under the condition According to data statistics from 1974 to 2014 provided by the meteorological station on the Airport

of long-period surge, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute was entrusted to conduct scour, wave and Island, the meteorological factors of the project area are listed in Table 3.2-1.

flow force physical model test on main bridge and approach bridge, measuring the depth of main pier Table 3.2-1 Meteorological Factors of the Male Island

and the force of wave and current on other structures (pier, platform and pile foundation) and moment. Item Male Island

Annual average 28.3

(3) Durability study
Minimum monthly
The bridge site is in tropical marine environment of high temperature, high humidity and high 23.3 (August)
Temperature (ºC) average value
salt, which makes the corrosion a big issue. In order to ensure the service life of bridge structure, Maximum monthly
32.6 (April)
average value
durability studies were conducted on platform, foundation bed, pier body, cap pile, I beam, main concrete
Annual maximum value 2711.2
girder, steel box girder and other accessory structures. Annual minimum value 1333.3
Rainfall (mm)
Annual average 1949.3
3 Construction Conditions
Monthly maximum value 587.6 (October)
3.1 Terrain and Geomorphology
Average wind speed (m/s) 9
The average elevation of the Maldives land is 1.8m and the average elevation of the Male Island is Maximum wind speed
Wind (m/s)
only 1.2m. The Male Island is located at southern edge of North Male Atoll of Maldives. There is a coral
Annual average strong
lagoon to its north, a calm shallow waters separated from the outer sea. The lagoon is connected to the wind influence times

outer sea through several waterways. There is a liman coast south to the Male Island, where underwater Air pressure (hPa) Annual average 1010.4

- 5 -
Annual maximum value 90 on the Airport Island

Relative humidity Annual minimum value 68 Return Period High Tide Level Low Tide Level Tidal Range
(%) Monthly maximum value 95 (Year) (m) (m) (m)

Monthly minimum value 62 300 0.78 -0.83 1.30

Annual average 28.9 200 0.77 -0.82 1.29

Fog (day)
Annual maximum value 49 100 0.76 -0.80 1.27
50 0.74 -0.78 1.25
(2) Wind speed
20 0.72 -0.75 1.22
The project area is mainly affected by the monsoon, and it rains frequently during the southwest
10 0.70 -0.72 1.19
monsoon period, when the west wind prevails at the 11–15 kt, and gusts of 35–40 kt occur occasionally. 2 0.63 -0.63 1.12
During the northeast monsoon period (December to the middle of next April), the east–northeast wind
(3) Tidal currents
prevails, and the wind speed is typically 9 kt. The maximum wind speed that has been recorded for the
The Tidal ebb and flow in the project area is affected by the bay boundary and terrain, and a
last 40 years is 32 m/s. Based on the data provided by the meteorological station and in combination of
reciprocating flow forms in the strait between the Airport Island and Male Island.
the CFD analog computation at the bridge site, the correlation coefficient between the bridge site and
(4) Ocean currents
meteorological station is 1.21, and basic design wind speed for the bridge is 28.90m/s.
Ocean currents are mainly driven by the monsoon. The northeast monsoon mainly occurs from
Table 3.2-2 Basic Wind Speed at the Bridge Site
December to next April, and the southwest monsoon mainly occurs from May to November. Ocean
Return Gust Speed for 3 Seconds Average wind speed during
20 (m/s)
36.25 10 minutes
25.43 (m/s) currents flow west during the northeast monsoon period and flow east during the southwest monsoon

50 39.45 27.68 period. Since the project area is located southeast of Maldives, western atolls to some degree block the
100 41.19 28.90 eastward ocean currents (from west to east), and the bridge site deals more with the westward ocean
3.3 Hydrology currents.
(1) Tide Table 3.3-2 Ocean Current Speeds at Main Piers
The Maldives Islands are surrounded by open waters, and regular semi-diurnal tides occur within
Return Period of Ocean Current 300 100 50 20 10 2
the project area.
Flow velocity (m/s) 4.51 4.33 4.15 3.95 3.70 3.00
(2) Tidal level

From the observation and simulation results of the project area, during the spring tide, the actually
(5) Waves
measured spring range is 0.90m, the design high tide level for 10% of high tide cumulative frequency is
Since the Male Island is located southeast coast of Maldives Islands, and the southwest waves are
0.55 m at the bridge site, and the design low tide level for 90% of low tide cumulative frequency is –
covered by the island chain, and waves swell in the SSE direction all the year. The spring and winter
0.51 m. The high tide level for a 300-year event is 0.78 m, the low tide level for a 300-year event is –
swells are relatively large, and summer and autumn swells are small. The regular period for local waves
0.83 m, and the tidal range for a 300-year event is 1.30 m.
is 3–8s, and the swell period is 14–20s. Severe disasters near the Male Island are mainly caused by swells.
Table 3.3-1 Design Tide Level and Tidal Range for Different Return Periods Measured at the Tide Station

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The project located waters features low wind, high waves, and long wave period, and the Project is 11 -5.8 1 2.0 -8.8

17 -9 1 3.0 -13.0
mainly affected by the mixture of waves and swells.
18 -11 1 3.5 -14.5
Table 3.3-3 Wave Features
19 -28 1.5 1.5 -31.0
Wave Flow Water Wave Wavele
Period 20 -38 1.5 9.4 -48.9
Item Height Velocity Depth Velocity ngth
(s) 21 -42 1.5 9.4 -52.9
(m) (m/s) (m) (m/s) (m)

With current 2.36 17.8 3.95 42.85 22.6 332 22 -46 1.5 9.8 -57.3

23 -31 1.5 2.5 -35.0

Without current 3.11 14.7 0 42.85 17.8 261.2
24 -4.7 / 8.1 -12.8
(6) Scouring depth 25 -3.105 / 3 -6.105
The bridge is located in a strong tidal area. The pier surface is covered by coral gravels, which are

loose and not cemented. Additionally, as the bridge foundation has a huge volume, the wave reflection 3.4 Engineering Geology
and backwater in front of the cushion cap and pile foundation, together with side streaming of tides and (I) Regional geology
waves cause local scour to pile foundations. Based on the conclusions of China Aided Male-Airport Only few Maldives' atolls are higher than the sea level, the same for many other small islands and
Island Cross-Sea Bridge of Maldives, Topic III, Volume 7: Physical Model Experimental Research on sandbanks. They represent the Maldives carbonate platform. The carbonate platform has existed since
Bridge Pier Scouring and Study Report on Main Bridge Foundation Model Test of China-Maldives the early stage of the Eocene (about 55 million years ago), and initially sit on the volcanic plateau.
Friendship Bridge published by the Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, the typical scouring depth for Currently, only the most top part comes out of the water.
the bridge area is 1.0–1.5m, and scouring scope for each pier is proportional to the water speed and (II) Engineering geology
upstream face area of pier foundation. For details about the scouring depth of each pier, see Table 3.3-4. Geological drilling for the Project reveals that the major geotechnical strata are divided into the

Holocene strata, Pleistocene quasi-reef limestone, and reef limestone. The geological strata are described

as follows from top down based on the age, lithology, and engineering geological features:

① Fill stratum (Holocene strata Q4): gray, greyish white, slightly dense to medium dense, mainly

distributed in manual fillings on the road around the island and shallow embankment, composed of

medium-coarse sand (calcareous sand); uneven particles, inferior sorting and grading properties. It's
Table 3.3-4 Scouring to Each Pier under Wave and Water Flow Effect
mixed with 10%–30% coral gravel and broken branches, and coral gravel and sand are mixed locally.
General Local Maximum Sea Bed Elevation
Sea Bed Elevation The grain size of coral gravel is 2–10 cm, or even exceeds 10 cm. The revealed thickness is 1.3–2.4 m
Pier No. Scouring Depth Scouring Depth after Scouring
(m) (m) (m) on the Male Island and 11.1m for the Airport Island.
6 -2.02 / 2 -4.02
② Medium-coarse sand mixed with gravel (Q4m): gray, greyish white, saturated, loose
7 -2.777 / 2 -4.777
9 -4.134 / 2 -6.134 superstructure, medium dense substructure, not cemented, calcareous biological detritus, uneven
10 -4.813 / 3 -7.813
particles, inferior sorting and grading properties, mixed with 20%–30% coral gravel of grain size 1–5

- 7 -
cm (or even over 10 cm), rubbly corner angle, locally worn. It belongs to the fore-reef sand-gravel phase investigation), geotechnical mechanical properties for each rock-soil layer at the bridge site are listed in

shallow stratum, loose accumulation body built by biological detritus and coral detritus. This stratum is Table 3.4-1.

revealed from the deep trench area. Table 3.4-1 Geotechnical Mechanical Properties for Each Rock-Soil Layer

③ Quasi-reef limestone (Pleistocene strata Q3o): milky white, greyish white, rock core in 2–5 cm Blow
Load Uniaxial
Count/Fr Blow Allowable
crushed stones mixed with sand, few in 5–15 cm short columns; skeleton of 0.5–1.0 cm calcareous Saturated Strength Compressiv Lateral
equency Count/Freq Value of
Density Indicator at e Strength Frictional
biological detritus, few 2.0–4.0 cm coral gravel, poly-crystal calcite, semi-cemented or weakly cemented, Stratum No. and Name of uency of Subgrade
ρsat Gauge Point of Saturated Resistance of
Standard Dynamic Capacity
easily to break under drilling; inter-granular gap developed, coarse rock core surface, rock mass (g/cm3) (Is50) Rock frk Bored Pile qik
Penetrati Penetration [fa0]
Mpa (Mpa) (kPa)
relatively broken; core picking rate 50–85%, and RQD typically 5–20%. This stratum mainly revels the on (kPa)
(1) Filled soil 7/4 120~180 15~25
lower segment of drilling reef flat stratum and underwater slope of the bank of Male Island and Airport
(2) reef block / /
Island. (3) sand/gravel mixture 21/13 12/3 150~200 45~50
(4-1) reef limestone
④ Reef limestone (Pleistocene strata Q2-3o): milky white, gray, rock core in 2–5 cm crushed stone, 76/1 69/2 2.21 3.45 10.73 450~500 100~120
some in 5–25 cm short columns, and few in 30–50 cm long columns; skeleton made of 0.5–1.0 cm (4-2) reef limestone
25/4 26/3 2.87 350 80
calcareous biological detritus and few 2.0–4.0 cm coral gravel; poly-crystal calcite, good cementing;
(4-3) reef limestone
2.31 2.8 10.1 300 70
inter-granular gap developed, coarse rock core surface, rock core brittle and seriously broken, few (weak)
(5-1)a reef limestone
burrows seen; hard texture of rock core, crisp sound by hammer, hardly fragmented, and rock mass 2.4 2.33 10.02 800 220~240
relatively broken–complete; core picking rate 35–90%, and RQD 0–80%. (5-1)b reef limestone
2.22 2.47 7.5 550 150~180
The Quasi-reef limestone and reef limestone obviously feature low density, large porosity, strong
(5-1)c reef limestone
structure, high brittleness, and strength anisotropy, and show extremely complex geotechnical 2.29 1.91 5.93 400~450 80~120

engineering characteristics in following aspects: (5-2)a sand/gravel

22/3 150~220 40~55
 Extreme complexity and nonuniformity of material particle fabrics in view of space layout; (5-2)b sand/gravel
37/2 230~250 58~65
 Nonuniformity of pores and holes for each fabric; mixture
(5-3) reef limestone
 Nonuniformity of cementation degree for each fabric; (greyish black)
60/1 20/5 2.34 4.97 9.44 400~500 90~140

 Particle fragility (particles are broken under low confining pressure); (6-1) reef limestone
2.26 3.26 10.55 650~700 180~200
 Skeleton structure with strong structural strength.
(6-2) reef limestone
31/2 2.25 2.83 8.42 450~550 110~170
To sum up, the loose granule stratum, soft-hard alternant stratum, and pores are developed with (medium)
(6-3) reef limestone
uneven grading and broken particles. The semi-diagenetic quasi-reef limestone and reef limestone are 32/3 2.23 2.73 5.53 350~400 90~120
typically hard brittle. Based on the Engineering Geological Investigation Report for the China Aided (7-1) breccia/gravel
53/7 2.2 2.4 5.18 400 90~100
Male–Airport Island Cross-Sea Bridge (China-Maldives Friendship Bridge) of Maldives (detailed
(7-2) reef limestone 2.12 2.59 10.35 450~500 120~150

- 8 -
(III) Hydrogeological conditions Table 3.6-2 Design Ground Motion Parameters under Vertical Acceleration (Damping Ratio 5%)

The overburden of barrier islands in the north Mare atoll is thin, where the water permeability is Exceeding
Amax (g) βm αmax Sam (gal) T1 (S) Tg (S) γ
good, water storage conditions are extremely poor, and fresh water is scarce. Groundwater in this area
63% for 50 years 0.020 2.50 0.050 50.0 0.10 0.35 1.0
mainly includes perched water or phreatic water from the upper sandy fill stratum, and pore water from 10% for 50 years 0.060 2.50 0.150 150.0 0.10 0.40 1.0

the mid Reef. 2% for 50 years 0.120 2.50 0.300 300.0 0.10 0.45 1.0

3.5 Aviation
(2) Tsunami
As the proposed bridge site closely approaches the runway (the existing runway is about 3200 m
Among historical earthquake and tsunami events happening on the Indian Ocean, on December 26,
long and 36 m wide) of the Male International Airport, the aviation height limit is an important factor
2004, the Indonesia Sumatra earthquake raised a tsunami with 1.2–4.2 m high wave, which has caused
affecting the bridge deployment. The aviation height limit at the bridge site is +46.6 m (maximum), 5 m
serious impact and damage to Maldives. The capital Male is one of the few islands that have not been
at the airport side, and less than 5 m for the airport road at the south end of the runway. Currently, control
completely submerged by the tsunami. As affected by this tsunami, the maximum surge near the bridge
measures are taken by the airport, and the traffic is limited when a plane takes off or lands.
is 1.03 m, and the maximum flow speed is 1.82 m/s. The tsunami impact is less than the designed
3.6 Earthquake
standard value of wave-current force.
(1) Earthquake
3.7 Shipping
According to the seismic hazard assessment conducted during the feasibility study phase, and in
(1) Typical ship type
view of the study results regarding seismotectonics, seismic activity, seismic hazard calculation, and
To meet the height limit for surrounding buildings due to the Male International Airport, we mainly
geological disasters caused by earthquake, we believe the seismotectonic environment in the project area
consider access of small ships, fire and rescue boats, and passenger ferries under the bridge.
is stable and appropriate for construction of the Project.
Table 3.7-1 Size of Typical Ships Allowed to Pass the Bridge Area
According to the Seismic Ground Motion Parameters Zonation Map of China (GB18306–2001), Height above Water with
Allowed Ship Length (m) Width (m) Load Draught (m)
the seismic fortification intensity of the project site is set to level VI. The ground motion parameters in Empty Load (m)
Passenger ferry 35.0 8.0 2.2 <9
horizontal and vertical design at each exceeding probability for the project site are listed in the following
Fire and rescue boat 17.0 <10
(2) Navigable water level
Table 3.6-1 Design Ground Motion Parameters under Horizontal Acceleration (Damping Ratio 5%)
The design maximum navigable water level is set the 0.7 m, which is the local highest tidal level
Amax (g) βm αmax Sam (gal) T1 (S) Tg (S) γ
Probability so far.
63% for 50 years 0.030 2.50 0.075 75.0 0.10 0.35 1.0
(3) Clearance and clear width
10% for 50 years 0.080 2.50 0.200 200.0 0.10 0.40 1.0
Based on the Bridge Navigation Standard for Seagoing Vessels, the navigable span shall not be less
2% for 50 years 0.155 2.50 0.388 387.5 0.10 0.45 1.0
than 65 m for one-way traveling of 35m long passenger ferries, and shall not be less than 117 m for two-

way traveling of 35m long passenger ferries. Since tides near the navigable spans are complicated, the

bridge sets two one-way navigable spans with clear width of 70m to ensure navigation safety.
- 9 -
The headroom of the navigable span is determined based on the height of typical ships, margin, and 4.4 Major Design Technical Indicators of the Route
future sea-level rise, and in this case, is set to 12.0m based on the clear height of fire and rescue boats. See the following table for the applied plane and longitudinal indexes of the route:

Table 4.4-1 Main Design Technical Indexes of Route

4 Route Design
Name of Technical Index Unit Index Value Applied Value
4.1. Overall Design
Road grade Urban main trunk
The Project starts from the southeast corner of the Male Island, joins the Boduthakurufaanu Magu
Design speed km/h 60
Road, erects a bridge to cross the Gaadhoo Koa Strait, lands the Airport Island from the south, and joins Minimum radius without
m 1000 1000
transition circular curve
the planned road from the airport to Hulhumale. The project route is 2km long.
Minimum radius with
m 600 600
4.2 Plan Design of Route superelevation
Minimum length of circular
The Project starts from the southeast corner of the Male Island and joins the planned m 50 208.388
Boduthakurufaanu Magu Road. At K0+036, a level crossing is set to join the Moonlight Higun Road. At Minimum length of transition
m 50 180
K0+140, it spans over the existing digue, and a bridge is erected to cross the Gaadhoo Koa Strait. At
Stopping sight distance m 70 70
K1+490–K1+600, sea-filling basement is built to land the Airport Island and join the planned road from
Maximum recommended
% 5 3.2
the airport to Hulhumale. The route is totally 2.0km long (excluding the connecting path at the start value of longitudinal gradient
Minimum length of
point). The minimum circular curve radius is 1350m, and the maximum circular curve radius is 2300m. m 150 150
longitudinal slope
The easement curve is 492.95 m, and the length is 180m. General minimum radius of
m 1800 4100
convex curve
4.3 Design of Longitudinal Profile for the Route
General minimum radius of
m 1500 5000
The longitudinal profile of the Project is mainly determined by the height of existing digue, concave curve
Minimum length of vertical
navigation headroom, and aviation height limit of the airport, and in full consideration of the artistic of m 50 114.413
bridge style. At the digue of the Male side, the design height is controlled so that the bridge bottom is
4.5 Cross Section Design
20cm higher than the digue top. In the middle of the bridge, navigation headroom and artistic appearance
In this project, the total width of the typical cross section of subgrade is 21.0 m. Specifically: 0.75m
are mainly considered, to determine a reasonable longitudinal profile elevation. On the Airport Island,
pipeline reserved area + 2.0m sidewalk + 0.5m marginal strip + 3.25m carriageway + 3.5m carriageway
to minimize the bridge's impact on the airport, the project team must reasonably design the elevation of
+ 1.0m medial strip +3.5m carriageway + 3.25m carriageway + 0.5m marginal strip + 2.0m sidewalk +
the longitudinal profile to lower and align it to the existing road of the airport. At K1+490–K1+600, sea-
0.75m pipeline reserved area.
filling basement is built to maximally adapt the bridge and connecting line to the runway and meet its
The section between the level crossing at K1+574.526 and the terminal is the airport section.
height limit requirements. The maximum longitudinal slope of the route is 3.2%, and minimum slope
Pipeline reserved area will not be set on the north side. Composition of the road section: 0.75m earth
length is 150 m. The minimum convex curve radius is 4100 m, and the minimum concave curve radius
shoulder +2m sidewalk (bituminous pavement) + 0.5m marginal strip + 3.25m carriageway + 3.5m
is 6000 m.
carriageway + 1.0m medial strip +3.5m carriageway + 3.25m carriageway + 0.5m marginal strip + 2.0m

sidewalk (bituminous pavement) + 0.75m pipeline reserved area. The total width is 21m.
- 10 -
+11.7m + 10.3m + 4.0 m joint section, divided into four overlapping beam segments; the remaining

sections are concrete structure.

The typical cross-section layout of two-way 4-lane road on the bridge: 21.0m = 0.75m pipeline 5.1.3 V-shaped pier structure

reserved area + 2.0m sidewalk +0.5m marginal strip +3.25m small lane + 3.5m large lane +1.0m medial No.19~21 pier V-shaped pier slant legs adopt the thin-walled box section, the wall is connected

strip +3.5m large lane + 3.25m small lane +0.5m marginal strip + 2.0m sidewalk +0.75m pipeline with the concrete main beam through the 2.0m thick diaphragm beam. The thickness of the V leg cross-

reserved area; a 2.5% two-way cross slope will provided on the pavement. section transverse panel is 80cm, the thickness of the edge and middle of the longitudinal panel 100cm.

5 design points 5.1.4 Main bridge substructure

The main pier foundation of the main bridge is made of steel retaining tube bored pile combined
5.1 main bridge
with variable cross-section pile group foundation, deep water area and seabed surface layer are holed by
5.1.1 Overall arrangement
steel tubes, to meet the structure safety standard under marine wave force during construction stage, the
The main bridge is V-shaped pier six-span continuous rigid frame bridge, the span arrangement
steel tube bears the load together with the pile foundation structure. No.19, 23 pier foundation adopt
(100 +2 ×180 + 140 +100 +60) m, the total length is 760m, 19 ~ 21 V-shaped pier consolidated with the
7φ3.2m ~ 2.8m variable cross-section concrete bored pile, steel tube diameter 3.2m, wall thickness
cap base, 22,23 pier main beam consolidated directly with the cap base.
32mm, steel tube bottom bored piles diameter 2.8m. No.20 ~ 22 pier foundation adopt 7φ3.6m ~ 3.2m
5.1.2 Main bridge superstructure
variable cross-section concrete bored pile, steel tube diameter 3.6m, wall thickness 32mm, steel tube
The composite structure of concrete beam + composite beam is adopted in the superstructure of
bottom bored piles diameter 3.2m. No.19 ~ 22 pier foundation pile longitudinal and transverse spacing
main bridge. The UHPC bridge deck beams are used in the middle section of the three-hole beam of the
5.75m, No.23 pier foundation pile longitudinal and transverse spacing are 5.0m, using plum-shaped
No. 19 ~ 22 pier, and the remaining sections are prestressed concrete beams. A total of six hybrid joints.
The upper structure box girder adopts single box double chamber box section, the central web is
The bearing platform is designed into the shuttle type, the corner points are inverted arc transition,
straight web, and the outer web is inclined web. The width of the top section of box girder is 21.0m, the
the streamlined cap can reduce the wave force. The base is provided with above the cap, connecting the
cantilever length of the wing plate is 4.0m, the top surface is symmetrically set with 2.5% of the
superstructure V-shaped pier and the base.
bidirectional cross slope, and the width of the mid-span standard section is 12.1m. The height of the
The main bridge side pier adopts large cantilever prestressed concrete cover beam T - shaped pier,
fulcrum of the edge and box girder mid-span beam is 3.0m, the contour line at the bottom of the beam
the foundations are six 1.5 ~ 1.8m variable cross - section bored pile.
varies from the middle of the pier to the top according to the 1.8-order parabola, the height of the beam
5.2 Viaducts
at the top of the pier (parabolic extension to the pier center line theoretical beam height) varies according
5.2.1 Span layout and structural system
to the span at: 11.25m (180m span), 8.75m (140m span) and 6.25m (100m span). The beam-bottom
Male Island side viaduct (West Viaduct) is divided into four part, adopt (4 × 30 + 4 × 30 + 5 × 30
curve is parallel to the contour of the V-leg with a 80m-radius-circular curve.
+ 5 ×30) m continuous bridge deck of the simple support beam; airport island side viaduct (East Viaduct)
The length of No.19~21 pier mid-span composite beam is 58.0m, including: 4.0m joint section +
using (3 ×30) m continuous bridge deck of the simple support beam.
12.3m + 13.5m + 12.0m + 12.2m + 4.0m joint section, which is divided into 6 overlapping beam

segments. The length of No.21~22 pier mid-span composite beam is 30.0m, including: 4.0m joint section

- 11 -
5.2.2 Viaduct main beam roadbed compaction standard adopts the heavy compaction standard, the roadbed compactness, the

The viaduct is made of 30m prefabricated I-beam + cast-in-place bridge deck structure, the width minimum strength and the packing size requirements are as follows:

of the bridge is 21.0m, using whole design, each span arrange 10 set of I-beam, a total of 210 I-beams. Table 5.3-1 Minimum strength and compaction requirements for roadbed fillers

I-beam prefabricated beam has a height of 1.5m and turns into 0.75m at the fulcrum; upper wing width Depth blow Packing minimum
Compaction Packing maximum
Item classification pavement strength(CBR)
0.6m, plate thickness 0.2m, lower wing width 0.7m, plate thickness 0.25m; web thickness 0.3m, Near (%) particle size(cm)
bottom (cm) (%)
the fulcrum thickening into 0.6m; cast-in-place plate thickness of 0.25m. Fill road section on the
0~30 ≥96 8 10
road bed
5.2.3 Viaduct substructure
road Lower road bed 30~80 ≥96 5 10
Low pier area(1 # ~ 9 # pier, 25 # ~ 26 #) with double-column piers, the capping beam adopts the section Upper embankment 80~150 ≥94 4 15

whole prestressed concrete inverted T-type structure, the width along the bridge at the center of the line Under embankment Below 150 ≥93 3 15

is 2.5m,while the transverse direction18.7m (Not including the end of the block), the top side arranges 0~30 ≥96 8 10
Zero fill and cutting roadbed
30~80 ≥94 5 10
two-way 2.5% cross slope, the central of the capping beam set the horizontal block. The beam in the
Roadbed and abutment, transverse structure (culvert, channel) connection set length of 2 to 3 times
cantilever end has a height of 1.8m, the bottom of capping beam tangent to the pier body by R = 250cm
the height of the roadbed fill transition section, the use of gravel packing, compaction degree of 96%.
The general road section uses the local coral sand as the roadbed packing.
High pier area (10 # ~ 17 # pier) adopt large cantilever prestressed concrete capping beam T -
(5) Roadbed slope and protection
shaped pier. The capping beam adopts the all-prestressed concrete inverted T-type structure, the width
The bridge connection roadbed of the project is filled, and the filling height is less than 3m, the
along the bridge is 2.5m, the transverse bridge is 18.7m (without block), the top side arranges two-way
station K0 +040 ~ K0 + 100 is on the right side of the sea section, the ratio of the roadbed slope adopt
2.5% cross slope, the central of the capping beam sets the horizontal block. The beam in the cantilever
1: 1 and using solid hexagonal block to filling the slope for protection and reinforcement. The ratio of
end has a height of 1.8m, the bottom of the capping beam cantilever varies in the slope of 1:6.11, and
the other roadbed slope is 1: 2.
tangent with the pier body by R=300cm fillet.
(6) remove the topsoil and compaction before filling
5.3 roadbed, pavement and drainage
Average of 30cm thick surface soil are removed on the site, and the roots, turf and construction
5.3.1 roadbed
waste near the roadbed are cleared.
(1) design elevation
(7) roadbed reinforcement
The design elevation is the design elevation of the road intersection point.
After conducting the clean and pre-compaction on the original ground,
(2) road cross slope
1) If the altitude difference between the edge of subgrade and original ground is less than 1.35m,
Motorway road surface slope 2.5%, sidewalk cross slope inward 2%.
build the 80cm-thick roadbed using coral sand. The corresponding requirement please refer to Table 5.3-
(2) ultra-high way: the whole line doesn’t t set ultra-high.
(4) roadbed compaction and packing
2) If the altitude difference between the edge of subgrade and original ground is more than 1.35m,
In order to obtain sufficient strength, stability and resistance to deformation of the roadbed, the
the compactness of subgrade should be at least 90%. Coral sand can be applied at the middle part of
- 12 -
subgrade and the corresponding requirement please refer to Table 5.3-1.After cleaning and levelling the road water out of the roadbed.

bridgehead area, a (2H+0.6)m-long transition section should be build using gravel and adopt heavy K1 + 540 ~ K2 + 000 section and K1 +574.526 intersection is all disc-shaped soil ditch except for

compaction to ensure the compactness to 96%. the set the block of the wall. Access to the site drainage system.

(8) protection works K1 + 540 south to the end of the location of the block, take the wall of the open type of drainage,

The solid hexagon brick should be applied fully at the slope of subgrade between stake mark disc-shaped soil ditch is used from wave wall ending point to the finally ends.

K0+040 to stake mark K0+100, where the sea-surrounding is on the right. 5.4 Crossing
The plant protection can be applied at other area along the line, unless noted otherwise. 5.4.1 plane cross

5.3.2 pavement This project has a total of K0 + 036.670, K1 +574.526 two plane cross, the forms are all T-type

The project adopts the asphalt pavement structure, the specific structure is as follows: cross.

Lane: 4cm asphalt mastic macadam (SBS modified asphalt SMA-13 grade A, Xuan Wuyan) + 6cm This cross-sectional design is mainly through the provision of left turn lane way for channel design,

adhesive layer grain type asphalt concrete AC-20C (ordinary grade asphalt, limestone) + 10cm + and achieving traffic conversion for existing roads and planning roads, Ping junction of the pavement

permeable layer under seal coat of asphalt macadam base ATB-30 (a common asphalt, limestone) +20cm structure is the same with road lane structure. K0 + 036.670 plane crossed is followed by the road and

graded gravel subbase + 15cm coral sand cushion. The base layer must be sprayed with layer oil, and planning MOONLIGHT HIGUN street; K1 +574.526 plane cross is followed the road and the airport

the lower seal layer shall be laid after spraying the layer oil. Grease must be applied between the asphalt old road, Malaysia can be followed with the project based on the airport road planning.

layers. 5.4.2 Pipeline crossing

Sidewalk: 10cm sidewalk brick +3cm M10 cement mortar +57cm coral sand cushion. The project at the beginning and end of the wiring sets up a 1-1.0m pipeline culvert, so that

The starting point of the project to the K1+540 intersections use convex type pavement, sidewalk Malaysia’s planning pipeline can go cross the street. As so far, the Malaysia has no specific pipeline

paves bricks; K1+540 to K1+543 is transition section, where sidewalk reduce to lane height with a slope planning program, so this design pipeline can be set according to the future of the specific planning of

of 1:20. K1+543 ~the ending point has a slope of 2.5% outward, the structure of sidewalk is the same of the appropriate adjustment.

lane pavement. 5.5 Ancillary facilities

5.3.3 Drainage 5.5.1 fence

The pavement of the project adopts roadway drainage method, cross slope of the crown is 2.5%; in The sideways of the sidewalk is made of concrete anti-wave wall, on which the structure of the

the K0 + 000 ~ K0 +100, K1 +490 ~ K1 + 540 section and K0 + 036.670 flat intersection at the sidewalk fence is set, the concrete fence is from the deck height of 75cm.Fence and sidewalks extend to the

set 60cm × 60cm reinforced concrete rectangular cover side groove. The end of cover side groove is abutment slab edge, and the embankment sidewalk through the 5m long embankment walkway transition

connected beyond subgrade according to the actual situation. On the southeast side of K1 + 515, the section to achieve smooth.

southwest side of K1 + 540, the northwest side of K1 + 527 is a horizontal drainage culvert, and the 5.5.2 deck pavement

rainwater from the cover ditch is discharged from the roadbed. The airport side of the sidewalk is asphalt Concrete deck:

pavement section, wave wall hole at the space of 3 meters, using diameter 150mmPVC pipe to drain the Pavement top layer: 4cm asphalt mastic gravel SMA-13 (SBS modified A grade asphalt, basalt)

- 13 -
Pavement below: 6cm Granular asphalt concrete AC-20C (ordinary A grade asphalt, limestone) accropodes. Ratio of both sides of the slope are 1: 2, retaining walls are set on both sides of the

Waterproof adhesive layer: (1) SBS modified hot asphalt waterproof coating (1.0 ~ 1.4kg / m2) embankment, and the drainage ditches are set behind the embankment. The widening section is set

(2) DPS base treatment agent behind the wave side retaining wall as the drop zone of the overtopping waves and plays the role of

Pavement on UHPC deck: 4cm asphalt mastic gravel SMA-13 (SBS modified A grade asphalt, drainage. The embankment head arc section and the K1+1490 ~ K1+510 section adopt 15t accropodes

basalt) pavement. K1+510 ~ K1+530 section adopts 4T accropodes pavement, the other using 2T accropodes

Waterproof adhesive layer: (1) SBS modified hot asphalt waterproof coating (1.0 ~ 1.4kg / m2) pavement. The accropodes and concrete wave retaining wall are made of C30 marine high-performance

Sidewalk pavement: concrete.

2cm M7.5 cement mortar,3cm marble skid board. 7 Traffic Engineering and Road Facilities
5.5.3 bearing
7.1 Safety Facilities
Considering the harsh marine environment of the bridge, the main bridge adopts stainless steel ball
7.1.1 Design Contents and Principles
bearing, the upper seat plate, the middle seat plate, the lower plate, the stainless steel slide and the anchor
For this project, the traffic safety facilities will be designed to be people-oriented. Based on the idea
bolt (including anchor bolts, Screw and nut) are made of super duplex stainless steel 2507 (cast steel
of "safety, environmental protection, comfort and harmony", the design will ensure the driving safety
grade 5A, steel standard ASTM A890 / A890M-2013), dust-proofing device using PTFE film +904L
and at the same time integrate with the local natural and cultural environment to show humanization.
(steel standard ASTM A240 / A240M-05).
The following principles shall be followed in the design of traffic signs:
The bridge is made of anti - corrosion rectangular plate bearing GJZ350 × 350. Bridge bearing
(1) The longitudinal and horizontal positions of the traffic signs along the road shall meet the
elevation is low, but part of the bearing is located in the splash zone, in order to ensure the service life,
requirements set forth in Road Traffic Signs and Markings (GB5768-2009) and be implemented with
should be appropriate to increase the thickness of rubber protection.
reference to relevant local drawings. Efforts shall be made to ensure complete sign types and functions.
5.5.4 Expansion joints
(2) For important signs, the reaction of the driver shall be checked to ensure the reasonable layout
Expansion joints using modular multi-directional displacement comb plate expansion joints, the
of the signs.
main bridge side pier expansion joints is 160mm, viaduct and abutment expansion joints is 80mm. The
(3) Any part if the signs shall not intrude into the construction clearance of the road.
viaduct transition piers adopts two 80mm expansion joints due to structural requirements.
(4) The layout of the signs shall be designed based on the principle that the driver can timely
6 Design of reclamation roadbed identify the information on the sign when driving at the design speed. Meanwhile the signs shall be eye-

The embankment length is 136.1m, the total width of the road is 21m, for the solid slope structure, catching and artistic and can reflect light at night.

embankment is vibrating coral sand, from the inside out for the embankment is coral sand, two layers of (5) The structural design of the signs shall be based on the principle of "fully meeting the functional

geotextile, gravel filter layer, two stone cushion, block stone cofferdam and artificial face blocks. requirements, reducing the costs as far as possible and appropriately taking aesthetics into account".

According to the “Aid Maldives Male - Airport Island Bridge project feasibility research - Marine 7.1.2 Traffic Signs

Hydrology Research Report” eleventh fascicle physical model test of wave cross section of embankment, (1) Sign Types

embankment body armor blocks using 2T and 4T accropodes while the embankment head adopts 15T Warning signs, prohibition signs and guide signs are mainly provided.

- 14 -
(2) Layout Design grade crossing.

The layout design of traffic signs shall be based on Road Traffic Signs and Markings (GB5768- (3) Technical Requirements and Construction Precautions

2009) as well as local practices and current styles, and shall seek to be legible and artistic. The sign In order to meet the visual effect and improve the safety of night driving, hot-melt reflective

layout shall employ the local official language (Dhivehi) and English, with Dhivehi printed above markings shall be adapted for this project. The carriageway edge lines and lane lines of opposite

English. carriageways shall be 1.8 ± 0.2mm in thickness. Glass beads taking a proportion of 15 - 23% shall be

On the signs, the Dhivehi letters shall be 30 cm in height and the English letters shall be 20 cm. mixed into the coating and 0.3 - 0.34kg/m2 glass beads shall be evenly distributed on the marking surface

The word width ratio shall normally be 1:1 and may be properly tailored for the layout size. For the during spraying.

entire route, except that the colors of prohibition signs shall be in accordance with the international 7.1.4 Traffic Signal Control System

stipulation, other warning signs (triangle) shall have white background, red frame and black pattern In this project, there are altogether two main road nodes from west to east: the crossing of the

while guide signs shall have white background, black letter and black pattern. planned MOONLIGHT HIGUN Street and the crossing of the Airport Road.

(3) Structural Design From the perspective of long-term goals, the above crossings are the important channels connecting

Traffic signs shall be supported in the way determined by factors such as traffic volume, the local traffic in the future. Therefore, central coordinate controllers shall be provided at the crossings.

composition of vehicle types, number of lanes, distribution of structures along the route, amount of The controllers have stable performances and a networking function, and can conduct both coordinated

partial load and road-side conditions. Column-type support shall be employed in this structural design. control and single-machine control.

All signs shall be made of 3mm-thick 3004 aluminium alloy plates. Among them, the round signs shall 7.2 Design of Power Supply and Distribution and Lighting Facilities
be reinforced by hemming, while other signs shall have edges reinforced with angle aluminum. The 7.2.1 Power Supply and Distribution Facilities

angle aluminum and sliding aluminum groove shall be anchored onto the sign boards with rivets and the In this design, 10/0.4kV 50kVA box-type substations are proposed to be provided at K0+090 and

rivet head shall be polished. Columns of the signs shall be made of hot rolled steel pipes. K1+630. The LV power supply is of three-phase four-wire system and PE protection wire is added. In

7.1.3 Markings this design, the 10 kV power supply is proposed to be introduced from nearby.

(1) Design Principles: 7.2.2 Lighting Facilities

The traffic markings shall be designed according to Road Traffic Signs and Markings (GB5768- (1) Design Standard

2009), and shall be used solely or together with signs to control and guide traffic and provide clear The road of this project is an urban main trunk. Lighting of the road and bridges shall be of Class-

warning, prohibition or guide information. I standard with specific indexes that: The average maintained luminance of motorway shall be 1.5 cd /

(2) Design Contents: m², the minimum value of total luminance uniformity of pavement shall be 0.4, the minimum value of

Markings set in this project mainly include carriageway edge lines, lane lines and guide arrows. longitudinal luminance uniformity of pavement shall be 0.7, the average maintained illumination of

The carriageway edge lines of typical sections and various bridges shall be white solid lines of 15 cm in pavement shall be 20 lx, the minimum value of illumination uniformity of pavement shall be 0.4, and

width; lane lines of opposite carriageways shall be yellow dashed lines of 15 cm in width and "4-6" solid the power density of lighting shall be not greater than 0.85W/m2.

lines of 4 m in length and 6 m in distance. Pavement markings and guide arrows shall be set at each Under normal operation, the voltage of luminaires shall be maintained at 90% ~ 105% of the rated

- 15 -
voltage. 9 Durability Design
(2) Layout of Luminaires
9.1 Corrosion environment
For lighting of the typical section, the lamp posts shall be symmetrically set on the concrete
The project location is near equatorial line, which belongs to tropical marine climate with warm
protective guards outside the sidewalk. The luminaires shall have light sources being 7.5 m above the
weather and abundant rainfall. The annual temperature of Male area is 28.3℃ with little temperature
ground, an installation distance of 20 m and 1.5 m-long arms, and 100W LED street lamps shall be
difference. The annual average rainfall totals up to 1949.3mm. The average humidity is between 74%-
adopted. 9m-long projecting lamp posts and 2×150W LED projecting luminaires shall be employed at
89%. The average salinity of seawater is 33.1‰ with the sediment concentration of 0.189kg/m 3.
Table 9.1-1 Mean salinity of sea water
8 Bridge Navigation Aids Mean salinity of sea water Surface layer Intermediate layer Bottom layer
Maximum value(‰) 33.50 33.50 33.70
8.1 Water Guide Signs
Minimum value(‰) 32.20 32.70 32.70
Side signs layout of 4, separate traffic navigation dedicated layout of 2. The first pair of side signs Average value(‰) 33.05 33.05 33.09

are marked outside the harbor at a distance of about 350m away from the axle axis of the bridge. The
The analysis result of water quality in Geological investigation report of aid Maldives Male--Airport
second pair of side signs are marked in the harbor at a distance of about 500m from the axis of the bridge. Island sea crossing bridge (China-Maldives Friendship Bridge) project (detailed investigation) is
The distance of the Signs on the same side is about 320m. showed in the following table:
There are great waves and deep water at the bridge site, so it is very difficult to arrange and maintain Table 9.1-2 Analysis results of seawater quality near bridge site

the navigation aids. It is recommended to refer to the opinions of the management department to item Male City side Bridge Airport side
Cl-(mg/L) 19460 19460 19982
determine the possibility and rationality of the navigation aids.
SO42-(mg/L) 759 1200 710
8.2 Fixed Bridge Signs
CO32-(mg/L) 10.3 10.3 15.5
Of this bridge, the spans between 19# - 20# piers and 20# - 21# piers are one-way navigable spans. HCO3-(mol/L) 2.4 2.3 2.2

One-way navigation sign boards shall be provided in the middle of the channel facing ships; Left and Total mineralization
32959 33697 33832
right signs shall be provided on both sides of the girder corresponding to the boundary line of navigation
NH4+(mol/L) 0 0 0
clearance; warning light boards shall be provided on the pier surfaces facing ships on both sides of the
Ca2+(mol/L) 491 409 531
navigable span; prohibition signs shall be provided on both sides of the middle girder where there is any Mg2+(mol/L) 1315 1265 1240

non-navigable span. A radar balise shall be provided on the deck of the 20# pier. Aggressive CO2 0 0 0
Free CO2 0 0 0
The bridge navigation sign is considered according to the first level load, with DUPS power supply.
pH Value 8.2 8.2 8.2
The DUPS power supply and control box are located in the 1# box type substation. The daytime display

of the signs is displayed through the paint of various colors, and the epoxy long effect paint should be Based on the standards in Appendix K of Code for Highway Engineering Geological Investigation

used to meet the requirements of the maritime department. The program should be reported to the local (JTG C20-2011), the seawater and groundwater within site area is weak corrosive (the content of SO42-

waterway management department after approval. is between 300~1500mg/L) to the concrete structure when judging by Ⅱ-level environment. It is also

- 16 -
weak corrosive (the content of Cl- is between 10000~20000mg/L) to rebar in reinforced concrete

structure which is long-term immersion and strong corrosive to the rebar in reinforced concrete structure 9.3 Durability Design of Concrete Structure
which is alternation of wetting and drying. According to the corrosive features and corrosive environment of the project, marine high
9.2 Environmental action level performance concrete and increase in the thickness of protective layer should be adopted as basic anti-
The bridge site is seawater environment without shelter with the design high water level of +0.55m corrosion measures. Meanwhile, corresponding anti-corrosion measures should be added to different
and design low water level of -0.51m. According to the water level, the environment is divided into structural parts.
atmospheric zone, splash zone/water level fluctuation area and underwater area. Since the effect to
9.3.1 The thickness of protective layer and crack width limit of the concrete structure
underwater area and splash area is similar, no detailed division is needed. The specific area is as follows
The minimum thickness of protective layer and maximum crack width limit of the concrete structure
(the elevation is the local elevation system of Maldives):
are shown in Table 9.3-1 and Table 9.3-2.
(1)Atmospheric zone: >+5.37m;
Table 9.3-1 Control index of minimum protective layer thickness and width limit of surface crack of concrete
(2)Splash zone/water level fluctuation area: +5.37~-1.51m;
for main bridge
(3)Underwater area and the area under mud: <-1.51m.
Environmental Design protective Maximum allowable
The level of environmental action of concrete structure is shown in table 3.2.1 Position
action grade thickness(mm) crack width(mm)
Table 9.2-1 Grade division of environmental action of concrete Pile foundation D 75 0.15
Cap F 60+50(stainless steel mesh) 0.10
Structure part Action grade
Base F 90 0.10
Pile foundation Under water or mud,D
V shape pier F 70 0.15
Cap and base Water side/Splash zone,F external:floor and web 70,
Main bridge box girder E/F Full prestressing
Abutment、Cantilever retaining wall and Block E/F top surface 65,internal:50
Pier body、V shape pier Splash zone,F Sidewalk slab/Rail D 50/55 0.15

Capping beam、Capping beam block、Bearing pad Splash zone、Partial atmospheric zone,F/E

Table 9.3-2 Control index of minimum protective layer thickness and width limit of surface crack of concrete
Main bridge box girder Atmospheric zone、Partial splash zone,F/E
for viaduct
Viaducts beam I Atmospheric zone、Partial splash zone,F/E
Sidewalk slab/Rail Atmospheric zone,D Environmental Design protective Maximum allowable crack
action grade thickness(mm) width(mm)
Notes:① The environment action level of abutment 0# is E, while the environment action level
Pile foundation D 75 0.15
of abutment 27# is F. Cap F 60+50(stainless steel mesh) 0.10
②The environment action level of bent cap on 1#pier~9#pier,24#pier~27# abutment is F, while Abutment、Back-
the environment action level of bent cap on 10#pier~18#pier id E. wall、Cantilever E/F 70 0.10
③ The environment action level of 0#abutment~7#pier, 24#pier~27#abutment, I girder and cast- retaining wall
in-place bridge deck is F, the environment action level of igirders between 8#pier~18#pier and cast-in- Pier body F 80 0.10
place bridge deck is E. Capping beam E/ F 70 Full prestressing
④The sidewalk slab is covered by girder, which prevents it from the effect of seawater and Capping beam
E/ F 70 0.10
waves. The environment action level should be considered as mild salt-spray area. block Bearing pad

⑤The wave wall is in concrete structure. Viaduct beam I E/ F 65 Full prestressing

- 17 -
Cast-in-place Capping beam block and E/ F C50
E/F 65 0.15
concrete slab Bearing pad
Sidewalk slab/Rail D 50/55 0.15 Viaduct beam I E/ F C50 2.5
Wave wall F / / Cast-in-place concrete slab E/F C50 2.5
Sidewalk slab/Rail D C40 3.5
Wave wall F C35 3.0
9.3.2 Strength grade and diffusion coefficient of chloride ion of concrete
Notes:①The standard curing temperature is 27±2℃;
Diffusion coefficient of chloride ion of the concrete is shown in Table 9.3-3 and 9.3-4. ②Test method of chloride diffusion coefficient should refer to Standard for Test Methods of Long-
term Performance and Durability of Ordinary Concrete, GB/T 50082-2009;
Table 9.3-3 Technical properties of main bridge concrete strength and chloride diffusion coefficient
③Pile foundation, cap(base), pier body(V-shape pier), capping beam and box girder of every pier
Environmenta Strength grade of 56d Chloride diffusion number should be remained a sample as per 1000m3 of concrete casting, for the same proportion of the
Structure parts resistance for chloride ion permeability. A set of sample is required to be remained even if it is not
l action grade concrete coefficient DRCM(10-12m2/s)
enough to 1000m3. And it is same to that of prefabricated I girder, sidewalk slab, bridge deck, wave wall,
Pile foundation D C35 4.0
bearer and anchorage concrete.
Cap and base F C45 3.5
9.3.3 Additional measures for concrete anti-corrosion
Main bridge V shape pier F C55 2.5

Main bridge box girder E/ F C55 2.5 Additional measures for concrete anti-corrosion on different structural parts are shown in Table 9.3-5.

Sidewalk slab/rail D C40 3.5 Table 9.3-5 Additional measures for concrete anti-corrosion

Notes:①The standard curing temperature is 27±2℃; Environmenta

Structure parts Anticorrosion measures
l action grade
②Test method of chloride diffusion coefficient should refer to Standard for Test Methods of Pile foundation D Underwater area retains steel cylinder
Long-term Performance and Durability of Ordinary Concrete, GB/T 50082-2009; Cap F Stainless steel mesh(side)+rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes(top)
Base F Epoxy coated reinforcement+ rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
③Pile foundation, cap(base), pier body(V-shape pier), capping beam and box girder of every pier
Abutment、 E rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
number should be remained a sample as per 1000m3 of concrete casting, for the same proportion of the Cantilever retaining
F Epoxy coated reinforcement+ rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
wall and Block
resistance for chloride ion permeability. A set of sample is required to be remained even if it is not
Epoxy coated reinforcement(blow +5.37m)+ rebar inhibitor+ coating
Pier body F
enough to 1000m . And it is same to that of prefabricated I girder, sidewalk slab, bridge deck, wave silanes +controlled permeability formwork liner
Epoxy coated reinforcement+ rebar inhibitor +architecture concrete
wall, bearer and anchorage concrete. V shape pier F
coating system①
Table 9.3-4 Technical properties of viaduct concrete strength Epoxy coated reinforcement+ rebar inhibitor +architecture concrete
coating system;Special vacuum grouting of special prestressed pipeline for
Environmental Strength grade of 56d Chloride diffusion F
Structure parts marine engineering+ rebar inhibitor +special sealing mortar for marine
action grade concrete coefficient DRCM(10-12m2/s)
Pile foundation D C35 4.0 Capping beam
rebar inhibitor + architecture concrete coating system
Cap F C45 3.5
Special vacuum grouting of special prestressed pipeline for marine
Abutment、Cantilever E
E/F C40 3.5 engineering+ rebar inhibitor +special sealing mortar for marine
retaining wall and Block
Pier body F C50 3.0
Capping beam block F Epoxy coated reinforcement + rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
Capping beam E/ F C50 3.0
Bearing pad E rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes

- 18 -
Epoxy coated reinforcement + rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
9.4 Anti-corrosive Design of Steel Structures
Main bridge box Special vacuum grouting of special prestressed pipeline for marine
grider engineering+ rebar inhibitor +special sealing mortar for marine
engineering 9.4.1 Anti-corrosive coating design of main bridge steel structures
Epoxy coated reinforcement + rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
(1)The anti-corrosive coating design system of main bridge steel structures is described in
Special vacuum grouting of special prestressed pipeline for marine
F Table 9.4-1.
engineering+ rebar inhibitor +special sealing mortar for marine
engineering Table 9.4-1 Protective Coating of Steel Girders
Viaduct beam I
rebar inhibitor+ coating silanes
Number of
Special vacuum grouting of special prestressed pipeline for marine Position Coating material Thickness
E coats
engineering+ rebar inhibitor +special sealing mortar for marine
Surface sandblasting treatment Grade Sa2.5, Rz40~80μm
engineering Plate surface
Inorganic zinc silicate primer for
Epoxy coated reinforcement + rebar inhibitor + controlled permeability treatment 1 coat 20~25μm
Cast-in-place F workshop (factory)
formwork liner
concrete slab Surface sandblasting treatment Grade Sa2.5, Rz40~80μm
E rebar inhibitor + controlled permeability formwork liner Outer surface of
Epoxy zinc rich antirust primer 2 coats 2×50μm
Sidewalk slab D / steel girder
Epoxy micaceous iron intermediate
Wave wall F / (excluding the 2 coats 2×100μm
paint (high-build)
joint surface with
Notes:① The casting area of fair-faced concrete for V-shape pier begins from the interface of V- Fluorocarbon finish (factory) 1 coat 40μm
concrete decks)
Fluorocarbon finish (site) 1 coat 40μm
shape pier and base to the straight line section of V-shape pier.
Surface sandblasting treatment Grade Sa2.5, Rz40~80μm
②The I girder surface should be coated by silane, while the prestressed anchorage area of I girder Epoxy zinc rich antirust primer 1 coat 60μm
Inner surface of
and transverse diaphragm should be coated by fair-faced concrete system. Epoxy micaceous iron intermediate
steel girder 2 coats 2×80μm
paint (high-build)
9.3.4 Monitoring on the corrosion of concrete structure
Epoxy paste paint 1 coat 80μm
Due to the limit of height restriction at airport, there are 6 spans of 30m-long I beam at Male side Welding shear stud
Joint surface of
and 3 spans of 30m-long I beam at Airport side. Meanwhile, main approach pier is at splash zone, which Surface sandblasting treatment Grade Sa2.5, Rz40~80μm
steel girder and
Epoxy zinc rich antirust primer (factory) 1 coat 40μm
is easy to be corrosive by the rich content of chloride ion in seawater. Once the rebar is corrosive, it will concrete deck
Epoxy paste paint (factory) 1 coat 100μm
lead to the cracking and spalling of concrete structure, decreasing the bearing capacity of structure and Surface sandblasting treatment Grade Sa2.5, Rz50~100μm
Iinorganic zinc-rich anti-rust and non-
increasing the cost on maintenance. Thus, the monitoring should be attached great importance. Based bolted friction face 120±40μm
skid paint
on economical efficiency and environment similarity, representative piers of main bridge and approach Epoxy zinc rich antirust primer (site) 1 coat 20μm
Exposed face of
Epoxy micaceous iron intermediate
bridge and the main girders on both sides are chosen to be monitored. Monitoring system of concrete high-strength 2 coat 2×80μm
paint (high-build) (site)
bolted connection
corrosion should be adopted with the layout and quantity decided by Contractor. After the completion Fluorocarbon finish (site) 1 coats 1×80μm

of embedded corrosion monitoring element, the monitoring should begin and last for 2 years after Notes:
completion. Meanwhile, training should be given to relevant technical staffs of Maldives for follow-up ①The content of metallic zinc in the non-volatile content of epoxy zinc rich primer is equal to or greater
than 80%;
②The fluorine content in fluorocarbon finish is equal to or greater than 24%;
③The anti-corrosive coating used shall meet the requirements for environmental protection, and the
- 19 -
color of finish shall be determined in accordance with landscape requirements.
10 Landscape Design
9.4.2 The durability design of embedded parts
10.1 Landscape and Architecture Design at Bridgehead
(1)The exposed surface of steel members permanently reserved and embedded in concrete In the project, since there is no symbolic optical center above the bridge deck, the landscape of the
structures shall be subjected to anti-corrosive coating (except for stainless steel embedded parts). See
bridge shall be improved by setting a non-structural landmark of tower-cable system at the bridgehead
the following table for coating scheme.
of the Male side, and the profound friendship between China and Maldives will also be showed in this
Table 9.4-2 Anticorrosive Coating Scheme for Reserved and Embedded Steel Members in Concrete Structures
way. The bridgehead landscape and architecture will serve as the finishing touch of the entire bridge
Technical requirements
Position Coating system and material Site
(minimum dry film thickness) landscape.
Exposed Degreasing, acid pickling No grease and rust on surface Factory
10.2 Permanent Aid Sign
surface of
reserved and In this project, a permanent sign of the Chinese government shall be set. The sign shall contain the
Hot-dip galvanizing 120μm Factory
embedded indication of foreign aid form the Chinese government, the project name (China Aided China-Maldives
steel members
Friendship Bridge) and the construction time.

(2)Other parts of embedded see related drawings. 11 Environmental Protection

9.4.3 Anti-corrosive design of steel casing 11.1 Engineering Impact on Environment and Countermeasures
11.1.1 Impact on Terrestrial Ecological Environment
The steel casings of main bridge will be involved in the stressing of pile foundations throughout
The diversity of wild animals in Maldives is very limited. In particular, Male and Hulhule where
the life cycle, and will mainly consider the corrosion allowance. The average corrosion rate of a single
the project is located are highly developed islands, the main wild animals there are common birds such
surface in underwater area is taken as 0. 20mm/a. If calculated as per the design service life and
as crows, and lizards and mice. According to the animal survey data of the environmental impact
construction period of 103 years, the corrosion allowance is 20.6mm, and is taken as 11mm for stress
evaluation of other surrounding projects, there are no endangered or rare animals found.
calculation during structural design considering the total thickness as 32mm of main bridge steel casings.
The possible impacts of the construction and operation of the major bridge on the terrestrial
The steel casings of approach bridge and transition pier are not involved in structural stressing, so the
ecological environment are: the construction of connection section on land will directly occupy the land,
effect of corrosion on it is not considered.
and the expansion of the local road may destroy some vegetation; the fill and excavation of the

engineering subgrade will cause water and soil loss to some extent. The scope and extent of the impacts

are very limited as the connection section on land is very short. The main construction site is located at

the site of Hulhumale that just be treated with hydraulic reclamation and where there is no vegetation

and is suitable for the construction site. In one of the alternatives for the temporary construction site on

the side of Male, the planned Henveiru Park will be occupied and some of the coconut trees and banyan

will be destroyed.

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11.1.2 Impact on Sea Water During the operation period, the ambient air pollution mainly comes from tail gas emissions, which

The water quality of the sea area where the project is located is good. The water is clear and is characterized by increased pollution degree with the increase of traffic volume. Generally, the scope

transparent, without obvious pollution. The temperature of sea water is about 30 Celsius degree, the pH of impact will not exceed 200 m from both sides of the road centerline. As this project is mainly a cross-

is between 8 and 9 and the salt content is about 3.5%. The construction period of this project is long and sea bridge and connections on both sides are by the sea, the diffusion conditions are very good in general,

the work quantity is large. If the construction is not managed properly or the technologies are not and the impact of tail gases is very small.

reasonable, the sea water is likely to be polluted to some extent. Therefore, measures shall be taken to 11.1.4 Impact on Acoustic Environment

reduce sea water pollution. The Male' Island and Hulhule Island where the project is located has a general acoustic environment

The main impact of the completion and operation of the Maldives Cross-sea Bridge on sea water quality. The noises are mainly traffic noise and social activity noise. The Male' Island has a very large

quality comes from the petroleum-like matters leaked when vehicles running on the bridge deck and population and the main means of transportation are vehicles, motorcycles and speed boats. The noises

scoured into the sea by rainwater. The scope of the impact on sea water is determined by the traffic are mainly traffic noise and social activity noise. The Hulhule Island is mainly affected by the aircraft

volume, maintenance conditions of the vehicles and the environmental capacity of sea water. As the sea noise from the airport. According to the acoustic environment monitoring data of the environmental

area where the project is located has better sea water exchange conditions and a relatively large impact evaluation of other surrounding projects, the noise is between 54.6-71.1dB (A) in the day and

environmental capacity, the sea water quality will barely be affected by the project. 43.6-68.9 dB (A) at night.

Other issue that cannot be ignored in the management of the cross-sea bridge is the management of The noise during the construction period is shortdated and temporary and has the characteristics of

vehicles transporting of toxic and hazardous substances. As there are only a few marine product local sections, but it is also necessary to take effective measures to reduce the impact of construction

processing factories in Maldives, there is essentially no such risk. noise during the construction period.

11.1.3 Impact on Atmospheric Environment During the operation period, the noise pollution will increase with the increase of traffic volume,

According to the ambient air monitoring data of the environmental impact evaluation of other but the scope of impact will generally be limited to the range within 200 m on both sides of the road,

surrounding projects, the Male' Island and Hulhule Island where the project is located has very good especially on front buildings. In this project, there are only a small number of residential buildings

ambient air conditions, with the one-hour PM2.5 value between 4-10 μg/m³, one-hour PM10 value distributed on the side of the Male Island. According to the prediction results, the front buildings will

between 15-32 μg/m³, one-hour SO2 value between 4-8 µg/m³, and one-hour NOx value between 4-62 exceed the standard of Class II district.

µg/m³. 11.1.5 Impact on Marine Environment

During the construction period, the ambient air pollution mainly comes from the dust pollutants Maldives, where the project is located, belongs to the coral reef ecosystem and is rich in marine

from open sources such as uncompleted pavement, stock yards and precast yard as well as the smoke life. According to field investigation, however, the bridge location has a very low living coral coverage

from asphalt paving and the pollutants exhausted by motor vehicles,. Among them, the impact of dust in general. On the side of Male, there are some caves in the water area of 30-40m deep. The Napoleon

pollutants on surrounding environment is more prominent. As the project area has a humid climate, Wrasses found around there belong to protected species of Maldives.

abundant rainfall, and relatively large air humidity in general, the dust is easier to dilute and settle. As According to the results of marine ecological survey, the marine ecological environment of the

long as appropriate measures are taken, the pollution can be reduced to a minimum. project area is insensitive compared with other areas in Maldives. Piers of the Maldives Cross-sea Bridge

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will permanently occupy some benthic habitats, where the ratio of living coral reef is about 7% and the 11.3 Environmental Protection Measures and Countermeasures in Operation Period
seaweed distributed area accounts for about 10%. Because the benthic habitats occupied by bridge In the operation period, the shipping and maritime management departments shall promptly develop

construction are limited to the vicinity of the piers and distributed in a decentralized manner, there will and release the navigation rules in the channel area and carry out normal deployment and maintenance

be no significant impact on the benthic coral reef ecosystem and life and reproduction of marine fish. In for navigation channels and marks. The units or individuals of ships shall strictly enforce the rules

addition, as seafloor sediments mainly comprise rocks, gravels and sea sand with a relatively large concerning channels as well as the contingency plan for leakage of dangerous goods in maritime traffic

particle size, the scope of suspended sediment concentration increased significantly due to the accidents. In terms of marine ecology, appropriate areas shall be selected for artificial reefs, so as to

construction in the area around the piers will generally be not greater than 50 m, and these affected compensate for the coral reef area lost due to the construction of piers. In terms of terrestrial ecology,

benthic habitats will gradually recover after the construction. Generally, the normal construction the construction site shall be cleaned promptly after construction, and the site and be treated with

activities of the major bridge have little impact on the benthic coral reef ecosystem and life and reclamation and greening to restore vegetation and prevent water and soil loss. In terms of air

reproduction of marine fish. However, if the construction is not managed properly or the technologies environmental protection, monitoring on the technical improvement of passing vehicle shall be

are not reasonable, the sea water is likely to be polluted to some extent, and this will further impact the strengthened to control tail gas emissions. Greening and beautification around the connection section of

benthic coral reef ecosystem and marine fish. See the section of "Impact on Sea Water" for the analysis the bridge shall be strengthened to control the spread of waste gases to the surrounding environment. In

on relevant impacts. terms of acoustic environment, monitoring on the technical improvement of passing vehicle shall be

11.2 Environmental Protection Measures and Countermeasures in Design Stage strengthened and the nonconforming vehicles shall be prohibited from running on the road; pavement

According to the environmental impact analysis, corresponding environmental protection measures maintenance shall be enhanced to maintain the eveness of the pavement; hospitals, schools and other

and suggestions shall be put forward with respect to the adverse impacts of the construction of the major buildings in need of quiet shall not be built in the vicinity of the bridge connection.

bridge on the surrounding environment. Effort shall be made in the design stage of the project to achieve 12 Construction Safety
the follows: The bridge engineering scheme shall be designed to reduce piers and the damage on benthic
12.1 General Design of Construction Safety
habitats as far as possible under the premise of technical and economical feasibility. During the design
Due to the special construction conditions of the project, the construction side will face a huge
stage, full consideration shall be given to the anti-corrosion of bridge, the navigation warning system
security risk. Precautions on construction safety are set forth in this chapter from the perspective of
and the anti-collision device design for piers. The bridge type, color and lighting shall be harmonious
design. The construction side shall develop more detailed implementing rules about construction safety
with the airport environment, so that the bridge and the airport together will serve as the primary window
to ensure safety production, combined with the specific construction and organization scheme.
to display the image of Maldives. Meanwhile, the design and planning for greening along the route shall
General requirements on construction safety:
be well conducted. In the profile design of the approach bridge and connection, the gradient shall be
(1) The hydrological conditions of the water area where the project is located are complicated. The
reduced as much as possible to reduce the environmental impact caused by tail gases. The bituminous
construction of the foundation shall take full account of the influence of ocean currents and waves, and
concrete pavement shall be employed as far as possible for the approach bridge and connection section
contingency plans shall be made. During the whole construction period, conditions of ocean currents
on land to reduce the environmental impact caused by traffic noise.
and waves shall be closely monitored, and the stress and deformation of the construction platform and

bridge structure shall also be monitored. An early warning mechanism shall be established to ensure

- 22 -
construction safety. operations, and report discovered problems in a timely manner. The surveillance unit shall measure the

(2) During the construction of the project, close contact shall be kept with the Maldivian Party. stress and deflection of the roof/floor of steel girders and key sections of concrete girders in real time,

The construction skylight period in which the large construction equipment intrudes into the aviation and feedback the data to the designer and monitor unit to ensure structural safety.

height limit shall be identified to ensure aviation safety. (2) During construction, temporary loads must not kept in specified places, and pivots of

(3) During the construction period, guidance for navigating ships shall be provided to prevent the construction machinery on the bridge floor must be within the web width, with reliable cushion and force

ships from hitting the construction platform and the main bridge foundation. transmission distribution. All these issues must be accepted by the designer, and reported to the designer

(4) Environmental protection shall be well carried out during construction, to avoid polluting the and monitor unit for calculation, to ensure safety of the main structure.

local natural ecological environment. (3) Anti-wind measures must be taken for bridge construction, especially for the large cantilever of

(5) Top priority shall be given to personnel safety in the implementation of the project. Necessary main bridge and pushing of steel box girder.

safeguard measures shall be taken and safety education for construction personnel shall be strengthened. 12.3 Safety Precautions for Construction of Approach Bridge
12.2 Construction Safety Precautions of Main Bridge 12.3.1 Construction of Substructure of Approach Bridge

12.2.1 Construction of Substructure of Main Bridge (1) As the approach bridge sits in the breaker area near the shore, where the hydrological condition

(1) Steel pile casings shall be integrated promptly after they are inserted to ensure the security and is complicated, proper measures must be taken for building the pile foundation of the approach bridge,

stability of the casings. The connection construction shall be of special design to ensure the stability of to ensure safety of personnel and construction machinery.

the casings during the entire construction process of pile foundation and prevent "pile slip" of the casings (2) Design of platform cofferdam shall consider the current force, wave force, wind force, and other

during the construction of bored piles. forces borne under hoisting and installation for the construction water level, and meet strength and

(2) Comparison shall be carried out with the drilling of nearest geology, and if there is any rigidity requirements, to ensure safety during the construction period.

discrepancy between actual geological conditions and survey data, the design department shall be (3) The platform bottom shall be sealed as soon as possible, with rebars bound and concrete poured,

informed in time to adjust the pile length. to reduce water construction risks.

(3) In case of bad weather at sea and other reasons interrupting drilling, raise the drill outside the (4) During construction, if construction machinery or any other temporary loads are applied on the

hole, fill the hole with mud and cover the hole top, and then excavate from the pier position. bent cap, the load capacity and applied position shall be reported to the designer for calculation and

(4) Mud shall be properly handled when bored piles are built. approval before construction proceeds.

(5) Before pile foundation construction, the project team shall predict positions that large holes may 12.3.2 Construction of Superstructure of Approach Bridge

exist based on geological drilling data and prepare emergency plans in advance to ensure construction (1) Girders cannot be delivered through the bridge floor unless the floor concrete is poured, the

safety. concrete strength reaches 85% of the designed value, and pressure diffusion measures are taken. When

12.2.2 Construction of Superstructure of Main Bridge moving on the bridge, the bridge erecting machine must land its weight over the girder rib. The

(1) During construction of the concrete girders, the project team must monitor displacement and construction contractor shall perform checking computation on the construction load of girders based on

stress of key sections of girders, strictly follow instructions from the monitor unit for all construction the type of bridge erecting machine and load values. Construction cannot proceed until the checking

- 23 -
computation is passed. (3)Construction of bearing platform

(2) Hoisting of precast beam shall follow the rule of laying symmetrically from middle to both Steel suspension box cofferdam is adopted to construction of bearing platform for main pier. The

sides, to ensure the pier body bears uniform stress. Bridge floor cast-in-situ shall follow the same rule. cofferdam is assembled at the site and then settling to the design elevation. After the installation of steel

(3) Girders shall be assembled when the sea is calm, and wave impact on girders shall be assessed. suspension box cofferdam, bottoming concrete for bearing platform is cast under water. When it reaches

Necessary protective measures are taken to ensure girders' structure is safe during and after they are the required strength, water drawing is required to make a dry environment in suspension box for

erected, especially for those erected in the splash zone over the airport side. The first I-beam needs to be stripping, rebar binding and concrete casting for bearing platform.

fixed once erected, to avoid accidents caused by wave uplift or impact. 13.1.2 Construction of V-type pier
(4) Special measures shall be taken to remove the bottom formwork under the bridge floor for the Construction process of the triangle frame on V-type pier is as follows:

I-beam of the approach bridge in the splash zone. Do not remove it directly under bridge. Step one:

12.4 Safety Precautions for Construction of Approach Bank and Digue ①After the completion of bearing platform construction, support platform for bottom die and strut

As accropodes have huge volume and weight, attention must be paid to safety of persons and tools should be equipped. And relevant preloading test is required;

during transportation and installation. ②Setting up formwork and adjusting elevation, binding the rebar for 1# segment and setting up

13 Construction Plan and Organization steel pipe support at the same time.

13.1 Construction of main bridge

13.1.1 Construction on the foundation of bored pile group
(1)Construction of steel casing

For the steel casing for pile foundation of the main bridge, starting platform + guide frame are

adopted as the construction plan, stroked by hydraulic percussion hammer. The steel casing that first

completes the sinking should be connected with the starting platform. After the completion of sinking

for all steel casing, there will be a whole structure supported by steel, forming a platform for pile
fig.13.1.2-1 Step one for V-type pier construction
foundation drilling.
Step two:
(2)Construction of bored pile
①concrete casting for 1# segment, and concrete curing ;
Abrasion drill is adopted for pile foundation construction. The process is as follows: ①freshwater
②Completing the setting up of support for steel pipe;
is drilled by abrasion drill to form holes →②first cleaning operation →③mass detection on holes by
③Erecting two sets of I# buckle cable
ultrasonic →④settlement of reinforcement cage and conduit installation →⑤second cleaning operation

by air-lift reverse circulation →⑥initial casting of concrete by cork pulling →⑦casting of underwater

concrete →⑧plugging of the mud-jacking pipe at the pile bottom →⑨mass detection on holes by

ultrasonic →⑩casting of pile bottom and sounding pipe.

- 24 -
of III# group buckle.

③ Casting 3# segmental concrete.

④ Install 4# segment template.

fig.13.1.2-2 Step one for V-type pier construction

Step three:

①Assembling rest of the support platform for bottom die;

②Erecting II#4 buckle cable; Figures 13.1.2-4 V-shape pier construction step 4

③Installing 2# formwork; Step5:

④Adjusting cable force and elevation of formwork according to the monitoring order, casting ① Adjusting I#, II# and II# group buckle cable force according to monitoring instructions.

concrete for 2# segment symmetrically. ② Casting 4# segmental concrete, tensioning prestress when the concrete strength, modulus and age

reach the design requirements.

fig.13.1.2-1 Step three for V-type pier construction

Figures 13.1.2-5 V-shape pier construction step 5

Step 4: Step 6:

① Installing III# group buckle. ① Install 5# segment template.

② Adjusting I# and II# group buckle cable force according to monitoring instructions, cable tension ② Casting 5# segmental concrete, tensioning prestress when the concrete strength, modulus and age

- 25 -
reach the design requirements.

③ The construction of the triangular frame is completed, and preparing the hanging basket for

suspending pouring concrete in main beam section.

Figures 13.1.3-2 main bridge construction step 2

Step 3: Closure construction of concrete main beam crossing pier 22# to 23#.

① Closure concrete main beam crossing pier 22# to 23#.

② large mileage side of pier 22# apply counterweight 5000kN.

③ Bracketing cast-in-place 24# pier left side span

Figures 13.1.2-6 V-shape pier construction step 6

Figures 13.1.3-3 main bridge construction step 3

Step 4: Closure construction of side-span concrete main beam crossing pier 23# to 24#.
13.1.3 Main bridge construction step
① Suspending pouring 23# to 24# pier crossing 10-11 beam section, and then close the side span.
Step 1: Construction of V leg triangle area and pier top concrete beam.
② In the 19# pier top deck, the main span steel box girder is assembled between the 19# and 20#
① Completing the construction of pile foundation and platform, as described in 13.1.1;
piers, and the main span steel box girder is assembled between the pier 21# and 22# piers at
② Complete the construction of the V leg triangle area, as described in 13.1.2.
the 22# pier top deck.
③ Bracketing cast-in-place concrete beam of 22 and 23# pier top.

Figures 13.1.3-4 main bridge construction step 4

Figures 13.1.3-1 main bridge construction step 1
Step 5: Construction of steel-concrete composite section.
Step 2: T symmetrical suspending pouring construction for concrete beam of various piers.
① Construction of steel-concrete composite section between 19# to 20# pier, 20# to 21# pier, 21#
① Hanging basket suspending pouring concrete segment symmetrically, pouring concrete wet
to 22# pier.
joint, and tension longitudinal and transverse prestress, and grouting.
② Tension all the prestressed tendon and prestressed rebar in steel-concrete composite surface

after the steel-concrete composite section meet the design requirements.

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Figures 13.1.3-5 main bridge construction step 5 Figures 13.1.3-8 main bridge construction step 8

Step 6: Closure construction of middle span steel beam of 21# to 22# pier. Step 9: Closure construction of middle span steel beam of 20# to 21# pier.

① When the middle span steel beam of 21# to 22# pier is pushed in place, the guide beam is ① When the middle span steel beam of 20# to 21# pier is pushed in place, the guide beam is

removed, and the steel beam is hoisted by the bridge crane, and then installed according to the removed, and the steel beam is hoisted by the bridge crane, and then installed according to the

actual situation of the closure. actual situation of the closure.

Figures 13.1.3-6 main bridge construction step 6 Figures 13.1.3-9 main bridge construction step 9

Step 7: Closure construction of middle span steel beam of 19# to 20# pier. Step 10: Unloading of counterweight and vertical lifting of main beam of side pier

① Suspending pouring 19# pier side span asymmetric concrete segment 1-10. ① After the completion of the closure of the whole bridge, the temporary facilities such as

② When the middle span steel beam of 19# to 20# pier is pushed in place, the guide beam is bridge deck crane and other temporary facilities are removed. Then the middle span side

removed, and the steel beam is hoisted by the bridge crane, and then installed according to the counterweight of the 19# pier and the large mileage side counterweight of the 22# pier are

actual situation of the closure. unloaded in three grades, and the unloading value of each stage is 1/3 of the total load.

③ Bracketing cast-in-place 18# pier right side span ② While grading unloading the counterweight,the vertical jacking value for concrete beams on

18# pier is 35cm,and on 24# pier is 20cm,the Vertical jacking are divided into three grades,

and the value of each stage is 1/3 of the total vertical jacking value.

③ The unloading and jacking are alternately carried out. The first stage starts from the top to the

first stage unloading, then the second stage rises to the top, then the second stage unloads,
Figures 13.1.3-7 main bridge construction step 7
then the third stage sets the top and then the third stage unloads.
Step 8: Suspension pouring and closure construction of 19# pier side span concrete beam.

① Continuing suspending pouring of 19# pier side span asymmetric concrete beam section, and

gradually grading counterweight 9000kN in the 19# pier middle span. At the same time, the main

span steel box girder between 20# to 21# pier is assembled on the top deck of 20# pier.

② Closure of 19# pier side span concrete beam. Figures 13.1.3-10 main bridge construction step 10

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Step 11: Auxiliary construction then the other two side.

① UHPC bridge deck, bridge deck pavement and ancillary structure construction.

② Bridge load test and completion of traffic.

Figures 13.2.2-1 viaduct beam I construction step 1


Figures 13.1.3-11 main bridge construction step 11 ① Erecting bridge machine cross the bridge span

13.2 Approach bridge construction ② Beam-shipping machine shipping, erecting the beam, erecting bridge machine installs beam I

13.2.1 Approach bridge construction span by span.

(1) bored pile construction ③ Construction of cast-in-place concrete diaphragm and concrete bridge deck.

When constructing the viaduct pile foundation, using bridges to set up drilling platform, and to

complete of pile foundation steel cylinder embedment and rotary drilling holes. The construction process

of the pile foundation is the same with that of the main bridge pile foundation except the pore forming
Figures 13.2.2-2 viaduct beam I construction step 2
(2) platform, pier body and capping beam construction
① After the erection of the beam I between pier No. 17 and pier No. 18, the bridge erecting
Viaduct platform adopts the steel case with bottom for construction, steel case is on-site assembly,
machine shall be dismantled and the bridging machine shall be assembled between pier No. 27
the whole case is delegated to design elevation. After installing the steel case, the platform bottom
and pier 26.
concrete is pouring under the water, after the bottom concrete reaches the design strength, the steel case
② The construction of Male side viaduct cast-in-place diaphragm beam and bridge deck.
is pumped to form a dry working environment, and the bottom reinforcement of the platform and the
③ Bridge deck system construction.
concrete pouring of the platform are carried out. After completing the pile cap construction, setting the

templates and bracket cast-in-place pier body and capping beam on the platform.

13.2.2 Approach bridge superstructure construction

Approach bridge superstructure beam I is prefabricated, Construction method for erecting hole by
Figures 13.2.2-3 viaduct beam I construction step 3
hole of bridge erecting machine, Its construction process is as follows:
① From the airport side to the direction of Male erecting the prefabricated beam I.
① Precast beam I in prefabrication yard
② Dismantling the bridge erecting machine after completing the airport side beam I erecting.
② Assembling the erecting machine in the male side table No. 0 and No. 1 pier.
③ The construction of Male side viaduct cast-in-place diaphragm beam and bridge deck.
③ The beam I will be shipped to the erecting bridge machine for beam erection by beam-shipping
④ Bridge deck system construction.
car, erecting bridging machine installs prefabricated beam I in pier 0#-1# in the center first and
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materials in the bridge for bridge cantilever construction, it can not be piled up arbitrarily, so as not

to create too much partial load, resulting in accidents.

(10) During the construction of the whole bridge, the construction company should take necessary
Figures 13.2.2-4 viaduct beam I construction step 4
measures to ensure the safety of the construction, and ensure the safety of the workers.
13.3 Cautions for construction
(11) Other specific construction requirements for each section drawings, matters must meet the
(1) The construction company should carefully study the design documents, consider in detail to
"technical specification for construction of highway bridges and culverts" (JTG/T F50 2011),
review relevant geometry coordinates, design elevation, details of reinforcement and structure size,
"highway engineering quality inspection and evaluation standards" (JTG F80/1-2004) and other
once found, construction company should feedback to the design company, construction shall not
related requirements.
be done before solving the problem.
13.4 Settlement displacement observation
(2) The construction company shall formulate detailed construction organization plans and
This project is in the coral reef special geological environment, to better ensure the quality of bridge
formulate feasible construction plans, which shall be strictly enforced after examination and
engineering and after the completion of the use effect, the construction should be completed after the
approval to ensure the quality and construction safety of the bridge.
start to cap the contractor, after completion of the project operation period of 2 years, based on settlement
(3) The relationship between the components and the related design documents should be paid
observation observation and girder deflection. At the same time, it is necessary to train the technical
attention to during construction, ensuring the related structure and embedded parts rightly reserved
personnel of the Malaysian side so that they can continue the observation records later. The main
and embedded.
equipments are measuring instruments and embedded settlement observation points
(4) The construction company should promptly communicate with the Malaysian side, clearing the
13.5 Approach roads and construction site layout
skylights phase of large construction machinery into the aviation limit height, to ensure aviation
The bridge construction site including the Male side workshop area, Hulu Male side workshop area
and airport side workshop area, the Male side field region is project headquarters, beam I precast yard,
(5) The construction company shall adopt feasible construction methods to ensure no pollution to
mixing plant production area, steel processing area, material yard and component processing and
the environment and protect the natural ecology of the project site.
workers living area; Hu Lu Male side field region is project division resident, mixing station area, steel
(6) The hydrological conditions of the project are complicated, and the base construction and the
processing field, central laboratory, and field production and component processing yard workers living
superstructure construction shall take full account of the influence of ocean currents and waves, and
area; the airport side field area is mainly the wrest block prefabrication, filling stone and steel and other
make emergency plans to ensure the safety of the construction.
temporary material storage area.
(7) During the construction period, the construction company shall closely monitor the current and

wave conditions, monitoring the force and deformation of the construction platform and the bridge

structure, and establish an early warning mechanism to ensure the safety of the construction.

(8) The construction company shall do well in the guidance work of the navigation vessel during

construction, and avoid ship striking for the construction platform and main bridge foundation.

(9) Special attention should be paid to the layout of construction machinery, equipment and
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Figures 13.5-2 Airport side camping layout

13.6 Schedule
The construction period of the whole bridge shall be considered for 30 months (excluding

construction preparation period), and other non-controlling engineering items may be carried out

alternately. The whole bridge deck system and its ancillary works and completion load test can be

arranged together. Construction control process of main bridge:

① The main bridge consists of 35 bored piles and 4 rigs. Completed in about 6 months.

② The 5 caps of the main bridge are equipped with 5 sets of steel hanging boxes, each cap takes

a total of 3 months.

③ Main bridge V pier triangle area construction, including bracket + hanging basket installation

preload. Completed in about 6.5 months.

④ The main beam is hung with 5 pairs of hanging baskets. Completed in about 12 months.

Figures 13.5-1 Male side camping layout ⑤ The closure section was constructed with a total of 6 closure segments. Completed in about

approximately 5 months.

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Table 13.6-1 Schedule

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