The OVO class contains methods for authentication and interacting with the OVO API:
1. The constructor sets the phone number and device properties.
2. Methods like getDevice(), sendRequest2FA(), and konfirmasiCode() handle two-factor authentication via the OVO API.
3. Other methods like seeMutation() and cekSaldo() make API requests to view transaction history and check account balances.
4. CURL is used to make HTTP requests to the OVO API in many of the methods.
The OVO class contains methods for authentication and interacting with the OVO API:
1. The constructor sets the phone number and device properties.
2. Methods like getDevice(), sendRequest2FA(), and konfirmasiCode() handle two-factor authentication via the OVO API.
3. Other methods like seeMutation() and cekSaldo() make API requests to view transaction history and check account balances.
4. CURL is used to make HTTP requests to the OVO API in many of the methods.
The OVO class contains methods for authentication and interacting with the OVO API:
1. The constructor sets the phone number and device properties.
2. Methods like getDevice(), sendRequest2FA(), and konfirmasiCode() handle two-factor authentication via the OVO API.
3. Other methods like seeMutation() and cekSaldo() make API requests to view transaction history and check account balances.
4. CURL is used to make HTTP requests to the OVO API in many of the methods.
The OVO class contains methods for authentication and interacting with the OVO API:
1. The constructor sets the phone number and device properties.
2. Methods like getDevice(), sendRequest2FA(), and konfirmasiCode() handle two-factor authentication via the OVO API.
3. Other methods like seeMutation() and cekSaldo() make API requests to view transaction history and check account balances.
4. CURL is used to make HTTP requests to the OVO API in many of the methods.