Low-Dose Irradiation With Modified Atmosphere Packaging For Mango Against The Oriental Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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Journal of Economic Entomology, 111(1), 2018, 135–140

doi: 10.1093/jee/tox335
Advance Access Publication Date: 27 December 2017
Commodity Treatment and Quarantine Entomology Research Article

Low-Dose Irradiation With Modified Atmosphere

Packaging for Mango Against the Oriental Fruit Fly
(Diptera: Tephritidae)
Monnipa Srimartpirom,1,5 Intawat Burikam,1 Wanich Limohpasmanee,2
Titima Kongratarporn,2 Thodsapon Thannarin,2 Apita Bunsiri,3 and Peter A. Follett4
Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom 73140, Thailand,
Nuclear Research & Development Section, Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Nayok 26120, Thailand,
Postharvest Technology Center, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University,
Nakhon Pathom 73140, Thailand, 4USDA-ARS, U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, 64 Nowelo Street, Hilo, Hawaii,
96720, and 5Corresponding author, e-mail: monnipa111@gmail.com

Subject Editor: Lisa Neven

Received 24 July 2017; Editorial decision 16 November 2017

Irradiation is used to disinfest the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and other
pests on mango fruits before export from Thailand to foreign markets. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) used
during export of mangoes creates a low-oxygen environment that may reduce the efficacy of quarantine irradiation
treatment against B. dorsalis. ʻNam Dok Maiʼ mangoes infested with third-instar larvae of B. dorsalis, wrapped with
three different kinds of MAP bags (CF1, FF5, and H34M) or no MAP, were treated with gamma radiation at 0 (control),
30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 Gy. The average O2 and CO2 concentrations in MAP bags with mangos were 7.2 and 8.7%
in the H34M bag, 8.6 and 21.2% in the CF1 bag, and 9.6 and 26.7% in the FF5 bag, respectively. The use of MAP on
infested mangoes significantly increased mortality of B. dorsalis under irradiation treatment. The estimated lethal
doses to cause 99% mortality (LD99) for no MAP and MAP (CF1, FF5, and H34M bags) treatments were 58.1, 41.6,
43.8, and 47.4 Gy, respectively. Therefore, MAP acted as an additional stressor rather than providing radioprotection
in irradiated B. dorsalis. Large-scale confirmatory testing of 35,000 B. dorsalis larvae treated at a radiation dose
of 150 Gy in mangoes with H34M MAP bags produced no survivors to the adult stage. Commercial use of MAP
producing the O2 levels that we observed for mangos in this study will not reduce the efficacy of the approved 150
Gy quarantine irradiation treatment for B. dorsalis.

Key words: Bactrocera dorsalis, disinfestation, Mangifera indica, export, quarantine

The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: use of methyl bromide is being phased out due to its ozone-depleting
Tephritidae), is one of the B. dorsalis species complex. More than 50 property. Cold treatment is another option but requires long treat-
described species of Bactrocera are distributed in Asia, in the Pacific ment times which are not tolerated by many tropical fruits (Burikam
region, and in South Africa (CABI-EPPO 2015, Vargas et al. 2015). et al. 1992).
B.  dorsalis has been identified as a quarantine pest infesting over The most common quarantine treatments for tephritid fruit
50 different kinds of tropical fruit. Adult females readily lay their flies in fruits exported from Thailand are vapor heat and irradia-
eggs underneath the skin of fruits with a soft peel such as mango tion (Srimartpirom 2013). Unlike other disinfestation methods, irra-
(Mangifera indica), papaya (Carica papaya), and guava (Psidium diation does not kill the pest immediately but will prevent adult
guajava) (Rattanapun et al. 2009, Srimartpirom et al. 2012, Vinay emergence or induce adult sterility, and these are both acceptable
and Yadav 2015), and larvae develop through three instars feeding on responses (FAO 2003, IDIDAS 2003, Follett and Weinert 2012).
the fruit pulp, before leaving the fruit to pupate. Phytosanitary meas- Many radiotolerance studies have been performed with tephritid
ures or quarantine disinfestation treatments are commonly required fruit fly third instars to develop disinfestation treatments including
for export fruits before entering destination countries where quaran- Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Anastrepha
tine pests are absent. Traditional quarantine treatments, e.g., methyl obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (Hallman and Worley
bromide, may cause adverse effects on fruit quality. In addition, the 1999), Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2017. 135
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136 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2018, Vol. 111, No. 1

(Balock et al. 1963, Follett and Armstrong 2004), B. dorsalis increases precision to improve treatment comparisons (Barkai-
(Hendel) (Vijaysegarnan et al. 1992, Follett and Armstrong 2004), Golan and Follett 2017).
B. tryoni (Froggatt) (Jessup et al. 1992), and Ceratitis capitata Each infested mango was randomly assigned to one of the four
(Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (Mansour and Franz 1996, treatments (three MAP types + one no MAP). Three different kinds
Follett and Armstrong 2004). In 2006, the United States Department of MAP bag with different O2 and CO2 permeability were used:
of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA- FF5 (low-density polyethylene [LDPE] which are designed to cre-
APHIS) approved two sets of generic radiation quarantine treat- ate atmospheres of 5–8% O2 and 8–12% CO2, Thantawan Industry
ment: 150 Gy for Tephritidae fruit flies and 400 Gy for other insects PLC); CF1 (LDPE designed to create atmospheres of 5–10% O2 and
except Lepidoptera pupae and adults (USDA-APHIS 2006). Most 8–10% CO2); and H34M (Bioplastic [BP] designed to create atmos-
fresh commodities exported from Thailand to the United States, pheres of 5–10% O2 and 10–15% CO2). The last two materials were
including mango, mangosteen, rambutan, lychee, longan, pineap- obtained from Dr. Anongnart Somwangthanaroj, Chulalongkorn
ple, and dragonfruit, are treated with 400 Gy due to the possible University, Bangkok. All MAP (one fruit per bag) and no MAP man-
presence of non–fruit fly pests (e.g., mealybugs, scales, Lepidoptera) goes were individually placed in a circular plastic container measur-
(USDA-APHIS 2007). ing 24 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height with ventilated cover and
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) can improve the shelf life held for 1 d in the laboratory to ensure larval feeding inside the pulp
of fresh fruits by lowering the level of O2 and increasing the level and to allow for sealed MAP bags with mangoes to reach equilib-
of CO2, which slows fruit respiration and the growth of spoilage rium concentrations of O2 and CO2 (Follett et al. 2013, Follett and
organisms (Wall 2008, Bunsiri and Somwangtanaroj 2013, Lacroix Swedman 2017).
and Follett 2015, Gary 2016). Both low O2 and high CO2 can be The MAP and no MAP mangoes were randomly assigned for
stressors for insects that reduce survivorship. However, low O2 has treatment with gamma radiation at 30 (measured minimum and
been shown to provide protection against irradiation in insects and, maximum doses, 25–34), 60 (53–72), 90 (76–117), 120 (98–137),
therefore, might reduce the effectiveness of irradiation disinfestation and 150 (121–187) Gy at NRDS. A nonirradiation treatment (0–Gy
(Follett et al. 2013, Condon et al. 2017). The objective of this research dose) was included for all MAP and no MAP treatments as a check
was to investigate the combination treatment of low-dose irradiation for natural response mortality of the insect. Each MAP treatment
and MAP against third-instar larvae of B. dorsalis in ‘Nam Dok Mai’ receiving one of the six radiation doses was replicated five times with
mango. Several types of semipermeable MAP bags that are commer- the sum of 6  ×  5  =  30 experimental units. There were four MAP
cially available for mangos and produce different O2 and CO2 atmos- treatments (three different MAP types and one no MAP) with the
pheres were tested. total number 30 × 4 = 120 mangoes (each fruit containing 100 lar-
vae) used in this experiment.
Gamma radiation was from a Co–60 energy source of the Gamma
Materials and Methods
Chamber 5000 machine built by the Board of Radiation and Isotope
Dose-Response Tests Technology, India. Each experimental mango was individually placed at
The study was done during September 2015 to August 2016 at the center position in the 3-liter cylindrical-shaped chamber measuring
the Nuclear Research and Development Section (NRDS), Thailand 15 cm in diameter and 17 cm in height to receive the radiation dose.
Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Fricke dosimeters were used to measure the absorbed dose, and this type
Nayok. Ripe ‘Nam Dok Mai’ mangoes of standard export quality of dosimeter is appropriate for measurement of doses in the range used
were obtained from registered plantations on Good Agricultural in these experiments (ISO/ASTM 51206–15). The actual dose was cal-
Practice in Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima. Fruit size used in the culated from three dosimeters attached inside the chamber at three dif-
study varied from medium to large (350–450 g). B. dorsalis colonies ferent positions, one at the center top and two on both sides of the fruit.
were maintained at NRDS under laboratory condition of 26 ± 1ºC The dosimeter reader was an Evolution 300 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
and a 12:12 (L:D) h photoperiod. Larvae were fed on a standard from Thermo Scientific Company. Each mango was placed in a 3-liter
artificial diet, and adult flies were reared in a 50 cm3 netted cages. stainless steel cylinder which was placed in the center of the chamber to
The artificial diet formula as well as other rearing procedures fol- minimize variation in the applied radiation dose. The dose uniformity
lowed those in Limohpasmanee et  al. (2005). Large third-instar ratio for all replicates was ≤ 1.33 (maximum/minimum ratio).
larvae of B.  dorsalis (5-d old) were used in all experiments. Third A supplementary experiment was done with the H34M MAP bag
instar or large larvae were considered to be the most radiotolerant and no MAP by using low-irradiation doses at 15 (12–18), 30 (25–
compared with eggs and young larvae (Gould and von Windeguth 34), 45 (41–57), and 60 (53–72) Gy to generate more dose-response
1991, Follett and Armstrong 2004, Follett et al. 2011). points and improve the accuracy of probit regression analysis. The
Ripe mango fruits were artificially infested by opening two cav- treatment procedure was the same as described previously. A nonir-
ities on one side of the fruit with a surgical knife. Each rectangular- radiation or 0–Gy dose was included to measure natural response.
shaped cavity, measuring 3  ×  4  × 3  cm (width × length × depth), All five doses were replicated three times, generating the total of 15
was filled in with 50 third-instar larvae of B. dorsalis (100 larvae experimental units for each treatment. There were two treatments
per fruit). The larvae were allowed to penetrate inside for 2–3 min (H34M and no MAP) comprising 30 experimental mangoes, and
before the cavity was sealed with masking tape. One small hole as before, each mango contained 100 B. dorsalis third-instar larvae.
approximately 0.3 mm in diameter was made at the center of the After irradiation, MAP and no MAP mangoes were returned to the
masking tape for ventilation. This infestation method was designed laboratory at 26 ± 1ºC and 65% RH. Measurements of O2 and CO2
to mimic the natural-infestation pattern of mango by third instars. concentrations were performed at 48 h post treatment for the MAP
Artificial infestation has several advantages over so-called nat- bags with infested mangos irradiated at 60 Gy (measured doses 53–72
ural infestation (oviposition in cages followed by development to Gy) only. At 48  h post treatment, fifteen randomly selected 60–Gy
the third instar in fruit): placing a known number of insects in MAP mango bags were individually taped with a piece of masking
fruit before treatment allows for accurate calculation of control tape (width 2.5 cm × length 4 cm) to facilitate piercing the bag with a
and treatment mortality, which simplifies statistical analysis and syringe needle for gas sampling. Approximately 1 ml of gas was drawn

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Journal of Economic Entomology, 2018, Vol. 111, No. 1 137

from each bag from the space around the fruit using a 3-ml syringe. generated from the IBM SPSS Statistics (Norušis 2007). The stressors
Each individual 1-ml gas sample (15 total) was analyzed by using gas were the amount of gamma radiation and MAP, and the response
chromatography (Shimadzu GC–8A). The recorded percentages of O2 was either dead or alive B. dorsalis. The proportion of observed
and CO2 within the three different kinds of MAP were statistically dead insects was transformed to a probit value, and the radiation
compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Verma 2013). dose was converted to a logarithmic scale. The probit regression
All mangoes were unwrapped at 48 h after irradiation. Individual model for the transformed response is: yi = a + bxi ; where yi is the
mangoes from each replicate of the MAP and no MAP treatments observed proportion of dead insects in probit value at log of radi-
were placed over moist sand and sawdust (3-cm deep) in a circular ation dose xi . For the estimated regression coefficients, a is the inter-
plastic container measuring 24 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height cept, and b is the slope of the regression line. The three MAP and no
with a ventilated cover. The number of pupae and emerging adults MAP treatments were included as four different groups. Each group
were counted over a 2-wk period. Formation of normal puparia received several radiation doses (0–150 Gy). Several statistics were
recovered from infested mangoes, or adults emerged from the recov- requested from probit analysis of the IBM SPSS including parameter
ered pupae, was considered to be the criteria for survival. B.  dor- estimates, fiducial confidence intervals, and relative median potency
salis mortality was calculated by subtracting the survivors from the estimates. Finally, we requested calculated values of the radiation
number of artificially infested larvae (100 in all cases). Mortality dose that would kill half of the B. dorsalis larvae or the median lethal
data were analyzed using probit analysis (Finney 1971). Artificial dose (LD50) and the radiation dose that would kill 99% of the insect
infestation with a known number of larvae allowed for accurate (LD99) for the four treatment groups.
measurement of control mortality and survivorship at each dose to We randomly selected 15 MAP fruits treated at 60 Gy for gas
improve the statistical rigor of the experiment. sampling. Percentage measurements of both O2 and CO2 were com-
pared using one-way ANOVA with IBM SPSS Statistics (George
Large-Scale Tests and Mallery 2010, Verma 2013). Percentage measurements for
A large-scale confirmatory test was done using the 150 Gy generic ra- (
the gases were arcsine transformed into sin −1 x% / 100 format, )
diation dose and mangoes artificially infested with B. dorsalis third- where x%  =  percentage of either O2 or CO2, to agree with statis-
instar larvae in combination with the H34M MAP bag. The H34M tical assumptions (Sokal and Rohlf 2012). Tukey’s honestly signifi-
BP bag was used as MAP material in this test because it showed the cant difference was performed for post hoc multiple comparisons of
lowest B. dorsalis mortality in mango after irradiation compared with treatment means.
the other polyethylene MAP bags (Table 1: higher value of LD50). The We used the independent samples t-test of the IBM SPSS
target was to treat 30,000 individuals with no survivors to demon- Statistics for comparing two treatment means in the large-scale
strate quarantine security (Sproul 1976, Burikam et al. 1992). For the tests (George and Mallery 2010). Data on percentage mortality
large-scale tests, mangoes were artificially infested with 100 B. dor- of B. dorsalis were transformed into arcsine format as previously
salis third-instar larvae as previously described and randomly divided mentioned. In this case, the x% of the arcsine format was percent
into three unequal groups. Two groups with 35 mangoes each and mortality of B. dorsalis.
one larger group of 350 mangoes. One of the two small groups was
neither wrapped in MAP nor irradiated and held under laboratory
conditions. Another small group was wrapped with H34M and held Results and Discussion
under laboratory conditions without irradiation. The larger group of Dose-Response Tests
infested mangoes with >30,000 larvae of B.  dorsalis was wrapped Data collected from the irradiation experiment with and without
with H34M and then irradiated at 150 Gy (dose variation, 121–187 MAP bags at target doses of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 Gy, and from
Gy). The detailed procedures on preparation of infested mangoes, the supplementary experiment with H34M bag and without MAP
wrapping if applicable, irradiation, and holding for survivors were at target doses of 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 Gy, were pooled together for
the same as described previously for the dose-response tests. probit analysis using Probit Regression of the IBM SPSS Statistics.
The natural response rate for mortality of B. dorsalis at radiation
Statistical Analyses dose 0 Gy was 14.61 ± 0.86% (mean ± SE). In this study, however,
To identify the suitable radiation quarantine treatment against B. there were no survivors of B. dorsalis at radiation doses higher than
dorsalis on export mangoes, we used probit analysis of Finney (1971) 60 Gy, therefore, data only from the lowest dose that gave 100%

Table 1.  Dose response tests of 0–90 Gy gamma irradiation against B. dorsalis third-instar larvae in ʻNam Dok Maiʼ mango wrapped with
modified atmospheric packing (MAP) bags

Relative median potencyd

Treatmenta Probit-regression equationb LD50 (95% CL)c (95% CL) LD99 (95% CL)c

No MAP + Irrad yi = −8.417 + 6.089xi 24.12 (20.74–26.87) a – 58.11 (53.63–64.48) a

CF1 + Irrad yi = −7.533 + 6.089xi 17.26 (14.08–20.07) b 1.40 (1.21–1.67) 41.60 (37.31–46.99) b
FF5 + Irrad yi = −7.666 + 6.089xi 18.15 (14.98–20.92) ab 1.33 (1.17–1.57) 43.75 (39.49–49.25) b
H34M + Irrad yi = −7.879 + 6.089xi 19.68 (17.08–21.79) ab 1.23 (1.11–1.40) 47.41 (43.57–53.03) b

No MAP = infested mango without wrapping; Irrad = irradiation; CF1, FF5, and H34M = infested mango with CF1, FF5, and H34M bag, respectively.
b yi = a + bxi ; where yi = dead B. dorsalis in probit value, xi = radiation dose in base 10 logarithm, and regression coefficients: a = intercept, and b = slope of
the regression line.
Medians in the same column followed by different letters are statistically significant difference (P-value ≤ 0.05)
Relative median potency of ʻNo MAP + Irradʼ compared to each MAP bag + Irrad, i.e., median lethal dose (LD50) of ʻNo MAP + Irradʼ ÷ LD50 of each MAP
bag + Irrad.

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138 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2018, Vol. 111, No. 1

mortality, i.e., 90 Gy, was included in probit analysis. The four fitted
probit-regression equations are shown in Table 1. The probit model
assumed that all four lines were parallel and estimated a common
slope of 6.089 with different intercepts for each line. However, the
Pearson goodness-of-fit test gave a large chi-square statistic, 212.48
with p-value < 0.150, therefore, a heterogeneity factor was included
in the calculation of 95% confidence limits for all estimated values
(Finney 1971).
The radiation dose (Gy) that would kill half of B. dorsalis larvae
or the median lethal dose (LD50) and the radiation amount that would
kill 99% of the larvae (LD99) and their 95% confidence limits for each
treatment are presented in columns 3 and 5 of Table 1, respectively. The
LD50 value could be obtained from the regression equation by solving
for the radiation dose corresponding to a probit value of zero. For
example, LD50 of ʻNo MAP + Irradʼ treatment in Table 1, we get: 0 =
−8.417 + 6.089 log (LD50), then log (LD50) = 8.417 ÷ 6.089, and result-
ing in LD50 = 24.12 Gy. The lower the LD50 value, the more effective
Fig.  1.  Averages of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations
the treatment. In this experiment, the most effective combination to
(± SE, vertical line) in MAP bags at 48  h after 60-Gy irradiation. Means on
kill B. dorsalis larvae in mango was wrapping with CF1 bag and then top of columns followed by different letters represent statistically significant
irradiation (CF1 + Irrad), followed by FF5 + Irrad, H34M + Irrad, and difference (P-values <0.05).
finally no MAP + Irrad. The only statistically significant difference in
terms of LD50 values was between the non-MAP and CF1 treatments as MAP creating a low-oxygen atmosphere will not compromise the
shown in column 3 of Table 1. However, at LD99, all MAP treatments generic 150 Gy dose for quarantine disinfestation of fruit flies when
+ Irrads were statistically significant different from that of no MAP + O2 levels are between 7 and 9.7%.
Irrad (Table 1: column 5). The estimated lethal doses to cause 99% The experimental condition of relatively high temperature of
mortality (LD99) for no MAP and MAP (CF1, FF5, and H34M bags) 26  ±  1ºC favored the survival of the insect but is not the proper
treatments were 58.1, 41.6, 43.8, and 47.4 Gy, respectively. The rela- storage condition for mangoes. In this study, the total of 3 d (1 d
tive median potencies for no MAP + Irrad compared to those of MAPs before irradiation + 2 d after irradiation) for MAP mangoes held in
+ Irrad were 1.40 (24.12 ÷ 17.26), 1.33 (24.12 ÷ 18.15), and 1.23 room temperature generated high levels of CO2 inside MAP bags,
(24.12 ÷ 19.68) for CF1, FF5, and H34M, respectively. The 95% confi- probably due to fruit respiration but also insect activity. In general,
dence limits were also attached to each relative median potency (Table temperature control should be important in the use of MAP films,
1). Irradiation of mangoes infested with B. dorsalis in MAP bags, based as temperature will affect fruit respiration and the gas-permeability
on this relative median potency, was more effective in killing B. dorsalis properties of the film (Soltani et  al. 2015). The LDPE films (CF1
than irradiation without MAP. Therefore, the low-oxygen (and high and FF5) maintained CO2 concentrations inside the bags after 48 h
CO2) atmosphere created by these three types of MAP did not have a of 60-Gy irradiation ranging from 20 to 28 %, while the BP film
radioprotective effect in B. dorsalis. (H34M) maintained CO2 levels at 8–9% (Fig. 1). The difference of
Infested mango respiration inside the three MAP products these two film types was possibly due to film permeability at high
quickly reduced O2 and increased CO2 concentrations. Equilibrium (ambient) temperature.
gas concentrations inside the MAP film bagging was generally
reached within 24  h after sealing (as in Follett et  al. 2013, 2017).
Large-Scale Tests
Both oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in MAP
B. dorsalis third-instar larvae that were placed inside ʻNam Dok Maiʼ
bags at 48 h post irradiation in the 60-Gy treatment were lowest in
mangoes and maintained at room temperature (26 ± 1ºC) generally
the H34M MAP combination, averaging 7.19% (7.02–7.36, 95%
died at an average 12.21% (control mortality) before reaching the
confidence limit) and 8.74% (8.59–8.88, 95% confidence limit),
adult stage (Table 2). When these artificially infested mangoes were
respectively (Fig. 1). Higher O2 and CO2 concentrations were found
individually wrapped with H34M film and held at the same condi-
in CF1 and FF5 MAP bags, averaging with 95% confidence limit
tion as above for adult emergence, the percentage mortality had sig-
8.6% (8.51–8.69) and 21.21% (20.84–21.58), and 9.58% (9.51–
nificantly increased to 21.09%. The two means (12.21% vs. 21.09%)
9.65), and 26.72% (25.81–27.64), respectively (Fig. 1).
differed significantly at the P-value < 0.001 (Table 2). This demon-
Very low O2 levels (e.g., 1–3%) can be harmful to fruit quality for
strates that the H34M-film wrapping alone is a stressor for B. dor-
some fruit, whereas 5–13% O2 is the recommended postharvest con-
salis larvae infesting mango fruit. Mangoes infested with B. dorsalis
dition for mango and many other fruits to extend shelf life (Kader
third instars and wrapped with H34M bags and then irradiated at
2002). The radioprotective effect of low O2 has been shown to be
150 Gy (measured doses 121–187 Gy) showed no survival (adult
dose, life stage, and gas concentration dependent (Lopez-Martinez
emergence) in 35,000-treated individuals (Table  2), which satisfies
and Hahn 2012, Follett et al. 2013, Condon et al. 2017). Our results
the frequently used standard for quarantine security of 99.99% mor-
with O2 concentrations in commercial MAP bags ranging from
tality with 95% confidence (Follett and Neven 2006).
approximately 7–9.7% were within the suggested range of posthar-
vest storage for mangoes. Lower O2 levels may have produced differ-
ent results. Follett et al. (2013) showed that MAP producing 1–4% Acknowledgments
O2 significantly increased adult emergence in B.  cucurbitae third We thank the Plant Quarantine Research Group, Plant Protection Research
instars irradiated at 50 Gy, but no adult emergence was observed at and Development Office, Department of Agriculture (DOA) for pro-
the higher 150 Gy dose that is approved for quarantine treatment viding the laboratory insect culture. We thank the staff of the Nuclear
for tephritid fruit flies. Results from our study with B.  dorsalis at Research and Development Section (NRDS), Thailand Institute of Nuclear
150 Gy under MAP agree with Follett et al. (2013) and suggest that Technology (Public Organization) for their technical support. We also thank

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Journal of Economic Entomology, 2018, Vol. 111, No. 1 139

Table 2.  Mortality of B. dorsalis third-instar larvae in ʻNam Dok Maiʼ mango wrapped with H34M bag and exposed to 150 Gy radiation

Treatmenta Measured doses (Gy) No. larvae No. survivors % Mortalityb (mean ± SE)

No MAP – 3,500 3,072 12.21 ± 0.005a

MAP (H34M) – 3,500 2,761 21.09 ± 0.008b
MAP (H34M) + Irrad 121–187 35,000 0 100

Combined data of seven replications.
Means in column followed by different letters were statistically significant by independent samples t-test (t0.025 (12) = 10.691, P-value < 0.001)

the Postharvest Technology Center, Department of Horticulture for tech- Gould, W. P., and D. L.  von Windeguth. 1991. Gamma irradiation as quar-
nical assistance on gas concentrations within MAP bags. We are grateful to antine treatment for carambolas infested with Caribbean fruit flies. Fla.
Anongnart Somwangthanaroj (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok) for CF1 Entomol. 74: 297–300.
and H34M bags, and to Thantawan Industry for FF5 bag. Hallman, G. J., and J. W.  Worley. 1999. Gamma radiation doses to pre-
vent adult emergence from Mexican and West Indian fruit fly (Diptera:
Tephritidae) immatures. J. Econ. Entomol. 92: 967–973.
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