Chemosphere: Xin Huang, Yang Wan, Baoyou Shi, Jian Shi
Chemosphere: Xin Huang, Yang Wan, Baoyou Shi, Jian Shi
Chemosphere: Xin Huang, Yang Wan, Baoyou Shi, Jian Shi
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Article history: The addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) to remove micropollutants is a commonly used
Received 5 May 2019 technology to improve drinking water quality. However, the effects of PAC dosing strategy on the
Received in revised form coagulation-flocculation process of water treatment have not been well understood, especially for water
20 August 2019
with low amounts of inorganic particles. Therefore, the current research aimed to comprehensively study
Accepted 21 August 2019
Available online 22 August 2019
the effects of simultaneous addition of PAC and aluminum sulfate (AS) coagulants (denoted as PAC-AS) or
adding PAC 2 h before coagulation (denoted as PAC2h-AS) on the coagulation behavior in humic acid
Handling Editor: Xiangru Zhang (HA) and HA-kaolin water treatment. The results showed that the floc size, growth rate, breakage factor,
and fractal dimension were all enhanced by PAC-AS and PAC2h-AS for HA but not for HA-kaolin water
Keywords: treatment. In HA water treatment, PAC-AS reached a larger floc size and faster growth rate, while PAC2h-
Powdered activated carbon AS achieved a larger floc breakage factor and fractal dimension value. For PAC2h-AS, the pre-adsorption
Dosage strategy of HA onto PAC would lower the initial particle concentration and reduce the collision probability during
Coagulation-flocculation HA water coagulation process; thus, the DOC removal efficiency, floc size, and growth rate of PAC2h-AS
Floc properties
were relatively smaller than those of PAC-AS. For the floc strength and floc fractal dimension, the pre-
Water type
adsorption of HA onto PAC contributed to formation of stronger inter-particle bonds; thus, stronger
and more compact flocs were formed by PAC2h-AS compared with those of PAC-AS. The addition of PAC
0045-6535/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 X. Huang et al. / Chemosphere 238 (2020) 124637
had a smaller impact on the floc properties in HA-kaolin water treatment owing to its higher initial
particle concentration.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microscope observations of flocs formed by AS, PAC-AS, and 3. Results and discussion
PAC2h-AS were performed with a Nikon confocal microscope. The
flocs were carefully taken out by a micropipette with a large 3.1. Effects of powdered activated carbon on turbidity and dissolved
opening to limit floc aggregation immediately after 15 min of slow organic matter removal
stirring. No floc coalescence was observed during the microscope
observations (Lapointe and Barbeau, 2016). The effects of adding PAC simultaneously and 2 h before coag-
ulation on the effluent residual turbidities, UV254, and DOC removal
efficiencies for these two types of water treatments are shown in
2.4. Online monitoring of floc dynamic variation during floc Fig. 1. The inconformity of the PAC dosage of 0 mg/L was owing to
formation, breakage, and re-growth the two sets of experiments that were conducted. The addition of
PAC significantly increased the residual turbidity in the treatment
Dynamic floc sizes during the floc formation, breakage, and re- of both the HA and HA-kaolin synthetic water. Moreover, the re-
growth stages were measured using a Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern, sidual turbidities increased with the PAC dosage. The residual tur-
UK). The size range of the Mastersizer 2000 was 0.02e2000 mm. bidities for the HA and HA-kaolin water treatments increased from
The test method was similar to that of the jar test mentioned above. 2.5 NTU and 3.0 NTU to approximately 6.0 NTU and 8.0 NTU,
After 15 min of slow stirring, a high shear rate (200 rpm) was respectively, as the PAC dosage increased from 0 mg/L to 50 mg/L.
introduced for 5 min to break the floc, and then another 15 min of Compared with these two PAC dosage strategies, the residual tur-
slow stirring at 40 rpm was applied for floc re-growth. Size mea- bidities for the HA water treatment were almost the same. For the
surements were taken every 0.5 min and logged on a computer. HA-kaolin water treatment, the residual turbidity of PAC2h-AS was
Floc size was expressed as an equivalent volumetric diameter and slightly higher than that of PAC-AS. For the removal of UV254 and
as D50, which referred to the median floc size selected as the DOM, the UV254 removal efficiencies of the two PAC dosage stra-
representative floc size. tegies were almost the same for the HA and HA-kaolin water
Floc breakage and recovery factors indicate the ability of flocs to treatments. In addition, the UV254 removal efficiencies were all
resist rupture by a certain velocity gradient and to recover after above 95% in all conditions. Unlike the UV254 removal efficiency, the
exposure to a high shear rate, respectively. Generally, larger values DOC removal efficiencies first increased and then decreased with
of breakage and recovery factors indicate that flocs are stronger and increasing PAC dosage, and the maximum value was attained for
easier to recover than those with lower values. The breakage and the PAC dosage of 20e40 mg/L. The DOC removal efficiencies were
recovery factors were calculated by the following equations: similar for the HA and HA-kaolin water treatments, while there
were slight differences between the two PAC dosage strategies.
Breakage factor ð%Þ ¼ 100 (1) Moreover, the DOC removal efficiencies for PAC-AS were slightly
d1 higher than those of PAC2h-AS in both the HA and HA-kaolin water
treatments. These results differed from the general understanding
4 X. Huang et al. / Chemosphere 238 (2020) 124637
Fig. 1. Effect of PAC on the residual turbidity: (a) HA water and (b) HA-kaolin water, UV254 removal efficiency: (c) HA water and (d) HA-kaolin water, and DOC removal efficiency: (e)
HA water and (f) HA-kaolin water.
that PAC addition long before coagulation improves the removal of efficiency were not due to the changes in the charge neutralization
DOM. effect.
The zeta potentials after the addition of PAC were significantly The UV254 and DOC removal efficiencies by single PAC adsorp-
reduced from approximately 15 mV to 30 mV. After the addition tion versus time are shown in Fig. S2, and the molecular weight of
of coagulants, the zeta potentials of HA were neutralized and the HA used in the study is shown in Fig. S3. After 2 h of adsorption
reached approximately 12 mV. The zeta potentials for the two by PAC, UV254 and DOC for both the HA and HA-kaolin water
dosage strategies in the HA and HA-kaolin water treatments were treatments were only reduced by less than 20%, and the UV254
almost the same; thus, it could be inferred that the addition of PAC removal efficiency was only 15%. Thus, it could be inferred that the
had little effect on the charge neutralization effect of coagulants adsorption capacity of the PAC for HA was limited, so a longer PAC
and that the differences in the residual turbidity and DOC removal adsorption time and a higher PAC dosage would not contribute to
X. Huang et al. / Chemosphere 238 (2020) 124637 5
higher UV254 and DOC removal efficiencies. The higher DOC coagulation alone were slightly higher in the HA-kaolin water
removal by PAC-AS may have been attributed to the complex treatment process.
functioning of PAC, coagulants, and HA in water. In the case of Fig. 4 illustrates the effects of various PAC concentrations on the
PAC2h-AS, a small portion of the HA was already adsorbed onto the floc growth stage in the HA and HA-kaolin water treatments for
PAC before coagulation, and thus the probability of collision may these two PAC dosing strategies. The PAC concentration had
have been slightly lower, which would decrease the DOM removal different effects on the floc size evolution in the HA and HA-kaolin
by adsorption and sweeping. The turbidity increased with the PAC water treatments. For the HA water treatment, the floc size
dosage, which may have resulted from the relatively low density increased with the PAC concentration for the two PAC dosage
(0.33 g/mL) of the PAC compared with those of the HA and kaolin. strategies. Nevertheless, for the HA-kaolin water treatment, the floc
Thus, the addition of PAC would result in flocs with a poor sedi- growth stage was not significantly affected by the addition of PAC at
mentation ability. Moreover, with the increasing addition of PAC, different concentrations, and the floc growth curves were very
the residual turbidity increased, possibly because there was too similar for various PAC concentrations. In the HA water treatment,
much PAC to be coagulated, and the residual PAC in the water led to the PAC increased the particle concentration and formed larger
the high turbidity. Above all, the high residual turbidity after the flocs, while for the HA-kaolin water treatment, the presence of
addition of PAC may have been attributed to poor floc sedimenta- kaolin provided a sufficient particle concentration for collisions and
tion ability and residual PAC. Further floc properties are discussed the formation of flocs with similar sizes.
in Section 3.2. Floc size can reflect the balance state between floc formation
and breakage. For the HA water treatment, the addition of PAC
3.2. Effects of powdered activated carbon on floc size and growth could increase the initial particle concentration, which would result
rate in a higher probability of collision. Finally, the floc formation rate
was higher and larger flocs were formed after the addition of PAC.
The effects of adding PAC simultaneously and 2 h before coag- Meanwhile, when adding PAC 2 h before coagulation, a small
ulation on the floc growth curves for the HA and HA-kaolin water fraction of the HA had been adsorbed onto the PAC; therefore, the
treatments are shown in Fig. 3. For the HA water treatment, the initial particle concentration during the coagulation process was
addition of PAC significantly enlarged the floc size, especially when lower than that when PAC and the coagulant were added simul-
the PAC and coagulant were added simultaneously. The floc sizes at taneously. Thus, the floc size and growth rate of PAC2h-AS were
the end of the growth stage for PAC-AS and PAC2h-AS were
approximately 500 mm and 400 mm, respectively, which were
significantly higher than those of AS alone. The results did not agree
well with those of Younker and Walsh (2016), who found that the
addition of an adsorbent significantly decreased the floc size.
However, in their study, they used FeCl3 as a coagulant to treat
synthetic water, which generally forms larger flocs than aluminum
salts. Moreover, as the floc size increased proportionally with time,
the growth rate could be calculated from the slope of the linear
part. After the addition of PAC, the floc growth rate was also
enhanced from 23 mm/min to 32 mm/min and 28 mm/min by PAC-AS
and PAC2h-AS, respectively. For the HA-kaolin water treatment, the
floc sizes under these three conditions were approximately 400 mm.
Comparing the same dosing strategy in different water treatment
processes, the floc size of PAC-AS was slightly higher in the HA
water treatment process, while the floc sizes of PAC2h-AS and
Fig. 3. Effect of PAC dosing strategy on the floc size and growth for (a) HA water
Fig. 2. Effects of PAC dose strategy on the floc zeta potential during coagulation for HA treatment and (b) HA-kaolin water treatment (PAC concentration:10 mg/L; AS dosage:
and HA-kaolin water treatments. 8 mg/L).
6 X. Huang et al. / Chemosphere 238 (2020) 124637
Fig. 4. Effect of PAC concentration on floc growth in HA water ((a) PAC-AS and (b) PAC2h-AS) and HA-kaolin water ((c) PAC-AS and (d) PAC2h-AS) treatments.
and Barbeau, 2016). They found that a larger floc size usually means
a lower residual turbidity, which is not consistent with the results
in this study. This difference may be due to the different ballast
materials applied in this research. Although the addition of PAC
could increase the probability of collision during coagulation and
contribute to the formation of larger flocs, PAC with a relatively low
density was adverse to floc sedimentation compared with micro-
sand with a high density. Thus, the floc size increased but the re-
sidual turbidity was high after the addition of PAC.
Fig. 7. Microscopy images of flocs formed by AS, PAC-AS and PAC2h-AS for HA (a), (c), (e) and HA-kaolin (b), (d), (f) water treatment (PAC concentration:10 mg/L; AS dosage: 8 mg/L).
the flocs formed by coagulation alone (higher residual turbidity flocs composed of ballasts. Although larger, stronger, and more
after the addition of PAC). These results may have been related to compact flocs were formed with the addition of PAC, the density of
the density of the components participating in floc formation. The the flocs was significantly lower compared with that of the flocs
order of the density among HA, kaolin, and PAC was as follows: formed only by coagulation. Therefore, for the addition of PAC, the
kaolin > HA > PAC. Fig. 7 shows that the PAC was a vital part of the effluent residual turbidites were high. The use of PAC in low
flocs formed by the PAC-AS and PAC2h-AS strategies. Although the turbidity waters should receive more attention to ensure the
connections between the PAC-HA aggregations were strong, the effectiveness of the separation processes designed to prevent the
low PAC density reduced the overall density of the flocs. The den- release of adsorbed pollutants from the residual PAC in water
sity of the ballasted flocs was calculated from the proportion of the treatment processes.
X. Huang et al. / Chemosphere 238 (2020) 124637 9
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