The Application of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
The Application of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
The Application of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
1. Introduction
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1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 505 (2019) 012058 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/505/1/012058
worksheet which will subsequently be used to determine and intervals care activities in
accordance with its function and the system from the engine , while FMEA used to identify
causes failure and effect caused by that collapse.
Maintenance is routine recurring work, which is necessary to retain equipment in a state
in which it can perform its intended function. Maintenance is performed to ensure equipment
availability in industry so as to compete in global market. Maintenance has changed more than
any other management discipline during the past twenty years. In early ages, the maintenance
strategy was breakdown maintenance, as there was no awareness of downtime. But with
passage of time, increased complexity of machines led to the prevention maintenance in second
generation, and then maintenance strategies and objectives have rapidly changed from
preventive maintenance to condition monitoring. In this era, the importance of effectiveness of
operational equipment raised, which is dependent on plant capacity. So, the concluded strategy
must have a balance between maintenance cost and plant reliability [13].
One factor that consideration should be given on support for the implementation of the
activity of treatment is spare parts. When a system experienced shut down because damaged
components , the value of downtime can be reduced significantly if all spare parts needed to
replace a faulty component are provided. The determination of the needs of spare parts supplies
used during this is based on genuine demand the operators in the field , is not based on the
analysis of a certain quantity. If spare parts is not available in times of need , to cause the cost
the lost production will be tall. But , if too long accumulate spare parts in a warehouse , the
cost of spare parts storage also be higher [1].
The Reliability Centered Maintenance ( RCM ) is a systematic process to do to secure
all physical facilities to operate well in accordance with the design and functions .Along with
the impact on caused so in 1990 started in launch RCM II that is the result of the process of
development RCM previously by adding safety and environment in a consequence decision
RCM is a cornerstone of physical and for the maintenance of a technique that is used
to develop preventive maintenance, that on a regular schedule. A method of RCM expected to
specify schedule maintenance and can know for sure the activities proper maintenance task to
be carried on every other component machine [6].
2. RCM Background
Moubray defined RCM as “a process used to determine what must be done to ensure
that any physical asset continues to function in order to fulfill its intended functions in its
present operating context.” From this definition it is obvious that Reliability Centered
Maintenance focused, not only the system hardware it self rather, but also the system function.
The develop of the Reliability Centered Maintenance methods can be traced to the
aviation industry where the Maintenance Steering Groups that called (MSG) formed within the
industry developed a maintenance process which was published in the 70’s and 80’s. This RCM
methods developed into classical Reliability Centered Maintenance that has been professed by
starting so as long as the manufacturing industry for sectors of the sea and to be successful in
all industries in the world.
Basic steps for the implementation of the reliability had been centered the cost of
maintenance the base of a method of who ask for the seven faced with the answers about in the
1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 505 (2019) 012058 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/505/1/012058
methodology for the pleasant and precious things that is intended to be implemented in this
seven question is as follows [14]:
(1) What are the intended functions and performance standards of the asset?
(2) How does it fail to fulfil these intended functions?
(3) The causes of each failure?
(4) The appropriate consequences?
(5) In what way does each failure ?
(6) What task should be performed in order to avoid each failure?
(7) What should be done if no preventive task founded to be came into effect?
Reliability Centered Maintenance is a framework structured and a process logical of
optimizing maintenance resources for physical asset in its operating context. Reliability
Centered Maintenance is focused on preserving system functions, rather than preserving
physical asset. Reliability Centered Maintenance analyzes the functions, potential failures of
spareparts and it is a seven-review step asking to evaluate “reliability”, with risk management.
Reliability Centered Maintenance is possibly with the selection of an effective maintenance
strategy that will offer “reliability” of spareparts [17].
a) The selection of the system and the collection of information. In one of these phases
would the election of towards the system there are so that the system which under
review is not too wide.
b) Explain the system. Explaining the system is intended to maintain overlap between one
system with another system
c) Explanation system and block diagram function. The system of the study outlined in
detail than described in block diagram function. In this stage will also be developed
system work breakdown structure of a system of the study.
d) FMEA analysis.The early stages of the preparation of analysis fmea only supplement
matrix equipment and failure of the function.This matrix made with combined list
SWBS with information to a failure of the functions.In fmea will be conducted
calculation of the value of risk priority number (RPN) based on severity value,
occurrence, and detection
e) LTA. The preparation of the LTA has objective to should be accorded priority in each
mode its complete destruction and review its implementation and functions of until the
status of reports of damage or injuries are not the same mode
f) The selection of the act. The selection of the act of constituting the last stage in the
process of RCM. This process will specify an action which is proper for types of
damage on certain. To show off on doing the selection of the act of can be guided by
questions a schoolmaster a ( selection guide ) [3]
1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 505 (2019) 012058 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/505/1/012058
3. Implementation
Task analysis, may be used to uncover the risk involved with each maintenance job for
a further discussion on implementing the Reliability Centered Maintenance analysis results
4. Conclusion
RCM is the process of determining the most effective maintenance approach. Based on
Engineering Maintenance by Dhillon, RCM has alot of positive ways, including improvement
in safety and environmental system, developed product quality, improvement in the useful life
of funding, improvement in team work and save cost, the best motivation for individuals, and
higher plant availability and reliability.
The Reliability Centered Maintenance not only developed the responsibility of system
but also reduce the needed maintenance in today competitive world, and also reduce concerned
cost, saved. It also focused the safety system by set criticality point to the various sub systems
and further selected maintenance activities based on the risk of failure. Therefore, Reliability
Centered Maintenance introduces a maintenance plan designed for maximum safety in
economical manner and make the system more reliable.
The Application of RCM can more effectiveness if we do a few things as follows:
(1) Make sure that the operator who know the systems, participate in the analysis of RCM
Methods: Process can be more effective and every people who takes it will learn more and
experienced operator will also gain an amount of information when they participate but
only if the knowledge operator participate.
(2) Trained facilitator must lead the process
(3) The Reliability Centered Maintenance process is only as effective as what each individual
contributes. The more effort put in RCM, the better results we take.
(4) The Reliability Centered Maintenance process is a living methodology that must be
implementing periodically for the best result in maintenance ways [5]
1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 505 (2019) 012058 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/505/1/012058
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