Calculating Airflow Rates, Cooling Loads in Commercial Kitchens

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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, September 2020. Copyright 2020 ASHRAE. Posted at This article may not be copied and/or distributed
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Calculating Airflow
Rates, Cooling Loads
In Commercial Kitchens

This article describes the method of calculation for airflow rate and cooling loads
of ventilation and air-conditioning systems in commercial kitchens that takes into
account full heat gains and moisture loads. The accuracy of this method is not abso-
lute but is sufficient for designing ventilation and air-conditioning system air condi-
tioning systems that successfully handle peak loads and provide desired air tempera-
ture and humidity in an occupied zone. Unlike the simplified method, in which only
sensible heat is considered, this calculation method considers total loads and provides
the most accurate result. This method is described in Reference 1.

In general terms, the calculation algorithm is as fol- where

lows: find heat and moisture loads, find airflow rates, Q 1 = Total heat gains from kitchen appliances, kW
set the supply air temperature and calculate the indoor Q 2 = Total heat gains from people, kW
air parameters of the kitchen. If the result is not in the Q 3 = Heat gains from electrical lighting, kW
desired range, set another supply air temperature and/ Q 4 = Solar heat gains through windows and walls, kW
or increase the exhaust airflow rate and repeat all calcu- Q 5 = Total heat gains from outdoor air, kW
lations of the indoor air parameters.
Let’s look at these steps in detail. Q 1 can be found by using Tables 5A through 5F in
Reference 2 for hooded and unhooded appliances dur-
Calculation of Heat and Moisture Loads ing its idle (ready-to-cook) and cooking conditions. In
Equation 1 describes total heat gains in the kitchen (kW): estimating appliance load, probabilities of simultaneous
use must be considered.2 References 3 and 4 recommend
Q tot = Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3 + Q 4 + Q 5 (1) multiplying the heat gain from cooking appliances by the
Iurii A. Tabunshchikov is president of ABOK and professor at Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow. Alexander N. Kolubkov is vice president of ABOK and
director of LLC PPF “AK,” Moscow. Marianna M. Brodach is vice president of ABOK and professor at Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy). Iurii S. Avakian is certified
ABOK specialist and chief HVAC specialist at LLC “APEX project bureau,” Moscow.

48 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  SEPTEM BER 2020


reduction factor called the simultaneous coefficient, TABLE 1  Recommended values for simultaneous coefficient.3
which is the quotient of the number of appliances in use KITCHEN TYPE SIMULTANEOUS COEFFICIENT K SIM
and the total number of appliances (Table 1). Hotel 0.6 – 0.8
Equation 2 describes total moisture emission in the Hospital 0.5 – 0.7
kitchen (kg/h): Cafeteria 0.5 – 0.7
School 0.6 – 0.8
W = W1 + W2 + W3 (2)
Restaurant 0.6 – 0.8
Industrial 0.6 – 0.8
W1 = Moisture emission from people, kg/h
W2= Moisture emission from kitchen appliances, where
which are not equipped with exhaust hoods, kg/h L ad = Volume airflow rate from the adjacent spaces,
W3 = Moisture emission from outdoor air, kg/h m3/h
ρad = Density of the air that comes from the adjacent
W2 can be found by using Tables 5A through 5F from spaces, kg/m3
Reference 2 or Table A1 from Reference 5, in which the The supply mass flow rate Msup (kg/h) is estimated from
data about specific moisture emissions from different the air-balance equation for the kitchen as compensa-
types of kitchen appliances is provided. tion the exhaust air:

Calculation of the Exhaust Airflow Rate M sup = M ex − M ad (5)

Exhaust mass flow rate is described by Equation 3 as the
sum of exhaust airflow rates of exhaust hoods and gen- Calculation of the Air Parameters in the
eral exhaust ventilation of the room (in the presence of Occupied Zone of the Kitchen
it) (kg/h): This algorithm of calculations is also described in
Reference 1. To calculate supply airflow rate in a com-
M ex = ∑ ( Loi ρi ) + Lgv ρgv (3) mercial kitchen, we first need to find the process line
of the air parameters in this kitchen. The process line ε
where (kJ/kg) is a quotient of total heat gains in the kitchen Q tot
Loi = Exhaust volume airflow rate in the i  th kitchen and total moisture emission W:
exhaust hood or ventilated ceiling (can be
found by the calculation method described in 3600Qtot (6)
Reference 3), m3/h
Lgv = Volume airflow rate, exhausted by general Calculation of ε for the commercial kitchen cannot be
exhaust ventilation from the upper zone of the precise, but using Equation 6 is an acceptable rough esti-
kitchen, m3/h mation. According to Reference 4, the value of ε varies from
ρi = Density of the air, exhausted by the i  th kitchen 5000 kJ/kg to 7000 kJ/kg (2,150 Btu/lb to 3,009 Btu/lb) dur-
exhaust hood or ventilated ceiling, kg/m3 ing the maximum load of the kitchen equipment, depend-
ρgv = Density of the air, exhausted by the general
 ing upon the type of catering enterprise. To estimate the
exhaust ventilation from the upper zone of the ε value, it is acceptable to take the average value from this
kitchen, kg/m3 range, which omits calculating moisture emissions.
The value of enthalpy (kJ/kg) of air in the occupied zone of
Calculation of the Supply Airflow Rate the kitchen is estimated from the energy balance equation:
The amount of air exhausted from the kitchen should
be at least 10% higher than the airflow supplied to the hoz =
(3600Q tot + M sup hsup + M ad had ) (7)
kitchen.3 The mass flow rate (kg/h) that comes from the M ex
adjacent spaces is defined as following: where
Mad = Lad ρad (4) hoz = Enthalpy of the supply air, kJ/kg

SEPTEM BER 2020  A S H R A E J O U R N A L 49


had = Enthalpy of the air of adjacent spaces, kJ/kg Conclusions

This calculation method takes into account the latent
Enthalpy of the mixture of supply air and air from the heat in the kitchen. This allows for achieving not only
adjacent spaces (kJ/kg) is estimated from the same kind the desired temperature value, but also the desired air
of equation: humidity value in the working area. The calculation

hmix =
(M h
sup sup + M ad had ) (8) algorithm requires passing through a bigger number
of operations, but they can be easily turned into a com-
M ex puter spreadsheet.

To find hsup, the designer must choose the supply air References
temperature (usually 3°C to 5°C [5°F to 9°F] below the 1. ABOK. 2019. “R NP ABOK: Recommendations for the Design
of Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Systems of Public Catering
designed indoor air temperature) and then find the Enterprises/Public Catering Enterprises. Ventilation and Air
value of hsup by using the Mollier chart or by calcula- Conditioning,” pp. 7 – 17. (In Russian.)
tion taking into account the cooling process (in the 2.  2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals.
presence of it). Indoor air parameters can be found by 3. Halton. 2007. “Halton Kitchen Design Guide.”
4. TSNIIEP of Engineering Equipment. 1975. “Recommendations
using the Mollier chart. From the point that character-
for the Calculation of Ventilation and Air
izes the supply air parameters (knowing the ε value), a Conditioning Systems in the Hot Shops of
designer should draw the process line of the indoor air. Catering.” Moscow:Gosgrazhdanstroy. (In
At the point of intersection of the process line and the
5. Association of German Engineers.
line of the calculated indoor air enthalpy, the rest of 2006. “VDI 2052, Ventilation Equipment for
the parameters of the indoor air can be found. Rate this Column

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50 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  SEPTEM BER 2020

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