Resume Gupta Sanchit

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PROJECT USER EXPERIENCE LEAD | Bank of America’s Capstone Project

User Experience Designer
EXPERIENCE J an 11–present | Pittsburgh, PA
Researching how people manage their money. End product will
be a mobile/web solution.  ESIGNER AND DEVELOPER | CMU’S Cylab Biometries Center

Dec 10–present | Pittsburgh, PA
5660 Forward Ave. #206 Designed and developed a scalable website using HTML, CSS,
Pittsburgh, PA 15217 jQuery, XML.

(412) 980-2740 USER EXPERIENCE RESEARCHER |CMU and University of Pittsburgh

Aug 10–Nov 10 | Pittsburgh, PA
Redesigned interface for Health Kiosk, a comprehensive health
EDUCATION CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY (CMU) maintenance system for elderly.
GPA 4.0 | Graduation: Aug 2011
Master of Human Computer DESIGNER AND DEVELOPER | Social Web
Interaction (HCI) Sep 10–Nov 10 | Pittsburgh, PA
Designed and developed Discvr, an android application, which
DHIRUBHAI AMBANI INSTITUTE OF allows people to click and share geo-tagged photos around them
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION using their mobile phones.
GPA 8.5/10 | Graduation: May 2010 DESIGNER AND DEVELOPER | Undergraduate Final Project
Bachelor of Technology in Information and Jan 10–Apr 10 | Gandhinagar, India
Communication Technology (ICT) Designed and developed a voice based mobile application, which
will facilitate semi-literate and illiterate people to post their queries
as audio and get resolved by the other users of the system.
RELEVANT HCI Methods | User Interface Lab | Social

COURSEWORK Web | Communication Design Fundamentals DESIGNER AND DEVELOPER | Hobby Project
| Software Structures for User Interfaces | Jul 09–Feb 10 | Gandhinagar, India
Basic Interaction Design | Methodology Designed and implemented Rangoli, a multi-mice drawing
of Visualization | Time Motion and application, which promotes collaboration by allowing multiple
Communication | Designing for Mobile children to draw simultaneously on a computer.

AWARDS • F irst Runner-up at national level in Microsoft Imagine Cup,

MultiPoint Mouse Local Innovation Challenge, India (2010).
Affinity Diagram | Contextual Inquiry and
• Among 50 people selected to attend Microsoft Research India
Design | Think Aloud Protocol
Summer School (2010) on ICT and Development.
Heuristic Evaluation | KLM-GOMS | Personas
• P
 roject Sahyog selected as one of the Next 50 Innovation by
and Scenarios | Prototyping (2010).
Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | After • T eaching Assistant for System Software (2010) and Data
Effects | Dreamweaver | Eclipse | Microsoft Structures (2009) in DA-IICT.
Visio | Visual Studio | Cogtool | Omnigraffle
• Webmaster for website of Synapse , annual techno-cultural
festival of DA-IICT (2009).
Java | C | C# | HTML | CSS | SQL | • Deputy Convener of Academic Committee in DA-IICT (2008).
Javascript (JQuery) | PHP
PUBLICATION Chaurasia, A.; Jain, A.; Parekh, I. and Gupta, S. (2010) , “Digital
Drawing as a collaborative learning environment for children”
Windows XP, Vista, 7 | Fedora 9 |
International Conference on Designing for Children,
MAC OS X 10.6 | Android 2.1 | Symbian 60
IIT-Bombay, India.
English (proficient) | Hindi (native)
VOLUNTEER Taught slum children as a part of social organization
WORK Sambhav, DA-IICT, 2007-2009.
INTERESTS User Experience, Mobile, Interface
Design, Hindi Music

References available upon request.

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