Selection Strategy of Mechanical Seal
Selection Strategy of Mechanical Seal
Selection Strategy of Mechanical Seal
Pump mechanical seal failure incidents outnumber any other rotating component of a pump in a typical OG&C Plant. This is also well-
known fact that up to 70% of pump maintenance expenditure is responsible for seal repair/maintenance or replacements. This arises
the need for accurate selection of mechanical seal for given pump & particular service conditions.
As a standard industry practice, Pump Buyer usually follows Pump/Seal Vendor recommendation for final selection of Seal Plan.
Although the onus of deciding the seal plan and material selection is fairly & squarely on the Pump/Seal Vendor, however it is
recommended that Buyer shall also validate/verify the seal selection during bid evaluation stage himself (based on seal selection
guidelines). This will help in avoiding changes in seal plan during detailed engineering (after award) which otherwise led to
cost/schedule impact. Before selecting the seal material, type of seal the designer or pump manufacturer either needs to go through
exhaustively complete scope of API 682 and their field experience (operational experience of using Seal Type X in Pump Type Y with
process parameters Z).
This paper will illustrate the selection guidelines based on seal vendor recommendations, feedback from Plant Owner (Plant O&M
personals) and in-house lesson learnt. This paper will also discuss the work process diagram for the mechanical seal
selection/coordination for OG&C plant along with brief information on various Seal types for Pumps per API 682.
There is no doubt that the marginally higher cost for the better-quality seals will probably be recovered during the first year of operation
of pumps itself. Although this seal selection guideline is applicable for new installations/Procurement of Pumps, however this may be
extended for upgrading seals of Pumps in existing OG&C installations where frequent maintenance is encountered.
Mechanical Seal
Seal Flush Plan
Selection Guideline
Pump/Seal Vendor
OG&C Plant
Work Process Diagram
Plant Owner
API 682
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© 2018 IJRAR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Mechanical Seal is a device used to seal the interface between a rotating shaft and stationary housing Mechanical seals are used
throughout industry to minimize or eliminate leakage in the Pumps, Mixers and other rotating equipment’s. The ability of mechanical
seal to meet its performance objectives depends upon wide range of factors involving equipment design, operating conditions (process
parameters) and support system. Mechanical seals have gained success over the years for their ability to minimize or eliminate leakage
of process fluids to atmosphere. This has resulted in improved equipment reliability, reduced emissions and improved safety. While the
purpose of the seal appears to be simple enough however the design of seal components are significant engineering challenges.
However still LNG, Oil and Power plants are being confronted with several no. of available mechanical designs hence the end customer
should use inexpensive standard seal and exotic, highly engineered seal models.
Before selecting the seal material, type of seal; the designer or pump manufacturer either needs to go through exhaustively complete
scope of API 682 and their field experience (operational experience of using Seal Type X in Pump Type Y with process parameters Z).
To make the selection less complicated, selection guideline/strategy is illustrated in this paper below based on seal vendor
recommendations, feedback from Plant Owner (Plant O&M personals) and in-house lesson learnt (previous projects experience).
Selection strategy outline which makes the maximum use of capabilities of pump and seal manufacturer and Operational & Maintenance
personal in plants is presented here. This strategy will allow to selection of high-quality seal for given type of pump in given installation.
Principal features of optimum seals are also highlighted in this paper. This selection strategy provides a guideline for the selection of
mechanical seals and support systems for hydrocarbon services. Additional attention must be given to issues not covered by this paper
(i.e. selection guideline) like availability of auxiliary systems such as vapor recovery (flare) for a dual seal equipped with an API Plan
52, nitrogen for a dual seal equipped with an API Plan 53, cooling water, containment areas for seal leakage to reduce/ eliminate the risk
of environmental incidents, etc. Safety and environmental concerns should be evaluated on a case by case basis.
API 682 extract (refer Table D.1) below explains regarding Seal Code depicting various nomenclatures for the Seal Category,
arrangement, type and Design Options along with Size and Piping plans.
This seal selection procedure is used when service temperature and Vapor pressure of the Hydrocarbon is known. This procedure
provides a guideline for the selection of mechanical seals and support systems for new pumps, and seal upgrades of existing pumps.
Refer Table D.2 for selection of Mechanical seal of Pumps along with necessary notes. The “NOTES” sections at the bottom of this
procedure must be read prior to selecting any seal & seal support system.
Mechanical seals in light liquid VOC service containing 5% or more Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) by weight are treated as a separate
group as described in #1 in the “NOTES” section.
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© 2018 IJRAR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
TABLE D.2: Mechanical Seals for Pumps in Hydrocarbon Service - Selection Procedure
Hydrocarbon Services with Specific Gravity 0.7 and Seal Chamber Pressure 280 Psig
3.5” Maximum Sleeve or Shaft diameter
Emissions Target Control Level = 500 ppmv
Service Vapor Seal chamber pressure / Standard Seals Seal Primary Secondary Additional Information
Temp. Pressure vapor pressure ratio @ Arrangement Flush Flush
(degF) (Psia) service temp.
(calculated in Psia).
20 to 250 14.7 Pusher seal or Metal Special purpose 11, 13 or For new pumps, seal manufacturer to coordinate with
Bellows seal single balanced 14(1) pump OEM on primary seal flush selection (11,13 or 14)
cartridge seal and determine seal flush orifice size.
>14.7 1.5 Pusher seal Special purpose 11, 13 or Dry running secondary emission containment seals
single balanced- 14(1) and seals equipped with an API Plan 52 vented to a
cartridge seal vapor recovery system are not considered zero emission
seals, and must be approved by the owner.
>14.7 <1.5 Pusher seal Dual balanced 11, 13, 14(1) 52(2)
Barrier fluid compatibility with the process must be
cartridge seal or or evaluated.
23(7) 74(3,4,5,6) Preferred for continuous duty service
Select Plan 53 or 74 if difference between product
vapor pressure and seal chamber pressure is less than 25
53(3,5,6,8) Bellows type seals may be used in products with
or particulates present with owner approval.
74(3,4,5,6) API Plan 23 can be used as an option to obtain desired
vapor pressure margin.
250 to 450 >14.7 Pusher seal or Metal Special purpose 23 API Plan 53 is an option in locations where vapor
bellows seal single balanced- recovery system is not available or when flaring of seal
cartridge seal emissions or a product release into the flare (in the case
of a seal failure) is not allowed.
14.7 Pusher seal or Metal Special purpose 23
bellows seal single balanced-
11, 13 or 62
cartridge seal
Hydrocarbon Services with Specific Gravity < 0.7 and Seal Chamber Pressure 280 Psig
3.5” Maximum Sleeve or Shaft diameter
Emissions Target Control Level = 500 ppmv
Service Vapor Seal chamber pressure / Standard Seals Seal Primary Secondary Notes /Additional Information
Temp. Pressure vapor pressure ratio @ Arrangement Flush Flush
(degF) (Psia) service temp.
(calculated in Psia).
20 to 450 Pusher seal (8) Dual balanced- 11,13 or 14 52(2)
For new pumps, seal manufacturer to coordinate with
cartridge seal pump OEM on primary seal flush selection (11,13 or 14)
and determine seal flush orifice size.
Dry running secondary emission containment seals and
seals equipped with an API Plan 52 vented to a vapor
recovery system are not considered zero emission seals,
and must be approved by the owner.
23(3) 52(2,6) API Plan 23 can be used as an option to obtain desired
vapor pressure margin.
53(4,5,6,7,8,9) API Plan 53 is an option in locations where vapor
or recovery system is not available or when flaring of seal
74 (5,7,8,9,10) emissions or a product release into the flare (in the case
of a seal failure) is not allowed.
Barrier fluid compatibility with the process must be
Based on seal heat generation calculations, seal
manufacturer to evaluate barrier fluid cooling
requirements and methods. Must be reviewed and
approved by owner.
API Plan 53 or 74 must be selected if specific gravity
is below 0.45
Bellows type seals may be used in products with
particulates present with owner approval.
Select Plan 53 or 74 if difference between product
vapor pressure and seal chamber pressure is less than 25
Preferred for continuous duty service
New pumps in light liquid service (Pv 0.044 Psia @ 70 deg F) that contain 5% VOC by weight AND 5% HAP by weight, must
be equipped with dual cartridge seals. API Plan 53 or 74 are the preferred secondary piping plan options for these services. Dry
running secondary emission containment seals and seals equipped with an API Plan 52 vented to a vapor recovery system (flare)
are not considered zero emissions seal systems and may be used only with approval of the owner.
If the required Barrier fluid pressure in an API Plan 53 is above 150 Psi(g), the use of alternate technologies like pressure pistons
or API 53 modified reservoirs with bladders is required.
Hydrocarbon services containing HF or H2S in hazardous concentrations are not covered by this procedure and must be
engineered in a combined effort between the owner, seal manufacturer and pump OEM.
Services in pressure, temperature and size ranges not covered by this procedure must be engineered in a combined effort between
the owner, seal manufacturer and pump OEM.
The use of alternative and new technologies is encouraged. Seals and seal support systems not covered by this procedure are
must be approved by the owner.
If seals and seal support systems are used in a different way than the one described in this procedure, it must be approved by
the owner.
This selection procedure assumes that low emission special purpose inside-mounted seals are utilized. Pusher and bellows seals
must be designed in accordance with the standard seals A, B and C types recommended on the API Standard 682 (First Edition,
October 1994). Any deviation must be approved by the owner.
This selection procedure assumes that API 7th or 8th edition pumps will be used. If pump does not comply with API 7 th or 8th
edition, the seal and seal support system must be approved by the owner.
Seals and seal support systems for non-API pumps must be approved by the owner.
Primary and secondary support plan codes follow API Standard 682 (Current Edition) coding.
Fluoroelastomer O-rings are the standard for all hydrocarbon services covered in this procedure with the exception of the
following services:
Hydrocarbons services above 350 deg F
Aromatic hydrocarbon services above 150 deg F
Hydrocarbon services with high concentration of H2S
Perfluoroelastomer O-rings are the standard when fluoroelastomer O-rings are not an acceptable choice.
The use of perfluoroelastomer O-rings as an alternative to fluoroelastomer O-rings is acceptable when it is justified by
standardization reasons.
Metal bellows seals may also use flexible graphite secondary seals in place of fluoroelastomer or perfluoroelastomer O-rings.
IJRAR19D1115 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 810
© 2018 IJRAR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Additional attention must be given to issues not covered by this procedure like: availability of vapor recovery systems (flare)
for a dual seal equipped with an API Plan 52, availability of Nitrogen for a dual seal equipped with an API Plan 53, availability
of cooling water, containment areas for seal leakage to reduce / eliminate the risk of environmental incidents, etc. EH&S
concerns should be evaluated on a case by case basis.
For abrasive or corrosive services in which the process fluid cannot be utilized as flush for the inner seal, an external flush API
Plan 32 is an acceptable option. Cost of introducing an external product into the process stream and compatibility issues must
be evaluated in a case by case basis.
Dry non-contacting gas seals with API 682 Plan 74 support system should not be used in the pump applications when available
Nitrogen pressure is less the 30 psig over maximum seal chamber pressure.
Another alternatively checking the right seal selection will be based on Service and Temperature range of Pumping. Table D.3 below
illustrates the selection procedure for primary and secondary seal type for a given pump with particular set of conditions (service type
and temperature range).
TABLE D.3: Mechanical Seals for Pumps in Hydrocarbon Service - Selection Procedure
Pumping API 682
Service Service Temperature Comments Seal Code
No Range Category Type Arrgm Config Primary Secondary Notes
28 Hydrocarbons Contaminated as a minimum follow Sour Water with ppm H2S or hydrocarbon
with H2S at operating temperature
29 Hydrocarbons Contaminated 2 Aa 3 CW-BB 2 53
with Benzene
Examples of
n Services
30 Naphtha 0-80 °C 2 Aa 1 CW-CS 11 76 Check with
process for H2S
or Benzene
IJRAR19D1115 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 811
© 2018 IJRAR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
31 Propane / Butane 0-80 °C 2 Aa 3 CW-FB 11 53
32 Crude Oil 0-80 °C 2 Aa 1 CW-FL 11 65
33 Crude Oil >200 °C Posibility of 2 Aa 3 CW-FB 2 53
34 Diesel Oil 0-80 °C 2 Aa 1 CW-FL 11 61M
35 Kerosene 0-80 °C 2 Aa 1 CW-FL 11 61M
42 Benzene 2 Aa 3 CW-BB 2 53
46 Slurries Work
Vendor /
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© 2018 IJRAR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
IJRAR19D1115 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 813
© 2018 IJRAR June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Systematic efforts to upgrade seal selection are possible through increased involvement of experienced application engineer working for
capable seal manufacturers. These efforts are further assisted by a seal selection strategy presented in this paper which identifies those
design features which promise to lead to reduced failure risk, greater ease of maintenance, better understanding by operators and
mechanical work forces. It is believed that 98% of the pumps used in typical petrochemical plant can be assigned service severity
categories from 1 (least severe) to 9 (most severe). Selection of only 3 types to cover all 9 categories will accomplish the goals we have
set for ourselves. The selection strategy presented also outlines, which makes maximum use of the capabilities of knowledgeable seal
manufacturers and is perfect road map for ideal seal selection. Additionally, the Work process flow diagram depicted in this paper helps
in right path following for coordination between different parties while seal selection for the pumps in a typical plant.
1. Ingram, J.H., “Pump Reliability- Where do you start?” Paper presented at 37th Petroleum Mechanical Engineering Workshop and
Conference, Dallas (1981)
2. Bloch, H.P., “A User’s view of Fluid Sealing Economics,” Paper presented at 45 th Annual Meeting of Fluid Sealing Association, Sun
Valley (1978)
3. API Standard 682, 4th Edition- Pumps- Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps.
4. Day, Michael, “Hydrodynamic Sealing of Centrifugal Pumps- Keys to Success”, World Pumps (1995).
5. Huebner, Michael, “Material Selection for Mechanical Seals”, Flowserve Corporation, Deer Park.
6. Massaro, A.J., “The ‘Mating Pairs,’ Concept for Mechanical Seals,” Lubrication Engineering, pp. 436-446 (1988).
7. Heinz P. Bloch, “Selection strategy for Mechanical Shaft Seals in Petrochemical Plants”, Exxon Chemical Company, Baytown.
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