VA IOS EZ-IO Pocket Guide

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Proximal Humerus Insertion Insertion Technique and Removal EZ-IO® System Components

Site Identification
A: Place the patient’s hand over the References:
A Step 1: Locate the insertion site.
abdomen (elbow adducted and 1. Philbeck TE, Miller LJ, Montez D, Puga T. Hurts so good; easing IO pain
humerus internally rotated). Place EZ-IO Power Driver and pressure. JEMS 2010;35(9):58-69. Research sponsored by Teleflex
Step 6: Attach primed extension set, firmly
your palm on the patient’s shoulder Incorporated.
secure to catheter hub with clamp open. ORDER NO. description QTY
anteriorly. The area that feels like a 2. Morrison RS, Ahronheim, JC, Morrison, GR. Pain and Discomfort Associated
EZ-IO Power with Common Hospital Procedures and Experiences. Journal of Pain and
Growth Plate

“ball” under your palm is the 9058 1 Symptom Management; Vol. 15 No. 2 February 1998.
general target area. You should be Driver
3. Montez D, Puga T, Miller LJ, et al. Intraosseous Infusions from the Proximal
able to feel this ball, even on obese Humerus Reach the Heart in Less Than 3 Seconds in Human Volunteers. Annals
patients, by pushing deeply. of Emergency Medicine 2015;66(4S):S47. Research sponsored by Teleflex
Pediatrics only Incorporated.
4. Voigt J, Waltzman M, Lottenberg L. Intraosseous vascular access for in-hospital
B: Place the ulnar aspect of your Step 7: Remove adhesive from EZ-IO Needle + Stabilizer Kits emergency use: A systematic clinical review of the literature and analysis.
Pediatr Emerg Care 2012;28(2):185-998. Research sponsored by Teleflex
hand vertically over the axilla. Place back of EZ-Stabilizer Dressing Incorporated.
Step 2: Clean insertion site per ORDER NO. description QTY
the ulnar aspect of your other hand and apply dressing to skin. 5. Von Hoff DD, Kuhn JG, Burris HA, Miller LJ. Does intraosseous equal
along the midline of the upper arm institutional protocol. Stabilize 9079P 45 mm Needle 5 intravenous? A pharmacokinetic study. Am J Emerg Med 2008; 26: 31-8.
laterally. extremity.
6. Neumar RW, Otto CW, Link MS, et al. Adult advanced cardiovascular life
9001P 25 mm Needle 5 support. 2010 American heart association guidelines for cardiopulmonary
resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation 2010;122(suppl
9018P 15 mm Needle 5 3):S729-67. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.
Step 8: Confirm placement. Flush the EZ-IO 7. Monsieurs KG, Nolan JP, Bossaert LL et al. European Resuscitation Council
Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 Section 1. Executive summary. Resuscitation
C Step 3: Gently press needle through the skin Catheter with normal saline (5-10 mL for 2015;95: 1-80
C: Place your thumbs together over until the tip touches the bone. The 5 mm black adults; 2-5 mL for infants/children). Each set includes a 15 Ga. sterile EZ-IO Needle
8. Davidoff J, Fowler R, Gordon D, et al. Clinical evaluation of a novel intraosseous
the arm. This identifies the vertical mark on the needle set must be visible above Set, EZ-Stabilizer Dressing, EZ-Connect device for adults: prospective, 250-patient, multi-center trial. JEMS
Prior to flush, consider IO 2% preservative-free and
line of insertion on the proximal Extension Set, EZ-IO Patient Wrist Band and 2005;30(10):s20-3.
the skin prior to insertion. Squeeze the trigger, epinephrine-free lidocaine IO for institutional
humerus. protocols/policy. NeedleVISE® 1 Port Sharps Block. 9. Luketich JD, Kiss M, Hershey J, et al. chest tube insertion: a prospective
apply gentle steady pressure. In the event of
evaluation of pain management. Clin J Pain 1998;14(2):152-4.
Driver failure, disconnect the Power Driver,
Rx only
grasp the Needle Set Hub by hand and advance
into the medullary space while twisting. Additional considerations regarding the EZ-IO Power Driver: Potential complications may include local or systemic infection, hematoma,
extravasations, or other complications associated with percutaneous insertion
• As with any emergency medical device carrying a backup is of sterile devices.
D D: Palpate deeply up the humerus
Step 9: Deliver medication and fluids as ordered.
a strongly advised protocol. Regional Offices
Administer medications in same dose, rate and ®
to the surgical neck. This may feel • The life expectancy and approximate number of insertions United States: Phone +1 919 544 8000, Toll Free 866 246 6990,,
concentration as given via peripheral IV. For 3015 Carrington Mill Boulevard, Morrisville, NC 27560, USA
like a golf ball on a tee – the spot will depend on multiple factors: actual usage, bone density,
Step 4: Stabilize hub and remove optimal flow infuse with pressure. Teleflex, the Teleflex logo, Arrow, EZ-Connect, EZ-IO, EZ-Stabilizer and
where the “ball” meets the “tee” is insertion time, storage conditions, and frequency of driver NeedleVISE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teleflex Incorporated or its
the surgical neck. The insertion site driver and stylet. Place stylet in an
appropriate sharps container.
testing. affiliates, in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are trademarks Intraosseous Vascular Access System
is 1 to 2 cm above the surgical neck, • Do not use excessive force during insertion. Let the EZ-IO of their respective owners. Information in this document is not a substitute for the
product Instructions for Use. The products in this catalog may not be available in
on the most prominent aspect of the Power Driver do the work.

Pocket Guide
all countries. Please contact your local representative. All data current at time of
greater tubercle. • EZ-IO Power Driver LED appears solid green when trigger is
Removal activated and Driver has sufficient power.
printing [07/2016]. Subject to technical changes without further notice.
© 2016 Teleflex Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Using a sterile luer-lock syringe • EZ-IO Power Driver LED blinks red when the trigger is MC-000280 Rev 03
as a handle, attach to hub of activated and Driver has only 10% of battery life remaining.
E: Point the needle set tip at a catheter, maintain alignment and • Replace the EZ-IO Power Driver when the LED begins
Step 5: Place the
45-degree angle to the anterior rotate clockwise while pulling blinking red.
EZ-Stabilizer ® Dressing
plane and posteromedial. straight up. Avoid rocking the catheter • In the event of a driver failure, disconnect the EZ-IO Power
over the catheter hub.
on removal. Dispose of catheter with syringe Driver, grasp the EZ-IO Needle Set Hub by hand and
attached in an approved sharps container. advance into the medullary space while twisting.
Insertion Sites Pain Management Guide Fluids and Medications

The Arrow ® EZ-IO ® Intraosseous Vascular Access Pain Comparisons on Concious & Alert Patients Periosteum
Pain Sensors Pain Sensors
5. Flush with normal saline. Many fluids and medications that can be given via a • Magnesium sulfate
System provides intraosseous access when intravenous Haversian Canal
Compact Bone Skin and Periosteum Blood vessels
• Adults: 5 to 10 mL peripheral IV can be given via the intraosseous (IO) route • Mannitol
access is difficult or impossible to obtain in emergent, Many medically necessary procedures involve pain and may Spongy Volkmann’s
(somatic pain) (visceral pain)
using the same dose, rate, and concentration.4,5,6,7 Deliver • Methylprednisolone
cause anxiety. Bone Canal • Infant/Child: 2 to 5 mL
urgent or medically necessary cases for up to 24 hours. medication and fluids as ordered. Administer medications • Midazolam
6. Slowly administer an additional lidocaine IO over 60 in the same dose, rate, and concentration as given via • Mivacurium
seconds. Repeat additional PRN. peripheral IV. For optimal flow infuse with pressure.
0 2 4 6 8 10 Vein • Morphine sulfate
Nerve • Adults: Typical dose of 20 mg. The following fluids and medications were delivered via the • Nalbuphine
• EZ-IO Needle Insertion1 • Infant/Child: Typical additional dose is half the initial intraosseous (IO) route as referenced in clinical literature. • Naloxone
• EZ-IO Infusion System 2-3 dose. The clinical literature is available on request through • Neostigmine
w/Appropriate Lidocaine Dosing1 • Nitroglycerin
Consider systemic pain control for patients not responding Teleflex Incorporated.
to IO lidocaine. • Norepinephrine
The intraosseous (IO) space contains a matrix of blood For more information visit • Adenosine • Digoxin • Normal saline
• Foley Catheter2 4-5 vessels and nerves. This structure provides rapid • Albumin • Diltiazem • Ondansetron
distribution of fluids and medications, and also contains Laboratory Analysis/Blood Sampling • Alfentanil • Diphenhydramine • Pancuronium
numerous sensory receptors that register pressure • Alteplase • Dobutamine hydrochloride • Paracetamol
variations. This pressure can be very uncomfortable or Based on preclinical and clinical evidence comparing IO • Penicillin
and venous or arterial blood specimens a number of • Aminophylline • Dopamine
• Nasogastric Tube2 painful for a responsive patient. • Amiodarone • Ephedrine • Phenobarbital
5-6 common laboratory values correlate well; other values • Phenylephrine
show clinical similarity without statistically significant • Ampicillin • Epinephrine
• Phenytoin
Consider Using Anesthetic For correlation, therefore caution should be exercised with • Anascorp • Etomidate
• Piperacillin
their interpretation. • Anesthetic agents • Fentanyl
• Central Venous Catheter2 Patients Responsive to Pain: • Antibiotics • Fluconazole • Potassium chloride
• Arterial Blood Gas/Arterial Line2 7-8 Certain point of care analyzers have been studied with • Promethazine
Review manufacturer’s lidocaine instructions for use prior to acceptable results. Check with your laboratory for IO blood • Antitoxins • Flumazenil
• Anti-menigococcal antitoxin • Fosphenytoin • Propofol
administration and observe recommended cautions/ specimen processing capabilities.
• Anti-pneumococcus serum • Furosemide • Remifentanil
contraindications to using 2% preservative free and
For more information regarding IO lab analysis, refer to the • Atracurium besylate • Gentamicin • Rocuronium
• IO flush without Lidocaine8 epinephrine free lidocaine (intravenous lidocaine).
• Chest Tube Insertion9 8-9 publication Science and Fundamentals of Intraosseous • Atropine • Haloperidol • Sodium bicarbonate
The following recommendations are based on published IO Vascular Access, available at: • Standard IV solutions
clinical literature: • Astreonam • Hartmann’s Solution
The following recommendations have been developed • Blood and blood products (Compound Sodium Lactate • Succinylated gelatin
1. Confirm lidocaine dose per institutional protocol. based on research done by Teleflex; study data was based • Bretylium Solution) solution 4%
Data in chart for illustrative purposes only
2. Prime extension set with lidocaine. on IO blood specimens obtained prior to any infusions or • Calcium chloride • Heparin • Succinylcholine
Insertion Note that the priming volume of the EZ-Connect ® flush: • Calcium gluconate • Hydroxocobalamin • Sufentanyl
extension set is approximately 1.0 mL
• Cefazolin • Hydrocortisone • Tenecteplase
Arrow EZ-IO Needle Set insertion pain is quick. Insertion • Connect a syringe directly to the EZ-IO Catheter hub.
3. Slowly infuse lidocaine over 120 seconds. • The first 2 mL of IO blood aspirate may either be • Ceftriaxone • Hydromorphone • Thiamine
pain rates as a 3 on a 0-10 pain scale.1,**
Advantages of proximal humerus site include: • Thiopental
• Adults: Typical initial dose is 40 mg. discarded or considered for point of care testing. • Contrast media • Hypertonic saline/dextran
• Average flow rate of 5 L/hour1 Infusion • Infant/Child: Typical initial dose is 0.5 mg/kg, NOT to • For other than point of care testing, consult with the • Dexamethasone (7.5% NaCl/6% dextran) • Tobramycin sulfate
• Medication and fluid reach the heart in 3 seconds 3 exceed 40 mg. laboratory to determine acceptability of IO blood • Dextran-40 • Insulin • Tranexamic acid
• Lower insertion and infusion pain1,*,** The pain associated with IO infusion can be manageable specimens for analysis. • Vancomycin
4. Allow the lidocaine to dwell in IO space 60 seconds. • D5W • Isoprenaline
• Less medication required for patient pain with correct dosing and application of 2% preservative- • Specimens must be identified as IO blood. • Vasopressin
free and epinephrine-free lidocaine IO (per institutional • D5 ½NS • Ketamine
management1, *, ** • Dextrose 10% • Labetalol • Vecuronium
protocol). Arrow EZ-IO System infusion pain is rated up to a Disclaimer: Selection and use of any medication, including lidocaine, given IV or IO is the responsibility of the treating physician, medical director, or • Vitamin K
3 on a 0-10 pain scale with lidocaine use.1 qualified prescriber and is not an official recommendation of Teleflex Incorporated. This information is not intended to be a substitute for sound clinical
• Dextrose 25% • Levetiracetam
* Compared to EZ-IO tibial insertions
** Based on EZ-IO Adult Proximal Humerus insertion data judgment or your institution’s treatment protocols. Teleflex Incorporated is not the manufacturer of lidocaine. Users should review the manufacturer’s • Dextrose 50% • Lidocaine
instructions or directions for use and be familiar with all indications, side effects, contraindications, precautions and warnings prior to administration of • Diazepam • Linezolid
lidocaine or any other medication. Teleflex Incorporated disclaims all liability for the application or interpretation of this information in the medical
Do not use the Arrow EZ-IO System in the sternum! treatment of any patient. For additional information please visit • Diazoxide • Lorazepam

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