Analysis of Stress Square Thread Power Screws Using Ansys

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 14 2017, 455-460

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


N.Lenin Rakesh1, V.Jose ananth vino2

Asst.Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai-73
Asst.Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai-73

Abstract: An example of torture test is used in analysis ANSYS, ABACUS, NASTRAN, and LSDYNA etc. If the
of stresses in power screw. Torture test is used in computed response-stress, for example is greater than the
industries manufacturing screw jacks so that there is no allowable value, the structure is re-designed and re
misalignment or problem while using screw jack. One analyzed until an acceptable design is achieved (Structural
end of the shaft of the screw jack is fixed and flange is Optimization)[10-15]
given a torque. The model is drawn in pro E. Then the
model is transferred to ANSYS. The stresses between Analytical Solutions
the flange and the shaft are analyzed using ANSYS.
The analytical value of stresses are found out and A load of 60 KN is assumed
compared to the stresses found out using ANSYS. The The material for screw is assumed to be C45 Steel
result is shown in a tabular format. Pitch = 5mm
Outer diameter do=30 mm
Core diameter dc=25mm
1. Introduction d= do+ dc/2=30+25/2=27.5mm
A leadscrew (or lead screw), also known as a power
screwor translation screw, is a screw designed to Permissable Stresses For Screws:
translate turning motion into linear motion. Common
applications are machine slides (such as in machine A load of 60 KN is assumed
tools), vises, presses, and jacks.Leadscrews are The material for screw is assumed to be C45 Steel
manufactured in the same way as other thread forms.A Pitch = 5mm
lead screw can be used in conjunction with a split Outer diameter do=30 mm
nut[1-5] Core diameter dc=25mm
d=mean diameter= do+ dc/2=30+25/2=27.5mm
1.1 Fundamentals Of Fea (Finite Element Analysis):
A mathematical model of the object is created, typically Permissable Stresses For Screws:
done in a modeling system, capable of producing
precise solid and surface geometry (Geometry Permissible compressive stress [σc]=σy/Factor of safety
Modeling). For example PRO-E, CATIA, σy=yield stress
geometric model is subdivided in to discrete elements; factor of safety as 2
element & material properties are assigned (Finite =182.5 N/mm2
Element Modeling). This step is also called as Meshing. Permissible shear stress [τ]=σy/Factor of safety ×
Meshing can be done thought the dedicated software’s 2σy=yield stress
like HYPERMESH. Loads and boundary conditions are =365/2× 2
applied to simulate the operating environment (Define =91.25 N/mm2
the environment). [6-9] T=torque exerted = × × ( + ) =20000 Nmm
Axial load =w=20000× 2/27.5× 12
The structural response, such as
deflections, stresses or temperatures are computed
(Perform Analysis) and presented for display (Assess
α= = =4
Results). This can be done by using the solvers like ×

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Φ= = . 14 = 8

= = .14

Axial load =w=20000× 2/27.5× 12=6843 N[17-


Design Stresses:

Shear stress=16T/!"# $
%× &&&&
= × ' =6.51 N/mm2
Direct compressive stress =σc= =
( × ) * )/,
=13.94 N/mm2
( × * )/,

The flange is modeled using pro E.The flange is modeled

0) $.1,
Maximum shear stress =.max=/( ) + . =/( ) + as per the above given dimensions.
6.51 =9.54 N/mm 2

.max<[τ] design is satisfactory 3.3 Pro/E modeling of power screw

3. Pro E Diagrams

3.1 Shaft

4. Ansys Diagrams
The shaft of the power screw is modeled using pro E.
The modeled shaft should be having a pitch of 5. [16-
18] 4.1 Geometry transfer to ansys
3.2 Flange

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The power screw modeled in pro E is transferred to

ANSYS.This diagram shows the flange and shaft
assembled together.

4.2 Boundary Condition

3. Conclusion
Analyzing the power screw using ANSYS software it was
observed that in the static analysis, the equivalent stress of
the power screw is within the permissible limit.
It was found that the stress analysis by
conventional method is much difficult, takes a longer time
and error chances are high.Ansys also allows us to find the
stress throughout the section. It also helps to differentiate
the stress formation in section by colour coding.


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