Beadwork - Summer 2021

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The magazine focuses on colorful beaded jewelry projects using various stitches like peyote, right-angle weave and kumihimo. It also highlights the Pantone Colors of the Year and includes a 'Rainbow Brights' project section.

Techniques like peyote stitch, right-angle weave, kumihimo and stringing are featured among the jewelry projects in the magazine.

The interview in Bead Buzz highlights Love Is Project, an organization founded by Chrissie Lam that helps over 2,100 female artisans in 10 countries support their families through handcrafted jewelry production.

6 Rainbow Bright Jewelry Projects p.



What Does Love Galaxy Pendant

Mean to You? p. 72
Carmelina Calabrese
p. 24


Amulet Necklace
Ellie Hamlett
p. 35
miss an
Subscribe to
Beadwork magazine
Designed by: Penny Dixon and become a master
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Bead Artist

Colors of the Year

Leslie A. Pope

Ellie Hamlett 11 16

Carmelina Calabrese

Nicole Vogt


Cindy Kinerson

Ellie Hamlett

Edgar Lopez

Maggie Thompson




Where Triangles Meet

Cindy Kinerson
Page 31
On the cover
Galaxy Pendant
By Carmelina Calabrese
Page 24

43 53 54

49 55 56

Brick: 31 Netting: 11, 19, 39,
Crimping: 53, 55, 43, 49
57, 58 Peyote: 11, 16, 19, 24,
Fringe: 16, 35 28, 35, 49
Gluing: 53, 55, 56 Right-angle weave:
Herringbone: 11 24
Knotting: 53, 54, Square stitch: 39
55, 56 Stringing: 53, 54, 55
Kumihimo: 43 ÍWireworking: 53, 54,
Ladder: 11 55, 56, 57, 58
Loomwork: 31
57 58

Project Rating Fast & Fabulous: Rainbow Brights

Our three-level project rating system is found
in the project instructions.
£¡¡ Meredith Steele Tammy Honaman
Quick and easy
££¡ Terry Ricioli Tory Vezina
Moderate time commitment 55 MY RAINBOW HEART 58 CHASING RAINBOWS
Katie Hacker Nealay Patel
Longer time commitment


passing through

EDITOR Katie Hacker

Color TECHNICAL EDITOR Meredith Steele

COPY EDITOR Lavon Peters


ADVERTISING MANAGER Marilyn C. Koponen, (877) 613-4613
We’re featuring colorful jewelry using favor-
ite stitches in this issue. You’ll find several SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER Jessi Rodriguez
projects that feature the Pantone Colors of
the Year Ultimate Gray and Illuminating
(yellow), a Rainbow Brights Fast & Fabulous ILLUSTRATOR Laura Schoonmaker
collection, and beaded projects from across PHOTOGRAPHY Molly Stevenson
the color spectrum. This issue is a color infusion!
In Bead Artist, Melissa Grakowsky Shippee (page 8) shares a
peek into her creativity and her labors of love. She squeezes a
whole lot of beading into her busy life. She also takes a creative FOUNDER Linda Ligon
approach to making jewelry. Melissa’s Queen of Atlantica neck- GROUP ART DIRECTOR Emily Simpson
lace and earrings (page 11) include crystal banding, which adds DIRECTOR OF MEDIA SALES Julie Macdonald
intriguing dimension. Give Melissa’s projects a try and drop us a
line at
Bead Buzz (page 72) always features newsworthy stories from
the beading world. In this issue, Debbie Blair interviews the
founder of Love Is Project. What began as one woman’s beaded GOLDEN PEAK MEDIA
bracelet and an international journey has become an effort to
provide income for female jewelry artisans in 10 countries. Talk VP, FINANCE Jordan Bohrer
about using your beading powers for good! VP, DIGITAL Melanie Darienzo
Have you noticed the flags we include with each contributor’s NEWSSTAND SALES Scott T. Hill
bio? They’re a visual reminder that we have contributors from
around the world. In Beadwork Spring 2021, we mistakenly
included an American flag with Carolyn Cave’s project, the beau-
tiful Navette Lariat Set. Our sincere apologies to Carolyn, who is a Designs in this issue of Beadwork® are for inspiration and personal use only. Designs
may not be taught or sold without the expressed permission of the author. Beadwork
Canadian bead artist and owner of does not recommend, approve, or endorse any of the advertisers, products, services, or
Wherever you call home, we hope you enjoy the projects in this views advertised in Beadwork. Nor does Beadwork evaluate the advertisers’ claims in
any way. You should, therefore, use your own judgment in evaluating the advertisers,
issue of Beadwork. products, services, and views advertised in Beadwork. Exact reproduction for commercial
purposes is contrary to the spirit of good craftsmanship.
ppy beading,
g Beadwork (ISSN 1528-5634) is published bimonthly by Interweave, a division of Peak Media
Properties, LLC, 4868 Innovation Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80525-5576. USPS #018-351. Periodicals
postage paid at Fort Collins, CO 80525, and additional mailing offices. All contents of this issue
of Beadwork are copyrighted by Peak Media Properties, LLC, 2021. All rights reserved. Repro-
duction in whole or in part is prohibited, except by permission of the publisher. Subscription
rate is $29.95/one year in the U.S., $34.95/one year (U.S. funds) in Canada, and $39.95 (U.S.
funds) in other countries (surface delivery). Printed in the U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Please send
address changes to Beadwork, PO Box 37869, Boone, IA 50037-0869
Katie Hacker
Editor Retailers: If you are interested in carrying this magazine in your store, please contact us:
For Beadwork SUBSCRIPTION questions or concerns, contact us: Email address:
BeadingDailyonFB #beadingdaily (800) 849-8753
U.S. Mail: PO Box 37869, Boone, IA 50037-0869
beadingdaily beadingdaily

Professional Quality Seed Beads

“The Modern Garden”

Designed by 2021 TOHO Challenge
Featured Designer Oksana Bykova

For more of her work, visit

See more at Starman Beads Bobby Bead


1. Tejas Beads has an amazing collection of embroidery. Their fine sharp point runs sliders, fiesta and pony beads, jewelry, and
gemstone beads and everything you need to smoothly through fabric, and they can pass more since 1973. Visit their online shop at
turn them into beautiful jewelry. Lots of unique through a size 15° seed bead three times. Order
shapes and stones to choose from, like these red them online at 6. Soft Flex created this Quad Collection to
jasper and black onyx 7mm prisms, blonde 4. Lima Beads has so many beautiful, detailed complement Pantone’s spring and summer
tigereye rondelles, and grade A turquoise charms, it’s hard to narrow down favorites. Here seasonal palettes. This collection contains
10mm smooth chips. Get yours at www is a selection of summery metal charms that we 10-foot spools of lead-free medium-weight Soft think stand out from the crowd. Palm trees, Flex beading wire, constructed of 49 micro-
2. Lightweight and stylish, these stainless steel pineapples, and tiny shells from the beach woven stainless steel wires in four colors: pink
focals from Cherry Tree Beads are perfect for big, give us that summer feeling. Check out tourmaline, purple amethyst, tanzanite, and
bold earrings. We love the tree of life, art deco, to see them all. yellow lemon quartz. Visit www.softflex
and stripey oval designs shown here, but there 5. We love these handmade porcelain pendants to get yours today.
are more to see at from Clay River Designs. From their studio 7. These shimmery 15×20mm thread-wrapped
3. These size 11 sharp (short) beading needles located on the plains of Colorado, they have ovals from Goody Beads come in six lovely
are ideal for bead weaving and bead been making beads, pendants, clasps, leather neutral colors. They’re lightweight, and they



Beadwork Favorites:
9 Debora Hodoyer Pattern Collection
We’re bringing you some of our favorite
beading patterns from Debora Hodoyer in
one easy digital download! You’ll get 5
extraordinary patterns for earrings,
pendants, and bracelets. Debora’s signature
shaped and seed bead patterns are a delight
to both stitch and wear, making her one
of our favorite designers. Get all our favorite
patterns from Debora Hodoyer when
you download the collection at www!


have a 2mm hole so they can be used with a beading. The non-slip natural rubber back
variety of stringing materials. Sold in packs of ensures that it won’t slide around on you,
two at and the ruler and convenient millimeter
8. TierraCast’s Renewal Collection is a beautiful diameter circles make it easy to measure
group of uplifting and encouraging elements for your beads. Available in three sizes! Ask
our times, symbolizing transformation, strength, for them at your favorite bead retailer.
and connectivity. These buttons with Monstera 10. The Woolery presents the Oh Sew! 2020 Beadwork Collection Download
leaf and bee motifs, charms with detailed Luna Organized Stash ’n Store. This compact and Get an entire year of Beadwork for one
moths, honeycomb links, and succulent plant durable device adds style to organization. low price! The 2020 Beadwork Collection
charms and earring posts are all available in Pliers, wire cutters, scissors, and other tools includes 6 issues full of the best beading
antiqued silver, antiqued copper, and with sharp points can fit as shown or patterns, tips, techniques, and more.
antiqued gold-plate finishes. See them all tips-down into the flexible silicone material Grab your digital download and add
at so you won’t injure yourself when you’re to your Beadwork collection instantly
9. This handy-dandy Treasure Mat from The grabbing your crafting tools and notions. at
Beadsmith is a great work surface and tool for Dimensions: 1½×2×8¼".



bead artist BY KATIE HACKER

Melissa Grakowsky Shippee:

Beads in Art and Fashion


are fashionable at the moment.” She
enjoys designing hair ornaments, lariats,
and other jewelry inspired by fashion and
costumes but she loves masks most of all.
A Midsummer “I love high fashion, and I love fantasy cul-
Night's Vine
ture—and elaborate masks seem to fit
right into those parts of my artistic
Melissa is excited to see a return to
geometric beadwork using cylinder beads.
MELISSA GRAKOWSKY SHIPPEE is known for her elaborate masks She explains, “The thing that hooked me
and intricate yet ethereal beadwork. An award-winning designer, into beading was how individual building
blocks could be used to construct a
Melissa has written books, taught internationally, and was a 2017
bezel to hold a stone. The creation of a
Beadwork Designer of the Year. Melissa draws in beaders with her three-dimensional object from these tiny
methodical approach to artistic designs. Her meticulous, fanciful building blocks is at the heart of many
creations are painstakingly crafted works of the imagination. contemporary beadwork designs, and it
continues to fascinate me.”

When Melissa’s first child was born, she

found herself at a crossroads. She no
Nature is an important inspiration in Making masks began with a contest entry
longer had space or time for painting, but
Melissa’s beaded jewelry and she focuses and has grown into a labor of love that
she desperately needed a creative outlet.
on nature’s beauty in her 2019 book, Melissa pursues when she can squeeze it
A friend took her to his aunt’s bead store,
Beautiful Beadwork from Nature (Lark). into her schedule. Her first mask, Ceremo-
where Melissa fell in love with “tiny pieces
From ocean life to the forest, Melissa looks nial Headdress, was an attempt to stand out
of colored glass,” aka seed beads. She
to the natural world for motifs, color pal- from typical body adornment. Although
soon learned to sew “lots of tiny beads
ettes, and design elements. You’ll find she’s won awards for almost every mask
together in interesting ways to create jew-
her free Tassel Flower Lariat pattern on she’s created, entering contests is more of
elry and other wearable pieces of art that an excuse to stretch her creativity than a
are fun to make, easy to start and stop,
Melissa also watches fashion, “especially means to an end. Masks have become a cre-
and portable.” Beading has become her
haute couture fashion like runway shows, ative outlet and are her favorite things to
favorite creative outlet and her life’s work.
and just looking at what kinds of jewelry bead. She fell in love with the shape of the

mask and its large surface area that calls for
She likes the fact that masks have few
restrictions as far as how large or how out-
rageous she can make them. Melissa says,
“I just really enjoy creating things that
have no purpose but to be looked at. I
don’t have to teach them, I don’t have to
write patterns for them, I can just do what-
ever I want to do.”
“My favorite piece right now is my recent
mask created for the 2020 Toho Challenge,
an elaborate beaded mask with flowers
that light up via twinkling microLED lights
built into the structure of the mask. I’d
wanted to work with LEDs in my beadwork Dahlia
for over a decade and was finally able to Brooch
carve out the time to do so with this


Since March 2020, many instructors have
stayed off the bead society, show, and shop
circuit. Melissa is among them, curbing her
travels completely rather than the slow-
down she’d already been planning. With
three kids at home in Connecticut during
the pandemic, YouTube LiveChat and Zoom
gave Melissa the ability to teach beading
during her baby’s naptime. “It’s helped me
feel like I can continue to teach, which was
a part of my job that suddenly ceased.

Butterfly Quaking Aspen

Bracelet Necklace


bead artist
SuperDuos—and I do still like those. The
shape is really pleasant and looks like a lit-
tle leaf or petal, so I find them easy to
incorporate into my work.”

With Swarovski’s recent shifting of its busi-
ness, Melissa plans to continue to use
Swarovski crystals as long as she can but
she’s also looking for alternatives. She says,
“I am also loving the German glass offer-
ings imported by E.H. Ashley with their cus-
tom coatings and all the new Preciosa crys-
tal that’s becoming available.” She’s
creating new designs with Preciosa crystal
and Czech glass so she can make repeat-
able classes and kits.
For the coming year, Melissa is planning
to teach at her favorite bead stores
throughout the country. Whether these
trips will be in person or via Zoom is yet to
be determined. She’s also setting up video
workshops on her website and wants to
include a meet and greet afterward where
Mask using LED lights everyone can work through part of the
for the Toho contest project together. And, as always, she’ll have
a couple new masks in the works as well. ●

I love being in the same space as other stitches go through seasons, depending on
beaders and sharing my love of the craft, what new ways of using them I’ve discov-
though we can’t physically be together ered in my beading exploration. Currently
right now.” Many students post pictures of I’m enamored with three-sided prismatic
their work on Facebook, and YouTube Live- right-angle weave, though I know it’s a dif-
Chat allows students to go back and review ficult stitch sometimes to use so I’m trying
their classes. to limit how many pieces I develop that use
The art classes that Melissa took as a it. It is not my favorite to teach because of
young adult helped shape her ability to the difficulty level, though I attempt to
critique her own work and successfully offer workshops that have a range of
present classes. She shares, “Usually, the stitches and difficulty levels to them.”
whole class gets to critique your work and Rachel Hungary’s and Melody Cross’s
it can be difficult at first to hear construc- (Rachel’s mom) handmade cabochons are
tive (and sometimes non-constructive) some of Melissa’s favorite beading compo-
criticism. But I know this helped me nents. She says, “Rachel makes her cabs
develop an internal dialogue that allows with poured paint. Melody’s cabs are spar- Bracelet
me to look at my work as objectively as kly, glittery handmade ‘stones’ that look
possible and critique it, so that I can like stars in the sky.” Melissa also loves
develop the most successful designs pos- working with her friend Sherie Gage’s
sible and learn each time I make or teach handmade enamel pieces. Melissa shares Contact Melissa
something new.” her ideas for projects and Sherie suggests Melissa sells downloadable PDFs and
enamels to fit them. limited-edition kits on her website,
STITCHING AWAY When asked if she’s a fan of shaped Connect with her
Melissa wrote I Can Herringbone (Lark seed beads, Melissa confesses that she’s on Facebook at MGS Designs and on
Crafts, 2012) to teach herringbone stitch in overwhelmed by the variety. She says, Instagram @mgsdesigns_insta.
all its forms. But she admits, “My favorite “The shapes I have used the most are


Use similar techniques
to make a matching pair
of earrings.




with embellished peyote stitch and
unique components.
1) FANCY STONE BEZEL. Use tubular
peyote stitch and circular netting to form
the fancy stone bezel:
Round 9: Work one round with 1E in each
stitch, passing through 2E of the previous
round (Fig. 2, red thread).
Rounds 1 and 2: Add a stop bead to 5' of Round 10: String 5A and 6B; skip the next E
thread, leaving a 16" tail. String {2F and of the previous round and pass through
1G} eighteen times; pass through the first the following E. String 2B; pass through
Tubular peyote stitch
2F/1G again to form a circle (Fig. 1, the next E. String 6B and 5A; skip the next
Circular netting
Ladder stitch
orange thread). E and pass through the following E.
Tubular herringbone stitch Round 3: String 2F, then pass through the String 2A; pass through the next E.
next G; repeat seventeen times. Note: Repeat from the beginning of this round
PROJECT LEVEL £££ Step up for this and subsequent rounds twice. Pass through the first 5A/1B of this
MATERIALS by passing through the bead (or beads) round (Fig. 3, pink thread).
2 g matte metallic light bronze size 15° of the first stitch added in the current Round 11: String 6A; pass through the
seed beads (A) round (Fig. 1, pink thread). sixth B in the next 6B set. String 2B, 1G,
1 g silver-lined alabaster lilac size 15° Round 4: Work one round of tubular pey- and 2B; pass through the first B in the
seed beads (B) ote stitch with 1E in each stitch, passing next 6B set. Repeat from the beginning
2 g metallic light bronze size 15° seed beads (C) through 2F of the previous round (Fig. 1, of this round twice. Weave through beads
15 g metallic bronze size 11° seed beads (D) green thread). to exit from the first G of this round
1 g matte metallic plum gold iris size 11°
Round 5: Work one round with 1A, 1B, and (Fig. 3, green thread).
cylinder beads (E)
3 g matte metallic dark bronze size 10° 1A in each stitch (Fig. 1, turquoise Round 12: String 7A, then pass through
cylinder beads (F) thread). the next G; repeat twice. Pass through
3 g matte metallic copper rainbow iris Round 6: Work one round with 1A in each the first 4A of this round (Fig. 3, blue
size 10° cylinder beads (G) stitch, passing through 1A/1B/1A of the thread).
1 crystal ultra purple AB 14mm Swarovski previous round (Fig. 1, red thread). Set Round 13: String 1B, then pass through the
crystal rivoli the working thread aside. middle A of the next 7A set; repeat twice
1 crystal ultra purple AB 27mm Swarovski Round 7: Remove the stop bead and use (Fig. 3, red thread). Secure and trim this
crystal fancy round stone
the tail thread to work one round with 1G thread only. Flip the beadwork faceup.
18 pearlescent violet 4mm crystal
pearl rounds (H) in each stitch, passing through 2F of
40" of light Colorado topaz and antique gold Round 1 (Fig. 2, pink thread). 2) FANCY STONE BEZEL
4mm (SS13) rhinestone plastic banding Round 8: Insert the fancy stone into EMBELLISHMENT. Use netting and pey-
Smoke 6 lb FireLine braided beading thread the beadwork facedown so the front of ote stitch to embellish the bezel:
the stone touches Round 6. Work one Prepare: Use the scissors to cut 2 strips of
Scissors round with 2E in each stitch (Fig. 2, the crystal banding, each 3 crystals long.
Size 11 beading needle turquoise thread). Cut the remaining crystal banding in half.
Trim the ends for a clean finish.
23" (with 13⁄8 x 15⁄8" focal)

Fig. 1: Forming Fancy

Stone Bezel, Rounds 1–6

artist’s tips
❯ Use firm thread tension
❯ Any loose rounds can
be reinforced with a
Fig. 2: Working Fancy
second pass of thread
Stone Bezel, Rounds 7–9
through the beads in
the round.


Fig. 3: Adding Fancy
Stone Bezel,
Rounds 10–13

Fig. 4: Forming
Fancy Stone Bezel
Round 1

Fig. 5: Stitching Fig. 6: Working Fancy Stone

Fancy Stone Bezel Bezel Embellishment,
Embellishment, Rounds 3 and 4
Round 2

Fig. 7: Forming Bail

Round 1: Use the working thread to weave Round 3: String 1H; pass through the next exit from the next 3D; repeat twice (Fig. 6,
through beads to exit from the nearest G 5D and 9C (Fig. 6, turquoise thread). red thread). Flip the beadwork facedown.
of Round 2. String 2D, then pass through Skip the next 3C of the previous round Weave through beads to exit from the left-
the next 1G, 2F, 1G, 2F, and 1G; repeat five and pass through the next 2C. Pass of-center-top G of Fancy Stone Bezel,
times. Pass through the first 2D of this through the adjacent 2C and the last 2C Round 2 (see the start dot in Fig. 7).
round (Fig. 4). exited. Insert 1 crystal banding strip into
Round 2: String 3D and 2C; pass through the beadwork faceup so that the first and 3) BAIL. String 2F, then pass through the
the nearest A of Fancy Stone Bezel, third stones are underneath the 2 sets of next G; repeat. Weave through beads to exit
Round 6 (Fig. 5, turquoise thread). 12C. Pass through the next 9C/5D (Fig. 6, back through the last 2F added (Fig. 7, tur-
String 2C and 3D; pass through the next orange thread). Repeat from the begin- quoise thread). String 1G; pass through the
2D of the previous round (Fig. 5, orange ning of this round (Fig. 6, purple next 2F (Fig. 7, blue thread). Work a strip of
thread). String 12C; pass through the thread). Repeat from the beginning of odd-count peyote stitch 18 more rows long,
nearest A of Fancy Stone Bezel, Round 6 this round again, using the ends of 2 long following the same pattern, forming odd-
and the next 1A/1B/3A/1B/2A (Fig. 5, pieces of crystal banding in place of a count turnarounds on the rows that add F
pink thread). String 12C; pass through strip, and passing through 9C/3D (Fig. 6, (Fig. 7, red thread). Fold the beadwork
the next 2D of the previous round (Fig. 5, blue thread). down so that the first and last rows align.
blue thread). Repeat from the beginning Round 4: String 1A, 1H, 1D, 1H, and 1A, skip Weave through the beads to zip them
of this round twice. Pass through the first the next 2D/1H/2D, pass through the fol- together. Repeat the thread path of the zip
3D of this round (Fig. 5, red thread). lowing 3D, then weave through beads to to reinforce; secure and trim the thread.



Fig. 8: Beginning Fig. 9: Working

Rope, First Half Rope, First Half

Fig. 10: Connecting Crystal

Banding to Rope

Fig. 11: Forming

Clasp Bezel,
Rounds 1–6

4) ROPE. Use ladder stitch and tubular her- 5) CLASP BEZEL. Use tubular peyote Round 9: String 7A, skip the next 1A/1E/1A,
ringbone stitch to form the rope: stitch and circular netting to form the then pass through the next 2A/1E/
First Half: Use 5' of thread to form a strip of clasp bezel: 3A/1E/2A; repeat twice. Pass through
ladder stitch 2D tall and 4D long, leaving Rounds 1 and 2: Add a stop bead to 5' the first 4A of this round (Fig. 12,
an 8" tail (Fig. 8, blue thread). Pass of thread, leaving a 14" tail. String {1G turquoise thread).
through the first 2D strung and the last and 2F} nine times; pass through the Round 10: String 1G, then pass through the
2D added to form a ring, then pass up first 1G/2F/1G to form a circle (Fig. 11, middle A of the next 7A set; repeat twice
through the nearest 2D (Fig. 8, red pink thread). (Fig. 12, red thread). Secure and trim this
thread). Working counterclockwise, form Round 3: String 2F, then pass through the thread only. Flip the beadwork faceup.
2 tubular herringbone stitches with 2D in next G; repeat eight times. Note: Step up
each stitch. Form 2 more tubular herring- for this and subsequent rounds by pass- 6) CLASP BEZEL EMBELLISHMENT.
bone stitches with 2D in each stitch, this ing through the bead (or beads) of the Use netting and peyote stitch to embellish
time passing up through only the first D first stitch added in the current round the bezel:
added in the first stitch in place of pass- (Fig. 11, orange thread). Round 1: Use the working thread to weave
ing up through 2D (Fig. 9). Note: This will Round 4: Work one round of tubular pey- through beads to exit from the nearest G
cause the rope to form a twist. Repeat ote stitch with 1E in each stitch, passing of Round 2. String 2D, then pass through
until the rope is 11" long. through 2F of the previous round the next 2F, 1G, 2F, and 1G; repeat twice.
Center: Work three rounds of tubular her- (Fig. 11, green thread). Pass through the first 2D of this round
ringbone stitch without twist by stepping Round 5: Work one round with 1A, 1B, and 1A (see the start dot in Fig. 13).
up through 2D, in place of 1D, at the end in each stitch (Fig. 11, turquoise thread). Round 2: String 3D and 4C; pass through
of each round. Round 6: Pass through the next 8 beads of the nearest C of Clasp Bezel, Round 6.
Second Half: Repeat First Half, working Rounds 4 and 5. String 1C, then pass String 4C and 3D; pass through the next
clockwise to form a twist in the opposite through the next 11 beads of Rounds 4 2D of the previous round (Fig. 13, pink
direction. Secure the working thread; and 5; repeat. String 1C; pass through the thread). Repeat from the beginning of this
don’t trim it. next 1A/1B/1A (Fig. 11, red thread). round twice. Pass through the first 3D/2C
Crystal Banding: Slide the pendant onto Set the working thread aside. of this round (Fig. 13, green thread).
the rope so that each half twists back and Round 7: Remove the stop bead. Use the Round 3: String 1H, skip the next 5C, then
away from Center. Wrap the crystal band- tail thread to pass back through the pre- pass through the next 2C/8D/2C; repeat
ing around the rope so it follows the vious 2F, then work one round with 1E in twice, only passing through 2C/7D on the
twist. Use 3' of new thread that exits near each stitch, passing through 2F of final repeat (Fig. 13, turquoise thread).
Center and stitch the crystal banding to Round 2 (Fig. 12, pink thread). Round 4: String 2A, 1H, 1D, 1H, and 2A,
the rope every 6–10 crystals (Fig. 10). Round 8: Insert the rivoli into the beadwork skip the next 1D/1H/1D, then pass
Secure and trim this thread only. Trim the facedown so the front of the stone through the following 6D; repeat twice
ends of the crystal banding flush with the touches Round 6. Work one round with 3A (Fig. 13, red thread). Secure and trim
end of the rope for a clean finish. Repeat in each stitch, then pass through the first this thread only.
on the other half of the rope. 2A of this round (Fig. 12, orange thread).


7) CLASP ATTACHMENT. Connect the
clasp to the rope:
Attach Button: Use the tail thread of the
rope to string 15D; pass through 2G of
Clasp Bezel, Round 10. String 15D; pass
down through the next 2D of the rope
and up through the first 2D exited of the
rope (Fig. 14, blue thread). Repeat the
thread path twice to reinforce; secure
and trim this thread only.
Button Loop: Note: Test the button loop
Back of
for fit before repeating the thread path;
adjust the number of beads if necessary.
Use the working thread of the rope to
string 40D, then pass down through the
next 2D of the rope and up through the
adjacent 2D (Fig. 14, red thread); repeat
for a second button loop. Repeat the
thread path twice to reinforce; secure
and trim the thread.

SHIPPEE is a beadwork
designer, instructor, and author
inspired by mathematics and nature. She has
won numerous awards for her elaborate
beaded jewelry and masks. She has been
Beadwork Designer of the Year, and she loves
exciting new bead-woven jewelry using Czech
beads. Contact Melissa through her website at
Fig. 12: Adding Clasp
Bezel, Rounds 7–10
RESOURCES Check your favorite bead
retailer or contact: Similar Miyuki seed
beads and Delica cylinder beads: Caravan
Beads, (800) 230-8941, www.caravanbeads
Fig. 13: Working Clasp .com. Swarovski crystal rivoli, similar crystal
Bezel Embellishment pearls, and thread: Dreamtime Creations, Similar
Swarovski crystal 27mm fancy stone:
Eureka Crystal Beads, (401) 603-0983, www Preciosa rhinestone
plastic banding: Northland Visions, (612)
872-0390, ●

Fig. 14: Attaching the Back of

clasp clasp


Here Be Daggers! LESLIE A. POPE


U SE PANTONE’S 2021 COLORS 1) BASE. Use a variation of peyote stitch artist’s tips
of the Year in this silver-and-gold for the base: ❯ Use laser tattoo daggers to
treasure of a necklace, made of diamonds Row 1: Note: Take care to add the D faceup. add extra drama.
and daggers. Add a stop bead to 8' of thread, leaving a ❯ Always check to make sure the
5" tail. String 1D (bottom hole), 3C, 1 sol- holes of any two-hole beads are
TECHNIQUES dered jump ring, and 2C; pass through open before you begin stitching.
Peyote stitch variation the top hole of the last D strung (Fig. 1,
Fringe blue thread). String 1C, 1D (top hole), 2C,
and 1D (top hole); repeat thirty-six times. 1B; pass through the next E (bottom
String 1C, 1D (top hole), 2C, 1 soldered hole). Repeat from * five times (Fig. 3,
MATERIALS jump ring, and 3C; pass through the bot- green thread).
2 g silver galvanized Duracoat size 15° tom hole of the last D strung (Fig. 1, red Row 3, Segment 2: Note: Take care to
seed beads (A) thread). add the F faceup. String 1F (top hole),
2 g matte silver-lined gold size 15°
Row 2: Note: Take care to add the E faceup. then pass through the next E (bottom
seed beads (B)
3 g matte metallic silver gray AB size 11° String 1E (top hole), then pass through hole); repeat forty-nine times (Fig. 3,
seed beads (C) the next D (bottom hole); repeat seventy- blue thread).
76 gold shine yellow sun 8×5mm four times (Fig. 2). Remove the stop Row 3, Segment 3: String 1B, 1A, and 1B;
2-hole GemDuos (D) bead; secure and trim the tail. Repeat the pass through the next E (bottom hole).
75 bronze aluminum 8×5mm 2-hole thread path of Rows 1 and 2 to reinforce; String 2A; pass through the next E (bot-
GemDuos (E) secure and trim the working thread. tom hole). Repeat from the beginning of
50 backlit citrine 8×5mm 2-hole GemDuos (F) Row 3, Segment 1: Start 6' of new thread this segment five times. String 2A, 1C,
25 etch crystal full chrome 5×16mm
that exits from the bottom hole of the and 2A; pass through the nearest D (bot-
daggers (G)
2 gold-plated 6mm soldered jump rings
rightmost D of Row 1 (see the start dot tom hole) of Row 1 (Fig. 3, red thread).
2 gold-plated 6mm jump rings in Fig. 3). String 2A, 1C, and 2A; pass Repeat the thread path of Rows 2 and 3;
1 gold-plated 16mm toggle clasp through nearest E (bottom hole) of secure and trim the thread.
Black satin 6 lb FireLine braided Row 2. *String 2A; pass through the
beading thread next E (bottom hole). String 1B, 1A, and
Size 11 beading needle Fig. 1: Forming Base,
2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers Row 1


Fig. 2: Stitching Base,

Row 2

Fig. 3: Weaving Base,

Row 3


Here Be Daggers! LESLIE A. POPE

Fig. 4: Adding Dagger


2) DAGGER EMBELLISHMENT. Use pey- 2B; pass through the next F (bottom
Alternate ote stitch variation and fringe for the dag- hole) (Fig. 4, red thread). Weave through
Colorway Materials ger embellishment: beads to exit back through the last
Segment 1: Start 6' of new thread that 2B/1A/2B added and repeat the thread
exits from the last 1B/1A/1B of Row 3, path of the entire dagger embellishment.
2 g black opaque size 15° seed beads (A) Segment 1. String 2B, 1A, and 2B; pass Secure and trim the thread.
2 g sparkling celery-lined crystal size 15° through the next F (bottom hole). String
seed beads (B)
1B, 1A, and 1B, then pass through the 3) CLASP. Use 1 jump ring to attach one
3 g gunmetal iris size 11° seed beads (C)
next F (bottom hole); repeat eleven times half of the clasp to 1 soldered jump ring;
76 pastel olivine 8×5mm 2-hole
GemDuos (D) (Fig. 4, turquoise thread). repeat with the other half of the clasp on
75 polychrome blueberry 8×5mm Segment 2: String 1B, 1C, 3A, 1G, and 3A; the other soldered jump ring.
2-hole GemDuos (E) pass back through the last C strung. String
50 backlit jonquil 8×5mm 2-hole 1B; pass through the next F (bottom hole). LESLIE A. POPE is a designer
GemDuos (F) Repeat from the beginning of this seg- and teacher who loves creat-
25 turquoise opal laser eye 5×16mm ment three times (Fig. 4, purple thread). ing and teaching off-loom
daggers (G)
Segment 3: String 2B, 1C, 3A, 1G, and 3A; bead-weaving projects. She is currently the
2 silver-plated 6mm soldered jump rings
pass back through the last C strung. senior designer at The Beadsmith and the
2 silver-plated 6mm jump rings
1 silver-plated 16mm toggle clasp
String 2B; pass through the next F (bot- owner of Twisted Sistah Beads, a retail com-
Black satin 6 lb FireLine braided tom hole). Repeat from the beginning pany dedicated to all things seed beads,
beading thread of this segment sixteen times (Fig. 4, which she began in 2002. Contact Leslie
green thread). at
Segment 4: Repeat Segment 2 (Fig. 4,
blue thread). RESOURCES Check your favorite
Segment 5: String 1B, 1A, and 1B, then bead retailer or contact: All materials:
pass through the next F (bottom hole); Twisted Sistah Beads, (267) 254-4845,
repeat eleven times. String 2B, 1A, and ●


Chrysanthemum Cuff ELLIE HAMLETT


Chrysanthemum Cuff ELLIE HAMLETT


bloom, this layered cuff bracelet in
Pantone’s 2021 Colors of the Year adds a
1) BASE. Add a stop bead to 10' of thread,
leaving a 4" tail. Form a strip of even-count
peyote stitch 10C wide and 76 rows long.
3) OUTER ROWS. Use two-needle netting
to form the outer rows:
Row 1, Pass 1: Use the right needle to
dramatic statement to any outfit. Remove the stop bead; secure and trim the string 2A, 1D (point side first), and 4A;
threads. pass through the second hole of the D
just strung. String 2A; pass through the
Peyote stitch 2) MIDDLE ROW. Use two-needle netting next 2C in the same column (Fig. 4).
Two-needle netting to add the middle row: Repeat from the beginning of this row
Begin: Place a needle at each end of 15' of eighteen times, passing through only 1C
PROJECT LEVEL £££ thread. Use one needle to weave through in the same column on the last repeat.
MATERIALS the beads of the first two rows of the Use the left needle to repeat from the
35 g matte vitrail size 11° seed beads (A) base; center the thread (Fig. 1, green beginning of this row on the other side of
0.5 g silver-lined crystal size 8° seed beads (B) thread). Use the right needle to weave Middle Row. Use the right needle to
35 g silver-lined crystal size 6° seed beads (C) through beads to exit from the fifth bead weave through beads to exit back
114 opal gray white luster 7.5mm 2-hole Ginko from the right, toward center of the base through the last 2A added on the left
beads (D) (Fig. 1, blue thread); repeat with the left side; use the left needle to weave
19 pastel yellow 6mm Swarovski crystal pearl needle, exiting from the fifth bead from through beads to exit back through the
rounds (E)
the left, toward the center of the base last 2A added on the right side (see the
10 silver-plated 4×6mm oval jump rings
(Fig. 1, red thread). start dot in Fig. 5). Note: Because of the
1 silver-plated 5-strand tube clasp
Crystal 8 lb FireLine braided beading thread
Middle Row: Use the right needle to string nature of two-needle netting, the nee-
1E; pass through the next 2C in the same dles will often switch left and right
TOOLS column (Fig. 2) Use the left needle to positions.
Scissors pass through the E; pass through the Row 1, Pass 2: Use the right needle to
2 size 11 beading needles next 2C in the same column (Fig. 3). string 5A; pass through the next 2A.
2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers
Repeat from the beginning of this row String 1A; pass through the next 2A.
FINISHED SIZE eighteen times, passing through only 1C String 5A; pass through the next 2A, 2C in
6½ × 1½" in the same column on the last repeat. the same column, and 2A of the next net
(Fig. 5). Repeat from the beginning of

Fig. 3: Finishing the first stitch of

Fig. 1: Beginning Middle Row Fig. 2: Starting the first stitch
the middle row
of the middle row

artist’s tips
❯ This cuff design can easily be made into
a bangle—just make the base long enough
to slip your hand through and zip the ends
❯ For a more delicate look, try making a
bracelet with just two layers of Ginko
beads on each side.
❯ Make a short swatch and connect it to a Fig. 4: Adding Outer Rows, Fig. 5: Forming Outer Rows,
barrette clip for a unique hair accessory. Row 1, Pass 1 Row 1, Pass 2


Fig. 6: Working Middle Row
Embellishment, Pass 1

Fig. 7: Weaving Middle Row

Embellishment, Pass 2

this pass eighteen times, passing through 4) MIDDLE ROW EMBELLISHMENT.

only 1C in the same column on the last Use two-needle netting to embellish the
repeat. Use the left needle to repeat this middle row:
embellishment on the left side of Row 1. Pass 1: Use the right needle to string 3A;
Use the right needle to weave through pass through the nearest E of Middle
beads to exit from the fourth C from the Row (Fig. 6, purple thread). Use the left
left of the base, away from Middle Row. needle to pass through the 3A/1E (Fig. 6,
Use the left needle to weave through green thread). *Use the right needle to
beads to exit from the fourth C from the string 1B; pass through the next E. Use
right of the base, away from Middle Row. the left needle to pass back through the
Row 2, Pass 1: Repeat Row 1, Pass 1, pass- B and through the next E. Repeat from *
ing through 2C in this column on each seventeen times. Use the right needle to
repeat. string 3A; pass through the fifth C from
Row 2, Pass 2: Repeat Row 1, Pass 2. Weave the right of the base, away from Middle
each thread through beads to exit from Row. Use the left needle to pass through
the third C from the left/right of the base, the 3A and the fifth C from the left of the
away from Middle Row. base, away from Middle Row (Fig. 6, blue
Row 3, Pass 1: Repeat Row 1, Pass 1, pass- and red threads). Use each needle to
ing through 2C in this column on each weave through beads to exit back
repeat. through the last 3A added (see the start
Row 3, Pass 2: Repeat Row 1, Pass 2. Weave dots in Fig. 7).
each thread through beads to exit from Pass 2: Use the right needle to string 9A;
the fifth bead from the left/right, toward pass through the next B. Use the left nee-
Middle Row (see the start dots in Fig. 6). dle to string 9A; pass back through the


Chrysanthemum Cuff ELLIE HAMLETT

Fig. 8: Adding Middle Row

Embellishment, Pass 3

Fig. 9: Forming the


Fig. 10: Stitching the

clasp loops

next B. Repeat from the beginning of this 6) CLASP LOOPS. Use the left needle to
Alternate pass eighteen times. Use each needle to string 3A, then pass through the next C of
Colorway Materials pass back through the next 3A (Fig. 7, the last row of the base; repeat four times
blue and red threads). Use each needle (Fig. 10). Use the left needle to weave
to weave through beads to exit back through beads to repeat the thread path;
through the last sets of 9A added (see the secure and trim this thread. Use the right
35 g light pewter galvanized Duracoat
start dots in Fig. 8). needle to weave through beads to exit from
size 11° seed beads (A)
0.5 g silver-lined crystal size 8° seed Pass 3: Use the right needle to string 3A; the last row at the other end of the base.
beads (B) pass back through the next 9A on the Repeat from the beginning of this step on
35 g smokey amethyst transparent right side of the previous pass. Use the the other end of the base; secure and trim
size 6° seed beads (C) left needle to pass back through the first this thread.
114 full vitrail 7.5mm 2-hole A strung with the other needle. String 1A;
Ginko beads (D) pass back through the third A strung 7) CLASP. Use 5 jump rings to connect
19 iridescent red 6mm Swarovski with the other needle and the next 9A on each clasp loop to one half of the clasp;
crystal pearl rounds (E)
the left side of the previous pass. Repeat repeat on the other end, taking care that
10 silver-plated 4×6mm oval jump rings
1 silver-plated 5-strand tube clasp
from the beginning of this pass seven- the clasp is positioned to close properly.
Crystal 8 lb FireLine braided teen times (Fig. 8, blue and red
beading thread threads). Use each needle to weave
through beads to exit from 1C on either ELLIE HAMLETT is an avid
WINTER CARNIVAL edge of the base, away from the bead- beader, creating beaded designs
35 g matte silver-lined amethyst work (see the start dot in Fig. 9). Flip the between working at a nonprofit
size 11° seed beads (A)
beadwork over. in Washington, D.C., and pursuing a master’s
0.5 g silver-lined crystal size 8°
seed beads (B)
degree in public policy. She spent five years
35 g taupe-lined crystal size 6° 5) EDGING. Use the right needle to string designing and teaching patterns at the Bead
seed beads (C) 7A; skip the next C, then pass through the Gallery in Buffalo, New York. Contact Ellie at
114 shimmer blue 7.5mm 2-hole following C in the same column of the base.
Ginko beads (D) Pass through the C just skipped, taking care
19 iridescent light blue 6mm Swarovski that the thread exits behind the loop of RESOURCES Check your favorite bead
crystal pearl rounds (E) beads just formed (Fig. 9; back of beadwork retailer or contact: Kits: The Buffalo
10 silver-plated 4×6mm jump rings shown). Repeat from the beginning of this Bead Gallery, www.thebuffalobead
1 silver-plated 5-strand tube clasp
step thirty-five times, passing through only ●
Crystal 8 lb FireLine braided
beading thread 1C in the same column on the last repeat.
Use the left needle to repeat from the
beginning of this step on the other edge.


NEW beige COLOR!
b eig e

pii n k

g re e n


frost re d

black g rey

Available in .006” and .008” on 20, 50, 125 and 300 yard spools.

• Delica 11, 10, 8, 15 • Round Size 11, 8, 6, 3

• Round Size 11, 8, 6, 15 • Demi-Round 11, 8 • Complete line of
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• Czech Fire-Polish 3, 4, 6 mm
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• Tilas, Bricks, Lentils, Daggers, • Complete line of C-Lon Cord • SuperDuos, GemDuos,
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pendant in Pantone’s 2021 Colors of
the Year using seed beads, crystals, and
1) FANCY STONE BEZEL. Use right-
angle weave and tubular peyote stitch to
form the fancy stone bezel:
Round 8: Use the working thread to string
1A and pass through the next 3A of the
previous rounds; repeat fourteen times
pearls that gives the appearance of fine Round 1: Use 5' of thread and B to form a (Fig. 3). Repeat the thread path of this
jewelry without the expense. strip of right-angle weave 29 units long, round to reinforce. Secure and trim the
leaving a 24" tail. String 1B; pass through thread. Set aside.
TECHNIQUES the first B of the first unit in the strip to
Right-angle weave bring the strip into a circle. String 1B; pass 2) PEARL BEZEL. Use right-angle weave
Tubular peyote stitch through the last B exited in the last unit and tubular peyote stitch to form the pearl
Cubic right-angle weave in the strip. Pass through the 4B in this bezel:
unit to reinforce, then weave through Round 1: Use 3' of thread and B to form a
beads to exit from the last B just added strip of right-angle weave 9 units long,
MATERIALS (Fig. 1, blue thread). leaving a 4" tail. String 1B; pass through
1 g light yellow-lined crystal AB size 15° Round 2: Work 1 round of tubular peyote the first B of the first unit in the strip to
Japanese seed beads (A) stitch with 1B in each stitch (Fig. 1, red bring the strip into a circle. String 1B; pass
5 g gray pearl size 11° Japanese seed beads (B) thread). Note: Step up for this and subse- through the last B exited in the last unit
0.5 g lemon ice Ceylon size 11° Japanese
quent rounds by passing through the in the strip. Repeat the thread path of this
seed beads (C)
38 crystal AB 2mm Swarovski crystal
first bead added in the current round. unit, then pass through the next 2B
rounds (D) Rounds 3 and 4: Work 2 rounds of tubular (Fig. 4, blue thread; beadwork flattened
24 crystal 2XAB 4mm Swarovski peyote stitch with 1A in each stitch for clarity). String 1F; pass through the
crystal bicones (E) (Fig. 2). Set the working thread aside. opposite side B in the strip. Pass back
1 ultra citrine AB 27mm Swarovski Rounds 5 and 6 (Back): Use the tail thread through the F; pass through the first B
crystal fancy stone to work 1 round of tubular peyote stitch exited in the strip, and the next B in the
2 dark gray 8mm crystal pearls (F) with 1B in each stitch. Work 1 round with same unit (Fig. 4, red thread).
Crystal 6 lb FireLine braided beading thread
1A in each stitch. Insert the fancy stone Round 2: Work 1 round of tubular peyote
TOOLS into the beadwork so that the front of the stitch with 1A in each stitch. Repeat the
Scissors fancy stone touches Rounds 3 and 4. thread path of this round to reinforce,
Size 12 beading needle Round 7 (Back): Work 1 round of tubular then pass through the next 2B of this unit
peyote stitch with 1A in each stitch. (Fig. 5).
2 × 2½" Repeat the thread path of this round Round 3: Work 1 round of tubular peyote
to reinforce; secure and trim this stitch with 1A in each stitch. Repeat the
thread only. thread path to reinforce. Don’t trim the
thread. Set aside.
Repeat this entire step for a second
pearl bezel.

Fig. 1: Weaving Fancy Stone Fig. 2: Stitching Fancy Stone

Bezel, Rounds 1 and 2 Bezel, Rounds 3 and 4

Fig. 3: Forming Fancy Fig. 4: Stitching Pearl Fig. 5: Adding Round 2

Stone Bezel, Round 8 Bezel, Round 1 to Pearl Bezel



Fig. 6: Joining
artist’s tips the bezels
❯ Wherever you use crystal
bicones, always reinforce the
thread paths because the sharp
holes can cut your thread.
❯ If you are using Toho seed
beads, your bezel on the 27mm
stone may feel a little loose. You Fig. 7: Stitching
can repeat the thread paths to Orbit Segment 1,
reinforce and tighten the bezel. Cube 1
❯ Always reinforce thread
paths of all stress points.

3) JOIN BEZELS. Use cubic right-angle String 1B; pass down through the nearest st
weave to connect the pearl bezels to the B of the previous face, through the last B
fancy stone bezel: exited at the bottom of this cube, and
Join 1: Using the beads of the pearl bezel’s up through the next B of the first face in
strip of right-angle weave as the top and this cube (Fig. 7, blue thread). Pass
the beads of the fancy stone bezel’s strip through the 1C/3B at the top of this cube e
of right-angle weave as the bottom, use and the next top C to close the top
the working thread to join all 4 faces of (Fig. 7, red thread).
the cubes using B and cubic right-angle Cubes 2–7: Note: The beads at the bottom
weave (Fig. 6; only 1 face shown for clar- of the previous cube will act as the top
ity). Repeat the thread path of this cube beads of the next cube. Use cubic right-
Fig. 8: Joining Orbit
to reinforce the join. Secure and trim angle weave to work 6 more cubes with B Segments 1 and 2
the thread. and C, taking care that C is always added
Join 2: Repeat Join 1 to connect the on Face 1.
second pearl bezel to the opposite unit Cube 8: Use cubic right-angle weave to
of the fancy stone bezel’s right-angle work 1 more cube, using E in place of B
weave strip. and C for the top of the cube. Repeat the
thread path of this entire cube to rein-
4) ORBIT SEGMENT 1. Use cubic right- force. Secure and trim the thread.
angle weave to form the first of four orbit
segments: 5) ORBIT SEGMENT 2. Working on
Begin: Working on the top pearl bezel, start the bottom pearl bezel, start 3' of new
3' of new thread that exits from the front thread that exits from the front B of the
B of the second unit to the right of Join 1 second unit to the right of Join 1 (see the
(see the purple dot in Fig. 8). Note: Use blue dot in Fig. 8). Repeat from the begin-
the beads of the pearl bezel’s strip of ning of Orbit Segment 1 to form 8 cubes
right-angle weave as the top of Cube 1. of cubic right-angle weave. Don’t trim
Cube 1, Face 1: String 1B, 1C, and 1B; pass the thread.
through the last B exited and the next B
of the pearl bezel (Fig. 7, purple thread). 6) JOIN. Using the E at the end of Orbit
Cube 1, Faces 2 and 3: String 2B; pass Segment 2 as the top and the E at the end
down through the nearest B of the previ- of Orbit Segment 1 as the bottom, join all 4
ous face and pass through the last B faces of the cubes using E and cubic right-
exited at the top of this cube and the angle weave (Fig. 8; only 1 face shown for Fig. 9: Working
next B. Repeat from the beginning of this clarity). Repeat the thread path of this cube Embellishment,
Passes 1 and 2
face (Fig. 7, green thread). to reinforce the join. Weave through beads
Cube 1, Face 4 and Top: Pass up through to exit down from 1E of Face 1 of this cube
the nearest B of the first face of this cube. (see the start dot in Fig. 9).



Fig. 10: Joining

the bail

7) EMBELLISH. Use peyote stitch to

embellish the edges of the Orbit Segments:
Pass 1: String 1A and pass through the next
edge B of Orbit Segment 2; repeat seven
times. Pass through the next 2B in this
face (Fig. 9, blue thread). Embellish: String 1D and pass through the
Pass 2: String 1D and pass through the next edge B of the strip (Fig. 11); repeat
next edge B of Orbit Segment 2; repeat four times. Pass through the next 2B in
six times. String 1A and pass through the this unit. Repeat from the beginning of Fig. 11: Embellishing
next E (Fig. 9, red thread). this embellishment for the other side of the bail
Passes 3 and 4: Repeat Pass 1 and 2 to the strip. Repeat the thread path of this
embellish Orbit Segment 1. Secure and embellishment to reinforce; secure and
trim the thread. trim the thread.


the beadwork 180 degrees and repeat has been a beadwork designer
Steps 4–7 to form, join, and embellish two and teacher in New York since Colorway Materials
more segments on the other side of the 2015. She has worked in the fine jewelry field
fancy stone bezel. for most of her life, most recently grading
1 g dark cerulean luster size 15°
diamonds at the Gemological Institute of Japanese seed beads (A)
9) BAIL. Use right-angle weave to form America. You can find her patterns and kits 5 g nickel plated size 11° Japanese
the bail: online at seed beads (B)
Strip: Working off of the top back B of the 0.5 g dark cerulean luster size 11°
top pearl bezel, use 3' of new thread and RESOURCES Check your favorite bead Japanese seed beads (C)
B to form a strip of right-angle weave retailer or contact: Miyuki seed beads 38 crystal AB 2mm crystal rounds (D)
5 units long. and thread: Potomac Bead Company, 24 pacific opal 2XAB 4mm
crystal bicones (E)
Join: String 1B; pass through the top front B Swarovski bicones,
1 white opal green sphinx 27mm
of the top pearl bezel. String 1B; pass rounds, and pearls: Eureka Crystal Beads, Swarovski crystal fancy stone (F)
through the last B exited in the strip. (401) 603-0983, www.eurekacrystalbeads 2 iridescent dreamy blue 8mm
Repeat the thread path of this join to .com. Swarovski crystal fancy stone crystal pearls (G)
reinforce, then pass up through the (article #1201): Beading in the Rain, Smoke 6 lb FireLine braided
last B added (Fig. 10). ● beading thread





themed peyote stitch cuffs are a fun
adornment that are sure to bring you luck
the next time you play.

Peyote stitch


A Game of Kings and Queens
4 g white luster opaque size 11°
cylinder beads (A)
8 g black size 11° cylinder beads (B)
2 g gray opaque size 11° cylinder beads (C)
1 set of clear 3⁄8" nylon sew-on snaps
Smoke 6 lb FireLine braided beading thread
Let’s Play Cards
3 g matte black size 11° cylinder beads (A)
4 g dyed opaque red size 11° cylinder beads (B)
8 g matte metallic gray size 11°
cylinder beads (C)
1 set of clear 3⁄8" nylon sew-on snaps
Smoke 6 lb FireLine braided beading thread
Size 10 beading needle
Use even-count flat peyote stitch to form
the chess-themed band:
Rows 1 and 2: Note: You may download
Nicole used the following Miyuki Delica
color numbers for this project: the word chart for this pattern at www Add a
A Game of Kings and Queens stop bead to 6' of thread, leaving a 5" tail.
DB0201 (A), DB10 (B), and DB731 (C)
String 2A. String {2B and 2A} five times
Let’s Play Cards (Fig. 1, blue thread). Note: See the
DB310 (A), DB791 (B), and DB307 (C) Techniques library at www.interweave
.com/go/beading-techniques for instruc-
tions on even-count peyote stitch.
Row 3: String 1A, then skip the previous A
and pass back through the following A.
Chart 1 *Work 1 stitch with 1B. Work 1 stitch
with 1A. Repeat from * four times (Fig. 1,
red thread).
Rows 4–213: Use even-count peyote stitch
to work 210 more rows, following Chart 1.
Secure and trim the working thread.
Remove the stop bead; secure and trim
the tail.
Clasp: Use 2' of new thread to sew the
2 halves of two snaps to one end of the
band, 1⁄16" from the edge. Repeat with the
Fig. 1: Working Rows 1–3 of remaining snap halves on the other end,
A Game of Kings and Queens taking care they are positioned to close




Chart 2

artist’s tip
If you need to alter the
length, do so by adding
or subtracting rows
to the patterns at the
beginning and ends
of the charts.

2) LET’S PLAY CARDS. Use odd-count

flat peyote stitch to form the playing cards–
themed band:
Rows 1 and 2: Add a stop bead to 6' of
thread. String 23A (Fig. 2, blue thread),
leaving a 5" tail. Note: See the Techniques
library at
ing-techniques for instructions on odd-
count peyote stitch.
Row 3: String 1B, then skip the previous A
and pass back through the following A.
Work 10 stitches with 1B in each stitch.
String 1B. Remove the stop bead and tie
a square knot with the tail and working
threads. Pass back through the last B
added (Fig. 2, red thread).
Rows 4–219: Use odd-count peyote stitch
to work 216 more rows, following Chart 2.
Secure and trim the working thread.
Secure and trim the tail.
Clasp: Use 2' of new thread to sew the
2 halves of two snaps to one end of the
band, 1⁄8" from the edge. Repeat with the
remaining snap halves ¼" from the other
end, taking care they are positioned to
close properly.

NICOLE VOGT is a passionate

beader from Germany. Although
beading is her hobby, she
spends as much time as possible creating new
designs. She runs a beading blog with her two
sisters, who are also beaders. Contact Nicole at and on
Facebook at Nicole Drei Kleine Perlen.

RESOURCES Check your favorite bead

retailer or contact: Miyuki Delica cylinder
beads: Aura Crystals,
Snaps: Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores, (888)
Fig. 2: Working Rows 1–3
of Let’s Play Cards
739-4120, Thread: Potomac
Bead Company, ●


Where Triangles Meet CINDY KINERSON



Where Triangles Meet CINDY KINERSON

1) WARP LEFT SIDE. Note: How you warp


bracelet techniques to create this
beautiful Southwest-style bracelet.
your threads will depend on the type of
loom you use. If your loom will accommo-
date a long length, set it so your warp
threads are 5–6" longer than your finished
bracelet length. This can also be achieved
TECHNIQUES by wrapping the warp threads completely
Loomwork around the loom, instead of warping back
Brick stitch variation and forth.
PROJECT LEVEL ££¡ Warps 1–5: Form 5 warps with beading
thread, evenly spaced across about 3⁄8".
Warp 6: Form 1 warp with 1 piece of
2 g higher metallic violet size 11°
leather, 1 bead’s width from the
seed beads (A)
1 g silver-lined pale amber size 11° previous warp.
seed beads (B)
3 g matte periwinkle size 11° seed beads (C) 2) WEAVE LEFT SIDE. Weave the beads
2 g frosted glazed navy size 11° seed beads (D) for the left side of the bracelet:
1 g gray opaque size 11° seed beads (E) Note: Before beginning, see the Artist’s Tip Row 13: 5A
1 g gold luster raspberry size 11° seed beads (F) about sizing. Row 14: 5B
1 g matte aluminum galvanized size 11° Prepare: About 2" from the end of the Row 15: 5A
seed beads (G) loom, tie one end of 8' of thread to the Row 16: 5C
0.5 g yellow curry size 11° seed beads (H) first warp, leaving a 24" tail. Tape the tail Row 17: 4C, 1D
1 g emerald-lined crystal size 11° Demi Round thread to the loom, out of your way. Place Row 18: 3C, 1D, 1E
seed beads (J)
42 purple iris 3mm fire-polished rounds (K)
a needle on the other end of the thread. Row 19: 2C, 1D, 1E, 1F
1 copper 12mm shank button Row 13: Note: You’ll begin working at Row 20: 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G
2 medium gold/marigold 24" 1.5mm Row 13, then come back and use the tail Row 21: 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H
leather cords to decrease later. String 5A; pass under Rows 22–39: Repeat Rows 13–21
Green 6 lb WildFire thermally bonded the warp threads and pop 1 bead two times.
beading thread between each thread (Fig. 1, green Rows 40–48: Work 9 more rows, following
Jewelry cement thread). Hold the beads in place while the chart (Fig. 3) for bead placement.
TOOLS passing back through each bead, this Row 40: 5A
Scissors time over the top of the warp threads Row 41: 5B
Bead loom (Fig. 1, blue thread). Row 42: 5A
Masking or painter’s tape Row 14: String 5B; pass under the warp Row 43: 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H
2 size 11 beading needles threads and pop 1 bead between each Row 44: 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G
Wire cutters thread. Hold the beads in place while Row 45: 2C, 1D, 1E, 1F
passing back through each bead, this Row 46: 3C, 1D, 1E
time over the top of the warp threads Row 47: 4C, 1D
(Fig. 1, red thread). Adjust the beads so Row 48: 5C
they sit tight against the previous row. Rows 49–75: Repeat Rows 40–48
Rows 15–21: Work 7 more rows, following three times.
the chart (Fig. 2) for bead placement.
Cindy used the following colors of Toho
seed beads: 2607F (A), 150 (B), 48LF (C),
332 (D), PF558F (E), 825 (F), 607 (G), 286
(H), and Demi Round 1070 (J).

Fig. 1: Weaving Left Side, Fig. 2: Bead Chart for Fig. 3: Bead Chart for
Rows 13 and 14 Left Side, Rows 13–21 Left Side, Rows 40–48


artist’s tips
❯ Sizing. You can make the bracelet longer
in several ways: You may add an extra
repeat in Rows 1–9 and 28–36 for an
additional 1½" of length, you may add
rows on each end before you begin to
Fig. 4: Stitching Left decrease, or you may add a second
Side, End 1
buttonhole loop in Step 10.
❯ Substitute 3mm gemstone rounds or
other types of 3mm beads if you prefer
them over fire-polished beads.
❯ You can substitute FireLine or K.O. thread
for the green WildFire.
Fig. 5: Bead Chart ❯ If you struggle with decreasing in
for Left Side, End 2 loomwork, just turn your loom around.
Decreasing is only difficult on the left side
(if this is your non-dominant side). If you
turn the loom around, you can skip going
around the outside warp thread and you
will find it much easier.

Fig. 6: Weaving
Row 1 of Center
Colorway Materials

2 g frosted semi-glaze dark red

size 11° seed beads (A)
3) LEFT SIDE END 1. Work 6 more rows, between each thread. Hold the beads in 1 g semi-glaze turquoise rainbow
size 11° seed beads (B)
decreasing to just 2 beads in the final row: place while passing back through each
3 g dark beige opaque size 11°
Rows 76–78: Work 3 more full rows as bead, this time over the top of the warp seed beads (C)
before (Fig. 4, purple thread). threads (Fig. 4, red thread). Tape the 1 g frosted pea soup opaque size 11°
Row 76: 5C working thread to the loom, out of seed beads (D)
Row 77: 1E, 4C your way. 1 g frosted Mediterranean blue
Row 78: 1D, 1E, 3C size 11° seed beads (E)
Row 79 (Decrease): Pass under Warp 1 and 4) LEFT SIDE END 2. Use the same tech- 0.5 g milky aurora size 11° seed beads (F)
pass back through the last D exited and nique from End 1 and the tail thread to work 2 g suede light green size 11°
seed beads (G)
under Warp 2. String 1D, 1E, and 2C; pass 12 more rows, decreasing to just 2 beads in
1 g frosted metallic antique silver
under the warp threads and pop 1 bead a row, following the chart (Fig. 5) for bead size 11° seed beads (H)
between each thread. Hold the beads in placement. Secure and trim this thread only. 1 g gold stardust size 11° Demi Round
place while passing back through each Don’t remove the project from the loom. seed beads (J)
bead, this time over the top of the warp 36 turquoise 3mm fire-polished
threads (Fig. 4, green thread). 5) WARP RIGHT SIDE. Use the same rounds (K)
Row 80 (Decrease): Pass under Warp 2 and techniques from the left side to warp 1 silver 12mm shank button
pass back through the last D exited and the right side: 2 medium brown 24" 1.5mm leather cords
under Warp 3. String 1D, 1E, and 1C; pass Warp 7: Form 1 warp with 1 piece of Green 6 lb WildFire thermally bonded
beading thread
under the warp threads and pop 1 bead leather, leaving about 1⁄8" of space
Jewelry cement
between each thread. Hold the beads in between Warps 6 and 7.
place while passing back through each Warps 8–12: Form 5 warps with beading
bead, this time over the top of the warp thread, evenly spaced across about 3⁄8".
threads (Fig. 4, blue thread). Cindy used the following colors of
Row 81 (Decrease): Pass under Warp 3 and 6) WEAVE RIGHT SIDE. Repeat Weave Toho seed beads: 2609F (A), 2634F (B),
pass back through the last D exited and Left Side, Rows 13–75, reversing the string- 123D (C), 1624F (D), 511F (E), YPS0022
under Warp 4. String 1D and 1E; pass ing order of the beads to create a mirror (F), Y614 (G), 566 (H), and Demi Round
983 (J).
under the warp threads and pop 1 bead image for the right side of the bracelet.


Where Triangles Meet CINDY KINERSON

7) RIGHT SIDE END 1. Repeat Left Side exiting over the leather cords of Warps 6
End 1, reversing the stringing order of the and 7 (see the start dots in Fig. 6).
beads to create a mirror image for the right Row 1: Use the right needle to string 1J, 2D,
side of the bracelet. and 1J; arrange the beads between both
cords, then pass the needle under the left
8) RIGHT SIDE END 2. Repeat Left Side cord. Pass over the left cord (Fig. 6, blue
End 2, reversing the stringing order of the thread). Use the right needle to pass
beads to create a mirror image for the right through the beads just added, then pass
side of the bracelet. Don’t trim the thread. under the right cord. Pass over the right
cord (Fig. 6, red thread).
9) CENTER. Use a two-needle variation of Rows 2–60: Work 59 more rows with two-
brick stitch for the center strip: needle brick stitch variation, following
Prepare: Rotate the loom 180 degrees so the chart (Fig. 7) for bead placement.
that Row 69 is toward you. Add a needle Secure and trim the weft threads. Note:
to each of the working threads, then use Adjust the number of rows with K as 10) FINISH. Remove the beadwork from
each thread to weave through beads to needed to align the rows of D/F/D with the loom and finish the bracelet:
exit toward the center of the bracelet, the rows of A/B/A. Remove: Turn the loom facedown on your
work surface; release the beadwork from
the loom by cutting the warp threads in
the center of the back of the loom. Allow
the piece to rest on a flat surface before
tying off threads.
Warp Threads: Add a needle to 1 warp
thread, then secure the thread and trim;
repeat using the other warp threads
Fig. 7: Bead Chart
for Center except the leather cords.
Leather: Use the leather cords of 1 end to
tie an overhand knot, taking care not to
place the knot too close to the beadwork.
Use 1 cord to string the button. Use both
cords to tie another overhand knot. Use
the leather cords of the other end to tie
an overhand knot, taking care not to
place the knot too close to the beadwork.
Use both cords to tie another overhand
knot, leaving enough space between the
knots to create a buttonhole loop for the
button to slip through. Apply jewelry
cement to all the leather knots; let cure.
Use a wire cutter to trim the ends of the
cords about ¼" from the knots.


artist and teacher specializing in
bead-loom weaving and leather.
She teaches at national bead shows, and her
work has been published widely in both books
and magazines. She co-owns the Reno Bead
Shop with her husband and can be reached at

RESOURCES Check your favorite bead

retailer or contact: Toho and Demi Round
seed beads, G-S Hypo Cement glue, and all
other materials: Reno Bead Shop, (775)
322-2225, Kits: Out
West Beads, ●


Amulet Necklace ELLIE HAMLETT


Amulet Necklace ELLIE HAMLETT

1) BEADED BEAD. Use a variation of cir- three times, then pass through the first


ancient Egypt, this rope of beaded beads
is made of just seed beads, Khéops par
cular peyote stitch and fringe to form the
beaded bead:
Round 1: Use 5' of thread to string {1C and
6A of this round (Fig. 2, blue thread).
Round 5: Pass through the 4A at the points
of the fringes of the previous round
Puca triangles, and fire-polished rounds. 1A} four times, leaving a 4" tail. Pass (Fig. 2, red thread). Repeat the thread
through the beads again to form a circle; path of this round to reinforce. Weave
use the working and tail threads to tie a through beads to exit from 1A of
TECHNIQUES square knot. Pass through the first C Round 2.
Tubular peyote stitch variation (Fig. 1, purple thread). Rounds 6 and 7: Repeat Rounds 4 and 5
Fringe Round 2: String 1A, 1B (left hole, base to on the other side of the beaded bead.
PROJECT LEVEL ££¡ point), 1B (right hole, point to base), and Weave through beads to exit back
1A; pass through the next C (Fig. 1, through the nearest 6A of Round 6 (see
green thread). *String 1A; pass through the start dot in Fig. 3).
13 g gray rainbow luster transparent size 11°
seed beads (A) the last B (left hole, base to point) added. Round 8: String 5A, then pass through the
56 matte metallic green turquoise 6mm 2-hole String 1B (right hole, point to base) and next 6A of Round 6 and back through
Khéops par Puca triangles (B) 1A; pass through the next C (Fig. 1, blue the previous 5A (Fig. 3, blue thread);
60 green luster 4mm fire-polished rounds (C) thread). Repeat from *. String 1A; pass repeat three times (Fig. 3, red thread).
2 silver-plated 4×6mm oval jump rings through the last B (left hole, base to Weave through beads to exit back
1 silver-plated 7×12mm lobster clasp point) added. Pass through the first B through the nearest 6A of Round 4.
12" of silver-plated 2×5mm long cable chain (right hole, point to base) of this round. Round 9: Repeat Round 8 on the other
Crystal 8 lb FireLine braided beading thread String 1A; pass through the next C (Fig. 1, side of the beaded bead. Pass through
TOOLS red thread). the first 5A of this round (see the start
Scissors Round 3: Repeat Round 2 on the other side dot in Fig. 4).
Size 11 beading needle of the C. Pass through the first A of this Round 10: String 3A; pass through the next
Wire cutters round (see the start dot in Fig. 2). 5A of Round 8 (Fig. 4, green thread).
2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers Round 4: String 6A, skip the last A strung String 3A; pass through the next 5A of
and pass back through the first 5A Round 9 (Fig. 4, blue thread). Repeat
19" (beaded rope is 6")
strung, then pass through the next from the beginning of this round. Weave
1A/1C/1A (Fig. 2, green thread); repeat through beads to exit from the next 5A of
Round 9 (Fig. 4, red thread).

artist’s tips
❯ Connect 9 or 10 beaded beads to
make a bangle bracelet.
❯ If your beaded beads feel squishy,
repeat the thread paths through the Fig. 1: Forming Beaded
B again to tighten up the tension. Bead, Rounds 1 and 2

❯ Connect 1 beaded bead to a beaded

tassel to make a unique pair of

Fig. 2: Stitching Beaded

Bead, Rounds 4 and 5

Fig. 3: Weaving Beaded

Bead, Round 8


Fig. 4: Adding Beaded
Bead, Round 10

Fig. 5: Working Beaded

Bead, Round 11

Round 11: String 1A; pass through the

middle A of the next 3A set of the previ-
ous round. String 1A; pass through the
nearest 5A (Fig. 5, blue thread). Repeat
from the beginning of this round three
times (Fig. 5, red thread). Secure and
trim the threads.
Repeat this entire step six times for a total
of 7 beaded beads.

2) ROPE. Use a variation of peyote stitch to

connect the beaded beads into a rope: Fig. 6: Forming Rope,
Ring: Use 12" of thread to string {1C and Ring and Join 1
1A} four times, leaving a 4" tail. Pass
through the beads again to form a circle;
use the working and tail threads to tie a
square knot. Pass through the first C
(Fig. 6, blue thread).
Join 1: Pass through 1A at the point of one
of the fringes on one end of a beaded
Fig. 7: Adding
bead, then pass through the next C of Rope, Chain Loop
Ring (Fig. 6, red thread); repeat three Chain Loop: Use the working thread of the
times to connect each point A. last ring added to weave through beads
Join 2: Pass through 1A at the point of one to exit from 1C (see the start dot in
of the fringes on one end of a new Fig. 7). String 5A; pass through the A on
beaded bead, then pass through the next the opposite side of the ring. Pass back ELLIE HAMLETT is an avid
C of Ring; repeat three times to connect through the 5A just added; pass through beader, creating beaded designs
each point A of the new beaded bead. the next C (Fig. 7). Weave through beads between working at a nonprofit
Secure and trim the tail; don’t trim the to repeat the thread path; secure and in Washington, D.C., and pursuing a master’s
working thread. trim the thread. Repeat Chain Loop on degree in public policy. She spent five years
Repeat Ring, Join 1, and Join 2 to connect the opposite end of the rope. designing and teaching patterns at the Bead
1 new beaded bead to the previous beaded Gallery in Buffalo, New York. Contact Ellie at
bead five times to connect all the beaded 3) FINISH. Cut the chain in half. Use 1 jump
beads into a rope. Secure and trim the ring to connect 1 chain loop to one half of
working and tail threads of all the repeats. the chain; repeat on the other end of the RESOURCES Check your favorite bead
Repeat Ring and Join 1 on the first and last rope. Use 1 jump ring to connect the clasp retailer or contact: Kits: The Buffalo Bead
beaded bead of the rope. Secure and trim to the free end of 1 chain. Attach 1 jump Gallery, www.thebuffalobeadgallery
the tail; don’t trim the working thread. ring to the free end of the other chain. .com/kits. ●


6054 S. STATE ST.
MURRY, UT 84107
(801) 281-9978

Kits, Patterns & Supplies

Sunshine Bracelet EDGAR LOPEZ


Sunshine Bracelet EDGAR LOPEZ

1) CHATON COMPONENTS. Use circular Round 5: String 1A, 1F, and 1A; pass


features some of Edgar Lopez’s classic
elements in beautiful tropical colors.
square stitch and circular netting to create a
strip of chaton components:
Round 1: Use 4' of thread to string 28C,
through the middle A of the 5A set
between the 2C sets added in Round 4.
String 1A, 1F, and 1A; pass through the
leaving a 4" tail. Pass through the beads next 2C set of Round 4 (Fig. 3, green
again to form a circle. Pass through the thread). Repeat from the beginning of
Circular square stitch
first 2C strung. this round three times. Pass through the
Circular and tubular netting Rounds 2 and 3: String 2A; pass through first 1A/1F of this round (Fig. 3, blue
the last 2C exited in the previous round thread).
PROJECT LEVEL ££¡ (Fig. 1, green thread). String 2A, then Round 6: String 1B, then pass through the
MATERIALS pass through the last 2C exited and the next 1F/1A/2C/1A/1F; repeat three times.
5 g 24k gold-plated size 15° Japanese next 2C (Fig. 1, blue thread). Repeat Pass through the next 1B/1F/1A/1C
seed beads (A) from the beginning of this round thirteen (Fig. 3, red thread).
3 g 24k gold-plated size 11° Japanese times, exiting from the last 2A strung Round 7: String 1A, 1D, and 1A; pass
seed beads (B) (Fig. 1, red thread). Note: You’ll have two through the nearest 2A of Round 2.
3 g 24k gold-plated size 11° Japanese rounds of 28A that lay side-by-side on String 1A; pass back through the D just
cylinder beads (C)
the outside of the 28C. Pass through 28A added. String 1A; pass through the next
56 jet 2XAB 3mm Swarovski crystal bicones (D)
in the bottom row to snug the beads. C of Round 4 and the following 1A/1F/
6 jet 2XAB 4mm Swarovski crystal bicones (E)
56 yellow opal AB 4mm Swarovski
Pass through the adjacent 2A in the top 1B/1F/1A/1C (Fig. 4, blue thread).
crystal bicones (F) row. Repeat from the beginning of this round
4 emerald 10.5mm (ss47) vintage Swarovski Round 4: Insert 1G faceup into the bead- three times, only passing through 1C/1A
crystal channel chatons (G) work. Pass through 28A in the top row to on the last repeat (Fig. 4, red thread).
3 peridot 10.5mm (ss47) vintage Swarovski snug the beads over the front of the G. Round 8: String 6A; pass through the next
crystal channel chatons (H) Pass through the nearest 2C of Round 1 B of Round 6. String 6A; pass through the
12 blue jade 6mm faceted stone rounds (J) (Fig. 2, green thread). String 2C, then next 1A/2C/1A (Fig. 5, green thread).
1 gold 11×7mm magnetic clasp pass through the last 2C exited and the Repeat from the beginning of this round
Crystal 6 lb FireLine braided beading thread
next 7C of Round 1 (Fig. 2, blue thread); three times. Pass through the first 4A of
TOOLS repeat three times. Pass through the first this round (Fig. 5, blue thread).
Scissors 2C of this round (Fig. 2, red thread).
Size 12 beading needle

Fig. 1: Stitching
Chaton Components,
Rounds 2 and 3 Fig. 2: Adding Chaton
Components, Round 4

Fig. 3: Creating
Chaton Components,
OPTION Rounds 5 and 6
Attach a 4½" safety chain
to the bracelet by forming
loops of 2A, the chain end,
and 2A worked off of 6A sets
on the first and last chaton
components in the strip. Fig. 4: Forming
Chaton Components,
Round 7


Fig. 5: Working Chaton
Components, Rounds 8 and 9
(Connection Bead)

Fig. 6: Connecting
the chaton

Fig. 7: Stitching artist’s tip

Gemstone You can use rivolis
Component 1, (ss47) instead of the
Round 1
vintage Swarovski
crystal channel
Round 9 (Connection Bead): String 1E; chatons.
pass through the third A of the next 6A
set in the previous round. Weave through
beads to exit from the opposite middle A
on the other side of the component
(Fig. 5, red thread). Secure and trim the
tail thread; don’t trim the working thread.
Set aside.
Repeat Rounds 1–9 twice; repeat
Rounds 1–8 (omitting the connection bead)
for a total of 4 chaton components with G.
Repeat Rounds 1–9 three times, using H for
Fig. 8: Forming Gemstone
G, for a total of 3 chaton components with H. Component 1, Round 2
Arrange the components on your work sur-
face with the working threads to the right, Fig. 9: Connecting the
alternating G and H components, with the gemstone components
component without the connection bead
on the left.
Connections: Use the working thread of Component 1, Round 2: String 2C; pass gemstone component and the next 2B
the leftmost component to pass through through the next B of the previous round, (Fig. 9, purple thread). String 1A; pass
the E of the next component to the right, the last B exited in the previous round, through the nearest A of the chaton com-
then pass through the third A of the next and the next 2B (Fig. 8, green thread). ponent on the left. String 1A; pass
6A on this component (Fig. 6). Weave String 2C, then pass through the last 2B through the last B exited on the gem-
through beads to repeat the thread path exited and the next 2B; repeat six times stone component and the next 3B (Fig. 9,
of the connection; secure and trim this (Fig. 8, blue thread). Pass through the green thread). String 1A; pass through
thread. Repeat to connect all remaining 16C of this round and the nearest 2B of the nearest A of the chaton component
components. Round 1 (Fig. 8, red thread). Secure and on the right. String 1A; pass through the
trim the tail thread but don’t trim the last B exited on the gemstone compo-
2) GEMSTONE COMPONENTS. Use cir- working thread. Set aside. nent and the next 3B (Fig. 9, blue
cular square stitch to add the gemstone Components 2–12: Repeat Component 1, thread). String 1B; pass through the
components: Rounds 1 and 2 eleven times for a total of nearest 2A of the chaton component on
Component 1, Round 1: Use 2' of thread 12 components. the right. String 1B; pass through the last
to string 16B, leaving a 4" tail. Pass Gemstone Connection: Align 1 gemstone 2B exited on the gemstone component
through the beads again to form a circle; component in one indent at the connec- (Fig. 9, red thread). Secure and trim the
use the working and tail threads to tie a tion between 2 chaton components. Use working thread.
square knot. Pass through the first B the working thread to string 1B; pass Repeat the gemstone connection eleven
strung (Fig. 7, blue thread). String 1J; through the nearest 2A of the chaton times to add one gemstone component in
pass back through the ninth B strung component on the left. String 1B; pass each indent at the connections between
(Fig. 7, red thread). through the last 2B exited on the two chaton components.


Sunshine Bracelet EDGAR LOPEZ

Fig. 10: Weaving Clasp Fig. 11: Adding Clasp Fig. 12: Adding Clasp
Cover, Rounds 1–3 Cover, Rounds 4 and 5 Cover, Round 6

Fig. 13: Joining the clasp

3) CLASP COVER. Use circular and tubu-

lar netting to cover the clasp and attach it
to the bracelet:
Round 1: Use 3' of new thread to string {1D
and 1A} eight times, leaving a 10" tail.
Pass through the beads again to form a
circle; use the working and tail threads to 7A set of the previous round; pass the clasp cover (Fig. 13, red thread).
tie a square knot. Pass through the first through the clasp loop (Fig. 11, red Weave through beads to repeat the
1D/1A strung (Fig. 10, purple thread). thread). Repeat from * twice. Repeat the thread path of this join; secure and trim
Round 2: String 5A, then pass through the thread path of this round to reinforce. the thread.
next A of the previous round; repeat Don’t trim the threads. Flip the clasp over Repeat this entire step to cover and join the
seven times. Pass through the first 3A of so you see the magnet. second half of the clasp on the opposite
this round (Fig. 10, blue thread). Round 6: Use the tail thread to pass end of the strip.
Round 3: String 1D; pass through the mid- through the nearest A of Round 1. String
dle A of the next 5A set in the previous 4A; pass through the next A of Round 1. EDGAR LOPEZ is a beadwork
round. String 1A; pass through the mid- Pass back through the last A strung. designer and teacher from the
dle A of the next 5A set of the previous Repeat from the beginning of this round Dominican Republic. He initially
round. Repeat from the beginning of this seven times (Fig. 12). Secure and trim this studied architecture, then turned to jewelry
round three times (Fig. 10, red thread). thread; don’t trim the working thread. design and finally bead weaving. Find Edgar on
Round 4: String 7A, then pass through the Join: Use the working thread to string 1D; Facebook at Edgar Lopez Designs or follow him
middle A of the next 5A set in Round 2, pass through the third A of the lower 6A on Instagram @edgarlopez14.
the next A of the previous round, and the set in one end chaton component in the
middle A of the next 5A set in Round 2; strip, opposite the previous join. Pass RESOURCES Check your favorite bead
repeat three times. Pass through the first back through the D just added; pass retailer or contact: Miyuki seed beads, Delica
4A of this round (Fig. 11, blue thread). through the last A exited of the clasp cylinder beads, and Swarovski crystal
Round 5: Insert 1 half of the clasp into the cover and the next 2A (Fig. 13, blue bicones: Aura Crystals, www.auracrystals
beadwork so the loop exits through the thread). String 1D; pass through the third .com. Stone rounds, clasp, thread, and similar
center of Round 4. Use the working A of the upper 6A set in the chaton com- Swarovski crystal channel chatons: Fire
thread to pass through the clasp loop. ponent. Pass back through the D just Mountain Gems and Beads, (800) 355-2137,
*Pass through the middle A of the next added; pass through the last A exited of ●






to create this beautiful beaded kumi-
himo set named for the Egyptian goddess
lengths of Superlon cord, each 110" long.
the rope:
End 1: Note: Stretch braided-cord sections
of the ocean depths, who daily gave rebirth Fold the cords in half to make eight 55" before measuring them. Work 5" of braid-
to the god Ra. cords. Add a small amount of superglue gel ing (see “Kumihimo 101,” page 47) with-
to the folded end of the cords and insert out beads.
them into 1 crimp end; crimp. Center: Braid all of the beads as in
TECHNIQUES “Kumihimo 101,” keeping your tension
Kumihimo 2) PLACING THE CORDS. Clip the taut and even.
weight onto the crimped end. Hang the End 2: Continue braiding without beads
PROJECT LEVEL ££¡ weight down through the center hole of for 5". Remove the weight from the braid
the disk and arrange the cords so there is and the bobbins from the cords. Carefully
1 cord on each side of the 4 numbered dots. remove the braid from the disk. Trim the
2 g zest galvanized size 11° Japanese
seed beads (A) tails to 4". Insert the braid into 1 crimp
10 g cobalt rainbow opaque size 8° 3) STRINGING THE BEADS. Note: Lay end, extending past the loop of the crimp
Japanese seed beads (B) the F on your work surface vertically so that end. Add a small amount of superglue
3 g zest galvanized size 8° Japanese they have a top and a bottom hole. String gel to the end of the braid and slide the
seed beads (C) them all from right to left. Dip your cord crimp over the glued end; crimp. Burn off
16 crystal peacock vitrail 5×7mm Pip beads (D) ends into InstaNeedle cord stiffener or the cord ends on both ends of the braid.
16 full vitrail 7.5mm 2-hole Ginko beads (E) superglue gel and let dry. Cut the end of
61 backlit petroleum 8×5mm 2-hole
each cord at a 45-degree angle. After string- 5) UPPER EMBELLISHMENT. Use net-
GemDuos (F)
45 jet full AB 10×4mm 2-hole ChevronDuos (G)
ing the beads, place the end of each cord ting to embellish the upper curve of the
36 scarabaeus green 3mm Swarovski into the cut slit of a bobbin and wind it up. beaded rope:
crystal bicones (H) Cord 32: String 63B. Pass 1: Note: Lay the G on your work sur-
39 scarabaeus green 4mm Swarovski Cord 1: String 63B. face with the points facing down. Start 5'
crystal bicones (J) Cord 8: String 63B. of FireLine thread that exits from the
2 silver 5×12mm crimp ends Cord 9: String 3C. String 1F (bottom hole), nearest B to the right of the end F at the
(inside diameter 3mm) 1C, 1F (top hole), and 1C; repeat thirteen top-right of the rope. String 3A; pass
1 silver 7mm magnetic clasps times. String 1F (bottom hole) and 3C. through the second hole of the F. *String
2 silver 6mm oval jump rings
Cord 16: String 63B. 1C, 1A, 1G (right hole, bottom to top), 1A,
1 pair of silver-plated 9×15mm ear wires
Cord 17: String 63B. 1J, and 1A; pass down through the left
Capri blue Superlon medium-weight Tex 210
beading cord Cord 24: String 63B. hole of the last G strung. String 1A and
Black satin 8 lb FireLine braided Cord 25: String 63C. 1C; pass through the next F (second hole)
beading thread
InstaNeedle cord stiffener
Superglue gel
2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers
Kumihimo weight (25–50 grams) Fig. 1: Beginning Upper
6" round kumihimo disk Embellishment, Pass 1
Kumihimo Traveller stand (optional)
Thread wax
8 kumihimo bobbins
Thread burner
Necklace: 21"
Earrings: ¾ × 1¾"

Fig. 2: Finishing Upper

Embellishment, Pass 1


Fig. 3: Beginning Upper
Embellishment, Pass 2

of the rope (Fig. 1). Repeat from * twelve

times. String 3A; pass through the rope
between the last F exited and the nearest
B of the rope. Pass back through the last
3A strung and the next 1F (second hole),
1C, 1A, 1G (left hole), 1A, and 1J (Fig. 2).
Pass 2: String 1C, 1J, and 1C, then pass
through the next J (Fig. 3); repeat four
times. String 1A, 1J, and 1A, then pass
through the next J; repeat. String 1C, 1J,
and 1C, then pass through the next J;
repeat four times. Pass through the next ext
1A, 1G (right hole), 1A, 1C, 1F (second
hole), and 3A. Pass through the rope
between the last F exited and the nearest
B of the rope.
Weave through beads and repeat the
thread paths of Passes 1 and 2 to reinforce.
Secure and trim the thread.

6) LOWER EMBELLISHMENT. Use net- Fig. 4: Weaving Pass 1,

ting to embellish the lower curve of the Dangle 1 of the Lower
beaded rope:
Pass 1, Dangle 1: Note: Take care to add
the F faceup. Start 5' of FireLine thread
that exits from the nearest B to the right
of the end F at the bottom-right of the
rope. String 3A; pass through the second Pass 1, Dangles 10–14: Repeat from * five
hole of the F. *String 3A, 1G (concave side times. String 3A; pass through the rope
first), 1F, 1G (point side first), 1A, 1E (point between the last F exited and the nearest
side first), 1A, 1D, and 1A; pass through B of the rope. Pass back through the last
the second hole of the last E strung. 3A strung and the next 1F (second hole)
String 1A; pass through the next G (sec- and 3A (see the start dot in Fig. 5).
ond hole). String 1F; pass through the Pass 2: String 1J and pass through the next
next G (second hole). String 3A; pass 3A, 1F (second hole), and 3A (Fig. 5);
through the next F (second hole) of repeat thirteen times. Pass through the
the rope (Fig. 4). rope between the last F exited and the
Pass 1, Dangles 2–5: Repeat from * nearest B of the rope.
four times. Weave through beads and repeat the
Pass 1, Dangles 6–9: Repeat from * thread paths of Passes 1 and 2 to reinforce. Fig. 5: Stitching Lower
four times, using 4A in place of 3A. Secure and trim the thread. Embellishment, Pass 2



Colorway Materials
2 g straw gold size 11° Japanese
seed beads (A)
10 g silver-lined hyacinth opal size 8°
Japanese seed beads (B)
3 g silver-lined straw gold size 8°
Japanese seed beads (C)
16 California pink 5×7mm Pip beads (D)
16 chalk full apricot 7.5mm 2-hole
Ginko beads (E)
61 backlit utopia 8×5mm 2-hole
GemDuos (F)
45 jet full vitrail 10×4mm 2-hole
ChevronDuos (G)
36 crystal aurum 2X 3mm Swarovski
crystal bicones (H)
39 crystal aurum 2X 4mm Swarovski
crystal bicones (J) Fi 6:
2 gold 5×12mm crimp ends (inside Embellishing
diameter 3mm) the Rope
1 gold 7mm magnetic clasps
2 gold 6mm oval jump rings
1 pair of gold-plated 9×15mm ear wires
Peach Superlon medium-weight Tex 210 Fig. 7: Stitching
beading cord 7) ROPE EMBELLISHMENT. Start 3' of
the Earrings
Crystal 8 lb FireLine braided FireLine thread that exits from 1B or 1C at
beading thread the end of one side of the beaded section
InstaNeedle cord stiffener of the rope. *String 1C, 1H, and 1C; pass
Superglue gel through the rope from right to left. String
1C, 1H, and 1C; pass through the rope from
left to right (Fig. 6). Repeat from * seven String 3A, 1 ear wire, and 3A; pass through
artist’s tips times. String 1C, 1H, and 1C; pass through the last H strung (Fig 7, red thread). Repeat
the rope from right to left. Secure and the thread path to reinforce. Secure and
❯ Move the weight up the braided
trim the thread. Repeat this entire step trim the thread. Set aside. Repeat this entire
section as your braid gets longer to
keep more consistent tension. on the opposite end of the rope, working step for a second earring.
a mirror image so the embellishment
❯ Adjust the necklace length by
is symmetrical. MAGGIE THOMPSON has
braiding longer or shorter cord
been making things all her life,
sections at the beginning and end
of the necklace. 8) CLASP. Use 1 jump ring to attach one from sewing and quilting to
half of the clasp to 1 crimp end; repeat with knitting and crochet. She discovered beading
❯ Place the necklace on a neckform the other half of the clasp. in the early 1990s and fell in love. Maggie’s
to do the upper embellishment in
designs have been featured in classes and in
order to form a nice curve.
Earrings kits. Her work appears in several galleries,
❯ If you want a wider inner curve Note: Take care to add the F faceup. Use 2' and she has won numerous awards for her
on your necklace, use only 1C/1J/1C of FireLine thread to string 1G (concave side kumihimo designs. Maggie’s patterns
repeats in Upper Embellishment,
first), 1F, 1G (point side first), 1A, 1E (point and kits are available on her website,
Pass 2.
side first), 1A, 1D, and 1A; pass through the Contact her
❯ Use thread wax on the FireLine as second hole of the last E strung. String 1A; at
you work the embellishments so pass through the next G (second hole).
your beads stay in place. String 1F; pass through the next G (second RESOURCES Check your favorite bead
hole). String 1A, 1H, and 1A; use the work- retailer or contact: Kumihimo Traveller™
ing and tail threads to form an overhand stand and all other materials and tools:
knot. Weave through beads to exit from the Maggie T Designs, www.maggietdesigns
last 1A/1H strung (Fig 7, blue thread). ●


Kumihimo 101
❯ If your nylon cords are curly, lightly steam them to straighten. Doing so ❯ If you get interrupted while braiding, move the bottom-left cord to the
will make stringing your beads much easier. top position and leave it there. You’ll have three cords at the top position
and you’ll always know exactly where to begin again when you resume
❯ Cut a ½" slit in the back side of each bobbin to anchor your cord ends.
your project. When you start again, pull the top right cord down, turn the
❯ Using a kumihimo stand allows you to use both hands for braiding disk a quarter turn, and continue.
instead of using one hand to hold your disk while stringing beads and
❯ Keep your point of braiding centered in the hole of the disk as you work.
braiding with the other hand. Your tension will be more uniform, and your
project will look more professional. In addition, using a kumihimo stand
gives you a tangle-free way to store your project if you are interrupted.

1. Hold the disk parallel to the floor

with number 32 held away from
The numbers of most kumihimo disks
you. Tuck the cords into the slots refer to the slot on the left. The slot
around the disk and place the 31 1
between the numbers 31 and 32 is
wire/knot/button through the 3 considered “slot 32.” Some kumihimo
disks have the numbers directly in line
center hole (Fig. a). Add a weight 28

with the slot.
to the wire/knot/button below

the disk to maintain correct

tension. The braid will form at the

center hole, extending below the
Fig. a: Load 1 cord into each of

disk as you work. Do not allow these slots: 32, 1, 8, 9 (blue thread),
the cords to tangle, and keep the 16, 17, 24, and 25 (red thread).

weight suspended.

2. Move the bottom left cord from

slot 17 up to slot 31. Move the top

right cord from slot 1 down to 19
18 14
slot 15 (Fig. b). Rotate the disk 17 16 15

one-quarter turn clockwise so

31 32 1
number 24 is now at the farthest 30 2
29 3
(top) position where number 32

used to be (shown at the top of Fig. b: Moving the first two cords. The

Fig. c). dotted green line shows the cord’s
movement from its starting point to

3. Move the bottom left cord from its new position. New positions also

slot 9 up to slot 23. Move the top marked by black arrows.
right cord from slot 25 down to

slot 7 (Fig. c). Rotate the disk

one-quarter turn clockwise.

23 24 25
4. Using the cords that are now the 22 26

farthest and closest to you after 21


the turn, repeat Steps 2 and 3



until the braid is the desired 18


17 16 15



5. When making beaded braids,



slide each bead to the center hole



and tuck it firmly under the cord

that crosses to the right or left to

Fig. c: Moving the second two cords after

lock the bead in place. Do not making the quarter turn. The dotted

allow the bead to pop up. green line shows the cord’s movement
from its starting point to its new position.

After the next quarter turn, number 16


5 will be at the farthest (top) position.

10 6
9 8 7


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Ingfred Pendant and Ring VEZSUZSI


Ingfred Pendant and Ring VEZSUZSI

1 PENDANT MEDALLION. Use circular through the first B of this round (Fig. 3,

around a center Swarovski chaton
give this gorgeous pendant and ring
netting to form the pendant medallion:
Round 1: Note: Repeat the thread path of
every round to reinforce. Use 5' of thread
blue thread).
Round 8: String 1D (round side first), 1G,
and 1D (point side first), then pass
set lots of pizazz. to string 12B, leaving a 4" tail. Tie a square through the next B of the previous round;
knot with the working and tail threads to repeat three times (Fig. 3, red thread).
form a circle; pass through the first 3B of Round 9: String 4A; pass through the next
Circular netting this round (Fig. 1, green thread). D (second hole). String 1G, 1B, and 1G;
Peyote stitch variation Round 2: String 1F, then pass through the pass through the next D (second hole)
next 3B; repeat three times. Pass through (Fig. 4, green thread). *String 4A, then
PROJECT LEVEL }}{ the first F of this round (Fig. 1, blue pass through the next B; pass back
MATERIALS thread). through the last 2A added. String 2A;
1 g light orchid galvanized Duracoat Round 3: String 3B, then pass through pass through the next D (second hole).
size 15° Japanese seed beads (A) the next F; repeat three times (Fig. 1, String 1G, 1B, and 1G; pass through the
3 g light cranberry galvanized Duracoat red thread). next D (second hole) (Fig. 4, blue
size 11° Japanese seed beads (B) Round 4: String 2B, 1F, and 2B, then pass thread). Repeat from * twice. String 2A;
1 g polychrome metallic purple 5×2.5mm
through the next F; repeat three times. pass back through the first 2A of this
2-hole SuperDuos (C)
8 white blue luster 7.5mm 2-hole
Pass through the first 2B/1F of this round round and through the next 1B/4A
Ginko beads (D) (Fig. 2, green thread). (Fig. 4, red thread).
12 white green luster 7.5mm 2-hole Round 5: Insert 1 chaton into the bead- Round 10: String 1A and 3B; pass through
Ginko beads (E) work faceup so the back of the chaton the next 1G/1B/1G. String 3B and 1A;
2 crystal laguna delite 8mm Swarovski touches Round 1. Hold the chaton in pass through the nearest 4A. Repeat from
crystal chatons place as you work this round. String 3A, the beginning of this round three times.
28 saturated metallic island paradise 2mm then pass through the next F; repeat Pass through the first 1A and 3B of this
fire-polished rounds (F)
three times. Weave through beads to exit round and the next G (Fig. 5).
24 saturated metallic spring crocus 4mm
fire-polished rounds (G) from the nearest 3B of Round 3 (Fig. 2, Round 11: String 3B; pass through the next
Crystal 6 lb FireLine braided beading thread blue thread). 1G/3B. String 1E (point side first) and 3B;
Round 6: String 6A, then pass through the pass through the second hole of the E
next 3B of Round 3; repeat three times. and the next 3B/1G. Repeat from the
Pass through the first 3A of this round beginning of this round three times. Pass
Size 10 beading needle
(Fig. 2, red thread). through the first 3B of this round and the
FINISHED SIZE Round 7: String 1B, then pass through the next 1G/2B (Fig. 6, blue thread).
Pendant: 17⁄8" next 3A/3B/3A; repeat three times. Pass Round 12: String 1F and 2B; pass through
Ring: 17⁄8" (approximately size 8 ring) the next B of the previous round.
String  3A; skip the next B and pass

artist’s tip
Check all of the holes of Fig. 1: Forming
the multi-hole beads Pendant
before stringing them. Medallion,
Rounds 1–3
Discard anyy beads with Fig. 2: Stitching
blocked holes. Rounds 4–6 of
Pendant Medallion

Fig. 3: Weaving
Pendant Medallion,
Rounds 7 and 8

Fig. 4: Working
Back of Round 9 of Pendant
Pendant Medallion


through the following B. String 2B and 2 BAIL LOOP. Note: Take care that you Side view
1F; pass through the nearest 2B of add the bail loop to the back of the pen- of Ring
Round 10 and the next 1G/3B/1G/2B. dant. String 11A and 1B; pass through the
Repeat from the beginning of this round nearest B of Pendant Medallion, Round 7.
three times (Fig. 6, red thread). Pass String 1B and 11A; pass through the last B
your needle to the back of the beadwork exited in Round 11. Pass down through the
and flip the beadwork over. Weave first 4A added (Fig. 7, blue thread). Pass up
through beads to exit from the center B through the adjacent 2A and down through
in a 3B set of Round 11 (see the start dot the last 2A exited. Pass up through the adja-
in Fig. 7). cent 2A again and pass through the follow-
ing 2A and the last B exited in Round 11
(Fig. 7, red thread). Weave through all the
beads in this bail loop to reinforce; secure
and trim the threads.

Fig. 5: Adding
Round 10 of
Pendant Medallion

3) Ring Medallion. Use circular netting to

form the ring medallion:
Rounds 1–10: Repeat Pendant Medallion,
Rounds 1–10.
Round 11: String 3B; pass through the next
1G/3B/1A. String 1F, skip the next 4A, and
Fig. 6: Stitching pass through the next 1A/3B/1G. Repeat
Rounds 11–12 of from the beginning of this round three
Pendant Medallion
times. Pass through the first 2B of this
round (Fig. 8).

4 RING BAND. String {1B and 1C} eight

times or to reach desired fit. String 1B; pass
through the opposite center B of a 3B set.
String 1B; pass through the second hole
of the last C strung. String 1B, then pass
through the next C (second hole); repeat six
times. String 1B; pass through the first B of
Fig. 7: Adding Bail Loop Round 11 exited (Fig. 9). Repeat the thread
path of the band twice to reinforce; secure
Fig. 8: Forming and trim the thread.
Ring Medallion,
Round 11
VEZSUZSI is a Hungarian
bead-jewelry designer and
teacher who lives in Austria.
She started making jewelry in 2007 and is
inspired by mathematics, nature, colors, and
texture. See her patterns at www.beadsby, read her blog at www, or email
her at

RESOURCES Check your favorite bead

retailer or contact: Swarovski crystal
Fig. 9: Working chatons and fire-polished rounds:
Ring Band Eureka Crystal Beads, (401) 603-0983, All
other materials: The Neat Bead Shop, ●



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fast & fabulous

Rainbow Brights
Always on trend for summer,
these vibrant rainbow-hued designs
will energize your mood
and your wardrobe.
(Instructions follow on page 61.)

Color of Love
Meredith Steele
Send the message of “love is love” with
this Pride Month–themed necklace and
matching earrings that feature
embroidery floss and raffia-wrapped
rattan woven rings.


fast & fabulous

Joyful Rainbow
Terry Ricioli
Why design with only one color in your jewelry when
you can use them all? Howlite is an amazing mineral
that is easily dyed a rainbow of colors and is soft
enough to be carved into a multitude of shapes, from
rounds to butterflies and more.


fast & fabulous

My Rainbow Heart
Katie Hacker
Combine rainbows with a classic blue hue
in this layered vintage-style necklace.
Knotted gemstone beads provide an
artisanal finishing touch.


fast & fabulous

Tammy Honaman
You can’t help feeling cheerful when you
slip this vibrant pair of bracelets on
your wrist. Simple earrings with
matching lampwork beads complete
this rainbow-hued set.


fast & fabulous

Free Spirit
Tory Vezina
Create positive energy with this statement
necklace made from gemstone beads
representing the seven chakras.


fast & fabulous

Nealay Patel
Stack several colors of Pearlesque
SilverSilk knitted wire jewelry chain
together to create a clever rainbow
pendant, complete with clouds formed
with wire scrolls.


Katie Hacker

Listen to Our Brand-New

po d c a s t !
Jewelry Artist is a series of conversations about the art and
business of making jewelry. Host Katie Hacker talks with top
jewelry experts, whose insights will inspire you at the bench
and beyond. Listen in for tips, trends, tool reviews, and more.


fast & fabulous

Color of Love
Meredith Steele
Simple wireworking
100 assorted magnesite 4mm rounds
(white, pink, red, orange, yellow, lime
green, turquoise, and purple)
78 assorted magnesite 8×4mm rondelles
(white, pink, red, orange, yellow, lime
green, turquoise, and purple)
3 rainbow 39–42mm raffia-wrapped
rattan woven rings
1 goldenrod 70×45mm fanned tassel
on tortoise shell acetate ring
1 gold 16×10mm 2-strand tube clasp
1 pair of gold 18×22mm ear wires
4 gold 2mm crimp tubes
36" of medium carnation 6-strand
embroidery floss
6" of gold 20-gauge wire
45" of yellow lemon quartz .019
beading wire
Jewelry cement
Wire cutters
Crimping pliers
Round-nose pliers
Color of Love
Chain- or flat-nose pliers
Form another overhand knot about ¾" from the loop of the embroidery floss on the focal,
14" (shortest strand) with 4" focal the previous knot. Pass 4 cords through the and then the other half of the rondelles.
large hole of the tassel pendant; bring them 4. Use 3" of 20-gauge wire to form a
Artist’s Tip together with the other 4 cords and form a wrapped-loop bail on 1 raffia-wrapped rat-
This is a choker-length necklace for smaller square knot. Apply tan woven ring. Attach 1 ear wire to the loop.
adults. For a longer necklace, simply string jewelry cement to the square knot; let dry. Repeat entire step to form a second earring.
more beads on each piece of beading wire. Trim the ends of the embroidery floss.
You may also use a lobster clasp and extender 2. Use one 17" piece of beading wire to MEREDITH STEELE is the technical editor of
chain in place of the 2-strand tube clasp. string 1 crimp tube and one clasp loop; pass Beadwork magazine. She’s been making
back through the crimp tube and crimp. jewelry professionally since 2004, writing
1. Fold the embroidery floss in half three String all the 4mm rounds. String 1 crimp patterns, and teaching classes at bead stores
times so you have eight equal lengths; do tube and one loop on the other half of the (including her own brick-and-mortar shop
not trim the loops. Use the loop end to clasp, making sure it is positioned to close that was open until 2018) in her home state
form an overhand knot, leaving a ½" loop. properly; pass back through the crimp tube of Wisconsin. The call of the West landed her
Pass 4 cords through the center of 1 raffia- and crimp. in Fort Collins, Colorado, where she happily
wrapped rattan woven ring; bring them 3. Use the remaining beading wire to engages in all kinds of crafts and loves
together with the other 4 cords and form repeat step 2 using the rondelles, except exploring the gorgeous natural landscape of
an overhand knot directly below the ring. string only half of the rondelles, then string the Rocky Mountains with her husband.


fast & fabulous
RESOURCES Check your favorite bead 1. Cut the thread into three 40" pieces and 7. Use one 40" piece of thread to string
retailer or contact: Magnesite, woven rings, and two 10" pieces. 8 black rounds and twenty-nine 6mm
tassel: Lima Beads, (734) 929-9208, www.limabeads 2. Use 1 head pin to string the cross pen- howlite discs. String {1 black saucer, 1 butter-
.com. Clasp, ear wires, crimp tubes, 20-gauge wire, dant; form a simple loop. Attach one 6mm fly dangle, 1 black saucer, and eight 6mm
and G-S Hypo Cement: Fire Mountain Gems and jump ring to the simple loop. howlite discs} twice. String 1 black saucer,
Beads, (800) 355-2137, www.firemountaingems 3. Use 1 head pin to string 1 butterfly; form a 1 butterfly dangle, 1 black saucer, and
.com. DMC 892 embroidery floss: Jo-Ann Fabric simple loop. Use one 6mm jump ring to twenty-nine 6mm howlite discs. String
and Craft Stores, (888) 739-4120, attach the simple loop to another 6mm 8 black rounds and place a bead stopper on
Soft Flex beading wire: Soft Flex Co., (866) 925-3539, jump ring. Repeat entire step twice. both ends of the thread. 4. String the cross pendant to the center of 8. Arrange the 3 beaded strands on your
one 40" piece of thread. work surface as shown and use one end of
Joyful Rainbow 5. Use one thread tail to string 5 black sau- all 3 threads to form an overhand knot
Terry Ricioli cers. String {one 9mm howlite round, 1 black directly above the black rounds. Repeat to
saucer, six 12mm howlite discs, and 1 black form an overhand knot using the other end
TECHNIQUES of all 3 threads.
saucer} five times. String one 9mm howlite
Simple wireworking round and 8 black rounds. Place a bead stop- 9. Use the thread tails on one half of the
Stringing per on the end of the thread. Repeat entire necklace to string 1 hammered ring. Fold the
Knotting step on the other half of the necklace. tails over the ring, then use one 10" piece of
MATERIALS 6. Use one 40" piece of thread to string thread to tie all strands together using a
8 black rounds. String {three 6mm howlite square knot close to the ring. Repeat entire
48 black 4mm pressed-glass rounds
rounds, 1 black saucer, one 9mm howlite step on the other half of the necklace.
58 black 7×3mm pressed-glass saucers
round, and 1 black saucer} eleven times. 10. Use one 8mm jump ring to attach
54 assorted 6mm howlite rounds (white, String three 6mm howlite rounds and 1 hammered ring to 1 hammered ring from
pink, red, yellow, orange, lime green, 8 black rounds. Place a bead stopper on Step 9. Use one 8mm jump ring to attach
turquoise, purple) both ends of the thread. another hammered ring to the previous
86 assorted 6×3mm howlite discs (white,
pink, red, yellow, orange, lime green,
turquoise, purple)
23 assorted 9mm howlite rounds (pink,
red, yellow, orange, lime green,
turquoise, purple)
60 assorted 12×3mm howlite discs
(white, pink, red, yellow, orange, lime
green, turquoise, purple)
3 assorted howlite 20×17mm butterflies
(yellow, orange, turquoise)
1 red 30×34mm dyed howlite cross
1 black finish 12×20mm S-hook clasp
4 gunmetal-plated 20-gauge 2" ball-end
head pins
7 gunmetal-plated 6mm jump rings
6 gunmetal-plated 8mm jump rings
8 black finish 19mm hammered rings
140" of black waxed linen thread
Round-nose pliers
Wire cutters
2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers
Bead stoppers or small binder clips

Artist’s Tip: To achieve a pleasant mix of color

with the large discs and 6mm rounds, arrange Joyful Rainbow
them in a bead tray before stringing.


fast & fabulous
hammered ring; repeat once so you end with
a total of 4 hammered rings linked together
on one half of the necklace.
11. Repeat Step 10 on the other half of the
necklace. Attach the S-hook clasp to 1 ham-
mered ring on one side of the necklace,
using pliers to close the clasp tightly around
the ring.
12. Trim the ends of the waxed thread
unevenly. Use one of the shortest tails on
each side to string three 6mm howlite discs
and form an overhand knot; repeat. Use one
of the remaining tails to string three 6mm
howlite rounds and form an overhand knot;
repeat using remaining tails.

TERRY RICIOLI is a designer of jewelry

and needlepoint on plastic canvas.
See her creative pursuits on her blog at or
follow her on Instagram @terryricioli.
RESOURCES Check your favorite bead retailer
or contact: Howlite beads and waxed linen thread:
JoAnn Fabric and Crafts, (888) 739-4120,
All other materials:, (253) 857-3433.

My Rainbow Heart
Katie Hacker
Simple wireworking
Stringing My Rainbow Heart
Crimping 8 carnival 15mm tassels with and 1 tassel. Repeat entire step on the right
gold-plated bead cap half of the necklace.
Super Glue gel 3. String all of the 4mm lapis rounds onto
69 dyed lapis 4mm rounds the beading cord. Form 3 overhand knots in
2 matte gold and cobalt enamel 13mm a row at one end of the cord. Place a drop of
cross coin charms 2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers
glue inside 1 crimp end and press the outer-
2 matte gold and cobalt enamel 11×15mm Scissors most two knots into the glue. After the glue
starburst oval charms Knotting tool or tweezers dries, use pliers to fold each side of the crimp
2 matte gold and cobalt enamel 15×20mm FINISHED SIZE end over the cord.
ornate framed oval charms 17½" 4. Use the knotting tool (or tweezers) to
1 classic blue 20mm vintage-style form an overhand knot between each 4mm
enameled rainbow heart charm 1. Use 1 small jump ring to connect the round. Finish the strand with 3 knots as
1 antiqued brass 18×25mm toggle clasp heart charm to the center link of the gun- before, gluing the last two knots inside the
metal chain. remaining crimp end. Attach 1 small jump
17 antiqued brass 6mm jump rings (small)
2. Use 1 small jump ring to attach 1 tassel to ring to each crimp end.
2 antiqued brass 8mm jump rings (large)
the same chain, 2 links to the left of the heart 5. Place the three strands of the necklace
2 antiqued brass 5mm fold-over crimp ends charm. Use 1 small jump ring to attach horizontally on your work surface so that
18" of gunmetal 6×8mm textured oval 1 framed oval charm to the same chain, the knotted lapis strand is at the top, the
chain 2 links to the left of the previous tassel. brass double curb chain is in the center, and
17¾" of antiqued brass 8mm double Continue attaching alternating tassels and the gunmetal chain is at the bottom. Use
curb chain charms in the following order, skipping one large jump ring to attach both chains
36" of blue size 8 carded nylon beading 1 chain link between each: 1 tassel, 1 star- and the lapis strand to one half of the clasp;
cord with needle burst oval charm, 1 tassel, 1 cross coin charm, repeat on the other end of the necklace.


fast & fabulous
KATIE HACKER is the editor of Beadwork
and the host of the Jewelry Artist podcast.
She had a similar heart pendant when
she was a child, and she loves this playful
grown-up version that symbolizes peace,
pride, and diversity.
RESOURCES Check your favorite bead retailer
or contact: Lapis rounds, crimp ends, and glue:
Michaels, (800) 642-4235, Zola
Elements gold enamel charms, clasp, jump rings, nylon
cord, and tassels: Lima Beads, (734) 929-9208, www Heart charm: Woman Shops World, Chain: Garlan Chain
(wholesale only),

Rainbow Connection
Tammy Honaman
Simple wireworking
4–6 any color size 11° seed beads
12 assorted size 8° seed beads in colors to
mimic lampwork beads
14 assorted 12×8mm bumpy lampwork
rondelles with 2mm hole (2 each of black/
red-orange, black/orange, black/yellow,
black/lime green, black/blue, black/
lavender, black/turquoise)
4 orange opaline 5×3mm faceted-glass
rondelles Rainbow Connection
6 silver 7×4mm lotus spacers
2 silver 17×26mm teardrop charms
Artist’s Tip: Before you begin, set aside both
1 silver 16mm mandala button with shank
turquoise colored lampwork beads for use on
2 silver 20-gauge 2" eye pins the earrings and 1 orange lampwork bead for
2 silver 10×26mm French hook ear wires use on the sliding knot bracelet.
1 teal 1¼" tassel
10" of silver 2.4mm ball chain Tassel bracelet:
12" of light blue cotton cording 1. Use about 5' of leather cord to thread the
6' of natural blue 1.5mm round leather cord button and position it about 8" from one
Adhesive suitable for cotton, leather, end. Use both tails to form an overhand knot
and metal to secure the button in place. Use the short
end of the cord to string the tassel. Fold the
leather cord back on itself and form a half-
hitch knot. Note: Try to position the knots so
Wire cutters they are hidden behind the button.
Round-nose pliers 2. Place one end of the ball chain against the
Chain-nose pliers or flat-nose pliers knot just formed above the tassel. Using the
Toothpick short end of the cord, capture the chain with
FINISHED SIZE a series of overhand knots that bring you to
the edge of the button (when looking at it
Tassel bracelet: 7½"
from the underside). Use an overhand knot
Sliding knot bracelet: Adjustable to secure the short end to the working
Earrings: 2¼" length of leather cord.


fast & fabulous

The Bead Goes On, (757) 463-5552, www.beadgoeson

.com. Cotton cording: Beadalon, (866) 423-2325, Leather cord: LeatherCord USA,
secure the beads; trim the cord. Repeat (877) 700-2673,
entire step five times to add a lotus spacer/
seed bead dangle to sections of ball chain
around every other lampwork bead. Using Free Spirit
3. Use the cord to form one or two knots Tory Vezina
a toothpick, add a dab of glue to the final
past the button so when the first bead is
knot so secure the beads. TECHNIQUES
added it will be just far enough from the but-
ton to slip a loop over the button to close the Simple wireworking
bracelet. Sliding knot bracelet: Crimping
4. Use the cord to string 1 black/red-orange 1. Use about 12" of leather cord to string MATERIALS
lampwork rondelle; form 2 overhand knots. 1 black/orange lampwork rondelle. Form a
29 galvanized silver size 8° Miyuki
5. Bring the ball chain alongside the previ- sliding knot on each side of the bead.
seed beads
ous rondelle until it spans the height of the 8 crystal quartz 6mm rounds
bead and reaches the other side in a gentle Earrings:
6 garnet 6mm rounds
curve. Capture the chain in the leather cord 1. Attach the eye of 1 eye pin to the top of
8 carnelian 6mm rounds
by forming an overhand knot. 1 teardrop charm. Use the eye pin to string
6. Continue adding lampwork rondelles in a 1 orange opaline rondelle, 2–3 size 11° seed 8 citrine 6mm rounds
rainbow color sequence or according to the beads, 1 black/turquoise lampwork rondelle 8 blue apatite 6mm rounds
photo, forming two knots between each and (so it sits over the seed beads), and 1 orange 8 green aventurine 6mm rounds
capturing the ball chain in a third knot opaline rondelle. Form a simple loop that 7 lapis 6mm rounds
before adding the next bead. Note: Position attaches to 1 ear wire. 9 amethyst 6mm rounds
the chain so it lands on the opposite side of 2. Repeat Step 1 to form a second earring. 2 antiqued silver 6×5mm hammered
each bead than the one before. barrels
7. Once you reach a length suitable to your TAMMY HONAMAN is the Director of
1 antiqued silver 7×5mm grooved
wrist size, form 2 overhand knots past the Content for Interweave, where she leads the
large-hole round
last bead strung. Anchor the chain inside two beading, jewelry, and yarn teams. She
adores her pet boxer, introducing friends 1 antiqued silver 89×15mm curved bib
additional knots.
and family to Norwex, and game nights with connector pendant with engraved
8. Use the leather cord tail to form a loop
her family. She lives outside of Philadelphia. diamond design
large enough to fit over the button. Form an
overhand knot to anchor the cord and 17 silver-plated 20-gauge 2" ball-end
RESOURCES Check your favorite bead retailer
secure the formed loop, above the last knot head pins
or contact: Seed beads: Starman (wholesale only),
formed in the bracelet. Form a second knot 8 silver-plated 20-gauge 2" eye pins
(360) 683-3399, Lampwork
that spans the last knot formed around the beads: Burnin’ Beads by Kira, Kira Robertson, www 30" of black 3mm deerskin lace
chain. Form a half-hitch knot, one knot closer, Instagram @burninbeads. TOOLS
to the beaded section of the bracelet. Faceted-glass rondelles: Raven’s Journey (wholesale Round-nose pliers
9. Use one 6" piece of cotton cording to only), (206) 595-5158, 2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers
string 1 lotus spacer and 2 size 8° seed Lotus spacers, teardrop charms, button, and ball chain:
Wire cutters
beads. Pass the end of the cording over the TierraCast (wholesale only), (800) 222-9939,
center of the ball chain below 1 lampwork Scissors Eye pins, ear wires, and Loctite
rondelle, then back through the spacer Super Glue gel: Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, FINISHED SIZE
bead. Form a double-overhand knot to (800) 355-2137, Tassel: 30" (Adjustable)


fast & fabulous
1. Form a dangle by using 1 head pin to
string 1 crystal quartz and 1 seed bead; form
a simple loop. Repeat for a second dangle.
(These will be “A” dangles.)
2. Repeat Step 1 using 1 garnet and 1 seed
bead (Note: For this and subsequent steps,
form a second identical dangle). (B dangles)
3. Repeat Step 1 using 1 garnet, 1 carnelian,
and 1 seed bead. (C dangles)
4. Repeat Step 1 using 1 carnelian, 1 garnet,
1 carnelian, and 1 seed bead. (D dangles)
5. Repeat Step 1 using 2 citrine, 1 carnelian,
1 citrine, and 1 seed bead. (E dangles)
6. Repeat Step 1 using 1 blue apatite,
2 green aventurine, 1 citrine, 1 green aventu-
rine, and 1 seed bead. (F dangles)
7. Repeat Step 1 using 1 crystal quartz,
1 green aventurine, 1 blue apatite, and
1 seed bead. (G dangles)
8. Repeat Step 1 using 2 lapis and 1 seed
bead. (H dangles)
9. Use 1 head pin to string 3 amethyst and
1 seed bead; form a simple loop (do not cre-
ate a second dangle). (I dangle)
10. Form a connector by using 1 eye pin to
string 1 seed bead, 1 blue apatite, 1 crystal
quartz, 1 blue apatite, and 1 seed bead;
form a simple loop. Repeat to form a sec-
ond connector. (A connectors)
11. Repeat Step 10 using 1 seed bead,
1 amethyst, 1 lapis, and 1 seed bead (Note:
For this and subsequent steps, form a second
identical connector). (B connectors)
12. Repeat Step 10 using 1 seed bead,
1 crystal quartz, and 1 seed bead. (C
13. Use 1 eye pin to string 1 amethyst,
1 lapis, and 1 amethyst; form a simple loop
(do not create a second connector). (D
14. Repeat Step 13 using 2 amethyst.
(E connector)
15. Attach the dangles and connectors to Free Spirit
the bib pendant in the following order from
left to right by opening and closing the sim- through the loop on one side of the bib pen- TORY VEZINA is a DIY jewelry enthusiast
ple loops as you would a jump ring: dangle dant. String the tail back through the barrel, who loves sharing her passion through
A, B, C, D, E, F. making sure the flesh sides of the leather are teaching and demonstrations. She
16. Attach dangle G to connector A, then facing one another. Adjust the leather so that resides in Minnesota with her husband
attach connector A to the bib. Attach dangle there is about 1" of space between the con- and their three fur babies, Ziggy, Grey,
H to connector B, connector B to connector nector and the barrel, leaving a bit of extra and Stella. Tory has been the product
C, then attach connector C to the bib. leather on the back side that you will trim and marketing manager at GoodyBeads
17. Attach dangle I to connector D, connec- later. Use pliers to crimp the barrel closed .com for over 10 years and loves the
tor D to connector E, then attach connector E around the leather; trim excess leather on community of beaders and the opportu-
to the bib. the back side. nity to play with beads almost every day.
18. Repeat Step 16, reversing the sequence. 20. Repeat Step 19 on the other side of the
Repeat Step 15, reversing the sequence. pendant. String both free ends of the leather RESOURCES Check your favorite bead
19. Cut the leather cord in half. String cord through the large-hole round; use both retailer or contact: All materials: Goody Beads,
1 piece of leather through 1 barrel and then cords to form an overhand knot. (952) 938-2324,


fast & fabulous
1 head pin to string the center of each chain, the front side of the rainbow. Remove
Chasing Rainbows starting with the fuchsia chain (directly the straight pins.
Nealay Patel through the knits). String the 8mm rainbow 9. Cut the remaining 20-gauge wire in half.
TECHNIQUES glass bead and form a wrapped loop. Turn the rainbow over to the back side and
Wireworking 5. Form the chains into an arch shape and pass one of the wires through the knitted
place a straight pin on each side to hold in chain on one half of the rainbow. Turn the
place, just below the arch. Use wire cutters rainbow over, bend the wire ends to sit on
MATERIALS to trim the chains so they are the same the front side of the rainbow, and make a
2 clear size 11° seed beads length, forming a rainbow shape. scroll on each end of the wire to form clouds.
2 crystal 6mm faceted crystal rondelles 6. Use one 12" piece of 20-gauge wire to Repeat to form a third set of rainbow scrolls
1 crystal 10mm faceted crystal helix bead string the right half of the rainbow from on the other half of the rainbow.
2 crystal 10mm top-drilled faceted the back side, adding a dangle between 10. Insert both ends of the 36" piece of silver
crystal drops each knitted chain section in the following knitted chain into the silver cord end. Use
order: one 8mm glass round dangle, 1 star wide flat-nose pliers to crimp shut. Use the
2 crystal AB 12mm faceted crystal
dangle, and 1 drop dangle. Note: String the large jump ring to attach the pendant to the
star beads
wire so that there are 2 beads of the ball silver cord end.
2 crystal AB 8mm faceted-glass rounds
chain inside the knitted wire chain below
1 rainbow frosted 8mm NEALAY PATEL is the educator, designer,
where you are stringing.
pressed-glass round and owner of SilverSilk and More. His work
7. The previous wire should now be sticking
1 silver 7×10mm double-strand cord end out of the fuchsia arch on the inside of the involves everything from product innovation
3 silver 24-gauge 2" head pins rainbow. Use the wire to string 1 crystal ron- to distribution, education, and customer
6 silver 3mm jump rings (small) delle, the crystal helix, and 1 crystal rondelle. service. Nealay takes pride in developing and
1 silver 6mm jump ring (large) String the wire through the left half of the designing with his revolutionary knitted wire
rainbow, adding dangles between each knit- jewelry chain, and he enjoys connecting
12" of knitted wire jewelry chain (3" each of
ted chain section as before. directly with his customers on the SilverSilk
seafoam, silver, teal, and fuchsia)
Silkies Facebook group.
36" of silver knitted wire jewelry chain 8. Center the rainbow on the previous
12" of silver 26-gauge wire wire, then use round-nose pliers to form a RESOURCES Check your favorite bead retailer
scroll on each end of the wire. Use chain- or contact: All materials: SilverSilk & More,
36" of silver 20-gauge wire
nose pliers to bend each scroll so it sits on ●
Round-nose pliers
2 pairs of chain- or flat-nose pliers
Wire cutters
Wide flat-nose pliers dipped in
Tool Magic or nylon-jaw pliers
2 straight pins (typically used for sewing)
33" (with 3" focal)

1. Use 1 head pin to string one 8mm

faceted-glass round; form a simple loop.
Attach 1 small jump ring to the simple loop.
Repeat entire step.
2. Use one 2" piece of 26-gauge wire to
form a wire-wrapped loop on 1 drop bead.
Attach 1 small jump ring to the loop. Repeat
entire step.
3. Use one 2" piece of 26-gauge wire to form
a wrapped loop. String 1 seed bead; form a
wrapped loop. Use one 2" piece of 26-gauge
wire to form a wire-wrapped loop on 1 star
bead, attaching the loop to the seed bead
link before securing the loop. Attach 1 small
jump ring to the loop. Repeat entire step.
4. Stack the four 3" pieces of knitted wire
chain on your work surface in the following Chasing Rainbows
order: seafoam, silver, teal, and fuchsia. Use



the market

Four Leaf Clover photo by

Necklace Berlian Arts

Leslee Frumin
Kits - Classes - Patterns
949-456-0718 •


Baker Bay Bead Co.


Advanced Bead
Weaving Series:
Seed Bead Embroidery
with Kinga Nichols
Bead weaving extraordinaire, Kinga
Visit our new Online Store at
WWW.BAKERBAY.COM Nichols, will teach you the ins
and outs of Advanced Seed Bead
W E B S I T E S TO V I S I T Embroidery with her five interactive
online workshop series featuring:



5R\DOZRRG/WG  insightful knowledge on Discover different Learn tips and tricks Explore how layering
67:RRGYLOOH5G closures and the many techniques and tools to combat most bead bezeled objects create
0DQVILHOG2K types to choose from. to use when adding embroidery mishaps. highly dimensional
 finishing touches. and exciting focal
The Beading Connection Cherry Tree Beads–East Asheville Lima Beads
(866) 715-2323 (828) 581-0500 Get fresh jewelry components from around the
Direct importer of beads, jewelry making supplies, world at Lima Beads. Huge selection of gemstones,
Bead World (IL) and unique gifts. We are proud to specialize in chain, Czech glass, seed beads, findings, supplies, stunning gemstone beads and pendants. and more. New additions every week!
Shop online! All new Website! Wholesale pricing available for qualifying customers.
(847) 776-2323 Shop online or visit our showroom for exclusive items Red Panda Beads
such as gemstone specimens, unique gifts,
Bobby Bead finished jewelry and more. Specializing in CzechMates® 2-hole beads. Free ship- 202 Railroad St. Swannanoa, NC 28778 ping on US $30+ orders. See our exclusive Gallery of Color Suggestions for design and color ideas. 20%
(888) 900-2323 Fire Mountain Gems and Beads off one time coupon: BWSummer21
TOHO Japanese Seed Beads
Wholesale Direct Importer. (800) 355-2137 Starman
No Minimum Orders. America's Favorite Beading
and Jewelry Supply Company® (888) 683-BEAD
Charm Factory Manufacturing beads since 1948! John Bead
(866) 867-5266 Toho Beads
Custom charms and jewelry tags (416) 757-3287
Master Importer of Beads, Finest manufacturer of glass beads in Japan. We are
Crystals & Components proud to provide the best quality and quick delivery.

To be listed in “The Beading Connection” please contact

Marilyn Koponen at or (970) 613-4613

To be listed in “Stop to Shop” please contact Marilyn Koponen at or (970) 613-4613

the market {stop to shop}

Arizona A Place to Bead—San Marino Florida
Creative Destination—Mesa Anderson’s Bead Room—Port Charlotte A cozy shop in a village setting, carrying a nice
selection of beads of all kinds, buttons, findings,
See our beautiful showroom on our website. We
specialize in Swarovski crystals, Delica beads, supplies, tools, and classes. Largest selection of gemstones in Southwest
seed beads, interesting lampwork, creative Florida. More than 3,000 colors of Miyuki seed
2566 Mission St. (626) 529-2863
classes—and much, much more! Join us for our beads. Over 600 colors of Delicas. Czech glass,
monthly Beadathon. We’re worth a visit! Bead Dreams—Stockton Swarovski, bone, shell, tools, sterling silver,
1660 S. Alma School Rd., #108 (480) 755-4367 copper and gold-f i l led f ind ings. Tues-Sat
Bead World Inc.—Phoenix and Scottsdale You will love our huge Swarovski selection, 10am-5pm. stones, pearls, pressed glass, and seed beads of 24600 Sandhill Blvd., Unit 101 (941) 764-6222
Best selection of quality gemstones, Tierra Cast, all sizes and varieties. We have a wall of Czech
seed beads, chain, metals, SS, GF, Swarovski, Donna’s Beads—Sarasota
hanks, tubes of Japanese seed beads, as well as
pearls, leather, jewelry making kits, and more.
Classes daily. a l l Delicas. Pr ivate and group instr uction
Whether you are a beginner or advance bead
6068 N. 16th St., Phoenix (602) 240-BEAD available. On the Miracle Mile, between I–5 and
weaver, come in for inspiration or classes. Great
10820 N. 71st Pl. Scottsdale (480) 948-2323 Hwy. 99. Search for us on Google for photos of
selection of Swarovski crystals/pearls, japanese
The Bead Garden of Sedona—Sedona the shop and directions!
seed beads, fire polish, preciosa and finds. Great 2103 Pacific Ave. at Dorris Pl. (209) 464-BEAD prices and the friendliest gals in town. come in
Tools and supplies for the bead artist! We carry a
large selection of beads, tools, and supplies plus Colorado and bead with us.
many items locally made. We offer classes and 2717 Beneva Rd. (941) 444-7457
Ka-Gina Beads, Etc.—Arvada
private lessons. Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 11-4.
3150 W. State Rte. 89A, Ste. 2 (928) 282-7334 Georgia
Welcome to a Beader’s Paradise! We offer a great
California Beadjoux—Braselton
selection of Gemstones, Pearls, Coral, Shell, Seed
Creative Castle—Newbury Park Beads, Specialty Czech Glass, Findings, Books,
The Absolute Best Bead Store Northeast of
Tools, Stringing supplies and so much more.
Ventura County’s largest selection of beads. Seed, Atlanta! Great products including Swarovski,
Parties & Personal Classes offered.
Delica, Czech glass, and vintage glass beads; Czech fire polish, seed beads, all the new bead
f reshwater pea rl s; gemstones; Swa rovsk i 7705 Wadsworth Blvd., Unit J (303) 423-1720 shapes and sizes, a great selection of clasps and
crystals; charms; findings; sterling; and gold- South Park Pottery & Back so much more! Check our website for class
filled. Over 450 book titles and visiting guest Room Beads—Fairplay s c he du le, n at ion a l i n s t r uc tor c a le nd a r,
teachers. Please visit our website for complete
class listings or call and current newsletter will Bunches of beads—lampwork, raku, Czech, directions and hours. Shop Online at www.etsy.
be mailed. Delica, gemstones, and more. Seven days 9–5. com/shop/beadjoux.
2321 Michael Dr. (805) 499-1377 417 Front St. (719) 836-2698 6750 HWY 53, Ste. 103 (706) 658-0007


Idaho Maine Lucy’s Bead Boutique—Brick
Pandora’s Baubles and Beads—Idaho Falls Caravan Beads—Portland
We offer classes, kits, variety of Miyuki, Toho,
Swarovski, Czech, and much more. Also, Bead
The area’s best and largest selection of high Shop the complete line of Miyuki Delica beads as well as
an enormous selection of Miyuki seed beads on our Club, Sunday Fundays, Open Beading, all in a
the market {stop to shop}

quality gemstones, German vintage beads, social, fun atmosphere!

Tibetan, Bali, Thai, and Turkish silver beads and website. We also carry C-lon thread and cord in over 100
colors, semiprecious, Swarovski crystal, pearls, charms, 1889 Route 88, Ste. 6 (848) 232-3690
findings, Czech glass, Japanese and Czech seed Czech glass, findings, leather and chain.
beads, trade beads and much more. We also Sojourner—Lambertville
915 Forest Ave. (207) 761-2503
specialize in extraordinary pearls, all of which
are hand-picked from all over the globe. Classes Maryland Sojourner stocks freshwater pearls,
from beginner to advanced. Monday thru Friday semiprecious stones, Swarovski crystals, Czech
Atlantic Gems, Inc.—Silver Spring
11:00-5:30 and Saturday 12:00-5:30. Check out glass and seed beads, sterling beads, Chinese
our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Best pricing on Swarovski Cr ystal. Factor y enamel beads, castings, charms, ethnic beads,
440 Park Ave. (208) 529-3696 distributor of Findings/Chains in Sterling Silver, findings—including our own design sterling
Gold-Filled, & 14K Gold. Plated Chains/Findings silver box clasps bezel set with vintage and
Illinois in 6 finishes. Miyuki Delicas – 650 colors. Full semiprecious elements. Open daily 11-6.
City Beads—Chicago selection of Semi-Precious Beads, Freshwater and 26 Bridge St. (609) 397-8849 Akoya Pearls, & Tools.
8609 Second Ave., #103B (301) 565-8094 Bead Dazzle—Point Pleasant
Seed Bead and AIKO Specialists! Huge inventory
(888) 422-GEMS
of vintage Czech glass beads, new shaped beads, Ocean County’s largest full-service bead store.
Gary Wilson cabochons, pearls and semiprecious Michigan New online store! Huge selection of Swarovski,
stones. Nationally and internationally renowned semi-precious, Czech crystal; largest selection
Bead Haven—Frankenmuth
teachers! DISCOUNT PRICES! Open Tuesdays around of seed beads. All the new multi-hole
12-8, Saturdays 11-4 or by appointment. For beads, Delicas, Charlottes, and much more. Kits,
5,000 sq. feet makes us Michigan’s largest bead
class schedules and more information, visit our store! HUGE selection of Czech beads in new free classes, many special events, and guest
website or call to be added to our mailing list. shapes. Chain, antique silver & brass stampings. Bead Artists. Many classes available in all
3928 N. Rockwell St. (312) 316-1910 Seed beads, Delicas, Swarovski, & pearls. Kits, techniques.
Southpass Beads—Cobden patterns, FREE classes, tools, supplies & books. 2319 Bridge Ave. (732) 295-6679 Open 7 days! Second location in CASEVILLE MI!
925 S. Main St., E (989) 652-3566
For A ll Your Beading & Fiber Needs! Great New York
selection & prices! Best little bead shop in Minnesota Bead Everything—White Plains
southern Illinois! Beads and jewelry making
Bobby Bead—Minneapolis
suppl ies- C zec h gl ass, seed bead s, Del ica, Westchester County’s largest full-service bead
findings, w ire, cord, gemstones; yar n and
Several thousand varieties of TOHO Japanese store! Knowledgeable staff, classes, repairs, free
supplies for knitting, crochet, embroidery & seed beads including more than 1,000 colors of workspace, wholesale discounts & easy parking.
cross stitch. Follow us on Facebook! Curbside AIKO Precision Cylinder beads. Wholesale and A haven for str ingers, w ireworkers, A ND
pick up available. retail distributor of NEW, high-quality TOHO weavers! O pen 7 d ays a week. Find us on
203 E. Ash St. (618) 893-6170 beading needles and One-G thread. Largest Full- Facebook & Instagram.
Rustic River Finds—Galena Line Bead Store in Minnesota! info@ bobbybead. 175 E. Post Rd. (914) 644-8191
2831 Hennepin Ave. S. (612) 879-8181 Let’s Bead!—East Rochester
Rustic R iver is a collection of handcrafted
jewelry, Vintaj Natural Brass, specialty beads, & Missouri Your destination bead shop! 3,200 sq. ft. bright
Unique finds. Our shop is inspired by nature.
Springfield Leather & Touchstone Beads— full-service bead store. Wide selection of quality
Open 7 days a week.
Springfield beads, semi-precious stones, Swarovski crystals,
109 N. Main St. (815) 776-0043 kumihimo, chain maille, stringing materials,
Bead In Hand—Oak Park Come in and explore Springfield’s largest bead wire, findings and more! Featuring unique beads store, over 2,500 sq. ft. of high quality findings and components by local and American artisans.
Friendly and knowledgeable staff, offering seed and an awesome selection of semi-precious bead Friendly customer service for beaders of all
beads, semi-precious, Czech glass beads and strands for your unique creations. We have lots levels.
more. Beading supplies, tools, findings and tips. of tools for beading, metal stamping, leather 349 W. Commercial St.
Tulip beading needles sold here! Open 7 days, crafts and a wide array of seed beads. We offer a (585) 586-6550
variety of classes taught by our resident experts.
visit website for hours.
Lots of classes. Open Mon-Sat 9-6. North Carolina
145 Harrison St. (708) 848-1761 1463 S. Glenstone (800) 668-8518
Bead World—Palatine Chevron Trading Post & Bead Co.—Asheville New Hampshire
Jewelry and gift items from around the world, Bella Beads—New Hampton Asheville’s premier full-service bead store of 34+
specializing in ancient and new Indonesian glass years. Largest selection of seed beads, Old World
bead s, ( Indonesi a n g l a ss bead s ava i l able Trade Beads and Vintage glass in the SE Region.
wholesale) and recycled glass beads. Jewelry Open table Thursday 11:00-5:30.Shop hours Huge selection of pearls, gemstones, crystals,
repair—books—findings—body jewelr y— Wednesday thru Friday 10:00–5:00. Featuring Czech, ceramic & natural beads, including all the
piercings. sterling and Miyuki beads. supplies you need. Open 7 day a week. Importer/
7 N. Bothwell St. (847) 776-BEAD (2323) 5 Firehouse Ln Classes/Parties/ Workspace
40 N. Lexington Ave. (Downtown) (828) 236-2323
Indiana New Jersey
Cherry Tree Beads—East Asheville
The Beaded Peacock—Winona Lake Beads by Blanche—Bergenfield Direct importer of beads and jewelry making
(Only miles from NYC.) Visit East Coast’s
Largest selection of stone beads in N. Indiana. premier bead shop. 3,000+ colors/styles of supplies, specializing in gemstones. We offer
Glass and seed beads, findings and tools, custom Japanese seed beads, glass, cr ysta l, retail and wholesale pricing. You can shop online
jewelry and repair, classes and parties year semiprecious, lampwork, and more! Classes by or visit our showroom, which includes exclusive
round. A hidden gem in a cozy lakeside town. local and nationally known artists. Extensive items such as specimens, art, gifts, finished
Find us on Facebook. Open Mon-Sat 10-6 inventory for unlimited possibilities! jewelry and more!
805 East Canal St. (574) 371-2777 106 N. Washington Ave. (201) 385-6225 202 Railroad St. Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 581-0500

Ain’t Miss Bead Haven—Mooresville Rhode Island CLASSIFIED WORD
Barrel of Beads—Woonsocket
Classes, Birthday Parties, Summer Camp,
Socials (Bring Your Own Beads). Design & TOOLS
Your seed bead specialist. We offer all the colors JP DIAMOND DRILL BITS Specially selected mini
Make Your Own Jewelry - or let us make it for of Miy uki Delica Size 11 as well as a huge

the market {stop to shop}

diamond drill bits for Creative Jewelry Designer, 1mm-
you. Mooresville’s best place for beads & selection of Miyuki and Toho Beads including 3mm. Recommended for drilling sea glass, semi-precious
je we l r y sup ply. Ju st 20 m i le s nor t h of sizes 11, 8, 6 and 15, Tilas, triangles, cubes, and stone, etc. Microcore hollow core bits available. Five star
Toho Aikos. Also, Czech SuperDuos, GemDuos, reviews.
Charlotte NC. We offer a large variety of
vintage components, Seed beads, Two-Hole Tiles, Bricks, Daggers, Crescents and more. Visit
beads, Swarovski, Preciosa, Czech, Gemstones, our website for directions and hours.
Crystals, Pewter, Sterling Silver, Silver & Gold 508 Diamond Hill Rd. (877) 93-BEADS (23237) If you are
filled, and Vermeil findings. Washington reading this...
138 N. Main St. (704) 746-9278

Wonders of the World Beadshop—Spokane
Ohio Best little bead shop in Spokane. Incredible
Bloomin’ Beads, Etc.—Columbus (Powell)
gemstones, crystals, charms, seed beads, chain,
findings, and books for your creative needs.
We are a fun bead store with a 2,000 sq. ft. Event Friendly staff and great prices. Make us your
Center where we host weekly classes. We have all first stop! In the historic Flour Mill. To advertise in Beadwork
621 W. Mallon, Ste. 412 (509) 325-2867
types of beads and supplies that you will need. classifieds, contact:
Come join us! Wisconsin Marilyn Koponen
4040 Presidential Parkway (740) 917-9008 Meant to Bead—Sun Prairie
Oklahoma at 970-613-4613
Full-service bead shop. Featuring classes, large or
SA Beads—Owasso selection of beads, books, tools, etc. Specializing in PMC, semiprecious stone, and lampwork and mkoponen@
Looking for the latest in beads? If you’ve seen it Czech glass beads. Mon–Fri 10–8, Sat 10–5, Sun
in a bead magazine, chances are we have it 12–4.
110 Columbus St. (608) 837-5900
available for purchase at the store. Classes are
twice a week with the schedule posted on our Stoned & Wired, LLC Studio/Boutique—
website at or on Facebook. Wausau
com/sabead1 What a lovely addiction!
11230 N. Garnett Rd., Unit A (918) 576-8940
Shop Online At: and use code
Oregon STONED WIRED at checkout.
Facebook: Stoned and Wired Bead Shop
US Bead Warehouse—Florence
COLOR YOUR WORLD. A quaint nostalgic Bead Store. A ADVERTISERS’ INDEX
lovely vintage atmosphere brimming with gorgeous
We offer a large selection of findings in a variety pearls, fine crystals and unique stones. You will find Aves Studio ......................................... 68
of metals and finishes. We carry gemstones, thousands of quality seed beads...many exclusive Baker Bay Bead Company................ 68
pearls, shell, coral, and seed beads. We also stock signature mixes. And a menagerie of exquisite jewelry will
entice and delight you. COME FEED YOUR SOUL! Located Barrel of Beads ................................... 23
stringing supplies, tools, and much more. Hours
Tues-Sat 10-4. in the heart of downtown Wausau’s River District, in the Bead Everything ................................ 68
Historic Landmark Building. Tue.: 11-6, Wed. by appt.,
3015 Hwy 101 (541) 997-0109 Thu.-Sat.: 11-3 or by appt.
Bead In Hand, Inc. ............................ 52
221 Scott St. (715) 298-6666 Bead Me A Story ................................ 52
Pennsylvania Beadalon/Artistic Wire .................... 23
Allegory Gallery—Ligonier
Beadcats .............................................. 52 BEAD SOCIETIES BeJeweled Glassworks ..................... 68
Allegory Gallery specializes in art beads, Czech
glass, gemstones, and Ethnographic components. Maryland Craftoptics .......................................... 68
We also offer fine art, finished jewelry, mineral Fire Mountain Gems ........................ C4
specimens, home decor, and unique gifts. Not
Baltimore Bead Society
Howard County Center for the Arts Golden Twin Clasps .......................... 52
local? Check out our Facebook page or online 8510 High Ridge Rd. Heart Beads Jewelry......................... 38
store; we ship all over! Ellicott City, MD 21043
220 West Main St., Suite A (724) 610-3770
Helby Import/Beadsmith................ 38
Owl Be Beading—Bethlehem John Bead Corp ....................................1
Monthly program on 2nd Tuesdays (September – June) Leslee Frumin ..............................52, 68 at the Howard County Community Center for the Arts,
A cozy nest for beaders. Seed beads, crystals, 8510 High Ridge Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21043. 2018 ................................. 59
Delicas and shaped beads abound. Classes held Winter Bead and Jewelry Show, Jan 20 -21, 2018 at the Manek-Manek Beads ....................... 52
almost everyday. Open free beading Wednesday Howard County Fairgrounds, 2210 Fairgrounds Rd, West
Friendship, MD 21794 Quilt-Pro Systems ............................. 68
nights. A fun place to hang and bead. Owl be
Royalwood, LTD ................................ 68
happy to help you in any way. Closed Tuesdays. New Jersey Soft Flex Co. ....................................... 38
1278 B Birchwood Dr. (610) 216-5995
South Jersey Bead Society Team TOHO ..........................................5
Blue Santa Beads—Media P.O. Box 1242 Bellmawr, NJ 08099-5242 Tierra Cast .......................................... 48
An artistic venue that prides itself on a vast Tulip Co., Ltd ...................................... 48
selection of beads and findings to encourage your
The advertisers’ index is provided as a reader service.
Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month Occasional last minute changes may result in ads
creativity. Customers always come first and September-June from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. SJBS also offers appearing on pages other than those listed here. The
always return. workshops taught by local and national teachers. For lo- publisher assumes no liability for omissions or errors.
1165 W. Baltimore Pike (610) 892-2740 cations and more info see the website.


bead buzz D EBBIE B LAIR

The Common Thread The original LOVE

That Connects Us All bracelet crafted by

the Maasai and
Samburu tribes.


2014, fashion designer Chrissie Lam went
in search of the answer, traveling the
world and interviewing hundreds of
strangers. She chronicled her journey by
taking pictures of people with a LOVE
beaded bracelet that was inspired by a
group of women in the Maasai tribe in
Kenya. Three years later, Chrissie used her
savings and retirement funds to create
Love Is Project, which today helps over
2,100 female artisans in 10 countries
support their families by providing water
and food, plus access to health care and
Love Is Project jewelry is inspired by the
culture and the craftsmanship of each
country. For example, Guatemalan artisans
use small foot looms and the indigenous


weaving styles of the ancient Maya
civilization to make bracelets inspired by
the traditional woven hair ribbons worn by
Guatemalan women. Chrissie loves
helping artisans reach markets for their
handmade goods.
We reached out to Chrissie to learn
more about her inspiration and mission.
Clockwise from top: Chrissie with Maasai artisans;
Q: What motivated you to travel the opportunities to women. The whole idea bracelets representing a variety of countries and
cultures around the world; weaving a bracelet in
world with the initial LOVE bracelet and of Love Is Project is paying it forward, Guatemala.
interview perfect strangers? having people feel connected, spreading
A: I took the first bracelet around the love, and helping create jobs for women.
world with me and asked people what Program to combat the escalating food
“love” meant to them while documenting Q: How did the idea of LOVE first pop crisis. Inspired by the victory gardens
it on Instagram. I pitched the concept to up in the original bracelet design? during the world wars, we funded over 38
my former employer and launched it in all A: Love is universal, and I believe it is the community food gardens and programs in
their stores a few months later. With that common thread that holds humanity Kenya, Bali, and Bhutan. We also started
success, I used my own savings and together. While working with the Maasai, I mask-making in Bali and India; donated
retirement funds and created Love Is wanted to create a product they could sewing machines, masks, and food in
Project in 2017. produce in quantity and be able to sell to India; and funded animal agriculture
a western market, to create more jobs for projects in Kenya and a waste recycling
Q: What inspired you to leave your the Maasai women. For the Maasai, the red income generating project in Indonesia. ●
corporate fashion job in New York City beads represent bravery, strength, and
to move to Kenya in order to help unity. The bracelet connects the maker
create jobs for women there? and wearer in a common bond of love.
Learn more about Love Is Project
A: I spent a three-month sabbatical
and their new affiliate program at
volunteering in Rwanda in 2008 and Q: What are your hopes and goals for Share
realized that the charity model is not Love Is Project for the future? what LOVE means to you with
sustainable, and that true empowerment A: As the pandemic intensified last year, the hashtag #loveisproject.
requires providing economic we were able to launch a new LOVE Grows

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All your n Ming Tree™,
iyuk i, ds
Delicas, M d Czech Seed Bea
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Toho Bead

Robin Butzke, WI
Finalist, Seed Bead
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Fire Mountain Gems
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You supply the creativity,

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