Forgery Cases Classification

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Forgery Cases Classified

Title Signature Ruling Rule Applied


Samsung Drawer - Jong FEBTC is liable to reimburse to General rule - The general
Construction v Far Samsung the amount of 995,000. rule is to the effect that a
East Bank forged signature is “wholly
inoperative,” and payment
made “through or under such
signature” is ineffectual or
does not discharge the
instrument. 21 If payment is
made, the drawee cannot
charge it to the drawer’s
account. The traditional
justification for the result is
that the drawee is in a
superior position to detect a
forgery because he has the
maker’s signature and is
expected to know and
compare it.

TRB v Radio Phils. Payee - BIR In the instant case, the 3 checks General rule - Petitioner
Network were payable to the BIR. It was ought to have known that,
established, however, that said where a check is drawn
checks were never delivered or payable to the order of one
paid to the payee BIR but were in person and is presented for
fact presented for payment by payment by another and
some unknown persons who, in purports upon its face to
order to receive payment have been duly indorsed by
therefor, forged the name of the the payee of the check, it is
payee. Despite this fraud, the primary duty of petitioner
petitioner TRB paid the 3 checks. to know that the check was
duly indorsed by the original
payee and, where it pays the
amount of the check to a
third person who has forged
the signature of the payee,
the loss falls upon petitioner
who cashed the check. Its
only remedy is against the
person to whom it paid the

Assoc. Bank v CA Indorsers The six checks in the case at bar The weight of authority is to
and Melissa's signature had been crossed and issued "for the effect that "the
RTW (rule when payee's account only." This could possession of a check on a
indorsement is only signify that the drawers had forged or unauthorized
forged) intended the same for deposit indorsement is wrongful,
only by the person indicated, to and when the money is
wit, Melissa's RTW. The subject collected on the check, the
checks were accepted for deposit bank can be held 'for money
by the Bank for the account of had and received." The
Rafael Sayson although they were proceeds are held for the
crossed checks and the payee rightful owner of the
was not Sayson but Melissa's payment and may be
RTW. The Bank stamped thereon recovered by him. The
its guarantee that "all prior position of the bank taking
endorsements and/or lack of the check on the forged or
endorsements (were) unauthorized indorsement is
guaranteed." By such deliberate the same as if it had taken
and positive act, the Bank had for the check and collected
all legal intents and purposes without indorsement at all.
treated the said checks as The act of the bank amounts
negotiable instruments and, to conversion of the check. It
accordingly, assumed the is not disputed that the
warranty of the endorser. proceeds of the subject
checks belonged to the
private respondent. As she
had not at any time
authorized Rafael Sayson to
endorse or encash them,
there was conversion of the
funds by the Bank.

Assoc Bank v CA Indorsement In this case, the checks were In cases involving checks with
and Province of of the payee indorsed by the collecting bank forged indorsements, such as
Tarlac (PNB v (Associated Bank) to the drawee the present petition, the
Province of bank (PNB). The former will chain of liability does not end
Tarlac) necessarily be liable to the latter with the drawee bank. The
for the checks bearing forged drawee bank may not debit
indorsements. If the forgery is the account of the drawer
that of the payee's or holder's but may generally pass
indorsement, the collecting bank liability back through the
is held liable, without prejudice collection chain to the party
to the latter proceeding against who took from the forger
the forger. and, of course, to the forger
himself, if available.  In other
words, the drawee bank can
Associated Bank, and not PNB, is seek reimbursement or a
the one duty-bound to warrant return of the amount it paid
the instrument as genuine, valid from the presentor bank or
and subsisting at the time of person. Theoretically, the
indorsement pursuant to Section latter can demand
66 of the Negotiable Instruments reimbursement from the
Law. The stamp guaranteeing person who indorsed the
prior indorsement is not an check to it and so on. The loss
empty rubric; the collecting bank falls on the party who took
is held accountable for checks the check from the forger, or
deposited by its customers.  on the forger himself.

However, due to the fact that the

Province of Tarlac is equally
negligent in permitting Pangilinan
to collect the checks when he
was no longer connected with
the hospital, it shares the burden
of loss from the checks bearing a
forged indorsement. Therefore,
the Province can only recover
50% of the amount from the
drawee bank (PNB), and the
collecting bank (Associated Bank)
is liable to PNB for 50% of the
same amount.

Illusorio v CA Drawer -  The SC held that it was Ilusorio EXCEPTION - Under Sec 23 of
Ramon who was negligent as he trusted NIL, it is a rule that when a
Illusorio his secretary of unusual degree. signature is forged or made
Ilusorio failed to prove that the without the authority of the
bank was negligent on their part person whose signature it
as he has the burden of proof. purports to be, the check is
The bank's employees did not wholly inoperative. However,
know the secretary's modus the rule does provide for an
operandi as she was always exception, namely: “unless
transacting in behalf of Ilusorio. the party against whom it is
sought to enforce such right
is precluded from setting up
the forgery or want of

In the instant case, it is the

exception that applies. In our
view, petitioner is precluded
from setting up the forgery,
assuming there is forgery,
due to his own negligence in
entrusting to his secretary his
credit cards and checkbook
including the verification of
his statements of account.

Gempesaw v CA Payee - Petitioner in this case has relied EXCEPTION - As a rule, a

indorsement solely on the honesty and loyalty drawee bank who has paid a
of her bookkeeper and never check on which an
bothered to verify the accuracy indorsement has been forged
of the amounts of the checks she cannot debit the account of a
signed the invoices attached drawer for the amount of
thereto. And though she received said check. An exception to
her bank statements, she didn't this rule is when the drawer
carefully examine the same to is guilty of negligence which
double-check her payments. causes the bank to honor
Petitioner didn't exercise such checks.
reasonable diligence which
eventually led to the fruition of
her bookkeeper’s fraudulent

PNB v Quimpo Drawer -  The prime duty of a bank is to General rule - The prime duty
Gozon ascertain the genuineness of the of a bank is to ascertain the
signature of the drawer or the genuineness of the signature
depositor on the check being of the drawer or the
encashed. It is expected to use depositor on the check being
reasonable business prudence in encashed.
accepting and cashing a check
presented to it. The findings of
facts of the court a quo are
conclusive. The trial court found
that a comparison of the
signature on the forged check
and the sample signatures of
private respondent show marked
differences as the graceful lines
in the sample signature which is
completely different from those
of the signature on the forged

MWSS v CA and Drawer That there was gross negligence Exception - Moreover, the
PNB in the printing of its personalized petitioner is barred from
checks is shown by the following setting up the defense of
uncontroverted facts, to wit: forgery under Section 23 of
NIL because it was guilty of
(1) The petitioner failed to give its
negligence not only before
printer, Mesina Enterprises,
the questioned checks were
specific instructions relative to
negotiated but even after the
the safekeeping and
same had already been
disposition of excess forms, check
vouchers, and safety papers;
(2) The petitioner failed to
retrieve from its printer all
spoiled check forms; 

(3) The petitioner failed to

provide any control regarding the
paper used in the printing of said

(4) The petitioner failed to

furnish the respondent drawee
bank with samples of typewriting,
check writing, and print used by
its printer in the printing of its
checks and of the inks and pens
used in signing the same; and

(5) The petitioner failed to send a

representative to the printing
office during the printing of said
The records likewise show that
the petitioner failed to provide
appropriate security measures
over its own records thereby
laying confidential records open
to unauthorized persons.

San Carlos Milling Indorser There is no act of the plaintiff General Rule - Yes. The fact
v BPI that led the Bank of the that these signatures were
Philippine Islands astray. The forged is beyond question. It
bank paid out its money because is an elementary principle
it relied upon the genuineness of both of banking and of the
the purported signatures of Negotiable Instruments Law
Baldwin. The signatures to the that — "A bank is bound to
checks being forged, under know the signatures of its
section 23 of the Negotiable customers; and if it pays a
Instruments Law they are not a forged check, it must be
charge against the plaintiff nor considered as making the
are the checks of any value to payment out of its own
the defendant. It must therefore funds, and cannot ordinarily
be held that the proximate cause charge the amount so paid to
of loss was due to the negligence the account of the depositor
of the Bank of the Philippine whose name was forged.”
Islands in honoring and cashing
the two forged checks.

The judgment absolving the Bank

of the Philippine Islands must
therefore be reversed, and a
judgment entered in favor of
plaintiff- appellant and against
the Bank of the Philippine
Islands, defendant- appellee, for
the sum of P200,001, with legal
interest thereon from December
23, 1928, until payment, together
with costs in both instances.


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