Practical Research 1 Q1 M8
Practical Research 1 Q1 M8
Practical Research 1 Q1 M8
To continue with our next research journey, we need to have a working research
title. Thus, you begin your research work with a problem, that is, having a problem
or topic to work on.
In this module, you will learn how to design your own research project which in
turn will lead you to the many stages of the research process that may be beneficial to your daily life and
will eventually bring positive societal improvement.
DIFFICULTY The following are important terminologies for you to
take note:
When finding the right research paper topic, let’s consider this:
1. To write your title, you must start with a topic. There is actually no such thing as a single best
topic. It is easier to jot down three topics of your choice, or even five, instead of selecting one single
topic. Soon you will realize there is wisdom to this practice.
2. Identify problem situations. At home, there are problems that you dwell on. Examples are
relationships, money matters, unemployment, infidelity and more. In school, you would hear
students complain about failing grades, teachers’ teaching strategies, limited allowances, school
facilities and equipment and a lot more. You can move to the larger community and look into
problems on politics, prices of commodities, and other concerns.
For sure, if given the opportunity, you would help in a way you can to ease people out of these
problems. These are already your sources of a topic or topics of research.
3. Consider your passion or interest. Your interest in a topic may be caused by your rich
background knowledge about it and by its unfamiliarity to you. Your real interest in a subject pushes
you to research, investigate, or inquire about it with full enthusiasm, motivation, and energy.
4. Make sure you have enough resources for your topic. This means finding a topic that is
discussed not just on website or blogs, but more so on books, articles or even encyclopedia
references. Find a topic that is both interesting and has plenty of published materials. Check
magazine articles as well.
5. Pick a topic that is timely and relevant. The topic is relevant if it yields results that are
instrumental in societal improvement. It is timely if it is related to the present.
6. Check references from the library. Visit your library to check the availability of reading materials
on your chosen topic. Do not hesitate to ask your librarian for assistance.
7. Be ready with your personal resources. Assess your research abilities in terms of your financial
standing, health condition, mental capacity, needed facilities, and time allotment to enable you to
complete your research.
8. Master the skill of finding the right research topic. Unfortunately, not all topics you are interested
in may be that easy to write about. It becomes even more difficult if there is not enough research
material about the topic you’ve chosen. When confronted on what research paper topics to do, find
a broad subject first, then narrow it down.
The design stage constitutes the step where the methodological procedure is planned and prepared.
Following are the steps in research design:
Step 1: The very first step is to choose a topic. The following are topics from which you can design a
research that should be useful in daily life.
Step 2: Include the goals/objectives of the study. The objective should be very clear in the mind of the
researcher as this will lead to the clarity of the design and proper response from the respondents.
Step 3: Describe a specific setting/location. It describes in brief the place where the study is conducted.
Step 4: Consider the data sources. The various sources of data or the information should be very clearly
stated by the researcher. Primary data sources include information collected and processes directly by the
researcher such as interviews, surveys, and observations. Secondary data sources include information
retrieved through preexisting sources such as research articles and internet or library searches.
Step 5: Use techniques of data collection. For the collection of required information, it is necessary to use
some special techniques such as interviews, questionnaires and surveys, observations, documents and
records, etc.