Attica Scott Lawsuit

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______________________ JEFFERSON CIRCUIT COURT

DIVISION _________________
JUDGE _________________







ALEX EADES, Individually, and in his DEFENDANTS

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

Official Capacity


633 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202


SCHROEDER, Individually, and in his
Official Capacity


633 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202


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Plaintiffs, Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott, and Shameka Parrish-Wright, by

counsel, and for their Complaint against Defendants, Alex Eades, Interim Chief

Robert Schroeder, and John Doe, state as follows:


1. The Plaintiff, Attica Scott, is and was at all times relevant herein a

resident of Jefferson County in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

2. The Plaintiff, Ashanti Scott, is and was at all times relevant herein a

resident of Jefferson County in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

3. The Plaintiff, Shameka Parrish-Wright, is and was at all times relevant

herein a resident of Jefferson County in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

4. Defendant, Alex Eades, is named as a Defendant in his individual

capacity for his individual misfeasance, his individual acts of negligence, for his own

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

personal tortuous acts, and negligent discharge of his duties, as an officer with

Louisville Metro Police Department (hereinafter “LMPD”), as described throughout

the Complaint. This Defendant is also named in his official capacity and acted under

color of state law.

5. Upon information and belief, Defendant, Alex Eades, is and was at all

times relevant herein employed and/or residing in Jefferson County in the

Commonwealth of Kentucky.

6. Defendant, Interim Chief Robert Schroeder, is named as a Defendant in

his individual capacity for his individual misfeasance, his individual acts of

negligence, for his own personal tortuous acts, and negligent discharge of his duties,
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as Interim Chief of LMPD, as described throughout the Complaint. This Defendant

is also named in his official capacity and acted under color of state law.

7. Upon information and belief, Defendant, Interim Chief Robert

Schroeder, is and was at all times relevant herein employed and/or residing in

Jefferson County in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

8. Defendant John Doe is named as a Defendant in his/her individual

capacity for his/her individual misfeasance, his/her individual acts of negligence, for

his/her own personal tortuous acts, and negligent discharge of his/her duties, as an

officer with LMPD, as described throughout the Complaint. Defendant John Doe is

also named in his/her official capacity and acted under color of state law.

9. Upon information and belief, Defendant John Doe is and was at all

times relevant herein employed and/or residing in Jefferson County in the

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

Commonwealth of Kentucky.

10. All of the actions described herein took place in Jefferson County,


11. Venue is proper, pursuant to KRS § 452.460, as the events that

transpired giving rise to the causes of action stated herein occurred in Jefferson

County, Kentucky, and this Court has proper jurisdiction of this action.

12. That the claims of the Plaintiffs exceed the minimal jurisdictional

amount of this Court.


13. On or about September 23, 2020, Louisville, Kentucky Mayor Greg

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Fischer issued an executive order placing a 9:00 p.m. until 6:30 a.m. curfew, as a

result of protests taking place in Louisville, Kentucky, with the exception of residents

going to church, work, or seeking medical treatment. The curfew was ordered to last

for seventy-two (72) hours

14. On Thursday, September 24, 2020, Plaintiffs were walking near the

intersection of West Broadway and Third Street in downtown Louisville, before 9:00

p.m., attempting to seek sanctuary on the private property of First Unitarian Church

of Louisville, located at 809 South Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40203.

15. Plaintiffs walked down South Third Street and approached a barricaded

area blocked off by LMPD officers near the Third Street entrance of the architecture

firm Luckett & Farley, located at 737 South Third Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.

16. Unable to access First Unitarian Church by way of South Third Street,

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

Plaintiffs attempted to reach the church by way of South Fourth Street.

17. Plaintiffs again were blocked from reaching the church by another

barricade, set up a block from the entrance to the church.

18. Plaintiffs Attica Scott and Ashanti Scott were then immediately

approached by LMPD officers and arrested.

19. The arresting LMPD officers include Defendant Alex Eades and an

unknown officer, listed in the criminal matter Commonwealth vs. Parrish, Shameka,

Jefferson County Case No. 20-F-007639, as “LMPD,” who is identified as John Doe in

this matter.

20. Before the arrest, Plaintiff Attica Scott and others walking with her
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announced to LMPD officers, including Defendants Eades and John Doe, that they

were attempting to reach First Unitarian Church.

21. Plaintiffs were not permitted to pass the barricade and reach sanctuary,

despite having plenty of time to do so prior the above-mentioned curfew.

22. Plaintiff Attica Scott asked officers three times, “Where do you want us

to go?”

23. Despite Plaintiffs’ reasonable, peaceful, and lawful conduct, LMPD

officers were directed to “encircle” them.

24. LMPD officers commanded Plaintiffs to “sit down” and began arresting

civilians, including the Plaintiffs, preventing them from entering First Unitarian

Church, as permitted by Mayor Fischer’s executive order.

25. Plaintiffs received the following criminal charges as a result of the

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

above-refenced incident: 1) “riot in first degree,” a felony per KRS 525.020; 2) “failure

to disburse,” a misdemeanor per KRS 525.160; 3) “unlawful assembly,” a

misdemeanor per KRS 525.050; and, 4) “any misdemeanor charge not covered by

these codes.”

26. Plaintiffs pled not guilty to all charges.

27. All charges were dismissed on or about November 16, 2020.

28. Plaintiff Attica Scott is an elected member of the Kentucky House of

Representatives, representing the 41st district.

29. Plaintiff Ashanti Scott is a college student at the University of

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30. Plaintiff Shameka Parrish-Wright is an Operations Manager at The

Bail Project.

31. The facts contained in the preceding paragraphs are not intended to be

a complete recitation of the facts and/or tortious acts committed by Defendants which

are relevant to this Complaint.


32. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

33. Defendants Alex Eades and John Doe, acting individually, and under

color of state law and by virtue of their official position, office, and employment,

wrongfully and without probable cause, arrested Plaintiffs and caused them to be

charged with multiple criminal offenses, including one felony.

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

34. Plaintiffs were unlawfully arrested without probable cause or other

legal justification and the charges filed against Plaintiffs did not have a basis in fact.

35. By virtue of their unlawful arrests, Plaintiff’s’ rights under the

Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky were violated, including, but not

limited to, their rights to due process and equal protection.

36. The actions of Defendants, Alex Eades and John Doe, as set forth herein,

constitute a violation of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and

Plaintiffs bring said claim to redress the deprivation and violation, under color of

state law, of the rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed to Plaintiffs by the

Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky including, but not limited to, the
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Plaintiffs’ rights to due process and equal protection.

37. The actions set forth herein constitute false arrest and unlawful



38. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

39. As a result of Defendant Alex Eades’ and Defendant John Doe’s actions,

criminal proceedings were instituted against Plaintiffs.

40. Defendants Eades and Doe made false allegations without probable

cause to believe Plaintiffs were guilty of the crimes charged.

41. Defendants Eades and Doe maliciously and without probable cause

instituted judicial proceedings against Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott, and Shameka

Parrish-Wright and said proceedings were dismissed in Plaintiffs’ favor.

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

42. The actions of Defendants Eades and Doe constitute malicious

prosecution under Kentucky law.


43. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

44. The actions of Defendants Alex Eades and John Doe constitute the

employment of the legal process for some other purpose than which it was intended.

45. The actions of Defendants Eades and Doe constitute the irregular or

wrongful employment of a judicial proceeding.

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46. Defendants Eades’ and Doe’s purpose in having Plaintiffs arrested was

not in order to promote justice but with an ulterior purpose and with a willful act in

the use of process not proper in the regular conduct of the proceeding.

47. The actions of the Defendants Eades and Doe constitute abuse of process

under Kentucky law.



48. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

49. Defendants Alex Eades and Doe acted intentionally and willfully in an

extreme and outrageous manner and/or with reckless disregard of the consequences

of their actions while acting individually, in their official capacity, and as an agents

or servants of the Louisville Metro Police Department.

50. These actions were outrageous and intolerable and they offend generally

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

accepted standards of decency and morality.

51. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant Eades’ and Defendant

Doe’s intentional, extreme, and outrageous conduct and/or their disregard for the

consequences of their actions, Plaintiff suffered severe emotional distress.

52. The actions of Defendants Eades and Doe constitute the intentional

infliction of emotional distress under Kentucky law.



53. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

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54. The acts and omissions of Defendants Alex Eades and John Doe, while

acting individually, in their official capacity, and as an agent and/or servant of LMPD,

were negligent in that Defendants Eades and Doe had a duty under in the

circumstances to act with ordinary care toward Plaintiffs, they failed in that duty by

the manner in which they treated Defendants Eades and Doe, and their actions were

the cause in fact and proximate cause of Plaintiffs’ injuries.

55. These actions were outrageous and intolerable and they offend generally

accepted standards of decency and morality.

56. Plaintiffs suffered serious and/or severe emotional injury, such a

reasonable person would not be expected to endure the mental stress engendered by

the circumstances of the case.

57. Plaintiffs have suffered damages by reason of the above-described

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

conduct in amounts to be proved at trial.

58. The actions of Defendants Eades and Doe constitute the negligent

infliction of emotional distress under Kentucky law.


59. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

60. Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder, in his individual capacity

and/or by and through his agents and employees, was responsible for the hiring,

training, supervision, retention and conduct of Defendants Alex Eades and John Doe.

61. Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder, in his individual capacity

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and/or by and through his agents and employees, had a duty to use reasonable care

in the hiring, training, supervision, and/or retention of Defendants Eades and


62. Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder, in his individual capacity

and/or by and through his agents and employees, was negligent in hiring, training,

supervision, and/or retention of Defendants Eades and Doe.

63. Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder knew or should have known

of the tortuous conduct of Defendants Eades and Doe.

64. Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder permitted Defendants Eades

and Doe to conduct themselves in an extreme and outrageous manner.

65. The acts and omissions of Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder, in

his individual capacity and/or by and through his agents and employees, in the hiring,

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

training, supervision, and/or retention of Defendants Eades and Doe was the direct

and proximate cause of harm suffered by Plaintiffs.

66. Defendant Interim Chief Robert Schroeder’s actions constitute a

substantial factor and a direct and proximate cause of the Plaintiffs’ damages.

67. Plaintiffs have suffered damages by reason of the above-described

conduct in amounts to be proved at trial.

68. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant Interim Chief Robert

Schroeder’s negligent hiring, training, supervision, and/or retention of Defendants

Eades and Doe, Plaintiffs have suffered damages including, but not limited to, severe

emotional distress.
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69. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

70. Defendants Alex Eades’ and John Doe’s statements and testimony

regarding Plaintiffs were defamatory in nature in that Defendants alleged Plaintiffs

were responsible for committing criminal offenses, including one felony, without a

factual basis and in reckless disregard for the truth.

71. The allegations suggesting Plaintiffs were responsible for committing

criminal offenses, including one felony, were completely false.

72. Plaintiffs suffered loss of standing and reputation as a result of the false


73. As such, Defendants Eades’ and Doe’s actions constitute defamation of

character under Kentucky law.

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

74. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

75. As a result of Defendants Alex Eades’ and John Doe’s actions, while

acting individually, in their official capacity, and as agents and/or servants of the

Louisville Metro Police Department, Plaintiffs were unlawfully detained.

76. Defendants Eades’ and Doe’s actions as set forth herein constitute false

imprisonment under Kentucky law.


77. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

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allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

78. Defendants Alex Eades and John Doe assaulted and battered Plaintiffs

while acting individually, in their official capacity, and as agents and/or servants of

the Louisville Metro Police Department.

79. Defendants Eades’ and Doe’s actions resulted in the reasonable fear of

imminent harm and constitute a threat of unwanted, harmful, and offensive


80. Defendants Eades’ and Doe’s actions in arresting and incarcerating

Plaintiffs constitute harmful and offensive touching.

81. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants Eades’ and Doe’s assault

and battery of Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott, and Shameka Parrish-Wright, they

suffered severe emotional distress.

82. The actions of Defendants Eades and Doe constitute assault and battery.

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

83. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference each and every

allegation stated above as if separately repleaded in full herein.

84. All actions of the Defendants described herein warrant an award of

punitive damages against the Defendants in that the Defendants actions were

intentional and/or constitute a complete failure to exercise reasonable care under the

circumstances, reckless indifference, deliberate indifference, gross negligence, and

wanton and/or reckless indifference or a complete disregard for the life, safety, or

rights of Plaintiffs.

85. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and other causes of
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action herein asserted against the Defendants, Plaintiffs, Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott,

and Shameka Parrish-Wright have suffered and continue to suffer compensable

injuries including, but not limited to, mental and emotional pain and suffering; were

caused to suffer great and lasting humiliation and embarrassment; were caused to

suffer constitutional and dignitary harm; were wrongfully deprived of their liberty

and were subject to ridicule, scorn and contempt; and all other damages which were

both temporary and permanent; all to their damage in an amount which exceeds the

jurisdictional minimum of this Court.

86. The actions and omissions of the Defendants constitute reckless, grossly

negligent, oppressive, and malicious conduct.

87. These actions rise to a level that permits the imposition of punitive


WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs demand as follows:

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

1. Judgment against the Defendants, jointly and severally, in an amount

which will fairly and reasonably compensate Plaintiffs, Attica Scott,

Ashanti Scott, and Shameka Parrish-Wright, for the damages they have


2. Punitive damages in an amount that will sufficiently deter and punish

defendants and other individuals similarly situated from committing

similar acts in the future;

3. Trial by jury;

4. Plaintiffs’ costs expended herein, including a reasonable attorney’s fee;

5. Leave to amend this Complaint; and

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6. Any and all other relief to which the Plaintiffs may appear entitled,

including nominal damages.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Vanessa B. Cantley___________________
Vanessa B. Cantley
Patrick E. Markey
1041 Goss Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40217
Tel. (502) 587-2002
Fax (502) 587-2006


Steven R. Romines
600 W. Main Street
Suite 100

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Tel. (502) 587-8822
Fax (502) 568-3600

Counsel for Plaintiffs, Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott,

and Shameka Parrish-Wright

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NO. ______________________ JEFFERSON CIRCUIT COURT
DIVISION _________________
JUDGE _________________








Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)


ALEX EADES, Individually, and in his DEFENDANTS

Official Capacity


633 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202


SCHROEDER, Individually, and in his
Official Capacity


633 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
COM : 000015 of 000035



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Plaintiffs, Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott, and Shameka Parrish-Wright, by

counsel, hereby request that Defendants Alex Eades and Interim Chief Robert

Schroeder answer the following Interrogatories and Requests for Production of

Documents according to Civil Rules 33 and 34, under oath and in writing, within

forty-five (45) days from service hereof. In accordance with CR 34, Defendants are

requested to produce the documents requested herein for inspection and copying at

the offices of Plaintiffs’ counsel at the 1041 Goss Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky


These Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents contained

herein are continuing and must be supplemented when appropriate, as required by

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure.


Plaintiffs define various words and phrases which may appear in these

Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents so as to help Defendants

fully and accurately understand the objectives of Plaintiffs’ discovery efforts while

assisting Defendants’ efforts to locate and furnish the relevant information. Plaintiffs

incorporate the following definitions into each Interrogatory and/or Request and rely

on these definitions to clarify the language therein to the extent necessary.

1. “Defendants” means Defendant Alex Eades, Interim Chief Robert

Schroeder, and/or all representatives acting on their behalf with respect to any matter
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inquired about in these requests including but not limited to all employees, attorneys,

consulting agents or any other representative.

2. “Eades” means Alex Eades and/or all representatives acting on his

behalf with respect to any matter inquired about in these requests including but not

limited to all employees, attorneys, consulting agents or any other representative.

3. “Schroeder” means Interim Chief Robert Schroeder and/or all

representatives acting on his behalf with respect to any matter inquired about in

these requests including but not limited to all employees, attorneys, consulting agents

or any other representative.

4. “Lawsuit” refers to the suit entitled Attica Scott, et al. v. Alex Eades,

et al., filed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Jefferson Circuit Court.

5. The term “document” means and includes each and every medium

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

upon which information is or can be printed, recorded, or reproduced by mechanical

means, by hand or by any other method, whether by you or someone else, that is or

has been within your possession, custody, control, or of which you have knowledge

or access, including, without limitation, the following: advertisements; agreements;

aperture cards; books; brochures; calendars; calculations; charts; circulars; codes;

computer records or printouts; communications; contracts; copies; correspondence;

data processing cards, discs or tapes; diaries; directives; drafts; drawings;

ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGES; file folders; files; films; forms; graphs; indexes;

inspection reports; journals; ledgers; letters; local, state and federal government

hearing records and reports; magnetic tapes, cards, or discs or other products of any
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device for recording sound or electronic impulses; maps; memoranda; minutes or

other records of meetings or conferences; motion picture films; negatives; newspaper

stories or clippings; notebooks; notices; notices of deficiencies; notices of rejections;

opinions or reports of consultants; pamphlets; photographs; pictures; plans; position

papers; press releases; progress reports; publications; reports; reports of studies;

specifications; statistical data; schedules; schedule revisions; sketches; status

reports; stenographic or handwritten notes; stenographic or wire or magnetic

recordings; studies; summaries; summaries or records of conversations of interviews

or telephone conversations; summaries or reports of investigations or negotiations;

surveys; specifications; telegrams; trip reports; videotapes; voice recordings in any

form; and working papers. The term “document” also includes the original and

every copy which is not identical to the original, specifically including every copy

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

which contains any commentary or notation whatsoever that does not appear on the

original. The term “document” also includes all drafts of each of the above.

6. The term “computer data” means any documents, information or

data ever placed into or stored on any of your computers or computers upon which

your employees perform their job duties, including, but not limited to, any hard

drives, servers, lap tops, disks, storage systems, retrieval systems and similar

systems, E-mails, Internet transmissions, electronic bulletin boards, websites, diary

systems, calendar systems, tickler systems and any other computer programs or

magnetic storage disks or media.

7. “Photographs,” “photos,” “videos,” and “videotapes” mean all

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films, negatives, slides, photos, digital images, visual images stored on computers,

Polaroids, movie pictures, videotapes, movies, and pictures, whether developed or


8. The term “all documents” means and includes all documents,

computer data, photographs, photos, videos, and videotapes that in any manner or

form are relevant in any way to the subject matter of the above-captioned Lawsuit,

including, without limitation, all documents that contain, record, reflect,

summarize, evaluate, comment upon, or discuss the events giving rise to the above-

captioned Lawsuit or that in any manner state the background of, or were the basis

for, or that relate to, record, evaluate, comment upon, or were referred to, relied

upon, utilized, generated, transmitted, or received in connection with same. It does

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

not include multiple, identical copies of the same document.

9. The term "specific" and/or "specifically" as hereinafter used in these

interrogatories, means precisely, exactly or definitely, setting forth in detail the

precise and exact sequence of events or transactions entailed in the occurrence

which is the subject of the interrogatory, however if you are not able to be "specific,"

then a general answer should be provided.

10. “Communication” means any oral or written utterance, notation, or

statement of any nature whatsoever, by and to whomsoever made including, but not

limited to, correspondence, conversations, dialogues, discussions, interviews,

consultations, agreements, and other understandings between or among two or

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more persons.

11. “Statement” as that term is used herein includes (a) a written

statement signed or otherwise adopted or approved by the person making it; and (b)

any stenographic, mechanical, electrical or other recording, or any transcription

thereof which is a substantially verbatim recital of a statement made by the person

and contemporaneously recorded.

12. “Incident(s),” “incident(s) in question,” “occurrence(s),”

“occurrence(s) in question,” “event(s),” “claim(s),” or “allegation(s)” means

and/or refers to the events and factual allegations more fully described in Plaintiffs’

Complaint, including, but not limited to, paragraphs no. 13–31.

13. “Expert” means any expert who is expected to testify at the Lawsuit by

deposition or in person, either in your case in chief or rebuttal, as well as any expert

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

who has been informally consulted with, retained or specially employed in

anticipation of litigation or preparation for the Lawsuit but will not be called to testify

and whose work product forms a basis either in whole or in part of the testimony of an

expert who may be called as a witness.

14. “Person” or “persons” means not only natural persons, but also

corporations, partnerships, organizations, associations, industry groups, entities,

joint venturers, or any government or governmental entity, commission, or agency

and any divisions or departments or other units of any of the entities defined


15. The term “contractual indemnity agreements” means any

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agreement whereby any person or business firm may be liable to pay a sum of

money upon the happening of a particular event or contingency or upon the

occurrence of a loss, judgment, peril, or risk.

16. “Insurance policy” means any type of agreement or insurance policy

under which any person or organization may be liable to pay all or part of any

judgment which may be entered in this Lawsuit, or to indemnify or reimburse for

the costs or attorneys’ fees incurred in being a party to this Lawsuit, or to indemnify

or reimburse for payments made to satisfy any judgment entered in this Lawsuit.

“Insurance policy” also includes all types of insurance policies, including but not

limited to comprehensive director and officer, errors and omissions, employment

practices liability, general liability, bonds, workers’ compensation, limited liability,

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

automobile, boiler and machinery, nuclear, fidelity, personal injury, property care,

custody and control, contractual liability insurance, commercial blanket bond

coverage, builder’s risk, all risk, excess and umbrella. Further, “insurance policy”

means and includes, but is not limited to all insurance policies and attachments

thereto, and other similar documents pertaining to the insurance policy, including,

but not limited to, declaration pages, certificates of insurance, exclusions,

endorsements, amendments, riders, and binders.

17. The term "identify" with reference to a document means to state the

date, author, type of document, or some other means of identifying it and its present

location or custodian. If any such document was, but is no longer, in your possession
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or subject to your control, state what disposition was made of it. With reference to a

person it means to state the person or entity’s full name, current home address and

telephone number, current business address, telephone number, and company

affiliation, immediate past business address and company affiliation, current or

other relevant employment classification or job title and job description, his or her

social security number, and his or her education, certification, and job title.


1. Please identify the person or persons answering these Interrogatories

or who contributed information used in answering these Interrogatories, including

the official position and/or job title of each. If more than one person provided the

answers or information, identify the specific Interrogatories answered by each

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)



2. Please state whether Defendants have obtained, taken, or made any

written statements or stenographic, mechanical, electrical, or other type of recorded

statements (or transcription thereof) from any of the named Plaintiffs, or any other

person that you believe possesses knowledge of facts relevant to this lawsuit. If so,

identify the document and provide the date such statement was obtained and the

identity of the person from whom the statement was obtained.

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3. Please state whether Defendant, the Louisville Metro Police

Department (hereinafter “LMPD”), any other Defendant or any of the Defendants’

agents have made or possess any photographs, movies, visual recordings or voice

recordings of any of the Plaintiffs or the Plaintiffs’ family members. If so, identify

these records and provide the date such recording was made or obtained and the

identity of the person from whom the statement was take of or obtained from.


4. Have Defendants, the LMPD, or any other related parties/individuals

conducted an investigation into the incidents at issue that form the basis of this

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

litigation? If so, please identify any and all reports prepared and/or conclusions

reached in said investigation. Please identify each document that formed the basis

of opinions, was used to refresh your recollection, or that was used as an aid to help

you complete your answers to these Interrogatories. If not, please explain why.


5. State the names and addresses of all persons known to you to possess

knowledge of relevant facts concerning the occurrence complained of, and provide

full details of all knowledge or information possessed by each.

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6. Please identify any and all exhibits, demonstrative evidence, or other

documentary evidence, that you intend to utilize at the trial of this matter.


7. Please identify the names, phone numbers and addresses of all persons

you will call to testify or intend to call to testify at the trial of this matter.


8. For each person identified in the answer to Interrogatory No. 7 above,

please give a summary of the expected testimony of each witness.

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)


9. Please identify the name, address, telephone number and

qualifications of any person who may be called as an expert witness on your behalf.

For each person identified, please state the subject matter to which the expert

witness is expected to testify, a synopsis of the facts and opinions that he/she is

expected to testify to, and a summary of the grounds for each such opinion held.


10. If you or your counsel believes another person, entity and/or third
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party is or may be liable for the actions described in the Plaintiffs’ Complaint and/or

would justify apportionment of comparable fault, please identify said person, entity,

and/or third party and describe in specific detail how said party(ies) are liable for

the actions described in the Plaintiffs’ Complaint and please describe in specific

detail any/all facts that may warrant apportionment.


11. Provide the following information for each of your years of employment

with the LMPD:

1. Job Title and location of assignment;

2. All compensation for each year of their employment, including, but

not limited to, contributions to pensions or retirement accounts;

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

3. Job description for each position held;

4. Experience and qualification for each position each such employee


5. All disciplinary actions (of any nature), with particularity to

allegations, reasons, and dates, that have been taken against you.

Specifically stating what the action was, why it was taken, and the

result of said action.


COM : 000025 of 000035

12. Please identify each and every legal action (of any nature), within the

past 10 years, to which you have been a party. Specifically identify the dates of each

action, the causes of action involved in each action, and the results of said legal



13. Please describe in detail an overview of your activities and daily

operations in your capacity as an employee of LMPD, including at the time of the

subject occurrence.


Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

14. Please identify and describe in detail the procedures to be followed by

those employed in your capacity as a police officer at LMPD at the time of the

occurrence, and identify where such procedure is located in the Standard Operating

Procedures (herein after “SOP”) maintained and used by LMPD, or any other SOP

which you followed in your capacity as a police officer.


15. Please identify and describe in detail the procedures to be followed by

COM : 000026 of 000035

police officers employed by LMPD when implementing a curfew, and please state

whether you contend that you followed such procedures at the time of the



16. Please describe in specific detail the duties of a police officer employed

by LMPD, identifying all SOP which govern the conduct of police officers employed

by LMPD.


Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

17. Please identify by whom and describe in specific detail how police

officers employed by LMPD are evaluated in their job performance, including by

whom commendations would be awarded and also by whom disciplinary action

would be invoked or taken by.


18. Please describe in detail the nature and duration of the training or
COM : 000027 of 000035

experience sufficient to qualify one for such appointment as a police officer and/or

interim police chief with the LMPD and state whether you satisfied such



19. Please provide your entire work history prior to LMPD, including the

name and address of your employer, your title, job duties, direct supervisor (by

name, address, and telephone number), dates of employment, your rate of pay, and

reason for leaving.


Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

20. State whether, as the result of your involvement in the occurrence, you

were subject to any internal administrative procedures and please list:

1. The substance of the charges made against you in such procedures;

2. The names and addresses of all persons who preferred such charges;


3. The date and outcome of such procedure, including the date and

nature of subsequent disciplinary action against you, if any was taken.


21. State whether you were/are insured against judgments of personal

COM : 000028 of 000035

liability based on any abuse of your lawful authority.


22. State the “chain-of-command” in place during your tenure as a

narcotics detective, including the name, title, and job duties of each person in the



23. Please list your education history, including the name of the

institution attended, the dates of attendance, and any degree(s) obtained.



Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

1. Please provide copies of all documents identified in your Answers to



2. In regard to Interrogatory No. 2, please attach a copy of any and all

written or recorded statements.

RESPONSE: COM : 000029 of 000035

3. In regard to Interrogatory No. 3, please provide copies of any and all

photographs and/ or recordings made or in your possession.


4. In regard to Interrogatory No. 4, please provide copies of any and all

materials compiled during any investigation performed, as well as the final report.


Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

5. Please provide a copy of each trial exhibit that you anticipate

introducing into evidence at trail.


6. In regard to Interrogatory No. 9, please provide a copy of all material

prepared by each expert witness pertaining to the subject matter of this action and

any documents they will present or that are intended to presented to the expert

during testimony for this action.

COM : 000030 of 000035

7. In regard to Interrogatory No. 11, sub-part 5, please provide a copy of

any and all documents regarding or evidencing disciplinary actions taken against

any of the Defendants.


8. Please provide a copy of the specific section of the SOP identified in

these Answers, as well as a complete copy of the SOP as it is maintained by LMPD.

This should also include any separate SOP or operational/instructional manual

maintained by the Defendants that is not included in the LMPD SOP.


Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

9. Please provide a copy of any books, records, reports made in the

ordinary course of business, printed or documentary material, photographs,

videotapes, drawings or documents, or other tangible objects that describe, record,

or are otherwise relevant to the occurrence which is the subject of this lawsuit.


10. Please provide a copy of any and all documents reflecting the

organizational structure of the LMPD, including, but not limited to, documents
COM : 000031 of 000035

reflecting the names and rank of each person within the organizational structure.


11. Please provide a copy of any and all training materials you have within

your custody or control that relate in any way to your training as a police officer

and/or interim police chief.


12. Please provide a copy of any and all documents, (including but not

limited to, minutes, power-point presentations, inter-office communiqués, electronic

mail, memoranda, or anecdotal notes), that relate in any way to any of the Plaintiffs

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

in this action.


13. Please provide a copy of any and all documents, (including but not

limited to, minutes, power-point presentations, inter-office communiqués, electronic

mail, memoranda, or anecdotal notes), that relate in any way to your job

performance or expectations, including but not limited to arrest rates and conviction

rates within your department.

COM : 000032 of 000035

14. Please provide a copy of all documents that you or your attorney used

during any hearings of the Merit Board, whether admitted into evidence or used for

any other purpose.


15. Please provide a copy of any press releases or prepared statements

provided to the press, and any drafts or previous versions of press releases or

prepared statements.


Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

16. Please provide a copy of any body camera footage of the subject

occurrence and/or which includes the Plaintiffs


17. The complete employee file of Defendant Eades.


18. The complete employee file of Defendant Schroeder.

RESPONSE: COM : 000033 of 000035

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Vanessa B. Cantley ____

Vanessa B. Cantley
Patrick E. Markey
1041 Goss Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40217
(502) 587-2002 – Telephone
(502) 587-2006 – Facsimile


Steven R. Romines
600 W. Main Street
Suite 100
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)
Tel. (502) 587-8822
Fax (502) 568-3600

Counsel for Plaintiffs, Attica Scott, Ashanti Scott,

and Shameka Parrish-Wright

COM : 000034 of 000035


I hereby certify that on the 14th day of June 2021, a copy of the foregoing
pleading was filed with the Complaint initiating this lawsuit, to be served, either
electronically, personally or by First-Class Mail, postage prepaid, upon the following

ALEX EADES, Individually, and in his Official Capacity


633 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202




633 W. Jefferson Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Presiding Judge: HON. MITCH PERRY (630267)

/s/ Vanessa B. Cantley _______
Counsel for Plaintiffs

COM : 000035 of 000035


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