Unit 1 Revision Pack
Unit 1 Revision Pack
Unit 1 Revision Pack
To what extent does peer pressure cause the adolescent males at my school to
start the use of illegal drugs?
Territory: Barbados
Table of contents
Method of Investigation
Presentation of Data
It is with great pleasure that I would like to thank all of those persons who made it possible for me to
complete this project. Firstly I would like to thank God for giving me the strength and knowledge to
complete this project. Additionally, I would also like to thank my class teacher for all of his assistance in
helping me complete this assignment.
Statement of the problem
2). What is the main cause of adolescents males at my school using illegal drugs?
Reason for Selecting area of Research
It has now become evident that it has become the norm for under aged teenagers to take part in
the use of illegal drugs. The reason why I selected the following topic was because I have a lot
of family members and friends who use illegal drugs. Since having both family members and
friends that use illegal drugs this has given me the urge as to whether peer pressure plays a
significant role in their use of illegal drugs. However I truly believe that this topic can provide me
with the essential information which would assist me in preventing myself and others from
succumbing to the use of illegal drugs.
Method of investigation
In order to get the needed information to ensure the completion of this SBA, I produced a
questionnaire with the relevant questions to gather the information needed. The reason why I
choose to use this method to gather my information was because it is more beneficial and
advantageous than using other methods to gather your information.
Dear respondent
My name is Josef Neblett and I am currently a student of the St. Leonard’s boy’s school
studying social studies at the CSEC level. I am conducting a research project with the given
topic “To what extent does peer pressure cause adolescent males to start the use of illegal
drugs”. Therefore I am asking your assistance in completing the following questionnaire below
as it would be of great help to my research. Also there are no rights or wrong answers and you
are not required to give a name for your own safe keeping.
Questionnaire questions
14 – 15
15 – 17
18 - 20
2). Have you ever used illegal drugs before?
3). Have you ever taken illegal drugs before at school?
4). Was peer pressure the main cause of you using illegal drugs?
6). Who is most likely to peer pressure you into using illegal drugs?
7). How wide spread is peer pressure among adolescent males at your school?
Wide spread
8). Have you ever seen any students been peer pressured to use illegal drugs?
10). Have you ever peer pressured anyone into using illegal drugs?
12). Have you ever been pressured into using illegal drugs?
13). If yes what was your next response?
Procedure for collecting data
The target population of this study is senior school students males at the St. Leonard's boys
school. Since there are about 400 persons who make up this population it was important for me
to select a sample which will represent the total population. The sample I selected was 10% of
the population which in all gave me a total of 40 persons. However after coming up with the
sample I decided to prepare my samples which then the 40 boys will receive the following
questionnaires. I selected my samples by putting them in a bag and then by choosing the
Statement of Findings
Having completed this study, the researcher can therefore say that peer pressure is very
relevant as 50% of the respondents stated that peer pressure is very widespread throughout the
senior male students at my school. Additionally, it was also discovered that 75% of the senior
population at my school have also been peer pressured into using illegal drugs.
What was also revealed by the data collected was the fact that most of the senior
population at my school have taken illegal drugs as research shows that 65% of senior
males have taken illegal drugs. Data collected has also shown that 50% of the senior
students at my school have not taken illegal drugs before at school.
Data collected has also shown us that 71% of the respondents are most likely to be peer
pressured into using illegal drugs from their friends. Another major finding which was discovered
was that 47% of the respondents are most likely to be peer pressured into using illegal drugs
from a family member.
1. I recommend that parents ensure that their children are given regular
drug tests to ensure that they are not using drugs.
2. I also recommend that adolescents who are found taking illegal drugs
should be punished by the law.
Yes No
Figure 1 shows the percentage of persons who have and have not pressured persons into using illegal
If yes,what was your reaction?
25% 30%
Have you ever seen any students being peer pressured to use illegal
50% 50%
Yes No
Figure 2 shows the Percentage of students who have seen other students being peer pressured into
using illegal drugs.
Responses from those persons who gave their response having seen other students being peer
Have you ever been peer pressured into using illegal drugs?
Yes No
Figure 3 shows the Percentage showing if persons have been peer pressured into using illegal drugs.
If yes what was your responce?
Responses form those persons who have been peer pressured into using illegal drugs.
Very wide spread Wide spread Not wide spread
Series 1
Figure 4 shows the Percentage showing how widespread is peer pressure among adolescents’ males at
Question Response Respondents Percentage
Data Analysis
According to the data, when the question was asked to the respondents about being peer
pressured into the use of illegal drugs, the majority which was 73% stated that they have been
pressured while the ramaining 27% stated that they haven’t been pressured. Additionally, a
follow up question came asking respondents what was their next reaction after being pressured
into using illegal drugs. However, as the data has shown, 15% of persons took the drugs, 35%
of persons responding stating that they rejected the offer and 50% of respondents walked
When the question was asked to respondents about if they had ever seen any students being
peer pressured into using illegal drugs, 50% of respondents said yes while the others, which was
also 50% said no.
After this question, came a follow up question asking the students, their next reaction after this
happening. The majority of which was 60% responded saying they rejected the offer, 20%
stated that they walked away while the last 20% said that they complained.
In addition, a question was asked to respondents asking if they had ever been peer pressured
into using illegal drugs, however 23% of respondents said yes while 77% responded and said no.
When the question was asked to respondents about the use of illegal drugs, 65% answered
saying they have taken illegal drugs while the remaining 35% said no.
In relation to the above question, a question was asked to respondents asking them if they had
ever taken illegal drugs at school, therefore 48% persons said yes while the other 52% of
respondents stated no.
When the next question was asked about peer pressure being the main cause of the
respondents using illegal drugs, 58% of the respondents replied yes while the other 42% stated
For the 50% of respondents who answered yes to the above question, two follow up questions
were given to those persons, who peer pressured them into using illegal substances, in which
17% said family, 71% said friends and 12% said strangers. The second question asked
respondents who is most likely to peer pressure them into using illegal drugs in which 47% said
family, 35% said friends while the remaining 18% said strangers
According to the data collected it could be said that peer pressure is very widespread among
adolescent males at my school. This can be seen as evident because data has shown that 50
percent of males have stated that peer pressure is very widespread at my school.