Deep Educations STD: 12 Economics: CHAPTER - 2 Indicators of Growth and Development
Deep Educations STD: 12 Economics: CHAPTER - 2 Indicators of Growth and Development
Deep Educations STD: 12 Economics: CHAPTER - 2 Indicators of Growth and Development
CHAPTER - 2 Indicators of Growth and Development
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. A
Ans. (1) Life Expectancy (2) Education (3) Income are factors included in Human
Development Index.
8. What is Infant mortality rate?
Ans. The number of infants who die out of every 1000 infants before completing
their first year is known as infant mortality rate.
9. State the maximum value in Human Development Index.
Ans. The maximum value of Human Development Index is 1.
10. What does high per capita income indicate?
Ans. It indicates that economic growth as taken place in the country.
11. Sanitation facility indicates which aspect of improvement?
Ans. It is qualitative aspect.
12. Increase in production in which type of change?
Ans. It is quantitative aspect.
13. Which is the latest indicator of development? Who introduced it? When?
Ans. Human Development Index is the latest indicator of development. United
Nations Development Programme presented it in 1990.
14. What is life expectancy at birth?
Ans. The expected number of years a person will live at the time of birth is known
as life expectancy.
• Development is more of a qualitative aspect. It covers areas like how far the
living standard of people has improved? How far is the health of people
improved? It is quite difficult and lengthy process to measure such aspects.
9. Population is not counted every year but per capita income is. Explain the
problem with this.
Ans. The national income of the economy is calculated almost every year and hence
we get almost a correct data but the population of the country is not calculated
every year. In India population census is taken once in 10 years. Hence, only an
approximation is taken for all other years. So per capita income data is not
acquired correctly.
10. What do you mean by literacy level?
Ans. To know the quantum of knowledge adult literacy in percent is calculated.
People in the age group 15 years and above are included.
Two aspects are included in this (A) Number of years of schooling (B) Expected
number of years of schooling. The gap between expected and actual number of
years of schooling is taken to derive the values.
11. What is Infant Mortality Rate?
Ans. Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of
children under one year of age. It is a reflection of social status and welfare. It is
an intricate reflection of availability of pure drinking water, environment of the
house, status of women and role of a mother
12. Why did Morris select only three determinants in the index of POLI?
Ans. Reasons for only Three Determinants
• Dependable data for all these factors can be acquired for all the countries.
• All these three factors (determinants) depict the results and not efforts.
• All these three factors are product based and hence fulfils the justifiable
standards for performance comparison.
13. State the positive aspects of PQLI.
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• PQLI includes factors like literacy life expectancy (health) etc. which touch the
standard of human life.
• PQLI is a better index when compared to the per capita income index.
• PQLI as an indicator of economic development has lesser drawbacks, as against
National income and per capita income indicators.
• With PQLI comparisons can be made between different countries, different
groups of countries or different states of the same country.
• We can create PQLI for urban rural areas, females - males and a comparison can
be done.
14. How does HDR-2015 divide the world countries?
• According to the HDI of 2015, which has included 188 countries, classified
countries into 4 on the basis of human development:
• Countries having highest (maximum) human development: The average value of
human development of lst to 49th country is 0.890.
• Countries having high human development: Average value of HDI of countries
with 50th to l05th ranks is 0.735.
• Countries with moderate human development: Average value of HDI of
countries with 106th to l43rd ranks is 0.614.
• Countries having low human development: Average value of HDI of countries
with l44th to l88th in 0.493.
• Morris Davis Morris presented the physical quality of life index which is in short
known as PQLI. In this index betterment of physical quality of life of human
beings is considered as Economic development. The level of physical quality of
life determines the level of economic development. If any country's physical
quality of life is higher than that of the other country, then that country is
considered as more developed
Aspects included in the Physical Quality of Life:
• The composition of goods and services consumed by an individual during a
period of a year determines the physical quality of life.
Following are the determinants included in the list of good and services:
(i)Food (Proportion of calories protein and fats)
(ii)Health and medical services (Proportion of doctor to population)
(iii)Housing and clothes (Numbers of rooms in house, average number of people
living in each room etc.)
(iv)Education and entertainment (percentage of people getting primary and
secondary, education, entertainment, facilities like T.V, theatre, etc.)
(v)Transport and communication and information services (the extent of road,
railway lines, number of telephone per capita)
(vi)Energy (per capita energy consumption)
(vii)Population of having access pure drinking water
(viii)Average life expectancy
(ix)Infant mortality rate
(x)Drainage facility
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Thus, the above brief information about how national income computes the
economic development of different nations. Due to some drawbacks of this
indicators and per capita income, PQLI was introduced by Morris Davis
3. Explain per capita income as an indicator of economic development.
• Per capita income is a measure of the amount of money earned per person in
a nation
• According to this indicator, when the per capita income of a country
increases for a long period continuously, it can be said that economic
development has taken place. Per capita income is average income per head.
Per capita income is gross national income of a country divided by the
population of that country. This indicator takes into account the population
of the country too, and hence per capita income as an indicator is superior to
the national income as an indicator. The experts of UNO (United Nations
Organization) have recommended per capita income as an indicator of
economic development.
• Just as national income if per capita income is high and if its rate of growth
is high, it can be said that development has taken place.
• If the country's per capita income rises at a faster rate, development is said
to be fast. lf per capita income grows at a slow rate, development is slow. If
per capita income is constant there is stagnation and if per capita income
falls, development is negative.
• Tabular Expression
• Thus, the above explanation informs how per capita computes economic
development of different nations. Due some drawbacks of per capita income
and national income, PQLI was introduced by Morris Davis Morris.
Life Expectancy
Literacy level of the country Number of years a child is During a year number
determines situation of expected to live at the time of infants who die before
education. The percentage of birth is known one year out of 1000
of population educated out as life expectancy. It shows births is known as infant
of the total population the average life. If life mortality rate. If infant mortality
determines the extent expectancy rises it can be rate falls, it can be said that
of education said that the medical services health care services of the
of the country is good. country is good.
PQLI = Literacy level + I.ife expectancy index Infant mortality index