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GI Embryology
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1. When does stomach rotation occur in development? GI Embryology
Weeks 4-6
GI Midterm- Embryology

2. Buccopharyngeal membrane is future ____. Cloacal Updated

membrane is future _____. 5/4/2019, 8:52:21 AM

Mouth Show Answers


3. Which embryological structure connect gut tube to

the yolk sac?
vitelline duct

4. Embryological layer for: gut tube, liver and

pancreas, peritoneal, neuro crest GI tract
Gut tube- endoderm
Liver and pancreas- endoderm
Peritoneal- endoderm
Neuro crest- ectoderm

5. Which embryological structure is often considered

to be part of the foregut?
Pharyngeal gut

6. True/false: spleen is derived from the foregut tube

False; spleen isn’t however spleen is considered in the
foregut because of blood supply (celiac trunk)
7. Ventral stomach receives innervation from _____
vagal trunk; dorsal stomach receives innervation
from _____ vagal trunk.
Anterior (was the left vagus up in the neck)
Posterior (was the right vagus; think LARP)

8. Which direction does the stomach rotate?

clockwise, 90 degrees along the longitudinal

9. Which side of the stomach enlarges?

Posterior side, forming the greater curvature of the

10. Pancreas is formed from two endodermal buds,

where does the ventral bud move?
Dorsally, ultimately fusing with dorsal bud

11. What does the ventral bud of pancreas give rise to?
Dorsal bud?
Ventral bud: uncinate process, inferior head, main
pancreatic duct
Dorsal bud: accessory pancreatic duct, proximal
main pancreatic duct

12. Accessory pancreatic duct is form from which

endodermal bud?
Dorsal bud

13. When does rapid liver development occur?

Rapid growth in weeks 5 through 10

14. True/false: liver, gallbladder, and bile duct system

arise together as ventral outgrowth from the foregut

15. How does oxygenated blood get to the fetus?

Travel from the placenta through the umbilical vein
towards the fetus
16. What is the developmental blood bypassing the liver
Ductus venosus

17. What is the ductus venosus?

Connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava
allowing most oxygenated blood to bypass the liver and
get to the heart

18. Liver develop between layers of ____mesentery;

spleen develops in ___ mesentery

19. True/false: spleen, along with the pancreas, liver,

gallbladder and bile duct, is also formed from an
outgrowth of the foregut tube
False; spleen is not an outgrowth form the foregut tube.
Spleen is developed from a mass of mesenchymal cells.

20. Primary intestinal loop rotates around axis formed

by the ______
Superior mesentery artery

21. Primary intestinal loop’s rotation is ______ and total

of_____ degrees

22. When does the intestinal loop exit the body? When
does it come back to the abdominal cavity?
Week 6
Week 10

23. Gut herniates into the umbilical cord at week 6,

bowel rotates ____ degrees ______ rotation. When it
returns to abdominal cavity at week 10, it undergoes
and additional _____180 degrees ____ rotation
90, CCW
180, CCW

24. What is an omphalocele?

Malformation of the intestines where the intestines do
not return to the abdominal cavity and remain inside the
umbilical cord for the remainder of development

25. Omphalocele ___(is/Is not) contained in a sac that

consists of peritoneum and other membranes.
Whereas gastroschisis ____(is /is not ) contained in
a sac.
Is not

26. Vitelline duct eventually becomes what structure?

umbilical cord

27. What is a meckel’s diverticulum?

aka an illeal diverticulum; where a small segment
of the vitelline duct persists
50 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve

28. What results if the vitelline duct remains patent for

its entire length?
Umbilical fistula or vitelline fistula
Poop from the umbilicus

29. What could result from an abnormal partitioning of

the cloaca?
anorectal agenesis – no butthole

30. What is the embryological layer of upper anal

canal? Lower anal canal?
Upper: Endoderm (part of hindgut)
Lower: ectoderm

31. What is the blood supply to the lower anal canal?

Upper anal canal?
Lower: Inferior rectal arteries
Upper: superior rectal artery, branch of IMA

32. What are mesenteries?

Double layers of peritoneum that suspend the gut

33. True/false: entire gut tube has a ventral mesentery

False; entire gut tube has DORSAL mesentery, but only
foregut has ventral mesentery

34. Which organs are secondarily retroperitoneal?

Duodenum (descending, horizontal, ascending
Ascending and descending colon

35. What is the greater omentum?

Structure made of four fused layers of peritoneum

36. Neural crest cells are precursors to which cells?

Enteric ganglion cells

37. Failure of neural crest migration could result in

which disease?
Hirschsprung’s disease

38. What is going on with Hirschsprung’s disease?

Congenital aganglionic megacolon. Parasympathetic
ganglia are absent, bowel becomes spastic and
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