Section 4 - Analyze Phase

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Classes of Distribution

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Link the value of a random variable with its probability of


Differentiate between discrete and continuous probability


List the types of discrete and continuous probability

Frequency Distribution

It is a graphical or a tabular representation that displays the number of observations within a given interval.

The interval size depends on the data being analyzed and the goals of the analyst.


Data Goals
Frequency Distribution

They are generally associated with the charting of a normal distribution.

They show the observations of probabilities divided among standard deviations.

Example: Traders use frequency distributions to check the price actions and identify trends.
Probability Distribution

Frequency distribution Probability distribution

The exact number of The probability of occurrence

times a data point occurs of the given data point
Probability Distribution

The probability of an event refers to the likelihood that the event will occur.

Probability of event A = P(A)

P(A) = 0 Event A will definitely not occur.

P(A) ≅ 0 There is a small chance that event A will occur.

P(A) = 0.5 There is a 50-50 chance that event A will occur.

0 1
P(A) ≅ 1 There is a strong chance that event A will occur.

P(A) = 1 Event A will definitely occur.

Probability Distribution

In a statistical experiment, the sum of probabilities for all possible outcomes is equal to one.

An experiment with three possible outcomes: A, B, and C

P(A) + P(B) + P(C) = 1

A probability distribution is a table or an equation that links each possible value of a random
variable with its probability of occurrence.
Types of Probability Distributions

Discrete Continuous
probability probability
distribution distribution
Discrete Probability Distribution

It describes the probability of occurrence of each value of a discrete

random variable.

Heads and heads

Heads and tails

Tails and heads

Tails and tails

Discrete Probability Distribution

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable can always be represented by a table.

Number of tails X Probability P(X)

0 0.25

1 0.50

2 0.25
Continuous Probability Distribution

It describes the probabilities of the possible values of a continuous random variable.

Probability distribution of a continuous random variable is represented by the

probability density function (PDF).

The probability that a continuous random variable equals some value is

always zero.

• Y = F(X)
Probability density • Y ≥ 0 for all values of x
function (PDF)
• The total area under the curve = 1
Continuous Probability Distribution

Continuous probability distribution for the height of trees

It is impossible to figure out the probability of any one tree measuring exactly 70 inches.
Continuous Probability Distribution

It is unlikely that the tree is exactly 70 inches.

69.9 inches

70.1 inches ≈70 inches

Any variable that is on a continuous scale cannot be accurately measured.

Common Distributions

These are common distributions that relate to each other in interesting ways.

Hypergeometric Negative Binomial

Discrete Probability Distribution


Binomial distribution Poisson distribution

Hypergeometric distribution Negative binomial distribution

Multinomial distribution
Discrete Probability Distribution: Types

Binomial distribution A type of distribution that has two possible outcomes

Hypergeometric distribution

Multinomial distribution

Negative binomial distribution

Poisson distribution
Discrete Probability Distribution: Types

Binomial distribution Calculates the probability of successes when sampling

without any replacement

Hypergeometric distribution

Multinomial distribution

Negative binomial distribution

Poisson distribution
Discrete Probability Distribution: Types

Binomial distribution Finds probabilities in experiments where there are

more than two outcomes

Hypergeometric distribution

Multinomial distribution

Negative binomial distribution

Poisson distribution
Discrete Probability Distribution: Types

Binomial distribution Pascal Distribution

The number of repeated trials that produce a certain

number of successes
Hypergeometric distribution

Multinomial distribution

Negative binomial distribution

Poisson distribution
Discrete Probability Distribution: Types

Binomial distribution The number of events occurring in a given time period

Hypergeometric distribution

Multinomial distribution

Negative binomial distribution • Identifies the probability of zero customers or many

customers coming simultaneously

• Helps a manager plan for these events with appropriate

Poisson distribution staffing and scheduling
Continuous Probability Distribution

Normal or gaussian Standard normal

distribution distribution

F distribution T distribution
Continuous Probability Distribution

Normal distribution Every curve follows the empirical rule

Standard normal distribution

T distribution

F distribution Most outcomes will be within three standard deviations of the mean.
Continuous Probability Distribution

Normal distribution Occurs when a normal random variable has:

Mean Standard Deviation

μ=0 σ=1
Standard normal distribution

T distribution
• Z = The z-score (Standard Score)
• X = The value to be standardized
• μ = mean
F distribution • σ = The standard deviation
Continuous Probability Distribution

Normal distribution Student’s t-distribution

Estimates population parameters when the sample size
is small or when the population variance is unknown

Standard normal distribution • X = The sample mean

• μ = The population mean
• s = The standard deviation
• n = The sample size
T distribution

The t distribution conducts statistical analyses on data sets that

are not appropriate for analysis using the normal distribution.
F distribution
Continuous Probability Distribution

Normal distribution It is used to test whether:

Two independent samples drawn from the

Standard normal distribution normal population have the same variance

T distribution

Two independent estimates of the population

variance are homogeneous or not
F distribution
Key Takeaways

Frequency distribution is a graphical or a tabular

representation that displays the number of observations
within a given interval.

A frequency distribution gives the exact number of times a

data point occurs. A probability distribution gives the
probability of occurrence of the given data point.

Discrete probability distribution describes the probability of

occurrence of each value of a discrete random variable.

Continuous probability distribution describes the

probabilities of the possible values of a continuous random
Key Takeaways

The types of discrete probability distributions include:

Binomial distribution
• Hypergeometric distribution
• Multinomial distribution
• Negative binomial distribution
• Poisson distribution

The continuous probability distribution types are:

• Normal or gaussian distribution
• Standard normal distribution
• T distribution
• F distribution
Inferential Statistics
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Use inferential statistics to make predictions from the

available data

List the types of statistical inferences

State the importance of the Central Limit Theorem

Types of Statistics

Descriptive statistics describes data in

the form of a chart or a graph.

Inferential statistics allows you to

make predictions or inferences from
the available data.

The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known

The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence

Inferential Statistics

It is used to draw inferences about the process or population by modeling patterns of data.

The objective is to move from only describing the nature of the data to the ability infer
meaning from data as to what will happen in the future.
Inferential Statistics: Types of Error

There are four types of error contributes to uncertainty when trying to infer with data.

Error in sampling Error in measurement

Bias in sampling
Lack of measurement validity
Inferential Statistics: Types of Error

Error in sampling Error is due to differences among samples drawn at random

from the population

Bias in sampling Error is due to lack of independence among random samples

Error in measurement Error in the measurement of the samples like MSA or GR&R

Lack of measurement validity Error in the measurement does not measure what it is intended
to measure
Inferential Statistics: Example

Assume that you visit a supermarket and select 100 shoppers for a survey.
These shoppers are the representative sample of all customers.

Ask them if they like a particular brand of shampoo and then record their responses.
Inferential Statistics: Example

The recorded data can be used in two ways.


Make a bar chart of yes or no Reason a specific percentage of

answers, which is a descriptive customers prefer this brand of
statistics shampoo over other brands, which is
inferential statistics
Inferential Statistics

In case of inferential statistics, you take data from samples and generalize about a population.
Inferential Statistics

Ensure that the sample accurately reflects the population.

Define the population to be studied

Draw a representative sample

Use analysis methods that incorporate

the sampling error
Inferential Statistics: Branches

Inferential statistics

Parameter estimation Hypothesis testing

Parameter Estimation

A statistic from the sample data is used to infer a

characteristic about a population.
Parameter estimation
The mean of a sample is used to infer the mean
of a population.
Parameter Estimation

Describe your sample by using descriptive statistics by:

• Calculating the sample mean or the

sample standard deviation

• Making a histogram, pareto chart, bar chart, or

a box plot

• Describing the shape of the sample probability

Hypothesis Testing

• Uses sample data to answer research questions

Hypothesis testing • Helps you identify the relationship between two


• Helps you understand whether a new product

will be liked by customers
Inferential Statistics

Calculate a z-score or conduct a post-hoc test to make inferences about the population.

Inferential statistics use statistical models to compare your sample data with other samples.

Most research uses statistical models such as ANOVA, regression analysis, and various other
models to draw conclusions.
Central Limit Theorem

It states that the sampling distribution of the sample means tend to be a normal
distribution as the sample size gets larger.

The average of the sample means will be similar to the actual population mean.
Central Limit Theorem: Importance

In statistics, the normality assumption is vital for parametric hypothesis

tests of the mean.

The central limit theorem helps produce a distribution that approximates a normal distribution
if the sample size is large enough.
Central Limit Theorem: Importance

The central limit theorem also allows for the precision of the estimates.

• The sampling distributions of the mean cluster

more tightly around the population mean with
an increase in sample size.
• This idea helps to accurately estimate the mean
of an entire population.
• The estimate is more likely to be precise with a
larger sample size.
Key Takeaways

Inferential statistics allow you to make predictions or

inferences from the available data.

Estimating parameters and hypothesis testing are the two

main methods used in inferential statistics.

The Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling

distribution of the sample means tend to be a normal
distribution as the sample size gets larger.
Hypothesis Testing
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Differentiate between confidence interval and confidence level

Articulate the purpose of hypothesis testing

List the types of decision risks

Choose the right hypothesis test for the discrete data type and
continuous data type
Basics of Hypothesis Testing

Improves process capability by moving the process mean and reducing the standard

Makes decisions based on the sample data as collecting

population data is expensive

Involves uncertainty about the true population parameters

Basics of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing helps to make fact-based decisions:

Are there different

Is the difference only
due to expected
sample variation?
Basics of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing integrates:

The voice of the The voice of the

process business

This helps make data-based decisions to resolve problems.

Basics of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing avoids the high costs of experimental efforts by using existing data.

Data analysis can indicate a direction for experimentation, if necessary.

Basics of Hypothesis Testing

The probability of occurrence is based on a predetermined statistical confidence. Decisions

are based on:

Beliefs or past experiences Preferences or current needs

Risk or acceptable level of Evidence or statistical data

Basics of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing helps determine:

• Whether a value is cause for alarm

• Whether two sets of data are different or if a statistical

parameter varies from a test value of interest

• The strength of conclusion

• Uncertainty using some commonly accepted

Hypothesis Testing: Approaches

Disproving Minimizing the risk

Being objective assumptions of making wrong
Confidence Interval

Inferential statistics Confidence interval

It uses data from a sample It uses data collected from

to make an inference about a sample to estimate a
a population. population parameter.
Confidence Interval

A confidence interval refers to the probability that a population parameter will fall
between two set values for a certain proportion of times.

Confidence Level
95% or 99%

• It measures the degree of uncertainty

or certainty in a sampling method.

• It can take any number of

Confidence Interval

Confidence interval Confidence level

The percentage of
A range of values that likely
probability that the
would contain an unknown
confidence interval would
population parameter
contain the true population

“ We are 99% certain (confidence level) that most of these datasets

(confidence intervals) contain the true population parameter.
Confidence Interval

Confidence intervals help determine the likely range of the population parameter.

95% confidence interval is 5 +/-2

95% confidence that the mean of the population is between 3 and 7

Confidence Interval

Confidence intervals have a level of uncertainty:

Estimate ± Margin of Error

Importance of Confidence Interval

Sample statistics are only estimates of the population’s parameters.

Sample Statistic • Confidence intervals quantify

uncertainty as there is variability in
these estimates from sample to sample.

• They provide a range of plausible values

for the population parameters.
x, s Measure of variability
• Any sample statistic will vary from one
sample to another and from the true
Confidence factor population or process parameter value.
Significant Difference

µ1 µ2

Sample 1 Sample 2

• Are the two distributions significantly different from each other?

• How do the number of observations affect your confidence in detecting population mean?
Significant Difference

It is difficult to determine a statistical difference.

µ1 µ2

Sample 1 Sample 2

• The confidence established statistically has an effect on the necessary sample size.
• The ability to detect a difference is directly linked to sample size.
Significant Difference: Mean
Consider two different sample size for mean and test both them to check if they are similar or
not and see how this would impact the assumption about mean.

One item 900 items

• How close would you expect to get to the

• How close do you expect to get to the true
true population mean?
population mean?
• How well do you think this one item represents
the true mean?
• How much ability do you have to draw
conclusions about the mean?
Significant Difference: Standard Deviation

Population with a lot of variation Population with less variation

X Bar X Bar
Statistical Inferences and Confidence



• How close do you think the true mean (m) is to your estimate mean, X-Bar?
• How certain do you need to be about conclusions we make from your estimates?
Statistical Inferences and Confidence

As you tighten your estimate of the mean, the risk of being wrong increases.



To be more confident in your conclusions, relax the range in which the true mean lies.
Detecting Significance

Statistics provide a methodology to detect significant differences.

The two types of significant differences, practical and statistical, must be well

Failure to tie these two differences together is one of the most common
errors in statistics.

Examples: Differences in suppliers, shifts, or equipment

Practical vs. Statistical Difference

Practical difference Statistical difference

• A difference which results in an • A difference or change to the process

improvement of practical or economic that probably did not happen by
value to the company chance

• Example: An improvement in yield • Example: Differences in suppliers,

from 96% to 99% markets, or servers
Detecting Significance

Variation Reduction
Mean Shift

The process of detecting a significant change

How much of a shift in the mean will offset the cost of making a change to the process?
Detecting Significance

Variation Reduction
Mean Shift

How small or how large a delta is required?

• The larger the delta, the smaller the necessary sample will be.
• The smaller the delta, the larger the sample size.
Hypothesis Testing

A hypothesis test is an a priori theory relating to the differences between variables.

Practical problem Statistical problem

There is always a chance of collecting a nonrepresentative sample.

Inferential statistics allows us to estimate the probability of getting a nonrepresentative sample.

Dice Example

A single die is altered in some form to make a certain number appear more
often that it rightfully should.

• Throw a die a number of times and track how

many times each face occurred.

• With a standard die, each face is expected to

occur 16.67% of the time.

If we threw the die five times and got five one’s, what would you conclude?
Dice Example

• P (One 1) = 0.1667

• P (Five 1’s) = (0.1667)5 = 0.00013

We can take a 0.1% chance of being wrong about hypothesis that the die was loaded.
Statistical Hypothesis Test

A hypothesis is a predetermined theory about the relationships between variables.

Statistical tests can prove that a relationship exists with a certain degree of confidence.
Types of Hypothesis

Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis

• Represented by Ho • Represented by Ha
• There is no difference or • There is a difference or
relationship relationship
• P-value is greater than 0.05 • P-value is lesser than 0.05
With an assumption that the null If the null hypothesis is rejected,
hypothesis is true, you can only you have data that supports the
reject or fail to reject the null alternative hypothesis.
Steps for Hypothesis Test

State the practical problem 1

State the statistical problem

2 a. HO: ___ = ___
b. HA: ___ ≠ ,>,< ___
Select the appropriate
statistical test and risk levels 3
a. α = .05
b. β = .10
Establish the sample size required
to detect the difference

State the statistical solution 5

6 State the practical solution

Steps for Hypothesis Test

Alpha may change depending on the problem.

• An alpha of 0.05 is common in most

manufacturing projects.
• In transactional projects, an alpha of 0.10 is
common when dealing with human behavior.
• An alpha of 0.01 is only used when the null
hypothesis should not easily be rejected.

Any differences between observed data and claims made under the null
hypothesis may be real or due to chance.


Observed data

Hypothesis tests determine the probabilities of these differences occurring solely due to
chance and call them P-values.

The alpha level of a test (level of significance) represents the yardstick against
which P-values are measured.

H0 is rejected if the P-value is less than the alpha level.

Commonly used levels

1% 5% 10%
Decision Risks

Type I error


Type II error β n Sample size

Alpha Risk

• It is called the producer’s risk.

• It is the probability that we could be wrong in saying

that something is different.
Type I error
• It is an assessment of the likelihood that the
observed difference could have occurred by random
α chance.

• It is the primary decision-making tool for most

statistical tests.

• It is the risk of implementing a change when you

should not.
Alpha Risk

Alpha risk is typically lower than beta risk.

More hesitant to make a Overlooking an X
mistake about claiming which is never
the significance revealed
Alpha Risk: Formula

α = The probability of making a type 1 error

α = The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true

Alpha Risk

Alpha risks are expressed relative to a reference distribution. Distributions include:

T-distribution Z-distribution

χ2-distribution F-distribution
Alpha Risk

The alpha level is represented by the clouded areas.

Sample results in this area lead to rejection of null hypothesis.

Region of Region of

Accept as chance differences

Beta Risk

• It is called the consumer’s risk.

Type II error
• It is the probability that we could be wrong in saying
that two or more things are the same when they are
β different.

• It is the failure to recognize an improvement.

Beta Risk: Formula

β = The probability of making a type II error

β = The probability of failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false

Beta Risk

Beta and sample size are very closely related. When calculating sample size, enter the
power of the test which is one minus beta.

Power = 1 - β

This establishes a sample size that will allow the proper overlap of distributions.
Beta Risk

If two populations' means differ by a very small amount, then we are likely to conclude
that the two populations are the same.

Beta only comes into play if the null hypothesis truly is false.

The more false it is, the greater your chances of detecting it, and the
lower the beta risk.

The power of a hypothesis test is its ability to detect an effect of a given magnitude.
Avoid Common Pitfalls

Actual Conditions
• The decision is about Ho and not Ha.
Not Different Different
(Ho is True) (Ho is False) • Check whether the contention of Ha was upheld.
• Ho is on trial.
Not Different Correct Type II

• When a decision is made, remember that:


( Fail to Reject Ho) Decision error

o Nothing has been proved

Correct o It is just a decision

Different Type I
(Reject Ho) error Decision o All decisions can lead to type I and type II errors
Avoid Common Pitfalls

Actual Conditions
• If the decision is to Reject Ho, then there is sufficient
Not Different Different
(Ho is True) (Ho is False) evidence at the α level of significance to prove the
alternative hypothesis.
Not Different Correct Type II

( Fail to Reject Ho) Decision error

• If the decision is to Fail to Reject Ho, then there

Correct isn’t sufficient evidence at the α level of significance to

Different Type I
(Reject Ho) error Decision prove the alternative hypothesis.
Power of a Hypothesis Test

It shows the probability of the hypothesis detecting a significant

difference or effect when it really exists.

The power of a hypothesis test is the probability of not making a type II error.
Power of a Hypothesis Test

To differentiate between the light emission from two bulbs:

• How many samples do we need if the average light

emission from one bulb differs from another

• How many times should the experiment be

replicated to get at least an 85% chance of detecting
the factors responsible for affecting the
manufacturing process?

Use power of a test tool from MINITAB to get the answers.

Factors that Affect Power

Effect size Significance level (α) Sample size (n)

The lower the

The greater the effect The greater the sample
significance level, the
size, the greater the size, the greater the
lower the power of the
power of the test. power of the test.
Effect Size

It is the difference between the value specified in the null hypothesis and the true
value for a population parameter.

Effect size = True parameter value - Hypothesized parameter value

Population mean of True population mean of

History test scores History test scores

120 100

Effect size = 100 - 120

Effect size = -20
Significance Level (α)

Reducing the significance level makes the region of acceptance bigger.

The null hypothesis is not rejected when it is actually false, which leads to a type II error.

α α

Significance level
Sample Size

As the number of individual observations increases, the standard error decreases.

Theoretical Distribution of Means

When n = 2

Theoretical Distribution of Means

When n = 30
Delta and Sigma

Large Delta 𝛅

The size of the difference between two

means or one mean and a target value

The sample standard deviation of the

distribution of individuals of one or both the
samples under question

Large σ
The Ratio between 𝛅 and S

Large Delta 𝛅

• When δ and σ are large, the differences are

• If the variances of the data are large, it is
difficult to establish differences.
• It is important to have larger sample sizes to
reduce uncertainty.

Large σ
The Perfect Sample Size

We want to be 95% confident in our estimates.

Perfect Sample Size

• The minimum sample size required to

provide exactly 5% overlap in order to
distinguish the delta

• If you are working with non-normal data,

multiply your calculated sample size by 1.1
Typical Questions on Sampling

One could say a sample of 30 is perfect, but that may be too many.
The right sample is not known without the test.
Typical Questions on Sampling

Q How many samples should we take?

A Well, that depends on the size of your delta and standard deviation.
Typical Questions on Sampling

Q How should we conduct the sampling?

A Well, that depends on what you want to know.

Typical Questions on Sampling

Q Was the sample we took large enough?

A Well, that depends on the size of your delta and standard deviation.
Typical Questions on Sampling

Q Should we take some more samples just to be sure?

A No, not if you took the correct number of samples the first time.
Hypothesis Testing Roadmap: Decision Tree
Decision Tree

Continuous Y, Continuous X Discrete Y, Continuous X

• Correlation test Chi-square test

• Regression test • Chi-square goodness of fit
• Chi-square cross tabulation
• Chi-square two-way table

Continuous Y, Discrete X Discrete Y, Discrete X

Test of means Variation in the problem
• Binary logistic regression
Normal Non-normal Normal data Non-normal • Nominal logistic regression
data data data • Ordinal logistic regression
Decision Tree

Continuous Y, Discrete X

Test of means Variation in the problem

Normal Data Non-Normal Data Normal Data Non-Normal Data

• 1-sample t-test • Mood’s median test • Bartlett test • Levene test

• 2-sample t-test • Mann-Whitney test • F-test
• Paired t-test • I-sample sign test
• ANOVA • Kruskal-Wallis
• Friedman
• 1-sample Wilcoxon
• 1- and 2-sample proportion
Key Takeaways

A confidence interval is a range of values that likely would

contain an unknown population parameter.

Hypothesis testing integrates the voice of the process with

the voice of the business to make data-based decisions to
resolve problems.

The alpha risk (type I error) is the probability that we could

be wrong in saying that something is different.

The beta risk (type II error) is the probability that we could be

wrong in saying that two or more things are the same when
they are different.
Hypothesis Testing with Normal Data
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Differentiate between one-sample t-test and two-sample t-test

Perform a test of equal variance or Bartlett’s test in Minitab

Compare the means of two measurements using a paired t-test

Analyze the relationship between variables using ANOVA

Hypothesis Testing Roadmap for Normal Data

Y Continuous, X Discrete

Tests of means and variances Variation in the problem

Normal data Non-normal Data Normal data Non-normal data

• 1-sample t-test • Mood's Median test • Bartlett test • Levene test

• 2-sample t-test • Mann-Whitney test • F-test
• Paired t-test • 1-sample sign test
• ANOVA • Kruskal-Wallis
• Friedman test
• 1-sample Wilcoxon
• One- and two- sample
proportion test
Tests of Means (T-Tests)

T-tests are used to:

Compare the mean of a sample against a given target

Compare means from two different samples

Compare paired data

Tests of Means (T-Tests)

A t-test is a type of inferential statistic test.

● It is used to find out if there is a significant

difference between the means of two groups
● It considers:
○ T-statistic
○ T-distribution values
○ Degrees of freedom

For example, the sales team has improved. They want to compare the new mean against
a given target to see if they met the target.
Tests of Means (T-Tests)

Means from two different samples can be compared using:

Effectiveness of team A Effectiveness of team B

before and after training before and after training

Quality of product A Quality of product B

Tests of Means (T-Tests)

Paired data can be compared using the effectiveness of a team before and
after the training.

Analysis of variance or ANOVA is used when it is necessary to compare more than two means.
Practical Analysis

External Internal
80.3 85.8
84.1 83.2
81.5 84.4
85.5 83.4
This is the observed (collected) 83.7 86.0
sample data set. 85.2 80.6
81.3 83.1
88.2 88.0
79.6 86.9
84.7 84.3

In an f-test, the test statistic has an f-distribution under the null hypothesis.
It is used to:

Compare statistical models that have been fitted to a

specific data set

Identify the model that best fits the population from

which the data were sampled

Example: The hypothesis that a proposed regression model fits the data well
One-Sample T-Test

Expected population mean

Mean of a sample
to a target

Minitab performs a one-sample

t-test or t-confidence interval
for the mean.
One-Sample T-Test

The one-sample t-test is a parametric test.

• Compares the sample mean to the target which is the

known or hypothesized population mean

• Checks if the sample mean is statistically different from a

known or hypothesized population mean

• Compares the test variable against a test value

Target μsample • Uses test variable

One-Sample T-Test

The one-sample t-test is also known as a single-sample t-test.


39 35
sample 36 41
data 41 40

This test value is a known or hypothesized value of the mean in the population.
One-Sample T-Test

Use a one-sample t-test to perform a hypothesis test of the mean when the
population standard deviation (σ) is unknown.

• Look for the region in which we can be 95% sure our true population mean will lie

• Use calculated average, standard deviation, number of trials and a given alpha risk of .05

The target must fall within the confidence interval of the sample mean.
One-Sample T-Test

For a one- or two-tailed one-sample test:

• H0: μsample = μtarget If p-value > 0.05, accept Ho

• Ha: μsample ≠, <, > μtarget If p-value < 0.05, reject Ho

P-value: The probability of obtaining results while assuming that the null
hypothesis is correct

A smaller p-value indicates that the alternative hypothesis is favored.

One-Sample T-Test: Sample Size


• A pitfall in statistics is not understanding the proper

sample size

• Process mean and the desired target are not the same,
but they may be within an acceptable tolerance

SE Mean =
One-Sample T-Test: Sample Size

When sample size is two, one cannot
tell the difference between the sample
and the target

Sample size 2

When sample size is thirty, one can tell

the difference between the sample Sample size 30
and the target
SE Mean =
One-Sample T-Test: Sample Size

Observation on sample size of 2

• The spread of the distribution of averages from samples of 2 will create uncertainty

• 95% of the area under the curve of a normal distribution falls within +/-2 standard

• Confidence intervals are based on your selected alpha level:

o If you selected an alpha of 5%, then the confidence interval would be 95%

• The target value falls within +/-2 standard deviations of the sampling distribution

Observation on sample size of 30

• The target appears outside the 95% confidence interval of the mean
One-Sample T-Test: Sample Size


• The standard error of a statistic is the standard

deviation of its sampling distribution:

o If the statistic is the sample mean, it is called the

standard error of the mean (SEM)

SE Mean =
Two-Sample T-Test

• A two-sample t-test is used to compare two means

• It is used to compute a confidence interval of the

difference between two population means

• It is a frequently used hypothesis test

• It is generally applied to compare the average

μ1 μ2 difference between two groups is really significant
Two-Sample T-Test

The difference in the hypothesis for the two-tailed test vs. the one-tailed test:

For a two-tailed test:

• H0: μ1 = μ2 If p-value > 0.05, fail to reject Ho

• Ha: μ1 ≠ μ2 If p-value < 0.05, reject Ho

For a one-tailed test:

• H0: μ1 = μ2 If p-value > 0.05, fail to reject Ho

Two-Sample T-Test: Example

Step 1

Practical problem: Conduct a study in order to determine the

effectiveness of a ceiling fan (fan 1= 1 and fan 2= 2)

• Install two types of fans

• Compare the RPM of the fans
• Determine the difference between the two products

Step 2 Step 3

Statistical problem: Use the two-sample t-test as the

population standard deviations are
● Ho:μ1 = μ2 unknown
● Ha:μ1 ≠ μ2 ● Ho:μ1 = μ2
● Ha:μ1 ≠ μ2
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

● Alpha levels and beta levels are related to each other.

○ Alpha: Probability that you will make the mistake of rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is true

● P-value: Measures the probability of getting a more extreme value than

the one you got from the experiment
○ If the p-value is greater than alpha, the null hypothesis is accepted
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

To obtain alpha (α), subtract the confidence level from 1.

● For a one-tailed test: If you want to be 95% confident that the analysis
is correct, the alpha level will be 1 – .95 = 5%
● For a two-tailed test: Divide the alpha level by 2, which in this case will
be 2.5%
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

Type 1 error An alpha level is the probability of rejecting the

null hypothesis when it is true

A significance level of 0.05

5% risk of deciding that a
difference exists when there
is no actual difference
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

A beta level or beta (β) is the opposite of the

Type 2 error alpha level; it’s the probability of accepting the
null hypothesis when it's false.

If alpha increases, power

increases and beta
decreases in value.
Alpha Power Beta

If alpha decreases, power

decreases and beta
increases in value.
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

● The power of a test is a measure of quality for a hypothesis test

● The formula for power: (1 – beta). It is between 0 and 1

If the power is close to 1, the hypothesis test is very good at detecting a false null hypothesis.
Beta is generally set at 0.2 but may also be set to smaller values.
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

Step 4

Open the worksheet in Minitab and

code data:
● Work with the data in the BTU
● Unstack the data by damper type
Two-Sample T-Test: Example

Check if the data is normal:

Normality Test
Probability Plot
Paired T-Test

(δ) • A paired t-test is performed to compare the means of two
measurements from the same or identical samples

• It is also used before and after a solution on a given process

• It can be performed in Minitab

• It is appropriate for testing when data are paired and the

μbefore μafter paired differences follow a normal distribution
Paired T-Test

Use the paired t command to:

Perform a
Compute a hypothesis test of
confidence the difference
interval between
population means
Paired T-Test

A paired t-procedure matches responses that are dependent on each other.

It allows you to account for variability between the pairs usually resulting in a smaller error term.

This increases the sensitivity of the hypothesis test or confidence interval.

μδ is the population mean of the differences, and μ0 is the hypothesized mean

of the differences, typically zero.
Purpose of ANOVA

Analysis of Variance or ANOVA is the method for:

Analyzing and
modeling the
Response variable (Y) Independent variables (Xs)

Extends a two-sample t-test

Two-sample t-test
Tests for equality of two population means
Purpose of ANOVA

The independent variable or factor usually has three or more levels.

It helps to find significant differences among means using multiple comparisons.

What Do We Want to Know?

Is the variation between the group large enough to be distinguished from

the variation within the group?

(Between Group Variation)

Total (Overall)

Within Group Variation

(level of supplier 1)

μ1 μ2
Calculating ANOVA

Total(Overall) Variation


Within Group Variation

(Between Group Variation)

Calculating ANOVA

𝑔 𝑔 𝑛𝑗 𝑔 𝑛𝑗
2 2 2
෍ 𝑛𝑗 𝑋𝑗 − 𝑋ധ ෍ ෍ 𝑋𝑖𝑗 − 𝑋ത ෍ ෍ 𝑋𝑖𝑗 − 𝑋ധ
𝑗=1 𝑗=1 𝑖=1 𝑗=1 𝑖=1

Between Group Variation Within Group Variation Total Variation

g = the number of groups (levels in the study)

Xij = the individual in the jth group
nj = the number of individuals in the jth group or level
X = the grand mean

Xj = the mean of the jth group or level
Alpha Risk and Pairwise T-Tests

A t-test cannot be used to evaluate a series of means, because the alpha risk
increases as the number of means increases.

Formula: 1 – (1 – α)k

Here, k = number of pairs of means

So, for 7 pairs of means and an α of 0.05:

1 – (1 – 0.05)7 = 0.30

This means a 30% alpha risk

Sample Differentiation: Example

A new start-up has recently purchased an office and wants to get the carpeting done for all the
floors. Three carpet suppliers claim that their carpets are equal in levels of quality and durability.

Supplier A Supplier B Supplier C

3.1 4.21 4.65
4.4 3.9 3.98
3.49 3.85 4.22
3.8 4.15 3.86
3.55 3.77 3.4

Test the data to determine whether there is a difference between the three suppliers.
Test for Normality

Compare the P-values. All three suppliers’ samples are Normally Distributed.

Supplier A P-value 0.585 Supplier B P-value 0.333 Supplier C P-value 0.883

Histogram of Residuals

(responses are supplier A, supplier B, and supplier C)

The histogram of residuals should show a bell-shaped curve.

Normal Probability Plot of Residuals

(responses are supplier A, supplier B, and supplier C)

Residuals vs. Fitted Values

Residuals vs. the Fitted Values

(responses are supplier A, supplier B, and supplier C)

There should be no outliers present in this plot.

Paired vs. Independent Samples

Paired versus independent samples may be difficult to judge.

Paired samples: Occur Tire wear of two brands on the same

on the same subject car at the same time

Independent samples:
Wear of two tire brands, one brand
Require independent
on car A and one on car B
random samples Example
Equal vs. Unequal Variances

If equality is assumed erroneously, you can be seriously misled in estimating and

testing the difference in means.

If inequality is assumed, when the variances are equal, we get a slightly conservative
approach where precision in estimation is lost.
Random Sampling

T-tests gather data by randomly sampling from a normal distribution.

If the distribution T distribution gives good approximations on

is not normal random samples

Obtaining a nonrandom sample is of greater concern than data that is

not normally distributed.
Key Takeaways

T-tests are used to compare the mean of a sample against a

given target, means from two different samples, and paired

The paired test can be used to analyze the difference

between the means obtained from two related samples.

ANOVA is used to investigate and model the relationship

between a response variable and one or more independent

F-test is a statistical test where the test statistic has an f-

distribution under the null hypothesis.
Key Takeaways

One-sample t-test is used to analyze the difference between

a mean obtained from a single sample and a target value or
historical mean.

The purpose of the two-sample t-test is to analyze the

difference between the means obtained from two
independent samples:
• The two samples are independent
• Variances may be equal or unequal
• Data may be in a single column with a grouping variable or
in two different columns

Test for equal variances or Bartlett’s test is used to analyze

the difference in variances of two or more independent
Hypothesis Testing with Non-Normal Data
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Classify different types of nonparametric tests

Identify the nonparametric tests for central tendency of data

using median

Relate the uses of different chi-square tests

Nonparametric Tests

Nonparametric tests do not make assumptions about normality.

A nonparametric hypothesis testing works the same way as parametric testing.

The selected population is representative

The population sample is randomly drawn
of the general population

The data is in an interval or a ratio scale

Nonparametric Tests: Assumptions

Data is measured on
any scale

Nonparametric tests
can be applied when:

Data does not follow

any specific
distribution and no
assumptions about
the population are
Nonparametric Tests: Types

Mann-Whitney Kruskal-Wallis Mood’s Friedman Test

Test Test Median Test

One- and
One-Sample One-Sample Two-Sample Chi-Square
Sign Test Wilcoxon Test Proportion Test
Mann-Whitney Test

It compares the differences between two independent groups when dependent

variables are ordinal.

Identical distributions Same shape but different


Males Females

Males Females

Count perfectly Count

Engagement score Engagement score

The null hypothesis for this test is that the two populations are equal.
Kruskal-Wallis Test

It is a nonparametric test used to compare two or more independent samples of equal

or different sizes.

The null hypothesis is that population medians are equal.

Mood’s Median Test

It compares the medians of two samples. It is best suited for small sample sizes.

Gr 1

Gr 2

Min Overall Median Max

The null hypothesis for this test is that the medians for both samples are the same.
Friedman Test

It is used to test the differences between groups with ordinal dependent variables.

Individual Value Plot of Response vs.

20 Ad Type

It is best suited for instances The null hypothesis is that there

where the same parameter is 10
are no differences between the
measured under different variables measured under
conditions on the same subject. different conditions.
Direct Mail Magazine Newspaper
One-Sample Sign Test

It is a nonparametric hypothesis test that determines if there is any difference between the
median of a non-normally distributed data set and a reference value.

The median of a non-

normally distributed and A reference value
data set

The data should be taken from two samples that are paired.
One-Sample Sign Test

The null hypothesis for this test is that the median of a distribution is equal to a
hypothesized value.

Median of a distribution
= A hypothesized value
One-Sample Wilcoxon Test

It is similar to a one-sample sign test.

It is used to compare the median of the population with the hypothesized median.

The null hypothesis states that the population median is equal to the hypothesized median.
One-Sample Proportion Test

• It is used to estimate the proportion of a


• It compares the proportion of a

population to a reference value.

• It is most suited when the population

follows a binomial distribution.

The null hypothesis states that the population proportion is equal to the
hypothesized proportion.
Two-Sample Proportion Test

The null hypothesis

of this test states
that the population
proportions of the
two samples are

Proportion Test

It is used to
determine whether
the proportions of
two separate
samples differ.
Chi-Square Test

It can be used to compare a parameter of a population with a hypothesized parameter when

the data is not normal.

Test of Independence Cross-Tabulation Test

Goodness of Fit
Chi-Square Test of Independence

It is used to check if there is any relationship between two nominal

variables from a population.

Test of independence Goodness of Fit Test

Compares two variables Compares only one variable

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

It is a nonparametric test used to compare the differences in an observed

value of a given attribute from the expected value.

It can be used when you want to check how well a sample distribution of one
variable fits the population distribution.

It can be used when you have a variable from the population and would like
to compare the sample variable with the population variable.
Chi-Square Cross-Tabulation Test

It is an arrangement in a matrix format that summarizes the relationship between

two categorical variables.

Technical Writing Expertise

None Beginner Intermediate Expert

Stem 8 7 11 39

Soc. Sci. 11 41 13 9
Humanities 9 11 25 19

Interdisciplinary 15 9 21 14

It is also known as a contingency table.

Chi-Square Cross-Tabulation Test

Technical Writing Expertise

None Beginner Intermediate Expert

Stem 8 7 11 39

Soc. Sci. 11 41 13 9
Humanities 9 11 25 19

Interdisciplinary 15 9 21 14

In a chi-square cross-tabulation test:

• Data values of two or more categorical values are displayed in a contingency table.

• Decisions are made based on the table values.

Key Takeaways

Nonparametric tests can be used to form a hypothesis

where the data is not normally distributed.

Three types of chi-square tests are:

1. Test of independence
2. Goodness of fit
3. Cross-tabulation tests
Key Takeaways

The different nonparametric tests include:

• Mann-Whitney test
• Kruskal-Wallis test
• Mood’s Median test
• Friedman test
• One-sample sign test
• One-sample Wilcoxon test
• One- and two-sample proportion tests
• Chi-square tests

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