Coating Application Standard No. 2: SSPC: The Society For Protective Coatings

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May 1, 2012



1. Scope 1.6 This standard is not intended to be used for measure-

ment of thermal spray coatings. The thickness measurement
1.1 This standard describes a procedure for determining procedures for these coatings are described in SSPC-CS

 - 23.002.
ness (DFT) range on ferrous and non-ferrous metal substrates
using nondestructive coating thickness gages (magnetic and 2. Referenced Standards
electronic) described in ASTM D 7091.
2.1 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the refer-
1.2 The procedures for adjustment and measurement enced standards in effect on the date of invitation to bid shall
acquisition for two types of gages: “magnetic pull-off” (Type 1)  
and “electronic” (Type 2) are described in ASTM D 7091. asterisk (*) are referenced only in the Notes, which are not
requirements of this standard.
1.3 J           
whether dry coatings conform to the minimum and the 2.2        
K    + 666K
 of the cited reference standards and this standard, the require-
   ments of this standard shall prevail.
on overcoated surfaces.
2.3 ASTM International Standard3
1.4 This document is not intended to prescribe a
D 7091 Standard Practice for Nondestructive Measure-
frequency of coating thickness measurement for a coating
ment of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic
failure investigation1.
Coatings Applied to Ferrous Metals and
Nonmagnetic, Nonconductive Coatings Applied
1.5 This document contains the following non-mandatory to Non-Ferrous Metals (mandatory document)
2.4 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings
Appendix 1 - Numerical Example of Average Thickness Standard:
Appendix 2 - Methods for Measuring Dry Film Thickness * PA Guide 11 Protecting Edges, Crevices, and Irreg-
on Steel Beams (Girders) ular Steel Surfaces by Stripe Coating
Appendix 3 - Methods for Measuring Dry Film Thickness
for a Laydown of Beams, Structural Steel, and Miscellaneous 3. DEFINITIONS
Parts after Shop Coating
Appendix 4 - Method for Measuring Dry Film Thickness 3.1 Gage Reading: A single instrument reading.
on Coated Steel Test Panels
Appendix 5 - Method for Measuring Dry Film Thickness 3.2 Spot Measurement: The average of three, or at least
of Thin Coatings on Coated Steel Test Panels that Have Been three gage readings made within a 1.5-inch (approximately
Abrasive Blast Cleaned 4-centimeter [~4-cm]) diameter circle. Acquisition of more than
Appendix 6 – Method for Measuring the Dry Film Thick- three gage readings within a spot is permitted. Any unusually
ness of Coatings on Edges
Appendix 7 – Method for Measuring Dry Film Thickness 2
!"##$%&!!"'$+%/+6!7  %
on Coated Steel Pipe Exterior tion of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and
Appendix 8 – Examples of the Adjustment of Type 2 Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel is
available online at <>
Gages Using Shims 3
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM
website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume
The number and location of measurements during a coating failure  7   = ?    
investigation may be more or less frequent than described by this ASTM website.

May 1, 2012

high or low gage readings that are not repeated consistently as well as the measured thickness value obtained, and the
are discarded. The average of the acceptable gage readings is method used to verify gage accuracy. If the same gage, refer-
the spot measurement.  7       
a job, they need to be recorded only once. The stated value of
3.3 Area Measurement: J       the standard and the measured value must be recorded each
measurements obtained over each 100 ft2 (~10 m2) of coated   
5.5 If the gage fails the post-measurement accuracy
4. Description of Gages    7 


4.1 Gage Types: The gage type is determined by the physical damage, wear, or high usage, or after an established
operating principal employed in measuring the thickness and calibration interval, the gage shall be rechecked for accuracy
is not determined by the mode of data readout, i.e. digital or of measurement. If the gage is not measuring accurately, it
analog. shall not be used until it is repaired and/or recalibrated (usually
by the gage manufacturer).
4.1.1 Type 1 – Magnetic Pull-Off Gages: In magnetic
pull-off gages, a permanent magnet is brought into direct 5.6 Type 1 gages have nonlinear scales and any adjusting
contact with the coated surface. The force necessary to pull feature is linear in nature. Any adjustment of these gages will
the magnet from the surface is measured and interpreted limit the DFT range for which the gage will provide accurate
as the coating thickness value on a scale or display on the readings; therefore adjustment of the gage is not recom-
gage. Less force is required to remove the magnet from a thick mended. Furthermore, the application of a single “correction
coating. The scale is nonlinear. value” representing the full range of the gage to compensate
for a gage that is not measuring accurately is not appropriate,
4.1.2 Type 2 – Electronic Gages: An electronic gage
since the correction will also be non-linear.4
uses electronic circuitry to convert a reference signal into
coating thickness. 6. Measurement Procedure - Type 1 Gages

 6.1 J 6           
blocks. In order to compensate for any effect of the substrate
5.1 ASTM D 7091 describes three operational steps itself and surface roughness, obtain measurements from the
necessary to ensure accurate coating thickness measurement: bare, prepared substrate at a minimum of ten (10) locations

 7    R        (arbitrarily spaced) and calculate the average value. This value
measuring gages, as well as proper methods for obtaining represents the effect of the substrate/surface roughness on a
coating thickness measurements on both ferrous and non- coating thickness gage. This average value is the base metal
ferrous metal substrates. These steps shall be completed reading (BMR). The gage shall not be adjusted to read zero on
before taking coating thickness measurements to determine the prepared, bare substrate.
6.2 Measure the DFT of the dry coating at the number of
5.2 Gages shall be calibrated by the manufacturer or    Y

documentation showing traceability to a national metrology 6.3 Subtract the BMR from the gage reading to obtain the
institution is required. There is no standard time interval for thickness of the coating.
re-calibration, nor is one absolutely required. Calibration inter-
vals are usually established based upon experience and the 7. MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE - TYPE 2 GAGES
work environment. A one-year calibration interval is a typical
starting point suggested by gage manufacturers. 7.1 The manufacturers of Type 2 (electronic) gages

5.3 To guard against measuring with an inaccurate gage, thickness over abrasive blast cleaned surfaces. Adjust the

          - gage according to the manufacturers instructions using one of
ning and end of each work shift according to the procedures the methods described in ASTM D 7091 or Appendix 8 of this
described in ASTM D 7091. The user is advised to verify gage standard.
accuracy during measurement acquisition (e.g., hourly) when
a large number of measurements are being obtained. If the
gage is dropped or suspected of giving erroneous readings A correction curve can be prepared by plotting the actual gage
during the work shift, its accuracy shall be rechecked. readings against the stated values on the calibration test blocks.
Subsequent coating thickness measurements can be “corrected” by
plotting the measurements along the correction curve. The correc-
5.4 Record the serial number of the gage, the reference tion curve may or may not cover the full range of the gage, but should
standard used, the stated thickness of the reference standard cover the intended range of use. The Base Metal Readings (BMR)
described in 6.1 may also need to be plotted on the correction curve.

May 1, 2012

7.2 Measure the DFT of the dry coating at the number of If there is no place to measure in a given direction, then
   Y no measurement in that direction is necessary. Acquire spot
measurements in each direction (up to the maximum surface
8. Required Number of Measurements for area coated during the work shift) until two consecutive
     conforming spot measurements are acquired in that direction
or until no additional measurements can be made. Accept-
8.1 Number of Measurements: Repeated gage read- 
ings, even at points close together, often differ due to small maximum values in the contract documents. No allowance is
surface irregularities of the coating and the substrate. There- made for variant spot measurements as is the practice when
fore, a minimum of three (3) gage readings shall be made for determining the area DFT.
each spot measurement of the coating. For each new gage
reading, move the probe to a new location within the 1.5 inch On complex structures or in other cases where

 making multiple spot measurements at 5-ft (1.5-m) intervals is

high or low gage readings that are not repeated consistently. not practical, single spot measurements shall be performed on
The average of the acceptable gage readings is the spot repeating structural units or elements of structural units. This
measurement. method shall be used when the largest dimension of the unit
is less than 10 ft (3 m). Make single spot measurements on
8.2 {
        - repeating structural units or elements of structural units until
 \R   `7     spot measurements on two consecutive units in each direction
 \|`      \  are conforming or until there are no more units to test.
gage readings described in 8.1) randomly spaced throughout
each 100 ft2 (~10-m2) area to be measured and representative Non-compliant areas shall be demarcated using

made for each 100 ft2 (~10-m2) of area as follows: mented. All of the area within 5 ft (1.5 m) of any non-compliant
spot measurement shall be designated as non-compliant.
8.2.1 For areas of coating not exceeding 300 ft2 (~30 m2) For a given measurement direction or unit measurement,
arbitrarily select and measure each 100 ft2 (~10-m2) area. any compliant area or unit preceding a non-compliant area or
unit shall be designated as suspect, and as such is subject to
8.2.2 For areas of coating greater than 300 ft2 (~30 m2) re-inspection after corrective measures are performed.
and not exceeding 1,000 ft2 (~100 m2), arbitrarily select and
measure three 100 ft2 (~10-m2) areas. 8.2.5 %  !         


8.2.3 For areas of coating exceeding 1,000 ft2 (~100 m2), number and frequency of spot measurements to include in
    6##2 (~1,000 ft2) as R        € 
stated in Section 8.2.2. For each additional 1,000 ft2 (~100 the item or structure to be coated.
m2) coated area (or increment thereof), arbitrarily select and
measure one additional 100 ft2 (~10-m2) area.  

8.2.4 If the coating thickness for any 100 ft2 (~10-m2) 9.1 A minimum and a maximum thickness are normally
area is not in compliance with the contract documents, the  

procedure described below shall be followed to assess the               
magnitude of the nonconforming thickness. a recommended range of thickness, then the minimum and
maximum thickness for each coating layer shall be +/- 20% of Determine the spot DFT at 5-ft (1.5-m) intervals the stated value.
in eight equally spaced directions radiating outward from the
nonconforming 100 ft2 (~10-m2) area as shown in Figure 1. 9.2 J


1 is the most restrictive and does not allow for any deviation
and maximum thickness, while Level 5 is the least restrictive.
Depending on the coating type and the prevailing service envi-


Level 3 is the default. It is possible to specify a maximum thick-
ness threshold for Level 5 Spot or Area measurements for
some generic product types and service environments.


May 1, 2012


Thickness Gage Reading Area Measurement
Level 1
Minimum Unrestricted  

Maximum Unrestricted  


Level 2
Minimum Unrestricted  

Maximum Unrestricted 120% of maximum  

Level 3
Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum  

Maximum Unrestricted 120% of maximum  

Level 4
Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum  

Maximum Unrestricted 150% of maximum  

Level 5
Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum  

Maximum Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted

    - A paint inspection gage (sometimes called a Tooke or PIG
 K   gage) will give accurate DFT measurements, but it requires
thickness. that an incision be made through the coating (overcoat only
or total system), so each measurement site will require repair.
10. Disclaimer A practical approach to monitoring DFT (when overcoating)
   \&„J` -
10.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all ings, the percent volume solids of the coating being applied,
   †       and any thinner addition as shown below.
as accurate, complete, and useful as possible, SSPC cannot
assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from DFT = Measured WFT x % Volume Solids,
7      7 or
 DFT = Measured WFT x % volume
solids ÷ (100% + % thinner added)
10.2 This standard does not attempt to address prob-
lems concerning safety associated with its use. The user of If the DFT of the existing coating is not too uneven or
this standard, as well as the user of all products or practices eroded, the average DFT of the existing coating can be
described herein, is responsible for instituting appropriate measured per this standard to establish a base DFT. This base
health and safety practices and for ensuring compliance with DFT can then be subtracted from the total DFT to isolate the
all governmental regulations. thickness of the overcoat(s).

11. Notes 11.2 Correcting for Low or High Thickness: The speci-

Notes are not requirements of this standard.

         7     = 
11.1 Overcoating: Maintenance painting often involves
instructions should be followed.
application of a new coating over an existing coating system.
APPENDIX 1 - Numerical Example of Average
newly applied coating using non-destructive methods. First,
Thickness Measurement

7   -
racy of the BMR or the adjustment of a Type 2 gage. Second,
Appendix 1 is not a mandatory part of this standard.
unevenness in the DFT of the existing coating necessitates
careful mapping of the “before and after” DFT readings. This
The following numerical example is presented as an illus-
unevenness also adds to the statistical variation in trying to
tration of Section 8. Metric values are calculated equivalents

from U.S. Customary measurements (reference Journal of
Protective Coatings and Linings, Vol. 4, No 5, May 1987). The
example is based on a Level 3 Restriction (default).

May 1, 2012

Suppose this structure is 300 ft2 (~30 m2) in area. Mentally    /  !|
divide the surface into three equal parts, each being about 100 
ft2 (~10 m2).  7   

 Y#  7     

Part A - 100 ft2 (~10 m2) 5 and 1.8 mils at Spot 3, both of which are clearly less than
Part B - 100 ft2 (~10 m2) 2.0 mils. This is allowed because only the average of the three
Part C - 100 ft2 (~10 m2) readings (i.e. the spot measurement) must be greater than or
equal to 2.0 mils.
First, measure the coating thickness on Part A. This
involves at least 15 gage readings with a Type 1 or Type 2 Considering Equivalent Metric Measurements: The
 \  „  %6`  %     

  7 Š|^Œ7K      Š^Œ

2.5 mils (~64 micrometers [μm]) minimum thickness. The          +K 7    
      %         lowest spot measurement, 53 μm, is within 80% of the speci-
spot measurements made on area A, namely 2.6 mils (65.4    /  Š^Œ |6Œ\#Y#
μm). KŠ^‹|6`%

 Y#         J 

Spot 1 2.5 mils 64 μm are individual gage readings of 38 μm (1.5 mils) at spot 5 and
Spot 2 3.0 76 46 μm (1.8 mils) at spot 3, both of which are clearly less than
Spot 3 2.1 53 51 μm. This is allowed because only the average of the three
Spot 4 3.0 76 readings (i.e., the spot measurement) must be greater than or
Spot 5 2.3 58 equal to 51 μm.
Average 2.6 mils 65.4 μm Since the structure used in this example is 300 ft2
(approximately 30 m2`7      

Considering the U.S. Customary Measurements:
thickness of part A must be applied to both part B and part C.
J 7!Š
7K    !|
The measured thickness of part B must exceed the (64 μm)

          +K 7   
the lowest spot measurement, 2.1 mils, is within 80% of the



Spot 1 Spot 2 3.6

2.6 2.6
3.0 2.7
2.0 Avg. 3.0
Avg. 2.5

1.5 inch
10 ft 2.2 Part “B”
Spot 3
Avg. 2.1

Spot 5 1.5
Spot 4 2.8
2.6 2.6
3.2 Avg. 2.3
Avg. 3.0

10 ft

May 1, 2012

To monitor the thickness of this entire 300-ft2 (approxi- A3.4, allows for fewer spot measurements. The user does not
mately 30-m2), structure, at least 45 individual gage readings have to require a full DFT determination for every beam in the
must be taken, from which 15 spot measurements are calcu- structure. For example, the requirement may be for a full DFT

 J      6## 2 (10-m2) determination on one beam out of ten, or a sample DFT deter-
part of the structure are used to calculate the thickness of that   7 

part. sample DFT determinations. Note that for existing structures,
    \ 6`  

APPENDIX 2 - Methods for Measuring Dry Film for measuring coating thickness.
Thickness on Steel Beams (Girders) A beam has twelve different surfaces as shown in Figure
A2. Any one of these surfaces may have a DFT outside the
Appendix 2 is not a mandatory part of this standard, but it  7  7 


provides two sample protocols for measuring DFT on beams    
  6 \!|`7   
and girders. parties may choose not to measure the DFT on the toe, i.e.,
surfaces 2, 6, 8, and 12 of Figure A2. As an informal initial
A2.1 A challenge for the painter in coating steel beams or survey, the inspector may want to check for uniformity of DFT
girders is providing the same uniform thickness over high and      ?„J  

low vertical surfaces as over horizontal surfaces. On a beam, same as near the toe? Is the DFT uniform across the web? The
there are proportionately more edges that tend to have low dry inspector must be sure to use a gage that is not susceptible

  \?„J`              „


?„J       /   when measuring the edges.

?„J     7K
7 A2.2 Full DFT Determination of a Beam: Divide the
be consistently on the high side or the low side of the target   
DFT. This type of error is easy to detect and correct. Random the 12 surfaces of the beam as shown in Figure A2 for each

‘     section. For tall beams where the height of the beam is 36
paint is obviously too thin or too thick must be corrected and inches (91 cm) or more, divide the web in half along the length
are beyond the scope of this standard. of the beam. For the full DFT determination, each half of the
The number of spot measurements in these protocols web is considered a separate surface. Take one spot measure-
may far exceed the “5 spot measurement per 100 ft2 (10 m2)”  \  Y6` 6  
required in the standard. The full DFT determination, described sections. The location of the surface 1 measurement within a
in Section A3.2, provides a very thorough inspection of the    
beam. The sample DFT determination, described in Section   J         

(36 in [91 cm] in height)

Less than 36 inches (91 cm) in height 36 inches (91 cm) in height or greater
12 Spots Top Flange 14 Spots

1 1
12 2 12 2
11 3 11 3

Toe 10t 4t

10 4
10b 4b

9 5 9 5
8 6 8 6
7 7

Bottom Flange

May 1, 2012


Spot Measurements of DFT on Beam # _______________

Surface Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Average

t = top half of web (for beams equal to or greater than 36 in [91 cm] in height)
b = bottom half of web (for beams equal to or greater than 36 in [91 cm] in height)



Number of Spot Measurements per Surface

Length of Beam Full DFT Determination* Sample DFT Determination
less than 20 ft (6 m) 5 2
from 20 to 60 ft (6 to 18 m) 5 3
over 60 ft (18 m) 5 NA

* For beams 36 inches (91 cm) or more, the top half and the bottom half of the web are treated as separate surfaces in a full DFT determination.

DFT of surface 1. Repeat for the other 11 surfaces (7 surfaces determination, the web of beams less than 36 inches (91 cm)
if the toe is not measured; 14 surfaces for tall beams). The data in height is not split.
can be reported in a format shown in Table A2.
A2.4.1 Beams less than 6 m (20 ft) in length: For beams
A2.3 If Coating Thickness Restriction Level 3 is invoked less than 20 ft (6 m) in length, take two spot measurements,
    \   “   ƒ
     randomly distributed, on each of the 12 surfaces (8 surfaces if
            `  „ %!

   Y#      ?„J7   

 /         ?„J
maximum DFT. The average value for each surface must A2.4.2 Beams 20 ft (6 m) up to 60 ft (18 m) in length:

  For beams 20 ft (6 m) up to 60 ft (18 m) in length, take three
values if the DFT of the toe is not measured; there may be as spot measurements, randomly distributed, on each of the 12
many as 14 average values for beams greater than 36 inches surfaces (8 surfaces if the toe is not measured) of the beam as
in height.) „ %!/       
lieu of a full DFT determination of each beam, the job speci- A2.5 NON-CONFORMANCE: If any spot measurement


selected beams less than 60 ft (18 m) long. For a sample DFT   _

May 1, 2012

A2.6 RESTRICTED ACCESS: If the beam is situated   /            
such that one or more of the surfaces are not accessible, take DFT.
measurements on each accessible surface in accordance with
 %!! %!^   %!^!7   A3.5 NON-CONFORMANCE: If any spot measurement


A2.7 ATTACHMENTS: Stiffeners and other attachments   _
to a beam shall be arbitrarily measured.
A3.6 RESTRICTED ACCESS: If a beam or miscellaneous
APPENDIX 3 - Methods for Measuring Dry Film part is situated such that one or more of the surfaces are not
Thickness for a Laydown of Beams, Structural Steel, accessible, take measurements on each accessible surface in
and Miscellaneous Parts After Shop Coating   %!! %!^7  

Appendix 3 is not a mandatory part of this standard, but A3.7 NUMBER OF BEAMS OR PARTS TO MEASURE:
it provides two sample protocols for measuring DFT for a In a laydown, the number of beams or parts to receive a full
laydown. DFT determination and the number to have a sample DFT
      „ K

A3.1 GENERAL: A “laydown” is a group of steel members determination on a piece painted near the beginning of the
laid down to be painted in one shift by one painter. For inspec- shift, near the middle of the shift, and near the end of the shift
        in accordance with Section A3.2; and perform a sample DFT
with obvious defects, such as poor coverage, and correct as determination on every third piece in accordance with Section
necessary. As an informal initial survey, the inspector may A3.4.
want to check for uniformity of DFT across each surface.
A3.8 ATTACHMENTS: Stiffeners and other attachments
A3.2 FULL DFT DETERMINATION to a beam shall be arbitrarily measured.

A3.2.1 Beam (Girder): Follow the procedure described in APPENDIX 4 - Method for Measuring Dry Film Thick-
Section A2.2. ness on Coated Steel Test Panels

A3.2.2 Miscellaneous Parts: Take 1 spot measurement Appendix 4 is not a mandatory part of this standard, but it
\  Y6`      provides a sample protocol for measuring DFT on coated steel
part has fewer than 5 surfaces, take multiple spot measure- test panels.
ments on the larger surfaces to bring the total to 5. If the total
area of the part is over 100 ft2 (10 m2), take 5 spot measure- A4.1 PANEL SIZE: The test panel shall have a minimum
ments randomly distributed over the part for each 100 ft2 (10 area of 18 in2 (116 cm2) and a maximum area of 144 in2
m2), or fraction thereof. (930 cm2); e.g., minimum 3 x 6 inch (7.5 x 15 cm) and maximum
12 x 12 inch (30 x 30 cm).
A3.3 If Coating Thickness Restriction Level 3 is invoked
    \   “   ƒ
     A4.2 PROCEDURE: Use a Type 2 electronic gage. Take
        two spot readings from the top third, the middle third, and the

   Y#      ?„J7   

 bottom third of the test panel. Readings shall be taken at least
         6!#    ½ inch (12 mm) from any edge and 1 inch (25 mm) from any
maximum DFT. The average value of the spot measurements other spot reading. Discard any unusually high or low gage
      ?„J   reading that cannot be repeated consistently. The DFT of the
only a single spot measurement on a surface, it must conform test panel is the average of the six acceptable spot readings.
A4.3 MINIMUM THICKNESS: The average of the accept-
A3.4 SAMPLE DFT DETERMINATION: In lieu of a full 

DFT determination of each painted piece as described in thickness. No single spot reading shall be less than 80% of the
 %!!7 R   
DFT determination for selected pieces.
A4.4 MAXIMUM THICKNESS: The average of the
A3.4.1 Beams less than 20 ft (6 m): Follow the procedure  


described in Section A2.4.1. maximum thickness. No single spot reading shall be more than
6!#  K 
A3.4.2 Beams greater than 20 ft (6 m): up to 60 ft (18 m)
in length: Follow the procedure described in Section A2.4.2. A4.5 REJECTION: If a spot reading is less than 80% of
    ?„J  K  6!#   -
A3.4.3 Miscellaneous parts: For a miscellaneous part,  K  ?„J7  
take three spot measurements, randomly distributed on the to reevaluate the DFT on the area of the test panel near the

May 1, 2012

low or high spot reading. If the additional measurements indi- APPENDIX 6 - Method for Measuring fhe Dry Film
cate the DFT in the disputed area of the panel to be below Thickness of Coatings on Edges
the minimum or above the maximum allowable DFT, the panel
shall be rejected. Appendix 6 is not a mandatory part of this standard, but it
provides a sample protocol for measuring DFT of coatings on
APPENDIX 5 - Method for Measuring Dry Film Thick- edges.
ness of Thin Coatings on Coated Steel Test Panels
that have been Abrasive Blast Cleaned A6.1 Type 2 gage manufacturers offer a variety of probe
Appendix 5 is not a mandatory part of this standard, but to edges and are designed to better measure the thickness of
it provides a sample protocol for measuring DFT of thin coat- coatings on edges. The user should consult the gage manu-
ings on coated steel test panels that had been abrasive blast  =         
cleaned. edges. SSPC-PA Guide 11 describes the use of coatings with
edge retention properties and references a method (MIL-PRF-
A5.1 For the purposes of this standard, a coating is 23236D) for assessing edge retention properties of coatings.
1 mil (25 μm) or less. Because the DFT is the same order as A6.2 Prior to measurement of coating on edges, the gage
steel, many gage readings must be taken to get a meaningful K
   7  %R  
average. to the gage may or may not be required. This procedure also

A5.2 PANEL SIZE: The test panel shall have a minimum           
area of 18 in2 (116 cm2) and a maximum area of 144 in2
(930 cm2); e.g., minimum 3 x 6 inch (7.5 x 15 cm) and maximum A6.3 Obtain a minimum of three gage readings within 1.5
12 x 12 inch (30 x 30 cm). linear inches (~4 linear cm) of coated edge. The average of
the gage readings is considered a spot reading. The number of
A5.3 PROCEDURE: Use a properly adjusted Type 2 spot readings along the edge will vary depending on the total
electronic gage. Take ten gage readings randomly distributed length of the coated edge.
in the top third of the panel. Compute the mean (average)
and standard deviation of these ten readings. Similarly, take APPENDIX 7 – Method for Measuring Dry Film
ten readings from the middle third and ten readings from the Thickness on Coated Steel Pipe Exterior
bottom third of the test panel and compute their means and
standard deviations. Readings shall be taken at least ½ inch Appendix 7 is not a mandatory part of this standard, but it
(12 mm) from any edge and 1 inch (25 mm) from any other provides a sample protocol for measuring DFT of the exterior
gage reading. Discard any unusually high or low gage reading, of coated pipe.
i.e., a reading that is more than three standard deviations from
the mean. The DFT of the test panel is the average of the three A7.1 Pipe sections that are loaded onto a cart or rack
means. are considered a complete unit, as opposed to a single joint
of pipe. The total number of spot and area measurements is
A5.4 MINIMUM THICKNESS: The average of the means based on the total square footage of pipe on the cart or rack.

         + The square footage can be calculated using the formula below:


Area = (length of each pipe x circumference) x number of pipe
A5.5 MAXIMUM THICKNESS: The average of the means sections on cart or rack



    6!#    A7.2 Some carts may have several small items that could
maximum. exceed the number of spot DFT readings required based on


Pipe Diameter Circumferential Spot Measurements Interval Spacing

Up to 12 in (30 cm) 4 evenly spaced 10 feet (3 meters) apart

14 to 24 inches (36-60 cm) 6 evenly spaced 10 feet (3 meters) apart

Greater than 24 inches (60 cm) 8 evenly spaced 10 feet (3 meters) apart

May 1, 2012

total square footage. In this case, the Owner/Contractor may A7, provides a very thorough inspection of a joint of pipe. The
select a Pipe DFT frequency Level shown below: DFT determination, described in Section A7.1, may allow for
fewer spot measurements. The user does not have to require a
A7.2.1 Pipe DFT Level 1 Area = (length of each pipe x full DFT determination for every joint of pipe. For example, the
circumference) x no. of pipe sections on cart or rack = (number requirement may be for a full DFT determination on one pipe
of spot measurements) x 2 out of ten, or a sample DFT determination on one pipe out of

A7.2.2 Pipe DFT Level 2 Area = (length of each pipe x
circumference) x no. of pipe sections on cart or rack = (number APPENDIX 8 - Examples of the Adjustment of Type 2
of spot measurements) x 3 Gages Using Shims

A7.2.3 Pipe DFT Level 3 Area = (length of each pipe x Appendix 8 does not form a mandatory part of this stan-
circumference) x no. of pipe sections on cart or rack = (number dard, but it provides examples of how to adjust Type 2 gages
of spot measurements) x 4 using shims on roughened (e.g., abrasive blast cleaned)
A7.2.4 Pipe DFT Level 4 Area = (length of each pipe x This example describes a method of adjustment to
circumference) x no. of pipe sections on cart or rack = (number improve the effectiveness of a Type 2 (electronic) gage on a
of spot measurements) x 5 blast cleaned or otherwise roughened surface. Blast cleaning
is used throughout this example, but these methods are appli-
A7.2.5 Pipe DFT Level 5 Area = (length of each pipe x cable to other types of surface preparation. A less uniform
circumference) x no. of pipe sections on cart or rack = (number surface, such as partially rusted hand tool cleaned steel, may
of spot measurements) x 6 require more gage readings to achieve a satisfactory level of
A7.3 Pipe spools that are not loaded onto a rack or cart    7 


are measured individually. The number and locations of spot adjustment of a particular gage.
measurements are based on Table A7. Three sets of four A Type 2 gage needs to be adjusted to account for the
circumferential spot measurements should be obtained on 
pipe spools less than 10 feet (3 meters) in length. directly. Type 2 gages equipped with double pole probes
may provide greater measuring precision on rough surfaces
A7.4 A challenge for the painter in coating fabricated pipe
compared to single pole probes.
spools is providing a uniform thickness throughout the entire
A portion of the substrate, after blast cleaning but prior
 7  7 
to coating, can be used to adjust the gage. Alternatively, an
elbows tend to have low or high DFTs when compared to the
uncoated test panel, blast cleaned at the time the structure
straight run section. Painters may develop a pattern of work for
   7 ?„J 
structure can be used to adjust the gage provided the test
be consistently on the high side or the low side of the target
panel is of material with similar magnetic properties and geom-
DFT. This type of error is easy to detect and correct. Random
etry as the substrate to be measured. If this is not available

then a correction value can be applied to a smooth surface
paint is obviously too thin or too thick must be corrected and
adjustment as described in A8.3.
are beyond the scope of this standard.
Three adjustment techniques can be used depending
The number of spot measurements in this protocol may far
on the capability and features of the gage to be used for the
exceed the “5 spot measurement per 100 ft2 (10 m2)” required
inspection. Note that due to the statistical variation produced
in the standard. The full DFT determination, described in Table

(SOURCE: ISO 19840)1

  Correction Value (mil) Correction Value (μm)

Fine 0.4 10

Medium 1.0 25

Coarse 1.6 40

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Case Postale 56, Geneva CH-1211, Switzerland. ISO standards
are available online from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1819 L Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington,
DC 20036 or at <>

May 1, 2012

by a roughened surface, individual readings taken using these As protective coatings are normally applied to blast
three methods may not perfectly agree. cleaned metal surfaces, a statistical approach is required to
J   K
  R  - obtain a typical value for the adjustment. Ten readings on a
tion to one or more shims. When shims are used, resultant     

gage measurements are less accurate and must be recalcu-     „


lated. For example, if the accuracy of a properly calibrated instructions, the gage is adjusted so that the actual shim thick-
gage is ± 2% and the thickness of a shim is accurate to within ness is then used to set the gage.
± 3%, the combined tolerance of the gage and the shim will be This procedure should be repeated for both the upper and
± 4% as given by the sum of squares formula: lower shim values.
The average of 10 readings on an intermediate shim,
—!2 + 32 ‹"Š#||˜^ approximately 4.0 mil (100 μm) thick in the case described


For the gage to be in agreement with the shim, the It is acceptable for the average reading to be within ± 4% of the
average thickness measured by the gage must be within ±4% shim thickness.
  =        This method ensures that the gage reads the thickness of
a 250-μm (10-mil) shim is between 9.6 mils (240 μm) and 10.4     

mils (260 μm), the gage is properly adjusted. The minimum
240 is 250 minus 4% of 250 (9.6 is 10 minus 4% of 10); the A8.3 SMOOTH SURFACE ADJUSTMENT: If access
maximum of 260 is 250 plus 4% of 250 (10.4 is 10 plus 4% of to the bare blast cleaned substrate is not available because
10). [4% of 250 is 10; 4% of 10 is 0.4.] the coating already covers it, a smooth surface can be used
to adjust the gage. Adjust the gage on a smooth surface
A8.1 SINGLE POINT ADJUSTMENT: This example uses      =       %
a single shim value at or close to the thickness to be measured. it may be possible to adjust some Type 2 gages through the
The thickness range over which this adjustment achieves the coating already applied to an abrasive blast cleaned substrate
required accuracy will vary with gage design. (may be necessary if no uncoated substrate exists). This
Assuming that the coating thickness to be measured is 4.0 procedure should be performed according to the manufac-
mil (100 μm) then a shim of approximately 4.0 mil (100 μm) or =     
slightly greater should be used to adjust the gage. The shim is Readings taken on the blast-cleaned substrate will be
placed on an area of the substrate that has been blast cleaned higher than the true value by an amount dependant on the
to the required standards, or on a blasted test coupon with a  

 cations a correction value of 1.0 mil (25 μm) is generally
J    6#           applicable. Note that this value is not related to the actual

subtracted from each gage reading to correct for the effect
A8.2 TWO POINT ADJUSTMENT: This example uses   
 thickness of the coating over the peaks.

thickness gages can be adjusted in this manner. 
Assuming that the coating thickness to be measured is mil (40 μm). Table A8 gives approximate correction values to
4.0 mil (100 μm) then shims of 10.0 mil (250 μm) and 2.0 mil be used when a blast-cleaned surface is not available to adjust
(50 μm) are appropriate for setting the upper and lower values the gage.
on the scale of the gage. The use of coated standards to adjust gages means that
a correction value must be applied to readings, as the coated
standards make use of smooth substrate surfaces.

Copyright ©
SSPC standards, guides, and technical reports are copyrighted
world-wide by SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings. Any
photocopying, re-selling, or redistribution of these standards,
guides, and technical reports by printed, electronic, or any other
means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent
of SSPC: The Society of Protective Coatings and a formal
licensing agreement.


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