Relationship Between Logistics Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Courier Services Industry
Relationship Between Logistics Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Courier Services Industry
Relationship Between Logistics Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Courier Services Industry
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1 author:
Anna Otsetova
University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Anna Otsetova
Анна Оцетова
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to explore and analyze the relations between service quality,
customer satisfaction and loyalty in courier services sector and to propose a conceptual model. It’s assumed that
there is a positive relation between the logistics service quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty in courier
services sector. A conceptual model is developed with an aim to identify factors that have an impact on loyalty of
courier services customer. Special attention is given to attributes of service quality in courier services industry.
Key words: courier services, logistics service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
potential impending threats (Chin, Soh, & Wong, customer-price sensitivity, and decreased costs to
2013). serve customers familiar with a firm’s service
According to Green Paper An integrated par- delivery system.
cel delivery market for the growth of e-commerce Loyalty means that customer, during a longer
in the European Union the courier services sec- period of time, buys and uses specific service
tor continues to grow and there are also increas- structure and has positive attitudes towards com-
ing irritations, frustration, and dissatisfaction of pany and its offers.
customers towards service providers. Therefore, Many researches show that service quality
researchers and courier service providers look for and satisfaction are main prerequisites for cus-
better ways to understand how customers per- tomer loyalty. If customer is satisfied he/she
ceive the quality of service and how the percep- should buy the same service of a company again.
tion of service quality translate into customer However, that doesn’t happen always, since sat-
satisfaction and customer loyalty. isfaction is not the only prerequisite for loyalty.
Courier service providers must identify and A customer can be satisfied until a competitive
understand various antecedents of customer loy- service appears, the quality and price of which
alty; since, customer loyalty ensures higher profit are more attractive. A customer can has positive
through enhanced revenues, reduced costs to ac- attitudes toward a company and not to be satis-
quire customers (Abkar, 2013). fied with a service and vice versa. All these mean
Customer loyalty is increasingly being recog- that satisfied customer still can change a compa-
nized by businesses as a path to long-term busi- ny. It is necessary to keep in mind that modern
ness profitability. Over time, loyal customers customers are rarely characterized with lifetime
build businesses by buying more, paying premi- loyalty to one offer or one company.
um prices, and providing positive word of mouth Challenge for current courier providers is not
advertising. in creation of the high quality services and mak-
Courier businesses can maintain their effec- ing customers be satisfied, because many com-
tiveness as long as they have the satisfied and petitors are able to do that, but in making loyal
loyal customers. Ensuring customer satisfaction and profitable customers. In marketing literature
and maintaining long-term relationships with customer loyalty is considered to be one of the
customers have become essential for survival main consequences of service quality and cus-
among competitive courier services industry tomer satisfaction.
(Cheng, Yang, & Teng, 2013). Besides service quality, customer satisfaction
Hence, the purpose of this paper is to identify is an important key point for customer-oriented
the main determinants of customer loyalty to business practices across a large number of com-
courier service providers and to examine their panies in service industries. This is because cus-
influence. The paper is focuses upon courier ser- tomer satisfaction is the state of mind that cus-
vices quality and how it influence customer satis- tomers have about a company when their expec-
faction and customer loyalty. tations are met or exceeded over the lifetime of
the product or service. The achievement of cus-
Literature review tomer satisfaction is expected to lead to company
Studies on customer loyalty are mainly fo- loyalty and service repurchase (Rafiq & Jaafar,
cused on product orientation and brand loyalty, 2007).
while loyalty to service providers was not widely From this perspective, the paper aims to ex-
discussed. Many researchers discussed the links plore and analyze the relations between service
between service quality, customer satisfaction, quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in cou-
customer loyalty, and firm's profitability. rier services sector and to propose a conceptual
Loyalty behaviors, including relationship con- model.
tinuance, increased scale or scope of relationship,
and recommendation (word of mouth advertis- Quality of Courier Services
ing) result from customers’ beliefs that the quan- Improving service quality should be an ongo-
tity of value received from one supplier is greater ing focus for courier service providers and they
than that available from other suppliers (Hallow- should never refrain from becoming more and
ell, 1995). more proactive with customers’ satisfaction by
Many authors proposed that customer loyalty providing better and better courier services.
creates increased profit through enhanced reve- Nowadays courier services are defined as a
nues, reduced costs to acquire customers, lower kind of logistic services. Therefore in analysis
and testing the quality of courier services the lo- er customer service elements called “marketing
gistics service quality models are applicable. Re- customer service”. This revision and validation
searchers and practitioners in logistics have nev- proposed a new multidimensional model. The
er agreed to a universal approach to the defini- model places more importance on the customer
tion of the concept of quality in logistics services perspective rather than the operational dimen-
and its associated dimensions. Though several sions of the service. Deriving from the work of
authors have so far touched on this subject, their Grönroos (1984) in the service quality area
conclusions and proposals are largely different in where technical quality refers to the service out-
terms of dimensions and attributes of Logistics comes and functional quality refers to the pro-
Service Quality (LSQ) (Thai, 2013). Neverthe- cess of service delivery, these authors aligned the
less, most definitions of service quality focus on physical distribution aspects as the technical ser-
the fact that the service has to meet the custom- vice parameters and customer service aspects as
er’s needs and expectations and is interpreted as the functional service parameters. This view is
a difference of terms of service provision and shared by others (such as Rinehart, Cooper &
customers’ expectations of perceived service. Wagenheim 1989; Chin, Soh & Wong, 2013)
There are two approaches in conceptualiza- and is seen as an intelligent base for the integra-
tion of the LSQ. The first approach proposes that tion of marketing and logistics activities.
quality means adapting service to specifications In order to measure the quality of services an
defined by service providers (Rafiq & Jaafar extended LSQ model was developed, which
2007; Thai, 2013). According to this approach identified eight dimensions of service quality in
LSQ is defined as being composed of physical courier services sector. These dimensions are
distribution aspects of service, which means that information quality (IQ), ordering procedures
this point of view focuses only on service pro- (OP), order release quantities (OQ), timeliness
viders but not on customers. (TM), order accuracy (OA), order condition
The second approach proposes that quality is (OC), order discrepancy handling (OD), and per-
based on customers’ evaluation and perceptions. sonnel contact quality (PQ). These eight compo-
In the meantime, the second approach largely nents are divided into two different groups which
contributed by Mentzer, Gomes & Krapfel, 1989; are technical quality and functional quality.
Mentzer, Bienstock, & Kahn, 1993; Bienstock, Technical quality refers to service outcome and
Mentzer & Bird, 1997; Mentzer, Flint & Kent, functional quality refers to process of service
1999; Mentzer, Flint & Hult, 2001 attempted to delivery. Physical distribution service quality is
identify objective variables evaluated through the technical component of logistics service qual-
customers’ perceptions in relation to their expec- ity and the process of delivery is the functional
tations. As a result, a new concept of LSQ is in- component (Fig. 1) (Rafiq & Jaafar, (2007).
troduced by proposing a model that includes oth-
One weakness of the LSQ model is that it with this process when placing and receiving
suggests all dimensions occur at the same time, orders. When order receipt is not as expected,
but in fact some of the dimensions depend on customers stay engaged in the logistics process
others. The model was latter improve by process through discrepancy handling. (Mentzer, Flint &
conceptualization (Fig. 2) - customers place or- Hult, 2001).
ders, orders are processed, orders are shipped
and orders are received. Customers have contact
Order Release Quantities Accuracy
Information Quality
Ordering procedures
Fig. 2. Logistics Srvice Quality as a process (Adapted from Mentzer, Flint & Hult, 2001)
When LSQ is viewed as a process, courier At the same time, there are two main points of
service provider can identify the drivers of vari- view about the relationship between service qual-
ous LSQ perceptions. The process view also en- ity and customer loyalty. The first point proposed
ables managers to see the interrelationships that that service quality impacts indirectly loyalty
among LSQ components. via satisfaction (Liao, 2012; Sachro &
In the recent past, there has been a heightened Pudjiastuti, 2013; Cronin, Brady & Hult, 2000;
emphasis on logistics service quality and cus- Caruana, 2002). The second point proposed that
tomer satisfaction in business and academia there is direct impact of service quality on loyal-
alike. Feng, Zheng & Tan (2007) proved that ty (Hyun, 2010; Eakuru & Mat, 2008). There-
logistics service quality is an important anteced- fore, in the proposed model it has been suggested
ent of customer satisfaction in China logistics that service quality impacts directly and indirect-
industry. Saura, Frances, Contrı, & Blasco ly (via customer satisfaction) on customer loyal-
(2008). had also reported a strong relationship ty.
between service quality and customer satisfac-
tion in Spain logistics industry. Kamble, Raut & Customer Satisfaction
Dhume (2011) showed that higher service quality As competition in the courier services sector
leads to higher customer satisfaction in Indian is constantly increasing, the ability of companies
logistics industry. to understand their customers and ensure their
Studies focusing on courier services carried satisfaction with the services received is becom-
out by Ho, Teik, Tiffany, Kok, & Tah (2012), ing more and more significant. Most scientists in
Otsetova (2016) reaffirmed the positive relation- their work note that the client is the most im-
ship between logistics service quality and cus- portant part of any business of the service sector.
tomer satisfaction in courier services industry in Assessing this, it is important to keep in mind
Malaysia and Bulgaria. Therefore, in the model that the activity of the service sector oriented
proposed below it has been suggested that per- exactly to the clients and its results directly de-
ceived service quality has a positive effect on pendent on customer choice (Meidutė-
customer satisfaction.
Kavaliauskienėa, Aranskisa & Litvinenko, cluding the emotional commitment or expression
2014). of a favorable attitude toward the service provid-
For the modern courier providers customer er. Customer loyalty provides a desirable atmos-
satisfaction becomes a key success factor. The phere for firms because it reduces marketing
knowledge of current levels of satisfaction and, costs, raises referrals, and promotes price premi-
in particular, the key determinants of satisfaction ums (Kasemsap, 2017).
allow the courier companies to focus and build In the relevant literature, customer loyalty is
upon key areas that lead to highly satisfied cus- identified with two dimensions: behavioral and
tomers. attitudinal. Behavioral dimension refers to a be-
Measuring the level of customer satisfaction havior of customers on repurchase and illustrates
enables the management of courier companies to a priority for services. The behavioral aspect rep-
identify the factors that cause leaving of custom- resents: actual repeat purchase, positive word of
ers and to reduce their influence. Information on mouth advertising, and continuing preference for
satisfaction helps to detect potential market op- the same service or brand (Abkar, 2013). Attitu-
portunities and to provide competitive ad- dinal dimension refers to parameters such as:
vantages. Customer satisfaction has many posi- repurchase intention, willingness to recommend
tive consequences for courier business: increased the company or its products to others, demon-
sales, realization of follow-purchases, better cor- strating resistance to switch to the competitors.
porate image, reduction of customer complaints,
lower marketing costs, reduction of business risk, Conceptual research model
lower price elasticity et al. Given these positive Bearing in mind previous review, the model is
effects, setting satisfaction as a primary goal of defined that considers and describes relations
the courier providers is understandable and logi- between courier service quality, customer satis-
cal (Otsetova & Enimanev, 2014). faction and loyalty. It is assumed that these rela-
While conceptualizations of satisfaction dif- tions are not a priori direct and linear but it's
fer, especially with regard to the type and num- about asymmetrical relations.
ber of components to be included, researchers Logistics service quality is presented through
generally agree that satisfaction is a “post-choice eight key dimensions of LSQ model. Service
evaluative judgment” (Cahill, Goldsby, quality has direct impact on satisfaction and loy-
Knemeyer & Wallenburg, 2010). alty and indirect impact on loyalty via customer
Many authors stated that satisfaction is the satisfaction. At the same time customer satisfac-
customer’s evaluation of a product or service in tion impacts directly customer loyalty.
terms of whether that product or service has met The general structure of courier service quali-
his/her needs and expectations (Bitner & ty-satisfaction-loyalty model pointed out that
Zeithaml, 2003; Cahill, Goldsby, Knemeyer & LSQ will positively relate to customer overall
Wallenburg, 2010). satisfaction, and LSQ will also directly and indi-
rectly influence customer loyalty (Fig. 3).
Customer Loyalty
Loyalty in the marketing literature has been Conclusions
referred to essential action or element, condition,
or ingredient of an effective business strategy. Today, research in courier services sector is
Loyalty is a strategy that creates mutual rewards focused on examining of companies’ abilities to
to benefit firms and customers (Liao, 2012). give service of high quality and, according to the
Loyalty is considered to be a source of competi- service given, make and retain satisfied custom-
tive advantage and it has proven to have a rele- ers. Customer loyalty development is often seen
vant impact on company performance. as unavoidable problem in management of every
Customer loyalty is defined as an attitude of company that is looking for sustainable and long-
intent to purchase a product or service. Consum- lasting presence on desired market.
er attitude affects the way consumer thinks and Having analyzed different approaches that
behaves and it is important for the marketers who can be found in literature, conceptual model is
study it to understand how consumer behaves developed with an aim to identify factors that
toward increasing business profit. Customer loy- have an impact on loyalty of courir services cus-
alty is an essential factor in business survival tomer. The developed model is a theoretical
(Huan; Wenli & Hao, 2016) and is described as a foundation about the relationship between ser-
customer’s repeat purchase behavior while in-
vice qualiyu customer satisfaction and loyalty in courier services industry.
Information Quality
LSQ Loyalty
Order Release Quantities
Behavioral Loyalty
Attitudinal Loyalty
Order Accuracy
Order Condition
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