Remobilization of Trace Metals Induced by Microbiological Activities Near Sediment-Water Interface, Aha Lake, Guiyang
Remobilization of Trace Metals Induced by Microbiological Activities Near Sediment-Water Interface, Aha Lake, Guiyang
Remobilization of Trace Metals Induced by Microbiological Activities Near Sediment-Water Interface, Aha Lake, Guiyang
Fig. 5. The concentration profile of Co, Ni, Sc, Ba, Mo and Pb in pore water of the Aha Lake.
Organic matter degradation, which needs the participation sisting of iron and manganese oxide or hydroxide. The
of microbes at ambient temperature, is the most important long-term effect of seasonal oxygen-absent process in this
geochemical process, and it can provide driving force for lake is that most trace metals are enriched in surficial
early diagenesis[27]. In 1988, two dissimilatory iron reduc- sediment and its pore water, with the gradual decrease of
ing bacteria (Shewanella putrefaciens and Geobacter met- trace metals present in reducible phase of the lower-level
alloreducens) were successfully separated, and the impor- sediments, caused by strong cycling of iron and manga-
tance of iron and other electronic acceptors in the process nese. This is why DIRB activity is stronger in the lower
of microbiological anoxic respiration has been gradually sediment layers, but the released trace metals are ex-
realized[28]. tremely low in amount. On the contrary, most trace metals
Seasonal oxygen absence in lake water, persisting are released in surface layers with weak DIRB activity.
input of organic carbon, coupling with the excessive load- Previous studies, mainly on marine sediments, have also
ing of iron, manganese and sulfate, provide necessary revealed the enrichment of trace metals in surficial sedi-
conditions for trace metal-remobilization at the sediment- ments, and the significance of iron and manganese cy-
water interface. (1) In an anoxic season, with the propa- cling[3,25,26,29], but the extent of enrichment is not so typical
gating of anaerobic bacteria, dissimilatory reduction is as compared with that observed in our study. The change
enhanced, causing the activation and mobilization of some of trace metals concentrations in pore water depends on
trace metals. But as discussed above, sulfate reduction, homeostasis between releasing and precipitation processes.
which happened in surficial sediments, may restrict the As discussed above, iron, manganese and sulfate reduction
upward-diffusion of trace metals in pore water to some happen at different depths. Since iron and manganese ox-
extent, and iron and manganese cycling between water ides and hydroxides are good sorbents, their reduction will
and sediment can capture trace metals diffusing into the lead to the release of adsorbed trace metals, causing the
overlying water column and return to the sediment-water dual peaks of trace metals in pore water. Specifically, Co
interface. (2) In a season with oxygen enrichment in bot- and Ni have the same distribution curves, since both be-
tom water, both the growth of anaerobe and anoxic respi- long to the iron-family elements, with the similar atomic
ration in surficial sediments are restrained, and trace met- structure and geochemical behavior. The dual peaks of Co
als, released in response to reduction in the lower layer, and Ni, as discussed above, are caused by iron and man-
are retained in the surface adsorbing layer, mainly con- ganese reduction, respectively, while the upper peaks of