Woodwork: Scheme of Examination
Woodwork: Scheme of Examination
Woodwork: Scheme of Examination
There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will
be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
PAPER 1: Will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions all of which must be
answered within 40 minutes for 40 marks.
PAPER 2: Will consist of theory and design paper of two sections, Sections A and B, to be
taken within 2 hours, 20 minutes.
Section A: will be short structured questions put into three parts, Part I, II and
III as follows:
• Part II will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
• Part III will be for all candidates. It will comprise of two questions out of
which all candidates will be required to answer one.
Section B: Will comprise design and drawing questions, all of which must be
answered within 1 hour 40 minutes for 40 marks.
PAPER 3: Will be a practical test lasting 3 hours. Candidates will be required to make
a test piece for which the appropriate drawings will be supplied. It will carry
100 marks.
A continuous assessment score for the subject shall include marks for assessment of finished
projects by the candidates. The products must be left undestroyed for at least six months after the
release of results. It is recommended that at least three specific projects be produced during the
course by each candidate.
(d) Hand tool safety. Safety precautions in carrying,
storing, and handling hand
(e) Machine safety: tools.
(i) General machine shop
(ii) Safety precautions in
the use of portable
power tools and
(iii) Safety in machines
(iv) Prevention of
mechanical faults.
(f) First aid. Materials and administration.
2. Hand tools (a) Types To include identification,
description and sketching.
(b) Classification:
geometrical, holding and
supporting, impelling and
percussion, cutting,
boring, abrading and
scraping tools.
3. Special Purpose Hand tools. Types and uses: To include identification,
• Planes: spokeshaves description and sketching.
rebate Plane, Plough
plane, block plane,
shoulder plane etc.
• Saws: bow saw, pad/
keyhole saw, coping
saw, fret saw.
• Boring bit: expansion
bit, forstner bit,
countersink bit, auger
bit, etc.
• Shapers: scrapers,
rasps, surforms, etc.
4. Portable Power tools. (a) Types: Power drill, jig To include identification,
saw, spray gun, screw description, care and safe use.
driver, sanders, router,
power circular saw, etc.
(b) Uses.
5. Woodworking machines. (a) Types: Circular saw, To include identification,
crosscut saw, description, care and safe use.
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
thicknesser, surface
planer, mortiser, lathe,
grinding wheel, drilling
machine, etc.
(b) Uses.
To include the use of guards,
(c) Safety Precautions. fences, push sticks, push
blocks, gauges etc.
6. Maintenance (a) Types: corrective, To include maintenance
routine, predictive and activities, materials and tools.
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
22. Design and Drawing (a) Concept of design; Working drawings in the First
(b) Design fundamentals and and Third Angle orthographic
processes; projections. Indication of
(c) Free hand sketching; cutting correct sectional
(e) Working drawings; representation of the materials
(f) Cutting list and bill of are assential.
(g) Basic draftsmanship
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
23. Project Design and (a) Identification and Design problems should arise
Construction. analysis of given design from customer needs, market
problems. survey, situation analysis, etc.
(b) Designing to solve the To include evaluating the
problems. product to meet design
(c) Estimating the cost of the purpose and specification.
(d) Constructing to meet the
design specification.
25. Wood turning (a) The wood lathe: Parts and Identification, description,
accessories. sketching, care, uses and safe
(b) Turning tools: chisels, To include identification and
gouges, calipers, etc. specific use.
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
3. Woodwork by G. N Green
11. Woodwork for Senior Secondary School by J. N. K. Sackey, G. Manu and R. Y. Baafi
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng
17. Collins complete woodworker’s Manual by Jackson Albert and Day David